More Than Mortal: Retold By Stoneyman Nothing ever really happened in Brownwood, Texas. That’s why the sight of a rock falling from the sky was such an exciting occurance to the Crawford children. Kellie was the oldest in her last year of high school with Jonah several years behind her and just getting his driving permit. Both were prone to getting themselves in trouble. Most just chalked it up to growing up. "Go see what it is." Jonah looked over his sister’s slender shoulder whispering. Kellie was a slender girl. Her blonde hair was thin. Her skin fair and burned easily. She kept wondering when she would ever get her ‘set’ like the rest of her friends. Most of other girls had bloomed leaving her behind and flat as her brother. "I am NOT going near that thing!" Jonah pressed his weight onto her back trying to get a better view of the glowing rock. He was short to his sister’s 5’9” and thinner. To save cost, and because his father insisted on it, his hair was cropped close to his scalp. Jonah usually never had a problem manipulating his sister into taking risks. Normally, she resigned herself to it if only to protect her brother . Of course, in the end, she was always his scapegoat. They both moved a few steps closer. The glow radiated into a blue from it’s original red. “It’s got a really pretty glow.” Kellie seemed to stare into the stone. “Glow? What are talking about, sis?” He laughed. “You’re such a nut!” Kellie looked back at her brother strangely. She wondered why he couldn’t see the way it shimmered. A whisper passed through her head. She turned her attention, more intently, back to the stone. "What's the matter sis? Too scared, huh?" "I don't see you making a move." She replied absentmindedly. "Look if you can..." "Fine. I'll go. But don't leave me here like last time!" Kellie couldn’t understand her fear. Her logic told her it was just a mere rock. It's just a glowing rock that appeared out of the sky and landed right near them. There is nothing unusual about that. “Right, and I’m ten foot tall and bullet proof,” she told herself. Her heart pounded harder in her chest as she approached. The rock turned out to be more of a glowing crystal. The blue aura switched to yellow while growing in intensity as she reached her hand out. It made no noise. It let off no heat. "Hey, Jace. I don't thin...EEP!" Kellie wheeled around to see a large, hairy spider dangling in her face. This is not surprising since every spider is big and hairy when someone has a phobia of them. She scrambled backward as fast as her feet would pedal. The glowing stone had been forgotten behind her fear. Her hands reached around her for a weapon. Her eyes never left the spider as she blindly sweeped the ground around her. She found the stone. Her whole body convulsed in a wave of pleasure that brought her head to her knees. Though she had nothing to compare it to, she was sure no human being had ever felt the way she had in that instant. She nearly lost herself to it. Her breath became labored and heavy. Jonah watched with concern, yet was afraid to come save her. A primal urge overcame her as she touched herself. She wanted more. Her greatful body convulsed when her wish was answered exponentially. An ocean of power shifted through her in wave after wave. "Oh, God. More!" She moaned deep. Her body swelled with every breath I took in. She inhaled and felt her skin stretch tight over muscles that bunched harder with every twitch of her frame. Sweat beaded on her breasts and stomach and rolled off into sleek lines and now chiseled crevices on her body. Her clothes exploded from my body as another delightful feeling raced through her. Tears rolled off of Kellie’s face. Something wonderful was happening to her, and she wanted all of it. The channel of power widened once more. "Mmmmnn-please! I need it! All of it." That belief traveled to her core and her might became godlike. Raw, pure power filled her every cell. She was impregnable. She felt it. She knew it. “Don’t let it end…please…” Her hand tightened on the crystal as if to squeeze more energy from it. It obliterated in her grip and she rubbed the crystalline powder into her now tanned, perfect skin. She felt the deep etched muscle. A smile lit her beautiful face as she traced her own curves up her thighs and over her hips. Her skin glittered and seemed to sop every last bit of energy from the crystal. Her stomach felt impervious and her enlarged breasts soft to her touch. She was the living embodiment of sex. The channel started to close. In one last charge her whole body exploded in muscle once more. She released an orgasmic scream that split the sky open ripping through the landscape before silencing many miles away. "Oh my...oh Jonah...oh I’m so BIG!" Kellie laughed. “And I feel so wonderful, so ALIVE!” The outburst became unfortunate to several miles of forest. Her now powerful voice, unchecked, tore a swath through the forest. Rocks vibrated apart. Jonah stood speechless and in shock. "Oops!” She covered her mouth quickly. “Was that me?” She looked down at herself for the first time. Her eyes resembled a child getting the Christmas wish they’d always wanted and more. Her hands explored the hard muscles like exploring rock formations and armor plates. Yet she remained soft in the places a woman should. Her breasts were large and purred when touched the right way. Her skin was smooth as marble and glimmered in the right light. She touched her fingers to her pussy lips feeling how they to were smooth and glistened wet. “Wow. Look at me, Jo. I’m perfect.” She noticed the silence. She noticed everything. The colors around her were so vibrant. Se felt she was seeing for the first time. She could feel the shifting air against her flesh. Her fingers followed the lines of muscle over her thighs. “Jonah?" Jonah stared dumbfounded. He continued to look at the destruction and back to his sister. Kellie’s wide smile, something familiar, brought him back. "Sis, you ok? Sis, you ok?" He repeated. He approached her quickly and brought his hands to her shoulders which were now wider than his own. Realizing his sister was still naked, he began to offer up his own shirt. “I’m not sure that’s going to fit, bro.” She giggled. Her frame expanded with a simple flex. She seemed to double in size quickly filling her brother’s hands. Her chest pressed him back despite his protesting. “Sis, are you ok? How do you feel?" "Are you kidding? I feel...powerful. Watch this!" Muscle poured forth nearly doubling Kellie’s already impressive form. She was aware of her total nudity, but didn’t seem to care or notice. Jonah stumbled back while Kellie expanded forth. Her own body overcame her senses once more. She fell to her knees as the cords of steel danced under her skin. She could feel the energy pour into her again. “Oh, Jonah! I don’t want it to stop!” Her body’s twitching shuddered the ground causing Jonah to lose his footing. "Kellie, please, you have control yourself until we find out more about what happened to you. I don’t think the landscape can take much more of you." "I'm sorry. It just feels so good." Her eyes rolled as she breathed rustling the leaves around them. Her arousal seemed to have no end. Her senses more acute, she was able to hear her brother’s cock growing in his pants. She pointed to his erection "You like this, don’t you?" "I can’t help it. You look like a goddess." He blushed. “You’re still my sister, though. We need to get you some clothes, for my own sanity if anything.” "You think that'll be possible? I mean look at these monsters." Kellie cupped the underside of her formidable breasts then pressed them together. She pinched her nipples surprised at how hard they felt. Curious, she reached for a small rock laying about with the rest of them. Kellie smiled at Jonah all the while she drilled the stone onto her nipple. He couldn’t help but watch as the stone’s center was ground into powder. The stone exploded unable to take the pressure of her engorging nipple. She blew him a soft kiss and giggled as he hit the ground again. "This is too much fun!” Jonah picked himself up once more. “I’m glad someone is having a good time.” “Oh, lighten up. Why don’t we see what I can do? I know you’re as curious as I am.” “I am. I’m also worried that whatever hit you is a bad news. We have no idea what just happened.” “I do. I was granted my life-long wish. Jo, when I touched the stone I could see images from my dreams. I saw images of an unstoppable woman whose power surpassed the forces of the universe. I wanted to be her. I wanted to wield that kind of might and more. I am the most powerful being in the universe. I just know it and I’m very eager to prove it to you and the rest of the world.” Kellie’s changing voice caused Jonah to harden once more. “You do like it, don’t you?!” Kellie giggled. “Kellie, your voice…no, stop it, sis! This is hard enough as it is.” Kellie frowned. “I’m sorry. All this strength. I feel so uninhibited.” “Okay, so we want to see what you can do. Maybe it will reveal more about what happened to you.” “Whatever. So what’s first?” Jonah thought for a moment. “Well there isn’t a whole lot out here. There is that military camp nearby that Uncle Rod commands, right?” “Yeah! Let’s do it!” Kellie look down in surprise as her breasts swelled a bit at the thought. “My goodness, does this body respond, or what?” “I can’t take much more of this.” Jonah had been unable to soften his erection. It was becoming painful. “You know, Jonah. You and I aren’t technically blood relatives.” Kellie licked her lips. Jonah knew what she was referring to. “I’m going to go get you something wear, okay?” Jonah quickly replied ignoring his step-sister’s suggestion. Kellie listened as Jonah rustled through the woods. “Now, let’s have some fun.” TBC…