Stephanie Part 3 By I'm not positively sure what made me think it was possible, but it was then that I attempted to salvage what remained of my dignity. I was naturally far more adept as a short-distance sprinter as opposed to an upper-body lifter. Again, I was not a national or state champion, but I was one of the fastest sprinters within a highly competitive school. I prided myself in the leg strength I had gained through years of hard work. I will honestly never forget the pain stricken upon me by coach Everhart. He forced us to embark on terrifying courses that resembled military basic training. Not only were we marched through the local beach of Santa Monica, we also were required to devote a truly strenuous effort towards this monstrous hill not once, but twelve times! That very hill will always plague my dreams. Surely, Stephanie confirmed that she had never worked on her legs. It was blatantly obvious that she was genetically gifted to the extreme. However, I foolishly hoped with all my might that I could at least match her lower body strength. She then removed her dress heals to reveal perfect dainty toes that would amaze even the most critical nail salons. I picked up one of the 45 pound plates that had fallen to the floor and made my way to the brief, narrow passage of the emergency exit. I then proceeded to sit on the concrete floor with my legs stretched in front and my back against the solid wall. It was then that I made the suggestion for Stephanie to sit in a similar position facing me. Again, through her decision, she again obliged and placed herself across the floor with her back against the opposite wall of the exit hallway. There was just enough space for both of us to rest our elbows on our knees without leaning forward. I placed the 45 pound plate upright between our feet to serve for balance. This seemed to be a fairly indicative test to prove who was capable of exerting more force with the lower body. Stephanie caught on to this without any difficulty and placed her feminine feet on the plate. I responded by placing my feet across my side as well. This time, I intended to surprise her. I pushed immediately against her with all my hard-earned strength. Unfortunately, she didn't seem to notice and she asked if we were ready to start. Let me tell you, I am no weakling! Just the day before, I had leg pressed nine hundred pounds twelve times with highly strict form! How was it possible that she didn't even notice the fullest of my exertions! I gasped for breath, " OK have to give me a about giving me a of your legs against both of mine..." She nonchalantly agreed and placed her left leg on the floor. "I'm ready when you are," she stated. I began to feel my strength coming back, " Alright, let's go for it." I might as well have been pushing against the stone wall. I know that would have been less painful because stone walls don't push back. No matter how much I tried, she casually crushed me into the wall with her dainty foot. When my back began to hurt, I decided it was over. " Goddamnit, it's not fair! " She casually released the pressure and allowed me to rest. After several minutes, I ascended to my feet. This was impossible! No one was this strong! Especially not a beautiful girl with such dainty toes! However, the dedicated athlete within me had not given up yet. I had to make just one more try. I begged Stephanie to come with me to the leg press machine. It was a truly authentic piece of equipment identical to those used by the strongest powerlifters in the world. In summary, it was capable of supporting its own weight of two hundred pounds in combination with forty plates, for a total weight of two thousand pounds. I must say that I had never seen anyone lift such a weight...until that evening with Stephanie. In total desperation, I scoured the weight room to find forty plates to load upon the machine. Surely, I would be able to finally overpower her with this final plan. I then moved the adjustable seat as far forward as possible. I knew that this would increase the leverage by roughly sixty percent. I then sat atop the machine, adding my own weight of nearly 200 pounds. My back was braced against the wall where the weight was racked. Mathmatically, I was capable of lifting around 1200 pounds one time with maximum effort. This twelve hundred pounds proved insufficient towards even one of her legs, yet all of this weight, inclusive of the 60 percent leverage amounted to 5440 pounds of force. In actuallity, I had a sickening handicap of 4240 pounds on my side in addition to my own strength! "Alright, Stephanie. This isn't a game anymore. This time, it's for real!" Stephanie stood her ground and braced herself for the challenge. As she laid at an incline angle on the press, Stephanie had already planned for the contingency of her dress falling. She held the sides of the garment, giving me that much more of an advantage. She was no longer able to use her arms for stability. On a note of far greater importance, I was finally able to witness the breathtaking sight of her perfect, heart shaped calves from above. Oh my goddess! Everything Leslie said was true to the fullest extent! ( There is one confession I must first make. I'm often embarrassed to tell girls that I don't get excited quickly. This view of the goddess, my readers, did the trick! ) As an added bonus, this excitement gave me abnormal strength, furthering my advantage. Finally, I suggested that she only use one leg. She placed her right leg in the center of the press platform. Still, she was fully confident, " All right track star. Let's see what you can do with your manly strength." She pushed the press several inches, enabling me to unlatch the supports. I had never felt so invigorated in all my life. Slowly, she lowered the obsurd amount of weight. When the press was completely against her, she nodded her approval. It was then that I completely exerted all of my adrenaline combined with my outrageously disproportionate handicap. At first, she began to struggle. Two seconds later, I felt my back being smashed against the wall at the peak of the press. As my back again screamed in pain she let me down and I replaced the supports. She casually crossed her flawless legs, making her calves that much more beautiful. Still, there was that old college try within me. "Alright...please...please let me try once more...everything on my side against just one of your toes...and no use of your calf..." Unbelievably, she agreed to this insanity. She then placed her left single big toe on the metal platform. I was reduced to whimpering in fear, "Not your big toe...the pinky toe..." After a moment of contemplation, she placed solely her left pinky toe in the center of the metal platform. She let out another playful laugh and lifted the entire weight with her smallest dainty toe, " Aren't you finished yet? " I responded with every ounce of strength within me. "You're not going to win, Stephanie!!!" With that final push, I noticed that her toe began to quiver. Just when I was certain that I would finally win, she only responded with another one of her beautiful smiles. Instantly, the toe ceased to quiver. "I was just teasing." she laughed. Defying all logic known to man, she threw me and the weight all the way back to the top through the sole use of her pinky toe and caught the press with that very toe with her leg fully extended. Due to the fact that I was too exhausted, she had to rack the weight for me. It was finally time to admit defeat. "god...damn...I...give...up..." "Well," she crossed her perfect legs once more, " It's about fucking time!" "Step...can I one last...favor...?" "What is it?" " I...please...kiss...your...beau...ti...ful...legs...? "If you promise to always love me and stay with me forever." "You...have...a deal!" It was then I fell on top of her and used the last of my energy to kiss those beautiful, flawless, powerful legs.