STARLA by Moxie How did Starla get so strong? NOTE: This story takes place within the Aurora Universe, as created by Sharon Best. Starla is a Velorian supergirl without equal. CHAPTER 2: INTRODUCTION - How did Starla get so strong? Several factors combined to make Starla by far the most powerful being in the universe, far more powerful than any other supremis, including her mother. First, as a result of Vanella's enhanced genes, Starla was born immensely strong - even for a Protector's child. Second, as she grew, Starla suckled raw power from Vanella's breasts. This direct infusion of power enhanced her native strength further. And third, her tremendous musculature - developed larger due to the planet's massive gravitation - made her stronger still. Starla's strength and muscle size progressed rather dramatically as she grew. By the time she was 7 years old, Starla was practically as well developed as a top bodybuilder competitor. Her biceps were 10 inches around at rest and 15 when flexed. Her strength was roughly half that of Aurora, the most powerful Protector. Obviously, this means that on Earth Starla could easily lift trucks with one hand, locomotives with two hands, and bend any type of steel bar with ease. Not bad for a 7- year old. But, hey, she was still just a growing girl! When Starla was 8 years old, her flexed bicep had grown to 17 inches, and her strength was three-quarters that of Aurora, (or roughly equal to Kara Matthews, Supergirl). However, Starla was young and still relatively innocent, and did not realize the magnitude of her powers, or that she was different in any way from other Protectors. Starla at 9 years old had 19-inch biceps. By now she is roughly as strong as Aurora. Starla's strength really began to increase significantly when she reached 10 years old. By now her biceps were 13 inches at rest, and 21 when flexed. Her strength was five times that of Aurora, or roughly the same as when Vanella was fully developed prior to her injuries. Starla is now beginning to understand that her capabilities were different, greater, than normal (even for a supremis), and the unimaginable power her muscles contained. She's already the most powerful being in the universe, but wait, there's more... As an 11-year old, Starla was now ten times as strong as Aurora, and her muscles continued to grow. If tested, Starla could now easily overpower Aurora with just one hand. Her biceps were now 23 inches when fully flexed, which she liked to do often. She was beginning to really enjoy the feeling of her beautiful body, the strength, the wellness. Her body began to create hormones and endorphins when she flexed her muscles to the maximum, which gave her the "the pump", and would also arouse her sexually (see below). She enjoyed flexing her muscles and feeling their hardness, their size, their strength. Starla at 12 years old had 24 inch biceps, and twenty times Aurora's strength. Starla's 25-inch biceps at age 13 were fifty times as strong as Aurora's. At age 14, 26 inch biceps made her seventy-five times as strong as Aurora... ...and finally, nearly fully developed at 15 years of age. Starla's muscles have grown to impressive proportions, her biceps over 27 inches when flexed. Her muscles were large even in a relaxed state, as her body coped with the demands of the unnamed planet's heavy gravitational pull. By the time she was 15 (and beginning to grow prominent breasts) she had 18" biceps and 27" thighs when unflexed. Her relaxed natural physique was more developed than most female body builders in pumped-up contest shape. She had broad muscular shoulders, a tiny waist, sharply- defined abdominal muscles, thickly-muscled thighs, and large, rounded calves. Starla's upper body had the classic "V" shape. Her D cup-sized breasts, very large for most teenagers, seemed to defy gravity and sat proudly on top of the muscular cleavage that separated her chest. She obviously looked quite a bit older than her actual age, and needed to "grow into" her body. At just 5 and a half feet tall, Starla had a powerful and formidable look. At one hundred times that of Aurora, Starla's native strength is immense. In addition, like other Protectors, Starla was stimulated by exerting her native strength, by feeling the bloodflow pump up her large muscles. As she exerted her strength to the maximum, the endorphins flowing through her blood triggered the production of hormones, and eventually pheromones, which stimulated her sexually. This caused her flexed muscles, which were already large, to swell even larger, and magnify her native strength by a factor of twenty. When fully flexed in this stimulated state, her biceps grew from 27 to 30 inches around. This 15-year old girl was the most powerful being in the universe, and her strength was practically unmeasurable. In her aroused state, this made her 2,000 times Aurora's strength, and 10,000,000 times the strength of a normal Terran. At this level, Starla could curl 1,125,000 tons with each arm, press 3,000,000 tons overhead with her arms, and dead lift 6,750,000 tons. Although not featured in the timeline provided above, Starla's other capabilities (eyesight, hearing, heat vision, invulnerability, etc.) are similarly elevated above the normal levels for a Protector. This is only due to Vanella's enhanced genes, not the planet's heavy gravitation, which only served to strengthen her muscles. In addition, Starla has heightened mental and emotional acuity that enables her to sense what people think and feel. And her brain's cognitive functions were so elevated she was practically on par with a super computer. Starla had abnormally firm muscle tone, even for a Velorian, that hinted at the huge muscles that were barely hidden below the surface. Yet she did not look excessively vascular or blocky. Her relaxed muscles just always looked "buffed", like a female body builder that had just worked out, partly due to her extremely low degree of body fat and partly due to her tremendous musculature. In actuality, her pronounced muscles gave her a very attractive figure, with curves in places most women didn't even have places. But somehow, Starla was also very feminine and extremely sensual with a gorgeous face and deep dimples that appeared when she smiled. She had darkly tanned skin that contrasted the white bikini she wore (part of Vanella's old costume), and deep blue almond-shaped eyes that seemed to shine from within with their own light source. Except for some short bangs, her lustrous dark brown hair (Starla was born naturally; Protectors were assured blond hair only by genetic controls) was often tied back in a pony tail with a scrap of "invulnerable" cloth from Vanella's cape that had ripped easily in Starla's strong hands. In many ways, Starla appeared to be a normal Terran teenager and looked downright cute, in a perky, innocent, and wholesome kind of way. However, due to the presence of her powerful muscles, she kind of looked like a combination of Arnold Schwarzenegger and a high school cheerleader. In short, Starla was a goddess, but not the stunning unapproachable kind. Rather, she was kind of the "girl next door" with take-your-breath-away beauty. The kind you could go joke around with (while you silently thanked God above that you could be near to someone THAT attractive) and then later on ask if, as a favor, she could bend a few 3" steel bars for you. As a result, this young 15-year old girl was vastly powerful - by far the most powerful being in the universe - and also the most beautiful. Starla's huge muscle mass and inhuman level of raw strength periodically needed a release. In fact, if not provided periodic exertion, the power in her muscles would build up and cause her muscles to tingle and ache. So when she became frustrated with Vanella's decrepit attitude, or just plain needed a workout, Starla went to her "rock garden" for her favorite pastime. The large crater she frequented was filled with boulders and asteroid debris, some of which were hundreds of yards across and hundreds of feet tall. Under the influence of the planet's heavy gravitational pull, the tremendous boulders could give even Starla's magnificent muscles an exceptional workout, and allow her to vent her frustrations as she exerted the force of at least a hundred Protectors. The Ancient Ones were not quite sure what to do with Starla. She obviously had become disenchanted with the role of Protector as a result of what happened to her mother. At the same time, they knew she could be very useful in controlling the Arions due to her overwhelming physical strength. In addition, Starla's elevated strength and invulnerability could make her an invaluable tool for exercising the ravenous sexual cravings of the Ancient Ones. In fact, her strength approached the levels of some of the weaker Ancient Ones. More than a few of them found Starla to be wildly attractive. Although sometimes frustrated by her attitude, Starla loved her crippled mother and attended to her daily needs. But gradually she saw how embittered Vanella had become at being deserted, and they slowly grew apart. When Vanella finally lost the will to live, she wept. Starla wept for her dead mother, and for her own personal loss. But she also cried for the years she had lost, stuck on that damn planet, and instinctively knew it was time to move on... Stay tuned, there's more to come. In fact, now Starla's story REALLY begins. Starla will briefly "go where no man has gone before", and then move on to Earth.