STARLA by Moxie Where did Starla come from? NOTE: This story takes place within the Aurora Universe, as created by Sharon Best. Starla is a Velorian supergirl without equal. CHAPTER 1: BACKGROUND - Where did Starla come from? The Arions were intensely interested in the advanced technology under development on the planet Talisha. Through the use of bio-mechanical implants and advanced cybernetic devices, the Talishans were gaining capabilities that in some ways approached that of the homo sapien supremis. This was just the type of development that the technologically-adept Arions would be interested in. The decision- making body on Velor knew that the planet Talisha needed a Protector very badly since the war-like Arions would surely succeed in conquering the peaceful planet. The Talishan people were very intellectual and artistic, and had no interest in any involvement beyond the realm of their own world. And they were certainly not as skilled in the art of making war as were the Arions. Given the enhanced physical strength that the implants would give the Talishans, it became clear that a standard-bred Protector would not be adequate. Clearly, a Protector should have a greater advantage, a larger gap, over those she is intended to protect. Therefore, the scientists on Velor invested a great deal of time researching ways to enhance the raw physical strength, and other capabilities, of the improved Protector they intended to create. In time, the scientists made a major breakthrough in genome research, and Vanella, an enhanced Protector, was ready to be transported to Talisha. Vanella was a supergirl among supergirls. As a result of the enhancements, Vanella was at least five times as strong as Aurora, previously the strongest Protector. This allowed Vanella to easily fulfill her promise to the planet Talisha. However, the very genetic enhancements that increased Vanella's capabilities simultaneously weakened her genetic pledge to protect the Talishans. Vanella soon learned that with her overwhelming strength she could conquer and rule the Arions or Talishans with similar ease. The thought of this gave her great pleasure, and she soon became cruel towards the very people she was bred to protect. The Ancient Ones, the ones that manipulated most things from behind their veil of privacy, knew that Vanella had to be stopped for betraying her pledge. However, due to her enhancements, she had no equal: no other being existed who could challenge her and bring her to justice. Therefore, in a rare moment of direct intervention, the Ancient Ones pierced the veil, reached down from their own dominion and scooped up Vanella. In an instant, they crushed her limbs, and deposited the alive - but permanently injured - Protector on an isolated planet on the far side of the galaxy. There she would live out the rest of her life in exile as punishment for the crimes she had committed. What the Ancient Ones did not know was that Vanella had recently taken steps to bear a child. With the aid of Galdo-Nyd, a brilliant Talishan geneticist, Vanella had accomplished the first in vitro procedure ever performed on a supremis. As her broken body lay on the cold dusty planet, the new fetus inside her was alive and beginning to develop. The unnamed planet on which Vanella was stranded was a giant - twice as large as the planet Jupiter - with a tremendous gravitational pull that was over one hundred times that of Velor's. The child's wonderfully- adaptive Velorian genetics continually coped with this strain, and the fetus' development was affected as a result. The fetus, which was bred from an abnormally strong Protector to begin with, grew an exaggerated musculature to offset the demands of the overwhelming gravitation.