THE FLYING SAUCER THE CONTINUING ADVENTURES OF HEIDI CHAPTER 13 By Sparty ( Note: This story is only suitable for those over 18 years of age, and should not be reposted without the author's consent. All the characters in this story are the sole creation of the author, and any similarity with other characters is purely coincidental. Heidi was enjoying a relatively quiet day as the planet's only superheroine. Just the usual fare of capturing a dozen bad guys, putting out three major fires, towing a stranded cruise ship into port, as well as rsponding to numerous minor (for her) emergencies. As far as the press was concerned, their lead story would be Heidi's efforts to thwart a terrorist attack at the Super Bowl. No one was too sure how she found out about it, but the entire world caught the action as she swooped down over the field, hoisted the ambulance parked in the end zone onto her shoulders and flew up into the clear Florida sky with it. With all the blimps and helicopters overhead, there was no shortage of film for the evening news of Heidi streaking upward just as the 300 lbs of semtex exploded. Many veteran newscasters were struck by the similarity to the challenger explosion, except this time a blue-eyed blonde flew unharmed out of the smoke and debris. Heidi was unharmed but her costume had suffered greatly, a few flaps of singed fabric fluttered around her waist. Although her near nakedness caused much consternation on the part of news directors, Heidi didn't worry about it at all. She knew she had a fabulous body, she loved the affect it had on most men (and many women). As a rule she wore outifts that would barely be considered legal on most beaches, but it just wasn't practical in her line of work to wear a lot of clothing. With a wave at the cameras focused at her, she sped off to the city she called home. Flying into her 47th floor penthouse balcony at superspeed, she glided to her closet to select a new costume. Ridding herself of the sorry scraps that had until recently been one of her favorite costumes, she pulled on a new black one piece she'd just taken delivery on. It was made of a Kevlar/Lycra/mylar mesh which the engineers said would stand up to very severe treatment. There certainly wasn't much to it, a thong bottom with twin two inch wide straps that mostly covered her nipples then criss-crossed behind her back. With her super physique she certainly didn't have to worry about mere material trying to support her 38Ds. As a bonus, she thought black looked great on her, really setting off her permanent deep tan. Streaking out her balcony, she resumed a patrol over the tri-state region. Noticing a squadron of F-16 racing northward on afterburner, she tuned her super hearing to the Air Force frequency. She was startled to hear them discussing a flying saucer that had apparently been sighted over northern Canada. As she sped after the F-16s, her super-vision spotted the UFO. Just as she was about to signal the pilots to back off and allow her to tackle this strange sight, several energy beams shot out of the saucer vaporizing the entire squadron. Time for me to get to work, especially before that thing reaches populated areas. As she neared the strange saucer, it stopped, hovered, and slowly settled down on the frozen ground. The snow cover exploded into a shower of steam from its intense heat. Hovering above it, Heidi stared at this alien craft. It was almost 100 meters across, a plexiglass type bubble rising from its center. Floating down through the clouds of steam to land on the bubble, Heidi peered into the saucer. As her bare feet made contact with the surface, she was assaulted by a powerful electrical current, its amperage enough to fry a regiment, but she merely grinned as her breasts grew slightly absorbing the energy and sending a tingle into her hardening nipples. Focusing her eyesight into the dome, she saw it was the bridge of this vessel, a vessel she verified was occupied by humanoid males. They stood just over two meters tall, totally hairless (they were all nude) and any one of them would have been a shoe-in for a body building championship. She smiled as she saw they seemed to have large muscles everywhere. Grinning, she thought she might be able to have some fun with these aliens before she kicked their asses out of the Solar System. As she considered the pleasant possibilities, a door behind her silently opened and two crew members emerged to stand behind her. "Ahem," he began with a strange accent, "We are in search of women for the purpose of procreation. So far all our efforts have been in vain as Earth women seem to fragile to endure a procreation session with one of us. You, however, seem to be unaffected by our defensive curtain. Our Captain has ordered us to bring you to his cabin for the purpose of procreation." Heidi started to shout that they only wanted to rape her, and how many women have they killed already, but then she stopped. She had another plan so she simply nodded her head. They grabbed her by the upper arms and pulled her into their ship. Heidi was impressed with their power, she didn't know how much of their strength they were using but each man squeezed her arm with the strength of 50 men. Not that she found it painful, in fact she found it exciting to think she might have found some men that were strong enough and hopefully durable enough to bring her the types of pleasure she hadn't felt for too long. Once through the air lock she noticed they breathed an atmoshpere of methane and ammonia. Good thing I'm not affected by it, but it sure does stink, she thought. She allowed them to direct her to the Captain's quarters where she had her costume removed. Then her two guards tossed her on the bed and moved back to the doorway after arming themselves with laser pistols. She was pleased to notice that her naked body had a definite effect on the guards. Hearing the pneumatic woosh of a door opening, Heidi turned to inspect the Captain. He was taller than the guards, standing at least 2.4 meters. She giggled to herself as she saw he was also about 7 cm. longer than the guards in another area too. As he began to talk to her, she noticed why their speech was so lyrical, the had cylindrical tongues. Focusing back on what he was saying she put up her hand to stop him. "Don't worry yourself about my survival Captain. In fact, I have a wager for you. If I not only survive, but wear you AND your crew out, you'll leave this star system never to return," dared Heidi as she began to caress her breasts. He laughed at her and mumbled something about her funeral as he moved closer to her. Laying his powerful hands inside her knees he began to spread her thighs apart. Heidi allowed him to spread them just wide enough so that his head would fit, then she froze them in place. She was impressed with the force he was exerting, she knew it was several tons of pressure he was applying, but she also knew that there wasn't a force in the galaxy that could overpower her. While he strained to open her wider, she grabbed his head and pulled it toward her awaiting pussy. She gasped as she felt his powerful tongue begin to tease her rapidly swelling clit. Suddenly he thrust at least six inches of his tongue into her as his teeth began to nibble at her prominent pink bud. Heidi was startled with the ease his tongue had entered her, she knew from all too much personal knowledge that hardened steel was too weak to enter her female folds. Eager to discover if this alien was this tough all over, she loosened her thighs enough so that she could spin his body around. His face was still buried between her legs, but now his awesome appendage hovered over her face. She grabbed it like a baseball bat, but only suceeded in securing half of it. Heidi pulled the huge head toward her mouth and began to show him what tricks her tongue was capable of. Just as she was opening her throat to suck in his whole length, he reached between them and began to squeeze her engorged nipples. He continued his tongue fucking as she began to bob her head up and down at superspeed, soon tasting his precum. Soon her whole body was vibrating as she felt her own orgasm approaching. Suddenly he fired off load after load of alien jism, striking her throat with the force of an anti-tank shell. As she swallowed every drop, she came hard with an ear splitting scream, her ass grinding into the bed as her thighs slapped together. She sighed and pushed his meat out of her mouth, now wanting it to fill another hole. But the she noticed what was left of his head. Her thighs had crushed it into a ribbon of pulp during her super orgasm. "Damn, I thought these guys were tougher than that," she moaned. "I'm so hot and so wet, I need a man inside me now." Turning to face the guards, who were standing there with their jaws agape, she hopped off the bed and moved toward them. One managed to raise his weapon, but the powerful ray glanced off her nipple, only exciting her more. Faster than their eyes could follow, she threw one down on his back, stuffing his fat member inside her as she pulled the second guard into her mouth. Within 15 seconds not only had both guards come, but a security detachment had entered the stateroom. Seeing their dead Captain, and the struggles of the guards, they fired at her with their blasters. Each powerful stream of energy bounced harmlessly off her invulnerable skin. Arising from the floor, she stood and faced the officer she assumed was the XO. "Get your craft out of this solar system now, or else you will all suffer the same fate as your Captain," she commanded. The XO nodded and pointed to the air-lock for her to leave. "Oh no, I'll fly with you guys at least as far as Pluto to make sure you're really leaving. Besides, I might have a little more fun with your crew," she grinned. And when she returned home two days later, she was still grinning. From now on she knew, she'd never equate the F in UFO with flying. Like to read about the further adventures of Heidi? Let the author know.