The Continuing Sagas of Heidi Chapter 9 Balancing the Scales by Sparty ( Note: This story is only suitable for those over 18 years of age, and should not be reposted without the author's consent. All the characters in this story are the sole creation of the author, and any similarity with other characters is purely coincidental. After the day she'd had, Heidi just wanted to relax and unwind. Even with all her powers, it wasn't easy trying to be in three places at once. The refinery fire was no big deal for her until the call came in about a Delta 747 trying to make an emergency landing on the Interstate. While she was rescuing the jumbo jet, she watched as a bus full of Girl Scouts began to careen out of control down a winding mountain road. With the sad knowledge that she couldn't save all the people all the time, she settled the plane down onto the tarmac. Speeding back to where the scout bus had crashed through the guard rail, she did manage to save eleven girls from the twisted inferno. But still she felt so powerless, having allowed 13 girls to perish. Objectively, she knew she would look back on today and realize she had saved the 344 souls on board the plane plus almost half the scouts. But as she stood amongst the wreckage, the flames sill lapping a her calves, she could only see the tragedy of 13 burnt bodies. Putting out the fire with a quick puff from her lungs, she sped skyward, allowing emergency services to finish up. She may be invulnerable to physical harm, but her heart could sill be rent asunder, especially by the deaths of young children. Displaying a very human response , she decided to spend the night sitting on a bar stool. Slipping off her sooty costume, she took a long steamy shower before she getting dressed and heading out to a neighborhood tavern. Now alcohol has no effect on Heidi physiologically, her body simply converts the complex sugars into energy. But in her present funk, her mind allowed her to beleive she could get tipsy. So there she sat, her black leather mini-skirt hiked up past mid-thigh, her blonde hair cascading down onto her pale green silk blouse. The way her full breasts strained against the material caught every available man's atentions. And each one came up to hit on her, but when she spun around they focused on her breasts, then her tanned thighs, and then the look on her face. Most backed away, having seen something in her eyes that told them she was very dangerous. Several did try to talk to her, but soon slinked away after she laid a serious attitude on them. She was in no mood for companionship or even dancing tonight. The bartender had attempted to cut her off from her steady stream of double scotches but she had merely grasped his hand in hers, squeezing it just hard enough to insure that her supply of Dewars would not be interrupted. Several hours later the lights came on and the barkeep told her it was closing time and did she want him to call her a cab? Heidi just looked at him, looked at herself in the mirror, then back at him and shook her head. Slipping off the barstool, she walked past the empty tables, through the front door and out into the cold night. Without any conscious thought, Heidi began to walk down the deserted street, her three inch heels clicking on the sidewalk. After about a mile a van pulled up next to her, the driver leaning out the door asking if she'd like to get out of the freezing rain. Heidi looked down at herself, her silk blouse plastered to her boobs, leaving nothing to the imagination. When did it start to rain? she wondered. Looking into the van, she saw three college age guys, Suddenly they all started talking at once. Heading for a party...Lot's of fun..c'mon in babe...get out of those wet clothes. Heidi thought , what the hell, and jumped in the side door. In less than 20 seconds the two passengers had stripped her wet clothes off, pleased that she wore no undergarments. Heidi looked at the guys with a blank stare for several minutes as one stroked her thigh as the second began to fondle a breast. She seemed to be an observer to the entire scene, her mind separating from her body. She watched as one continued to maul her breasts as the other undid his belt and dropped his pants. She saw him spread her legs and try to enter her, but stiff as he was, he couldn't penetrate her. When the other dude noticed his pal's problem, he began to twist Heidi's nipples, then he slapped her face several times. Heidi's body didn't react at all. They couldn't understand it. Here they had picked up the hottest chick they'd ever seen, obviously drunk out of her mind, but they couldn't put it to her. The driver heard the commotion and stopped the van. Coming bacck, he dropped his pants muttering how his pals weren't man enough for her. Stroking himself to his full 10 inches, he kneeled down and began to slap his cock against Heidi's cheeks, waiting for her to open her mouth. Suddenly her eyes regained their focus, her brain having decided these guys had gone far enough and it was time to rejoin her body. Turning to look at the driver, she made eye contact and said "No!" These guys understood what 'No" meant. They knew it meant that the girl wanted them to force themselves on her. So they grabbed some rope and cables and secured Heidi's arms and legs to various prepositioned hooks. Heidi decided it was time to end this rape scene, but in a manner she felt would fit the crime. She loosened herself up enough to allow the driver to plunge deep into her, while his buds lapped at her nipples. With a sudden flexing of her muscles she snapped the cables and ropes apart. Before her captors could react, she reached out to grab the penises of the two guys licking her breasts. At the same time she tightened herself up around the driver, squeezing him with a velvet vise from which there was no escape. "Don't you guys know what 'No' means?" she questioned. "Apparently not, so let me make sure you won't be able to do this again," she said as the tendons of her forearms began to stand out. In seconds she had crushed their dicks into bloody ribbons. Meanwhile the driver was feeling the raw power of her most feminine part. His previously fat sausage reduced to vermicelli under her incredible pressure. Pushing her assailants aside, Heidi jumped to the driver's seat and dropped it into gear. Soon she was racing down a sleet slickened mountain road. Two of the men had recovered enough to try to stop her by slamming a tire iron at the back of her head, but that didn't faze her at all. In fact, she turned her head and bit the thing in two. As she was freaking the guys out with that stunt, the van slid across the icy pavement, crashed through the guard rail and began to plummet down the steep embankment. Heidi watched as her assailants were tossed around, their fragile bodies breaking from sudden contact with the seats or the dashboard. Heidi was unaffected by the flying glass or the steering column that had tried to pierce her chest. Finally the van came to a stop, completely upside down. Heidi pushed away the twisted steering wheel noticing how there were now twin depressions along its perimeter. Looking up at the floor, she saw how her feet were embedded in steel from the engine and firewall having been pushed back two feet. But a simple tug pulled her feet from the twisted steel as if it were nothing more solid than pudding. Pushing her fingers through the steel side walls, she pried open the van like a sardine tin. A spark from the twisting steel soon ignited the leaking gasoline, which quickly backed up to the gas tank. The van was tossed 20 feet into the air as a huge fireball enveloped it. Heidi took one last look at the charred remains of her captors. "Don't fuck with me when I'm in one of my moods," she said as she enjoyed the intense flames liicking at her naked body. Climbing out of the mangled wreck, she saw she was only about 30 feet from where the scout bus had crashed. "Well," she thought, "some you lose, some you win. I can't save everybody that should be saved, but I can try to keep the scales balanced. That's the best I can do."