Taking on Libyaq, The Continuing Sagas of Heidi, Chapter 7 by Sparty (sparty68@hotmail.com) Note: This story is only suitable for those over 18 years of age, and should not be reposted without the author's consent. All the characters in this story are the sole creation of the author, and any similarity with other characters is purely coincidental. Heidi was suffering. No, not from some common malady, but from a lethargy that could only affect those beings on Earth whose powers know no bounds. Our heroine from the stars, with powers and abilities far beyond those of mere mortals, was bored. She was bored with capturing mere criminals, no matter how violent. She was bored wiith extinguishing mere fires, no matter how destructive. She was even bored with rescuing young men from danger, no matter how cute. That last one really had her worried. She had been lying on her white calfskin couch for almost an hour, her pale golden hair seemingly melting into the leather. She hadn't even bothered to slip on a costume after she had gotten out of bed. She knew she really didn't need sleep, but thought maybe her sub-conscious needed to dream. But if she had had any, she didn't recall them. Rising from the couch, she moved toward the floor to ceiling windows of her 47th floor penthouse. She neither walked nor flew, just sort of glided her feet inches above the oak floor. A small smile crossed her lips as she saw her reflection in the glass. Damn, her mind may be in a deep freeze, but her body was still hot. As her pale blue eyes took in the view, her body began to flex. Her 38Ds popped up a little higher as she flexed her pecs. Her tight belly suddenly developed a serious eight pack as her abs tightened. She turned to admire her ass, buns of steel being way too soft a metaphor. But, alas, for all the power in her body, it wsn't doing anyone, herself included, any good if she couldn't use it all. She had thought she might get a work out last week. The European Space Agency had requested her assistance to launch a satellite. On her flight to French Guiana, she pictured herself beneath an Ariane rocket, adding her strength to lift the rocket off the lauch pad. But when she arrived at Kourou, the ESA delegation explained that they merely wanted her to carry a four ton weather satellite into geosynchronous orbit over Iceland. Four tons, no sweat. She only used one arm. She had so been looking forward to a bigger challenge. Turning away from the window, she caught sight of CNN on her 54" Sony. Turning up the sound she listened to the live feed coming from the Mediterranean. Apparently, the Ayotollah Khaddafi had declared war on most of the non-Arab world plus several of his Libyaqi neighbors. Heidi was well aware that there were lots of American assets in the region about to come under fire. Having sworn to stand for justice, truth, and the American Way, she grabbed a new uniform from her closet and flew up, up and away. During her thirteen minute sub-orbital hop,she pulled on her navy blue thong and a clingy cropped red tank top. She cussed herself out for foretting her boots, but she was too excited at the prospect of unleashing her awesome power to worry about a decorative pair of boots. Dropping out of the sky, her shoulders and breasts glowing from the heat of re-entry, she steered for Libyaq. Approaching Libyaq from the sea, she was soon spotted by a pair of French built Mirage fighters. Heidi had spotted them also, her powerful eyes identifying the Libyaqi crescent on their fuselages. Deciding to have some fun with these two, she slowed to Mach 1.6 and flew a straight and level course. Within seconds she saw four smoky plumes of their version of the Maverick air-to-air missile. All four found their target, their warheads exploding against her body. A giant fireball lit the early morning sky, and inside that fireball Heidi was revelling in the heat and the tickiling of the shrapnel that splattered her body. She was finally starting to feel alive now. Wanting to 'thank' the pilots for their welcome, she raced after them. She saw that they were cruising at 32,000 feet and preparing to be refueled by a Russian built tanker. As the first made contact with the tanker, Heidi pursued his wing man. He had seen her coming, but there was no maneuver he could make that would shake her. Cursing this nearly naked blonde from the land of the Infidel, he dove for the relative safety of the ground. Heidi easily caught up to him and sat herself down on the nose of his jet. Scooting her thighs along she pressed her breasts against his canopy. The pilot glanced quickly at his instuments to note that he was passing 10,000 feet at almost 500 knots yet there was a beautiful woman smiling at him only inches away. Heidi's fingers easily tore through the armored plexiglas, allowing the canopy to be carried away by the slipstream. Then she reached into the cockpit (no not that) and calmly snapped his safety harness off. The last thoughts he had were of her ripping his helmet off and kissing him before everything went black. As the jet plowwed nose first into the desert, Heidi's world turned briefly orange and red as flames engulfed her. Aluminum and titanium wrapped itself around her invulnerable body. Flexing her awesome muscles she peeled the scorched metal away and sped back into the sky. She still had one more pilot to thank, plus an entire tanker of jet fuel to have fun with. Finding her quarry still tethered to the tanker, she flew up on his six and settled in ten feet behind him. Enjoying the feel of the hot jet exhaust, she slowly closed the gap. Flying fists first she surged right into his engine, delicate tubing and whirring turbines snapping apart like so much sugar glass. Flying out the intake she turned to catch the look on the oilot's face before the sky suddenly erupted into a massive fireball as some 2000 gallons of high octane jet fuel ignited. Now this is more like it, thought Heidi as she revelled in the intense heat. Scanning the skies, she saw no more Libyaqi aircraft, so she plummetted seaward to see if the Navy had anything she could flex her muscles against. Soon she spotted a small patrol vraft, only about 40 feet long armed with just a single .50 cal. machine gun. Small potatoes she thought, as she landed lightly on the deck. Ripping the gun and its housing off the deck, shearing off dozens of four inch long bolts like so many toothpicks, she tossed it overboard. Totally unbothered by the attempts of the crew to stop her, she went belowdeck. She wanted to be a bit creative in how she sank this boat, afterall just punching a hole through the hull would be so mundane. Noticing how her nipples were swelling from the impact of a sailor's .45, she had an idea. Dropping face first into the bilge, she allowed her nipples to swell even further until they had pierced through the inch and a half of steel. Then she scooted backwards, her nipples routing out twin grooves astride the keel. Smiling at her work, she floated off the doomed craft. A quick dip in the sea followed by a super speed spin and she had rid herself of all the gunk that had stuck to her. Now it was time to pursue bigger fish. Within a minute her eyes located her next target, a Libyaqi frigate. Although it was only 220 feet long, she figured it was probably the pride of their fleet. It was a very formidable weapons platform, with a six tube cruise missile launcher, a pair of five inch guns, a bank of ship-to-ship missiles, plus their version of the Phalanx gun for close in defense. Heidi began to lick her lips in anticipation as she flew closer. She slowed down as she approached the ship, noting the Phalanx moving to track her flight. She knew this weapon could fire 48 rounds a second, almost 3000 per minute. She felt her juices begin to slide down her thighs as she anticipated its firing. Seconds later she saw a wall of lead and steel flying toward her, so she stopped and began to slowly rotate. To any observers that might have been able to witness it, it looked as if she was calmly taking a shower, but in a stream of bullets rather than water. The bullets struck virtually every bit of her body, but whether they struck her thighs, her breasts, or her nose they merely tickled her. While her skin was unaffected by this onslaught, her costume was not made for such an assault, and it began to shred. Stripping off the remaining scraps, she turned to face her foe in the nude. Twisting her self around, she pointed her toes at the ship, slowly spreading her legs. In this position she allowed the full barrage to assault her labia and anus, but as she had feared, their force was not powerful enough to enter those openings. She was very turned on from the external stimulation and was pissed when they ceased fire. Deciding to bring the fight to them, she flew down to the foredeck, landing with a look of defiance. Standing there, her body glistening from the salt spray, she vowed to take this ship apart. Ignoring the small arms fire from the crew, she jumped up to the five inch gun. Noting the bore was almost the right size, she shoved her right breast securely into it. Unfortunatrely for the gun crew, they received an order to fire, which they did. The shell, propelled by expplosive gases, sped down the barrel. Milliseconds later it hit something far harder than it was designed to penetrate. The gases behind it blew back through the breech, killing the gun crew. Heidi was stunned when the smoke cleared to see she had a five foot long chunk of barrel stuck on her boob. Twisting it off, her forearms flexing, she bent the nine inch wide tube into a donut. "Here you go guys. Have a life saver," Heidi laughed as she tossed it into the sea. Flying to the aft five incher, she straddled the barrel and gently squeezed it between her thighs, the tough metal deforming like fresh dough. She struggled to put out of her mind the thoughts of something long, hard, and hot between her legs. Time for fun and games later, she told herself, this warship is still capable of inflicting damage on the allies. In a blur, she sped to the missile control room, literally flying through watertight doors like so much wet newspaper. Once there, she first went to the cruise missile launch hatch. Her hard fingers pierced each missile, severing its navigational controls. From there she moved to the Exocet launch panel, one quick swipe with her hand cleaving through the delicate panels. Moving belowdeck, she found the magazine for the ship's missiles, a quick blast of heat vision securing the heavy door. She had plans for those long, hard, pointy weapons and did not want them getting saturated with seawater. After having destroyed the rest of the ships weapons systems with her bare hands, Heidi moved down to the engine room. The captain had ordered flank speed to try to reach base so the twin propeller shafts were racing at peak rpm. Heidi flew up above one and spread her legs to straddle the 30 inch wide shaft. Slowly she dropped down onto the spinning dynamo, using just enogh of her flying power to keep herself upright. An unearthly screech began to echo through the compartment as her thighs began to tighten around the racing shaft. Looking like a human lathe, her thighs began to carve through the hardened steel. Thrilled by the senasations as the shaft spun between her well lubricated thighs, she leaned forward and allowed her engorged nipples to enjoy the feeling. White hot steel began to fly as her nipples carved out a one inch wide groove in the shaft. Without warning an orgasm overwhelmed her, her thighs tightening up to hold the hot steel against her clit. The entire ship shuddered as her thigh muscles flexed even more to crush right through the shaft before they slapped together. They slapped together again and again as she enjoyed the throes of her orgasm, her arms hugging the shaft as her breasts slid back and forth along it. "Oh God, that's what was wrong with me.I was horny. I feel so much better now," Heidi cried. "In fact, I feel so energized I want more." She slid off the remains of the shaft she had just destroyed and hopped onto the port shaft. As she lowered herself onto it, she laughed as her engorged clit carved through the spinning steel. As it spun beneath her, she flew herself back and forth along its length. She especially loved the spot where the crew had made a repair by bolting two sections together. That had left twin seven inch bolts protrudung out from the shaft. The sensations from that nub drove her over the edge and she slid off the shaft and collapsed on the decking. After several minutes she opened her eyes to survey the wreckage in the engine room. During her orgasm she had flung her arms and legs about, tearing through bulkheads,steam lines, electrical conduits, in fact tearing through anything in her way. Even the two inch thick decking was indented about nine inches from the slamming of her ass. Flexing her legs, she flew skyward totally oblivious to the seven decks she flew through. Reaching daylight, she saw that most of the crew had abandoned ship. Jumping to the foredeck, she released the anchor rodes from their pylons. Grabbing both the ships anchors in her arms, she began to pull the 17,000 ton warship into deeper water. She planned on using this vessel to suit her purposes and didn't want anyone else trying to salvage things from it first. When it reached a sufficient depth, Heidi dropped the anchors and dove beneath the ship. Shoving her fingers through the steel plating, she began to pry the ship's hull apart. She knew that, unlike the Titanic, this warship would need more than a narrow gash below the waterline to sink it. Heidi had brutally torn off eight 4' by 4' plates with just the muscles in her fingers. Moving aft she kicked out with her toes, each kick punching a 10 inch wide hole in the ship's bottom. Deciding that the steel along her keel was too thin, she moved to the port side, about amidships, where she knew the armor would be its thickest. Lashing out with a fist, she was surprised how easily she penetrated the seven inches of armored steel. Noticing the ship was beginning to founder, she let the water do the work of sending it to the sea floor. But before it settled on the bottom, Heidi swam beneath it to make sure it settled upright. Adjusting the huge ship on her shoulders, she soon had it where she wanted it. Reducing her flying power, she allowed the mass of the ship to crush her into the sandy bottom. Burrowing out of the sand at super speed, she hovered over her treasure. Yes, she thought, I can get a nice workout with this. And those long, hard , pointy explosives may come in handy too. But now it was time to fly home and get a new costume. The old saying must hold true for superheroine's costumes too. War is Hell.