The Continuing Sagas of Heidi, Chapter 5
by Sparty (

Note: This story is only suitable for those over 18 years of age, and should not be reposted without the author's consent. All the characters in this story are the sole creation of the author, and any similarity with other characters is purely coincidental.

Heidi had always loved speed. Whether it was zooming across the Solar System, jogging just fast enough to allow a cute track star a view of her behind, or driving her new Dodge Viper as fast as it would go. It was this love of speed that had brought her to this deserted air field this morning. Today would be her debut as a stunt-person. Somehow a big name stunt coordinator had heard about what she had done at the Silverstone track in England. Promising to make a very generous contribution to her favorite charity for one day's work, Heidi had allowed herself to be talked into being a stunt girl.

Two months prior, Heidi had been in England and had felt the need for land-borne speed. The Grand Prix had just been run at Silverstone, but the Jordan team had stayed behind for more testing. Heidi met with Derek, the team manager, and had called in a favor. It seems that several months previous, Derek's daughter had been abducted by a satanic cult. Heidi had destoyed the cult and rescued the 15 virgins they had kidnapped. Derek felt the weight of obligation, yet what Heidi was asking for was a lot. But in the end he knew, whether he gave her his blessing or not, Heidi would do what she wanted. So he said yes, allowing her to 'borrow' one of his race cars.

It seemed very strange to the mechanics as they watched this beatiful blonde climbing into the cockpit wearing only a very skimpy bikini. No driver's suit, no helmet, no nomex boots, no protection of any kind. Not that she needed any protection, nothing could harm her body. The sight was even more bizarre to them as she began to do some laps, her long blonde hair waving in the slip stream and her head poking up two inches above the top of the roll-bar. The seat was customized for a driver only 5'5" so naturally she poked up a bit higher, not that she had to worry about the roll bar protecting her. She first made a couple of warm up laps, letting the tyres and fluids get up to temperature as she became familiar with the car and the track. Then she let herself go, racing down the straights at 215 mph, flinging the car through the esses better than Shumacher could. But of course, Heidi had an advantage; she was strapped in so tightly that every lean of her body transferred through the chassis. In fact, she was flying the car more than just driving it. She could feel herself becoming wet from the sheer joy of driving a world class racing car at world class speeds.

Suddenly she felt her right front tire explode. Her mind sped through the possibilities in nanoseconds, she could lift the car off the track and fly it to safety, but she wanted to sense a high speed crash. So she just relaxed and went along for the ride, the car spinning into guard rail before bouncing up and over. Then it rolled about four times before coming to a stop upside-down in the gravel. She had felt the front end of the driver's pod compress around her feet, various front end components being rammed at her ankles and calves. When it made its initial roll over the guard rail, the top of her head had acted as the fulcrum to pivot it over, plus being so tall, her head was dragged through the gravel for 70 yards. As it came to a stop, hot engine oil and water leaked into the driver's compartment. Well, that was quite a rush, she thought, as she flexed her body, snapping the safety harness apart. Spreading her feet apart, she bent the stiff titanium control arms off her ankles. She slithered out from under the car and was looking at the mess when the pit crew rolled up. They were astounded that, despite a bit dirty with oil streaked across her body, she looked none the worsre for wear. They had all heard about the super powers of this young woman, but they'd never seen it for themselves. As they towed the remains of the car to the garage, Heidi took a quick shower using the steam pressure washer they normally used to clean the concrete.

Then they all sat back to watch the video tape of her drive, especially the crash. The crew loved the slo-motion replay of her head hitting the guard rail and depressing the corrugated steel five inches. It wasn't until they slowed the tape down even furher that they noticed how much her saftey harness had stretched. During the initial impact, she was thrust forward so far that her boobs had bent the steering wheel, compressing it between those magnificent mammaries.

Somehow that tape made its way to Hollywood, where a director saw a great marketing ploy. But Heidi had made him promise that she would not be linked to this movie, she didn't want people cashing in on her powers. And she had made it very clear to him what would happen to him if word got out. She happened to be squeezing one of his Oscars between two fingers as she spoke. He understood the symbolism and assured her her name would not be mentioned anywhere in the credits. So they set the date for her shoot and Heidi flew home to pack.

Today, she sat in her trailer waiting for her call. She had read through the script, and wondered how anyone could bellieve this stuff. The heroine, who Heidi would stand in for, was always getting herself in death defying situations. Yet she always escaped in the nick of time without a scratch. "Oh well, it's Hollywood," she thought.

She had met the star and understood why the director wanted Heidi as the stunt girl. They were both statuesque blondes, although Heidi had a more prominent bosom. From a distance the camera wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Heidi slipped into the frayed cut offs and tank top that this scene required.

The first shot would be of Heidi racing down the road in her pink Corvette, driving under a truck, which would shear the windshield off, and then continue driving through a police road block, through about 20 road closed barricades until finally driving off the unfinshed section of a highway bridge. At that point, Heidi is to leap out of the car and fall face down into an open top truck transporting several great white sharks to Sea World. As she comes up for air, she is supposed to give one shark a kick in the face before pulling herself out of the tank. Where do they come up with this stuff? thought Heidi.

Normally they would break this down to about 20 separate shots,but the director told Heidi that, with her doing the stunts, they'd be able to get everything in one take. That is as long as all 21 cameras worked properly. So Heidi climbed into the Vette and drove about a mile away waiting for her cue. When it came she floored it, running up through sixth gear, doing about 145 when she ducked down to go under the truck. Glass and metal rained down as she popped back up to steer thorugh the roadblock. Bits of fiberglas went flying as she struck the police cars, but she kept her foot planted and was soon flying through the barricades at 100 mph. Then suddenly the road stopped and she was flying across empty air. Spotting the truck, she jumped out of the car and dove into the shark tank. One shark was so startled e clamped down on her calf, but she ignored him as she grabbed the other one. As she came back to the surface she gave that one a swift punch to his snout.

"Cut and print," she heard from the directors radio. Heidi sat there on top of the truck, ignoring the sharks as they tried to nibble on her feet. That was pretty easy she thought. Then she heard the director calling her back to the starting point so off she flew.

"Listen babe," she hated the way he called everyone babe, "Pam is making noises about baling out of this series so the producers want me to shoot a second ending. Everything will be just like last time, except this time, don't bail out of the car. Just let it crash and burn."

"No sweat," said Heidi as she sped to the backup car. But before she got there, she had grabbed several long pieces of steel rebar that were laying around. She effortlessly molded them into a four foot long three inch wide rod. Then she forced it though the floorboard and welded it to the frame. When she sat down behind the wheel, she set that stiff bar between her thighs, wedging the tiny strip of denim out of the way. Everything went as before up to the point of racing off the bridge. Then Heidi scooted herself up in her seat, the thick steel trying to separate her folds. As the car hit the ground nose first, Heidi breasts dimpled slightly as the steering column tried to penetrate her chest. The steel rod was rammed inside her, the steel compressing itself further until it could go no further. The pyrotechnicians had added several touches so that when the gas tank exploded, further exposions also let loose. Meanwhile inside the inferno Heidi was enjoying her own explosion. She spread out her feet, the tough engine steel being squished aside like so much pudding. Then she reached down and pulled the dildo she had built even further into her, forcing the steel to turn molten as it gave under the combined pressure of her pussy and her fingers. She sat there enjoying the feeling of fullness for another ten minutes until the fires died down. As she pried the charred and twisted remains away from her, she noticed that her tank top and cut-offs had been incinerated. But she didn't consider herself naked because a film of oil and soot covered her from head to feet, covering her at least as much as several of the costumes she owned. Jumping up to stand next the the smoking wreck, she turned toward the director and said "That was so cool! Can I do it again?"

"Not today babe," said the director, "but can I call you when I do the remake of Wonder Woman?"

"No way, I don't do fantasy pics," giggled Heidi.