The Continuing Sagas of Heidi Chapter Two Heidi should have expected the storm of controversy her interview on Nightline had caused. She knew she only raised more questions than she answered. She had already decided to have a second interview, but next time with Oprah. Heidi had always admired her grit and determination. However, now wasn't the time to worry about that, as she literally had her hands full. Full of three brawny, yet clueless men that had attempted to steal an armored car. They still weren't sure what had happened, everything had gone like clockwork. Then in a manner of three seconds, the speeding armored car had crashed into some immovable object, the rear doors were ripped off the truck, and then they were flying toward the local jail. Dropping the three robbers off at the county lock-up, Heidi sped back into the night sky. Quickly accelerating to Mach 4, she sped toward the southern Caribbean. As she neared her destination of Marguarita Island, she slowed and pulled a mini-dress out of her back pack. Smoothing the fabric over her flawless body, she dropped to the ground behind several large bushes. Slipping on a pair of sandals, she lithely strolled to the entrance of the Hilton Resort. She had selected this location due to its isolation, lack of American television, and the fact it was the off-season. In less than a minute, the desk clerk had processed Heidi's American Express card and given her the key to her own private bungalow. Allowing herself a little treat, she dropped onto the king sized bed and took a two hour nap. When she awoke, she saw it was pitch dark outside. A perfect time to go for a midnight swim, she thought. Slipping off her mini-dress, she strolled across the 50 yards of sand to the water. She had noticed the flags warning swimmers of shark activity when she checked in. She hoped they were still out there. Wading into the pounding surf, Heidi enjoyed the feel of the warm three foot high waves crashing into her naked body. With a quick push of her feet she was soon diving deep into the sea, her eyes piercing easily through the dark. Virtually flying underwater, she soon came upon a sunken Spanish Galleon. Exploring the wreck, she realized it must have sank here off the coast of Venezuela with its holds loaded with gold from the New World. Her fingers easily snapped open several chests loaded with treasures. Leaving the fortune behind, she explored the rest of the ship. Finding nothing to excite her, she swam out of the wreck and was thrilled to find a pack of sharks circling above her. She had always been fascinated by these prehistoric killing machines, but had never had an opportunity to check them out up close. And now she had about eight great whites within a hundred feet of her. As she swam closer, she saw their famous black eyes, appearing almost lifeless. Swimming over to one about eight feet long, she sat along its back, the dorsal fin tickling the crack of her ass. She leaned forward and slid her fingers into his mouth to guide him as she rode him as if they were part of an underwater rodeo. Of course, the shark immediately clamped down on her fingers, but only succeeded in breaking off several rows of teeth on her invulnerable skin. He thrashed around trying to shake her off, but her thighs held him very securely. Knowing they would really go crazy if there were some blood in the water, Heidi ran a fingernail along the flank of a barracuda that had kept trying to nibble on her. The blood soon permeated the area, as the sharks started to frenzy. One came by and tried to bite off Heidi's right boob, soon swimming away toothless and confused. Releasing the shark from between her legs, and pivoted to tangle with these wild meateaters. She was surprised by the amount of force she had to put into her punches to render them unconcious. Suddenly a huge shark, at least 20 feet long attacked her. He opened his jaws wide and swallowed her legs before clamping down on her hips. Heidi looked down and freaked. Now, she knew this shark, powerful though he may be, could not hurt her. But seeing her lower body swallowed caused her to react instinctively, her legs spreading out so fast that the shark simply blew apart, bits and pieces flying all over. Growing bored with the sharks, she swam to the surface and calmly began to backstroke toward her cabin. Heidi's powerful arms and legs were quickly in a nice rythym, propelling her at about 40 knots. As she powered through the waves, her mind began to consider the Oprah interview, in fact, she was so into thought she never sensed the approach of the wooden schooner under sail. With a loud crash Heidi's head splintered the port quarter ot the 50 footer. With a start, Heidi realized what she had done and tried to repair the damage, but the water was pouring into the boat so fast that all she could do was rescue it. Slipping under the boat, she grabbed the keel and gingerly raised the boat up and flew it to an uninhabited island four miles away. She set it down in a drydock she had dug out with her feet. Tunneling out from beneath the boat, she flew aboard to see how the crew was doing. She was shocked to see it was an all male crew, five totally buff hunks, all naked. It was also obvious that they were also very gay. While they were naturally quite distressed that this person had nearly sunk their boat, they thought it was totally rad that it was the amazing Heidi that they had seen on the news so often. Heidi had managed to repair their boat in no time, but was having a good time with these guys, so she joined them aboard after she refloated their boat. Besides having a good time, she was trying to deal with the fact that five very healthy males were not turned on by her naked bod. That had never happened before. She had originally planned on enjoying these five guys until she had worn them out, but after sailing with them for a couple of hours, she found she really liked them just as people. Shocked at the revelation that she could have male friends without having sex with them, Heidi decided that this was a healthy thing. As dawn was starting to break, Heidi gave each of her new friends a quick kiss and flew back to Margarita Island. But on her way, she dove down to a coral reef. Ripping off a two foot long, three inch wide chunk, she inserted the rough material into herself. Combining her super speed stroking with an electric eel stimulating her nipple it wasn't long before Heidi begab to orgasm. Her innner muscles instantly crushed the coral to dust, her body thrashing around with so much force a five foot high wave was soon rushing across the sea. Feeling a bit more saisfied now, Heidi returned to her bungalow to consider the Oprah interview.