The Continuing Sagas of Heidi Chapter 11 The N.S.A. by Sparty ( Note: This story is only suitable for those over 18 years of age, and should not be reposted without the author's consent. All the characters in this story are the sole creation of the author, and any similarity with other characters is purely coincidental. The ringing of her phone disturbed Heidi from her daydream. Damn, she was just getting to the hot part too, she thought with disgust as she checked her caller I.D. It was only her flighty friend, Kara, who probably just wanted to go to shopping at the Galleria. But Heidi had plans for the day that didn't involve shopping so she let her machine take the call. Checking her clock she saw she had ten minutes before her appointment with a deputy director of the National Security Agency. It seemed the NSA wanted Heidi to test some crazy new super weapon they had developed. What the fuck, she thought, they seem to come up with one every 12 to 15 months. Any one of which could have wiped out a small country, but only succeeded in tickling her. Hopping into the shower, she luxuriated in the scalding spray for five minutes. After drying herself with her industrial strength heat lamp, she strolled to her room. Knowing how conservative the NSA was, she decided to wear an appropriate costume. Pulling a toddler size silver garment out of her closet, she stretched it over her body. Checking herself out in her floor to ceiling mirror, she just loved the look. From her throat to her toes she looked to be encased in a thin layer of silver latex. The stretchy garment, which was so tightly woven it would crush any one else that tried to wear it, glistened in the early morning light. It was so sheer, it not only showed off every curve of her body, every rippling muscle, but also every fold of her skin. Between two of those folds, a secret aperture existed that only she had the strength to enlarge. When she had designed this suit, she didn't wish to bother disrobing if she began to feel amorous. Checking the clock, she saw she had two minutes to keep her appointmnet at Fort Meade. Plenty of time for the planet's only superheroine to fly out of her penthouse and zoom across half a continent. "Good Morning Lois. Is Perry waiting for me?" asked Heidi as she strolled into the DD's outer office. "Hello Heidi. Yes, Dr. White has been here since six this morning. Apparently he's very anxious to try out his latest creation," said the buxom brunette as she smiled at Heidi. "Oh, and I love the new outfit," she said trying to keep her secret desire for Heidi out of her voice. Suddenly the inner door opened and a gruff 50ish man wearing a white lab coat over a day-glo lime shirt came out. "Heidi, right on time. Come in, come in," he beckoned. "Love the look, but stay out of the sun or I'll be blinded," he laughed. "Talk about being blinded, where do you find your shirts?" Heidi retorted as she settled into a leather wing chair. "What have you got planned for me?" she wondered as she noticed he had two new photos of her on his wall. They were shots taken by ultra-high speed cameras as he tried to determine her invulnerability last year. One showed the millisecond of impact from a shaped charge tank shell striking her right between her breasts. The second photo, though still a little blurry, clearly showed a Sparrow air-to-air missile striking her squarely between her legs. She fondly remembered the rush she had felt from that experience. Seeing where her eyes had drifted, Dr. White thought back to those tests fondly as he felt a familiar stirring of arousal. This girl, no , woman was more accurate, was incredible. She could have been a fitness model, gracing inumerable magazines, her firm body not hinting at the strength within. And that brought him out of his reverie. "Today, I have something quite different in mind than any of those prior tests. Today I want to try and test your strength. I want to try and determine if there is a limit to your power." "But how can you do that?" wondered Heidi. "I've moved moons, I've pushed a space shuttle into orbit. I don't think there's anything in your lab that can really test me." "Come down to the lab and let me show you what I have planned," Dr. White replied, hoping to keep the leer off his face. After riding down the elevator four floors further underground, the doors opened revealing a huge cavernous space, roughly the size of two football fields side by side, the ceiling at least 20 feet above the floor. "Where are the machines? This place is empty," said Heidi as she looked curiously at Perry. "How are you planning on testing my strength?" "Well. I guess its time I explained a few things. For several years, I've had a team of brilliant people working in the area of nanotechnology. They have succeeded in 'modifying' a person, particularly in the neuro-muscular area. We were eventually able to quantify this person's strength. So now what I'd like is...." "You're telling me you built a superman? And now you want to know who is stronger? Dr. White, I used to like you, but you've really become perverted lately. Bringing me down here so you can get off on watching the two of us wrestle. You're sick." "No, No, No. We didn't create a superman, our test subject is female," "Oh, so you wanted to get off on a super cat-fight? Gee, I feel so much better," hissed Heidi. Before she could lash out further, a panel swung open on the far wall revealing a sight that left Heidi momentarily speechless. She was staring at a very muscular raven haired beauty wearing only a white string bikini. Heidi quickly estimated her foe's measurements as 102-66-98. It was a perfect hourglass shape for a being 17 feet tall. Heidi looked at Perry with a question in her eyes. "The height was a not altogether unwelcome problem, as she needed more mass to contain all her power. The proportions are lovely though, don't you think?" Perry sighed as he gazed upon the girl he had come to call Diana. "Yeah, just lovely," snarled Heidi. "What now? Do we arm wrestle or what?" "Nothing very formal, just defend yourself Heidi. Diana has implanted instructions to use whatever means necessary to force you into submission. I'll leave you two alone now to get acquainted while I watch the monitors from upstairs. Good luck," he grinned as the elevator doors closed behind him. "God, what a perv," thought Heidi. "I'll make short work of this giant 'nano-babe." Turning toward Diana she yelled, "Come on, give me your best shot. You big overgrown...Ooof" Heidi gazed up at DIana wondering how she had moved so fast and delivered so powerful a blow. It hadn't hurt her, just took her by surprise. Before she could recover, Diana picked her up in one huge hand and began to squeeze Heidi's midsection. Heidi had to admit the grip was impressive, the fingers wrapping around her waist could have crushed any other living being. But they didn't even indent her harder than steel abs. Heidi calmly pried the fingers off her, floated up to the giant's midsection where she delivered a quick one-two punch into Diana's gut. Diana flew back against the back wall, her body doubled over. AS Heidi walked over to finish her off, Diana's foot lashed out at super-speed, aiming for Heidi's crotch. Bur Heidi's senses were too quick, her thighs trapping the foot before it could completely impact. Heidi suddenly let out a gasp, not from the pain of the kick, but at the sensation of Diana's giant big toe poking through the secret hole in her suit and entering her love canal. Now, Heidi had nothing against making it with women, but the thought of being fucked by the six inch long big toe of this abomination turned her off. FLexing her powerful thighs, Heidi was soon rewarded with the sound of crunching bone as Diana's foot and ankle were turned to a bloody bag of pulp. Flying up behind Diana, Heidi bvarely managed to wrap her long legs around the huge neck. Legs which had crushed the 16 inch guns of a battleship, now began to exert the same pressure on her opponent's neck. Diana continued to punch Heidi, her huge fists striking with tremendous force. Heidi barely noticed them, as she sat on the giant's shoulders. Turning to face a camera Heidi smiled and said, "You've gone and pissed me off this time Perry." A sickening crunch echoed through the area as Heidi's thighs flattened her opponent's neck. Allowing Diana's lifeless body to drop to the floor, Heidi flew up to where her eyes told her the control room was. Inserting her fingers into the hardened steel, she easily tore a ragged hole in the six inch thick armored steel wall. Jagged edges of steel folded over like so much Jello as her invulnerable body slid through the opening. "You tried to kill me! This wasn't any experiment, you want me dead," she screamed. "But you of all people should know you can't kill me. Nothing in the galaxy can harm me. Now I strongly suggest you all leave the building." Not waiting to be told twice, Perry, Lois, and the other technicians raced to the exits. Totally unfazed by the steel and concrete that stood in her way, Heidi flew downward till she reached the sub-basement. Then starting at one corner, she proceeded around in a clockwise manner pulling thick I-beams apart as if they were paper. When she had torn out the last one, the entire building dropped one floor. That floor wrapped its steel flooring around Heidi as gravity was too weak a force to crush her under a mere 1500 tons. With a quick flex of her muscles, she flew skyward, crashing through all manner of steel and concrete. After reaching fresh air, she spun around and threw herself against the roof. With the air filled with loud screechs and thunderous rumblings, she began to crush the building downward. Within minutes, a once unremarkable eight story building was reduced to a 20 feet thick chuunk of debris in the bottom of a 300' x 200' pit. But Heidi wasn't done yet. Standing on top of the debris she shouted to Dr. White, "Hey Perry! You want to know how strong I am? Check this out." Diving face first into the wreckage, she bored straight down into the bedrock. Seemingly swimming through the granite, she grabbed the hold of the crushed remains and began to lift it. Seconds later she was floating over the Maryland countryside with 1500 tons of stone and steel in her arms. Flipping the huge block of steel and concrete around in mid-air,Heidi began to compress it into itself. Soon she was twiring a block about 10 feet square above her head. As she observed the amazed group below her, she noticed two things; one, the look of abject fear on the face of Dr. Perry White and two, the look of lust in the eyes of Lois Lane. Swooping downward, she transfrred the immense weight to one arm as she gently picked Lois up with the other. Noticing how Lois' nipples stiffened as they brushed across her own, Heidi knew she had read her right. That was confirmed as Lois' legs easily wrapped around Heidi's waist as her head nestled itself in Heidi's more than ample bosom. "Let me dump this junk somewhere, then we can spend some quality time together," whisphered Heidi. With her head buried between her breasts, Heidi couldn't quite make out Lois' response. Sounded like "Dump it on Clark Kent's house." Keep watching for the Continuing Sagas of Heidi.