The Continuing Sagas of Heidi Chapter One It was the day Heidi was dreading, her first public interview about who she was, where she came from, and why was she here Thankfully the morning's emergencies kept her too busy to dwell upon that prospect. Putting out a fire aboard a cruise ship, even with all her powers, did tend to occupy her mind. Especially having to fly burned children to the nearest burn center. That resuce at sea was immediately followed up by a hostage situation which she managed to quickly end. The hostages were no longer intimidated by the terrorists' weapons after Heidi had twisted the barrels backward. But eventually the hours passed and Heidi flew home to ready herself for her conversation with Ted Koppel. She took a long steamy shower, dried her hair with her heat vision, then moved to her closet to select her outfits. She decided to wear a traditional 'little black dress'. It was very clingy, supported by twin spagheti straps, with a hemline about midthigh. She also packed a more revealing dress as well as a very skimpy bikini and a leotard. She figured there would be some kind of test of strength or invulnerability, so she wanted to ensure that no one could claim she was wearing body armor. Flying down to the spot where she had arranged to meet the limo, she settled into the seat still debating how much of herself to reveal. "Good Evening, I'm Ted Koppel, and my guest tonight is only known to us as Heidi. Or perhaps as Super-Woman, Uber-girl, or I've even seen her referred to as Wonder Babe. Tonight we find out, for the first time, what she prefers to be called, as well as why she is here and who exactly she is. Welcome Heidi." "Thank you, Ted. Please just call me Heidi, it's the name my parents gave me. Plus I hate being referred to as a comic book character or by some sexist ephitet like babe." "Okay Heidi. You mentioned your parents. What can you tell us about them?" "Ted, let me start out by giving you a condensed biography, then I'll entertain your questions but with no guarantee I'll answer every one. My parents were both aliens, my mother staying aboard their ship, while my father lived here on Earth for many years. I can't go into the exact nature of their existence, but the race I belong to lives much longer than a mere century. But my father was able to project himself as a normal Earthling as far as aging and even dying. After he succeded with his mission on Earth, he returned to my mother and I was conceived. I lived in space with them for quite a few of your decades before it was deemed time for me come and live among you. Now I am here as your protector, not from external forces, but from your own internal struggles. Basically, I'm here to follow up and ensure my father's efforts are steered in the right direction. I have been embued with approximately the strength of 5000 of your strongest men, I am invulnerable to injury or pain from anything on this planet, my hearing and vision powers are very enhanced, but, and this is vitally important, I have no plan to become a conqueror of this world. I merely want to help mankind survive so they may eventually embrace a larger importance in this galaxy." "Well now, where should I start?" wondered Ted. "Can you tell us anymore about your father?" "Only that he went by the name of Albert Einstein." "Albert Einstein was an alien?" "We recognized that mankind was ready for the next step in progressing outward from this planet, so my dad laid out some of the very basic theories. While men such as Bohr and Heisenberg were intelligent thinkers, they were unable to make the next leap. So my dad made that leap for them." "And what of your mom?" "Mom raised us kids, patrolled her assigned areas of the galaxy, and basically did it all while dad was off on his mission. But I don't want to get any deeper into her assignments or her carreer." "You say you've got all these powers. How did that come about?" "Simple, I was born with them and learned to control them in my childhood. When I was eleven Earth years old, I was sent to a boarding school in Switzerland to learn your languages and customs. Dad always liked the Alps. My powers were already refined so I was able to live at school and still surrepticously venture out to learn even more. Especially about males, since it was an all girl school. But I don't want to devulge too much of that history right now." "Your appearance is that of a very attractive 19 or 20 year old fitness model. How is it you don't look more muscular?" "I had a feeling you were going to ask me that, so let me zip backstage and change for you into something less fragile. There, now that I'm wearing this lycra spandex leotard I can show you how my muscles grow. I see your crew set out some weights for me. The total on this bar is 500 kg or roughly 1100 lbs. As I hoist it in one arm you'll notice my muscles haven't grown. That's because the weight presents no stress on them. Let me drop the weight and press my palms together. The effort of trying to overcome my own strength is causing my arms to bulk up. But I don't get really huge like a typical weight lifter, no 22 inch biceps for me, my muscles are so efficient that they don't require all that extra mass." "Fascinating. And about your invulnerability?" "Sure, let me show you, but first I want to change again so no one thinks it's a trick. OK, I think everyone would agree that I'm not wearing any body armor now." "I don't think I've ever seen a bikini that small!" said Ted with a gasp. "Well, I only wear the it to retain a bit of modesty, mostly for your and the viewers' sake. I certainly don't need this scrap of a bikini top as support, super muscles and all. But let's get on to the tests you've got set up for me." "Okay, with the assistance of the 73rd Military Police detachment from Fort Snelling, we've devised a few tests of your invulnerability." Heidi giggled to herself as they prepared the tests. Hardly tests of HER invulnerability, but it would have to suffice for tonight. "Fire when ready!" The parking lot reverberated with the sound of large bore rifles. The slow motion cameras were still too slow to show any more than the bullets bouncing off her young body. She grabbed the 9mm glock from one soldier, set it on automatic, pointed it at her own chest and pulled the trigger. The 18 shells caused her boobs to bounce a bit, and thouroughly destroyed her top. Then she turned toward Ted to allow him to brush the lead smudges off her flawless skin. Ted took the opportunity for a brief commercial anouncement. "We're back now with Heidi who obviously survived her encounter unharmed. I think its safe to say this was a first in live network television, and no we will not replay the final seconds of her testing. But let's get back to the subject of meeting boys and men while you were in Switzerland." "Sorry, Ted. We'll have to save that till next time. But I do promise to come back and share those stories with you." To be continued.........