Summer break It could have been the most boring experience of my life, granted, I had been through a lot, but, this had to take the cake. I was stranded in a little bus-station in what felt like the middle of no-where. It was dank, dark, a smell that would make most hogs hurl. A shifted in my seat, bits of fluff and fabric dropping to the floor. I winced, thinking about how tired I was. It was about 2:00 in the morning, last time I checked, and the bus I was ‘supposed’ to have gotten on left 15 minutes ago. For crying out loud, I just needed the washroom! All my stuff, all my clothes were taken away, on some fabulous trip to California. Now, I swear I’m never this bitter, but, who could blame me? The night-shift that was suppose to be running this place had gone a few minutes after I came in, I wouldn’t have been surprised if he went to grab a drink, the least he could have done was help me out a bit. “Twenty.. Thirty.. Hrm..” I grumbled as I checked my pocket, I might have enough to continue the trip, but, this was going to set me back quite a bit. This was really the first time where I ever came up with the notion of vacation.. Right after graduation, that was my idea, I could pack up somethings, and head off to a bit of excitement in my otherwise drab life. I kicked my foot against the floor, scuffing it a little, my little mark, “Simon was here!” I laughed out uselessly. I picked up my head, and took a good, long look into the row of window panels in front of me, it was so dark, I could only see my reflection from the light of the room. I looked like a fool, really, here I was, in search of something. I know I already said excitement, but, as you can probably tell, I’m a really bad liar.. I had no idea what I was searching for, though, in another minute, I would be quite sure. There had been a faint flash of light through the main windows, the headlights of a car pulling up. I scarcely believed it, thinking human intelligence had somehow vacated this part of the world. I heard the car door open up, and quickly sat up straight, maybe I could finally find someone to talk with for a bit. Then, she walked in.. There is no way to avoid such a cliche, it was just like one of those old detective films, the hard-boiled guy, down on his luck, when Boom. In comes one of the most stunning women to ever grace a man’s eyes. “Excuse me? Is there a ladies room around here?” She let the words out of her mouth, an incredibly sultry tone, with a hint of sincerity hidden away inside. Now, I have to admit, it wasn’t the most flattering thing to be said when two people just meet, but, you have to let me describe her. The first thing that would leap to mind was ‘Big’. And I don’t mean as in weight, she was just.. Big, perhaps, 6’2, very broad and masculine look to her. She easily surpassed me, there was no question of it. Very short, midnight black hair dropped just in front of her eyes, giving this odd parallel of size and shape, her face was simply radiant, to every extent of the word, skin unblemished, and perfect, full, pouty red lips, seemingly glazed with lipstick, just shining in the light. She was clad in what seemed like a custom-tailored business suit, enwrapping herself in layers of fabric, a present to be unwrapped, I smirked to myself.. By this time, I had completely forgotten the question, making the fool of myself by just staring at her, the only other person inside the station. She didn’t seem to mind though, a pert smile drifting across her lips, just keeping patient for me and what I had to say. “Err.. It’s.. It’s right back there..” I finally choked out, my voice cracking under the strain from such a sentence. I hadn’t noticed the beads of sweat running down my forehead, till I lifted my hand to make sure I wasn’t too red. She gave a little chuckle, and started heading for the other hallway of the building, every inch of her seemed to jiggle with her steps, and the suit had no way to cover it up.. I quickly did calculations, had to be at least EE cups, and an ass that could have been mistaken for a perfect circle, just so.. Round, and.. Well, I guess I shouldn’t get too off track, I was quite impressed, and, needless to say, spent the next few minutes channeling the blood back into my brain while she used the facilities. Eventually, the door was swung back open, and she stepped out again, looking quite.. Satisfied. Boy, where the heck was my brain, I asked dispairingly, knowing she’s just going to lea- “Thank you for the assistance.” She said politely, sitting right next to me. It was so sudden, I nearly jumped out of my seat again, praying that I wouldn’t make an even bigger loser of myself. “I-It was no trouble, really.. I mean, I’ve got nothing better to do here, but help whoever comes in..” That was true, as far as I could tell, my mouth was spitting out words, but, my mind was concentrated elsewhere.. She just gave this aura, this.. Sense of power, of command. It was inspiring, to say the least. “I’ve been driving all day and night, just, trying to relax a bit, Heh!.. I guess I couldn’t control myself for long enough..” She was pretty honest, open.. I might have said nieve, but, any negativity had gone out the window, so to speak, I wasn’t going to nitpick. “.. I mean, I’ve been just working so hard lately, trying to keep active, it’s about time I took a little break, have a vacation..” The opportunity arose, and I quickly took advantage. “Oh? T-that’s what I’m doing too.. Eheh, though, I could be in better conditions, I got left behind by the bus, all my stuff is gone..” She frowned, seeing as I had a rather sad tale to tell, the more I talked though, the more relaxed I got, losing that childish demeanor I had before. “So.. I’m stuck here for now, just, waiting for the next bus to California.” “Wow! I’m heading down to L.A, myself!.. I have a little place there, I like to spend time with some friends of mine.. If you wanted, I could give you a lift, and we could pick up your stuff when we get there?” I nearly fainted out of my seat, but, let my innocence get in the way again.. “I.. I appreciate it, but.. I don’t even know your name.” She put a hand up to her mouth, that pleasant tone in her voice again. “It’s Mary.. Mary wellington.” I was a little surprised to hear it, very proper sounding name. “Well, Mines Simon.. It’s very nice to meet you Mary.” I chuckled, seeing as I couldn’t really refuse her offer. “Great then! Let’s get going now, I can still last for a few more hours..” She giggled triumphantly, honestly enjoying a bit of time with me. Once again, I was very shocked, but, had no trouble standing up. She lead me out to the car, I was just a helpless puppet, being tugged along just by her words. I got in, and buckled up tightly, as if sub-counciously fearing what might happen next. The car actually tilted a bit as she got herself in, the seat looking like it had been molded for her body. It wasn’t long before we started heading down the road, I was impressed by her alertness, keeping everything in stride as we peeled down the highway. I yawned, exhaustion creeping it’s ugly head my way.. “So, you look a little young to be traveling all by yourself..” She started up a bit of conversation, and I was inclined to keep it going, regardless of yawning every few minutes. I don’t remember much about what happened, just that I was up for another couple of hours, having a great time with her. I’m not he world’s most witty conversationalist, but, I like to think that I kept her entertained. We talked a little about our lives, she works for a big multinational company, public relations gig or something to that nature. She was also very active in working out, loves to read, and has an unusual craving for teriyaki chicken. Needless to say, the conversation was very diverse. “So, then I went back and visited m- *BOOM!*” The car jerked and nearly swerved off the road, she eased down on the brake, and managed to get the car back under control. “Shoot! Another flat tire?” She sighed out, putting the machine into park, and flipped the warning lights on. With what seemed like infinite patience, she looked over to me and smiled. “Could you just wait here? I’ll take care of this..” Without even a word from me, she opened the car door, and stepped outside. I shut my eyes, thinking a bit of sleep would be nice, I hadn’t even considered helping her, I was ready to pass out. The car moved again, and I blinked open my eyes, I was tilted to a near 45 degree angle, leaning towards the other side, I could hear a few little mumbles and noises coming from outside, what sounded like the old tire getting pulled right off. “Y-you.. You need any help out there?” I called out, rolling down the window to get a clearer response. In the next instant, the car dropped right back to the ground, causing me to bounce right up into the ceiling. “Ack!” I cried, rubbing my sore head, I must have left a dent in there. When I looked back out the window, she was standing right there, wincing at my painful experience. What bothered me the most, was that I couldn’t see the car jack under her arm, or any tools for that matter! “Eheh.. Bit of a bumpy ride.” I coughed out in humility, trying to keep the mood as relaxed as possible. It wasn’t until then that we I noticed a pair of headlights in the rearview mirror, and the sound of a horn echoing down the countryside. Truckers, a big convoy of them just passed us, a long wind shear caused the car to shake again, as if it needed anymore damage. Before I even knew it, Mary was in the drivers seat again, now trailing the line of semi-trucks. A little more cheerful than one might have guessed, but, I probably mentioned that before. Any attempts to fall back asleep were futile, I could never get a decent amount if I was in a moving car. She leaned over to me, “Wanna just stop here, and get a bit of coffee or something hun?” I couldn’t help but break out a smile, blush just touching my cheeks. That motherly way of speaking was very cute, attractive. I simply nodded in agreement. We pulled up into the lot, the group of truckers had assembled into a little group, the stereotypical image was all too clear, plaid shirts, jeans, boots, assortment of baseball caps. They looked pretty tough, but, I didn’t want to get the wrong impression. As we got out of the car, the group started to move toward us, a few whistles coming from them. “Say there.. We saw you havin’ car trouble back there.. You alright little missy?” The one guy said with an overly thick accent, a grin plastered right on his mouth. “We’re just fine, a little shaken, is all.” She replied thoughtfully, while one of the guys grabbed onto her arm. “Are you sure?.. Maybe you should come with us, Earl there knows a lot about the body..” They all started to laugh, pulling Mary over a step or two. I couldn’t just stand there and watch it happen, something just snapped in me at that moment, and I ran up to give the guy a push in the other direction. “Hey! Just leave her alone!” I screamed, before getting a backhand to the face. I didn’t take it very well, I stumbled to the ground, tears welling up in my eyes. Things happened so quickly after that, I could only watch in dismay from my seat on the ground. I caught a glimpse from Mary, that pure, angelic feeling lost in her, replaced by unbridled anger. In one motion, she flipped the guy upside down, and sent him hurtling against the concrete. I was shocked, and so were they, just seeing their buddy get emasculated like that. “You.. You Freak.. Bitch!” Another one cried, and rushed her, throwing punch after punch, the blows simply reflected off of her face and stomach. She was like a statue, standing perfectly still as he tried to bring her down. He ended up tiring himself out, backing up a few paces. What I saw next nearly caused me to faint, but, I was couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. Clenching her fists tightly, she let out a primordial growl, wobbling with strain, like some animal was ready to burst out. The tightly-knit suit began to give out, seams ripping under the pressure of her body. A vein had grown from her forehead, showing the amount of concentration she was putting into it all. *RIP!* The sound of her undergarments snapping like twigs, buttons from the front of the suit gave out, shooting like bolts from a steam engine, as the front tore open, revealing an even larger pair of breasts than before. Her low growl transformed into a high-pitched cry, the sleeves exploding from her arms as thickening mounds of muscle perked up, throbbing with new-found energy, they must have been the sizes of bowling balls already, laced with veins which pumped blood faster and faster into awaiting cells. The rest of the dress simply fell to tatters, landing by her feet. She arched her back, revealing a glistening, ripped six-pack, her legs and thighs bulked up to fantastic proportions, dripping with seat. Her back was massive, complete with a towering set of shoulders. Before long, her small leather shoes ripped and contorted under the weight, squashed under those expanded feet. She was a goddess, there was no other word that came to mind. Every inch of her body was packed ten-times over with muscle, bigger than any bodybuilder I had ever seen. She must have been.. At least seven feet tall by this point, her cries finally ceasing as she took hold of the situation, flexing for the people around her. Those muscles cringed and shifted, a sound like reeds being wrung as she showcased awesome control. My jaw hung open the entire time, wondering what was about to happen next. One of the truckers, the heavy-set guy, had produced a handgun from under his shirt, and held it shakingly. “You.. You stay right there!” Mary laughed, and took a step forward, I could hear the ground crunching underneath those feet. The guy snapped, and begun firing wildly at her, the bullets simply pounded from her chest, her head, her arms.. She didn’t even flinch, not even a scratch from where they all impacted. She took a deep breath, and relaxed, the bullets simply dropped in a rain of metal, landing on the ground beside her. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to play with guns?” She asked, mockingly. Just as she finished saying that, the roar of an engine could be heard. The man who had just been thrown around before had started up his semi, hundreds of horsepower charging up as the headlights blared right at her. I tried to get up, to yell, to try and warn her, but, her resolve was true. “L-let’s get outta here! This is nuts!” The other three went packing for the coffee shop, as the first truck slammed on the gas, and went sprawling for Mary. There was enough room so it would pick up speed, 30.. 40 Mph as it headed straight for her. I used what willpower I had to duck beside the car, and watched in awe. She yawned, actually yawned! And stuck out one hand, the semi’s cab sailed right for her, and as the two connected, her palm broke right through the grill, and into the engine block. The beast of a vehicle came to a sudden stop, the man smacking up against the dash as the wheels spun uselessly.. Bruised, battered, the trucker went sprawling out of the door, as the semi began to lurch upwards. The cab whined and shuddered as parts began to crumble from the sides, the rear container swung upwards, barely connected to the front as she pressed the wreck to her shoulder, and, like a champion shot put thrower, launched it over 3 kilometres in the other direction. That was only the start of it, what happened was simply the most incredible thing to be witnessed. I guess it would be only right to even the score, but, this took the cake. She moved forward with the same ease and pride she had before, and dug her fingers deep into the concrete bed of the parking lot. I had no idea what was coming, still having been reeled from the previous display of herculean strength. Flexing her arms, and tugging up with the concrete, she was literally pulling up the carpet, the entire lot broke upwards, causing a wave seen only in cartoon shows. What must have been hundreds of tons of rock travelled down the length of the lot, shattered earth and hunks of cement flew everywhere, crashing into the shop windows, peppering the car with fragments.. The wave met it’s target, the other semi-trucks. The result was amazing, the sheer force of the wave caused the sides of the cargo containers to buckle inward, the engines exploding from the power of the blow, flying into the air, only to crash nearly half a kilometre away. I got to my feet, the discarded remains of the horn landing right beside me with a dull *Thump*. “M...M.. Mary?.. Is there something you need to tell me about?” I asked, stupidly. Though, I had nothing else to say at the moment, she just stood there, proud at what she just did, not even a bead of sweat had fallen down her head. That untamed, pristine black hair just seemed to float, a light wind caressing through the night. It was subtle at first, but, became more noticeable as she walked over to me, losing the muscle mass she once had as she placed a hand on my shoulder. Such a strong, but, delicate hand. “Are you alright?” She had purposely ignored my question, concerned for my own well-being. I touched my cheek, feeling the sore from where I had been hit. “Y-yeah, I think I’m alright..” I muttered quickly, the shock of the incident still ripping through me. She wrapped me in her arms, giving a warming hug, I.. shakily returned the favour, embracing her softly. Those powerful arms weren’t really my concern, as my face was nuzzled deep in the canyon of cleavage she had presented for me, perfect, supple, firm teats right against my cheeks. The blissfulness didn’t last long, as she let go, and guided me to my side of the car, I slipped inside, and immediately fell asleep. I don’t know how long I was out for, but, I arose the see the sun just gracing the skyline of the city in front of me, I twisted my head, stiffness swollen up in my neck. Mary was sitting there, in something a bit more casual, just, smiling at watching the road ahead of her. I grumbled, acknowledging my presence. “Ahhh.. Morning!” She said happily, the buildings outside taking on a more definite form. Lifting up my head, I was surprisingly silent, for the rest of the drive, considering what I had just witnessed. I just spent the morning thinking, wondering about what I was going to say to her, what I really wanted to express.. So many bottled-up emotions and feelings, I was simply lost as to what to do. “Well, here we are..” She finally said, pulling up near an old, grey building. It was a bus station, I had almost completely blocked out why I had gotten a ride in the first place. “Oh! T-thanks..” I said, looking to her. “Listen, if you don’t find your stuff, or.. You need a place to stay or something, just call this number, alright?” She produced a small piece of paper, on it, the names and numbers of her place, and some of her friends.. “Thank you, again Mary.. I.. I.. That was quite a night, I mean.” She leaned over to give me one of those motherly hugs again, and a soft smooch on the cheek. “Don’t mention it, alright?” She laughed, and saw me out the car. I looked down at the piece of paper, and watched as she drove off.. I nearly jumped up and cheered! Fun, excitement? This really was shaping up to be the best summer vacation ever.