Taxicab Compressions Sarah stood on the corner of some abandoned street, tapping her watch repeatdly. She was late, very late, and could already feel the tension building up inside her body. She had just finished an important meeting with some clients down in the industrial district, almost on the outskirts of the city. She had phoned for the cabbie nearly an hour ago, and was becoming desperate. The street lights had just flickered to life, when the cab’s headlights broke over the top of an incline, causing her to flinch and cover her eyes. The cab slammed on the brakes, the sound of rubber etching into the pavement before stopping right in front of her. Sarah let out a sigh of relief, opening up the door and sliding inside. As soon as she shut the door, it was like entering another world. Tacky christmas lights and a foul odour caused her to nearly throw up, pressing a hand to her small, but well-rounded chest. "Where do ya wanna go?" A gruff voice echoed from the front, the cabbie adjusting his rear-view mirror. Sarah could feel the slight vibrations travel over her skin, almost instantly dripping with sweat, her strawberry blonde hair drapping over her face. "Just get me to the PRC labs downtown, ok?.." Sarah managed to breath out, sinking deeper into the cigarette burnt seats. The taxi lurched forward, and she weakly lifted up her hand to check her watch.. the second hand just touching the twelve. Her eyes widened, half in shock, half in.. anticipation, she tried to control herself, taking deeper breaths than before. Reaching up to unbutton the top of her shirt, she could feel her nipples enlarge and nestle into the fabric of her silky shirt, breaking down any mental control she had, and letting her engorge on a tiny spark of pleasure. As if acknowledging this sudden lapse of concentration, her muscles began to fill with energy, weak tissue and bones inside her body cracked and stretched with fevour, any injuries immediately healing and forming into stronger versions of themselves. Letting out a very sultry moan, the cab driver stepped on the brakes, checking his mirror to view what was going on. Her flimsy jacket squeezed up against thicker and thicker muscle, before disentegrating in one feeble twitch on her part, muscles glistening in their new-found strength, throbbing and ballooning up even larger, giving her new the proportions of a world-class body builder. Throwing her arms back, she punched through both windows of the cab, laughing in pure delight as her breasts heaved upward, reaching MMM cups, her nipples pressing against the plastic divider of the front seat, and melting right through. Without a hint of effort, she gracefully kicked the passenger door out the side, her calves, thighs, quads bulging with triple layers of thick muscle. Sarah let out a playful sigh, seeing how easy it was to send the cab driver running. "Mmm..." Her body strained with anxiousness, ready to be tested, to be free of it’s constraints. She started to slip out the door, the metal frame of the car whining as she forced her way out, the side of the cab now looking like crumpled alumminum. She raised her arms to the sky, before quickly flexing her biceps, the mounds nearly touching her hands. "Again.. Such power to behold!" Her voice quickly pitched pass 300 decibels, echoing over the plains, the feeble glass from the cab shattering, tires popping. "Whoops!.. What a shame.." She coo’d, looking at the vehicle with a glint in her eye. Walking around the side, she dug her finger into the frame, a screech like metal on metal emitting as she cut her way to the front of the cab. "Hmm, didn’t even scrape my nail.." She hummed in contempt, resting her hands on both sides of the hood. Her taut, compressed arms exerted themselves, feeling like the first time they ever moved, and lifted the cab up to a 70 degree angle with no effort at all. The raw, steel cords of strength throbbed with enormous levels of power, the engine nearly falling apart on it’s own. The vibrations caused by her hands gradually tearing at the flimsy steel. "Better put it too good use then, and test out how strong I’ve really gotten." Her question was soon answered, tugging as softly as she could on the body, so it would not crumble accidently, and layed the bumper into her chest. It was beyond orgasmic, the grill and bumper seemed to instantly weld to her sensitive breastflesh, the metal plates super-heating to nearly 3000 degrees celcius, with only the slightest pressure that Sarah could exert. The rear of the cab began to compress like a slinky, The immense titaness continued to pull, her fingernails slicing through the metalwork like a laser through paper. By now, the engine was melting into a fine liquid, a few stray letters of the license plate visable as it ran down her granite like 8-pack, some of it drying along the surface of her skin. Sarah let out a sudden gasp, the sudden reflex of muscle causing the cab to buckle under the stress, the width crushed down to nearly a foot across, the tires exploding from their rungs at warp speed, the surronding junkyard erupting with debris. Still holding the twisted corpse of the vehicle, Sarah took a deep breath, trying to resist the sudden upsurge of pleasure. The molten metal had just coated over the bud of her cunny, the flesh still entirely sensitive to touch. Staring down at the miniturized cab, the temptation grew to much for her mind to handle, councious thought replaced by a more savage lust. With as much ease as before, her massive hands twist the cab even smaller, exerting thousands of tons per inch on such a small area, until the machine is only about a foot long, and a few inches wide. It wasn’t going to be enough for her purposes, however, it would disentigrate before it even got past her lips. Brushing off the dried flakes of metal, she basked in the sight of her perfect skin, not even a blemish from the solid metal. An idea suddenly past through her head, when she remembered the junkyard. "Perfect." She hissed, and started to walk, the weight of her steps caused the concrete street to sink in, leaving a bubbling mess when she stepped forward. The wirefence of the junkyard actually slid around her when she moved through, like a cobweb parted with a little flame. Huge piles of garbage and scrap metal lay screwed everywhere, discarded by the various companies and corporations that ran businesses out here. Coming upon one of the larger piles, Sarah stuck her hand inside, bringing out the mangled remains of an I-beam, and, with a swift move, forced the beam against the crushed cab, jury-rigging it together, and adding more pressure to condense it into one metal rod. Reaching back into the mound, she dragged out larger and larger scraps, condensing them against the rod, keeping it in it’s original dimensions. After about an hour of collecting, the first stack had been worn down, but, there was still a lot of ground to cover. Observing the rod with some speculation, Sarah shook her head. "It’s not going to be good enough.." She muttered under her breath, moving towards the next batch. By this time, most of the lights from around the area had shut off for the night, the night air drifted heavily against her form, that bestial lust was so anxious to keep the sensations flowing, willing to do anything to gain release. Sarah’s right hand began to quiver, blood flooding through each fingertip, nerve endings flashing to life, causing quite a jolt to her system. Her hand dove right into the pile, and pulled out the next piece, crushing it against the rod as quickly as she blinked. "W-well!.. That’s a new one, isn’t it?" She questioned the darkness, as if to expect a response. She knew very well what was happening. Her body was evolving again, adapting itself to new situations. She could feel the arousing bolts coursing through her nervous system, letting her gain control of her body in new, and more exciting ways. Wiping all fear aside, she began to harness the energy. Her arm blurred faster than anything possible, small scraps of metal were thrown aside at the amount of wind she was generating, the fused rod became larger and larger, and the pile simply vanished without a trace. Sarah was thrown back in awe at herself, not only the sheer speed, but, at the way she handled it, her eyes could focus in and shape the rod as if her arm was moving like normal. "Only.. 3 seconds to clean out the entire pile.. I wonder if I could go faster.." As if her body knew before her mouth could speak it, she took off in a tornado of speed, breezing through every corner and side of the junkyard, picking off pieces at such a fantastic speed, several sheets of metal rose up into the air, hovering by the sheer forces in play. After only half a minute, the junkyard had been cleaned out to a speck, and the whirlwind ceased, the nearby building had been blown apart by the sudden stop of wind, like it had been wiped out by a nuke. The dust finally began to settle, and Sarah took a huge breath to recover her energy. "That had to have been at least 10 kilometres a second.." She smiled, clenching her bicep in a sexy pose. The ground in the courtyard had been reduced to rubble, chewed up like mulch from her blazing stride. She squeezed onto the rod once more, making sure it has been smoothed out. So much metal compressed into one space.. This, this would bring her to release.. Lowering the rod down against her leg, she could vaguely remembered the time of her first transformation. It had only been a couple months ago, during an incident at the PRC labs, that she was exposed to some rather.. Interesting chemicals. In the fit of power she had recieved, she had destroyed millions of dollars worth of equipment, and injured several employees of the company. She did regret those times, but, the results were worth it. The company had secured her future as a highly paid contractor, she was the experiment that brought it out of financial ruin. She flicked back into reality, enough of the memories, it was time to really test out her new toy. She let the smaller end slide against her pert, enormous orbs, the thousands upon thousands of tons causing her to pant breathlessly, nipples growing much larger, beads of rich, creamy milk just waiting to be ejected out, drawn out from those 5 inch spears. She didn’t pay much attention to her breasts, anyway, the real prize was very wet in anticipation. Gliding the rod over her abs, and down across her bulging thighs, and across the lips of her needy cunt. The feeling was indescribeable, enough of a draw that Sarah slipped the rod inside without a hint of regret, letting herself sink down to the ground, her bubbly butt cracking the already broken pavement even further. She moaned out in triumph, as her crotch shuddered, and sucked into the rod farther inside. She wasn’t sure how long it could last under her bodies magnificant power, but, she was going to make it last. She began to shove it back and forth, the smooth metal surface began to whine and distort with each thrust, super-heating under the love juices pouring from her sopping walls. The fluid didn’t even reach the outside, a thin fog of steam rising from her crotch, letting her sniff the erotic fumes. As the gas touched her nostrils, Sarah lost all sense of control, her walls now exerting millions of tons of pressure onto the feeble rod, causing it to buckle under the strength. Letting out an exhilerating moan, she began to push it as deep as it could go, the foot length of solid metal disappearing into her pussy. She threw her hands deep into the earth, letting out an ear-splitting scream as her walls finally destroyed the last bits of metal, letting an intense orgasm rip through her wavering body. It was almost too much, every muscle clenched in wonderous pleasure, the ground shook in an ominous roar, nearly shaking the earth’s crust into oblivion. A heavy stream of cunny juices finally began to pour out from her body, small traces of metal inside dripped onto the ground, *Hissing* as it evaporated into the air. As the climax faded, Sarah whimpered out loud, letting her body relax.. The intense muscle began to sink right back into her body, the long, golden hair losing some of it’s luster, her breasts shrinking back to her normal sized A-cups. Time seemed to slow down for her, all of the fantastic energy, the strength, the power to do.. Anything, disappeared back inside her, like a surreal dream. She let out one last, fleeting gasp, and drifted into sleep. The sun broke out, early in the morning, greeting her weakened body as she lifted her head. Dusting some dirt out from her hair, she smiled, laughing.. "Well, that was better than any stupid injection.."