Radiation- Part 2 By Sgiwy, sgiwy@yahoo.com A superwoman increases her power Jeff woke up late Saturday morning, still in a daze from the night before. For a minute, he could not remember what had happened; but his subconscious certainly did, as he was already erect. When he did remember the changes his wife went through in bed, he doubled over due to the pain of intense longing he had for her hot body. "Good morning, sleepy-head!" Kara said sensually, entering the room in the doorway next to the hole created the night before. Jeff looked up, and his eyes met his beautiful wife's nude body with joy. While she was not bulging with any muscles, her curves were perfect, and her breasts had not reduced in size like her muscles. She was, needless to say, very sexy. In her left hand she casually carried a barbell with weights on it. As she brushed back her bright blonde hair with her free hand, muscles danced just under her skin, hinting at the power they contained. His gaze then became trapped in her deep, clear blue eyes. "Kara, you are the sexiest woman I have ever seen, let alone imagined. What happened last night?!" "Well," she said, sitting next to him (feeling the warm radiation his body emitted), "like I said last night, your body now has some type of radiation that my body responds to in a rather special way." "How did you figure that out?" "When you came in my mouth, my brain was effectively given super-senses. I can see miles away through objects, and microscopically down to the atomic level. I can hear the faintest noise about 10 miles away, and smell the ocean 2,000 miles away from here." "My goodness, you're Superwoman!" "You've said that already, honey," she said, kissing him on the cheek. "I know, but I can't get over how lucky I am to have you! You're my dream come true!" "The only thing I can't do is fly." With this she began curling the barbell she had brought in. Her arms smoothly functioned, forming a 15-inch bicep as the weight reached the top of the curl. He calculated the weight to be 640 pounds; it was all of the weights he owned loaded onto it! "This feels like only about five or six pounds to me. So my strength is only about 100 times greater than normal." "Only?" "Well, I think I can become much, much stronger." She strained to bend the barbell, but the reinforced steel only moved a little. "Just by being near me?" "Yes, well, as you can see, my body did not remain at that super-muscular development as it was last night. I figured out that that only happens when the radiation is allowed to travel through my blood in high doses." She flexed her right bicep as hard as she could and it peaked out at 16" around. "Overnight, my muscles reconfigured themselves to be potentially millions of times more efficient and powerful, so I have more strength in less space, really. And my body stores the excess energy in a rather, well, convenient place," she said, looking down at her well-endowed chest, dropping the weights to rub herself and squeeze her erect nipples. "Wow," was all he could manage to say: sitting next to the superwoman made him too turned-on to think clearly. She could hear his heart pounding, and thought of another idea. "I can see the morning 'wood' has arrived, how about we put it to good use?" Kara said, crawling onto the middle of the bed and taking his hand. She reclined on her back, and guided him on top of her, so he sat on her rock-hard abdominal muscles. His weight did not depress them in the slightest. "I want to see if we can direct the radiation directly into storage." Jeff finally got the idea as she parted her breasts to make room for him in her deep cleavage. He had never titty- fucked before, as his wife hadn't been well-equipped for it before last night. He slid his member into the gorge, and she let her beautiful breasts squeeze around it, making a tight seal around his penis. Once again, she wanted this to last as long as possible. Kara felt a tingling sensation as her breasts began to glow red slightly, trying to keep up with the doses of radiation being pumped into them. She gasped at the wonderful sensation, and Jeff just closed his eyes in bliss. Her body had sufficiently geared itself for the high radiation doses, and thus her body did not grow like it had the night before. So she decided to gauge the power influx by pumping her right arm; the muscle immediately exploded to 20" in circumference. She smiled, knowing the plan was working. Jeff needily moved his lower body back and forth as much as he could, which wasn't a lot considering the tightness with which her cleavage held him. His orgasm built and built, held back by her wonderful, perfectly round breasts. He fondled them, and tried to squeeze parts of Kara's upper body with all his might, not doing anything more than slightly depressing the layer of her skin. Once his fingertips hit the muscle it might as well have been steel. For half an hour, Kara stared with unimaginable pleasure at the steadily-rising peak of her bicep. She could not believe the amount of power she was receiving from Jeff. She almost felt as if her body were drawing it out of him. She glanced at her breasts with her super- vision, and confirmed her suspicions. Evidently her body and changed itself to actively draw the radiation out of her husband's body. She could see he had a lot less in his bloodstream than the night before. Jeff felt her breasts warming up throughout the time he was on her, and eventually they had grown simply hot to the touch. As soon as he began to utter a painful moan, Kara realized what was going on, peeked one last time at her now-35-inch bicep, and relaxed her pectorals, which allowed him to pull out. As soon as the head was free, it shot his heavily radioactive love juices into her cleavage. Kara felt the overload coursing through her body and quickly pushed Jeff off of her abs and to the side. Had her skin not become invulnerable, it probably would have exploded off of her as every muscle in her sexy body suddenly tensed and pumped to outrageous proportions. By arching her powerful back in pleasure, she bent the frame on the bottom of the bed. Jeff stared in awe at her muscle display, knowing she had become at least thousands of times more powerful. Kara rolled on her stomach and rested on her mammoth boobs. She punched her fists into the mattress. Her arms moved so fast that rather than lifting her body up, her muscled arms tore through the metal-spring mattress easily, and lodged themselves into the floor. Jeff scrambled off the bed as she pulled her arms up and spread them to her sides, gripping the bed. She immediately crumpled it between her muscular arms, forcing the materials to compact themselves. Kara continued to manipulate the bed until it was the size of a softball in her hand. With her clear blue eyes sparkling with power, she casually placed it into her canyon-like cleavage, and easily crushed it into vapor with a flex of her powerful pectoral muscles. Kara put her hands on her hips, just like Supergirl, and smiled at Jeff as her super-muscular body slowly condensed the power into smaller muscles, and her breasts shrank back down to a believable size, now charged with unimaginable power. When her body had stopped consolidating itself, she walked over to the 640-pound barbell, and lifted it up casually with her left arm. To her, it might as well have been a paperclip. Her bicep didn't even flex as she curled it; the barbell's weight was totally insignificant to her! Jeff's mouth dropped in awe as he noticed her hand squeezing into the metal bar as if it were made of playdoh. Kara then balanced the loaded weights on their end on her open left hand in front of her, and slowly used her right hand to pull down on the bar, forcing the weights to mash together in her outstretched hand. She did this easily, and soon was rolling the former barbell in the palm of her hand. Smiling, she took a bite out of the dense 640-pound ball, and quickly swallowed the rest. She gazed back over at Jeff, and noticed he was once again erect. Her body simply compelled him to be aroused full-time now. "Good thing it's a Saturday," Kara said, smiling. "Yep, nothing to do," Jeff replied, knowing that now there definitely was something, or rather- someone- to do. "How about we throw on some clothes and find out what this body can do?" Kara proposed, winking at Jeff as she disappeared into the closet. She had scanned his blood and guessed that his body only had enough radiation for one more fling. Kara wanted to make the most of it...