Radiation- Part 1 By: Sgiwy, sgiwy@yahoo.com A woman becomes 'super' thanks to her husband's radioactivity Jeff stared out of the airplane's window, glad that his exhausting week away from home was almost over with. He had been called to do some last-minute work on a top-secret government ray gun. He had spent nearly 20 hours a day for the past six days tinkering deep underground with the device. Finally, his job was done, and he was allowed to return home. Unknown to him, and all of the others working on the project, the device had started to produce mass quantities of an unknown and currently undetectable radiation. Due to his long hours of work, Jeff's body had absorbed gigantic doses of the radiation. This particular kind of radiation was not harmful to humans; it merely existed without affecting anything. The radiation concentrated itself in blood cells and in the genitals. But Jeff did not know any of this, and just thought of his recently wedded wife, Kara. Kara, meanwhile, was hard at work making a meal for her husband. She had missed him a lot over the past week, and had been feeling a bit under the weather for a few days. He had promised her this was the last time he would be gone from home for more than a day, and despite her headache, she smiled at the thought of his return. Little did she know that her genetic structure was unique in the world: it could be affected by the very same radiation Jeff was returning home with. The food had just been set on their small table when Kara heard Jeff walk in the door. Her throbbing headache pounded when the door slammed itself shut. But she walked to the hallway, and gave her husband a smile. Jeff smiled back, dropped his bags, and gave her a hug and a kiss. Kara noticed that her headache had suddenly disappeared. Maybe I was just missing him, she thought, and kissed him back. Her head feeling clearer than ever, she led him by the hand to the dinner table, and they recounted the past few days apart. Needless to say, the both of them were rather sex- starved after a week's break. After his quick shower, Jeff returned to the bedroom, his wife only dressed in a baggy t-shirt, and he slowly slipped under the covers with her. Smiling, they felt each other's bodies as they became aroused. Kara noticed something different in bed this time. She felt almost a kind of warmth coming from Jeff's body, and found herself becoming increasingly excited. She couldn't remember a time where she had been so turned-on before having sex. As Jeff slid over on top of her, she felt more alive than ever. "Lover," she said, "is it ok if I am on top this time?" A little surprised (Kara was usually pretty passive during sex), Jeff readily agreed, and rolled on his back. Kara knelt across him, and then plunged her sex around his. The amount of blood pumping through his member contained a large amount of radiation, and as soon as it was inside of her, Kara let out an orgasmic squeal. It was the best feeling she had ever experienced. She felt waves of energy moving through her body from her lower quarters, and felt the need to stretch. She began to thrust her body up and down on top of him, enjoying every peak of energy each time he was thrust inside of her. Jeff was surprised at her energy, and felt his orgasm arriving earlier than normal. Kara sensed this, and knew that she wanted this to last as long as possible. She needed this energy. Subconsciously, she manipulated herself in a way she had never done before, and used her vaginal muscles to squeeze his head, and halt his orgasm until she deemed it time. Jeff was turned on more by this, and he felt her internal muscles squeezing hard in time with the rest of her body, incredibly still thrusting up-and-down on top of him. He reached up to her waist, and grabbed on. Surprisingly, her thin layer of fat had disappeared. He opened his eyes, and saw that a well-defined six-pack of abdominal muscles had taken its place. He tried to squeeze her abs, but found them as hard as steel! Her t-shirt was still on, but now he noticed her breasts were forcing the front of the shirt outwards much more than they should have been able to. "You... your breasts are growing!" he stammered. Kara groaned a few more times with her thrusts, and then replied: "Mmm... and that's not all!" Just then she pumped her body into a double-bicep pose, still astride him, and he gasped. Her formerly small female arms had risen into at least 15-inch balls of muscle. And with each thrust of her body on top of him, they grew a little bit! He stared in awe for 15 minutes as the muscles continued to pump... and pump... and pump until they were 25-inch mounds of solid muscle. The rest of her body had used the radiation as well, with her legs growing aside of him, and her calves exploding with muscle as she stretched her toes from time to time. All the while, his orgasm was being held back, and she rode him hard. Jeff noticed that Kara's hair had started to gleam a brighter blonde than it had ever been, and her back had grown wide enough to make her shirt looked stretched to its limits. Her breasts were protruding both due to their larger size and the growth of her pectorals beneath them. 1-inch deep clefts had formed between her abs, and he continued to feel her rock-solid lower body, straining to shoot himself. Kara stopped thrusting up and down, and just took him as deep as possible into her. She could not believe the rush her body was experiencing just by sitting on him. As she re-pumped her now-27-inch arms, Jeff noticed her biceps still grew, now expanding slightly more every time he felt his own heart pump the blood through his straining penis. Her swelling thighs continued to tighten around his hips. Kara, realizing her newfound strength may begin to hurt her husband, suddenly relaxed her vaginal muscles. His cum, containing extremely high doses of radiation, flooded into her, and she received so much energy from it that her upper body exploded out of the t-shirt, and her legs kicked out of the kneeling position, propelling herself across the room and through the wall into the bathroom. Jeff was worried if she was ok, but was so physically exhausted from their lovemaking that he couldn't move for a minute. When he finally managed to sit up, he realized Kara was standing in the new hole in their wall, looking slyly at him and striking a sexy double-bicep pose. He realized then that she was the sexiest woman alive, hands-down. Her muscles were still large, but not as big as they had been when she was sitting on top of him. Her biceps flexed to a modest 16-inches, with the rest of her body filling out proportionally. Kara looked about 3 inches taller, about 5'5" he guessed, with her breasts at least four cup-sizes bigger than they were to begin with, and her hair was a dazzling perfect blonde. Her blue eyes sparkled at him, a smile beaming on her face. He was already hard again. "What do you think?" she asked. "I... You... what happened?" he stammered. "I don't know exactly, but I felt some kind of energy or radiation coming off of your body. Every time I plunged on you, a wave of energy spread throughout me. I feel so good. So strong." With that, she walked over to their dresser, and maneuvered the piece of 200-pound furniture so it was being held by her left hand outstretched in front of her. "My wife- superstrong! A superwoman! You're so sexy, Kara!" "I know- and there's more! I can sense... more. I think my senses have been heightened or something... I can almost see the radiation coming from your body." she said, staring at his erect member again. She licked her lips and said, "I wonder... mind if I do a little test?" Jeff nodded in amazement, as Kara's perfect body lithely strode over to his position, and she bent forward. He gazed down her cavernous cleavage, and then stared into her deep blue eyes. "This won't hurt a bit, I promise." she winked, and took his dick into her mouth. He shuddered at the vacuum she created with her mouth, and suddenly had to cum. But she simply used her strong lips to again start the pressure building again, stopping his orgasm. Their pleasure increased as she felt him, and he groped her back. Her body felt like warm, cloth-covered stone. He noticed that wherever he felt her back with his hands, the muscles under the skin would begin to grow slightly. Her body began to swell again, in time with the blood being pumped through his member. She finally allowed him to release, and as his radioactive cum rushed into her mouth, he saw sparks dance in her eyes. Jeff smiled, and then promptly passed out from exhaustion. Kara stretched her flawless nude body and realized her experiment had been a success. The radiation not only gave her heightened physical abilities, but mental as well. She could hear his heartbeat as if it were a large drum near her, slowly settling down from the excitement it had experienced. She could instantly switch to an x-ray-like vision, and examined the radioactivity dancing through Jeff's body. She simultaneously zoomed in on his blood stream, and sped up her senses to make it seem like time stood still for her. She saw certain atoms among the molecules making up his blood emitting a purplish light: the radiation that is the source of her power. Looking down at her well-endowed self with the same super-vision, she saw that her breasts had automatically started storing excess radiation inside her, for times when she would need extra energy. Glancing back at Jeff, she knew he had much more radiation to "donate". All of this took placed in less than a millionth of a second. "I am Superwoman!" she laughed, and hugged Jeff gently. Taking him in her arms, Kara calmly fell asleep with the knowledge that she was still absorbing radiation.