Clark flew through the stratosphere, clutching the lead box, and smiling to himself. It's tough being Superman, but every once and a while things can go your way. Not that his life wasn't already pretty good- Lois and him were approaching their 20th wedding anniversary, and they had two kids- Chris, 19, and Kara, 17. Chris had been superpowered since age 3, when his supergenes kicked into overdrive. Kara, however, was still an ordinary teenager. Clark had figured out that whatever made him and Chris super was connected to the Y chromosome Kryptonian men had. To be a superwoman, a girl needs two Kryptonian X chromosomes; Kara had 1 human and 1 Kryptonian, and thus remained normal [however, she did not lack for beauty. Some quirk of nature had given her dark-haired parents a beautiful blonde-haired child; and she had certainly grown into her figure in the past couple years]. Chris' early superpower development had made him a cocky, proud boy; he had only reluctantly agreed to follow his father into crimefighting, and seemed to have a taste for showboating and fame. Kara, meanwhile, had to work hard for her grades, and was the kindest young woman Clark had ever known. Many a night he had wished that Kara could be his superdaughter, since she had the humility to wear the superoutfit with dignity as it should be. All of which brought him back to the box he was flying home. Inside was something to make his wish come true. **************** Kara had just finished the dishes when she heard the familiar rustle on the kitchen balcony. "Hi Dad," she called, brushing her blonde hair out of her eyes. He walked over and kissed her on the top of the head. "Mom drove back to the office, had to get something for a story she was working on. Said she'd be back later tonight." "I know, I stopped by the Daily Planet on the way back. I had to, uh, ask her a question before seeing you tonight. You have a second?" Clark said, pulling out a chair from the kitchen table. "Um, sure," she replied, noticing for the first time the small metallic box he was placing on the table. "Listen, your mother and I know how tough it was for you growing up with a superbrother. We always had hoped you would develop powers on your own, but as you know, your genes just won't allow it. So while Chris always seemed to be zipping around making trouble, you made us so proud with your studying, and hard work. We love you so much. Anyway, I have been working with several scientific colleagues of mine, and yesterday we produced this." He pushed the box towards her. "Inside you will find a serum of treated pink kryptonite. It has been engineered to give the human who consumes it the ability to copy my powers to themselves- permanently." "What?! You mean I just hold your hand or something after taking it, and I'll be like you and Chris?" "Actually, it is powerful enough that we would just have to be within 10-15 feet of you, and your body would absorb our power just through the air. Skin-to-skin contact would be dangerous- we're not sure exactly what would happen; you could be harmed by the effects, or even Chris and I could be injured by the reaction. We don't know- so the game plan is just stand there, and within a minute or two you would be just like us. Flying, supersight, superspeed and of course strength all would be yours. The serum itself would wear off after a day or two, leaving just the superabilities behind. So we don't have to avoid contact forever..." She began to open the box, but Clark gently closed it. "Hold on- there's one more thing." In a flash he was gone. Ten seconds later he was back, with fabric in his arms. He let it fall, and Kara was staring at a supersuit, similar to her dad and brother's outfits, yet seemingly cut for her body. The "S" gleamed in the light, and the red cape danced around the dark blue bodysuit. She stood up, and he handed it to her. She nearly dropped the "S"-shield; he had forgotten that the special dense metal [it was the only metal that was strong enough to resist everything but his mightiest efforts at bending it] weighed over 50 pounds. He grabbed it and set the outfit on the table. "Whoops; don't worry, soon you won't even know you're wearing it." "So, I just drink the serum, call you back into the room, and that's that?" "Yes. Kara, I'm so proud of you," he replied. "You might want to mix it with some juice or something, as we didn't design it with taste in mind. Could be a little harsh." "Thanks dad... you're sure this will work? You sure you want me to do this?" "Kara, there is no one else on earth I would want fighting on my side more than you or your mother. She said she wanted to stay normal for now, and leave all the fun to us. Maybe someday I'll convince her to join us, but for now it's just you and me. Your brother seems to just disappear from time to time- he doesn't get what an important job we have. He'd rather be impressing the ladies on a beach than fighting fires in the Middle East. Hopefully he'll come around too..." A familiar glaze came over her father's eyes, and she knew that some disaster had just sprung up somewhere. "Listen, I have to fly to Brazil, and help some folks who got caught in a bit of a mudslide. I'll be back in a little bit; take the serum, and when I return we'll make you 'super'." "Okay, dad. Thanks, thanks a lot. I love you." "Love you too, K-bear." With that, he zoomed out the doorway, into the sky. *************** Kara poured a tall glass of fruit punch, then opened the lead box. Inside was a small glass vial of a clear, slightly-pinkish liquid. She uncapped it, and emptied it into the glass of juice. She put the glass up to her lips, then set it back down before taking a sip. Her mind was racing, still trying to come to grips with the fact that soon she would be a supergirl. She had waited her entire life for this. She looked at the supersuit her father had made, and decided to try it on first. No rush. She cradled the heavy suit in her hands, and undressed in the bathroom. She took one last glance at her naked, human form. She cupped her breasts, which were a pair of slightly-sagging C's. She could only imagine what it would look like to have bullets bouncing off of her chest. She got slightly excited at the thought, as she always did, and slipped into the full-body supersuit. It fit snugly, except for the "S" shield hanging like dead weight from her chest. It made her have to lean back to compensate for its size, compressing her chest painfully. "Hope dad gets back soon," she thought. Her red boots click-clacked on her way back into the kitchen. She was careful not to step on her cape, which hung down and just barely brushed the floor behind her heels. Stepping back to the counter, she grabbed the full glass of fruit juice, and began to drink. "Not too bad," she thought. "What the hell?" came the voice behind her. Startled, Kara set the half-emptied glass of juice back on the counter, and turned towards her brother. "Where'd you get that outfit?!" he exclaimed. "Oh, hey Chris," she said. Her stomach grumbled a bit, and the shield still caused her to lean back unnaturally. "You playing make-believe superbaby again? I thought you had stopped doing that a long time ago after being told for the millionth time you'd never be like me and dad. Nice outfit though; I bet dad made it just so you could feel like you weren't left out. Aww." Kara glared back at Chris. It never stopped, he was always teasing her for her being super-powerless. He had broken her arm on purpose when they were young, "testing" her muscle; thankfully her dad's xray and laser vision had repaired it with no scarring. "You really are a jerk, Chris." "Boo-hoo." "Shouldn't you be helping with a mudslide right now?" "Eh, the old man can handle that on his own; I just got back from the beach; took everyone to town on the gym weights, screwed some bitch with DD tits, you know, saving the world," he laughed. "You're terrible," she said, as a tingle went down her spine. Chris eyed his sister's body; he noticed she wasn't standing as awkwardly as she was when he came in the room. And damn, those boots were sexy. He glanced at her chest in superspeed so she wouldn't notice. That's when he saw that her breasts were actually rising on her chest, against the shield; suddenly he knew what was going on here. She was stealing his powers. "You bitch, you're using me!" "No, Chris, I'm just..." "You can't have them, give them back." "Chris, they're just being cop..." Before she could finish, he had flown across the room, and grabbed her hands in his. For a moment she wanted to scream as his supergrip began to crush her hands. But then... "Ohhhhhhh..." Kara sighed as a wave of energy crackled through her body. Chris glared down into her blue eyes; mini-bolts of electricity sparkled in her retinas. His body, he realized, was paralyzed, and it was as if their hands were glued together. "Mmmm..." Kara closed her eyes as a warmth followed the initial burst. The heavy S-shield was no longer noticeable. She arched her back in bliss. Chris now realized he had front-row tickets to the transformation of his sister. As she drew in another breath to moan, her chest thrusted forward. Two sharp metallic 'pings' were heard as her hard nipples punctured the dense metal. Chris noticed that Kara was growing taller as well; while he had always been 3 or 4 inches taller, she was now closing in on his height. The blue fabric of her supersuit groaned as muscle slowly ballooned around her body. He looked down at her calves, which were tearing her boots at the seams. Her thighs had already torn the legs of her outfit, and her stomach rippled under the blue fabric. An impressive pack of abs was continually refining itself. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." Another deep breath, and her bulging breasts tore the S-shield in two, revealing the deepest cleavage Chris had ever set his eyes on. It took him a moment to realize that tearing the metal in half was something that neither he nor his father could do, but Kara had done it merely with an intake of air and tit growth. Tits that were nearly resting on his chest now. Considerable biceps, now peeking through slits in the supersuit, framed her mountainous chest, and he looked up at her eyes. Yes, he realized, UP a couple of inches, into the deepest, bluest eyes in history, which were gazing with a hint of a smile back at him. He regained feeling, and finally was able to disconnect from her, stepping back from his supersister. "Mmm, I feel so... super," Kara said, taking one more deep breath. The metal on her chest groaned back at her. Chris suddenly snapped, and let loose all his strength into one punch, aimed squarely at her stomach. Kara, with her supersenses, saw the punch coming, but decided to let it go. "Only one way to find out if this worked" she thought [in one-billionth of a second]. Chris' hand crumpled on impact, and he experienced pain for the first time since childhood. Kara would have felt the same pain had she tried punching a brick wall earlier in the day. "I'm powerless! You stole my powers," he cried. Flexing a bicep, then assuming a power pose, Kara replied: "Don't be silly, little Chrissy, you're still as strong as dad. I just think our holding hands caused me to become as strong compared to you as you are to 'normal' people. Thanks!" With this she gave him a quick, painful hug. Sniffling off tears, Chris zoomed out of the house [Kara followed him with her supersight to some forest miles away, where he began sulking]. "Oh well, he'll get used to it," she thought, as she strolled in her tattered outfit to the bathroom. Staring back in awe at her in the mirror was a tall, sleek, powerful woman. She turned to the side, admiring her muscled legs and butt, then cupped herself again. She wasn't even sure of her breast size anymore. The shield molded as it was sandwiched between her hands and tits. Working quickly, she pulled the metal like taffy, so it stretched across her cleavage like a bridge. She re-lasered the "S" inginia into it, leaving gaps so skin could be seen under it. She tore away the supersuit below her breasts, and slowly rubbed the skin of her sharply-defined abdominals. She continued down her bulging legs, then getting an idea, ripped the cape off of her neck and fashioned it into a small skirt to cover her sex. "Never liked the cape anyway," she smiled at herself. She stood akimbo, and in the mirror she saw Superwoman: the most powerful being on the planet. "Wonder if daddy could use some help in Brazil," she said, looking through the walls to the south. In an instant she was gone. ******************* Lois returned to the empty house hours later. "Why don't they ever turn out the lights," she commented, collecting bits of blue fabric that had for some reason had been left all over the kitchen and bathroom. Cleaning up the kitchen, she grabbed a half-full glass of juice, and was about to pour it down the sink, when she decided that a little warm juice never hurt anyone. She downed it in one gulp, rinsed it, then went upstairs to change into her pajamas. Standing topless in front of her wardrobe, Lois felt a pair of powerful hands cup her proud breasts from behind. "Honey, do I have a story to tell you," whispered Clark. Lois suddenly tensed up. "Ohhhhhhh..." she replied.