The doorbell rang. Kristen bounded down the steps of the sorority house to the front door, her unsupported breasts jiggling under her t-shirt. Opening the door, she found the beer delivery man giving her attractive frame the once-over before clearing his throat. "One keg of Lite, please sign here," he thrust a clipboard in her face. Kristen signed the paper, handed it back, and he promptly turned away to return to his truck. "Hey, aren't you going to bring it in?" she asked, pointing to the glistening steel keg on the doorstep. "Sorry, lady, I just bring 'em to the door. Have a good one," he said as he jumped in his truck and drove away. "Bastard," Kristen thought, knowing none of her sisters were around to help bring it in. She eyed the keg... Aren't they usually around 160 pounds or so? No way she could move it herself. "Can't hurt to try," she said under her breath. Trying to just tip it so she could roll it in, Kristen pushed and pulled to no avail. She even tried to just pull it straight up off the concrete from above. She lifted as hard as she could, letting a small gasp escape from her lips. The keg sat there like it was glued to the ground. "Screw it," Kristen replied, and turned to go back in. Suddenly a shiver ran down the length of her back, spreading out and ending as a strange warmness in her arms and legs, as if heat lamps were blazing on her. "Ooh," she said, closing her eyes. This warmness faded away over a few seconds, and Kristen missed it before it was gone. For some reason, Kristen got the idea to try budging the keg again. She stood over it, grasped the thin rim handles, and pulled straight up. She pulled hard, and for a moment nothing happened; then ever so slowly, it shakily rose from the concrete. Kristen could feel her arms burning, not in pain, but in that nice warmth she had just experienced. Her lower back began to heat up as well, as she tried to straighten her torso. Soon she was able to steady the cool keg against her thighs, turned, and walked it through her house to the back deck, where a garbage can of ice was waiting for it [first sorority party of the year was that night]. She set the keg down with a THUD, and folded her arms across her chest to caress her biceps and triceps, which were cooling off from the warm glow already. They were firmer than they had ever been before, with her soft skin giving way to slightly bulging muscle. Kristen knew she should get the keg into the tall garbage can of ice to keep cool, so she unfolded for a moment, and grasped the keg again. This time it easily rose higher, despite the awkward angle of her body. She walked her 5'10" frame to the can, and lifted the heavy keg to shoulder level with her arms sticking out to the sides. She knew this should be impossible, but that subtle glow in her arms and legs reassured her she could do it. The keg was still slightly too low to clear the lip of the garbage can, so Kristen leaned forward on the balls of her bare feet to stand tiptoe. Her calves began to burn deeply, and her body rose the extra inches to drop the keg in. CRUNCH onto the ice. "What is going on?!" she smiled, bouncing on her tiptoes and flexing her warm arms. She stretched in a few directions, enjoying the heat at the end of each movement. The cool breeze flitted through her long hair. She was enjoying this. She calmed down long enough to seriously consider that she had handled a full 160 pound keg alone. That should have been impossible, but for Kristen, it had only gotten easier and easier as the warmth went on. Turning back towards the house, Kristen took a deep breath, chest rising, "I wonder..." ------------------------- The basement fluorescent lights buzzed to life as Kristen stepped down the creaking stairs. She eyed her target: an old, small total-gym that had been sitting there since the sorority bought the house a few years ago from a frat. It had a light dust that said "Never Used" on it. Kristen pursed her lips, and blew on the seat, watching the cloud of dust scatter and settle before sitting on it. Tucking her lithe legs under her, she pulled the bar down towards her chest. It flew towards her with little resistance. "My goodness, am I that strong already?" she said, looking eagerly at the weights it was attached to. No. There was no pin inserted to attach the weights; Kristen giggled to herself as she took the pin from the leg press and stuck it at 160 pounds for the chest pull. Taking another deep breath, she gave it a pull- and on the weight that was more than 3 times her previous record, her arms glided easily back, pulling the full 160 pounds with no problem. She did several reps, then let go. Arching her back to see the weight pin behind her, she set it at the bottom of the pile, the full 400 pound limit of the set. Kristen steadied herself again, and began to pull. The warmth returned full strength after a moment, as she closed her eyes in bliss again. The weights jingled as they rose slowly from the floor. Soon the bar was at her chest again, and Kristen's eyes blazed in joy as she began to do reps, with each pull down easier than the last. Even her ass began to heat up, as she kept it firmly planted on the seat. Soon the weights were gliding easily up and down as the strong young woman's muscles began to cool. Not wanting to lose the heat again, Kristen shifted her hands mid-pull, and began pulling down with just her right arm- one-handed! Her body shook briefly, struggling to keep the weights from pulling her from the seat. A shockwave of heat burst through her body, and once again the weights rose as the bar descended smoothly to her chest. Kristen could hardly believe it- she was pulling 400 pounds of iron easily up and down, with only her right arm... She shifted again, and let her left arm work its magic to match, soon working the 400 pounds with it as well. She let go and the weights dropped, CLANK. Kristen grabbed the pin, and went around the machine, station-by-station, maxing it out. Her lat compressions let her push 400 pounds in from the sides; standing, she lifted 400 over her head, even going up on her tiptoes again at the end of each rep, as heat radiated off of her sweat-glistened frame. On the leg press, which actually went to 600 pounds, it took her only a few minutes to be able to curl one leg under her as she casually pushed the weight with her other. Finally cooling down, as every workout option was exhausted, Kristen stood and strided towards the mirror. She eyed herself in the t-shirt and shorts; her long hair hung loosely at her back and her eyes shined with confidence. Her breasts stood high on her chest on their own, despite being unsupported, tenting the fabric. Kristen flexed her muscle groups; they had all grown slightly, but only appeared to belong to a relatively fit girl. But she knew those muscles could move a lot more weight than they let on. She pulled up the bottom of her tshirt to caress her abs, which had gotten in on the fun of a few of the workouts. They stood proudly in relief, the most defined abs Kristen had ever laid eyes on, "I am becoming Wonder Woman!" Kristen laughed, flexing her biceps again. She had to talk to someone. ------------------------- Greg rolled over, pawing for the ringing phone. "Hello?" "Hey Greg, it's Kristen..." "Oh, hey Kristy, howyadoin'?" he grunted, getting out of bed checking the time. 10:00 already? He laid back in bed. Kristen and he had been good friends in high school, sharing a lot of classes. They had wound up at the same university as well. Gradually they had seen less and less of each other as their interests drifted apart, but they still got together for lunch every once in a while to catch up. Greg wouldn't say it, but he was always kicking himself for not formally asking her out, afraid that it would end their friendship in awkwardness. She was, after all, a beautiful woman. "Listen, I need to talk to you about something, mind if we meet up?" "No problem, when's good for you? Lunch?" "Well, it's a little more, um, pressing, than that," Kristen giggled. "Okay, I'll drive on over to your place as soon as I get dressed here," Greg replied, puzzled about the giggle. "Well, I think I'll just jog over to your house from my place. Is anybody else around?" "No," Greg replied, "They're all out of town for the weekend. Just me. I'll see you in a bit then, ok?" "Alrighty," Kristen said, "see you shortly." Greg hung up the phone, knowing the mile distance between them gave him at least 8 or 9 minutes before Kristen got there running. He checked the clock, 10:02. Kristen pulled on her running shorts, laced up her shoes, and stepped out into the sun. She smiled again as the warm light lit her face. "Nice day," she thought, an understatement. She jogged down to the street in front of her house, and turned towards Greg's. The streets were quiet, as college towns do not have the most active Saturday morning traffic. Kristen knew her best mile-time was around 8 minutes flat. Time to see if her strength had speed benefits as well. She clicked the stopwatch on her wrist, and began to run. At first she noticed she was going slightly faster than normal, but as she came to the end of the first block, the heat returned to her quads, and she felt a burst of speed. Houses began to pass by faster. And faster. Soon she realized she was passing the 25 mile-per-hour speed limit of the residential neighborhood. She kept breathing heavily, and just focused on running, as the warmth rolled over her lower body. It felt GOOD. BEEP! Kristen stopped the timer, right in front of Greg's place. She smiled to herself, seeing the unbelievable: 1 minute 28 seconds. Quick math in her head gave Kristen an average speed of 40 miles per hour- while the world record for a 100-meter dash was only 23 miles per hour [and that was a short sprint!]. As Kristen walked to the door, she realized the 40 was an average speed- she had started much slower, so she had no idea what her top speed was at the end- maybe even over 50...? She rang the bell, as excited as ever. Greg spat into the sink, wiping his mouth. Who's at the door? He glanced at the clock, 10:04, as he went downstairs to answer the insistent bell. He opened the door to find a smiling Kristen. "Hey! How'd you get here so fast? You must've been almost here when you called." Greg said, looking for her cellphone. Kristen stepped up and gave a tight hug before he could locate it. "Um, that's kind of what this is about," she smiled mysteriously, eyes glancing around. "I don't know... um, is your car out back? I need to show you something." "Uh, yeah, let's go," Greg replied, even more puzzled. Stepping through the front door, he followed Kristen down his porch and around his house to the back, admiring her curvy back and beautiful ass. She walked with a light bounce, obviously happy about something. They caught up on the past month since they'd met up last, and arrived at his car in the gravel backyard. "So... what's this all about?" Greg asked, eyeing his pickup, and Kristen standing with her hands on her wide hips next to it. He caught his breath at her beauty. Something was different. Wonderfully different. "Just watch," she winked at him, bending forward to slip off her shoes. Greg got a glance down the top of her tshirt, and modestly looked away. But her beautiful cleavage hadn't escaped his eye first. Kristen strode to the front of the truck, then squatted, feeling under the bumper. Greg saw her beautiful legs bulge as they were compressed; then without warning, they jumped into action, as Kristen began to strain against the 5-ton truck- trying to lift it! He was about to say something, when his front shocks began to squeak- because weight was being taken of them. "Ugh..." Kristen moaned, as the heat had suddenly hit her muscles again full-force. She shook slightly as she felt the bumper begin to rise. She slowly, deliberately stood up from the crouch, and soon the bumper was at full arm's-length above her head. The burning was deeper than ever. Now she could feel power flooding through her body as she steadied herself. She turned her head towards Greg, smiling, eyes glistening. "You..." Greg tried to speak. "Shh!" Kristen replied, taking her right hand off the bumper to put a finger to her lips to quiet him. She gracefully extended her left arm further, and balanced the front of the truck on her index finger! Then slowly walking under the truck body, she found the center of the steel frame. Kristen grasped it with both hands again; the truck's rear wheels were now well of the ground, and the rear bumper crunched as the truck took a more vertical position. Greg didn't even notice the damage being done, as he watched his beautiful friend lift half the truck effortlessly. With a grunt, Kristen swung the truck back down over her, while lifting its rear off the ground. For a moment, it teetered over her head as she grasped the steel above her shoulders. Then, inexorably, it began to rise from her back, as she extended her burning arms up over her head, the truck now balanced 2 feet above her. Shifting her arms, she took her right arm off the metal, and gestured Greg over with her free hand. The truck sat on her left extended arm as if it were a pillow. Greg stepped slowly towards her, under the shadow of the truck. Kristen smiled brighter than before, her hair blowing in her eyes. She lightly brushed it from her face, and flexed her free right arm. "Feel it," Kristen said, closing her eyes. Greg grabbed it with his hands- the modest bicep was hard as a rock. "It's warm!" he exclaimed, rubbing her arm slowly, trying to squeeze it. "Feel me," Kristen said, opening her deep eyes to stare into Greg's. Greg wordlessly bagn to go over her body, starting at her calves. She stood on her toes as he tried to push and rub her muscles in relief. Her corded thighs trembled slightly in pleasure at his touch. As Greg worked his way up, feeling her hard abs and pert breasts, Kristen began to run her free hand through her hair as she smiled down at him. The steel in her hand squealed slightly as tons of pressure were applied to it. "Kiss me," Kristen said, puckering her beautiful lips. Her body shook in ecstasy as his tongue invaded her sensitive mouth. She flicked her left wrist unconsciously, and the truck flew into the air as she squeezed through the steel. But Kristen and Greg were locked in a long-awaited embrace, and didn't notice for a moment. Until the truck smashed on its roof 20 feet away. Kristen pulled away, shocked that she had lost control, shocked by the feelings Greg had stirred up in her. "I, I'm sorry about your truck... I kind of lost it for a second there..." Kristen said, turning. Greg grabbed her, and turned her face back to his. "I love you, and I always have." "Even though I'm now Wonder Woman?" "Are you kidding, that was the sexiest display I have ever seen. And I was thinking more 'Superwoman'..." Kristen lifted Greg off of his feet with another, tighter hug, and whispered in his ear: "Do you think Superwoman can fly?"