Ron & Bridgette part Six: The Tape
by Sean Porter

My thanks to Marty Firestein for many of the ideas in this story.  He also suggested ideas for the plot of part Four, which I neglected to mention at the time.  We authors love getting story ideas as well as feedback!

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Bridgette popped a tape into the camcorder and took a deep breath.  She paused for just a moment, gathering her thoughts, then pushed the Record button and stepped back.

For the first few seconds, she did nothing but stand there, letting the camera capture her image.  She was wearing a white lace teddy which was cut low across her firm breasts and high over her hips on the sides.  There was a keyhole opening over her belly button, exposing just a hint of her chiseled abdominal muscles.  As she leaned forward to smile at the camera, her spectacular cleavage was displayed gloriously.  Her long, sleekly muscled legs were bare and flawlessly tanned, her small feet looking their best in glossy white high-heeled platform sandals.  Her dark hair fell seductively forward across her face as she finally addressed the camera.

"Hi Ron.  It's me."  She shrugged playfully.  "You've been away at your conference for three days now.  I know you're coming home tomorrow, but I'm really, really horny now.  So I had the idea to make you this video.  That way I can have some fun now, and you'll have something to take with you the next time you have to go away.  I can just imagine you watching this in your hotel room, maybe a few months from now, missing me and feeling lonely."

She stepped back a little and straightened up.

"Well, get ready for a show, because I'm about to make you miss me a lot more."

She blew a sexy kiss at the camera, held her pose for a second, then walked back to the camera and stopped it.  It wouldn't take much work to edit out the beginnings and ends of scenes where she had to press the button herself, and it was much preferable to the alternative of having someone else there to film all the intimate, and impossible, things she wanted to do in this video.  She smiled to herself as she surveyed her private weight room, looking for the perfect spot to put the camera for the next scene.  She felt a little sadness at the idea that all of this beautiful equipment might be completely unusable by the end of the day.  It was never a problem to replace furniture, what with the great discount Ron got at work, but these exercise machines would be expensive to replace.  Oh well.  They would figure something out.

Besides, it was going to be worth it.

* * * * * * *

Seated at the first of several traditional weightlifting machines lined up along one wall, Bridgette smiled for the camera again.  "These machines don't give me much of a workout anymore, but I thought we'd start out with them for warm-ups.  As you can see, they've all been set to their maximum weight capacity of 2000 pounds.  Just one little you know I've left that amount far behind by now.  But hey, we're just getting started."

This first machine happened to be a chest press.  She was sitting upright, leaning back at just a slight angle.  Gripping the bar, she pushed it smoothly away from herself.  Behind her, the thick stack of weights rose easily from the ground, then lowered smoothly back down.  As her pectorals flexed, her firm breasts lifted and seemed to swell slightly.  She cranked out 20 speedy reps, then pretended to yawn, covering her mouth with one hand while her other kept pumping at blinding speed.  She casually crossed her legs, bouncing one sexy foot up and down slightly.  "Oh dear, I'd forgotten how light just one ton was.  And I've gotten sooo much stronger since I last used this piece of junk.  Let's see what I can do with it now..."

Smirking sexily, she started pushing the bar away from her even harder, as hard as she could.  It slammed against its supports with a violent clanging noise, louder than she had been expecting.  Behind her, the ton of iron slammed dangerously against the top of the machine with incredible force.  She casually repeated the movement, generating an even louder cacophony.  Over and over she pounded the machine, abusing it in ways that had never been imagined, except by her.

"Oooooooh, Ron..." she moaned, her voice rising to be heard over the creaking and clanging.  "I just get so impatient when you're gone...waiting for you to come back home and fuck me..."

The bar she was holding slowly began to turn outwards, warping under the force she was exerting on it.  She gripped the other handle again, and while continuing to slam it forward, began to pull the two handlebars apart from each other.  At the top of the machine where they had been welded together, they began to bend, then rip apart, until finally one snapped off in her hand.  She tossed it aside uselessly, and with a final powerful shove to the other one, caused the entire stack of weights to shatter apart.  The entire machine collapsed around her.  Unperturbed, she stepped out of the wreckage and walked casually to the next machine, where she proceeded to do exactly the same thing.

"Remember, Ron," she said, gazing meaningfully into the camera as she walked away from the second machine reduced to scrap metal, "this is your body...all of it."  She stroked her perfectly round breasts, moaning softly.  "I want you to see what it can do...and enjoy it as much as you possibly can."

Making sure to adjust the camera angle each time she moved to the next machine, she worked her way down the row.  On the butterfly press, she made sure her breasts were displayed from the best possible angle, being thrust forward by her powerful chest as she pulled the pads together in front of her with such incredible force that the machine fell apart after just twelve reps.  She had plenty of fun with the leg and back exercises as well, bending and breaking each machine in new and spectacular ways using the appropriate parts of her amazingly strong and sexy body.

At last she arrived at the leg press, the final machine.  Long ago, this machine had been specially modified to allow her two tons of resistance instead of just one, but of course that hadn't lasted long anyway.  She settled into position, placing the thick spikes of her fuck-me sandals against the wide plate.  "Last but not least," she quipped to the camera.

Her sleek, sexy legs pushed the two tons of iron up and down as easily as they would have a single piece of paper.  She giggled, pulling one leg up from the plate and stroking it with her slender fingers while the other leg continued doing the work.  She let herself genuinely enjoy the smooth, firm texture of her skin and muscle, extending her leg high up in the air for a few tantalizing seconds.  "Ohhhhh Ron," she moaned, "I need your hands on my body.  I need your cock fucking me so deep..."  Her pussy was incredibly wet now, begging to be touched, but she delayed her own gratification.  This was going to be a long video.

Once she had demolished the legpress machine, leaving the foot plate broken in two and the smashed weights scattered in all directions, she winked at the camera before switching it off and carrying it across the room to set up for the next scene.

* * * * * * *

Stepping back into view, Bridgette gave the camera another one of her dazzling smiles.  "Darn it, I seem to have run out of weight machines," she cooed girlishly.  "Good thing I still have my free weights..."

Turning to the rack at her side, she selected a barbell which she had just finished loading up with six two-hundred-pound discs.  "Too bad these can't hold quite as much weight...but we can still make it interesting."

Without showing the slightest effort, Bridgette casually bent the long barbell into a U shape.  Holding it up and looking through it at the camera, she smirked suggestively and bent it further, so that one end of it passed the other and formed a circle.  Holding the loop with one hand, she slid her other arm through it, then proceeded to tighten it around her bicep.  Once it was cinched tightly around her upper arm, she coiled the ends around it a couple more times until her arm was trapped within the tangled mess of iron, the thick, round plates sticking out at awkward angles.  Despite being encumbered by over half a ton, her arm still moved freely and easily without any apparent strain as she extended it out to her side.  Grasping a second, identical barbell with it, she raised it into the air while brushing her hair back from her face with her other hand.  For show, she curled the 1200 pound barbell a few times with the arm that was already supporting another 1200 pounds.  After she had made it crystal clear how easy this was, she switched to a two-handed grip, her small fists gripping the bar as far apart as possible, and proceeded to bend the bar into another loop, then coil it around her other arm to match the first.

Next came her legs, which she likewise adorned with barbells by stretching them as high into the air as she could, which was spectacularly high, and bending the solid iron around each ankle in turn as she balanced perfectly on the other foot.  Once she had a 1200 pound ankle bracelet firmly secured just below each of her firm, feminine calf muscles, she turned her attention to the last item.

For the finale, she picked up an even larger barbell, which held an even 3000 pounds of iron.  Holding it against her firm breasts, she bent it around her slender ribcage, making it so tight that it held in place when she let go, despite its incredible weight.  Even under such pressure, her amazing breasts pushed stubbornly out against the iron barbell.

Now that she was entirely wrapped in iron barbells, she was ready to show off a little.  First she tried a few jumping jacks, her iron-encircled arms and legs moving back and forth, up and down easily as her breasts jiggled enticingly with each bouncing movement.  It quickly became obvious that this was too easy.  Next, she began to sing, "Can, can, can you do the can, can..." with a silly grin on her face, kicking her long, sleek legs high in the air in time to the song.  Her ankles supporting 1200 pounds each still didn't seem to make this much of a chore for her.  After she was satisfied with her dance, she abruptly dropped into a perfect splits, her legs sliding out in opposite directions.  She turned to one side, leaning forward sexily and stretching out her arms to caress the hard, mangled iron wrapped around her front foot, as she raised her back foot by bending her knee.  She swiveled around to the other side and repeated the movement in the other direction.  Then, turning again and facing the camera straight on with her legs stretching straight out to either side, she reached with both her arms to grab hold of the iron around her calves.

The playfulness was now gone from her face for the first time, and she fixed the camera with a steely glare.  Her arms tensed, her fingers gripping the coiled bars, and she began to pull on them.  At first her legs raised off the floor slightly, but she held them steady and only pulled harder, a deep moan emerging loudly from her throat.  "Ohhhhhhhh yesssss...Ron, I wanna be your supergirl.  I'm stronger than you could ever imagine, and I'm all yours..."  The metal, wrapped three or four times around itself and her legs, began to give, began to stretch away from her gleaming skin.  At the same time, the iron coils around her arms were beginning to stretch as well, pushed out by her uncontainable biceps as they now exerted their full, incomprehensible power.  Slowly but surely, the thick metal bars around her legs were stretching, weakening.  With a soft, sexy grunt, she increased her force until the outmatched metal snapped altogether.  " you like that baby?" she asked the camera.  "Don't worry, there's more..."

Her long, curvaceous legs now free of their shackles, she drew her arms up into a double bicep pose, arching her back and thrusting out her chest.  As she flexed her arms to the fullest, the barbells wrapped around them were stretched beyond the breaking point and shattered, falling away from her spectacularly flexed biceps.  "Ooooooooh yeah baby," she purred, stroking them.  "These are for you Ron...they want to satisfy your every fantasy.  And these too..."  Again, she arched her back, this time flexing her chest muscles as hard as she could.  The final bar, already considerably taxed from the sheer pressure of her firm breasts straining against it, could not compete against the power of her pectorals in addition.  It cracked apart and bounced loudly against the hard floor in front of her.  At the same time, her thin lace teddy ripped apart under the assault of her expanding chest.  She stared into the camera, now naked from the waist up, and licked her lips.  "I can't wait until you get home, baby.  You have no idea how good I'm going to make you feel with this body.  I'm getting so fucking horny just thinking about it..."

Still in the splits pose, she tossed away the torn and tattered weights which lay on the ground around her.  Picking up the last 200 pound disc, relatively unharmed, she stared into the camera and began to rub it against the thin shred of fabric which still covered her pussy.

"Well, I guess that about does it for the free weights," she purred, and slowly crushed the entire disc against her throbbing clit, ripping away the remains of her teddy in the process.

* * * * * * *

"I think you'll really like this one, baby," Bridgette said as she walked into the camera's view again.  She was now entirely naked, her exquisitely toned and muscled body gleaming with sweat.  Next to her hung a rather normal-looking punching bag, the kind a boxer might work out with in a gym.  However, it was hanging from a chain which was attached to a rather heavy-duty-looking stand.

"Instead of straw or foam or whatever they usually put in punching bags, I got some nice construction men to fill this one with concrete.  They also figured out a way to hang it from this contraption," she explained, gesturing to the unusual support stand.  "Apparently it wouldn't have been a good idea to hang it from the ceiling...they tell me it weighs 5000 pounds now."  She smiled sexily and gave the bag a playful punch, which sent it swinging back and forth violently.  "That's only two and a half tons, but it should be good for a little fun."

Turning her full attention to the bag, she threw another powerful punch into it just as it swung back towards her.  There was an obvious crunching noise as her petite fist sent the bag reeling again.  She unleashed blow after blow, her sexy body leaning into the wildly swinging bag of solid concrete as she pummeled it.  Her unsupported breasts jiggled slightly with each titanic impact, but her tightly flexed pectorals kept them firm and high on her chest.  It was clear that the bag didn't have much give, but with each blow from her feminine knuckles, the cracking and crunching noises indicated that the hard concrete inside was unable to withstand such punishment.

She started to mix in a few kicks, turning her body to one side and thrusting her bare foot into the bag near its highest point with such force that the chain jangled noisily.  She moved with amazing speed and fluid grace, transitioning from front kick to punch to roundhouse in a split second.  The bag was clearly suffering, a couple of its stitches beginning to come undone and letting small chips and fine powder escape after each thunderous blow.  Bridgette wiped sweat from her brow and began throwing her punches with even more force, timing each one to have the most devastating effect possible.  The chain was rattling so violently that it seemed ready to give way at any moment.  This was indeed Bridgette's intention.  She threw punch after punch, each one landing with earth-shaking force, until one of them finally sent the five thousand pound bag hurtling in the opposite direction with such speed that it tore the chain apart and smashed into the wall twenty feet away.  The seams split open entirely, and shattered pieces of concrete poured out of the bag and onto the floor in a vast pile.

Not missing her cue by a second, Bridgette gazed sexily into the camera.  "I was right, that was fun," she mused, her breasts rising and falling impressively with each breath.  "Let's see what's next."

* * * * * * *

"I think it's obvious by now that ordinary weights and equipment aren't of much use to me anymore," Bridgette cooed as she walked slowly in front of the camera, again displaying her naked body in all its glory.  "Except maybe as toys, that don't last very long when I play with them.  So I looked around a little on the internet and managed to find this...those same nice construction men were kind enough to deliver it with a special truck.  Of course, I waited until they left before I brought it inside."

Stepping closer to the camera, she turned it slightly so that the object she was talking about came into the view.  She stepped back again, standing next to it.  The stack of thick iron plates was taller than she was.  Each plate was about six inches thick, three feet wide and five feet long, as though it was meant to be the surface of a solid iron coffee table.  If the viewer were to count, he would find that the stack was composed of twelve of the massive plates, making it six feet high.  The narrower side of the stack was aimed towards the camera, so that Bridgette could stand facing the wider side, in profile from the camera's point of view.

The entire stack was held together by three thick, reinforced loops of steel which tightly encircled it, one near each end and one directly in the center.  These loops were about six inches wide, and each had a sort of handle near the center of the stack's height.  The "handles" looked as though they were designed to be grabbed by a loading machine or perhaps a crane, but they could be used as hand holds as well.

"This is a stack of solid iron plates," Bridgette explained, gently running a finger along it.  "I guess they use it to test the capacity of forklifts and big trucks or something.  It's all held tightly together by these steel frames," she explained grabbing one of the handles.  "They told me each plate weighs 3,250 pounds, more than one and a half tons.  I have 12 of them here, for a grand total of 39,000 pounds, or 19 and a half tons.  I kinda wish it was an even twenty, but close enough."  She smiled cutely.

"God knows what they thought I wanted with it," she continued, moving into position.  "But of course, all that matters is that they let me have it.  So let's have some fun with it."  She slowly, very slowly, bent her knees, lowering herself while pushing out her hard, round ass.  Reaching out to either side, she gripped the two outside handles.  Being nearly five feet apart, they gave her terrible leverage.  So it was with her arms far apart, at an awkward angle, that she gently lifted the unimaginable weight into the air.  Keeping her knees slightly bent and turning her head to pout for the camera, she slowly curled the huge mass of metal up to her chest, then lowered it back down.  "Oooooh, that feels good," she moaned.  Again her arms bent, her biceps popping into tight, hard mounds of sleek, feminine muscle, and the enormous stack came up to her chest, then dropped smoothly back down again.  Each curl brought the cold, hard iron within millimeters of her rivet-like nipples.  Her legs, too, were tensed to perfection, displaying every womanly curve and rock-hard muscle they possessed, and made even sexier, if possible, by her high heels which she had slipped back on.  She pumped out rep after slow, smooth rep, her sleek body flexed to its most muscular dimensions but still completely feminine and still completely in control, without the slightest hint of shaking or exertion.  She hadn't even broken a sweat yet.

She cast a sly look at the camera as she completed the 100th rep and gently set the weight down.  "What?  I hope you didn't think that was going to be difficult for me, did you?  Now let's try something a little...harder," she grinned.

Turning to face the camera straight on, she gripped the center handle with one hand, and began to curl the weights again.  Keeping her other hand on her hip, she smiled with satisfaction as the immense stack rose and fell as smoothly as before.

"Nineteen and a half tons," she said again into the camera, her voice steady and seductive.  "Now imagine me holding your cock in my other hand..."

With each curl, her bicep seemed to grow a little more, a hard and sexy ball of unstoppable power popping out of her lithe, lovely arm.

"...and slowly taking it into my mouth..."

She wished she could make the camera zoom in on her dramatically, but this would have to do.  She was sure that when Ron watched this, he would be leaning forward anyway, practically drooling a puddle on the floor.

"...licking up and down your long, hard shaft, sucking on your balls, then finally deep throating you until you explode...all the while curling thirty-nine thousand pounds without even thinking about it."  She slowly licked her lips.  "I wanna swallow every drop of your cum I can manage to suck out of your hard cock, baby."

She was curling the weight a little faster now, her single slender arm easily handling the unthinkable mass.

"Oooooooh Ron...I looove being so strong for you," she whispered, slowly sliding her free hand down along her rippling stomach.  "It feels really good...almost as good as your cock would feel inside me right now..."  She closed her eyes and moaned softly as she slid a finger over her engorged clit and let it slip easily into her wet, soft pussy.  Unconsciously, she curled the huge stack even faster, harder, as she gently stroked herself for a few moments.  Finally, she opened her eyes again, relaxing as she softly set the massive weights down and withdrew her finger from her dripping cunt.  She peered steamily into the camera as she brought it to her lips and sucked her juice from it.

* * * * * * *

She had only one scene left to shoot.  She had used, abused and/or demolished every piece of equipment at her disposal, and gotten extremely horny doing it.  She felt the hot, pulsing sensation between her legs and the trickle of fluid flowing down her thigh which meant she needed, very soon, to release the pent-up energy of her workout in a monumental climax.  And Ron, when he watched this, would probably have cum at least twice by now, more if he wasn't trying to hold back.  But she wanted to give him one final thrill for the ending,

There were no further words necessary.  She turned the camera on, stood in front of it, and began to strip.  Moving like an exotic dancer, she slowly and sensuously gyrated back and forth, letting her hands wander over her body as if they had minds of their own.  She moaned to herself, her eyes closed, rubbing and stroking the curves of her hard body just as he would.  Her hands wandered up her rippling abs and came to her perfectly round breasts, squeezing them firmly and pinching her nipples into steel-hard buds.  Finally, she slid her hands back down, her legs spreading apart, and began to massage her sopping wet pussy.  She stroked along the sides of her sensitive clit, slipping a finger inside and pushing it deep, then pulling it back out and again sucking on it suggestively.  She slowly dropped into a squat, her hands tracing along the insides of her thighs as she pushed them apart, giving the camera a clear view of her gaping, needy sex.

At last she picked up a bar from the floor in front of her.  It was about a foot and a half long, meant for one-armed curls and such, but there were no weights on this one.  She had a different purpose in mind for it.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh god, Ron," she gasped, her voice hoarse and desperate.  "I need it so bad...fuck me, Ron, please fuck me right now!"

Balanced on the balls of her feet with her legs spread wide and flexed tautly as they supported her, she began to tease her soft, wet pussy with the cold, blunt end of the hard rod.  "Ohhh my god, yessss..."  Her cunt pulsed and leaked juices over the iron bar as she rubbed against it, her eyes closing in bliss.  Gradually she coated the entire rod, stroking it against her clit, grinding against it, sliding it back and forth along her flushed lips.

"I need you inside me Ron...deeeeep inside..."

She began to push it in, moaning even louder as it penetrated her.  With her free hand she began to massage her breast, slowly rubbing and squeezing it just the way she knew Ron would be doing right now if he could.  The metal pushed deeper and deeper inside her, filling and stretching her intensely tight, powerful cunt.

"Ohhh Ron...I wanna be fucked so goddam hard..."  She was practically screaming now.  "I need it so bad, baby..."

She began to raise and lower herself up and down on it, her muscular calves bulging.  At the same time she began to fuck herself in earnest, pounding her dripping pussy harder, scraping the bar along her clit as she drew it out, then driving it all the way in as hard as her super-fueled muscles were capable of.  Before she knew it her screams were echoing off the walls, as loud as she had ever heard herself get before. She squeezed her breast tightly, the nipple poking through her fingers like a steel bolt through a brick wall.


She felt her climax approaching.  Her sweat-soaked hair fell forward across her face as her body began to shake.  She rammed the iron bar relentlessly into her cunt, squeezing against it with every ounce of strength her pussy possessed.  Suddenly, she exploded, gushing thick, sticky fluid all over the rod, her hand, and the floor, as a primal scream erupted from deep in her throat.  She pounded herself with the metal at blinding speed, the iron finally bending and giving way against her compulsively flexing vaginal muscles.  Gasping for breath, she finally dropped it to the floor.  The iron bar was significantly warped, bent at an angle where she had been gripping it, and mangled at the end where it had been driven into her cunt with such incredible force that it had given way against her pussy as it tensed in climax.

Still panting, she brushed her long hair from her eyes and gazed, glassy-eyed, into the camera.  Droplets of sweat ran down her body, glistening as they traced her pumped, pulsating musculature.  Her pussy was still dribbling a river of cum onto the floor.  She licked her lips and whispered hoarsely, "I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did, baby.  I miss you."  Blowing the camera a sensual kiss, she switched it off.

* * * * * * *