Ron & Bridgette: Part 4

by Sean Porter

* * * * * * *

Bridgette picked up another 250-pound plate and slid it onto the end of the bar.  She paused for a moment, eyeing the ridiculously loaded weight, then shrugged and slid another 250 pounds on.  Moving back to the other side, she added 250 more pounds to the other end as well, balancing it out at an even 6000 pounds per side.

"Six tons," she said out loud, listening to her own feminine voice speak the ungodly amount.  The shock of it struck her for a brief moment, the simple fact that she now measured her progress in tons rather than in hundreds of pounds.  She shrugged again, allowing herself a girlish giggle, and reached up to grip the thick iron bar.

When she worked out for Ron she was usually naked, or dressed in some sinfully skimpy lingerie, but it was just her today and she was clad in a comfy pair of shorts and a plain white tank top.  As she lifted the weight from the reinforced rests and held it in front of her at chest level, her breasts seemed to swell, lifted slightly by her pectorals as they tensed, and her nipples formed hard points beneath the soft fabric of her shirt.  She sucked air through her parted lips as she lowered the weight slowly and steadily to her waist, then breathed out as she curled it back up to her chest.  The extra ton she had just added made her arms burn, but it felt good.  It felt really good, she admitted, her mouth twisting in a half-smile as the familiar tingling between her thighs grew stronger.  She curled the weight 25 times, her movements calm and controlled.  Watching herself in the mirror, she saw her arms becoming more defined, the muscles looking ripped and sexy.  Her long legs slightly apart, perfectly shaped and tanned, bare feet on the concrete floor.  She turned sideways and raised herself onto her tiptoes, admiring the bulge in her calves.  She imagined that Ron was watching, and tried to think of something different to show him.  He always loved seeing her work out, and seemed to be continuously amazed at her ever-increasing strength, but she still liked the challenge of adding some unique twist to really blow his mind.

Getting an idea, she lifted one foot from the floor.  Drawing her knee up to her chest, she slipped her leg over the bar she was curling, resting her knee over it.  Balanced on one foot, she curled the weight again, all the way up to her chest, pushing her leg up until it was completely vertical.  She extended it fully, toes pointed straight up at the ceiling, and held it there.  If there was something about her that Ron found almost as sexy as her impossible strength, it was her flexibility, rivaling that of any gymnast.  She never tired of combining the two in amazing ways.

Just for fun, she pushed the weight all the way up above her head, the center of the bar sliding along the curve of her calf until it touched the back of her ankle.  "For the finale I suppose I could bend the bar around my leg," she smiled to herself.  She was tempted to go ahead with it right now, but decided it was better to save the bar.  Instead she placed the weight back on its rests and lowered her foot back to the floor.

Instinctively her hand moved to the wet stain on her shorts.  He would be home soon, but it was so hard to deny herself.  Almost without her assent, her hand slid inside the waistband; her finger brushed over her sensitive clit.  She bit her lip as a fresh gush of juices leaked down her thigh.  Her breathing grew unsteady and her eyes closed as she leaned back against the wall, her legs spreading wide.  Within a few moments, she was lost in the bliss of an intense orgasm.

Her eyes opened again, her vision blurry for a second, then clearing.  Across the room, she saw Ron watching her with a lopsided grin, the crotch of his pants bulging prominently.  She blushed bright red, her hair falling forward over her face.  "You're home early," she said softly.

"Not quite early enough, it looks like," he chuckled.

"Don't worry baby," she breathed, taking a step toward him.  "I'm just getting warmed up."


* * * * * * *

It was several hours later, after they had showered off the sweat and sticky residue of nearly a dozen different sexual experiments, that they sat down for dinner and some normal conversation.

"Bumped into an old friend today," Ron mentioned between bites.

"Oh yeah?  Who's that?"

Ron finished chewing and answered, "Remember Mandy Carson in high school?"

"I think so," Bridgette replied, pondering.  "She was kind of a big girl, huh?"

"Yup.  She came into the for furniture for her own apartment.  She was pretty excited to be living alone for the first time."

"Really?  Wasn't she a year ahead of us?"

"Yeah, but she's been living with her mom.  Said she was saving up for a while."

"That makes sense."

There was a pause as they both enjoyed Bridgette's delicious cooking.  As with other pursuits, her talents had developed rapidly since getting married.

Hesitating, Ron gave a nervous laugh and confessed, "She told me she used to have a crush on me."

"Aww, that's cute," Bridgette chuckled.  "Too bad she was so..." she hesitated, not wanting to sound mean.

"Hefty?" Ron offered.  "Yeah."  He paused.  "Well, she's looking better now.  She's gotten in pretty good shape."  Bridgette paused to give him an inquiring look.  "I mean, she's still, like, a big girl, you could say.  But not fat, really.  Just kinda...sturdy."

"Sure," Bridgette nodded.  She chewed thoughtfully.  "She did have sort of a pretty face, right?"

Ron cocked his head at her.  "Yeah, I guess.  Kinda round, but cute.  Why?"

His wife just shrugged.

"I hope you're not worried about me getting interested in her or anything," Ron added.  "It's not like she was even still interested...she just mentioned having a crush back in high school.  A long time ago."

Bridgette grinned.  "You're so cute when you're worried about upsetting me.  Don't worry, I'm not going to get jealous."  She tensed her chest just a little, so that her firm breasts pushed up slightly and stretched her tight shirt a fraction of an inch.  "I know how to keep you," she teased, popping her last bite into her mouth.

"Besides," she added after swallowing, "if she tries to steal you, I'll rip her in half."

Ron hastily finished his plate as she got up and strolled into the kitchen, then dashed after her, his erection threatening to split his pants.

* * * * * * *

The next day, as soon as she got home from work, Bridgette was back in her workout room again.  Normally it would have been a day to take it easy, after the way she had pushed herself the day before.  Without really knowing why, she instead loaded the benchpress up to her max of 17,000 pounds and began pushing herself even harder.  With each rep, the bar came down agonizingly slow, threatening to crush her, but each time her arms somehow overpowered it, pushing just as slowly back up.  She clenched her teeth tightly, feeling beads of sweat roll from her forehead down the sides of her face.  Her shirt grew damp, clinging to her breasts as they rose and fell with each breath, becoming nearly as hard as steel with each titanic flex of her pectorals.

Her motivation to become stronger had always come from her love for Ron, her excitement at the thought of impressing him and becoming even more the girl of his dreams and fantasies.  But now, each time the weight began to feel heavier than she could manage, she found herself thinking of that bully Mandy Carson, who always used to act like she was so tough in high school, and she found herself pushing the weight up with even more force than before.  Bridgette had never stood up to her when she tormented other girls, even Bridgette's friends, because she had been so afraid to reveal the secret of her strength to anyone.  Now she felt regret, and knew that if she had the chance over again, she would have done whatever was necessary to put that bitch in her place.

Oddly enough, at that moment Mandy Carson was walking back into Ron's furniture store.  Wearing considerably less than she had the day before, she scanned the store and saw Ron helping another customer.  She casually strolled towards him, meandering through the displays until she stood just a few feet away from him, waiting patiently for him to finish with the other patrons.  He glanced over and saw her smiling at him, her hands clasped behind her back as she waited.  Her short skirt and tight, scoop-necked tank top revealed a lot of firm, shapely muscle and smooth, pale skin, making it difficult to concentrate, but he did his best not to appear distracted as he finished enumerating the finer aspects of a large leather sofa.  His efforts were in vain, however, as the potential customers eventually thanked him and moved on.

"Hi Ron," she said, finally sidling up to him as he turned to greet her.  He smiled.

"Welcome back," he replied, unable to stop himself from quickly looking her up and down.  Her jean skirt was impressively snug over her round rump, and her chest more than filled out her threadbare top.  She was still a big girl, like she had been in high school, but her soft edges and shapeless form had been replaced by firm, chiseled muscle and a womanly figure.  Her arms seemed to explode with definition when she moved them, and her thighs twitched with latent power as she shifted her weight.  Her wide hips curved into a narrow waist, complete with flat, firm stomach.  Mentally, Ron couldn't help comparing her to Bridgette.  She was taller and thicker all over, with larger muscles, but Ron knew his wife's lithe limbs were far harder and stronger than Mandy could have dreamed of being.  Besides, he much preferred Bridgette's lustrous brown hair and bronzed skin to Mandy's cropped blond hair and pale complexion.

But whatever the case, there was no denying that she had improved tremendously since high school.  Ron met her blue eyes again and asked, "What can I do for you?"

"Oh,'s that couch I bought yesterday.  When I got it home I put it in the living room and it just didn't look right."  She pouted.  "I don't know why, I think it might be the carpet or something.  It doesn't seem to go with the rest of the room..."

"I understand, it happens all the time," Ron said.  "Are you thinking about switching it for something else?  Because you can always bring it back and we..."

"Oh yes, I have it out in my truck."

"Ah, okay.  Great, well you can just drive it around back when we're done, but first why don't we try to pick out something that might work better.  That way we can just load the other one on..."

"Sure, that sounds good."

Ron led her across the room, asking her if she knew what she had in mind.

"Well, I've never had my own place's hard to know what I like," she replied with a shrug.

"You mentioned carpet...what color is it?"

Mandy bit her lip.  "It's kind of a light blue, but with some green in it I think.  I don't know.  It's hard to describe."

"Maybe if you brought in a picture of it..." Ron suggested.

"Oh, I don't even have a camera," she chuckled.  "Maybe you could just come home with me and see it!  Just kidding," she added as Ron laughed nervously.  There was an awkward silence, but only for an instant.

"Well, a dark color is probably best..." Ron started to say, but she interrupted.

"Actually, what about the one you were just showing those other people?  It looks pretty good."

"Uh, very good, yes, if you're willing to spend that much..."

"Does that mean it's good quality?" Mandy asked as they backtracked to the black leather model where they had begun their conversation.

"Yeah, real good.  Uh, it's made by--"

"It looks sturdy.  That's good," Mandy interrupted again.  "I want something that's going to hold up, you know..." she lowered her eyelids.  "If I'm sitting on the couch with someone special...and the mood strikes us..."  She snickered again.  "Lighten up Ron, I'm just joking again."

"Sorry," Ron chuckled, relaxing a little.  "I just don't remember you being high school."

"Oh, I'm sure I wasn't," Mandy smiled.  "I wasn't anything in high school.  I probably had no personality whatsoever."  She shrugged, her breasts jiggling slightly.  "I guess I was a late bloomer, as they say."

"Uh, yeah.  I guess everybody has their own...uh, timetable."

"Sure."  She looked at him curiously.  "I remember how bad I wanted you to notice me, though.  I used to stare at you in class, but if you ever glanced back at me I'd just look down at my desk."  She blushed a little, looking down now.  "I guess I missed my chance, huh?"

Ron cleared his throat, looking around uncomfortably.  Chuckling again, Mandy shook her head.  "Never mind.  Hey, let's get this thing loaded up."

* * * * * * *

It wasn't his job to watch the warehouse guys while they unloaded Mandy's first sofa from the bed of her truck and replaced it with the new hefty black one, but for some reason Ron was there anyway.  Just making sure she got on her way alright, he decided was the reason.  Customer satisfaction is the top priority.

If there was another reason he had left the floor to see her off, he wasn't admitting it to himself as he watched her blow him a kiss and drive off with her latest acquisition.  But that split second a few minutes ago, when she had jumped out of her truck after backing up to the loading dock, opened the tailgate and reached for the couch as if she was about to pull it out by herself rather than let the loaders do it for her, which she did after they stopped her, that didn't have anything to do with it.  And the way she had asked for his number just in case they wanted to have coffee sometime and catch up, and the way he had said sure, telling himself there was no harm in that as she scribbled his digits across her hand, that certainly wasn't significant.  No, he was just making sure his customer was happy.

* * * * * * *

Bridgette's long legs, taut with chiseled muscle and gleaming with sweat, spread wider as she arched her back, pushing her hard, rounded ass cheeks up towards Ron's face.  He groaned with desire, his senses overloaded with pure lust.  In response, Bridgette clenched the solid oak headboard harder, feeling her slender fingers compressing the reinforced wood to its limits.  Ron's hands came to rest on the twin globes of her rump, solid as steel and smooth as silk.  He squeezed them as hard as he could in an imitation of what she was doing to their bed, but her ass yielded not nearly as much as the expensive wood was about to.

"Fuck me Ron," she demanded, her voice trembling.  "I need it so bad..."

Her forearms were exploding with muscle definition as she began to crack and splinter the thick wooden headboard.  Her body was already at its most pumped from her intense workout session, and now her exertions were driving them both to uncharted heights of lust.  Thick, sweet-smelling fluid was dripping from quivering pussy, running down her sleek thighs and soaking the bedsheets.  As Ron shoved his engorged cock deep into her cunt, she clenched her fists and snapped the oak headboard into pieces.  Her body fell forward onto the soft mattress and she pushed back against Ron as he pounded her as hard and fast as he could.  She cried out as an intense climax ripped through her body, her hands blindly tearing the sheets into shreds.  In the white hot intensity of her orgasm she reveled in her unbridled strength, feeling the incredible power of every steel-hard muscle in her body as they tensed like coiled springs, ready to explode with indescribable destructive force at her command.

At the same moment, Ron shot his load deep inside her, slamming himself against her perfect body with abandon.  And for a brief moment, to his great surprise, Bridgette's sleek, tanned body was replaced in his mind with the thick, hard, creamy white frame of Mandy Carson.  He was imagining fucking her; she was screaming and begging for his cock.  He blinked, instantly coming back to reality and looking down at his wife as she gasped for breath and slowly came back to earth.  "Oh my god, Ron," she moaned, looking up at him with glazed eyes, "where did that come from?"

It was the question they would both be asking themselves the next morning.  Ron drove slowly to work, wondering if he had really fantasized about another woman.  His wife was everything he had ever dreamed of, but along came someone else, less attractive and less his type, with bigger muscles, sure, but that didn't mean she was nearly as strong...and just because she mentions she used to have a crush, he starts imagining having sex with her?  What was wrong with him?

Turning the scene over and over in his mind, Ron reflected that he was lucky he wasn't the type to call out a name in bed.  He doubted he actually would have said the wrong name, but maybe it was bet not to risk it.  Besides, this was normal.  It happened to all married guys sometimes, right?  No matter how perfect your wife was, sometimes you were going to think about somebody else.  But the smart guys knew how good they had it, and they didn't let the occasional extra-marital fantasy turn into anything more than just that: fantasy.  He certainly wasn't going to.

The thoughts going through Bridgette's head as she lingered in the shower that same morning were far different.  Last night she had experienced an impulse different from the usual surge of strength which she got from pleasure.  Her orgasms always drove her a little wild, to the point where she felt an irresistible need to exert more power than usual, to hold nothing back.  This usually resulted in something breaking, which at the moment of climax was extremely hot for Ron as well as herself.  True, it was a bit costly sometimes, but worth it.

But last night was different.  The urge hadn't come just from her pleasure, but from something deeper, more primal.  Something composed of pent-up emotions.  Now, in the shower, she allowed herself to explore then, letting them rise just a little bit closer to the surface.  There was greed there, a merciless hunger to be stronger.  She had always told herself she didn't care; that it was enough to be much stronger than other people.  But this part of her wanted more...much more.  She had already started getting even stronger, for Ron, she had told herself.  But really his love for her strength had just allowed this desire to emerge from within her.  She had gone from hundreds of pounds to thousands, from counting reps to counting tons.  But a voice was whispering in her that she hadn't yet gotten started.  Hundreds of tons?  Thousands?  She could no longer deny it.  It was what she wanted, and what she wanted, she would stop at nothing to get.

The other emotion, she realized, was anger.  Last night she had wanted not just to use her power, but use it specifically to destroy.  To demolish.  She exulted in it, she realized...not just this time but every time.  Even more than the way it made Ron's eyes pop out of his head, she simply loved to cause the destruction of something, proving it was weaker than her.  And now it wasn't something, it was someone.  The way she had treated her, the way she had treated her friends...and now the way she was talking to her husband.  Ron may not be bright enough to know it, but Bridgette had no doubts.  A woman does not tell a man that she once felt something for him without reason.  She knows what it does to his ego, to his pulse.  She knows that it stays in his mind.

Bridgette picked up the phone.  She wasn't going to work today.  Today she was going to be in her gym.  All day.

* * * * * * *

That day she was a machine.  Every exercise, every rep, every goal she set for herself she burned through at maximum speed.  She allowed herself no breaks; no sooner had she completed one set than she was adjusting weights, rearranging equipment, getting ready for the next surge of effort.  She made one impossible demand on her rippling, sweating body after another, adding hundreds of pounds at a time.  Her muscles burned, blood pounding furiously through them, becoming harder and more powerful by the moment.  She knew now that they were capable of whatever she asked; she had just never pushed herself like this before.  She ignored the screams of agony coming from every cell in her body, knowing it would keep going, keep getting stronger.  And the only thing in the world that she could think about was getting stronger.

After two hours she was benchpressing 20 tons.  An hour later it was 40.  At noon she wolfed down every leftover in the fridge, then went back in and curled the 50 tons she had just squatted.  She pushed on through the afternoon, exhausted but exhilarated.  Sweat was pouring from her body, puddling on the floor, and still she lifted more weight, squeezed more power from her shaking muscles.  As always, the intense effort was arousing her incredibly, but she refused to allow herself even a spare moment for pleasure.  Instead she worked even harder, ignoring the erotic intoxication until her body began climaxing without any aid at all.  Over and over she shrieked with pleasure, not even pausing her workout, letting the constant stream of orgasms wash over her like breaking waves against the ocean shore.  And still she kept pumping the massive iron weights relentlessly.

By the end of the day she was lifting 100 tons with one hand, wishing that she had more weights.  She had done squats on one tiptoe and hadn't even felt much resistance.  At last she set the overloaded bar down and collapsed on the floor, feeling every muscle in her body gasping for breath.  For ten minutes she just let them twitch, pulsating with newfound power, before she forced herself to get up and stagger to the shower.

* * * * * * *

Ron hung his coat up in the closet, dropped his keys on the coffee table, turned and smiled at his guest.  "Make yourself comfortable.  I'll let Bridgette know you're here."

After watching Mandy settled her sturdy frame into an armchair with surprising gracefulness, Ron dashed down the hall, wondering why Bridgette hadn't responded.  He pulled up short in the doorway, seeing his wife sprawled across the bed fast asleep, only half dressed in a miniskirt and a bra.  She had begun to pull on some clean clothes after showering, but had passed out from exhaustion before getting very far.  Her sweat-soaked workout clothes were discarded on the floor beside her.

Ron found himself staring.  Her muscles were still pumped from her workout, and were larger and more defined than Ron had ever seen them.  The change was subtle, but unmistakable.  Her arms were slightly bigger, her biceps forming remarkable, rock hard peaks even in their relaxed state.  Her legs looked amazing, the muscles larger and more solid, the curves even more stunning and seductive than before.  It was obvious that she had worked out fiercely today, but even from her improved appearance Ron could never have imagined the change that had taken place.

"She's in pretty good shape these days, I see," came Mandy's voice over his shoulder.  Ron jumped, startled by her presence right behind him.

"Pretty good?" he squeaked, still taking in his wife's amazing musculature as if he'd never seen her before in his life.

"Well yeah," Mandy replied, sliding past him into the bedroom.  "I mean, she's not quite as big as me, but she's got some definition."  She walked over to the bed for a closer look at Bridgette, who remained resolutely unconscious.

Ron followed her uncertainly.  Trying to recover his composure, he decided to act as though Bridgette had always looked this good, despite the fact that he might have never left the house again if that were true.

"Well, yeah," he said casually.  "That's actually one of the reasons I was attracted to her...I've always kind of, uh, been into girls with some muscle."

"That's cool," Mandy said with a smile.  "I wish I could find a guy like that.  Here, tell me how you like this."  With an effortless motion, she flexed her arm into a massive bicep.

"Wow," Ron couldn't stop himself from saying.  He glanced uncomfortably at Bridgette's inert form, then back at Mandy.  She was smiling easily and holding her arm perfectly steady.  Her bicep was almost the size of ones Ron had seen on some male bodybuilders, certainly bigger than Bridgette's.  It looked hard as granite, with an incredibly defined peak.  "That's -- that's awesome, Mandy.  I bet there are plenty of guys who would..."

"Nah, most guys see this and they never want to see me again.  Especially if they feel how hard it actually is.  Go ahead, try and squeeze it."

As wrong as it felt, Ron couldn't resist.  He put both hands around her flexed muscle and pushed against it.  Just as he had suspected, it was as rigid as marble.  He couldn't dent her massive muscle any more than he could have made an impression on Bridgette's smooth, sleek one.  "Wow," he said again.

"And if I ever show a guy how strong this muscle is..." Mandy raised her eyebrows mischievously.  "Well, let's just say it comes as a bit of a shock.  I know it looks impressive, but trust's even stronger than it looks."

Ron blinked at her, not sure what to say.  She moved closer to him, breathing deeply.  "Let me just get to the point, Ron."  Her voice was getting softer now, full of promise.  "If you like her muscles..." she jerked her head contemptuously at Bridgette, "you'd LOVE mine."

Gulping nervously, Ron stepped back and stammered, "Uh, well I admit they might look a little more impressive, but somehow I doubt you're actually as strong as Bridgette.  You'd be surprised...she packs a lot of power for the size of her muscles.  I, I think they're more dense or something..."

Mandy stepped closer to him again, smiling even broader.  "Trust me, I know what you mean.  I can squeeze a lot out of these babies too..."  Now she flexed both arms for him.  They exploded into monstrous peaks, her entire body seeming to swell right in front of him.  "I think you'll be surprised yourself.  Watch this..."

Before he could protest, she reached down to grab the metal frame of the bed, right under where Bridgette was laying.  Closing one hand around it, she easily hoisted one end of the bed off the floor.  Bridgette slid awkwardly down along the sheets to the other end as Mandy struck a supermodel pose, putting her other hand on her hip and thrusting out her chest.  Ron realized that she definitely knew how to be sexy when she wanted to be.  She might not be as slender and feminine as his supergirl, but she still had all the right curves, and her muscles were so big.  Her face wore a sinful smile, and Ron found himself involuntarily responding, his crotch growing tight and his eyes popping out at the sight of her body offered to him so dramatically.  He knew he didn't want her, he wanted Bridgette, but it was getting harder to think clearly...

"You see Ron," she was saying, as her right hand began to undo the buttons of her blouse while she continued to hold up the bed with her left.  "I never really got over that crush I told you about.  And when I saw you again last week...well, you looked even better than I remembered from high school."  Undoing the last button, she shrugged her shoulders and let the blouse slide down her back.  Her breasts pushed forward, perfectly round and much larger than any Ron had seen in person before.  They were straining the limits of a navy blue bra, clearly not needing its support.  "And it seemed like you kinda liked the new me," she teased.

Ron swallowed hard again.  "Uh, listen Mandy..."  He glanced at Bridgette.  Dammit, why didn't she wake up?

"Want more, huh?" Mandy smirked.  "Coming right UP..." she grunted, grabbing with both hands now and lifting the bed, with Bridgette on it, completely off the floor.  Like Bridgette, she was now wearing only a miniskirt and a bra, making it difficult for Ron not to notice her legs bulging and her ass swelling into a hard, round ball as she held the bed horizontal for a few moments, then unceremoniously tipped Bridgette off.  Bridgette fell three feet to the floor, landing hard.

"uhhh...wha?" she stammered, shaking her head.

"Bridgette, are you okay?" Ron asked, rushing to her side.

She blinked, looking up at him and then at the massively muscled blonde still holding their bed up.  "What's going on?"

Ron found this question difficult to field.  "Uh...well I had invited Mandy to have dinner with us..."

Mandy interrupted him with a better answer.  "What's going on is, I'm showing Ron what a real muscle girl can do and letting him know he doesn't have to settle for a skinny little bitch like you!"

Still blinking foggily, Bridgette struggled to her feet.  "Sk--Skinny?  You've got to be kidding.  Ron doesn't want a girl with giant muscles, he likes...strength.  Right Ron?"

Caught off guard, Ron was slow in replying.  "Y-Yeah..."

"And you think you're stronger than me, is that it?" Mandy sneered, jiggling the bed for emphasis.

Bridgette shook her head, partly to clear the cobwebs and partly out of disbelief.  She was almost laughing with the knowledge of how strong she had just become.  "Much stronger.  Trust me."

For a response, Mandy simply gripped the bedframe tighter and began to push her hands together.  The reinforced steel frame began to whine and give way, almost as easily as so many like it had before.  With a smile of supreme satisfaction, Mandy set the warped bed back down on the ground.  "I told you Ron...I'm stronger than I look."

Now that Bridgette was awake and ready to respond to Mandy's challenge, Ron was beginning to feel more at ease.  "So is she, believe me," he said, nodding at Bridgette as she stepped over to the bed.

Her small hands gripped the frame.  Squeezing tightly, she began to push on it.  Nothing happened.  Her muscles screamed in protest, far too shaky and sore for any exertion.  In horror, she realized that for the first time ever she had pushed herself too far, and her body was desperately begging for recuperation time.

Ron and Mandy stood watching expectantly, one with confident eyes and one with a mocking expression.  Summoning a final effort, Bridgette pushed with all the force she could muster, but the steel wouldn't give.  Pushing herself back in frustration, she collapsed on the floor.

Ron stared at her in disbelief as Mandy barked a mocking laugh.  "That's what I thought," she jeered.  "Here Ron, let me show you more of what real muscles can do."  She climbed up on the bed, letting her voluminous breasts bounce as she crawled across it.  Stretching out one leg behind her, she slid it between two of the thick steel bars that lined the head of the bed, then hooked her knee around two of them and hooked her ankle against the second one.  The angle was awkward, but somehow Ron had no doubts.  Sure enough, as she flexed her hamstring and her calf hardened into a massive diamond, the two bars gave way and were crushed into each other in the crook of her knee.  "Mmmmm, that feels so good," Mandy moaned, her voice dripping with seduction.  "Want to come up here and join me, Ron?" she purred, patting the mattress beside her.

Ron forced himself to look at Bridgette rather than Mandy.  Her eyes were wild with a mix of jealousy, frustration, and as she gazed back at Ron, apology.  "What's wrong baby, why can't you...?" he whispered.

"I overdid it," she whimpered, looking more frail and helpless than he had ever seen her.  "I...I can't..." a tear rolled down her cheek, the sentence too difficult for her to finish.

"Come on Ron," Mandy interrupted, demanding his attention again.  "I know you want to..."  With one hand, she now grabbed hold of the two bars she had bent with her leg, and tore them out of the head of the bed completely.  As Ron and Bridgette both watched, she held them out in front of her at arm's length and slowly bent them, folding them completely over on themselves.  In doing this, she flexed her pectorals so hard that her huge breasts tore right through her thin bra.  "Forget her," the muscular amazon growled.  "Let me pleasure you like only a real muscle woman can."

Bridgette glanced at Ron.  He was staring helplessly, completely captivated by Mandy's display.  Bridgette knew she had given Ron much more impressive demonstrations of strength in the past, but she had never flexed muscles that large for him, and her breasts, while impressive, could not compete with the massive globes which now quivered hard and round on Mandy's slablike chest, free of any support.  As Bridgette looked down, she saw Ron's cock pushing out the front of his jeans, engorged to its maximum size.  It was the first time she had ever seen it that way without her being the woman who had produced the effect.

And it was that thought that caused something to snap inside her.  Her man, hard as a rock, for someone else.  His heart pounding, pupils dilating, and she not the object of his raging desire?  It was unthinkable.  She looked back at Mandy again, and suddenly the anger came rushing back, the intoxicating rage that had possessed her that morning, that had pushed her through hour after hour of relentless working out.  She felt fresh adrenaline shooting through her body like a jolt of electricity, her muscles suddenly needing to exert even more power, practically exploding to life beneath her skin.  She stood up and walked to the end of the bed, looking Mandy in the eye.  Ron suddenly snapped out of his trance, looking at his wife once more.

Bridgette reached to her left and grabbed the bedframe at the corner.  Her right arm extended straight out to the other corner as she bent down to encompass the entire width of the bed in her armspan.  Straightening up, she lifted the bed into the air with Mandy on it.  Mandy scoffed.

But her smirk faded in another second as Bridgette's extended arms began to compress the entire bed.  She kept her cold stare fixed on Mandy as her hands drew steadily closer together, the steel frame buckling and crumpling between them.  Her breasts swelled outward as her chest flexed; her arms exploded into incredibly defined mounds of ripped muscle.  Her end of the bed was only two feet wide, now only one foot and still being crushed, and even the other end was narrowing considerably under the assault.

Looking nervous, but not wanting to be outdone, Mandy jumped off the bed and grabbed it at the other end.  She began trying to crush her end the same as Bridgette was doing, but even with Bridgette having done some of the work for her already, her supersized muscles weren't up to the task.  Her face turned purple with effort as her muscles bulged and pulsated, but her end remained considerably wider than Bridgette's.

Once Bridgette had compacted her end to a width of six inches between her palms, she changed direction and started pushing hard against Mandy.  Mandy was violently slammed against the wall, pinned there by the bed.  Shock flooded her face as she instinctively pushed back against the bed which threatened to crush her.  Bridgette's sexy mouth was a flat line as she set her brow and began compacting the already crumpled bed against her opponent.  Slowly but steadily, the distance between the two muscle girls diminished as the steel between them crumpled further and further.  Mandy grunted and gasped for breath as the metal folded against her heavily-muscled body.  She was strong enough to prevent it from collapsing her ribcage, but not strong enough to offer any further resistance as Bridgette bore down on her.  Ron grinned with delight as he watched Bridgette sway her ass intoxicatingly for him as she crushed another foot of steel into less than an inch of space.

Cracks were beginning to form in the wall behind Mandy.  She could barely breathe now; her vision was clouding.  Bridgette was only two feet away from her now, the entire bed a mess of crumpled metal and shredded mattress between them.  Mandy's hugely flexed arms shook as the cracks behind her began to open up.  Chunks of plaster fell from the ceiling.  Bridgette was almost close enough to kiss her now.  Suddenly the wall gave way, and both women plowed through into the walk in closet behind it.  Landing on top of her, Bridgette continued to crush the steel bed into oblivion against Mandy's body until she passed out.  Only then did Bridgette straighten up, holding the remains of the bed in one hand.  She used her other hand to crumple it into a tight ball, then dropped it on Mandy's chest.  It landed with a sickening crack of ribs.

Dusting her hands off, Bridgette turned to face her husband.  Her breasts were heaving, appearing slightly larger than before; her arms and legs were as rigid and defined as tightly coiled steel.  Without even flexing, she seemed more muscular than he had ever seen her before.  His cock strained at his jeans, threatening to explode.

"Bitch," she quipped.

"Wow baby," Ron breathed.  "That was incredible..."

"You think so?" she asked, carelessly straightening her hair.  "You seemed to think she was pretty incredible a moment ago."

", that wasn't..."  Ron stammered.  "I mean, you...I would never..."

She broke into a smile.  "Relax, baby.  I know."

He breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Biting her lip, Bridgette continued.  "You know baby, using that much strength has made me really, really horny...and it looks like it has the same effect on you," she smiled, hooking a finger in the front of his jeans.  "The only problem is, we seem to be missing a bed."

"Uh yeah," he grinned.  "I don't know, should we go..."

He didn't finish the sentence, as Bridgette's mouth clamped over his and her body pushed him back against the wall, much more affectionately then she had just done to Mandy.  In one motion she managed to rip off both their clothes, and in the next second, she had swung one leg up over his shoulder and planted her foot against the wall next to his head.  His raging erection slipped easily into her sopping wet cunt.  "I think right here is fine," she purred.  "After all, this room still has three good walls left..."

His hands gripped her rock hard ass tightly as he began to drive himself deep into her.  Their lips locked in a lust-filled kiss; her breasts pushed hard into his body as she gently squeezed his throbbing cock with her pussy over and over again.  He came almost immediately, but he was so turned on it hardly mattered.  He kept pounding her harder and harder, until she came, her muscles convulsing in an awesome display.  She screamed so loud the room shook, and still he fucked her harder and harder, never wanting to stop...

* * * * * * *

The End