Katrina part 4: Military Contract
by Sean Porter

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Katrina and I hadn't seen each other in a week, and for me that felt like an eternity. Her prodigious strength and even greater sexual appetite were like a drug that I couldn't get enough of. But her business had kept her so busy lately that it was hard to even get ahold of her. I crossed my fingers as I dialed her number.

"Sean!" she answered excitedly.

"Hey baby," I grinned. "Long time no see!"

"I know, I know, I'm sorry," she replied. "And I really want to see you, believe me. Would you like to come with me on a job right now?"

I hesitated. "Well, you know I love to watch you work, but I was hoping we could take some time just for us..."

"I know, I'm sorry," she said again. "We need to do that, and we will, I promise. But I really have to take this particular job...and I think you'd really like to come along." Her voice was so tantalizing. "Please? I'll make it worth your while..."

How could I say no to that?

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She showed up at my door a few minutes later, in her sexiest work outfit yet. She was wearing what had once been a camouflage-print T-shirt, but it had been ripped apart so much that it barely qualified as clothing any longer. Her cleavage was gloriously visible through a cavernous tear down the front, and several places on her shoulders and the sides of her breasts were torn open as well. But best of all, the shredded fabric didn't even cover the underside of her breasts, let alone her hard, sexy midriff. All she had on besides that was a black thong and a pair of work boots. "Hi," she greeted me with a cocky smirk. "Ready to go?"

"Am I ever!" I replied.

She jogged to the work site with me on her shoulders, as usual. I hadn't been with her on a job lately, but I was used to the high speeds by now. I was mostly looking down to watch the firm jiggling of her breasts and the powerful movements of her long legs, but when she slowed her pace I looked up to see where we were.

"What the..." I gasped in amazement as she gently lifted me down from her shoulders. Before us was an enormous cage of barbed wire, about the size of a football field, and within it sat three military jeeps, a huge pile of guns and other weapons, and a giant tank.

"My first military contract," Katrina said, her voice bursting with pride. "I'm so excited!"

"YOU'RE excited?" I grinned. "Katrina, this is fantastic!"

"I know," she giggled. "And you wouldn't believe how much they pay! I never need to work in the public sector again! The army is going to have me destroy all their old equipment, and I'll have more money than I know what to do with."

I stared at her, completely stunned. She only chuckled and turned to open the gate. "Well, let's get to work!"

I followed her into the enclosed area. "What should we start with?" she asked me, looking around at all the dusty, doomed equipment.

"How about those?" I suggested, pointing to the three jeeps.

"Cool," she replied with a wink. "Stand back and enjoy the show!"

She jogged over to the row of vehicles and looked them over. A sexy grin played over her lips as she thought about all the different ways she could creatively destroy them. Reaching for the first one, she grabbed the front bumper with one hand and the side mirror with the other. With a grunt, she hoisted it into the air and raised it over her head, then slammed it down to the ground with thunderous force. Metal and glass flew everywhere. When the dust had finally cleared, the jeep looked a little like a swatted housefly. But she wasn't done yet. She reached down, grabbed a fistful of metal and lifted the jeep into the air again, this time with one hand. It ripped apart, most of the chassis falling back to the ground. She crumpled the remaining chunk of metal into a small ball and hurled it away. It ripped through the barbed wire fence and landed about a mile in the distance.

Once again she picked up the wreckage with both hands, and began pulling it apart. Her arms extended to either side, ripping apart the iron and pulling it against her body. The metal warped around her firm breasts, screaming as it was torn apart. When the remains of the jeep were finally torn in two, I could see that her shirt had suffered almost as much damage. The sharp glass and iron had ripped it completely to shreds, leaving her glistening bronze skin completely unscathed. She smiled alluringly as I leered at her large, round breasts protruding through the tattered fabric. Next, she picked up one half of the jeep and began sculpting it into a long, narrow pole. I recognized this technique and smiled. She returned my smile, then turned away, pointing her sexy, sculpted ass toward me. Raising one leg, she planted her heavy work boot on the hood of the second jeep, then bent over, her ass in the air, and jammed the pole forcefully into her cunt, ripping through her thong bikini. Her moans of pleasure filled the air as she pleasured herself with the former jeep. Within minutes, the entire length of mangled metal had been demolished by her pussy.

Suddenly, she drove her foot straight down through the engine block of the second jeep. Then she brought her other foot forward, tearing apart the bumper and wading through the useless remains of the engine. She continued all the way down the length of the vehicle, using her hands to pull it apart as she pulverized it with her sexy, shapely legs.

"Two down, one to go," she cried triumphantly.

An idea entered my head, and I quickly ran to the final jeep before she could begin. As she watched with a curious smile, I jumped into the driver's seat. Not even pausing to wonder why the keys would still be in it, I started it up. Katrina smirked as I pulled the seat belt across my chest. She strutted away across the enclosure, her ass swaying enticingly back and forth. I revved the engine teasingly, the sound exactly reflecting how I felt.

When she had put fifty feet between us, she turned around and put her hands on her hips. I floored it. The tires spun in the dirt; the jeep began to accelerate toward the amazon goddess. Soon I could see Katrina's green eyes gleaming with anticipation. Slowly, she raised her left leg and extended it toward me, the toe of her dusty work boot pointed. The jeep plowed into her foot at 45 miles per hour. She allowed her leg to bend, not because the force of the jeep was a challenge to it, but in order to cushion my impact. Even so, I was thrown violently forward against the shoulder strap as the jeep slammed to a halt before even reaching her body. I looked up into her beautiful face. Her knee was close to her chest, her foot planted square in the center of the badly crumpled radiator. I grinned and shifted into reverse, but suddenly she kicked the jeep away. I skidded and bounced backward for close to thirty feet before regaining control of the vehicle. Shifting into drive again, I hurtled back towards her once more.

This time her leg rose even higher into the air, completely exposing her shaved pussy as her torn thong fell to the ground. She grasped her ankle and pulled it toward her until her toes pointed skyward. I could see her cunt glistening moistly just before the jeep slammed directly into it, making her squeal loudly with delight. This time, however, the jeep didn't stop. Instead we both continued on, Katrina straddling the hood. She wrapped her legs around the hot metal, crumpling it between her muscular thighs, and began grinding her crotch against it. Her eyes were glazing over as she began to lose herself in her pleasure; I could hear her moans even over the roar of the engine. I cranked the wheel, spinning the jeep around, then began to accelerate towards the wall of barbed wire.

Her eyes lit up even more, and I found myself wondering how many girls would have that kind of reaction to their boyfriends going to such great lengths to inflict harm on them. Of course I knew none of this would hurt her; in fact it was only because she enjoyed it so much that I did it. "That's not true either," I told myself, "you love doing it too. But only because she's so powerful she can take it."

My train of thought got no further than that, as we smashed into the barbed wire fence. Katrina moaned and purred, her body wriggling sensually against the sharp wire. I climbed out of the vehicle and watched as she further entangled herself, wrapping her naked body with the dangerous material. Finally she tore away from the fence, barbed wire hanging from her arms and legs, and turned her attention back to the vehicle. Reaching out over the hood, she gripped the jeep on either side, her fingers crumpling the hot metal. Then she simply pulled the vehicle forward, crushing it against her naked body. The powerful engine creaked and hissed as it was demolished along with the rest of the jeep's front half, folding and crumpling in on itself as it yielded to Katrina's stomach and breasts, far stronger. There was a devilish grin on her face as her body writhed sensually; she was clearly deriving maximum enjoyment from the feeling of the hard iron being crushed against her skin. She continued pulling along the length of the jeep, compressing more and more of it into a tightly packed wad of unrecognizable metal. One after another, the four tires blew and deflated. Eventually the entire vehicle was nothing more than a baseball-sized mound of material.

Katrina lay on her back and pushed the former jeep into her dripping pussy. A cry of pleasure exploded from her lips as she came, her vagina crushing the dense metal completely. Steam hissed from between her thighs as she writhed in ecstasy, her body glistening with beads of sweat.

When she opened her eyes again, I knew she was ready for round two. She eagerly trotted over to the huge pile of weapons, her long legs glinting in the sun. "Watching?" she asked coyly as I followed her. As if my eyes would ever leave her for a second. She reached for a grenade. Holding it between her two well-manicured hands, she compressed it until it exploded with a muffled bang. A small amount of smoke and flame escaped from between her palms, but most of the tremendous firepower was contained by her incredible strength.

The next one she didn't inhibit. Instead she pulled the pin, waited a few seconds, then hurled it into the air. It shot up several miles and exploded like a firework. The sight was awesome, but harmless.

"Now my favorite," she grinned, teasingly spreading her long legs once again. Slowly she pushed a grenade into her cunt, sighing with pleasure, then followed it with another. Her eyes fluttered closed as a soft moan emerged from her throat. I knew she was now squeezing the explosives with her awesomely muscled vagina, gradually increasing the pressure bit by bit, until...

A muffled "POP" reached my ears just as a puff of dark smoke escaped from Katrina's cunt. She took a moment to recover from the pleasure of this particular feat, then reached for a machine gun. With another sultry glance at me, she slid the barrel deep into her pussy. Once again I wondered briefly why the military had left these weapons lying around to be destroyed which still had live ammo in them, but the thought was quickly chased from my mind by the vision of the gorgeous amazon before me as she pulled the trigger, firing a steady stream of bullets into her steaming sex. "Ohhhhhhhhh," she moaned loudly, doubling over in pleasure. She jammed the gun in farther, her superhuman strength compressing it against her steel-hard vaginal muscles until it had been entirely consumed and crushed.

Finally she reached for the largest weapon, a rocket launcher. She picked it up by its huge barrel, her hand denting it slightly. With the large, pointed end of the missile, she teased her dribbling, pulsating cunt. "Ooooh," she purred, "I'm REALLY looking forward to this." I bit my lip, trying to control my raging desire.

Katrina laid down on the ground and spread her legs a full 180 degrees apart, with the rocket launcher aimed straight down between them. Holding the weapon firmly with one hand, she used the other to fire it. A huge explosion resulted, which completely destroyed the launcher in her hands. As the smoke cleared, I saw that the rocket had only penetrated a short way into her indestructible pussy. She moaned passionaately, stroking the long metal body of the missile which protruded from between her legs. I heard a metallic crunch as she jammed it further in. "Oh yes!" she screamed, squeezing her heaving breasts together and kicking her long legs in the air. Her muscular arms shoved the rest of the rocket into her, bringing steaming gushes of cum from her vagina.

"Oh, that was fantastic," she sighed. "But I still need more..." Finally she turned her attention to the gigantic tank. She stalked slowly toward it, her firm, round ass swaying sensually, her naked body covered with dirt and debris and glistening with sweat. She climbed nimbly up the side of tank and knelt down on top of it. Her eyes were wide with excitement as she reached for the long gun barrel with one hand. Once she had a good grip on it, her bicep flexed impressively and the barrel began to bend upwards. She smirked at me teasingly as she easily warped the thick steel. Soon it was bent 90 degrees and pointing straight up. Next she formed another bend, creating a U-shape and pointing the tip straight at her shaved pussy. Again I could hear her moaning softly as she pulled the hard metal toward her, then into her. Her thick juices coated the rod as it penetrated her and was gradually crushed by her insanely powerful womanhood.

She pulled the doomed barrel further, cramming more and more of it into her cunt, which oozed thick, glistening fluid and steam. Spreading her legs, she straddled the top of the tank and started squeezing it between her sleek, powerful thighs. Loud metallic creaking filled the air as the upper portion of the tank began to warp. The bulging diamonds of her calves were now deforming the armor-plating further down the sides of the tank, and even her heels were starting to dent it.

Just then the barrel snapped completely off, and Katrina violently shoved the rest of it in. I could hear it crumple inside her as her densely muscled pussy pulverized it. She emitted a low, erotic moan of pleasure and reached forward, implanting her balloon-like breasts deep in the metal, and dug her fingers into the front hood of the tank. As she straightened up, a thick panel of armor plating peeled back from the body of the vehicle. It groaned loudly as she ripped it away, folding and crumpling it between her small hands and against her sweat-coated skin. She had soon reduced the six-foot-square panel to a desne hunk of glowing metal about the size and shape of a football. Giving me a sexy wink, she nestled it between her breasts. As her powerful pectorals flexed to crush it between her rock-hard tits, her knees and thighs also continued to draw together, reducting the tons of steel and iron between them to a paste.

Finally she dismounted from the devastated vehicle. She eyed it for a moment, noting with satisfaction the huge gash down its center. It looked as if a giant had chopped into it with an axe. Reaching down and grabbing the treads, she lifted one side of the vehicle off the ground, then got a grip on the underside and hefted it entirely over her head. She stretched her hands out as far as she could, one toward the front and one to the back. Then, her chest flexing massively, she pushed the two ends inward and upward, foling the enormous mass in on itself. Her bright green eyes were glaring lustfully at me as an erotic moan escaped her lips. With an impatient jerk, she smashed the vehicle down on the ground in front of her, crushing it even more. Several more times she raised the multi-ton mass above her head and slammed it back to earth. With each impact I could feel the ground tremble, and each time the tank became a little less recognizable. Finally she pounced on the densely packed metal, her thighs compressing it as she reached down with her arms to further crush and compact it.

Finally she stood up and looked down contemptuously at what was left of the tank. A lump of metal, no more than a cubic foot in volume, which I knew still weighed several tons. She casually reached down and picked it up as if it was as light as a feather, even tossing it playfully in her hand. I noticed her boots sink slightly into the dry, dusty earth.

She held it toward me on her outstretched hand, smiling innocently. "This weighs at least twelve tons," she reminded me in her sweetest, most seductive voice. "So I'll try not to let it drop on you," she continued as she laid down on her back, "when you fuck me." She slipped off her workboots and raised her feet into the air above her head, knowing it was one of my favorite positions. She placed the steaming block of condensed metal between her small, slender feet, and held it there.

I didn't hesitate for an instant. Eagerly diving in between her knees, I attacked her luscious breasts with my tongue as she grabbed for my hard cock, guiding it into her slick, hot pussy. There was no tenderness or subtlety in her now; her hands were on my ass, shoving me deeper into her at a frantic pace. I licked and sucked the firm flesh of her incredible tits, occasionally biting down on the nipples and bringing gasps of intense pleasure from her. My hands moved up and down the muscular contours of her legs, feeling the incredible power in her thighs and calves as they supported the weight of an entire tank just above my head. If I had bothered to look, I would have seen her sexy feet compressing the mass even more as she reached orgasm after monumental orgasm.

Finally I felt my own climax overtaking me and clenched my teeth down on her succulent, silky flesh as cum shot from my shaft deep inside her. She shrieked uncontrollably, impulsively reaching up to grab the tank from between her feet and fling it away over her head. We felt the earth shake with the force of its impact, intensifying our pleasure as we spent our final energies. Coming to rest, my limbs interwined with her fantastically powerful body, I found myself very much looking forward to Katrina's next contract.

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The End