Jessica part II
by Sean Porter

* * * * * * *

Jessica chewed her lip nervously, waiting.  Her legs were crossed, and she watched her calf muscle twitch as her foot bounced impatiently.

Her father ignored her fidgeting, slowly turning another page.  Her first script.  Glen showed no emotion, no sign either of approval or disdain.

Jessica hoped to write, star in, and direct this project.  It was unusual in the pornography industry for performers to write their own scripts, but Jessica was far from a usual performer.    Besides being devastatingly beautiful and flawlessly proportioned, she was very intelligent, and extremely passionate about her chosen profession.  Unlike the aforementioned hacks, she wasn't doing it for the money, or trying to break into Hollywood.  She enjoyed her sexuality with reckless abandon and believed very strongly in the beauty of sharing it with the world.

She was also a good deal stronger than, say, your average bulldozer.

Glen finally finished reading.  He carefully arranged the pages in a neat stack, laid them on the table, and fixed his unwavering gaze on his daughter's anxious face.  "Jessica.  This is a fantastic script."

She leaped out of her chair with girlish glee and hugged her dad.  "You like it!  Oh, thank you Dad!"  He gasped for air, only half pretending, and smiled.

"I do.  It's great.  You've really got a great sense of humor...and great creativity."

She giggled.  "You said 'great' three times."

"I did, yes.  Well, it's...very great.  Tremendous.  You should be very proud of yourself."

Jessica beamed.

"I'm going to get a crew together on this right away.  We'll start building the sets...props...we can construct some false buildings...and the truck, we'll have to figure out what we're going to build that out of..."

"Dad?  Um, I was hoping we'd just use the real thing."

Glen squinted at her.  "A real semi-truck?  Trailer and all?"

"Uh huh," she nodded eagerly.  "And buildings too, if it's possible."

"That would be...are you sure you can really do all that, first of all?"

"Oh, don't be silly," she mocked.  "There's nothing in there that would be hard for me."

"Alright...uh..." Glen flipped through the script again.  "But honey, do you know how much all of that would cost?"

"About $16,000.  That's assuming we buy used vehicles that aren't road-worthy anymore."

"But the buildings..."

"Can't we find some old buildings that need to be demolished anyway?  Maybe we could even get paid for doing some of it!"

"Uh...I can look into it...but..."

"Thanks Daddy!"  She kissed him on the cheek.

"Sixteen grand is still a lot of--"

"Less than half of the video sales from my first movie, and it hasn't even been out for a month!  And this one will make much more, I just know it.  Come on, please?"

Glen smiled at his 18-year-old starlet.  She was still as energetic as the day she had broken her first crib, and just as adorable.  "Alright honey, we'll use real equipment wherever we can."  She squealed with delight, but he interrupted.  "But I won't let you put your cast and crew in'll need to be very careful."

"Of course I will, Daddy."

* * * * * * *

One week later Jessica was on the set of her directorial debut for the first day of shooting.  She surveyed the scene, studying every detail, trying to feel like a real director.  It was a little odd to be giving orders while in costume, but most of the crew ignored her skimpy attire.  Many of them had worked on her first film, and had great respect for her talent.

Her costume was flagrantly sexy.  The top was a three-inch wide band of translucent white material drawn as tightly as possible around her copious chest and knotted in front.  Her firm breasts bulged out above and below the flimsy fabric.  The bottom was a bright red thong which was inexorably lodged between her rounded buttocks.  A matching red cape hung from her long neck, and her beautiful feet were enticingly clad in open toed red platform sandals with straps criss-crossing up her calves.  Completing her costume was a delicate gold chain which just fit around the narrowest part of her waist.  On it, just above her belly button, shone a bright red O.

The comedic effect was perfect.  She gave the appearance of a superheroine, but a ridiculously sexy one.  She was Orgasma, queen of erotic power, defender of life, liberty and libidinousness.

She took her place for the first scene.  As this was her first attempt at directing, she had elected to shoot the movie in sequential order as much as possible.  It wasn't always the best way, but she felt it would enable her to be as creative as she wanted as the story progressed.

She stole a glance at her father, who had come to observe.  He wouldn't be on the set every day as he didn't want to interfere with her role as director, but she was glad he was here to support her.

She took a deep breath, feeling the cloth around her chest stretch.  "Action!"

Across the room, which was set to look like a bank lobby, two handsome men brandished guns.  "Nobody move!"  The shorter man pointed his weapon at a teller.  "Put all the money in the tills in a bag!  Do it fast!"

The teller obeyed as 'customers' looked on in fear.  Right on cue, Jessica sauntered into the shot, her taut ass swaying back and forth as it passed in front of the camera.  "Having fun, boys?" she cooed.

The men stopped what they were doing and stared at her, open mouthed.  Their guns hung limp from their hands; their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.  She approached them teasingly as the camera following her from behind.  "Now why would a couple of big, strong, handsome boys like you need to steal money from a bank?  I bet you could make a lot of money in construction," she sighed, running a finger along the arm of one of the men.  "...with those big muscles."  Drool collected at the edge of the robber's lip.

"I'm getting a little worked up just thinking about it," she sighed, pressing against him.  "And when I get worked up," she went on as a second camera zoomed in on her gorgeous face, "I just can't seem to..."  She licked her lips.  "...contain myself."

Standing on tiptoe, she gave the thug the most luscious, lascivious kiss of his life.  The instant her soft lips pressed against his, his body convulsed in a devastating orgasm.  The next moment he fell to the floor unconcious.

"Oh pooh," she pouted, turning to the other gun-toting goon.  "I hope you can last longer than he did."  She stepped toward him, her breasts jutting into his chest.  "I'll try to be gentle..."

This time her kiss held no tenderness, only raw lust.  She sucked his tongue into her throat as her hand enveloped his crotch.  Immediately she felt his large cock convulsing with pleasure.  She gripped it tightly, feeling desire overwhelm her.  Power surged to her muscles, or so she fantasized.  In reality her spectacular strength was always available to her, but this was not the case for her character.  Orgasma derived power from her arousal.  The more turned on she was, the stronger she would become.  Keeping this in mind, Jessica intensified her kiss even more as she lifted the would-be robber by his crotch.  As he rose higher off the floor, their lips parted and Jessica gasped.  Breathing in short, heavy breaths, she began fingering herself through her thin panties.  The crook flailed in the air as she held him firmly at arms length.  She tightened her grip slightly.  She didn't want to hurt him badly, just make it look like she was.  He cried out in agony before going limp.  She quickly brought herself to climax, tossing him across the room as she cried out in ecstasy.  He landed harmlessly on a large gym mat out of the camera's view.

She glanced at the astonished faces around her.  "Sorry for the disturbance, folks," she quipped.  After a moment she added, "Cut."

"Great scene Jessica!" shouted Andy as he got up from the mat and came over to give her a hug.

"Thanks...I didn't hurt you did I?" she asked with concern.

"Aw, no...not too bad," he grinned.  "But Jim looks a little worse for wear."

"What?" Jessica spun around.  "But I didn't do anything to him..."

Sure enough, Jim was still lying on the floor.  It seemed his blissful blackout was as real as the stain on his pants.  Jessica glanced over at her father and shrugged.  He laughed and gave her the thumbs-up sign.

* * * * * * *

The next scene would provide some of the back story, and would also give Orgasma a chance to demonstrate some of her powers in a non-violent setting.  Jessica grinned with anticipation as she watched the beginning of the scene, waiting for her cue.

The scene was a daytime talk show.  The host of the show (played by Jessica's favorite actress, Kitty) was interviewing a stern-looking, well-dressed man.

"All I'm saying," he was saying, "is that this 'Orgasma' person is offensive, reprehensible, and degrading to women.  I have no problem with the fact that she fights crime, I think it's great that she uses her, uh, her abilities for the good of...humanity.  But the way she dresses is inappropriate."

Kitty leaned in for a question, her impressive cleavage jiggling at her uptight guest.  "What about the argument that Orgasma is actually empowering rather than degrading women, because she exhibits her body so confidently?"  Kitty's character was making the very point that Jessica wished to make with this tongue-in-cheek movie.

"That's absurd.  No self-respecting woman would wish to be seen as a sexual object, which Miss Orgasma clearly presents herself as."

"So you don't feel that her attire, or lack thereof, is a useful tool against her adversaries?"

The man shifted uncomfortably.  "Certainly it may serve as a distraction to lesser-minded criminals.  But not one she should rely on.  Any disciplined man could resist her charms, and then where would she be?"

"Do you include yourself in that statement?"

"Certainly."  The man smiled smugly.  "I'm a happily married man, and I don't find it attractive in the least when a woman shamelessly flaunts her body in such vulgar displays."

Kitty abruptly rose from her seat and smiled at the camera.  "Well, we'll soon see if Mr. Worthing is true to his word.  Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce our surprise guest, the one and only Orgasma!"

The studio audience exploded in frenzied cheers and applause as Jessica, again costumed as the overpoweringly erotic Orgasma, entered the studio with a warm smile and a wave.  She sat down demurely next to Mr. Worthing and waited for Kitty to begin the questioning.  When the audience had quieted somewhat, Kitty addressed her.  "Miss Orgasma, thank you so much for being here.  What is your response to the criticism you've received from such people as Mr. Worthing?"

"My pleasure Kitty," Jessica began.  "Mr. Worthing, I respect your opinions and I apologize if I offend you, but I will not be badgered into hiding who I am.  I am a confident, capable woman and I refuse to believe that I demean or degrade my fellow women by showing that in any way I choose."  She gestured to her generously exposed figure, which Mr. Worthing was already uncomfortably aware of.  "This is my body and I see no reason to hide any more of it than I choose to.  Allowing a repressed society or aniquated morals to dictate how I dress would be demeaning to me, and to all women."

A burst of applause issued from the spectators, female and male alike.

Jessica continued.  "I feel the same way about sexuality.  I take great pleasure in sexual activity of all kinds.  I won't let anyone else tell me how I may or may not enjoy my own sexuality, or put a label on me because I'm willing to have sex with other willing men and women.  Why should anyone be forced to have fewer sexual partners than they wish, just because a few people might call them things like 'slut' or 'sinner' or worse?"

Mr. Worthing shifted uncomfortably as the crowd erupted in jubilant applause once again.

"But," she said in a kind voice as she laid a hand gently on his knee, "I would never advocate someone behaving in a way that they weren't comfortable with.  Just as I won't let anyone tell me not to have sex with whom I choose, I would never tell you you should copulate with someone if you didn't want to."

A huge lump was now forming in Mr. Worthing's crotch, but Jessica didn't seem to notice.  Although she (or at least her character) had no intention of seducing him, Orgasma constantly oozed a super-powered sex appeal.  She leaned closer to him, her perfectly rounded breasts filling his line of vision.

"For example, you're a handsome man and I would see no reason not to have sex with you if you wanted to.  But you're married and committed only to your wife, and I respect that.  I wouldn't dream of suggesting that you do something you're morally opposed to."  And with that, Jessica leaned back in her chair, smiling innocently at the camera.

Kitty turned to Mr. Worthing for his response.  He said nothing.  "Mr. Worthing?" she prompted.  His eyes traveled lecherously over Jessica's body as sweat formed on his brow.

"You''d really...uh..." he barely whispered to the supervixen "...with me?"

"Of course," she said brightly.  "You know, if it wasn't against your convictions and everything."

"Uh...convictions. misunderstood me, I think.  I'm not against...people having you said, if we're both willing..."

"But your wife," Jessica responded.  "She might never speak to you again.  You don't want that."

Mr. Worthing was now beside himself with lust.  Jessica's flawless young body, so luscious and so close, and she was willing to give it to him, with all its unknown pleasures and powers.  The only thought in his mind was to tear off his clothes and beg for her touch.

"My, she won't mind..."

Jessica, her expression still perfectly innocent, seemed to pause.  "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely sure," he drooled.

Kitty looked back and forth between her two guests, her own body tingling with anticipation and arousal.

"Well," Jessica frowned, "if you're positive..."  And she began undoing the knot between her breasts, which was tied so tightly no one else could have even budged it.  As she pulled the thin material from her body, revealing her full, firm breasts, she leaned forward and gently kissed the profusely aroused Mr. Worthing.

He responded with complete animal lust, literally leaping from his seat to embrace her with savage ferocity.  She easily caught him, lying gently back against the carpeted stage as he slathered her succulent chest with his tongue.  She tore his pants from his body, unleashing an enormous erection.  Underneath the conservative character, he was after all a porn actor.  His monstrous cock tore right through the flimsy fabric of her thong and pounded into her pussy.  They immediately shrieked in simultaneous pleasure, no longer acting.  Kitty began masturbating, inconspicuously at first, then tearing her blouse off and thrusting her microphone deep into her cunt.  An oddly sensuous sound filled the studio, serving to spur Orgasma on to an even more frenzied pace.  Audience members also began sporadically partnering in copulation, aroused beyond control by Orgasma's unique powers.  The unplanned orgy was the most watched and most protested broadcast in the history of the network.

* * * * * * *

Jessica enjoyed getting more fully into her character as the shoot went on.  She had always connected her prodigious strength with her sexuality in her mind, but in the character of Orgasma the two were inextricably linked.  She began to actually feel that her arousal was triggering her power, and vice versa.  She reveled in her ability to both seduce and overpower at the same time.  Both men and women fell victim to her "superpowers" in various scenes as the film went on.  She tried to show off her body and her strength in as many different ways as she could think of, not wanting the film to repeat itself.  In one lengthy scene, the police called on her character to subdue a party in a frat house that had gotten out of control.  She simply walked in through the front door and began satiating herself with the endless supply of handsome college boys and sultry co-eds; the scene was edited to imply that within a couple of hours the partygoers had all passed out from sexual exhaustion, leaving Orgasma panting for more.

But her favorite scene was the one involving the semi trailer.  It was shot on an outdoor lot designed to look like a highway.  It was closed to traffic, but extras drove vehicles back and forth to make it look like a fairly busy road.

Her father had come through, getting her a genuine eighteen-wheeler.  It was simply enormous, almost 70 feet long and weighing about 80,000 pounds.  That was a lot even for Jessica, but she didn't need to lift the whole thing.

The scene called for an accident involving the truck in which the trailer tipped over onto another vehicle.  Filming the accident actually occurring was out of the question; it would be both too expensive and too dangerous.  Jessica planned to film the scene as though she was just arriving at the scene of an accident that had already occurred.  All the same, she had the cameras rolling while she set everything up.  Even if they couldn't use the footage, it would be fun to have just for her own collection.

A car was parked on the "highway" and vacated.  After the semi had been positioned alongside it, Jessica stood beside the trailer near the rear wheels, on the opposite side from the doomed car.  The bottom edge of the trailer was about shoulder height.  She gripped the edge just as she would a barbell for an overhead press, bent her knees slightly, and slowly raised it off the ground.  It felt heavy, but not unmanageable.  She continued the motion, straightening her legs and arms.  Even though this footage wouldn't be in the movie, she couldn't help drawing it out, showing off for the camera.  As she straightened up to her full height, hands overhead, she gave a sexy smile and a wink.  The trailer was now tipped towards the car.  Now it was simply a matter of walking her hands inwards until the weight of the trailer tipped itself onto the car with a deafening crash.

Jessica skipped around to see the result.  The car was nearly flattened beneath the heavy trailer.  Only about a foot of space remained between the ground and the side of the truck.  "Perfect," she declared.  They were ready to begin filming.

Her old friend Sean was making a cameo in the scene.  "Are you ready?" Jessica asked him with a giggle.  His clothes were torn and he looked terrible, but that was thanks to makeup.

"As ready as I'll ever be," he grinned.

When he was in place, Jessica called out, "Action!"  Sean held his head and groaned, staggering toward the demolished vehicle.  Jessica ran towards him.  "Are you alright?" she gasped anxiously, breasts still bouncing as she halted next to him.

"I think so," he moaned.  "I was thrown clear.  But my wife..."  He motioned to the flattened car.

"She's still in there?"  Without waiting for an answer, Jessica grabbed the edge of the semi and tugged.  She pretended to strain with all her might, but it didn't budge.  "Let me try something else," she gasped, laying on the ground beneath the truck.  There was barely enough space to accomodate her well-endowed chest.  She tried benchpressing the huge vehicle, but again it was no use.  "It's too heavy," she moaned.

She scooted out from beneath the trailer and sat up.  "Quick," she said to Sean as her nimble fingers expertly undid her top, "fuck me."  She ripped her flimsy thong from her crotch and scooted back into position, her long legs spread apart.

"What?" he asked incredulously.  "But..."

"It's the only way to save her," Jessica shouted impatiently.  "Hurry!"

Her forceful command jarred Sean into action.  He removed his clothes as quickly as he could and laid on top of Jessica, or at least the portion of her that protruded from beneath the trailer.  Only her head and shoulders were hidden.  Sean sunk his hands into her soft, round breasts, knowing they would support his weight.  He buried his face between them.

"Oh yes," moaned Jessica, "that's it!"

That was all the encouragement he needed.  He thrust his long hard shaft into her ready and waiting orifice.  A long, low, feminine grunt was his immediate reward.  Jessica's hands were pressed against the truck, and it began to move.  He thrust again, his hands greedily caressing Jessica's voluptuous curves.  The harder and faster he thrust, the higher Jessica raised the truck, inch by inch.  Her load moaning reached a crescendo as her arms fully straightened.  Then, one of them moved to Sean's body.  As she supported the weight of the fallen trailer on one hand, the other gripped his ass and increased his pace even further.  With her help, he began pounding her harder and faster than otherwise possible.  Now her body began writhing and bucking beneath him, the entire eighteen wheeler rocking dangerously above.  "Yes!!" she screamed, "Oh my God, YESSS!!!"  Her arm flexed again, lowering the truck until it touched her nipples.  Then, with an ear-splitting wail of ecstasy, she flung the trailer away.  It flipped completely over and landed on its other side with a booming crunch.  At the same moment, she felt Sean's cum flood into her.

After a short break, they shot the remainder of the scene.  Jessica helped the actress playing Sean's wife to squeeze into the wrecked car by pulling it apart just enough to allow her slim frame to fit inside.  With the cameras rolling, Jessica then tore the roof off the car and gently lifted her out of it.  She showed no signs of life.

"Will she live?" Sean asked anxiously.  Jessica laid her on the ground and placed a hand over her heart.  Then she began administering Orgasma's special brand of mouth-to-mouth, equal parts resuscitation and osculation.  After a prolonged moment of passionate effort on Jessica's part, her patient suddenly began to return the kiss.  They continued for several moments longer before finally parting breathlessly.

Sean was so turned on, he almost forgot his line.  "Oh baby, you're alive!" he cried joyously, embracing his cinematic spouse.  They too shared a passionate kiss.

* * * * * * *

"So how does it feel to be almost done?" Glen asked his daughter in the editing room a week later.

"Pretty good," she replied, "but sad at the same time.  It's been so much fun."

He smiled.  "I know the feeling."

"I've still got the last scene to edit," she said.  "I've really been looking forward to doing it."

Glen nodded and turned to the door.  "I'll let you work in private."

She gave him a quick smile as she cued up the video.  She watched the scene unfold, switching between three different camera angles to get the best view of the action.

On the screen, she was spread eagled on a cold metal table in another Orgasma costume.  She had destroyed so many of them during filming, she had lost count.  Her wrists and ankles were locked in iron clamps, and a thick leather strap was tightened around her chest.  As a result her cleavage was pushed almost up to her chin.

A small man stood with his back to the camera at the far end of the room.  He was laughing maniacally as he turned to face her.  She gasped.

He was hideously ugly.  One of his eyes bulged awkwardly from its socket; his nose was blunt and crooked; his teeth were yellow and rotting.  Greasy hair sprung from his scalp in irregular patches, and his entire face was covered with disgusting acne.  It was a fantastic make-up job.  He walked with a limp towards her, his back hunched.  When he spoke, it was in an annoying, squeaky voice.

"Now, my dear.  What was that you were saying about escape?"

Orgasma was trying to sound brave.  "I'm going to rip this table in half, throw you through that brick wall, and then tear the entire building down and bury you under the rubble!"

He snorted with laughter.  "That's what I like to hear.  Very well, go right ahead."  He crossed his arms, waiting.

Orgasma strained with all her might against the restraints, her body writhing violently, but her efforts were useless.  The loathsome villain cackled at her impotence.  "Yes, powerless.  For as we all know, my dear, your so-called super-strength is dependent on your hormones.  And I suspect you'll have a hard time getting very worked up while you have to look at me!"

It was true, terribly true.  His horrible face, his grating matter how she tried, she couldn't feel the slightest bit aroused while he was in the room.  She tried to block him out, to close her eyes and think of something sexy...

"Don't worry, my dear," he snarled, interrupting her thoughts.  "I'm not going to torture you or anything.  I just need a sample of your DNA so I can duplicate your...special abilities."  He smiled sickeningly.  "First I'll put you to sleep.  You won't feel a thing."

Her appalling abductor slipped a mask over her face.  She was helpless to resist; soon she felt sleep overtaking her.  The last thought to go through her mind was "must...think of"  Then she lost consciousness.

The despicable villain smiled as he left the room.  "I'll be back soon," he whispered.

* * * * * * *

In the editing room, Jessica cued up another screen.  This one showed a separate sequence they had taped on a different day.  She placed a blur effect around the edge of the image, creating a dreamlike quality.  Appropriate, since this scene was Orgasma's dream.  She sat back to view both scenes as they happened simultaneously, splicing the final cut together as she went.

On the 'dream screen,' the camera was slowly panning back from a close-up of her face.  Orgasma 'awoke' to find herself lying not on a hard table but a soft, luxurious bed.  She remained motionless as two incredibly voluptuous women approached her from either side.  One was her friend Kitty, a gorgeous redhead with spectacularly large breasts and tanned, toned skin.  The other was Michelle, a petite Asian with jet black hair, tiny feet and hands, and an almost equally impressive figure.  Both were completely nude, as was Orgasma herself.

Without a word, they joined her on the bed.  Kitty straddled Orgasma's stomach and grabbed both her wrists.  Her breasts pressed against Orgasma's as she leaned forward and kissed her deeply.  Meanwhile, Michelle spread her legs across the foot of the bed, performing the splits with her calves resting on Orgasma's ankles.  She then leaned forward, ever so slowly, until her torso was flat on the bed and her mouth nuzzled sensually into Orgasma's vagina.  Her tongue probed inside, flicking eagerly against the sensitive clitoris.

Orgasma gasped with pleasure.  Just then, on the other screen, the sedated Orgasma also emitted a faint cry.  Jessica made sure that viewers would see both instances of her arousal.

The dream continued.  Kitty was leaning all the way forward, pressing her huge, round breasts down against Orgasma's powerful chest.  Although Kitty's were larger, it was Orgasma's that held their perfect shape, resisting the erotic encroachment.  She arched her back, lifting Kitty off of the mattress.

On the metal table, Jessica's chest began to strain against the leather strap which bound it.  Her soft moans were barely audible, yet the restraint was clearly under duress.  Jessica cut back and forth between the two scenes, showing how Orgasma's actions in the dream were playing out in her real life predicament.  As her grinding with Kitty became more frenzied, the leather restraint continued to stretch, then fray, until finally a tear began.  The camera zoomed in close to capture the dying gasps of the thick leather.  Suddenly her luscious breasts burst free, shredding and shedding the restraint.  But Orgasma was still asleep.

Back in the dream, Orgasma was now attempting to sit up as she kissed Kitty with ferocious intensity.  Kitty was using all of her weight, but Orgasma slowly rose from the bed.  The sleeping Orgasma did the same.  Her wrists remained bound, just as Kitty maintained her grip on Orgasma's wrists in the dream.  Then Orgasma slowly lifted one hand from the bed, pushing Kitty's hand back.  On the other screen, the metal clamp noisily ripped apart.  The second quickly followed.

Now that nothing was restricting Orgasma's upper body, Kitty vanished from her dream.  Orgasma looked around for her confusedly.  Not finding her, she turned her attention to Michelle.  She reached forward to grasp the short, shapely legs which straddled her own.  With absolute ease and grace, she lifted the beautiful Asian, who remained balanced in the splits position.  Naturally, the other Orgasma leaned forward, grasped the iron restraints on her ankles, and tore them apart.

In the dream Orgasma now found herself alone, and desperately horny.  Sitting up, she spread her legs across the bed and began fingering herself.  Her ankles just reached over the edges of the bedframe.  The muscles in her legs tensed, their feminine curves becoming even more tantalizing.  The bed creaked and groaned, echoing the metal table which she was actually straddling, as her legs began to close inexorably around it.  Her passion reached dangerous levels as she thrust her long fingers deeper inside herself, frantically stimulating her engorged clit, and her powerful calves pressed into the hard steel.  Her incomprehensible strength mounted with her insatiable lust; now the metal crumpled between her far harder thighs, its wail drowned out by her involuntary cries of pleasure.

It was then that the ugly villain burst back into the room in a panic.  "No!  Impossible!  Stop!" he gasped, waving his arms helplessly.  He took hold of Orgasma's arm, trying to prevent her from stimulating herself.  Despite his greatest efforts she continued masturbating, shaking him violently as he pulled against her arm with all his weight and might.  Finally the massive table split in two, crushed between her shapely legs.  Now in a frenzied sleepwalking state, she began seizing objects blindly and crushing them, breaking them apart, or pulverizing them against her aching sex.  "No!" cried the deformed maniac as she picked up his computer with one hand, crushing it, "my research!"  He could only stare in horror as she mangled it to pieces between her quivering breasts.  Her large eyes flashed wildly, but her stare was vacant.  Her lips were fixed in a sexy pout, emitting moans of raw desire.  Without even looking at him, Orgasma grabbed the evil madman by the throat and tossed him aside.  He flew headfirst into the wall and smashed right through it, the impact killing him instantly.  Dust and rubble fell from the opening left in the solid brick wall.  Not pausing for an instant, Jessica began tearing the wall apart further, grinding cement bricks into powder against her body.  Her arousal doubled and redoubled as she tore the entire room apart, grinding her engorged pussy against anything that could withstand her continually increasing strength for more than a second.

Watching the monitor, Jessica found herself growing wetter by the minute, turned on by her own performance.  As her character erupted in shrieks of orgasmic bliss, her hands left the video controls and slipped underneath her own clothing, carressing and pleasuring her trembling body.

Orgasma had utterly destroyed the room and was lying on the ground amidst the rubble, writhing in ecstatic agony as the pleasure and power of a thousand orgasms surged through her body.  Gradually the volume of her cries decreased, her spasms abated, and she slowly sat up, awake.  She looked around at the devastation.  "What a strange dream..."

* * * * * * *

Jessica smiled in satisfaction.  Her movie was completed, or at least her part of it.  All that remained was to screen the final cut, then producing and marketing the end product.  In the meantime, she desperately needed a fuck.  The next man she ran into was going to have a very good day...