Jessica 4:  Pumping For Pleasure
by Sean Porter

* * * * * * *

Jessica chewed her luscious lower lip, her delicate brow furrowed in apprehension.  "I don't know," she said again.

Doug smiled at her, ignoring her long, perfectly sculpted legs as she crossed one over the other.  "I'm telling you, it'll be awesome!"  His enthusiasm continued unabated in the face of her doubt.

"It just doesn't seem sexy to me..." she pouted, absent-mindedly fingering the spaghetti straps of her bikini top.  The flimsy fabric barely covered her pert nipples, and probably wouldn't have survived a couple of deep breaths on her part.

"Oh, come off it Jessica," Doug laughed.  "You know you would make it sexy.  This is totally you."

"But...a workout video?" Jessica repeated, her glassy blue eyes narrowing.  "It just seems like it would get boring."

"Some people estimate that up to a third of all exercise video sales can be attributed to guys who just want to watch girls in spandex working up a sweat."  He gestured to the script she was holding.  "This would be millions of guys' biggest fantasy."

Jessica glanced down at the script again, and her lips curved upward just a little.  Doug knew he'd sold her.

"Just read it."

* * * * * * *

That evening Jessica stretched out on her bed.  Normally she slept in comfy warm pajamas, but she liked to be naked when reading her scripts.  She was compromising now, wearing a thin white tank top and pink panties.  She looked at the manuscript on her pillow and sighed.

"Pumping For Pleasure," she read aloud, and shook her head.

It wasn't that she didn't get pleasure from working out; she enjoyed her weightlifting and cardio exercises very much.  And it certainly wasn't that she had any problem combining her strength with her sexual appetite.  The two were undeniably connected; that was obvious in every film she did.  But working out was, she felt, only pleasurable to her.  It was hard to believe that her viewers would be excited or fulfilled just by watching her lift weights or jump around, no matter how little she was wearing.  But Doug usually knew what he was doing.  He was a new writer at the studio who had shown a lot of promise.  He had the potential to be one of the top writer/directors in a few years.

Shrugging to herself, Jessica turned the first page.

* * * * * * *

Scene 1.


Large square room with various exercise equipment/weights arranged along the walls.  Back wall is floor-to-ceiling mirror.  Cameras hidden so as not to appear in mirror.

In center of room is HOST.  HOST wears sport bra, spandex shorts, tennis shoes.  Her hair is in a ponytail.  She holds a very large weight in one hand, pointing to the camera with the other. 

                 Are you ready to work up a sweat?
                 Come on, it's time to get pumping
                 for pleasure!  I'm your host, Cindy
                 Shivers, and I'm here to get your
                 blood pumping!

She does a few curls with the weight while bouncing from foot to foot.  Several bodyshot close-ups.

                 First things first, let's get loose.
                 Are you ready to stretch with me?
                 Let's touch our toes!

She bends at the waist and grips the toes of her shoes.  Her ass is prominently visible in the mirror.  She is still looking at the camera.

                 How's that?  Everybody with me?
                 Now let's touch the sky!

She stands on tiptoe and stretches her arms above her head.  Bodyshots.

                 Now it's time to stretch those legs!

She drops into the splits.  Multiple camera angles as she stretches her arms and body in different directions.

                 Ooh, that feels good!  Now we're
                 ready to really get pumping!

She jogs over to a rack of weights, grabs two large dumbbells and returns to center.

                 We're going to warm up with some
                 jumping jacks!  You might want to
                 try these with weights, just for fun.
                 I'm using 100 pounds in each hand,
                 but you can grab whatever feels good!

She performs 20 jumping jacks.  Bodyshots, obviously.

                 Now we're getting warm!  Next we'll
                 try some push-ups.

She gets into position.

                 If these aren't much of a challenge
                 for you, you might get a friend to help
                 out.  Or two!

Two scantily-clad assistants appear, carrying 100 pounds between them.

                 Hop on, girls!

They seat themselves on HOST's back, managing the weight with difficulty.  Cindy does 50 push-ups while smiling at the camera.

                 For even more of a challenge, try
                 adding a clap...

She claps her hands between push-ups.

                 Or just use one hand!

She does another 10 with one arm, then switches and does 10 with the other arm.

                 Thanks, ladies.  While you're here,
                 you can help me with another

* * * * * * *

Jessica read late into the night, the smile on her face growing wider and the damp spot on her panties getting wetter.  Doug had so clearly written it with her in mind.  The directions were brief and concise; he knew she would instinctively move and position her body in the most advantageous ways.  The character was energetic and innocent, almost completely unaware of her sex appeal.  But she was sexy...hell, was she sexy.  By writing and filming the entire video as if it was intended for other women to work out to, the sexy strength feats were made even more exciting, as if they weren't at all unusual or difficult for the host.  The fact that she wasn't trying to be erotic made her incredibly erotic.  'I can't wait,' Jessica thought to herself.

* * * * * * *

Jessica stood in the center of her "workout studio" and slowly turned a full circle, smiling to see such an impressive amount of high-quality exercise equipment and astonishingly large weights lining the walls.  Turning to face the back wall, she examined herself in the mirror.  Her body looked its fittest and firmest in the tight spandex shorts and revealing workout bra.  She tensed her stomach, bringing a sexy six-pack into sharp definition.  Next she tightened one long leg, admiring its sensuous curves.  Her brightly colored running shoes made her smile.  She always enjoyed the small touches that made her characters unique.

Doug took his seat behind her and to the right, hidden behind some gym mats so he wouldn't be visible.  The giant mirror which comprised the backdrop of the set would give them some headaches when it came to camera placement, but it meant that the viewer would always be able to see Jessica both from the front and from behind.  The advantages clearly outweighed the drawbacks.

Doug looked nervous as he gave Jessica the thumbs-up.  He was a great writer, but he had never directed before.  He wasn't as used to seeing her in costume as the rest of the crew was.  She gave him a knowing smile as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.  Jessica vowed to herself to make him as uncomfortable as possible for the duration of the shoot.  "The more he squirms," she giggled, "the better the movie will be."

She grabbed her oversized dumbbell and took her position for the opening scene.  Doug gave the word, and Jessica snapped into character, smiling excitedly for the camera as she bounced energetically through the opening sequence of exercises.  She acted as though there was nothing unusual or erotic about her incredible strength and stamina, but never missed an opportunity to arch her back a little more than necessary, contort her body in a particularly enticing way, or give the camera that extra second of cleavage.  She particularly enjoyed getting the other two girls involved.  Although they couldn't compare to her in strength, their bodies were in great shape and she thoroughly enjoyed lifting and supporting them in several imaginative ways.  They were clearly enjoying it as well, and exchanged heated gazes with her and each other at every opportunity.  Toward the end of the scene Jessica began letting her hands linger on their alluring curves whenever she touched their bodies.  All three of them could practically feel the temperature rising in the studio.

"Always be very careful when lifting your partners," Jessica reminded the camera with a tender smile.  She was holding one of the girls in each hand now, her palms pressed firmly against their damp vaginas.  All three of them were facing the camera, and Kelly and Kayla were each curling ten-pound weights while Jessica alternately curled one of them, then the other.  "You want to be firm, but gentle."  She exchanged a knowing glance with Kayla.

At last she put them down and thanked them for their help.  The urge to savagely kiss each of them and tear off their flimsy costumes was almost unbearable, but the illusion of the legitimate workout video had to be preserved, at least for now.  Jessica quickly wrapped up the first scene.

"How was that, Doug?" she asked her director excitedly, toweling off a thin film of sweat from her body.

Watching her longingly, he replied, "Excellent...fantastic!  You have the character down so perfectly, and you play to the camera even better than I could have hoped.  You don't even need a director!"

"Oh, of course I do," Jessica laughed, playfully throwing the towel at him.  "You can always let me know what I can do better!"

"Uh, I'll let you know if I think of anything," he laughed.  "See you tomorrow?"

"You bet!" she grinned.  "Now if you'll excuse me, I don't want Kelly and Kayla starting without me..."

Doug watched her trot away, vividly imagining the scene about to take place which his cameras wouldn't capture.  "I'll have to put that in my next script," he whispered to himself.

* * * * * * *

Doug's script consisted of five scenes, each focusing on a different exercise technique.  Five separate workouts, gradually increasing in difficulty and sex appeal, making up one complete exercise video which any supergirl would love to work out to, and which any guy would love to watch.  Doug's intention was to shoot once scene a day.

Each workout took place in the same setting, but would use different equipment.  Jessica was also in love with the idea of wearing a different outfit for each one, and it didn't take much for Doug to warm up to her suggestion.  She smiled broadly at him as she went through a few stretches, limbering up for the second scene.  Today's outfit was a tight white tank top and an extremely short pair of cutoff jean shorts.  The effect was a more casual and carefree look, but still very appealing.  She was again wearing her bright pink and blue sneakers.

Before long Doug had his cameras where he wanted them.  He gave Jessica the word, and she began the scene.

"Alright gals," Jessica bubbled, "now that we're warmed up, it's time to really get into it.  We're going to start with some sit-ups!"  She laid down on the floor, then waited a moment for a cameraman to reposition himself.  Doug wanted some nice closeups of her abs in this scene...not to mention some other parts of her.  "Starting with the basics...hands behind your head, legs together, and go!"

She began rapidly pumping out perfect sit-ups.  The camera slowly panned up her long, slightly bent legs, past her tight, frayed shorts, over her hard, rippling stomach, lingering on her firm, jiggling breasts, and reached her smiling face.  "Everybody with me?  We're going to make it a little tougher!  When I give the word, I want your legs straight and your feet off the floor!  Ready?  Go!"

Smoothly, her heels left the wooden floor and her legs became perfectly straight.  She didn't interrupt her motion in the slightest but continued performing sit-ups with her feet hovering one foot above the ground.  Her abs looked even more incredible now.

"You can vary it a little bit if you like...try lifting your legs higher and see if you can still do it."  Her feet rose gradually higher as she kept going, until her legs were perfectly vertical and her toes pointed at the ceiling.  With each sit-up her breasts were now touching her thighs.  "And bring it back down," she instructed, and slowly and smoothly lowered her legs until her feet were less than a foot off the ground again.

"Now let's try spreading it out.  Feel it in those hamstrings..."  With her feet still hovering above the hardwood, Jessica spread her legs about 45 degrees.  The cameraman quickly moved into position between them, capturing her taut calves and thighs up close.  Jessica's tattered denim shorts barely concealed anything from this angle, and her buns were incredibly firm and round despite being the only part of her in contact with the floor.

"Wider," Jessica moaned, a note of passion creeping into her voice.  Still she performed crunch after crunch, her back slightly arched, her breasts thrusting forward, straining her tight tank top with each rep.  Her legs were still perfectly straight and spreading wider and wider until they pointed nearly in opposite directions.  "If you still want more of a challenge," Jessica grinned, "Try holding a little extra weight up by your shoulders.  She reached behind her and grabbed two 100-pound dumbbells.  She held them next to her ears and continued as before.  "Ooh yeah, that feels good."  Jessica closed her eyes and parted her lips a little, letting herself get turned on by her own strength.  The camera zoomed in on her sensual face, picking up the sound of her heavy breathing, then panned back over her body, now lightly beaded with sweat.  The area between her thighs was becoming especially damp.  Jessica went through about 50 more before stopping.

"Wow, that was great," she purred, her voice thick with arousal.  "Now we're going to switch to some push-ups."

She flipped over onto her front, balancing on her fingertips and toes.  "We already did a few of these in warm-up," she beamed, shaking her damp hair out of her eyes, but let's see if we can take it even farther.  Try a few on your fingertips..."  She demonstrated, keeping her head up so as to give the camera plenty of cleavage.  "And now just one hand..."  She placed her right hand behind her perfectly straight back and performed a dozen more on just the fingertips of her left.  "Now try just three fingers."  She curled her pinky and ring fingers into her palm.  "If you feel like you can do just two or one, great!" she added, performing a few with just her index finger for show.

"Now for the hard part.  Find a wall..."  She moved backward a few yards until her feet were against a wall.  "And walk yourself up it."  With slow, deliberate steps, she moved her feet up the wall until her body was at a 45 degree angle to the floor.  Once again, she supported her weight on three fingers.  "Now try a few push-ups!"

As she lowered her body and raised it again, still flashing her devastating smile at the camera, her tank top slipped down, exposing most of her back and bunching up around her breasts.  "The higher your feet are, the more of your body weight you're pushing!  See how high up the wall you can go."  She continued her three-fingered push-ups with ease, slowly walking up the wall until she was nearly upside-down.  Then, just for fun, she once again spread her legs wide apart and did 50 more.

"Wow Jess, that was really incredible," Doug said after the shoot.  "I didn't think anyone could possibly do a push-up with just one finger!"

Jessica laughed.  "Well, I find it comes in really handy to have strong never know what you might want to do with them!"  She gave her director a meaningful wink, then sauntered off to the dressing room.  He unconsciously licked his dry lips.

I'm such a tease, she giggled to herself.  I wonder if I'm going to make him wait until the end of the week?

* * * * * * *

Jessica gave Doug a friendly wave as she appeared from her dressing room.  He grinned sheepishly back, trying to show only a professional interest in her enticing attire.  Today she was wearing a bright red silk kimono which came only down to the tops of her thighs, and was loosely tied in the front, revealing plenty of cleavage.  As she went through her warm-up stretches, her lacy black bra and panties were frequently on display beneath the scant garment.  She was barefoot for this scene, and her toenails were painted a deep, feminine red.

"Now girls," Jessica began once the cameras were rolling, "we're going to change the pace a little bit with some kickboxing.  This is a chance for you to really get your heart pumping, and at the same time maybe work out some aggression!"  Her sly smile nearly melted the camera.

She took three steps toward the center of the room, where a large punching bag hung from a reinforced stand.  "First, let's try a few simple punches."  She drove her fist into the bag and watched it swing wildly back and forth.  "You can imagine this is your boss, or an ex-boyfriend, whoever you'd like!  Go ahead and really nail it a few times."  She pounded it with her left hand just as it swung toward her, and it slammed backward again.  With each punch she seemed to be punishing it even more severely, her solid, slender arms assaulting the heavy bag as if it weighed nothing.  In actually Doug knew it was a specially reinforced bag, filled with sand rather than foam.  It was incredibly heavy, but Jessica was causing it to fly up to a horizontal position after each impact before plummeting back down to be hammered by her small fist once again.  Her long, strong legs held her body firm and steady as her upper body assailed the bag.

At last she relented and caught the bag, stopping it from swinging.  Panting slightly, she turned back to the camera and flashed another sweet smile.  "Punching is fun, but the real power is in your legs.  Let's try a few different kicks.  First, turn sideways and try one at about waist height."  Quicker than lightning, she delivered a quick jab with her left foot.  The bag swung violently.  "Now try to go a little higher."  This time her long leg stretched up to catch the bag at about face level as it swung back toward her.  The chain which held it in place rattled loudly as it recoiled from the blow.

"You should be able to land several kicks with the same foot without losing your balance," Jessica instructed, and demonstrated by poising herself on tiptoe, then delivering a dozen rapid-fire kicks to the bag as it swung and jerked around like a drunk.  Her flimsy kimono was hiding very little of her body now, and the camera focused intently on her powerful legs, chiseled stomach and heaving breasts.

"Finally, try a roundhouse.  It takes a little more coordination, but it can be devastatingly powerful."

Jessica paused for an instant, then spun around and brought her right foot up above her head, where it connected with the bag at the very top.  The links in the short, thick chain whined and groaned.

"How about a couple more?" Jess grinned.  She repeated the motion with even more force, and suddenly the chain ripped apart and the bag flew across the room.  The cameras followed it expertly.

"Oops," Jessica giggled.  "Oh well, that's okay.  We can still get a little more practice in."  She quickly trotted over to the thousand-pound bag, casually picked it up, and brought it back to the center of the room.  Staring directly into the camera, she tossed aside her kimono before straddling the vanquished punching bag.  Her breasts heaved impressively, stretching and straining the black lace of her lingerie, as she began to deliver blow after blow to the hard leather beneath her.  Her arms hardened into steel-hard pistons of lean, sharply defined muscle, relentlessly ramming downward.  A second camera focused in on one of her long thighs as it flexed.  Within seconds it became apparent that her legs were exerting even more force than her arms, squeezing the doomed bag between them.  The tightly-stitched seams began to give way; sand leaked out onto the floor.  The leather itself was now cracking and tearing beneath her devastating punches.  A deep, guttural roar escaped Jessica's throat as the huge punching bag literally fell apart beneath her.

Quickly recovering her composure, she stood up and faced the camera, her inner thighs coated with wet sand.  "Well, that was fun wasn't it?" she smirked.

* * * * * * *

Jessica craned her neck back and looked up at the chin-up bar with a wide smile.  Today's scene should be very interesting, she thought to herself.  Time to get creative.

She was wearing a short, pleated skirt, the kind a college cheerleader might wear.  Of course, it was much shorter and flimsier than most accredited institutions would approve of, and her halter top would have been rejected instantly for its inordinately revealing neckline and midriff-exposing design.  Also, she knew of no program whose sole school color was black.

None of these details concerned her as the scene began.  She jumped lightly into the air and gripped the nine-foot-high bar, smiling into the camera.

"Let's move on to chin-up bar, shall we?  This is a nice, easy exercise for toning your arms and chest, as well as developing core strength."  Her body moved smoothly and swiftly up and down as she began doing basic chin-ups.  Her breasts bobbed and bounced with each rep, remaining round and firm without the aid of a bra.

"Pay attention to the positioning of your legs," she said sweetly, not breaking her rhythm.  "That way your lower body gets a workout too."  She gracefully raised her legs until they were perfectly parallel with the floor.  She pointed her toes, displaying her spike-heeled, open-toed sandals for the camera.  "In fact," she added, "with a little ingenuity, you can really work those legs!"  On cue, her two scantily clad assistants appeared from off-screen.  Each of them strapped a foam-padded band of weights around one of her ankles.  "Fifty pounds each," Jessica explained with a wink.  The assistants trotted off, but the cameras paid them little attention.  "That's more like it," Jessica cooed, lowering and raising her legs a few more times.

She then began raising her legs to her sides rather than her front, forming a perfect horizontal splits with each rep.  "Do you feel any burn yet?  If not, it's time to switch to one hand."  And without any apparent effort, she took her left hand away from the bar and continued chinning herself with just the right.  Her smile grew even more alluring as she gazed into the camera.  "Oh yeah, that feels good!"

Doug twisted a little in his seat, trying to hide his amazement at the strength of his star.  He hadn't admitted it until now, even to himself, but there was no denying that part of the reason he had written this movie was out of curiosity; he had wanted to see just how strong Jessica actually was.  He was seeing it now.

She emitted a few sexy grunts, purely for show, as she finished a set of 100 one-handed chin-ups.  "Let's switch it up again," she grinned, returning to a two-handed grip.  "Now we're going to hang by our knees."  She swung her legs up, ankle-weights and all, and passed her feet between her arms and over the bar.  Hooking her knees over it, she released her hands and swung down.  Her skimpy skirt slipped down over her waist, revealing a pair of translucent black silk panties.   Hanging upside-down, she smiled into the camera again as her breasts bounced.  "Ready?  Let's touch our toes!"

She sexily extended one long leg toward the ceiling.  Then, using the incredible strength in her perfectly toned stomach, she raised her upper body and extended both her arms to touch her pointed toes.  Holding the position for just a moment, she gracefully lowered herself back down and returned the leg to the bar.  Next she raised the other leg, and repeated the stunningly sexy feat.  With each repetition, the camera ate up her long, shapely legs, her flexing abdominals, and her firm breasts as they threatened to squeeze out of her top.

After a few minutes of this, Jessica grabbed the bar with her left hand and gracefully swung herself up to a sitting position.  She balanced easily in a sidesaddle pose, her feet tucked neatly under her, and gave the camera another steamy smile.  "Now try and stay with me, girls.  We're going to get a bit unorthodox here."

Doug's eyes widened.  Jessica had already impressed him countless times with her astonishing strength and inexhaustible creativity, but until now she had deviated only slightly from his script.  He did his best to conceal his excitement from the crew.

Jessica smoothly swung one leg over the bar and straddled it.  She allowed a small smile of pleasure to curve her lips as she gently stroked the hard steel for just a moment.  Then she extended her legs forward on either side of the bar, hooking her ankles together beneath it.  This enabled her to lean backward, arching her back, until her outstretched arms gripped the bar behind her.  Her rounded rump slid sensually back and forth along the bar a couple times, almost as if she was a stripper in a bar about to begin a pole dance.  The only difference was in her case, the pole was horizontal and the dancer was nine feet off the ground!  Next, she disengaged one ankle from the bar and slid it sensually back and forth as well.  She planted her high-heeled foot on the bar and levered her ass off of it, her waist gyrating slowly.  She was obviously dancing.

Doug quickly beckoned a gopher.  "Find some music, fast."  The youngster nodded and darted quietly away.  It wouldn't matter what he played; they would mix something in later.  But if something in the background right now would help Jessica's performance, he was all for it.

A few seconds later a bass groove with a slow, steady rhythm was pounding from the studio's sound system.  Doug nodded his approval, and although Jessica's face didn't show it, she seemed to be glad for the accompaniment as well.  Her moves got progressively wilder and sexier; she swung her body forward, bending at the waist to lean over the bar, then straightening back up with her chest thrust forward.  Her legs swung up above the bar, out to one side, then the other; her hands gripped the steel tightly as her body coiled around it like a snake and grinded against it like an animal in heat.  Her face was tensed in a sexy pout; her eyes smoldered at the camera.  She had officially shifted character from exercise video host into full-blown seductress, but the athletic ability required to do so was beyond anything Doug had imagined his workout video could contain.

When at last she dropped to the floor with catlike grace, her entire body was glistening with sweat.  But she delivered her final lines with even breaths and her trademark smile, then calmly left the set.

* * * * * * *

For the final day of shooting Jessica wore a bright yellow bikini, the smallest and skimpiest she could find.  She examined her firm, darkly tanned physique in the giant mirror, turning back and forth to find the best angles for displaying her body to the cameras.  Raising herself on tiptoe, she tightened her glutes, watching the thong disappear between her perfectly round ass cheeks.  She caught Doug's eye in the mirror as he took his usual seat, and smiled coyly.  He gave a sheepish smile back, and blushed deep red as she continued to model her flawless curves for him.

"He's so cute," she giggled to herself as she did a few stretches.  She let her facial expression show just a hint of the arousal she felt as she kept eye contact with him through the mirror.  He looked away a few times, but kept glancing back to watch her flex and pose her awesome body.  Her eyes seemed to say that she was doing it for him this time, that she wanted him to enjoy her performance today as if it was personally dedicated to him alone.  But how could he know if she wasn't just getting into character, or even if it wasn't just his imagination running wild?

"Doesn't matter," he muttered to himself as he ordered his crew to their positions.  "I'm a professional and so is she.  It's out of the question."

When everything was ready, he shouted in his most detached, professional voice, "Action!"

The cameras tracked with Jessica as she sauntered across the room, her bare feet padding noiselessly on the hardwood.  "For our last session," she said, "I want us to work with free weights."  She reached for a rack of dumbbells and grabbed two of the larger ones.  "Many women think that free weights are just for men with great big muscles, but that's just silly."  She began performing bicep curls with the 200-pound weights, alternating arms.  "I think this is one of the best ways for us girls to develop those sleek, toned muscles that guys go crazy for."  For an instance, her eyes flitted towards Doug, then right back to the camera.

"These, for instance, are only 200 pounds each.  I'm sure they're no trouble for most of you.  And we can use them in a lot of different ways."  She raised the weights to her shoulders and began pushing them up over her head, then back down, again alternating from one arm to the other.  Her breasts swelled forward, straining the thin straps of her bikini.  She then switched to a tricep exercise, keeping her upper arms vertical while raising and lowering the weights behind her.  Next she dropped her arms to her sides, then raised the weights out to either side, working her shoulders.  "See?  This way you can quickly hit a lot of different muscle areas.  Don't be afraid to try more weight if you want to."  She quickly grabbed an even larger set and went through the whole routine again, performing about 20 reps of each exercise.

"Now that we're warmed up," she said with a sweet smile, "Let's move on to the really big stuff."  She took a few steps forward, as the camera panned back to reveal a barbell resting on the floor.  On either side of it were stacked several large plates of iron.  "This bad boy is loaded up with a thousand pounds.  That's half a ton!" she exclaimed with a wink.  "Are you up for it girls?  I thought so!"  She bent at the waist (her hard, rounded ass once again prominently reflected in the mirror behind her) and smoothly hoisted the weight off the ground.  "Oooh, he's heavy!" she purred mockingly.  "Now we'll do some more curls..." she did so, expanding her chest once again.  "...And overhead lifts..."  She pressed the weight over her head several times, rising up on tiptoe with each rep.  "And this can also be good for working your legs."  She rested the weight on her shoulders and began doing leg presses.  With each rep, she bent her knees and lowered herself all the way down, then smoothly straightened up again.  Cameras from several angles zoomed in on her pumped thighs, calves, and buttocks as they flexed.

"And one more," she said, returning to a standing position with the massive weight still on her shoulders.  She looked into the camera with a sober expression.  "This one is only for our advanced viewers...but if you think you're up to it, give it a try!  We're going to give our chest a workout."  Her hands gripped the bar tightly, raising it just an inch off of her shoulders.  Then she lowered it slightly, dropping it down behind her shoulder blades.  The cameras zoomed in, some on her sultry face, some on her outthrust chest, some on the firm flesh of her back which the bar was now pressed against.  She was quite plainly pulling the bar forward, against her slender body.

Doug nearly jumped out of his seat.  What the hell was she doing?  This wasn't the finale he had written; shit, he wouldn't even have dreamt of something like this.  Could she actually do it?  If she couldn't, he supposed, they could just stop the cameras and reshoot the original ending.  But if she could?

Her face, though still as sensual and sumptuously sexy as ever, was deathly serious now.  She glared into the camera as beads of sweat formed on her smooth forehead and began to trickle down the fine contours of her face.  The muscles on her arms were bulging out, stretching the smooth skin, hard and powerful.  Her chest and stomach muscles too were sharply defined now, deep ridges forming between them.  Her large breasts were perfectly round and hard, thrust forward more than ever by her expanding pectorals, with a diamond-hard nipple prominently pushing out from each.  In the mirror, Doug could see her back becoming a maze of striation, layers upon layers of muscle coming to life.  Jessica was normally such a classic beauty, all curves and smoothness, but the devastating power she concealed was now coming to the surface in all its glory.

The high-pitched groaning of metal being reshaped echoed off the walls.  A definite curve was becoming apparent in the bar behind her as Jessica pulled the ends forward, wrapping the iron around her strong back.  She drew breath slowly and steadily through her nostrils and pushed even harder.  Her chest pulsed and expanded, and one of the cameras zoomed in on her breasts.  The tiny strand of fabric which connected the two triangles of her bikini was already stretched to the limit, and was growing more threadbare by the second.  Jessica closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.  With a snap, her top came apart and fluttered to the floor.

Despite her exposed chest, there was no change in her expression.  She continued to press the ends of the barbell closer together, her naked breasts damp with sweat and gleaming under the floodlights.  Her eyes opened again and stared straight ahead as the massive stacks of iron discs met with a loud CLANK in front of her.  She let out a long breath, but she wasn't finished.

Her small, feminine hands gripped the thick bar even tighter, and began to pull.  The entire crew blinked in disbelief.  She was bending it BACK again.

Her arms shook with effort, biceps twitching.  Sweat rolled down her naked torso in rivers, between her heaving breasts and down though the maze of her abdominals.  The metal groaned and shrieked in protest, but she was far stronger.  The giant stacks came apart, returned to their original positions; the bar straightened out again.  It wasn't perfect, of course; it appeared warped and twisted, but passably straight.  Jessica's full lips curved into a satisfied smile.

"One," she said.

Instantly the metallic shriek assaulted their ears again.  Once more, the tenacious temptress pushed the weights forward, slamming them together even more forcefully, then pulling them apart again.  "Two."  Excitement and arousal were etched on her face now, and she moaned passionately as she bent the bar yet again.  With each rep it seemed to be getting easier for her.

"Three.  Mmmmm...four.  Unhhhh...five..."

Every man on the crew was in awe.  Many had worked with Jessica several times before, and every one of them was used to seeing sexy women perform, but this was like nothing they had ever seen.  Jaws hung open, eyes bulged, and several stains were already forming on crotches and pant legs.  Jessica knew it all full well, and grinned with pleasure.


Suddenly, with an awkward crack, the bar snapped apart.  It had simply been bent and unbent too many times.  Jessica held up the two severed ends, each stacked with 500 pounds of iron, and gave a girlish giggle.  "Oops."

She dropped one of the halves to the floor, badly denting the hardwood.  The other she held up in front of her, eyeing it mischievously.  Slowly she brought the broken end to her lips, and slid it sensually into her mouth.  She closed her eyes and sucked it like it was candy, moaning softly.

She sank to the floor, spreading her legs.  She had completely abandoned her character now, consumed with lust and needing satisfaction.  With her free hand she tore her thong off.  Her other hand was slowly bringing the broken bar down, tracing a line between her breasts and over her rigid abdomen, until the severed metal parted her glistening pussy lips and entered her.  She gasped sharply, biting down on her lower lip, and eased the iron in gradually.  The stack of five hundred-pound plates hovered above her pelvis, weightless in comparison to her strength.  She thrusted the bar in deeper, crying out.  She cupped her firm, silky breast with her free hand, her fingers pinching the prominent nipple.  With a second thrust, then a third, juices began to spurt from her vagina.  She thrashed on the floor, sweat dripping from her hair and skin, and moaned hoarsely as she recklessly fucked herself with the half-barbell.

At last she let out a final, earth-shaking roar of pleasure.  Her spasming body subsided and she lay back with a blissful smile.  Doug wondered if she had a final line ready, but decided he didn't want one.  The credits would roll over this very scene, an incredibly sexy, superhumanly strong goddess who had just used a giant barbell as a dildo to finally sate her monstrous sexual appetite.  In a shaky voice, he announced, "Cut."

* * * * * * *

"Thank you SO much for talking me into this project, Doug!" Jessica squealed.  "I had so much fun!"

Shooting had wrapped and the crew was enjoying a little celebration before heading home for the weekend.  Doug grinned sheepishly and returned Jessica's enthusiastic hug.

"Hey, thank you for doing it," he replied.  "You're the only reason I got a chance to make this crazy movie."

"It's going to turn out great," his star gushed.  "I can't wait to see it.  I've never been so into a character...I felt like I was completely her!"

Doug chuckled.  "I've been told you say that about every project you do."

"I do," she laughed.  "But it's always true!"

"Well," he said, choosing his words carefully, "it was truly a pleasure to direct you."

"I hope so," Jessica said with a twinkle in her eye.  "It sure was a pleasure to perform for you every day."

Doug gulped, his composure shattered.  He struggled to think of a response.

"You really did enjoy it, didn't you?" she asked innocently.  "It seemed like you did.  You wrote the script, after must have been kind of like seeing your fantasies come to life?"

Doug's mouth opened and closed for a second or two.  "Well...I suppose...kind of...but I hope you didn't get the impression that I...I mean, I tried to be completely professional...and..."

Jessica smiled warmly and pressed closer to him.  Doug found himself wishing she had put more on after shooting than just the flimsy tank top and indecent shorts from scene two.  "Oh, of course you were...very professional.  But I hope that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun now that we're on our own time..."  She pushed even closer.  None of the others seemed to be paying them any attention; it was as if they all expected this.

Doug cleared his throat, feeling very warm all of a sudden.  "I don't know, I guess I had thought it would be better if...if we maintained a working..."  Jessica's firm breasts mashing against his chest and his raging erection made it impossible to finish his sentence.  She seemed to be growing impatient.

"Doug.  Stop it.  I just finished a whole movie without getting to have a single cock inside of me.  I've been showing off for you all week long, knowing I was driving you crazy, and it made me horny as hell.  Nothing turns me on more than turning a guy on; don't tell me you don't know that by now!  Hell, every damn day in that studio I wanted to rip your clothes off and throw you down on the mats.  Are you going to tell me you weren't thinking the same thing?"

In stunned silence, Doug slowly shook his head.

"Then get your ass in that studio and fuck me already!" Jessica whispered in his ear.

They slipped out of the party and chased each other down the hall to the deserted set.

When he had at last caught his breath, Doug finally spoke the words he had kept to himself all week.  "Jessica, you already know this, obviously, but...I think you're incredible.  Your strength...and your's so sexy, so unbelievable..."

Jessica only smiled, allowing him to praise her.

"What you said, it's absolutely true.  You fulfilled all my fantasies this week, and so much did more than I could have dreamed, you were sexier than I thought was possible...I always thought I could handle it, but you were so amazing...I was completely lost as a director, I was only thinking about you, wanting you the whole time..."

"Enough talk," she interrupted, grabbing him by the front of his shirt.  "I was wanting you the whole time too, remember?  Now do something about it!"  With a yank, she tore his shirt away.  The next second, her soft lips were on his and she was kissing him hungrily, sucking his tongue and pulling his body forcefully to hers.  He could feel her steel-hard nipples, her powerful hands, her silky skin, all so much sweeter and more perfect than he had fantasized.  She was intoxicating.  He put his hands on her body, hardly believing that he was doing so; that she wanted him to.  Her waist was so small and perfect; her ass was so round and rock-hard.  Her breasts, so large, thrusting into him with each gasping breath she took.  She wrapped a long leg around his waist, still standing on the other; his hand instinctively went to it to feel its smooth, muscular length and silky texture.  His other hand slid up her back beneath her shirt.  "Rip it," she said between clenched teeth.


"Rip my shirt off, goddammit!" she growled.  He obeyed, tearing the flimsy fabric from her hard body.  She squealed with pleasure, rubbing her bare breasts against his chest.  Then she released him, taking a step back to allow him the full view of her body as she slipped out of her shorts.  He also removed his pants, and they stood staring at each other.  Doug's cock was long and thick, and nearly drove Jessica out of her mind.  But she was going to enjoy this for all it was worth.

"Now what would you like?" she asked him coolly.

He blinked at the stupid question.  "You!"

"That's not what I meant," she said with a sultry smile.  "We have all this great equipment," she continued, strutting seductively around the large room.  "This is your private cameras, just you and me.  I've been looking forward to this all, tell me what you left out."  She glared at him knowingly, continuing to move purposefully, cat-like, around the room.  "What's the one thing you wanted me to do, but didn't write down because it was too crazy?"  She ran a slender finger along the top of a rack of weights, glancing at her nude body in the mirror.  "Was it too hard?  Too impossible?  Something you didn't think I could handle?"  She was in character again, but a different character than he'd ever seen her do before.  "Or maybe it was too nasty?  Too bizarre?  Something sick and twisted that you didn't want to put down on paper?"  She was more confident, forceful, she was in charge and ready for anything.

She stopped pacing directly in front of him.  "I know there's something...I just don't know what."

She looked down at his dick, huge and hard, the purple head twitching just an inch away from her sopping wet pussy.  She wanted it inside her so bad...but she wanted this more.  To give him his fantasy; to completely blow his mind with her sexy strength.  She forced herself to wait for his answer.

"Well...I don't know if it's any of those things, but..."  He hesitated.  She just smiled, one hand on her hip, waiting.  "Okay.  This afternoon, when you were bending that bar...I just couldn't believe you were that strong.  And I...I had this image of you with..."  He glanced down at her body.  "...with metal bars wrapped all around you.  Around your legs, your arms, your waist...even your neck.  Thick metal bars, just coiled around your body.  And...I imagined you making love to me like that."

He finished helplessly, shrugging a little.  But Jessica could easily see how erotic the idea was to him, how turned on he was just thinking about it now.  And it was turning her on too...wrapping the cold metal around her, adorning her powerful body with such obvious symbols of her strength...

Her sultry lips curved up even more, breaking into a lecherous grin.  Without a word, she walked over to the rack where several long iron bars were ready and waiting.  She took the first one and held it by one end.  Gracefully she lifted her foot off the floor, raising her leg in front of her.  She drew her knee up to her chest, holding the bar to her heel, and began to bend it.

She was starting from one end.  Doug widened his eyes in amazement at her strength as she curved the iron around her slender ankle in a full circle.  The metal squealed and screamed, hurting his ears.  Then she began to coil it up her calf, tightly encircling the shapely muscle.  She had to raise and lower her leg to maneuver the long rod around it.  When she reached her knee she lowered her foot to the floor, then continued twisting the rod up around it, encircling her sleek, hard thigh, and finally ending at her hip.  Without hesitation she grabbed another rod and repeated the process with her other leg, now balancing on the already-iron-wrapped one.  Doug felt his heart racing and his mouth going dry as she completed the task.  As always, every movement was performed with a flourish, for maximum effect.  She never "just did" anything; she was always showing off.  But this time it was just for him.

She was starting on her waist now.  A shorter bar, just long enough to encircle her once at her narrowest point.  She curved it easily and abruptly around, the two ends meeting just above her pierced belly button.  Next came another bar which she centered on her back, and pulled forward under her arms.  She brought the ends around beneath her full breasts and crossed them in the center of her chest, lifting and displaying her perfect tits to stunning advantage.  She pulled the ends back over her shoulders and pushed them down behind her back.

Next was her neck, just as he had described.  This time the bar went around three times, crossing itself and becoming hopelessly mangled.  She would never get it off without simply tearing through its triple-thickness, but Doug no longer doubted her strength in any degree.  Finally, her arms.  For these she used bars which still had weights attached...a hundred pound plate at each end of either bar.  She centered the first bar on her left wrist, pinned it against her side, and used her free hand to wrap it upwards around her arm.  It was a long process, since she could only work with one hand, but at last the two heavy discs were locked together at the back of her shoulder.

She repeated the process with her right arm.  But this time, each movement of her left arm forced the coiled bar to bend with it.  The muscles beneath the stretched and twisted iron pulsed and flexed, further torturing the overmatched metal.  At last she was finished.  She stood before him, her perfect mouth twisted into the sexiest, cockiest smile Doug had ever seen, and said, "What do you think?"

It was far better than he had imagined, and he said so.  She stalked slowly towards him, the metal bars whining as they bent with her movement.  He realized that each step required incredible strength from her legs as they forced the tightly-wound metal to bend with her, yet she moved as gracefully and fluidly as ever.  Finally her breasts were touching his chest, lifted absurdly high by their iron framings yet still round and firm.

She kissed him softly, only their lips touching.  Hers were sweet and delicious; it was like drinking something heavenly.  Slowly she intensified the kiss, her body starting to press closer, her teeth parting to let through a tentative tongue.  Then he felt cold metal and warm flesh encircle him; her arms.  Slowly she lowered them to the ground, metal groaning, and pulled him on top of her.  Her legs spread wide and wrapped around him as his hands found her heaving breasts; in an instant he was inside of her.

He had imagined it, but not like this.  Her vagina was fine silk, drenched in wine; it was supple and slippery and tight.  It engulfed him, massaged him, bathed him.  He bit into her neck, drawing a soft sigh from her lips.  His hands squeezed her unyielding breasts, then brushed against the solid iron wrapped around them.  He tested it, wanting to pull it apart, but of course it was unbendable, unless by her indescribable power.

He thrusted hard, feeling his thick cock stretching her wider and pushing deep.  She moaned and bucked, lifting her legs to his sides.  He placed a hand on her thigh; hard, thick steel coiled around hard, smooth skin.  Had he ever felt anything so erotic?  She thrusted back, matching him, taking him deeper.  Her eyes closed and her head tilted back, exposing the crushed iron around her neck.  He kissed her succulent chest, sucking and biting on her hard nipples, coaxing louder and longer moans from her.  His mouth couldn't taste enough of her, and his hands roamed insatiably over her body, feeling the cold, unyielding iron and her hot, pulsing muscle pushing outward from beneath it.  When he wanted he could grip the bars like handles and pound her relentlessly, at other times he moved slowly and explored each twisted metallic contour.  Jessica purred and gasped at his touch, moving constantly under him until at last she rolled him over and straddled his hips.

She was careful not to rest her weight on him, knowing she was carrying hundreds of extra pounds.  Instead her rigid thighs supported the weight and moved her slowly up and down along his rigid shaft.  She leaned back, guiding him to her G-spot.  He reached up to run his hands over her heaving breasts and firm stomach.  She smiled and moved her hands to the bars where they crossed between her tits.  Gripping them as he had done, she showed him how easily they yielded.  As she pulled, they stretched, squealing in protest, and finally pulled apart like taffy.  Her breasts were free, and he explored them lustily, feeling them no less resilient and round.  Next was her waist; she opened the bar like a door before ripping it in two and dropping it to the floor beside her.  All the while she kept gliding up and down on him, giving a small shudder each time his pulsating head pressed against her love button.

When she reached up to tear away her neck wrappings, her breasts rose on her chest and became even harder.  Doug's hands failed to make the slightest impression in them as he squeezed, while her delicate fingers sank easily into the thick, cold iron and tore it away from her long, beautiful neck.  At the same time her biceps became so large and hard that they forced apart the coils that restrained them, the sensuous, pointed peaks pushing through the iron like new mountains pushing up through the earth.

Now she reached down to her legs.  Doug knew he wouldn't last another demonstration, but sensed that Jessica too was close to climax.  Her breaths came in short gasps as she gazed down into his eyes, her thrusting getting quicker.  Her long fingers stretched out over her thighs, spanning three coils of iron.  Slowly her hands closed over the metal, pulling it up, squeezing it together, compressing it, then tearing it away from her thighs as her cries reached a passionate crescendo and thick fluid gushed from between her legs.  Doug gripped her waist with all his might and lost himself in orgasm, bucking wildly against her.  She mashed the torn metal against her breasts, her screams drowning out the metallic agony.  Doug's semen rocketed into her; she fell forward onto him, overwhelmed by intense pleasure.

He gently kissed her neck and face as they came down.  Her arms and calves were still encased in iron, and he stroked them in wonderment.  Her legs looked particularly good in their knee-high adornments, and they both decided she should keep the coiled iron on hand for future use.

After Jessica had shed the last of the equipment, including the four hundred-pound plates from her shoulders, they found their way back into some clothes and returned to the party, which was quieting down.  They received a few sly glances, but no one said anything.  It was hardly surprising that Jessica would need a good fucking after a week like that.  Really, they were just lucky the building was still standing.

* * * * * * *

The End.