Jessica part III - Power Potion

by Sean Porter


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I studied the disc in my hand.  No flashy design or label, just handwritten marker which read, "Power Potion."


There had been a note in the package too, almost as cryptic.  "Miss you.  Advance cut of my new movie.  Enjoy!  Love, Jessica."


I hadn't seen Jessica in over four months, having gone off to college in another state.  She was extremely busy with her film career as well, so it was rare that we could make time to see each other, but I was starting to miss her more and more, and in her infrequent but graphic emails, it sounded as if my absence was causing her feelings for me to grow stronger also.


Eagerly I fed the disc into my DVD player.


* * * * * * *


Jessica closed her book and looked at the clock.  Getting up, she walked to the door and glanced both ways before leaving the school library.


She quickly strode down the deserted hallway, pausing at her locker to grab her jacket before heading home.  She was a tall, thin girl, but not much else about her body was easy to discern because of her baggy sweater and long skirt.  Her blond hair was pulled back into two ponytails and her green eyes were shielded behind thick-lensed, thick-rimmed glasses.


It was a short walk home.  As she trudged, echoes of the jeers she had endured that day played in her head.  "Get lost, nerd!"  "Oh my God, look what she's wearing today..."  "Hey Jessica, did you get a new prescription or are you just using Coke bottles now?"  Typically uncreative stuff, same as she heard every day.  But no matter how long she put up with it, it never got much easier to take.


She entered her house, closed the door and retreated to her room.  Setting her bag down on the bed, she glanced at the vials and bottles on her desk.  "If I ever get this stuff figured out, all that will be over."  With new determination, she took out her notes and began mixing, testing, recalculating and mixing again...


* * * * * * *


Well past midnight, she held up a beaker of blue liquid to the flickering desk lamp.  "Finally," she whispered.


She had skipped dinner and denied herself much needed sleep, but once she had realized how close she was, she couldn't stop.  Now it was the moment of truth.  "Here goes," she said to herself.  She took a small sip.


To her tongue it tasted vile, but as it slid down her throat she suddenly had the sensation that she had just tasted the most heavenly thing imaginable.  Her whole body felt warm and energized.  She stood up.


Standing before her full-length mirror, she examined herself.  She looked exactly the same, and didn't appear to be changing in any way.  A second later, however, she had the sudden impulse to take off her thick glasses.  She did so, and found that the image staring back at her was just as clear as it had been with them on.  She put the glasses back on for a moment, and immediately her eyes focused again, seeing just as well as before.  She shrugged and took them off again.


Now she examined herself closely, starting with her face.  It was strange, but even though she looked the same as before (except for the glasses), this was the first time she had ever thought of herself as beautiful.  She smiled, then pouted, enjoying the delicate, sensual features of her face.  It wasn't that she had been made better-looking; she had just been given the confidence to admit to herself that she was sexy.


She quickly stripped off her sweater and long skirt, and stared at her reflection.  Her underwear was white and uninteresting, but her body still looked beautiful.  She had long, smooth legs with curving calves and sleek thighs, full hips and a narrow waist, a flat tummy and full, round breasts.  She slipped her bra off and admired how they held their shape without support.  Next she took off her panties, turning to glimpse her tight, round buttocks.  She felt herself getting moist as she studied her own body; her nipples were hardening.  Once again, it wasn't her body that was changing; it was her attitude towards it.


"Now for the real test," she whispered.  She opened her closet and looked at the dumbbell she'd swiped from her brother's weight set.  She'd barely been able to carry it to her room with two hands.


"25 pounds," she said to herself as she gripped it with both hands.  But when she lifted, it was far easier than before.  She hardly felt any weight at all.  Holding it with just one hand now, she stared at it in wonder as she waved it around effortlessly.  She did a few curls, but it was completely pointless; it would have taken hours of that before she felt any strain.  She stared at her naked body in the mirror again as she toyed with the weight.  "Oh my God," she breathed.  "It worked!"  Her hand instinctively brushed against her vagina.


Instantly, jolts of pleasure coursed through her, pulsing outward from her cunt through every vein in her body.  She gasped and stumbled backwards, her knees almost giving out from the intense sexual gratification.  Breathing short, heavy breaths, she stared at herself again.  Her pussy was dripping thick, warm fluid.  Carefully she moved her hand back to it.


Even the gentlest touch was enough to stimulate her beyond the most incredible pleasure she had ever experienced or imagined.  Her entire body, down to each fingertip and toe, felt alive with raw sexual energy and about to explode in delicious orgasm.  She lingered on the edge for a second, savoring the anticipation, then with one more firm stroke, she lost herself in sheer bliss.


She didn't know if she was screaming or silent, standing or kneeling, writhing frantically or locked in motionless ecstasy.  There was only pleasure, so intense that she couldn't be aware of anything else.  Orgasm upon orgasm racked her body and mind as she obliviously rubbed, grinded and pounded her engorged clit with her brother's dumbbell.


* * * * * * *


Jessica awoke the next morning naked on the floor.  She never slept in the nude, and she couldn't remember ever falling out of bed before.  Groggily sitting up, she noticed the dumbbell lying between her legs and paused.  Slowly her memory began to piece together the events of the previous night.  The potion...she had finished...and it had worked.  Strength...confidence...and something more.  But what?


She glanced at her exposed body in the mirror.  Shuddering, she hurriedly covered it up.  And where were her glasses?  She quickly found them and put them on.  Better.  She had just enough time for a quick shower before school.


With some difficulty, she lugged the heavy weight back into the closet, trying not to think about why it would be so sticky.


* * * * * * *


Another day dragged by, minute by minute, insult by snicker.  Jessica's mind kept wandering, returning to the vial at the bottom of her backpack.  Did she dare try it again?  How could she not?


At long last the school day ended, and Jessica found herself instinctively headed to the library.  She forced herself to change direction and walked cautiously toward the gym.


She reached the weight room and tentatively poked her head around the door.  It was empty.  Hurriedly she entered and closed the door behind her, then dug in her backpack for the vial.  She swallowed a tiny sip.


The warm, energizing sensation flooded her body again, as delicious and unexpected as the first time.  She eagerly strode toward the benchpress, forgetting her nervousness.  It was set to 210 pounds.  What the hell, she thought and laid down.


Her hands gripped the bar.  Her arms raised it as if it were a wooden broom.  In shock, she twisted her torso to look behind her at the weights, thinking they must not have been attached.  But there they were raised above her head.  She was still supporting the bar, even as she performed a half sit-up and turned to look behind her.  She let the bar down easily and stood up.


No point in screwing around, she giggled to herself, and moved the pin all the way to the bottom of the stack.  But when she laid back down, the weight felt exactly the same.  In fact, it seemed to grow lighter as she pumped it rapidly up and down.


She felt a moist warmth building between her legs as she cranked out several dozen reps without straining in the least.  A dim memory flickered in her mind of intense, inconceivable pleasure, an avalanche of orgasms rolling over her body as if burying her under a mountain of unending sexual culmination.  She gasped at the mere shadow of sensation, and unthinkingly slid a hand under her demure skirt.  Moments later she noticed with amusement that her other hand, her left, was still pressing the 500 pounds about twice per second.  But her awareness soon clouded as electric currents of pleasure once again took over her body.  She forced herself to remain alert, opening her eyes wide and fighting through the overwhelming assault on her senses.  Her cunt felt like a pulsating nuclear reactor, oozing and spurting pure, molten sexual ecstasy as her fingers rammed frantically into it.  Once again she hung desperately on the edge of a monumental climax for several seconds before her universe exploded into shards of intense orgasmic pleasure.  Now, instead of pushing the bar away, she pulled it towards her with incredible force, bending it down until she could feel it pressing against her rock-hard, sensitive nipples.  Her sweat-soaked body bucked and writhed on the bench as her shrieks echoed off the walls.


* * * * * * *


This time it was only a few minutes before she recovered, blinking, and hastily tidied her hair and clothes.  She hurried home.


But no sooner had she closed the door of her room than she had to try the potion once more.  Immediately upon swallowing it, she felt the urge to lift weights again.  She left the house and jogged back to the school, stopping on the way to purchase a bikini and skimpy workout shorts, which she wore out of the store, to the delight of several clerks and customers.


This time there were two guys from the football team working out in the gym, but she couldn't have cared less.  Though they were among the many students who had ridiculed her in the past, she knew they didn't recognize her.  Ignoring their stares, she strode to a benchpress bar and began loading it up.  She calmly added hundred-pound plate after hundred-pound plate to either end, until she could fit no more on.  Eight on each side totaled 1600 pounds.  She laid down under the ridiculously overloaded bar and reached up her delicate hands.


Just then one of the musclebound guys jumped over to her, shouting, "Hold on there babe, I don't think..." he stopped, stunned as she lifted the weight and began pumping it as though it was made of styrofoam.  She paused, holding the weight just above her luscious cleavage.


"Is something the matter?" she asked innocently, sitting up a little to look him in the eye.


" was just...wondering if you needed a spot," the guy said lamely.


"No, that's alright," Jessica said sweetly, and laid back down.  She continued lifting the enormous weight with ease.  Her bare arms and shoulders flexed impressively, her compact, feminine muscles bunching and pulsating just beneath her silky skin.  Her large round breasts, barely contained by the tiny string bikini she had just purchased, clenched tightly together with each rep.  Her nipples were growing hard, poking up against the thin, pink fabric.  Her long legs stretched sexily out on either side of the bench, spread a little wider than necessary.


Noticing that the guy was still staring at her, Jessica winked at him and said, "What's your name, handsome?"


Gary gulped.  "Gary."


Jessica sat up and held the weight out to him.  "Can you take care of this for me Gary?"


In a daze, the huge athlete accepted the bar from the sexy blonde's outstretched hands.  Almost immediately he was pulled to his knees by the weight.  He grunted and turned beet red with effort, but couldn't lift the weight from the floor even an inch.


"Oh!  I'm so sorry," Jessica gasped and quickly plucked the bar from his hands, lifting it back up with only one hand.  She held it in front of his eyes for a brief moment before placing it gently back on the rack.  She turned back to him and helped him up.  His large, meaty hand gripped her slender arm for support as he stood, and he wondered at the rock solid resistance it provided.


Meanwhile Jessica was feeling a familiar sensation building between her thighs.  Passing a hungry eye over Gary's chiseled physique, Jessica leaned closer to him and cooed, "Would you like to work out with me?"


He gulped nervously and nodded.


"Why don't you try pressing this?" she coaxed, indicating the massive amount of iron she had just woman-handled with ease.


His pride on the line, Gary laid down and gave it his best shot.  He heaved the bar from its supports and fought with all his might as it bore down on his massive chest.  His biceps swelled to incredible proportions and began to shake, barely managing to keep the bar from crushing him.  He grunted hoarsely with monumental effort.


Jessica, standing next to him, saw his difficulty and gently placed a hand on the end of the bar.  Immediately Gary felt the weight ease; she was supporting hundreds of pounds for him despite the horrible leverage she had from her position.  "Come on Gary," she moaned softly.  "You can do it."


He grunted again, and shoved upwards with all his might.  The bar moved slowly upwards.  Veins bulged and throbbed across his arms as sweat poured from his brow.  Jessica unconsciously slid a hand down her shorts.  "Oooh, yeah," she whispered, "'re turning me on..."


Gary stared wide-eyed at the incredibly sexy babe beside him as she began stroking her cunt.  Her abs rippled and her breasts swelled firm and round on her chest as she tightened her grip on the bar.  It was getting lighter; he could now pump it up and down, though it still took a good deal of effort.  He knew she had to be lifting well over half of the weight.  He felt his cock swelling urgently.


Jessica slowly swung a leg over Gary and straddled his waist.  Reaching forward, she gripped the center of the bar and took it from him.  Her right hand began to curl the huge weight repeatedly as her left reached down to her shorts and tore them completely off.  Her naked pussy dripped thick fluid onto Gary's hard stomach.  In the next moment she had ripped his shorts apart as well.  Staring desperately into his eyes, she lowered her pulsing cunt onto his long shaft with a soft moan.


A wave of almost unbearable pleasure assaulted Gary, pushing him to the brink of orgasm.  He fought to regain control as he stared in awe at Jessica's long, lithe body above him, and the enormous weight she was still curling with ease.  Her spectacular breasts were straining her bikini top to the limit.  Her legs stretched curvaceously down to the ground on either side of him, balancing on tiptoe.  Her arms and abs were totally ripped, the sexy muscles standing out in sharp relief as they flexed.  Her gorgeous face wore an expression of pure lust; eyes half-closed, mouth half-open, her tongue licking her lips as she drove him deeper into herself.


The other student, Steve, was also looking on lustfully, his erection clearly visible under his shorts.  Jessica smiled seductively and beckoned him with one finger of the hand which was curling nearly a ton.  He quickly made his way over to her.  With her free hand, she reached into his shorts and began stroking his massive dick.  "My top," she mumbled into his ear, "Please take it off."


He fumbled with the knot at the center of her back.  It had been pulled incredibly tight by her hard, heaving breasts.  "Just rip it," Jessica grunted impatiently.  Steve grabbed the flimsy fabric and ripped it easily from her glistening body.  The insatiable vixen gave a squeal of pleasure as her pert breasts bounced freely.  She arched her back, thrusting her chest into his face.  He eagerly began kissing, sucking and licking the firm, sensual flesh, provoking still louder and more impassioned moans from the gorgeous amazon.


She was now holding the huge weight with both hands and was using it to pull him closer to her, pressing him against her hard, slippery body with the hard iron bar.  As her screams became louder and her thrusting more urgent, he noticed with amazement that the thick metal was actually bending around them.  Pressed into her luscious cleavage, he could see out of the corners of his eyes the bar curving around his sides, then around hers.  Obviously, she wasn't merely bending it against him; he would be crushed if she applied that much force against his back.  Instead she was actually taking care to bend it around his considerable frame without harming him.  He gazed in awe at her biceps, coated with sweat, harder than the iron she was mangling but as feminine and sexy as the succulent breasts he continued to kiss.


Beneath her, Gary was losing his battle against the unbelievable sensations he was experiencing.  Unable to withstand it any longer, he shot his load with a loud groan.  Jessica drew a sharp breath as his semen flooded into her, reacting with her chemically altered body and amplifying her arousal even more.  Gritting her teeth against the unstoppable rush of pleasure tearing through her bloodstream, she pulled against the metal bar with all of her superhuman strength.  With a metallic screech, it tore completely apart.  She was left clenching two uselessly warped rods, each with 800 pounds dangling at their ends.


To Gary's amazement, his pleasure didn't decrease or ebb with his orgasm, nor did his erection.  Even after the most exhausting climax of his life, his body was still being flooded with intense stimulation.  It was rapidly becoming unbearable, almost painful.  His cock felt raw and engorged, as though it was becoming too big for Jessica's iron-like cunt.  Suddenly a second orgasm shattered his awareness.  He felt her pussy mercilessly pumping semen from his dick.  Still the pleasure built; he was in agony as well as ecstasy.


Steve too was beginning to suffer.  The sheer stimulation of suckling her spectacular breasts had already brought him to climax, yet he was unable to stop.  Not only did Jessica's strong arms hold him fast against her sweaty chest, but he couldn't have made himself stop kissing these breasts even if he'd had a choice.  His pleasure was so intense that he could have no other wish but to continue to experience it forever.


Jessica was oblivious to them both, barely able to cope with the magnitude of stimulation coursing through her writhing body.  Like before, she felt the climax welling up from deep inside her, but this one was going to be much more intense than those she'd experienced before.  Her world seemed to slow down as she felt electricity explode through every cell in her body and absolute pleasure flood her consciousness.  She screamed blissfully, unaware of her breasts swelling to crush and bruise Steve's face, unaware of her vagina crushing Gary's overstimulated cock.  What seemed like hours passed before her bliss subsided and she opened her eyes, feeling total and complete satisfaction.


She looked with pity, but only a little, at the two bruised and battered boys who lay unconscious at her feet.  Shrugging, she tied together what little clothing she had left, put it on and trotted home.


* * * * * * *


The next day, a demurely dressed and bespectacled Jessica paused as she passed Gary and Steve at their lockers.  Feigning concern, she gasped, "What happened to you boys?"


They turned their bruised and exhausted faces to her.  "Uh..." said Gary.  "We got in a fight."


Jessica gave them a catlike smile.  "A fight?  That's not how I would describe it.  I thought you were enjoying it as much as I least up to the last part.  I'll try not to be so hard on you next time."  With a wink, she walked away.


* * * * * * *


The End