Jessica * * * * * * * Jessica awoke with a rush of excitement. Today was her 18th birthday, and her father had promised her...she tingled just thinking about it. She swung out of her bed, lightly placing a hand on the reinforced titanium headboard and daintily slipping her small feet into the oversized fluffy bunnies hibernating just below it. She threw on a robe which barely came down to her firm behind and did little to conceal her large breasts. Padding to the bathroom, she tried to imagine once more what today would be like. She had pictured it so many times, formed so many expectations, lived this day in her head over and over again. Ever since she had been old enough to understand what her father did for a living, the anticipation had grown almost daily, the desire to be part of such an exciting and wonderful profession. Humming, Jessica shed her fuzzy morningwear and stepped into the shower. She allowed herself to luxuriate in the warm water, taking a little longer than usual to soap her sleek, athletic form, watching the suds slide along the curves of her breasts, over her hardening nipples, down her rippling stomach... She closed her eyes, her fingers automatically brushing against her clitoris. But there would be time for that later. She fought back her arousal and rinsed off her flawless body. She knew not everyone approved of her father's work, or of her desire to follow him in it. Her own mother had abandoned them, overwhelmed by the neverending disapproval from people close to her. But their narrow-mindedness only increased her desire to perform, to show how beautiful sexuality could be. "Good morning Pumpkin," her father said jovially as she finally joined him at the table, now clad in a tight-fitting white tank top and cutoff jean shorts. "Dad, I'm 18 now," she said, rolling her eyes. "You can stop calling me Pumpkin." She helped herself to a stack of pancakes. Her father appeared stern. "Jessica, I'm your father, and until that changes I will call you what I please." But the twinkle in his eye gave him away. Jessica laughed. "Thanks for breakfast, Dad." "Only the best for my birthday girl," he replied, laughing with her. * * * * * * * As they drove to the studio, Jessica willed the butterflies in her stomach to settle. She had been to her father's sets before, but never as a cast member. "I know I don't need to ask you if you're sure about this," her father commented, trying to sound casual. "You've obviously given it a lot of thought." She managed to stop herself from rolling her eyes at him again. "That's right," she said, trying to sound as mature as she could. "I think your films are beautiful and I'll be proud to be part of them." "Thank you, Pumpkin." She smiled in spite of herself. It was sad, really, she thought to herself. How some people were so brainwashed, so uptight that they could disapprove of their own natural desires, even their own bodies. All her father did was glorify the human spirit of passion and pleasure. She saw him as a revolutionary in the war against ignorance. Her father made pornography, she had no problem admitting that. But when others said 'pornography,' she could see they were thinking of mindless copulation, of the degradation of women, of emptiness. She wished they could open their eyes and see what it really was, at least what it could be. The gratification of natural desires, the exaltation of woman and man, the fulfillment of passion. Her young body tingled at these ideals, at the prospect of finally giving herself as a performer and person, to participate in the sexual fulfillment of thousands, maybe even millions of her fellow humankind! Some thought it strange that she would take her clothes off for her father's camera, but she found this concern equally silly. That she wouldn't be comfortable working with someone who knew her, who had shown her nothing but love, acceptance, and support in whatever she chose to do? Besides, he was the best at what he did. There was no one she would trust more to treat her with respect and allow her to pursue her artistic ideals. They reached the lot and parked in her father's marked space. "You'll have a space of your own soon, Pumpkin," her dad remarked. She tingled at the thought. As she opened the door, she noticed the imprint of her hand on the armrest. In her excitement, she hadn't even realized she'd been gripping it. * * * * * * * Wardrobe and Makeup seemed to take forever, but finally Jessica was on the set of her very first adult film. She had already met most of the cast, but one of the male leads was new to her. Her father introduced her. "Jessica, this is Brad. Brad, Jessica." She had been half-expecting her father to introduce her as 'my daughter Jessica', but she should have known her father was more professional than that. On the set, she was an actress like any other. "Pleasure working with you Jessica." Brad smiled a movie star smile. He was attractive enough, but a little smug, Jessica thought. The soundstage was set up to look like a teenage girl's bedroom. The three walls were a cheery yellow, decorated with a few posters of pop artists and athletes. Discarded clothes and stuffed animals populated the floor, chairs, and oversized bed. It was not unlike her own room, Jessica thought, except the bed was wood and not a powerful metal alloy, and there were no large weights scattered among the lingerie on the floor. Her dad was calling for the crew's attention. Glen, she told herself, not 'Dad'. She intended to be as much a professional as he. Glen was reminding the crew of the overall vision for the film. Right from day one, he always wanted everyone to keep the whole picture in their head. "You've all read the script," his clear voice echoed, "but as always, there's room for improvisation. Don't be afraid to bring your own ideas to the picture. I'll pull you back if you're straying away from the central vision, but don't be afraid to create." Jessica smiled to herself, having heard most of this before. She and her dad had discussed the importance of spontaneity in any art form, but without delving into the specifics of what that meant in pornography. She had some ideas of her own, and was looking forward to contributing. Her da--- Glen was continuing. "The plot, as you know, centers around a young girl discovering her sexuality. We're going to start with one of the critical scenes today, in which her boyfriend pressures her to take the next step in their relationship. This is on page 11 in your scripts. I'll have individual notes for you as we go, but everybody keep in mind that the direction we take in this scene will have ramifications throughout the film." Glen approached Brad first with some advice. Jessica heard him saying something about 'special abilities...' Nervously, she studied her costume. She was wearing a rather conservative set of flannel pajamas. She frowned at the thick white material which hung loosely over her figure. Not exactly flattering. Her character began the film as a very reserved, uptight virgin. As the story advanced, her apparel would get more would her personality. She tried to make the best of it, testing different poses. Despite the bagginess of the material, she found that by arching her back or swaying her hips she could still offer hints of the luscious body it concealed. That would be a nice touch, she enticing foreshadow of the beauty to come. Now her father approached. "Jessica, I've discussed the scene with Brad. You know what to do, just try to feel comfortable and play it in whatever way feels natural." She nodded, and excitedly told her father about her ideas for the scene. "That's great," he nodded approvingly. "Remember, don't be too alluring yet, but you can definitely use this scene for some foreshadowing." Jessica nodded and stepped into the bedroom set. On a whim, she undid three of the buttons on her pajama top so she could be doing them up as the scene began. "And, action." Jessica looked casually to her right as she slowly did up the buttons, being sure to offer the camera a glimpse of her impressive cleavage. As she pulled back the covers from the bed, there was a knock at the window of the room. She trotted over to it and slid the windowpane up with one hand. The wooden frame made a loud cracking noise as she did this, but she didn't break character. Sound editing could take care of any unwanted clatter. Brad clambered through the window as she gave a shocked look. "John!" she cried. "Hey baby," Brad grinned as he stood up. "What are you doing here?" Jessica twisted away from him, suggesting inner torment while also accentuating the curve of her ass. "Just paying a friendly visit to my girlfriend, what's wrong with that?" He stole a kiss. She displayed obvious pleasure at the kiss, but continued to act nervous. "If my parents hear you..." "From the other side of the house? Relax baby, it's fine." He took her in his arms. "John," she cooed, her voice trembling. She placed her hands on his broad shoulders, arching her back to look up at him. Her breasts thrust forward into his chest as she raised herself on one tiptoe. The camera would eat up this pose, she knew, the epitome of the helpless, overwhelmed maiden. But scenes to come would quickly change that image, she knew. He gently lowered her onto the bed, and they began kissing. She allowed herself to enjoy it, knowing that even an early scene like this stood a chance of becoming someone's favorite. She wriggled her hips, causing her shirt to ride up and expose part of her midriff to the camera. Brad's kissing grew more greedy. That was her cue. "John," she gasped again, breaking away from his lips. "I can't do this...I'm not ready yet." "Don't fight it baby," he growled. "You know you want it." He thrust his tongue into her mouth. She waited a second longer, then forced him back, sitting up despite the force of his entire weight on her. "No," she said as she virtually lifted him off of her. "I love you too much to ruin what we have." Brad seemed to be in shock. Jessica waited for his line, but it never came. Improvising, she stood up and turned away from him. "I think you'd better go now." Still, Brad didn't move. "Cut!" Glen stood up from his director's chair. "Great job guys, that was nice. I think we can move on to our next scene...actors take five while we get ready." Jessica watched Brad nervously as he walked away without a word. She hesitantly approached her dad. "What happened?" she whispered. "He dropped his line. Did I do something wrong?" "No honey, you were great. I think you've got a beautiful feel for the camera, keep following your instincts." He bit his lip in thought. "Brad will get used to your...talents." He turned away, but then added, "oh, Jessica?" She nodded. "That window isn't supposed to slide up like that. It's on a crank, you turn the handle to open it." He winked. Jessica turned red. * * * * * * * It would be nice to film in sequence, Jessica thought to herself. In the film, the bedroom scene was going to be followed by a montage of her character exploring her body, getting used to her new feelings on her own. It was a great opportunity for creativity, and she had some fantastic ideas for the scene. But filming rarely works that way. The next couple hours were taken up by knocking off some simple filler scenes, nothing exciting. Jessica had some time to chat with some crew she'd known for years. They seemed excited to finally have her on the team. No doubt some of that excitement came at the prospect of finally capturing her fantastic body on film, but she didn't begrudge them that. They should take pleasure in their work, it could only improve the quality of the final product. Brad finally approached her in the afternoon, while she was in the break room shooting pool. "I'm sorry I messed up on that first scene," he blurted. "Wasn't very professional." "That's ok," she replied, trying to smile sweetly. "Nobody's perfect, right?" "So they say," he mumbled. "Listen, your dad mentioned to me about your uh, powers or whatever..." "Powers?" Jessica couldn't keep from giggling. "It's not like I'm Spiderman or something..." "You know what I mean." "Why don't you just say my strength?" she asked innocently. "Doesn't matter. I was just going to say I don't think it's right for this movie. Don't try picking me up or anything like that, alright?" Without waiting for an answer, he walked past her and out of the room. Jessica hardly knew what to think. Her strength wasn't some character flaw, it was who she was, and it definitely played a big role in her sexuality. She couldn't just turn it off when she was supposed to be at her most creative. Tears rushed to her eyes, but she forced them back. She thought of talking to Glen about it, but decided against it for the time being. If he wasn't her father, would she be running to him? It was right for actors to bring their creative differences to their director, but until it affected filming, she decided to wait. Picking up a billiard ball, she examined it closely while contemplating Brad's advice. He's wrong, she decided, wrapping the feminine fingers of her left hand around the heavy orb. This character can be strong. She will enjoy her physical capabilities as fully as she enjoys the other aspects of her sexuality. Her fingers squeezed the ball tightly. I will not deny my character anything that I don't deny myself! A shower of powdered stone fell from her hand. * * * * * * * They were back in the bedroom set for the last scene of the day. This time Jessica was to allow Brad's advances. As she arrived on set, she playfully modeled her pink negligee for the crew. It wasn't quite as exciting as the outfits Jessica herself liked to wear for her boyfriends, but still an improvement from that morning. The simple nightie had spaghetti straps and lace trim. It fell to mid-thigh, but was probably intended to cover more than it did. Her unusually pert breasts took up a lot of room in the top. "Take off your bra," the costume lady had insisted. Her face fell at Jessica's response: she wasn't wearing one. The crew clearly liked it, so Jessica trotted into position. Her mood was much improved since her disturbing encounter with Brad, and she was determined not to be held back by his disapproval. The camera rolled, and Brad climbed once again through her permanently open window. This time she smiled warmly as he entered, nervously fiddling with her hair. "Hi John," she giggled. "Hey baby. Damn, you're looking fine!" Jessica smiled at the compliment, which wasn't in the script. "Come here," she said, sitting on the bed and patting the spot next to her. She turned to face him as he sat down, and hugged her knees to her chest. While this obscured her best feature, she knew it exposed the entire length of her fit leg. She wanted her audience to get to know all the different parts of her body as intimately as a lover would. "John." She stared deeply into his eyes. "Last night something happened to me...something I don't fully understand." In her mind she was picturing her big solo scene, which wouldn't be filmed until next week. "But I want to share it with you. I want you to help me understand." Brad leaned in close to her. He had good instincts, but didn't share her gift for enhancing the words he had been given. "Baby, I want you too." He had simply learned his lines by rote. Not showing her disappointment to the camera for an instant, Jessica slowly opened her legs and slid them around his body. He ran his large hands up and down them, enjoying the smoothness of her skin as well as, no doubt, the firm tone of her thighs and calves. She slid her hands around his waist and gently lifted his shirt. Later on we can do a scene where I tear it off, she thought to herself. His upper body was perfectly sculpted and tanned, like a Ken doll, she mused. His arms were large and defined; she gave his biceps a gentle squeeze. He followed her cue and flexed them, but she could already tell his strength would be infantile in comparison to hers. Now he was pulling upwards on her flimsy nightgown, but she wanted to tease him, and the audience, a little more. She placed one bare foot in the center of his chest and gently pushed him away with her toes. He smiled, in character, and leaned back, caressing and kissing her beautiful foot. But a moment later, he moved to sit up again. She kept her foot where it was, her long leg bent at the knee, her sleek thigh tensed for the camera, her dainty toes centered in his bulging pectorals. He pushed against her foot. She didn't budge. Now she saw his nostrils flare a little, his eyes growing hard. He clearly wanted to take control of the scene, but she wasn't going to let him just yet. It was right for this part of the film for her to yield to him, but she was enjoying her advantage a little too much. She extended her leg, forcing him down, his abdominals straining against her. Slowly, he sank to the mattress, overpowered by her gorgeous leg (which she knew was now displayed to full advantage). To the camera it would appear as if he laid back of his own accord; only he would know the truth. She leaned forward to undo his jeans. He played along, continuing to stroke her leg (hiding his amazement at its rock-hard contours). She slipped his pants and underwear down, widening her eyes in feigned amazement as his hard penis stood erect. She softly wrapped a hand around it, as though examing it for the first time. Once again, only Brad knew how much pressure was actually being applied. He barely managed to keep from crying out. Now she allowed him to sit up. He helped her out of her negligee, exposing her entire body for what would be the first time in the film. She remained motionless, allowing the camera to capture the moment. Her beautiful face, frozen in a youthful, innocent stare. Her perfectly round breasts, standing pert on her strong chest. Her hourglass waist, powerful abdominals barely visible below the taut, tanned flesh. Luscious, curving hips and ass, flowing into long, lithe legs of flawless form. She slowly pulled Brad onto her, and even more slowly, lowered them backwards to the mattress, supporting his weight as well as hers with her stomach. She knew he understood what she was telling him...his perfect six-pack was no match for her sexy midriff in strength. From that point on, she allowed him to be in control. She knew her message had hit home, and had no desire to compromise the integrity of the film by pushing the point further. She exaggerated for the camera, wrapped her legs around him, cried out, but felt no pleasure herself...except in anticipation of what she would do in future scenes, when her character took control of the relationship. * * * * * * * The next day on the set, Glen announced that Brad had pulled out of the project. Apparently, a previous committment had conflicted with their filming schedule. Jessica smirked. It wasn't the first time a man had been intimidated by her abilities. The signs had been obvious. "So we'll have to reshoot some of yesterday's scenes once we've replaced Brad. Meanwhile, I've adjusted the shooting schedule we'll work on Jessica's self-discovery scene." Jessica's heart leaped. Why hadn't he told her before now? He knew she had been looking forward to this...Her father looked at her and winked. "Surprise." Eagerly she raced back to her dressing room and donned the ugly white flannel. "You won't last the day," she promised the garment as she pulled it over her head. Back on set, she checked with Glen before filming started. "Let me know if you have any questions, but go with your instincts. I know you have a lot of enthusiasm for this moment in the story. Let me see it." She grinned. "Thanks, Glen." As always, he knew just what to say. She wouldn't need much direction today, just the freedom to follow her creative juices. She took her place beside the bed and waited for Glen's cue. "Alright Jessica...John has just left. You told him you weren't ready, but his advances awakened something in you, and you want to explore those feelings. Don't be afraid to take your time." She nodded. "And, action." Jessica looked at the window for a beat, then turned away, hugging herself. A pained look of confusion settled on her face. She sat down on the bed and ran her hands through her hair, taking care to stretch the fabric of her shirt across her chest. She looked down at the obvious protrusions formed by her nipples under the thick cloth. Her hand gently touched one of them, and she emitted a gasp. Carefully, as if it was a fragile object, she carressed her breast, testing its weight and studying its shape. Looking anxiously at the window again, she allowed her hand to wander along the curve of her waist and down to her hip. Her eyes closed. Her fingers slipped under the waistband, slowly circling forward to her dampening crotch. The music was playing in her head now, the music she would choose for this scene. A gentle melody, but with a strong, slow rhythm. As her fingers entered her beneath the concealing fabric, she moaned softly. Her free hand slid up her stomach, pulling the shirt between her breasts. She thought of lying back on the bed, but didn't want the camera to miss anything. She remained upright while her lungs took in as much air as they could hold. Her breasts strained against the flannel; she could feel the buttonholes stretching. She didn't want to break them just yet. She pushed her fingers in deeper, and spread her legs wide. A louder moan escaped her flushed lips, and it wasn't faked. She opened her eyes again, staring wildly into space as she imagined experiencing this pleasure for the first time. "Oh my God," she whispered, and withdrew her fingers. They were coated with thick fluid. Tentatively, she touched a fingertip to her tongue, then sucked it greedily as if she had never tasted anything so heavenly. After licking her fingers clean, she focused her attention on her legs, knowing that her character would want to explore her body further. She placed one of her feet on the floor, but stretched the other leg out along the length of the bed. Leaning forward, she wrapped her hands around her ankle, then ran them up the length of her calf, causing the thick pant leg to bunch up around her knee. She admired her calf, flexing the curvy muscle and feeling its solid contours. She tried to pull the material further up her thigh, but it had bunched up and could go no further. In a sudden burst of frustration, she grabbed the material with both hands and tore it apart, exposing the entire length of her leg. Expressing her excitement with louder moans now, she massaged her thigh with both hands, running them around its width, back and forth from her knee to the sensitive inner spots. Then she lifted her foot from the bed, grasping her thigh from underneath and pulling it to her chest. Slowly her leg extended until her foot was high above her head and the entire length of her leg was gloriously displayed, tensed in a perfect vertical column. Her hand snaked around the underside of her thigh until her fingers found her quivering labia. Again she pleasured herself, holding her pose. Her head fell back, her long neck exposed to the camera. With her free hand she rubbed her nipples through her shirt. They were growing even harder now, hard enough even to pierce the thick fabric at the moment she chose. As her impassioned moaning reached a crescendo, she violently flexed her chest. The top most button on her shirt popped off and embedded itself in the ceiling as her bounteous cleavage thrust forward. Almost simultaneously, she heard the satisfying rip of cloth as one of her nipples tore through the material. She pretended to be oblivious to these phenomena as her fingers moved faster across her clitoris. The tattered remains of her pajama bottoms were now soaked from her arousal. As she approached her climax, her free hand left her exposed nipple and gripped the headboard of the bed. She screamed outright, rattling the bed violently. A loud cracking filled the air. She thrust her hips in the air, supporting her weight on one foot and one hand. At the same time, she flexed her other leg so that her heel pressed against the underside of the bed. The groans of the overmatched wood mingled with her orgasmic cries. As she climaxed, the headboard tore free from the bedframe, as the bed itself cracked and collapsed from the force of her leg pressing against it. There was silence. Slowly, she sat up amidst the wreckage. Her hair was disheveled, and damp with sweat. One leg and one breast showed clearly through her shredded garments; she made sure they were visible to the camera. She looked at what she had done in shock. Part of her expression was acting, but she was also realizing that she had destroyed studio property. Her hand was still gripping a chunk of headboard. She held it up dramatically, staring in wonder. "Cut!" Glen was ecstatic. "That was fantastic! Print!" Jessica extracted herself from the rubble, brushing dust off of her exposed flesh. Looking around the room, she saw expressions of awe and excitement from the crew. She also noticed several dark stains on jeans. She reminded herself that they were all experienced professionals and worked with eroticism on a daily basis. She had obviously outdone what they were used to. * * * * * * * "Jessica, what you did in there, it was just amazing." It was an hour later, and Glen had called a meeting with the cast. "I want to follow this through the picture, the link between your sexual awakening and your strength. It's incredibly moving. The way your repressed desires were symbolized by your body ripping through the clothing...your instincts were brilliant!" The rest of the cast agreed. There was nothing but enthusiasm for this new aspect of the film, and for Jessica's abilities. One cast member, a voluptuous redhead known as Kitty, spoke to her demurely after the meeting. "Jessica, you probably know i'm playing Rebecca. I was wondering if we should spend some time beforehand discussing how this new theme might contribute to our scene?" Her big hazel eyes glittered. "Yeah, that would be cool!" Jessica gushed. Kitty was one of her favorite performers. They agreed to have lunch on Saturday. * * * * * * * The rest of the week went quickly as Jessica developed her character further. They shot some scenes of her experimenting with her strength, in public as well as private places. Her favorite was probably the scene in a locker room at school, where after being made fun of by the popular girls, she took out her frustration by pulling the doors of their lockers apart and pleasuring herself with the various toys and aids she found therein. On Friday Glen announced that he had found a new actor to play Brad's role. Jessica was utterly shocked at who walked through the door. "This is Sean, he's just recently gotten into acting," Glen smiled. "I think he'll be perfect for the role." The cast applauded politely. Sean smiled at Jessica, his friend since childhood and the first person he had experienced sex with. Jessica, not bothering to hide her delight, smiled back. He had also been her first, and she still cared deeply for him. * * * * * * * "Sean!" she exclaimed in his car as he drove her home that evening. "What the fuck?" He laughed. "Your dad. He knows how you feel about me, and he said he thought it might really help the film." "But you've never wanted to be in porn!" "Maybe not. But as far as I understand it, this job only involves...uh, working, I guess you'd call it...with you. And you know how much I've always enjoyed that." Jessica smiled. It was going to be fun, and she knew that Sean would be great. But they would have to remain professional. "I hope you're taking it seriously," she said carefully. "This isn't just know." "I know. Believe me, your dad..." "Call him Glen," she reminded. "Glen, he already discussed all that with me. I understand how much this means to you. I'm really going to do my best, and I hope you'll give me any advice you can." "I'll do that." They were getting close to home now. Her father had stayed back at the studio to review the week's footage. "Sean?" "Yeah?" "You want to get started right now?" "Get...get started?" "Sure. We should, uh...rehearse. I could give you some pointers." He tried to sound professional. "Yeah, alright. That'd be great. Uh, good. That'd be good...good idea." * * * * * * * It had been a while since Sean had watched Jessica clean her room, and he enjoyed it to the fullest. Clothes and other odds and ends got tossed in a pile in a corner, but the weights she was careful with. Aside from the fact that tossing them could cause some serious property damage, they were her most prized possessions. She collected three dumbbells, tucking one in her elbow, and set them carefully in a row under her bed. They appeared to carry about 200 pounds each. A large barbell lay across the doorway. She bent at the waist and hoisted it with two hands. Catching his eye, she casually switched to a one handed grip, rotated the weight 90 degrees, and stood it up in a corner. He examined the plates. 45 times two, four six...twelve. Was that 540? She kept going, stacking up various loose plates and carting them out of sight. Some of them appeared to be dented or twisted. "Have you gotten stronger?" he inquired innocently. She smiled. "Stronger than whom?" "Stronger than the Jessica I last saw." "Well, that long ago? A year and a half? Things change, Sean. I'm stronger than I was two weeks ago." She playfully tossed a 100 pound disc in the air to accentuate her point. "Why has it been so long, anyway?" He shrugged uncomfortably. "Not sure...we just drifted, I guess." She held the huge weight between her hands. "I still care about you." Sean examined her. Her green eyes were shining brightly...he could see she was telling the truth. "I care about you, Jessica. I - I love you." She waved the huge weight at him, annoyed. "You love me? What does that mean?" Sean held his breath, knowing what was coming. "That you want to own me? That I shouldn't do what I want with my own body? That I shouldn't act? Is that what love is?" Her hands gripped the iron disc as if it was a steering wheel. He remained silent. She shook her head. "So that's why." They stared at each other for a tender moment. "Sean, some things don't change. You know how I feel about it...I want to enjoy my body to the fullest. No limitations." She was gripping the weight hard, pressing against its diameter. "If love means limitations, I'm not ready for love yet." "I understand that. That's who you are." A tear of frustration spilled from her eye. "Does this mean you can't..." Her arms were shaking, her knuckles white. He stood up and went to her. "Don't worry, I still want to do the movie with you. It means so much to you, I can't help being curious. I want to see you doing what you care most about...and I want to be a part of it." She placed the weight behind her on the bed and hugged him. "Thank you." Her soft cheek pressed against his neck as her arms circled his broad shoulders. She wasn't holding him hard, but he could feel her potential power just the same as her breasts pressed into his chest. He noticed the weight on the bed. It wasn't...something didn't look right. He squinted. Its shape looked odd. "Is that weight oval-shaped?" he asked. She glanced over her shoulder. "Oh. Uh, yeah. A little bit. Keeps it from rolling." She shrugged. "Why don't we talk about the movie a little." "Right." Jessica filled him in on what he had missed so far. She described the scenes they had shot with Brad, and how she had played her character. "And you'll have to watch the scene I filmed on Tuesday, where she has her first sexual experience. It's really powerful, it lays the foundation for the whole film." "I heard about it," Sean said, squirming as his crotch became even more uncomfortable. "Sounds really impressive." "Yeah." Jessica grinned. "But we should talk about our scenes." She went into more detail about how she had handled Brad. "When we reshoot those scenes, I'd like to keep the undertone of dominance, especially given the nature of the self-discovery scene. But you should be in control at first. Just not...totally," she smirked. "Alright. I like the idea of the leg thing you did to him, maybe you could show me that." "Okay...just get on the bed here." They reenacted the scene just as she had described it. She slipped off his shirt, then pushed him away with her toes. She was wearing shorts, so he was able to enjoy the display of her gorgeous leg as thoroughly as Brad had. Unlike Brad, however, he was neither surprised nor offended by her effortless power. Jessica removed his pants just as she had with Brad. She noted with satisfaction that Sean compared favorably with her former costar. "This would be the point when John takes control," she explained. "What Brad did was take off my nightie, then he got on top of me...well," she grinned, "actually I pulled him onto me." "I see," Sean replied. He studied her hesitantly. "Well?" " I should...?" Jessica smirked. "This is a rehearsal, isn't it? Rehearse!" Sean sat up and cautiously reached for her t-shirt. She leaned forward slightly. Slowly, trying to stay 'in character,' he pulled it over her head. Her bare breasts bounced freely, as firm and round as ever. She helped him slip off her shorts, reminding him that she wouldn't be wearing any in the film. He shook his head in awe. Her body was even more incredible, more perfect than he remembered. Her skin was soft, smooth, bronzed, and taut over every square inch of her lean body. It would be pointless to search for any part of her that wasn't hard, toned perfection. She embraced him invitingly, pressing their naked bodies together. His rock-hard erection slipped into her, enveloped in slippery, inviting warmth. Even her sex was firmly muscled; his organ was wrapped in powerful, even pressure. He slid slowly in and out of her, all his experience now flooding back to remind him how to stay relaxed so as not to be overwhelmed by pleasure too quickly. Making love to Jessica was such powerfully intense stimulation, there was a challenging art to making it last. Her arms and legs wrapped around him as she lifted her ass from the bed, supporting part of his weight with her stomach. His hands reverently caressed her heaving breasts and undulating hips. "Oh...John..." she moaned. Still in character. Her legs slid up around him. He moved a hand to her ass as his other hand automatically pressed against the bed to support his weight. Awestruck, he realized that he didn't need it. Her legs were clamped firmly but comfortably around his ribcage, holding him above her. He placed the unnecessary hand on her thigh, feeling its power pulsating rhythmically. Her ass felt as hard as granite. He leaned forward, kissing the rounded skin of her breasts. A new gasp escaped her lips, more breathless than before. She whispered a name, but he couldn't tell if it was John or Sean. He increased the power of his thrusting, and she matched him eagerly. Her hands were wandering down his back. One of them reached the bed, and found the 100 pound weight still resting there. "Wait, wait," she gasped. She lifted him higher with her legs and pulled the iron disc to her chest, grasping it once again like a steering wheel. "Okay," she grinned. She lowered him again, and his hands met hers on the wheel. He drove himself into her, harder than before. "Yyyeeesssssss..." she cried, pushing against the weight. "Sean...harder...harder..." Her eyes fluttered and closed. He slipped his hands to her biceps, felt them quivering with effort. Her screams grew louder as he fucked her for all he was worth. Her arms were growing beneath his fingers, the muscles throbbing with hot energy. "G-G-GODDDDDD!!!" she screamed. "Oh Sean!!!!!!" Her screams began to be drowned out by a new sound...a metallic squeal. As he watched in awe, pumping into her harder than he thought he ever could, the iron disc collapsed between her small hands. The metal gradually changed shape from a disc to an oval, then from oval to figure eight, until she was clutching the center of the deformed disc inside one feminine hand. She pressed it between her breasts, still gasping in orgasmic bliss. Sean finally exploded inside her hot cunt. After a few minutes she returned to earth. She studied the warped metal thoughtfully as her body relaxed. "Wow...I've never done that before." Sean smiled, still hard inside her. "Not bad, for the first rehearsal," he commented. She smiled sensually. "Yes, I think we can use that. But we should definitely continue practicing." * * * * * * * The next day Jessica met Kitty at a deli to discuss the film over lunch. "Jess!" Kitty called from the counter as Jessica entered the shop. She made her way over and they hugged. Kitty was barely clothed in a black miniskirt and matching haltertop cut to show off her cavernous cleavage. Her curves drew stares from across the street. Jessica smiled; Kitty always dressed like a porn star, no matter the occasion. Jessica had never minded people staring at her, but she also didn't mind someone else hogging the attention for a while. They carried their trays to a booth in the back where they hoped to be left alone. "I get recognized a lot," Kitty explained as she bit into her sandwich. "Most guys are real nice about it...and I guess I don't do much to discourage them," she laughed. "Won't be long before you'll be the one everybody recognizes, you know." She licked her lips. Jessica blushed. "Maybe," she replied. "I wouldn't mind." "No," Kitty laughed. "And you could certainly handle yourself if a fan was being a pest, I imagine." They chewed in silence for a minute. "So how'd you get so strong, anyway? Forgive me for being blunt..." "No, it's fine," Jessica smiled. "Um, I guess I just always liked working out. Especially lifting things...weights or whatever. Anything heavy, I would always try to lift it." She laughed nervously at herself. "Uh huh?" "Yeah, so...Glen, my dad, he got me all the weights and equipment I wanted. And we'd go to the gym and have contests, seeing who could lift more. Eventually it was my left hand against his right hand, then my left hand against both his hands..." They both laughed. "Everybody stared, but neither of us really cared, so..." "Yeah." "But eventually I started to prefer working out at home. I started trying weird stuff just to see if I could do it." "Weird stuff?" "Like picking up cars." Kitty's eyes widened. "Or bending stuff, crushing stuff. When I was about 15, I really liked destroying things. Dad would drive me to the dump and I'd throw fridges and stoves around, break them in half, whatever. I guess I was a destructive teenager. But I grew out of that. Now I have more control." Jessica sipped her water demurely. "You broke fridges in half?" Jessica nodded. "How? What did did you hold them?" She shrugged. "Usually I'd dig my fingers into the metal, or just punch through it. Then I'd pick it up and pull my hands apart. Or press it against my body until it gave way. That felt great." She felt herself getting moist from the memory. Kitty was shaking her head. "Shit. I work out too, but I'm not quite in your league." Jessica laughed. Kitty stared at her for a moment longer, then continued. "So how does this play into our scene?" "I don't know." Jessica stared at the table for a minute. "The thing is, I've never been with a woman. I can imagine what it might be like, do you play it for the camera? What kind of things are the audience looking for?" "Interesting question..." Kitty pursed her full lips in thought. "I don't know if I've thought of it that way. I usually just go with my instincts and do what comes naturally. Only better, of course," she winked. "I guess guys want to see women rubbing and writhing...sort of intertwining, you know. Twice as many tits and asses, right? But women watch these films too. And I would imagine they want to see sensitivity, tenderness...two women pleasuring each other just as they'd pleasure their own bodies." "Kinda like the Golden Rule," Jessica joked. "Yeah, right. I don't best advice would probably be to follow your instincts. Don't think about it too much...this isn't a math problem. There's no wrong answer." Jessica nodded. "I should probably watch some lesbian movies, see if that would give me ideas." Kitty nodded. "And your character isn't very experienced either." She smiled mischievously. Talking about sex with another woman was getting her hot. She shifted position, crossing her legs. She wondered if Jessica was getting steamed up by the conversation as well. They finished their meal, chatting easily. Jessica had always admired Kitty's work, and they reminisced about some of her earlier roles. Kitty also had some dirt to spill on the hunks she had shared the screen with. Jessica ate up her stories, giggling and squirming. Her thong was more than damp by now. After finishing her lunch, she excused herself to the restroom. Washing her hands, Jessica glanced in the mirror. Her cheeks were a little flushed. Talking with Kitty had got her heart racing...she recalled her 'rehearsal' with Sean and wondered if Kitty would... As though she had heard her thoughts, Kitty entered the bathroom and made eye contact with Jessica in the mirror. She continued past her to one of the stalls. As the door shut behind her, her skimpy black top dropped to the tile floor. Jessica's heart pounded. Here? Now? She studied the bathroom door. It's handle was a metal loop. Hurriedly, she wrenched one end of the handle away from the door and bent it across the door frame. That would make it difficult to pull the door open from the outside, but it swung both ways. She glanced around, frustration and desire welling up within her. "Be with you in a minute," she whispered. Four feet directly in front of the door as one entered the restroom was the outside wall. Jessica sucked in a breath and punched the wall as hard as she could. Her fist plowed through a foot of concrete. "Ow," she said. She examined her hole, which was about four feet above the floor. She aimed two powerful kicks about two feet below it, on either side. Now she had three holes, plus a few cracks forming, and ruined sandals. Wasting no time, she grabbed the bottom of the uppermost hole and pulled. A four foot chunk of concrete tore out of the wall and landed neatly against the door. "That should do it," Jessica chuckled. She trotted over to Kitty's stall and ripped the door off. "Boy, you play rough, don't you?" a naked Kitty inquired. She picked a few flecks of granite from Jessica's cleavage. "I think I have a few ideas for the film," Jessica replied, and gripped Kitty around the waist. The store manager pounded furiously on the door. His demands for entry were ignored, which was a shame. Had he gained access, the sight of a busty, nude redhead hovering above the stalls, legs wrapped around a teenaged blonde who was eating her pussy while supporting her weight with one hand and removing her own clothes with the other, would probably have improved his mood somewhat. Kitty refused to let Jessica have all the fun, however. She quickly slithered down Jessica's hard body and began kissing it greedily. Jessica fell back against one of the stall walls as Kitty nestled between her legs, expertly teasing her clitoris with a pierced tongue. Jessica braced one foot, then both feet, against the opposite wall, her hands frantically groping Kitty's body as well as her own. The stall didn't last long. Jessica crashed to the floor in ecstacy. Her legs had not only blown apart the stall, but toppled the rest like dominoes. Her fingers found Kitty's dripping cunt, and within seconds they were both cumming noisily. Minutes later, Jessica handed the manager the chunk of his wall she had borrowed. He dropped it on his foot. "Um, your bathroom broke," she quipped in her best dumb blonde voice. The happy couple made a hasty exit, giggling. * * * * * * * Filming wrapped only three weeks later, well ahead of schedule, but severely over budget. Glen wasn't worried. He expected record-breaking sales which would more than make up for the damaged sets, props, lights, cameras and other equipment which had been sacrificed to Jessica's creativity. The cast met for a private viewing of the final cut at Glen & Jessica's home. Sitting snugly between Sean and Kitty, Jessica contemplated her next project. 'I think I'd like to direct...' * * * * * * * The End