The Demolitionist part II -- Katrina Works Out
by Sean Porter

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"Hi Sean," came Katrina's voice sweetly over the phone.

"Hey!  What's up?" I replied.

"Oh, not much," she said teasingly.  "I just had an idea, that's all."

I tried to hide my excitement.  "Oh yeah?"

"I'm about to do a little working out in my basement, and I thought you might like to come watch."

I was already in the car as she asked, "Hello?  Are you there?  Sean?"

It had been almost a week since I had stowed away in my own trunk in order to discover Katrina's secret.  I had witnessed first-hand (and barely survived) her 'Demolitionist' techniques, and we had been madly in love from that moment on.  I couldn't get enough of her incredible strength, and she loved to show it off.  She had already invited me along on one of her 'Demolitions' and we both agreed that it was much more fun to share the job.  Of course, she still handled the actual demolishing, but my role was far from boring.  But that will have to be another story.

In this one, I arrived at her house already salivating at the thought of watching her work out.  I had been there once before, but she had only dropped hints about the downstairs room where her daily workouts took place.  Needless to say, my imagination had been running wild.

The door had been left open a crack.  I knocked, but there was no answer.

I stepped inside and looked around; there was no sign of life.  I made my way to the door which I knew led down to the basement, pausing to listen.  Not a sound.

I opened the door.  A flight of stairs descended before me into near darkness.  As I followed them down, I realized the dim light coming from the room below was candlelight.  It wasn't until I reached the bottom of the stairs that I saw where it was coming from.

The basement was a large room, perhaps 20 feet square, with bare concrete floor and walls and a high ceiling.  Around the entire perimeter of the room were hundreds of tealight candles, all burning.  The room was bathed in a soft, warm glow.  About six feet in front of me stood Katrina.  She wore a leopard-print string bikini and a coy smile.  She placed her hands on her hips and stared at me, her deep green eyes seeming to sparkle.  Her darkly tanned skin reflected the orange glow of the candles as she stood motionless, one bare foot placed slightly forward.  Her legs were long and packed with sleek muscle.  Her narrow waist and pierced belly button accentuated her sexy, rippling abs.  And her perfectly formed breasts, barely contained by the taut and tiny bikini top, lifted majestically with each breath she took.  She ran a hand through her long, sultry red hair and said casually, "You're right on time.  I was just about to do some stretching."

And with that, she dropped abruptly into a perfect splits, her right leg stretched out in front of her, toes pointed, her left leg sliding out behind.  I had already learned that her flexibility was almost as incredible as her strength, and she had already learned how much I loved it.  Her legs looked incredibly long and overwhelmingly sexy in their current position.  She slowly leaned forward, her smoldering eyes gazing into mine as she reached forward to grasp her small, feminine foot.  She gave me plenty of time to take in her spectacular cleavage before straightening up again.  She then rotated her body 90 degrees and reached forward, lying flat on the floor, legs pointing out in opposite directions.  Her ass was two round globes of rock hard muscle protruding into the air, the thong bikini lost between them.  After another long stretch, she completed the rotation, turning away from me and giving me another incredible view of her rear as she leaned forward, stretching horizontally away from me.  Although she was only 5'4" tall, her lengthy legs must have covered seven feet of ground when stretched apart like that.

"Alright, I think I'm warmed up enough," she said, gracefully returning to a standing position.  She stretched her arms high over her head and arched her back.  Her bikini stretched to its limit as her breasts expanded forward from her chest.  "Now we get down to business."  She sidled across the room to a fairly standard-looking benchpress machine.  "This'll do for starters."

She laid down on the bench, looking more like a fashion model than a weightlifter as she seductively crossed one leg over the other.  Her small hands closed around the handles and pushed.  The entire stack of weights behind her rose swiftly into the air, paused briefly, and rushed back to the ground, stopping less than an inch from the floor and immediately flying upward again.  She smiled mischievously at me as her arms pumped the enormous weight up and down as if it was made of paper.  I squinted at the rapidly moving weights.  Each plate in the stack looked as if it was labeled '100 lbs' but it was hard to tell while they were moving so quickly.  There had to be at least 25 plates.

She continued this for several minutes, never slowing.  Her arms and chest looked as ripped as I had ever seen them, gorgeous muscle throbbing under soft, sexy skin.  At one point she casually removed a hand from the bar and brushed her hair from her eyes.  Her other hand continued pumping the ridiculous weight without hesitation.  She caught my eye and slowly blew me a kiss before returning her free hand to the bar.

Finally she seemed to grow bored of this, and with a sexy growl, she slammed the bar upward violently.  The weights slammed against the top of the mechanism.  She held the bar above her and locked her arms, then began to perform a sit up, pushing against the stationary handlebar.  As she rose from her horizontal position, the bar creaked and groaned, then began to bend as her straight arms never budged.  The force of her abdominals alone overpowered the inch-thick steel as she rose to a sitting position, forcing the bar into a U-shape.  She dismounted the apparatus and let the weights crash to the floor, which cracked and chipped when the iron slammed into it.  "Ho hum," she sighed.  What's next?"

Her hips swayed enticingly as she crossed the room to a large barbell.  The iron plates stacked on either end were about three feet high, each one six inches thick.  I counted eight of them on each end.  "Five hundred pounds times sixteen," she said casually.  "Eight thousand pounds."  She bent at the waist and gripped the bar, not bothering to bend at the knees.  Without any sign of strain, she straightened up, holding the massive weight easily in front of her.

"Hmm," she sighed, bouncing the weight up and down with her wrists.  "I was afraid of that."  She looked at me.  "I want more weight.  Think you can help?"

I swallowed nervously.  "What can I do?"

She lowered the bar to about her knees.  "Climb on."

I knew my body weight would be a pathetically insignificant addition to the insane weight she was casually supporting, but I wasn't about to argue.  I eagerly sat in the center of the bar facing her.  She slowly raised the weight again.  I gripped her biceps for balance, and to feel the incredible power that was lifting me and four tons easily into the air.  Her compact muscles felt harder than the thick iron I was sitting on, and unusually warm to the touch.  She did a few curls, raising my chest to her eye level, than dropping me down to give me a close-up view of hers.  With each rep her steel muscles twitched and writhed under my fingers like powerful pythons.  Her breasts lifted from her chest as she breathed, almost touching my face as I passed them.  I began to kiss them each time I was lowered.  She moaned with pleasure, and soon stopped pumping to allow me full access to her hot, heaving chest.  I licked and sucked every exposed inch of her silky smooth flesh.  "MMMmmmm, that feels sooo good," she gasped, tensing her pecs.  Her breasts seemed to expand even further, her cleavage pressing into my face.  She was still holding the weight, but her arms were extended straight down.  She now began to do the most amazing thing I had seen yet.  Instead of merely lifting the bar, she actually began bending it.  A deep growl of satisfaction emerged from her throat as her beautifully manicured hands pulled the two ends of the bar up and in.  I stared at the bar in amazement as loud metallic creaking filled my ears.  The iron was at least two inches thick, yet Katrina was twisting it into a U-shape as if it was a child's balloon.  Her bikini top finally gave way, the tiny straps snapping as her flexing pectorals pushed her hard breasts even further upward and forward.  I greedily sucked her diamond-hard nipples, spurring her on to even greater pleasure.  She shrieked ecstatically as the huge weights slammed together above my head.  She released the bar with one hand, suspending the entire loop with the other, and began frantically rubbing her pussy.  "Oh my GODDD!!!" she screamed as I bit down hard on her nipple.  A gush of hot fluid exploded from between her legs, ripping off her thong as she came.

I'd never been so turned on in my entire life, but I waited for a moment while Katrina recovered.  It didn't take long.  Her breathing slowed; she opened her eyes.  Still holding me up in my metal swing, she winked at me sexily before lowering me to the ground.  I extracted myself from the devastated barbell as she stepped back and waited.  She was now totally naked, her legs and feet sticky with her cum, standing proudly and patiently before me as I stared.  Once I was on my feet again, she tilted her head back to look at the ceiling.  I followed her gaze and noticed for the first time a chinup bar suspended from the ceiling, about ten feet above the floor.  Without a word, she sprang into the air, jumping as high as she was tall, and easily caught the bar with her right hand.  She kept her arm flexed and hovered above me, suspended by the strength of one bicep.  I stared up at her open-mouthed as she casually chinned herself a few times with one arm, her other hand on her hip in a self-confident pose.  Her lips formed a familiar smirk.  With a single finger she beckoned me.  In her sexiest voice she spoke two words.  "More weight."

I approached her as she slowly lowered herself until her arm was fully extended.  Her feet came down to about my waist level.  "Climb on," she giggled, slipping the toes of her left foot under my crotch.  I barely realized what she was doing before I started rising slowly into the air.  Instinctively, I grabbed her calf for balance; it was hard as steel and not even flexed.  Her leg remained straight as a rod as it lifted me out in front of her.  Her right leg simultaneously stretched out behind her, while her arm began to flex again, pulling us higher into the air.  I found myself suspended from the front foot of a gorgeous nude amazon who was performing a perfect splits in mid-air while hanging from a chin-up bar with one flexed arm.  Katrina's abs looked incredible as she held her body perfectly still.  I found I could let go of her leg and relax; her small foot was as steady and comfortable as any chair.  I began to enjoy my position to the fullest, running my hands back and forth over her muscular leg as her toes gently raised me up and down.  She let me drink in the experience for a few minutes.  Then, with a gleam in her eye, she began raising me higher, drawing her knee up to her chest while keeping her shin level.  Now I was above her, looking down into her seductive eyes and drooling over her heaving breasts.  Her free hand reached behind me and grabbed my shirt at the center of my back.  With a quick yank, it was torn to shreds and fluttering to the floor.  She moaned with pleasure as her fingers stroked my bare chest.  Her foot began bobbing me up and down rhythmically.

With a fluid motion, her back leg swung forward and up to my waistline.  She was now holding herself in a sitting position, her back completely straight, both legs extended forward.  One of her feet supported my weight while the other wedged its way into my pants.  Once she had worked it in far enough, she simply transferred my weight to that foot.  Her toes wiggled teasingly against my oversized erection.  With dramatic flare, she swung her now-free left leg up into the air, her foot reaching above the bar.  I ran a hand down her gorgeous leg in awe, almost failing to notice her left hand reaching for my pants.  They were torn off even more forcefully than the shirt.

I was now naked.  She licked her lips and ran her fingers up and down my throbbing cock.  Her large green eyes looked expressively at me as she arched her back, presenting her incredible tits to me.  Their muscular contours quivered as she flexed her chest to make them appear even more stunning.  My hands greedily explored their soft hardness for a minute or two as her left hand left circled my waist and slid under my ass.  Ever so gently, she picked me up off of her foot.  Holding me in one hand between her legs, she slowly brought her right foot up into the air.  Now I had one of her silky, sexy legs extended straight up on either side of me.  I placed a hand on each diamond-shaped calf.  Next, she slowly began to lean back as her legs spread wider.  Her back was almost horizontal now.  Her legs followed her torso, slipping beneath the bar and stretching out beside her.  Ultimately, her feet were situated on either side of her head and spread about four feet apart.  She had to extend her right arm until we were low enough that I could pass my head under the bar and lean forward, shifting my weight onto my hands which gripped her firm calves.  Her left hand still supported my ass, and my cock was now perfectly positioned at her waiting pussy.  She eagerly shoved me into her.

Being inside Katrina was never less than amazing, but this went beyond anything I had yet experienced.  My weight was supported by my hands on her calves and her hand on my ass.  She had complete control of my position; by spreading her legs wider she could lower my face to her breasts, allowing me to kiss and lick their hard, round perfection.  If she brought her legs closer together my lips reached hers and her amorous tongue plunged urgently into my mouth.  Her left hand held me steady as her right hand started to pull rhythmically against the bar, slamming her body into mine at a strong, steady pace.  There seemed no end to her stamina, her strength, or her creativity.  Her legs stretched and flexed into position after mind-boggling position, leading me to different parts of her glorious body.  Finally she told me to shift my hands to her breasts.  They supported my weight without any change to their shape as I squeezed and sucked them greedily.  Her feet now pressed up against the bar, still spread wide apart, giving her more leverage as she pounded against me with desperate force.  Her moans of pleasure were reaching their familiar, earth-shaking pitch.  From my position I couldn't see her hand on the bar, and she was too lost in orgasmic bliss to notice, but it was at this point that the iron began to compress beneath her grip.  The metal glowed red, then orange, then white hot.  The inch-thick solid metal slowly compacted to less than a centimeter in diameter.  Her delicate fingers dug through the molten metal.

Suddenly the two of us performed an ungraceful plummet to the floor.  Katrina's muscular glutes impacted first.  As they were much harder than the granite floor, they made two very lovely round depressions in it.  Her powerful body absorbed the impact easily, her breasts bobbing under my hands just enough to lessen the shock to my arms.  The sudden jolt only intensified our pleasure, and the knowledge of what Katrina's ridiculous strength had just done excited both her and me to incredible extents.  In seconds, we were both climaxing uncontrollably.

It was several minutes before either of us moved or spoke.  Gallons of Katrina's warm juices puddled around us as we held each other tenderly.  Katrina still held a chunk of cooling metal in her right hand.  She tossed it away casually.  "I think that was the best workout I've had in years," she said with a sly grin.