The Improbable Woman - part 3
by Sean Porter

* * * * * * *

Arthur woke slowly, allowing consciousness to seep gradually into his mind by degrees.  He slowly opened his eyes, letting in the warm light of the suns one ray at a time.  Eventually he sat up, then crawled to the door of his hut and poked his head out.

A gentle, fragrant breeze caressed and cooled his face as he squinted out at the dazzling white sand and brilliant blue ocean.  He sighed happily, once again allowing the unparalleled beauty of Libitum Gamma to fill his heart with simple joy.

His eyes then picked out Alice a short distance away, at the edge of the gronga forest.  His heart quickly switched gears from simple joy to passionate love, then on into animal lust.

Her back was to him.  Her long legs, curvaceous with hard, feminine muscle, were planted slightly apart.  As she bent at the waist, her naked behind bulged into two gleaming rock-hard spheres.  Her massive and pert breasts nearly brushed the sand as she placed her small hands on the trunk of a gronga tree, as far apart as she could stretch them.  Her five foot wingspan was less than a tenth of the tree's awesome diameter, but that didn't seem to concern her.  Her slender fingers dug into the thick bark and began to pull.  Her already unbearably sexy body suddenly rippled with hard, cut muscle and began to trickle with sweat.  Despite the incredible force Alice was exerting, Arthur knew her sensual lips would still be curled in a seductive smirk.  She knew how sexy her strength was, and was even turned on by it herself.

Deep in the ground the tree's roots were tearing, untangling, breaking apart.  With a mighty thrust, Alice lifted the enormous tree out of the ground and held it out in front of her with straight arms.  She walked back down the beach with it, still not seeing Arthur.  As she went, she couldn't resist rubbing its hard surface against her even harder body.  She ground her wet pelvis against the base of the trunk; her nipples gouged deep grooves in the bark.

"Show off," Arthur quipped.

Alice squealed with delight and tossed the tree aside.  The earth shook with its impact.

"You're awake!" Alice shrieked, pouncing on Arthur.  They embraced lovingly and began to devour each other's kisses as though they hadn't seen each other for a year.  Alice's soft skin felt like silk against Arthur's; her hair enveloped his face like a fragrant curtain.  Her firm breasts pressed insistently against his chest.  Immediately his penis sprang to attention.  Alice licked her lips and stared at it in wonder.

It was no larger than when she had made use of it the previous night, and in fact had stopped growing several months ago, but the sight of it never failed to stop her breath and make her tingle with anticipation.  It was two feet long, six inches thick, and as hard as the bark of any gronga tree.  Her small hands wrapped around it and guided it between her legs.  The instant its massive head penetrated her slick, tight pussy, she lifted both feet from the ground, allowing Arthur's improbably potent erection to support her weight entirely.  Her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling her gently closer to him.  Despite his flagrant largesse and the virginal tenacity of her own sex, she was able to take him all in, though just barely.  The firm roundness of her eternally pert breasts filled Arthur's range of vision as her thighs pressed tightly against his ribs.  He squeezed her ass as hard as he could and gave a few long, patient thrusts with his pelvis.

Alice moaned and leaned back, abandoning herself entirely to his attentions.  He supported her lower back with one hand and used the other to caress and fondle the breast he wasn't currently nibbling.  His long, thick shaft slid smoothly in and out of her, his strokes becoming faster and stronger.  She parted her thighs even wider, craving every inch of that incredible cock, and raked her fingernails down his thickly muscled chest and chiseled abdominals.  Gritting his teeth, Arthur delayed his climax, which he could do as long as he wished.

Alice lifted her legs higher and hooked her ankles around his neck.  Arthur ran his hands up and down the sultry curves of her legs, feeling their chiseled contours as hard and smooth as marble.  Alice cried out even louder, arching her back and bouncing up and down on Arthur's rigid pillar of manhood.  He savored the sight of her expansive breasts quivering heavily on her chest as they fucked frantically for several minutes.

Suddenly he slammed her decisively to the ground.  She gasped in surprise, and climaxed almost immediately.  Arthur fell on top of her, her legs still up around his neck and his cock pounding deeper and deeper inside her, increasing her pleasure beyond the possible.  She thrashed and spasmed, her voluptuous body convulsing around his; he fucked her with every ounce of strength he had.  At last he released his torrent of semen, overflowing her vagina.

They slowly regained their senses, and found themselves three feet deep in the sand.

* * * * * * *

"It's not just my dick anymore, is it?"

They were enjoying a meal of gronga fruit together, scooping large handfuls of the juicy, gooey pulp into their mouths while the warm suns baked their naked bodies.  Arthur was looking thoughtfully at his own bronzed physique.  The organ in question lay dormant but still impressive between his thighs.

"What do you mean?" Alice asked innocently, her large blue eyes twinkling.

"I'm getting bigger and stronger.  My whole body, not just my penis."  Arthur flexed his pecs briefly, then squeezed one of his thick arms.  His muscles bulged responsively.  "You're making me stronger, aren't you?  With your improbability field.  You've been doing it for a while now."

Alice chewed thoughtfully.  "I guess I am.  I wasn't doing it on least not at first.  But..."  She passed an appreciative eye over his chiseled build.  "You don't like it?"

"I'm not sure," Arthur replied.  "I mean, I certainly don't mind having a big penis.  And I guess it's nice to be in better shape,'s your strength I love, not mine.  I don't want to be as strong as you.  I love your strength, I look up to it and worship it.  It turns me on.  Me being doesn't do anything for me."  He looked questioningly at Alice.  "Does it...for you?"

"Well..." Alice gave a coy smile.  "Sort of."

"Sort of?"

Alice stood up and put her hands on her hips.  She was barely five feet tall, but as she stepped toward Arthur and looked down at him over her firm, spherical breasts, she appeared quite imposing.  "The only thing about your physical strength that excites me," she said quietly, "is the thought of how puny it is in comparison with mine."  Arthur shifted uncomfortably, but didn't dare look away from her sultry stare.  "I must admit," she continued, "that your body being more muscular is a turn-on.  But I don't think that's the only reason I like it.  Stand up."

She turned around and walked several paces away from him.  Arthur got to his feet and followed uncertainly.

"I want to show you something," Alice said, turning back to face him.  "Are you ready?"

"For what?" Arthur asked, then flinched in surprise as Alice leaped onto him.  Her thighs clamped firmly around his waist.

"How does that feel?" she asked, her breasts nestling beneath his chin.

"Er, quite nice," Arthur replied.  Already his cock was rising to press against her firm bottom.

"If I had done that two months ago," Alice commented softly, "I probably would have shattered your ribcage.  Squeeze my tits."

Arthur nearly didn't comprehend the instruction, so great was the shock of the statement that preceded it.  But at last it registered, and he eagerly placed his hands on Alice's succulent breasts.  His fingers sunk into their firm, silky flesh.  She moaned gratefully, thrusting her chest out as her pussy began to leak warm fluids.  Arthur squeezed harder, and felt the large orbs yield to his touch.

"Ohhhh, Arthur..." Alice purred.  "That feels so incredible."  She gently removed his hands with hers, commanding his attention again.  "Don't you remember," she gasped, "when you couldn't even dent them?"

Arthur realized with a start that she was right.  When he had first met her, these breasts had been so firm and powerful that his fingers could make no impression whatsoever on their shape.  "But you still liked it when I touched you..." he stammered.

"I sure did," she grinned.  "But I had no idea how much better it could feel.  Arthur, the way you touch me now...there's no comparison.  You give me more pleasure than I ever knew I could feel.  The stronger you are, the better you can please me, and the more I can let myself go when you do."

Arthur was rock hard again, and it was obvious from Alice's dribbling cunt and hungry eyes that she wanted him badly.  But she stepped away from him again.  "Let's try one more test."

She laid down on her stomach, her breasts supporting the weight of her upper body without any change to their wonderful shape, and rested an elbow on the ground.  "An arm wrestle."

"Really?"  Arthur slowly laid down facing her, lying uncomfortably on his log-like erection.  He gripped her soft, delicate hand and pushed against it.

His bicep bulged.  His shoulder became large and hard.  He allowed himself to watch his own arm flex and swell to the size of a bodybuilder's, then even larger.  Veins bulged from the enormous mass of rock hard muscle.  Even his forearm looked huge and ripped.  He felt his pecs swelling into thick, hard slabs.  A river of immeasurable strength was coursing through his body and flowing out through his hand as it pressed against Alice's tiny, feminine palm.  Her eyes were wide, her lips pursed in a lustful smile as she watched him.  But her arm had not yet moved in the slightest.  She waited, watching Arthur's massive arm strain against her slender, sexy one, and felt her arousal growing.  Then she opened her mouth and said one word.


Arthur felt something pressing against his hand.  He had thought she was already pushing against him, but he realized now that she had only been absorbing the immense force he was able to exert.  Now her shapely arm became slightly more firm and defined as she countered his pressure with her own and began forcing his hand back.

He gritted his teeth and strained with all his might.  His bicep was now swollen to an obscene size, nearly as large as his head, but still couldn't withstand the force put forth by Alice's barely flexed arm.

"You're pushing against me with enough force to stop a freight train," Alice said quietly.  She pushed his hand down a little further.  "Use both hands," she instructed.

Arthur positioned his left fist over his right and pulled with every ounce of strength he could muster.  His arms looked twice as big as the most muscular bodybuilder he had ever seen.  Alice merely smiled coyly at him, overpowering his superhuman strength with ease.  There was no hint of strain or even effort in her voice as she spoke again.

"You are now exerting enough force to crush a foot-thick piece of steel out of existence."

Still her small hand moved at a steady, controlled pace, pushing his two straining arms inexorably toward the ground.  "No matter how strong you get," she said evenly, "you will never come close to matching even the smallest fraction of my strength.  So I suggest you enjoy and make full use of whatever you get.  It will make our sex a lot more fun and exciting.  But it will me."  Suddenly his hands slammed into the dirt at the speed of sound.  Alice stood up and walked toward their little hut.  Arthur rubbed his hands and stared at her exquisitely powerful body in complete awe as she sauntered away.  Her voice drifted seductively back to him.

"I'll be waiting for you inside...if you think you can handle me."

* * * * * * *

In a sudden flash, Arthur realized the truth of what she had said.  His own super-strength could never diminish the awe he felt for hers; it could only allow him to enjoy it more fully.  His penis grew larger and harder than ever as he drew himself up to his full height, flexed his new muscles to their full, bulging potential, and walked toward the hut.

He would take her.  He would simply and unceremoniously take her and use her as he pleased.  In his heart he knew it was what she wanted; she wanted him to use his body, with all its strength, to have his way with hers.  Perhaps she would yield, perhaps she would resist.  She was infinitely stronger than him and would be able to turn the tables at any time she chose, but she wanted him to make full use of the strength she had given him, and for today, at least right now, he wanted to as well.

He reached the door of the hut and tore it off.  Then he grabbed the hut itself and tossed it away.  He didn't want to be crowded.

Alice gasped with delight.  She was lying on her back, one leg drawn up and crossed over the other, gazing up at him with rapt admiration.  His broad pectorals glistened in the sun; his arms bulged and rippled.  His abs clenched into a deeply cut six pack as he bent down and reached for her.

His hands closed around her narrow waist and she felt herself being lifted from the ground.  "Oh Arthur," she moaned, but was unable to say another word as he brought her mouth to his and kissed it hard.

Her heart pounded in her chest like an overheating nuclear reactor as she felt his hands on her.  He was carressing and groping her body like a doll, like an object that existed only for his gratification.  For the first time ever, he seemed to care nothing for her pleasure, he showed no concern as to whether she derived the slightest enjoyment from his attentions; he was only obeying his most base and primal desires.  And it felt heavenly.  His strong hands gripped and squeezed her thighs, her buttocks, her arms, breasts, face and back.  They seemed to be everywhere at once, devouring her body with brutal force.  Any other woman would have been crushed in seconds, but her lithe, firm body accepted each lusting ton of pressure and begged for more.

His tongue forced itself deep into her throat, blocking her air.  Oxygen was the last thing she cared about at this point.  She wrapped her legs around him and squeezed as if his ribcage was a service droid scheduled for demolition.  He merely smiled at the assault and wedged a hand under her steel-hard thigh.  He pushed it away and she let him, making only a small effort to resist his strength, enjoying the contest.  He forced her thigh out and up, extending her leg alongside his body and running his hand up its firm, sexy curves.  She waited until he had reached her slender ankle, above her head.  He gripped it tightly.  It was at this point that she began to test him.  Her knee bent; her ankle began to push down against his hand.  She was challenging him to hold her leg straight.  The full strength of his arm and chest pitted against her ability to bend her knee at an extremely awkward angle.  Arthur moaned and gritted his teeth, but her long, luscious leg was too powerful.  His hand was forced slowly back down to his waist, his enormous muscles burning in protest all the way.  Alice pursed her lips and ran a single finger gently along the veins criss-crossing Arthur's biceps and chest.  "Is that all you got, baby?" she asked softly.

Arthur snarled, his lust redoubling.  In a flash of power, he tore her legs from his body and flipped her around.  She found herself face-first in the sand, her legs splayed in opposite directions and her ass high in the air.  Arthur's hands encircled her waist once again, pulling her toward his throbbing cock.

Her mind told her to fight him again, to extend the contest and make him exert every ounce of his superstrength in vain against her infinitely superior feminine body, but the sensation of his monstrous penis as it probed the tight lips of her desperately wet vagina was more intensely erotic than she could bear.  She whimpered submissively and waited for the overpowering bliss of that gigantic manhood filling her spurting, quivering cunt.

She didn't have to wait long.  Where Arthur would normally have been gentle and patient, he was now greedy and barbaric.  His penis rammed into her with the force of a bazooka fired at point blank range.  Alice's vision went completely white as her mouth opened in a silent scream of exquisite pleasure and something else, a faint shadow of something which she had never felt and did not know was called pain.

Arthur planted a broad hand in the center of her back and his weight pressed down on it.  His other hand gripped her waist tightly and held her steady as he fucked her.  He fucked her hard.  He fucked her as hard and fast as his superstrong body could.  Because she was so sexy she made him want to.  Because her body was so fucking incredible it made him literally insane with lust.  And because he knew she could take it.  The thought was mind-boggling.  She.  Could.  Take.  It.  The words echoed in his mind with each explosive thrust, each megaton of force that drove his huge dick three feet deep into her soft, wet, infinitely powerful vagina.  She could take this, and she could take so much more.  He was fucking this luscious body like an electron pulse cannon taking out a planet; he was driving those incredible breasts down deep into the sand; he was gripping this tiny waist with enough force to crush a diamond, and she was taking it.

She was loving it.

She was...

She was getting up.

She lifted her head from the ground, turning to look over her shoulder at him.  In her eyes was the glazed satisfaction of a thousand orgasms, but on her lips was the lecherous smirk of a woman who wanted, who craved, and who would not be denied.  Her torso followed, rising from the beach and turning toward him, not so much overpowering his weight and strength, more just failing to notice it.  In the sand where it had lay was a deep and perfect impression of her shoulders, her ribcage, her stomach, and most beautiful and breathtaking of all, her breasts.  Her breasts had gone so deep there was water pooling at the bottom of the craters they had left.  And indeed, as her nipples pointed up at him, long and hard, they were dripping cold water.

Her legs clamped around him; her hips swiveled; he was on his back with the wind knocked out of him.  She straddled him, grinding slowly, feeling his shaft probe the deepest, most sensitive recesses of her being.  A delicious grin of satisfaction and of desire spread across her lips, filling Arthur with desire and with trepidation.  She spoke.

"Not bad."

He glared at her.  He still wanted control, wanted it even more now.

"You play a little rough."

Now that she had demonstrated her power, her supremity over him so convincingly, he wanted more badly than ever to throw her aside, grab her and fuck her into submission.

"I like that."

But he couldn't.

"Now it's my turn to play."

She leaned forward, slowly, her voluminous breasts hanging tantalizingly over his face.  Her soft, delicate hands closed gently around his thick wrists.  She didn't rest her weight on them, she merely used the strength of her arms to immobilize him.  A fraction of a percent of the strength in her arms, he reminded himself.

He felt a familiar surge of awe.  He had nearly forgotten how thrilling her strength was, how erotic her ability to overpower and dominate him without effort.  In his animal lust for pure sexual gratification, he had forgotten this feeling, this greater pleasure which he alone in the universe was allowed to experience.  Now he felt them added to each other, building in him to a frenzy, and beneath them the solid foundation of pure and eternal love which shone from her beautiful eyes.  Even more badly than he wanted to have his way with her, he wanted her to have her way with him.

This she began to do, slowly at first.  He let himself simply feel the incredible sensation of her pussy sliding up and down on his cock; hot, wet and unbelievably tight.  His eyes closed and his head swam in the stupefying pleasure.

"Come on baby, aren't you going to play too?"

He opened his eyes and saw her smiling seductively at him, challenge in her eyes, and understood.  She might be in control now, but she still wanted his strength.

He pushed back against her immoveable arms with everything he had.  His muscles bulged and twitched, but made no headway against her casually poised arms.  She giggled, then brought his wrists together above his head and gripped them both in a single hand.  With the other she began carressing her breasts.  Still Arthur heaved and strained against her impossible strength, and as he did so he felt a tremendous tension building up in his crotch.  The monumental effort was intensifying his pleasure.  He watched Alice tenderly stroking the round surfaces of her breasts, her lips pursed in distraction.  God, she was so unbelievably sexy...

His orgasm shocked him.  He climaxed with such intensity it was almost unrecognizable.  He shot a hundred gallons of cum in a second, flooding Alice's cunt and the beach around him.  And at the same moment, his arms pushed forward, forcing Alice's hand back.

"Oooh," she giggled, recovering and pushing his wrists down to his chest.  "You're getting excited aren't you?"  She gazed at him and cupped one of her breasts, pinching the nipple between two fingers.  Bringing the heavy sphere of flesh to her mouth, she lavishly licked its gleaming surface.

Arthur came again, harder and longer.  This time Alice was ready and held his arms in place while she bucked up and down eagerly on his gushing shaft.  Arthur felt himself becoming thousands of times stronger, and felt her infinite power countering his.  The sensation drove him to even greater arousal, and his orgasms kept coming, each one more intense than the last.  Finally Alice joined him in climax, her cunt clenching tightly against his spasming shaft and gushing thick, hot juices.  She fell forward onto him, her breasts enveloping his face as she screamed in ecstatic agony.  He clutched her body against his with all his might, and felt her arms and legs gripping him even more tightly.  They writhed and roared together in an unending penultimacy of passion, finally passing out together, their superhuman bodies fully spent.

They rested, their limbs entangled, floating together on a lake formed from their own bodily fluids.  In an hour they would awake and please each other again, as they would almost constantly for the rest of their long lives alone in paradise.  They had become a perfectly matched pair, a goddess and her demigod, desiring nothing more than to revel in each other's pleasure for eternity, but desiring that with a raging, unquenchable desire.  The rest of their lives would be a neverending crescendo of sexual experimentation and satisfaction.  But for now, they rested.

* * *

The End.