The Improbable Woman - part 2:  Alone in Paradise
by Sean Porter

* * * * * * *

Somewhere on the shores of the vast Frulamis Ocean on the planet Ob, sixth planet of the Yrthesian system in the eastern spiral arm of the Galaxy, Sector W-76 Theta (the more northish shores of the ocean, to be specific), floated a large ship, about to be launched for the first time.

It was a tremendously huge ship, in fact, the biggest ever constructed by the famed Obian shipbuilders, they of the unique Fract-Hull design and the ingenious Ejecto-Safe propulsion system.  It was called the GiganEpic.  The Obian shipbuilders, famed though they were, were not renowned for their ability to name their astounding achievements.

The most particularly thrilling feature of the GiganEpic, aside from its astounding bigness, was the Emergency Instaport safety system.  The ship was so ridiculously huge, the Obian shipbuilders reasoned, that should anything go horribly wrong, it would be logistically impossible to evacuate it.  It carried enough lifeboats to accomodate its vast capacity, but the simple process of loading and lowering them all would have taken months.  Furthermore, if the ship were to sink, or explode, or do anything unpleasant at all, it would immediately become an enormous (literally and figuratively) danger to the lives it carried.

Of course, nothing could possibly go wrong.  But the Obian shipbuilders had taken to heart this lesson from that incomparable source of wisdom, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: "The difference between something that might go wrong and something that cannot possibly go wrong is that when something that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong, it is usually impossible to fix."  So they came up with the ingenious Emergency Instaport Safety System.  Following the reasoning, that, in the truly impossible event that something went wrong, the greatest danger to the lives of the passengers and crew would be the ship itself, they programmed the ship to, in said impossible event, instantly teleport itself away from the scene of the accident, leaving behind the passengers, crew and lifeboats, which would fall harmlessly into the sea, making it as easy as possible for all lives to be saved, if somewhat damply.

The single most difficult aspect of this whole plan was the question of where the faulty ship would be teleported to.  There are few places in the galaxy where such a large and potentially exploding craft can be safely deposited.  Even deep space is not a good bet, since more and more interplanetary shuttles, satellites and advertising billboards are being launched daily.

In the end, the Obian shipbuilders programmed the ship to beam itself to the middle of the largest ocean of a remote, unpopulated planet, where, they reasoned, it could live out the remainder of its days, few though they were likely to be, in undisturbed peace.

Of course, almost immediately following the ship's inaugural launch, a small sensor malfunctioned and told the ship that it was dangerously overheating and very likely to explode at any second.  The ship, quite reasonably, decided that there wasn't time to check whether the sensor was functioning properly and, in selfless consideration of the lives of its passengers, zapped itself out from under them.

Upon its arrival on Libitum Gamma, it found that the sensor was in fact faulty, and repaired it, feeling slightly foolish.

* * * * * * *

Arthur materialized.  He hated doing this, and wondered not for the first time if he wouldn't prefer the alternative, but told himself that this was most definitely the last time he would ever teleport.

He stumbled to his feet, gazing wonderously at the dazzlingly blue ocean which stretched out before him, and enjoying the warm, white sand which mingled between his toes.

A soft, delicate hand slipped into his.  He sighed happily, so overwhelmed for the moment by the beauty of the landscape and the tender perfection of that single hand that he couldn't quite bear yet to turn and behold the owner of the hand, whose beauty was so overwhelming that his mind was still reeling from the shock of seeing it for the first time a few hours ago.

The soft, delicate hand slipped out of his, reached around his waist, and gently picked him up.  Alice cradled Arthur lovingly with a single arm, her other hand brushing his cheek, and lowered her lips to his.  They kissed, and the kiss made Arthur's heart hammer, his mind melt and his senses sing.  It made Alice's skin tingle all over.  It made her cheeks feel hot.  It made her legs, which could kick holes in duranium walls, feel weak.  It made them both feel, together, that this one kiss was all the intimacy and pleasure they would ever need, and at the same time that they needed to make love as soon as humanly possible.

They dropped to the sand, that soft, silky sand which didn't irritate their naked bodies at all, despite how thoroughly they proceeded to coat themselves in it.  They rolled back and forth, arms and legs interwined, bodies gyrating furiously against each other.  Arthur's hands seemed to be trying to caress, grasp or squeeze every conceivable part of Alice's body all at once.  Alice's lips seemed to be intent on pressing themselves against as much of Arthur as possible.  Her lithe, muscular body writhed and contorted in perfect obedience to Arthur's every desire, beads of sweat dotting her luxuriously bronzed skin.  And when he came, so did she, in a noisy, exuberant paroxysm of pure passion.

Arthur waited for his breath to return, letting it take its time; there was no rush.  When it had reported for duty again, he used it to say, "I think you should probably be careful how often you kiss me from now on, if you want us to spend much time doing anything besides what we just did."

Alice rolled over onto him, her compact body resting lightly on top of his.  She leaned forward, her full, round breasts resisting the movement admirably, and looked into his eyes.  "Why would I want that?"  She kissed him again, only this time she put some feeling into it.

* * * * * * *

Three hours later, the two of them stood up again, brushing themselves off and resolving not to so much as glance at each other again until they had examined their surroundings to some degree.

"I must admit I'm impressed by your stamina," Alice ventured as they looked around.

"So am I," Arthur replied.  "It's not me, I don't think, so much as it's your...uh...assets."

"Oh, but that's absurd, Arthur.  I may be attractive, but just sex appeal on its own doesn't make your body more...uh...virile.  Surely you recognize that there's some other, deeper connection between us that makes us both so...umm...avid?"

Arthur nodded, trying to fix his thoughts on cricket as he surveyed the landscape, which the author fully intends to describe as soon as his protagonists will stop talking about sex for two minutes.

"It must be that I was created by you.  We are, quite literally, made for each other."

"But I didn't really give the computer that much information.  I asked for a woman who was very intelligent and very strong, I might have given some vague physical description..."

"I'm sure you did," Alice said with a wry smile, glancing down appreciatively at her own comely form.

"But I couldn't have told the computer enough to create a perfect soulmate."

"And yet that's what I am, aren't I?"  Arthur nodded silently.  Alice bit her luscious lower lip in thought.  "Eddie must be very perceptive.  Perhaps it could even read your brainwaves, or make probability projections based on your personality type..."

"Perhaps," said Arthur.  "But it took it four hours to figure out how to make tea."

"That's true.  Still, there must be some explanation..."

"Those sure are some big trees," Arthur observed.

The trees, which they had both been examining absent-mindedly while their minds were occupied with still more mind-boggling matters, were quite mind-boggling.  When Arthur looked up at them, they seemed to begin about 100 feet away from him, and appeared to form quite a dense forest.  But when he lowered his eyes to view the ground from which they grew, it was clear that the closest ones were at least half a kilometer away, and that their trunks were separated from each other by distances nearly as great.  The entire effect was quite reminiscent of an artist Arthur remembered from Earth named M.C. Escher.

The trees were quite simply so huge that they made nonsense of Arthur's depth perception.

"The gronga trees," Alice breathed reverently.  "Come on."

She took off at a brisk run and was soon a small, sexy speck in Arthur's field of vision.  He trotted after her, catching up to her five minutes later as she stood at the foot of a gronga tree, peering up its dizzying height.  Arthur panted.

"Not now," Alice teased, mistaking his oxygen shortage for lust.  "Let's eat."

Arthur managed to assert his authority on his lungs long enough to examine the tree.  Its trunk resembled the face of a cliff more than a botanic organism.  Standing this close to it, he could barely perceive any curvature in its smooth, hard surface.  Looking to his left and right, he saw the infathomable wall extend for 50 feet in each direction before it curved away.  Tentatively he knocked against the tree, and was imbued with a vague sense of its awesome density and strength.  He looked up.

It seemed as though the tree might have a top, but he wouldn't have placed a bet on it with confidence.

"Well," said Alice, turning to him, "should I climb it?  Or knock it over?"  There was an excited gleam in her eye which told Arthur without ambiguity which option she preferred.

"You think you can..." Arthur began, but quickly changed his question as Alice folded her arms and cocked her head at him.  "You don't have any reservations about" he asked, gesturing helplessly upwards at the immense tree.  Standing this close to it, he was almost overwhelmed by its majestic vitality, if not its staggering bigness.

Alice shrugged.  "These trees are the only life on this planet, besides the two of us.  There's no ecosystem to disrupt.  There are an awful lot of them, and they grow quickly.  We couldn't ever destroy them all, not even if we had a million years."  A hint of an evil grin flashed on her face.  "Besides," she said seductively, "I want to."

She turned to face the tree again.  "You shouldn't be this close," she commented.  Arthur nodded, then took her meaning.  He backpedaled.

"A little farther," she insisted, until he was about a hundred yards away.

Now separated from her by a safe distance, Arthur allowed himself to contemplate her insanely appealing body again.  It gleamed nudely in the warm light of the sun -- suns, he corrected himself, for this place had two.  Her every movement seemed a calculated combination of refined grace and raw sexuality.  Her sleek limbs, her generous curves, her svelte musculature and alluring femininity, all came together in an effect which had Arthur's pulse and penis rapidly rising.

Alice was conscious of the effect, and reveled in it.  She was putting a little extra sway in her hips, pushing her chest out a few extra inches, thoroughly enjoying the knowledge that her body could so completely captivate and overwhelm a man.  But the only man she would ever want to display it for was Arthur, because he had the same effect on her.  His charm was of a slightly different nature, of course, but in his own subtle, disarming, Arthur-like way, he too assaulted and overpowered her senses with every word, every gesture, every...thing.  He made her heart skip beats; he made her skin throb.  He made her feel weak, and at the same time incredibly strong, which of course she was.  In the full, delicious knowledge of this, she stepped up to the tree, ran her fingers luxuriously through her hair, drew back her arm, and threw her tiny fist forward.

Arthur heard a loud pop as Alice's fist drove through some sound waves faster than they could get out of the way.  Her fist then met with the tree, and drove straight through that as well.  The tree, the likes of which had dulled diamond-blade chainsaws, deflected hypergrade laser cutters and reduced mega-bulldozers to scrap metal, snapped and splintered violently, cracked apart, and toppled over.  The earth shook with the force of its impact.

Dumbfounded, Arthur stared in a daze as Alice beckoned him back.  At last he began to walk slowly towards her, gaping at the hundred-foot high cross section of the trunk which towered over her.  There was a very nasty dent in the top of it.  He looked up at it for a long time, then looked at the beautiful woman who was smiling adoringly at him, then looked up again, then at her again.

"Didn't that hurt?"

She laughed softly, then smiled and coyly replied, "It felt great!"

* * * * * * *

Alice carried Arthur comfortably in the crook of her arm as her powerful legs and delicate feet traversed the dizzying length of the fallen tree in a matter of seconds.  They came to a sudden halt before a large, reddish sphere which about equaled Arthur in height.  It and its peers, of which there were several, were fastened onto relatively short, stubby branches which sprang unattractively from the tree's apex.

"These are the gronga fruits," Alice explained, knocking experimentally on the shell, which was apparently quite tough.

"Are they hard to get open?" Arthur asked.

"Arthur, it is so difficult to answer your questions without a frame of reference," Alice replied with a petulant smirk.  "For you, or any other life form or machine in the galaxy?  Yes, they are impossible to penetrate.  For me?"  She dug her attractive fingers into the husk, got a grip, and pulled.  Her muscles went rigid; her breasts lifted and swelled slightly.  A crack formed down the side of the giant fruit.  Alice adjusted her grip and smoothly split it completely apart.  "Not really."

Arthur grinned foolishly as he watched Alice reach in and grab a hunk of the fruit's orangey-red pulp.  She put it to her lips.  Her eyes lit up as she devoured it.  "Mmmm," she moaned.  "Arthur, this is incredible.  You've got to try it!"

Arthur did so.  His mouth and stomach rejoiced.  It was indescribably wonderful; it was sweet, and yet not so sweet as to be insubstantial.  In fact, it was more like an extremely tender steak, but with more of a milky consistency, yet not unlike thick honey, while at the same time having somewhat of a nutty flavor...

It was indescribably wonderful, and he stopped trying to describe it to himself.  He grabbed another huge chunk.

Alice, meanwhile, was climbing bodily into the fruit, her delectable figure becoming coated in the fruit's delectable juices.  She dug her face into its delicious fibers, her long legs splayed attractively across its width.  Arthur dove in after her.

They frolicked and romped, stuffing their faces and becoming thoroughly sticky.  They found that the meat in the center was juicier and richer, while the outer layers were in their own way more substantial and satisfying.  Eating one's way from the outside in was not unlike having a good, filling meal followed by a sublime dessert.  At last they had had their fill, and found that there was still plenty of the fruit left to provide a wonderfully squishy bed upon which to make love, which they proceeded to do.

Whether it was because their bodies were coated in delicious juices or because the preceding 45 minutes was the longest they had managed to abstain since they'd arrived on the planet, their sex was the most mind-blowing they'd yet experienced.  Alice's powerful body writhed sensually against the pulpy bed, pulsing with unrestrained desire.  Arthur's penis, seemingly larger and harder than ever before, drove tirelessly into her still virginally tight vagina with a strength that seemed itself as awesome as that which Alice had just demonstrated.  Their gasps, giggles, screams and shouts rose above the inconceivably high treetops.  Their sticky, sweaty bodies intertwined, thrusted and gyrated in ways that would have made an American pop singer blush.  At last Arthur ejaculated, stimulating Alice to her fifth climax.  They rested and recovered, then climbed out of the giant fruit and headed back to the beach to wash off.

* * * * * * *

"Arthur," Alice said thoughtfully as they luxuriated in the warm, gentle waves, "I've been thinking."

"Well, stop it," Arthur replied playfully.  Alice splashed at him, soaking him thoroughly.

"I've been thinking about what we were talking about earlier," she continued, satisfied that he was now paying attention.  "About us being so perfect for each other, and about your stamina and a couple other things.  And I think I have a theory."

Arthur had little interest in the reasons why everything was so obscenely wonderful as long as it continued to be so, but he enjoyed hearing and watching Alice talk almost as much as he enjoyed everything else she had done that day, so he politely asked to hear her theory.

"Well, I know a little more about the Inifinite Improbability Drive than you do, and it's occurred to me that there might be some repercussions involved in using it to create life that haven't been considered.  You see, in order to operate, the Drive creates an Improbability Field.  Anything created by that field retains its improbability matrix in its molecular structure; otherwise it would disappear again when the field did.  The field isn't permanent, but the objects it creates are.  Right?"

Arthur, obeying instincts he had developed over months of listening to Ford talk about things he didn't stand a whelk's chance in a supernova of understanding, nodded.

"But until you made me, no one had ever created a living thing with the Improbability Drive."

"Uh...actually, I accidentally made a whale with it once."

"Oh yes.  But the whale didn' for very long."

"Unfortunately not."

"Because it seems to me that a living organism, particularly a sentient being, would be able to interact with the improbability matrix inherent in its molecular structure."

"Does it?" Arthur inquired intelligently.

"It does.  Whether consciously or unconsciously, it must -- I must -- have some control over it."

Arthur began to suspect that this theory, impossible as it was for him to follow, might have some practical applications.  "What does that mean?" he asked suspiciously.

"Well," Alice replied slowly, "I think I can generate improbability fields myself."

Arthur wanted to ask what that meant, but was afraid he would then have to ask what the next answer meant, and the answer after that, and so on ad infinitum.  Instead he bobbed a bit and thoughtfully blew some bubbles.

"It would explain so much," continued Alice.  "The incredible pleasure we both get from a single touch...the fact that you have the sexual energy of a god..."

Arthur blushed modestly.

"...And the milk..."

"Yes, it would explain the milk," Arthur sagely observed.

"What are you talking about?" he added.

"The first time we made love," Alice reminded him, "I lactated.  Quite profusely."

"Quite spectacularly," Arthur commented.

"Yes.  But...I wasn't pregnant.  I'd never even had sex before.  I'd certainly never given birth, which would normally be necessary for that to happen."


"But I wanted to.  I remember it very strongly.  When you started sucking my breast, I had an incredible, sexual desire to give milk; it was very powerful."

"It certainly was."

"And I did.  I didn't think about how it was possible at the time, because...well...I couldn't think about anything except how badly I wanted you the living daylights out of me.  Which is what you then did.  But I've been thinking about it now."

"Wait a minute," Arthur exclaimed, suddenly realizing what she might be getting at.  "Are you saying you can make improbable things happen, like the Improbability Drive does?"

"Of course," she replied patiently.  "That's what I just said."

"All I heard," Arthur squeaked, "was some stuff about molecules and matrixes..."


"...and a bunch of stuff that sounded like something Ford might say when he wants me to know that he knows more about the Universe than I do, which is pretty often, which is why I'm glad we left him,'re doing it again."

Steady streams of milk were now gushing from Alice's nipples.  She aimed one of them at his face in order to stop his babbling.

"Yes," she grinned.  "I just thought about wanting to do it again, and I did."

Arthur lapped greedily.  The milk made him seethingly horny.  "So that means..." he said suggestively.

"I'm a human Improbability Drive," Alice giggled.

"Oh.  I was hoping you were going to say you wanted me to fuck the living daylights out of you now."

"That too," she laughed, grabbing him and tumbling into the water, which for some reason, they now floated on top of.

* * * * * * *

Two hour later, Alice rolled off of Arthur and stood up.  He laid back and looked up at her, still awed by the muscular contours of her body even after just having made love to it in eleven different positions.

She peered lovingly back down at him as he floated.  It was remarkably improbable that the myriads of complex ocean currents would interact so strangely as to push up on Arthur's body with enough force to support his weight comfortably, let alone also support the soles of her feet as she stood next to him, but they did so anyway.  She walked on the water a short distance and giggled.  Arthur sat up and watched her.

"So you can do anything the ship can do now?" he asked.

"I don't think so, not quite.  My improbability matrix isn't infinite, like the Heart of Gold's is.  So logically, I couldn't create anything more improbable than me.

Arthur pondered.  "I can't really think of anything more improbable than you."

"Neither can I," Alice grinned.

There was a long pause as they both considered the possibilities.  Imagining what you would do if you could do absolutely anything you wanted is a pleasantly futile activity; actually being able to do anything you want and trying to decide what to do is an altogether more difficult one.  But, perhaps not so improbably, Arthur and Alice were both thinking along the same lines.  Alice's stunt with the tree had only whetted their appetites.  Arthur wanted to see her really let loose with her strength, and she wanted a way to show off just how powerful her body could be.  Arthur spoke first.

"So if you wanted, you could have a huge ocean liner just float up onto the beach?"

Alice pondered silently for a moment, then a delicious smile played over her delicate lips.  "Like that one?"

Arthur spun around and stared wide-eyed at the most enormous boat he could ever have imagined as it plowed magnificently into the sandy shore.

* * * * * * *

"It's totally empty, and it's in perfect condition," Alice reported, landing next to Arthur after dropping a few hundred feet from the deck of the giant ship.

"Unbelievable," Arthur breathed, craning his neck up at the vast vessel.

"Improbable," Alice corrected.  "So, I suppose you're expecting me to put on some kind of show for you with this thing?" she retorted, sarcastically folding her arms at Arthur.

"Uh, well..." he stammered, taken aback.  "I did think...I mean, the thought had crossed my..."

"You chauvinist pig," she interrupted.  "What do you think I am, your superstrong sex slave?  You think you can just order me around and have me fulfill any fantasy you like?"

Arthur could only gape at her, dumbstruck.  Her lips broke into a wide grin.

"Well, I hope so," she teased, "because you can.  Now sit down and enjoy the show!"  She gave Arthur a light tap on the shoulder, which landed him on his backside in the soft sand.  Smartly turning away, she walked toward the front of the boat, her sultry hips swaying extravagantly.

She reached the front end of the ship, about twenty feet away from Arthur.  Next to the gigantic boat she looked like a tiny, sexy bug.  The mere thought of her exerting her limitless strength on something so huge had Arthur's blood boiling already.  Alice bent over at the waist, her legs straight but with one knee slightly bent, and slid the fingers of one hand beneath the monstrous prow.  She straightened up.

The boat left the ground.  At Alice's end, it rose four feet into the air, balanced on her palm.  All along its length Arthur could see open air between it and the sand, up to where the back end still rested in the water.  Alice smiled sexily at Arthur, then turned her attention back to the boat.  She took a few steps back, pulling it further up the beach.  Its back end grinded noisily along the ocean floor.  Then she raised her hand above her head.  Her other hand reached forward and grasped the hull a tiny fraction further down its length.  With great care and comical ease, she leveraged the back end of the ship out of the water.

The image was breathtaking.  Alice was facing Arthur, her two hands gripping the front end of the ship and supporting its entire weight as gallons of water poured from its stern.  Her breasts were fully expanded, supported by her powerful chest.  They jiggled enticingly as she inched her way down the vast length of the ship, sliding her hands along it until she was at the center point and could balance its billions of tonnes on a single hand.  She placed the other hand on her hip, which was thrust seductively out to one side.  She pushed the boat up and down a few times, her bicep bulging as it easily exerted the unimaginable force required.

Next, she lowered herself to her knees, then rocked back onto her behind and laid down on her back, all while balancing the colossal ship on her hand.  She lifted her legs into the air, one on either side of the boat, and slowly lowered it.  It nestled between her bulbous breasts and came to rest directly on her clitoris.  She arched her back, supporting the entire ship with her torso, and used her hands to slide it back and forth against her clit.  Her juices coated the underside of the ship, spurting and gushing as she climaxed almost immediately.  "Oooohh..." she gasped involuntarily, overwhelmed by the pleasure of so much pressure between her legs.  But it still didn't compare to Arthur's penis...

Impulsively she pushed the boat down her body, sending it towards the water again.  She grinded her pelvis and breasts against it, denting the hull rather badly in places, until she finally reached the front end again.  Seizing it firmly, she tipped it towards her.  The back end rose into the air, higher and higher, until she had raised the entire boat to a vertical position.  It towered above her, reaching almost a mile into the air, held poised over her vagina by her two delicate hands.

Alice spread her legs wider, trembling with anticipation.

Arthur looked on, awed by the spectacle.  Until now, his penis was the only thing that had ever penetrated Alice's virginal sex.  And although his erection seemed to increase in size every time it did so, and was now over 12 inches long and nearly as thick as his forearm, Alice's resilient, quarter-sized opening had shown no signs of stretching.  Her unremitting tightness was among the countless aspects of their lovemaking that Arthur relished, and he hoped she would be as unaffected by the force of an ocean liner's massive prow as she had been by his ever-increasing manhood.

But as he watched, he realized how ridiculous it was to imagine that anything could ever triumph in a contest of strength against Alice's muscle, no matter which muscle it might be.  She lowered the protruding point of the prow to her pulsating pussy, and two sounds reached Arthur's ears at once.  Alice's sultry, erotic cries of pleasure mingled with the metallic groan of the hull being compressed and crushed within her superhuman sex.  Her back arched; her body writhed and convulsed; she gasped and screamed as another orgasm unexpectedly wracked her senses.  Arthur instinctively struggled to control his arousal, but realized that there was no need to.  If Alice was getting off, there was no reason for him not to.  He now knew that he would always be capable of as many erections and orgasms as Alice wanted him to be.  His monstrous erection swelled even more, spurting thick cum dozens of feet into the air.  He grinned with pleasure and aimed the steady spray towards Alice.  She soon found herself coated with his seed, and was delighted by this.  She craned her neck forward to lick sperm from her breasts as her arms drove the boat further into her cunt.  Her long, hard thighs clenched against the hull, compressing it dramatically and allowing even more of the dense metal to enter her insatiable womanhood.  But at last she realized that it would never be enough, and that only one thing could grant her true satisfaction.


Her cry was urgent and desperate; Arthur leapt to his feet immediately.  Alice's hands sunk into the metal sides of the ship.  In the next instant they clenched and pulled angrily; in her frustration, Alice tore the hull in two.  It cracked and split unevenly, a large section of the prow coming away in her left hand, the main body of the ship supported by her right.  She tossed them both away and welcomed Arthur into her arms.  The main body of the ship flew for nearly a mile before landing in the forest; Arthur noted that the gronga trees easily resisted its impact and remained perfectly upright.

Alice felt her entire body quiver as Arthur's exquisitely large cock forced its way into her tight, sensitive vagina.  At last, perfection.  Sweet, blissful, unending release; pleasure beyond her ability to comprehend; absolute gratification and fulfillment of her every sexual and emotional need.  Her legs wrapped around Arthur's waist; her breasts swelled against his chest.  As his penis pumped gallon after gallon of ecstasy-inducing cum into her gushing, spasming sex, she realized, through her euphoric haze, that she could never reach this level of pleasure any other way.

She enveloped Arthur in her arms as his climactic fury subsided, and whispered in his ear.  "I'll never put anything beside you in my pussy again."

Arthur looked disappointed.  "You won't?" he asked.

"Well, unless you want me to," she replied, smiling.

He kissed her.  "Oh Arthur," she moaned, feeling him swell inside her again...

* * *

The End.