Ron and Bridgette (Part One)

by Sean Porter


Preface:  I haven't entirely gotten out of the writing game, but for quite some time I haven't been working on anything worthy of the Xtreme Strength site.  I was starting to wonder if I'd run out of good ideas.  I'm still very fond of all my characters, especially Katrina, Jessica, and Tami, and I'd consider continuing their series' if I received some suggestions for story ideas.  However, with this story I attempted to create two new characters who might possess the potential for several installments.  I think part one turned out pretty good...hope you enjoy it!




* * * * * * *


Ron wasn't that different from your typical 25-year-old male.  He was six feet tall, fairly good-looking, enjoyed sports and movies, had a few good friends and a girlfriend.


In fact, he was marrying her in three weeks.  He adored her completely and couldn't wait to make her his bride.  In this, perhaps, he was a little out of the ordinary for a man his age, but such things are not unheard of.  His only apprehension about the big day as it rapidly approached was a secret about himself which he had never shared with her.  It was a small thing, but he was afraid it could be important to their relationship...


* * * * * * *


Bridgette wasn't that different from your typical 25-year-old female.  She was five-foot-six, could be described as a knockout in the looks department, enjoyed shopping and movies, had plenty of friends and a boyfriend.


In fact (you'll never guess), she was marrying him in three weeks.  She was madly in love with him and couldn't wait to become Mrs. Ron Gray.  But, like her fiancé, she had one slight misgiving.  A secret about herself which she had never shared with him.  And it wasn't exactly a small thing...


Of course, neither of them had any idea that the other was keeping something from them.


* * * * * * *


Ron arrived at the restaurant first, following the soft-spoken waiter to a table for two.  He glanced around, thankful that the dimly lit room was mostly empty.  He was nervous enough about tonight.


It was time to tell her.  He knew that, and really, he wanted to.  He knew she would try to be understanding.  She wasn't the type to get hysterical or overreact.  Still, it was hard to predict how she would take it.


They had both been raised in conservative families and had been 'good kids' throughout high school.  As their wedding approached, they had compromised themselves a little and begun to have sex, but neither of them had ever been with anyone else.  Besides, they were going to be together forever.  What was the harm in starting a little early?


Their first few experiences had been wonderful.  Not always perfect; after all, they were beginners, but they were learning fast and thoroughly enjoying it.  Bridgette was so free and generous, encouraging him to experiment and wanting to know what pleased him most.  But it was all so new, he hardly knew what he wanted.  They were discovering their preferences together, and had talked for extended periods of time about their burgeoning sex life.  Bridgette had even suggested that they share their fantasies...


Ron's train of thought was interrupted as Bridgette entered the restaurant.  He smiled, watching several other heads turn to take in the sight.  She was heartstoppingly gorgeous in a simple black dress, her neck adorned by a single string of beads and her dark hair styled beautifully.  The sleeveless dress modestly showed off just a hint of her impressive cleavage, and hugged her flawless figure.  It came down to her knees, leaving the lovely curves of her calves open to admiration.  Even her feet looked sexy in high-heeled sandals.  Not for the first time, Ron breathed a sigh of gratitude that this wondrous creature was his.


Her dark brown eyes met his and she made her way gracefully to the table.  She smiled in greeting, but a look of worry seemed etched on her face.  After giving him a quick kiss, she perused the menu intently for a few moments.  "This place is really nice," she whispered.


"Uh, yeah...I just wanted to do something special," he answered lamely.


She took a sip of water and was about to say something when their server appeared to take their order.  They quickly made their choices.


"Ron," Bridgette began once the waiter had left, "there's something I really want to tell you...I'm just not sure how..."


"Let me first," he interrupted, unable to wait any longer.  "I have something I need to tell you too, and I just want to get it out of the way."


She looked surprised, but nodded understandingly.  He took a deep breath and continued.


"It's about the other night...when you said we should be open about our fantasies and share things...I've been thinking.  There's something I've wanted to tell you...something about myself and my, uh...desires...I wasn't sure if I should tell you or not, but...I want to."


Once more she nodded, smiling gently.  "A fantasy?"


"Something like that."


"I'm glad you want doesn't matter if it's strange or unusual.  Like I said, the best ones always are.  I just want us to feel safe talking about them with each other, that's all.  Whatever it is, I won't think it's bad or weird.  Just go ahead and tell me," she said encouragingly.


"I know...I know you won't.  I just wasn't sure if I should tell you because...because you probably won't be into it or anything, and it's not really something that you can do for me.  I mean, it isn't a fantasy that you can act know?  Anyway...I'm going to tell you anyway.  Uh...I've always been into...uh, I mean turned on by...uh...strong girls.  Girls with, stronger than guys.  Not like big muscles or anything, just...if a girl looked normal and sexy...but was really strong, you know?"


He was babbling, watching her for her reaction, but her face remained blank, her eyes wide and gazing into his.


"I know that's a little weird and I'm not saying you should do anything about it...but I just thought you should know.  Like you said, it would be good if we were just totally open about things like that, right?"


She nodded thoughtfully.  "Yes.  I don't think it's weird, don't worry.  It's really interesting, actually."


"Really?"  Ron heaved a sigh of relief.


"Yeah, I'm a little bit curious."  She took a drink of water, giving him a playful glance.  "So how strong would your ideal girl be?  How much would be too strong?"


Ron shook his head.  "That's kinda the point, it could never be too much.  I mean, I sometimes go online to these websites where people write stories about girls lifting cars, smashing buildings or crushing steel.  There's actually plenty of guys who are into it.  But yeah, the sky's the limit."


Bridgette smiled thoughtfully.  ""


"I can't believe you're so cool with it...that's awesome," Ron beamed happily.  "No wonder I asked you to marry me."


She chuckled, leaning back as a server set their food in front of them.  They both dug in, suddenly feeling their appetites return as the nervous tension lifted.  It was a couple minutes later when Ron stopped chewing for a moment and asked, "Hey, what was it that you were going to tell me?"


Bridgette smiled and put down her fork.  "Well it's funny, but I was going to tell you something about me that you don't know.  Coincidence, huh?"


Ron chuckled.  "Yeah.  What is it?"


"Well," she continued, taking a sip of wine, "I was really anxious about how you were going to take it.  Just like you, I debated whether or not I should share it with you.  But now..."


"Now that I proved I want us to be open with each other, you feel better about telling me?" Ron asked.


"Well, kinda...actually, now I'm pretty sure you'll like it."




", let me show you."


Bridgette bent down to get her purse, and reached in to take something out of it.  She handed it to Ron across the table.


"What is this?"


"It's a chain, silly," Bridgette giggled.


Ron could see that.  It was a short length of very heavy chain, the links quite large and thick, the kind of chain that might be used in heavy-duty construction equipment.  It was only about a foot long, and very clean, like it had never been used.


"I know it's a chain..."


"Okay then, give it here."  She held her hand out for it.


"Where did you get that?"


"My dad owns a construction company, remember?  Anyway, watch this."


Discreetly she took the chain back and held it by its ends.  Positioning it just below the table so that only he could see what she was doing, she began to pull on it.  Her posture remained perfect, her arms at her sides and her face serene.  Anyone glancing at her from across the room would never notice anything strange.  Only Ron was getting the benefit of this little demonstration.  His bemusement quickly became awe as he watched.  Bridgette's slender arms soon became more firm and defined.  Solid, shapely mounds rose from her biceps.  Her long, feminine fingers tightly gripped the steel chain, relentlessly pulling on it.  Her large, brown eyes gazed into his face as a provocative smile curved over her full lips.  Her voice was barely a whisper as she said, "This is my secret, Ron."


The center link in the chain broke apart.


Ron's mouth hung open.  Bridgette glanced around, slipping the two pieces of chain back into her purse, and casually continued her dinner as Ron struggled to comprehend.  His fiancée, his perfect little princess, was a supergirl?  The thought was beyond his wildest dreams, a fantasy he had never even dared to consider.  She chewed slowly, giving him a seductive stare.  He shook his head.




She shrugged.  "I don't know.  Just good genes, I guess.  I've always been really strong, and I've gotten really good at hiding it.  Most people freak out, and most of the time I just want to fit in.  But I've wanted to tell you ever since we first met.  I've just been afraid.  Tonight I finally decided I had to tell you, no matter what.  But then told me your secret, and I almost cried I was so happy.  It seemed too good to be true."  She frowned, studying his expression.  "But you were telling the truth...weren't you?"


"Of course I was," Ron stammered.


"So...what I just did..." she asked, biting her lip.  "You liked it?"


"Liked it?"  He could barely keep from shouting.  "I loved it!  It was incredible.  That was the sexiest thing I've ever seen!"


A delicious smile flooded Bridgette's face, and she blushed attractively.  "Wow...that's the best thing you could have said," she gushed.  "I was so don't know how good that feels."


Ron was shaking with excitement, his meal completely forgotten.  "How many people know?" he asked.


"My parents," she replied, "and a couple other people in my family.  My doctor.  I told a couple girlfriends in high school, but we don't keep in touch anymore.  That's about it.  You're the first boy I've ever told."


" strong are you?"


She smirked.  "No such thing as too strong, right?" she asked.  Ron shook his head vigorously.  "Well, I can lift more than they do in the Olympics.  Most of the official world records are actually pretty easy for me.  Like you saw, I can break things without really trying hard.  Bending metal, crushing bricks, you name it."  She smiled demurely.  "I've actually tried some of the things in the stories...those websites you mentioned, I know all about them.  I like them too...they've really helped me a lot in accepting who I am, feeling comfortable with my strength and still being feminine.  And it gave me hope to know there were guys out there who were turned on by strong girls.  But I never dreamed I would be lucky enough to marry one."


"Boy, am I ever glad it turned out to be me!" Ron grinned.


Bridgette stared at him across the table.  "I can't finish my dinner," she said, gesturing to her plate.  "You?"


"No way," Ron replied, "I'm too excited."


"Me too.  Let's get out of here."


Ron dropped three twenties on the table and they dashed for the door.


* * * * * * *


"Leave your car," Bridgette said as they hurried through the parking lot.  "Let's just take mine."


Ron was fine with that, and they hopped into her compact.  "Where we going?" Ron asked.


"Good question," Bridgette replied, shifting into reverse.  "I was just thinking my place, but I'm open to long as they involve me showing you what I can do!"  She gave him a wink as they peeled out onto the street.


"Your place sounds great," Ron grinned.


Bridgette floored the accelerator and they peeled out of the parking lot.  Bridgette struggled to keep the car at a safe speed as Ron gazed at her with unconcealed lust.  Her brief demonstration in the restaurant had whetted both their appetites for more, and the car couldn't carry them to their destination nearly as fast as they wished.  But soon enough, they were squealing to a halt in front of her apartment building and dashing up the stairs to her door.


"I have some weights and stuff in my room," Bridgette said, pointing.  They quickly kicked off their shoes and went in.


Ron had been in her bedroom before, but he'd never noticed anything out of the ordinary.  How could he have known what she had hidden under the bed and in her closet?  She quickly produced an array of heavy weights, and a few other goodies which must have come from her dad's company, like cement blocks, more heavy chains, and a couple of heavy duty padlocks.


Ron sat on the bed and looked at his girlfriend as she stood before him, about to fulfill his most improbable fantasy.  She smiled back at him, shaking her head.  "You wouldn't believe how many times I imagined this moment," she sighed, "showing off for a man who loved me and loved my strength."


"I believe it," he replied, "because I've imagined the same thing so many times...having a superstrong girl in love with me and wanting to show me all the things she can do...but I never even dreamed it could ever happen."


"Well, it's happening," Bridgette whispered, and reached for a weight on the floor.


For the second time, Ron watched a solid, sexy bicep bulge from her slender arm as she curled a massive dumbbell to her chest.  "Starting out light," she said flirtatiously, "only 300 pounds."  Ron shook his head slowly, adding up the thick plates on either side of her single tiny fist.  She effortlessly pumped the weight up and down several times with each hand, soaking up his awestruck stare.  "Don't you want to feel?" she asked softly, stepping closer to where he sat.


Dumbfounded, Ron raised his fingertips to her arm as it flexed.  Her perfect skin was as smooth and soft as it had always been, but now just beneath it pulsed a rock solid muscle, shapely and feminine, but as undeniably hard and powerful as a piston.  He was in heaven.


The thrill was no less intoxicating for Bridgette.  The look of admiration and wonder on her boyfriend's face was more than she had ever hoped for.  Exhibiting her strength for him, giving it as a gift to him in a way, was a dream come true.  She was as lost in the moment as he was.


"Let's trade places," she suggested.  Ron slid from the bed and stood up, the front of his pants bulging conspicuously.  Bridgette smirked at him and set her dumbbell down, climbing onto the broad bed.  Kneeling on the soft blankets, her thighs parted and her feet tucked under her, she slowly pulled her black dress up over her head.  She wore matching black lace bra and panties which left little to the imagination.  Ron unabashedly ogled her flawless body, much to her delight.


"Could you hand me that long one?" she asked playfully, pointing to a barbell on the floor near the foot of the bed.  On each end of it were clamped four large plates, each labeled 75 lbs. Getting a firm grip on the end nearest Bridgette, Ron huffed and puffed and managed to hoist one end a couple feet off the ground.  Bridgette leaned forward, gently taking it from him and lifting it onto the bed in front of her.  "Thanks, dear."  Now gripping the bar tightly with both hands, she smoothly raised it up over her head, pressing it up and down a few times.  The contrast of her feminine figure, so sultry and scantily clad, with the imposing, solid metal weights which she so effortlessly handled, was driving Ron crazy.  He shifted uncomfortably, fighting urges stronger than he had ever known.


"Take your clothes off," Bridgette instructed as she teasingly lifted the weight higher.  Her back arched, her magnificent breasts pushing out against the tight, skimpy bra.  Ron obeyed, quickly shedding his shirt, pants and boxers.  He stood naked at the foot of the bed, his cock throbbing as his desire raged.  "That's good," Bridgette breathed, "that's what I want.  I want to see how much you want me...I want to see what my strength does to you."


She brought the long bar forward from behind her head, lowering it to her chest, and switched her grip.  Never taking her eyes from his, she began curling the 600-pound barbell at an agonizingly slow pace, her lithe, tanned arms gradually lowering the bar to her waist, letting the iron discs just touch the sumptuously soft bed, then pulling it back up to her shoulders in slow motion.  Her full lips parted slightly, her steamy eyes burning with passion.  Ron could practically feel her strength overpowering his senses.  "I'm your supergirl, Ron," she whispered, "your ultimate fantasy.  I want to blow your mind with my strength."


Her grip on the bar tightened, her knuckles whitening.  She clenched her teeth and pulled with every ounce of her power.  Adrenaline surged through her veins as she felt the solid iron yielding, giving way to her superfueled muscles.  Just below her heaving breasts, the thick bar was bending, creasing, as she contorted the massive weight to her will.


Ron shuddered and involuntarily climaxed, his dick spurting cum all over the bed and her body.  "Oh wow," she moaned, reveling in the sensation of his hot fluids spattering her skin.  "You really do like this, don't you?"  Smiling seductively, she bent the bar further inwards in order to lick a particularly large glob of cum from the weights.


"I'm sorry...I couldn't help it," Ron stammered.


"Don't be sorry," Bridgette replied, "that was fantastic...It's always been a fantasy of mine to make a guy cum just by showing him my strength."


"I just had no idea...I mean, I can't believe anybody could be that strong...let alone such a beautiful, sexy girl as you..."


"But I can...and I want to, just for you," Bridgette whispered, dropping the mangled barbell to the floor and crawling toward him across the bedspread.  "Now come here...and explore this superstrong body.  It's all yours."  She sat waiting for him, a half smile sexily curving her full lips.


Feeling desire surging through him again, Ron joined her on the bed and began to remove her skimpy lingerie.  She yielded obediently, allowing him to strip her naked.  "Tell me what you want," she whispered.  "Let me fulfill your fantasies."


He laid her on the bed, sucking breath between his teeth as his hands moved up the sides of her body.  She extended her arms over her head, letting him explore her toned musculature and voluptuous curves.  His large hands cupped her full breasts, hesitantly testing their resistance.  "It's okay," she smiled, "squeeze as hard as you want.  Remember...from now on, anything goes."


Shaking his head in disbelief, Ron slowly increased his pressure, his fingers sinking into Bridgette's soft, silky flesh but meeting with firm resistance beneath the surface.  Bridgette closed her eyes and moaned approvingly, her back arching with pleasure.  Ron squeezed even harder, pushing her ample breasts together and kissing them both eagerly.  Her moans increased, spurring him on.  "Ohhh yessss..." she hissed, her hands clutching the metal bars that spanned the headboard of her bed.


After several minutes of indulging himself in his supergirl's spectacular chest and convincing himself to the fullest extent that she could more than handle his best efforts, Ron began to ponder further possibilities.  "You have more chains?" he asked hoarsely.


"Of course," she replied with a delighted smile.  "Help yourself!"


Ron fumbled with a couple of the heavy chains, threading them through the headboard.  "Now if I can just figure out these locks..." he mumbled.


"Hmmm, I think I see where you're going," she grinned.  "Try wrapping the chains around my wrists, and just snap the locks through."


Wrapping the chains around his fiancée's wrists, Ron asked, "is this too tight?"


"Don't be silly," she giggled.  "You should probably make it a lot tighter or it won't last long."  She gave him a sexy wink.


"I can't don't mind this at all?" he stammered.


With a sultry pout, she whispered, "Are you kidding?  I love it!"


He tightened the chains and snapped the locks into place.


Ron couldn't quite believe what he was doing, but she had said she wanted to fulfill his fantasies, and she was clearly enjoying everything he had done so far.  Completely against his character, Ron straddled Bridgette's waist and ordered, "Now, suck my dick."


"Mmmm, I was hoping you'd ask," she purred.  Leaning forward, she slipped her soft lips over his throbbing head.  She sucked him firmly as she moved her head back and forth, taking him in a little deeper each time.  Ron moaned, his eyes rolling back, as the incredible pleasure flooded his senses.  He leaned back, drawing his cock out of her mouth until her lips just caressed its head, and she responded by leaning even farther forward, her arms pulling at the chains as she again gulped him in up to the hilt.  Once more he drew back, gazing down at her as she moaned longingly for his cock.  Her arms tensed, straining against the thick chains until the links creaked and cracked, slowly stretching until, link by link, they finally snapped apart.  Eagerly Bridgette sucked in Ron's quivering shaft once more, just in time to swallow every delicious drop of his second load as it exploded at the back of her throat.


"Mmmm," she purred, licking her lips.  "God, I love making you do that."


"Not half as much as I love it," he gasped.


"That felt so good," Bridgette smiled, examining the shattered chains still clamped around her wrists.  Casually she gripped one of the heavy duty padlocks and closed her fist around it.  Within a few seconds, it gave way like a plastic toy.  "It feels like I'm just getting stronger and stronger."  Shedding her shackles, she ran her hands through her long, lustrous brown hair.  "Let's see what else I can do for you..."


Ron's head still reeling from his intense climax, he sat back and watched as his supergirl picked through her assortment of toys.  Picking up a cinder block, she grinned at him and held it up to chest level so that her breasts were visible through the holes in it.  "Check this out."


Her hands, positioned on the ends of the block, pushed in until the block suddenly crumbled and broke apart.  Pieces of cement thudded against the floor at her feet as her chest was instantly coated with a cloud of fine white dust.  "That was too easy," she giggled, reaching for another block.  This time she sat down in a chair and posed sexily, balancing the cinder block on her left thigh as she crossed her right leg over top of it.  She arched her back and glared at him, her full lips pouting wantonly as her thighs crushed the cement block.  Ron's cock became rigid again instantly.


"Ew, I'm all dusty now," Bridgette teased.  "I need a shower."  Standing up and heading for the bathroom, she glanced over her shoulder at him.  "You coming?"


* * * * * * *


Ron rubbed the vanilla-scented soap over his supergirl's sultry body.  He started with her back, his fingers enjoying her silky, slippery skin and firm muscle tone.  Gradually his hands worked their way down to her beautifully rounded bottom.  He greedily squeezed and kneaded her firm, muscular ass before continuing down her legs, coating them liberally with rich lather.  She tensed her calves, her sensual curves hardening into rigid muscle as his hands slid over them.


He gently tapped her waist, wordlessly instructing her to turn around.  She turned to face him, moaning appreciatively as he moved the soap back up her legs, appreciating their perfect shapeliness and strength once again, then teasingly avoiding her pussy as he passed on to her hard, flat stomach.  He rubbed and tickled, feeling her abs tense just beneath her skin to form hard, evenly spaced squares which he kissed individually.  Then at last he stood up, and brought the soap up to the swelling curves of her breasts.  His hands moved slowly and reverently over each firm sphere in turn, tracing in circles around the soft skin, moving in toward the large, hard nipples, eliciting louder and more emphatic moans from her throat.  He cupped them both, their size almost too great for his hands, then bent and kissed them, greedily tasting each spot on their surface, sucking extra hard on the swollen nipples.  Finally he straightened up and brought his lips to hers.


Her firm, hungry kiss completely captivated him.  He went limp in her arms as she thrust her tongue against his, her delicious mouth having its way with his entire being.  She slid a hand under his ass and picked him up off the tile, guiding his rock hard shaft into her slick, pulsating pussy.  His hands continued to wander over her firm, curvaceous body as she moved him in and out of her, her legs spread as wide as the shower would allow.  Faster and faster she rocked him, her hips thrusting in time to her strokes and grinding against his pelvis with each stroke.  He gripped her waist, stroked her breasts, squeezed her ass, did whatever he desired as he let her completely control his body.  But before long she wanted to feel his lust assaulting her, not just her own in control.  She released him and back into the corner of the shower.  Letting the hot water cascade over her body, she planted one leg against the side wall and brought the other straight up beside her.  Her ankle rested lightly on the shower rod above her head.  "Fuck me, Ron," she said, inhaling deeply.  "Fuck your supergirl like you've always wanted to."


For a moment, it was all Ron could do to just look at her, drinking in the vision of her perfect body, wet and glistening under the spray of the shower.  This breathtakingly beautiful and incredibly strong woman, offering her body to him completely with all of its raw power and sexuality, asking him to take her.  It was at that moment that the full realization hit him, that his girlfriend, his future wife, was a superstrong goddess right out of his most secret fantasies, and not only that but she wanted to show off her strength and let him enjoy it every bit as badly as he wanted her to.  He was the fulfillment of her fantasy just as she was his.


With this sudden realization, he felt a surge of undeniable lust for her.  Knowing there was no need to hold back, he lunged forward, grabbing her shoulder with one hand and her ankle with the other, and rammed his cock into her wide open cunt.  She grunted with pleasure, her breasts bouncing with the force of his thrust.  Their lips were inches apart, but he didn't kiss her.  Instead they locked eyes and just stared at each other as he pounded her pussy as hard and as fast as he could.  He clung to her shoulder and leg, letting them support most of his weight as he used every ounce of energy in his body simply to pound her hot, wet pussy.  Her firm ass slapped against the wall, being pushed back by the force of his pounding, as she grunted softly with each thrust.  Her moans echoed in the tiled enclosure, sounding sexier than anything Ron could imagine.  He felt like a machine, a jackhammer or a wrecking ball, and this gorgeous amazon was taking all he had with ease.  Her hand reached up and grabbed the showerhead where it came out of the wall.  As she purred and cooed, her voice jarring each time he slammed into her, her fist closed easily around the hot metal and water began gushing everywhere.  With an unconscious jerk, she ripped three feet of pipe out of the wall, her body trembling as a massive orgasm overtook her.  Her mouth opened in a silent gasp, then a thin scream emerged from her throat as her body shivered with intense pleasure.  Ron planted his mouth over one of her breasts, sucking hard on the nipple.  Her volume and her orgasm kept building as hot water shot from the wall in multiple directions.  Her nipple felt like a steel rivet in his mouth; even as he bit down it didn't give in the least.  With a violent kick she dislodged the shower rod, sending it tumbling to the floor as she wrapped her leg around him.  With a final burst of strength he pounded her once more, dislodging a chunk of plaster from the wall where she had torn it apart.  His cum gushed into her spasming pussy like bullets from a gun as they both screamed in final release.


They slid to the floor, collapsing together into a heap of damp drywall as water continued to flood the bathroom.  "Oh my god," Ron gasped as soon as he could speak again.  "We wrecked your shower!"


"Don't worry," Bridgette replied with a satisfied smile, "I have a good repairman.  Actually, he's seen a lot worse."  She winked.


* * * * * * *


Much later that night, they curled up in each other's arms and began to drift off to sleep.  "Thank you," Bridgette murmured as she closed her eyes.  "I'm so happy that you like me being strong..."


"Me too," Ron sighed, feeling exhaustion overtake him.  He was used to her habit of mumbling random thoughts as she fell asleep.  He nodded off with her voice still whispering in his ear.


"It's funny," she continued with a yawn, "I've always been this strong without really trying.  But now that I know you like it...I bet I could get even stronger."  She smiled and let sleep come.  "Maybe a lot stronger..."


To Be Continued