Hailey's Bad Day
by Sean Porter

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This morning I woke up and was surprised to find an empty spot in the bed next to me. Usually I wake up long before Hailey on the weekends, and slink down to the basement to play games on the computer until she wakes up. At that point she usually sneaks downstairs and finds some creative way to distract me from my tournaments. Inevitably she ends up getting her way (not that I mind one bit).

But this morning she was already downstairs, prowling around and grumbling. I rolled over and rubbed my eyes. As usual, our new sheets were torn up and there were a few new holes in the wall, the standard outcome of our activities from the night before. I stifled a yawn and padded down to the kitchen.

Hailey looked as enticing as ever, even with her hair disheveled and her face untouched by any makeup. Her bathrobe came down to her ankles, but her bare feet alone were as sexy a sight as any man could wish for. Added to this, her robe was open and untied, and her prominent breasts thrust forward from her chest, round and perfect without the aid of a bra. Her nipples were hard from the morning chill which hadn't yet left the air. She sipped a cup of coffee and turned to me. I was already hard and ready to start fooling around. With one look she stopped me in my tracks.

"Don't even think about it," she growled. "I'm not in the mood."

"What's wrong, hun?" I said, changing into the concerned, caring man at once. My substantial erection began to droop.

"I don't know," she sighed. "I just woke up this morning mad at the world. My head hurts and I feel like shit. Just don't touch me right now."

"Oh, sorry baby. It's ok...just sit down and relax," I soothed.

"Don't tell me to relax!" she snapped. "Just...just leave me alone for a minute."

I nodded, retreating to the bedroom to get dressed. We all have days like that, I told myself. She just needs some time to feel better.

A few minutes later I heard her getting in the shower. My cock surged to life again, but I restrained myself. "Not today," I chuckled to my persistently hard organ.

I was eating a bowl of cereal when she came back downstairs, dressed in a tight black tank top and jean shorts that hugged her sexy hips to perfection. "Damn!" I gushed. "You look incredible baby...feeling any better?"

"Not yet," she said with a sexy little sneer, "but I have an idea. I think I need to work off some negative energy. Get in the car...you'll probably want to follow me." Without another word, she walked out the front door.

This should be interesting, I thought to myself as I dashed to the garage. I backed out quickly and saw her sprinting down the street, already half a mile away. I floored it, hoping to catch up before she lost me.

She led me down side streets as well as main roads, never quite out of sight but always keeping ahead of me easily. She could run as fast as I could drive, and she didn't have to keep to the streets if she didn't want to. I kept her in my sights, as she no doubt wanted me to. She could have lost me if she chose, but every time I thought she had done so, I caught another glimpse of her sexy body streaking around the next corner and the chase was on again.

She was leading me toward the downtown core, which seemed an odd choice. Normally she liked to show off for me in out of the way places where we wouldn't be disturbed, but today she must have been wanting something different. I realized that on a Sunday there would be few people downtown, so perhaps it was a good idea after all.

Finally I rounded a bend and found her standing in the middle of the road. I almost slammed into her, but managed to brake just in time. She gently rested her foot on the bumper and leaned forward, offering me a full view of her glorious cleavage. "I don't know why I feel so pissy today," she said to me through the windshield, "but I know what I'm going to do about it. And when I'm done I have a feeling I'll want a good, hard fucking. And," she concluded, straightening up to her full height, "I think you'll REALLY want to give it to me." She gave a gentle kick, and the card skidded straight backwards a hundred yards before I managed to get it under control. I quickly sped back towards her, not wanting to miss a minute of what was going to happen next.

Hailey was already walking towards the nearest lamppost. Glancing in my direction to make sure I was watching, she bent at the waist and gripped the base of the iron pole with one hand. Her slender, feminine fingers sank into the cold metal and crumpled it like paper. With a casual, effortless movement, she yanked the pole up out of the pavement and tossed it aside, then began walking down the sidewalk to the next pole. I let the car ease its way along the road beside her, admiring the hypnotic sway of her hips and the tensing of her powerful legs as they strode purposefully up to yet another streetlight. This time she reached up as high as she could, seized the thick pole, and bent it down to street level, slamming it into the sidewalk and crumbling the pavement in the process.

Barely breaking stride, she moved on to the next pole. This time she wrapped her leg around it like a pole dancer, then simply bent it against her body using only the strength of her sexy leg. Reaching behind her, she grabbed the warped pole and continued to wrap it around her body. When she had completely encircled herself with it, she simply grabbed it with two hands and ripped it apart, then walked on to the next one.

This was the last lamppost on the block. She waited patiently for me to pull up next to her, making sure I had a good view. With a sexy shake of her hips, she lifted her shirt up and exposed her perfect breasts. Then she rubbed up against the pole, sliding it between her round tits, and gazed into my eyes as she tensed her chest muscles. I swear I felt the car windows steaming up as her sultry stare burned into them. The thick metal post moaned and creaked in the cool air as her large, firm breasts pushed it inward, then it began to bend. Finally it toppled over, broken in two by only her sexy breasts.

My cock was so huge and hard I thought I was going to explode. But Hailey was just getting started. She stepped into the street directly in front of me and reached down to pick up a manhole cover. Slowly and deliberately, she bent it in half as I watched. Then she folded it in half again the other way. Finally, she ripped it into two pieces and tossed them up onto the roof of a nearby six story building.

Next she crossed the street to where a large delivery truck had been parked. Bending down, she grabbed it with one hand and simply flipped it over. It flew through the air and landed upside down on the sidewalk. Yawning, she looked around in frustration. "This is boring," she complained. "I need something I can really have fun with."

She sprinted down the street and around the corner. I gunned the engine and followed her--to the train station.

"Now we're talking," she grinned, reaching for one of the steel rails. With a loud pop, she pried it loose from the ground and bent it upward. When she had it angled the way she wanted it, she grabbed her denim shorts with one hand and simply tore them off of her body. I could now see how much fluid was dribbling from her cunt...she was obviously incredibly horny. She tugged the cold steel rail toward her and slipped it into her pussy. A soft, needy cry escaped from her lips.

"Ohhhhhhhh" she moaned, her voice growing louder. "Yessssssss..." Her body writhed and gyrated as she pushed the hard metal in and out of herself. "Oh god it feels so good to be fucked by solid steel..." Her small hand pumped the metal railing faster and faster, thrusting it deep into her tight, wet pussy. I stared in awe, enjoying every second of the show while my cock threatened to break open my fly. The next moment, sparks began to fly from the track and an electrical hum began to build. Hailey was totally oblivious, lost in ecstasy. Nearby, a fuse box exploded, showering her body with more sparks. But what finally got her attention was a train rounding a bend a few blocks away, rapidly approaching. She knew it had to be empty, since the trains don't run downtown on Sunday. The only explanation was that her abuse of the track had somehow short circuited the system and started up a dormant route. She smiled wickedly as she tossed the mangled rail aside and stepped to the center of the track.

With her hands on her hips, she waited patiently as the massive car barreled towards her. Looking over her shoulder to blow me a sexy kiss, she went into a slight crouch as the train drew near. At last it plowed into her waiting hands, literally stopped dead in its tracks. The front crumpled like tin foil, glass shattering everywhere, as Hailey's incredible arms and legs absorbed the full force of the train's momentum. I watched her calves flex and her ass tighten as she remained in place, letting the train slam into her without yielding an inch. It was all over in ten seconds. The massive railcar lay completely demolished, skewed partially off the tracks.

Gradually the dust and smoke cleared to reveal Hailey, completely naked, leaning back against the smashed in front end of the train. Her eyes were burning with lust, her flawless body gleaming in the bright sun. "Get your lazy ass out of that car and fuck me already," she purred.

I certainly didn't need any more encouragement than that. I practically jumped out of my clothes and raced through the rubble toward her. She leaned back, spreading her legs wide, offering herself completely to me. I slammed into her, my cock penetrating her slippery cunt and forcing its way deep inside. She moaned appreciatively, wrapping one long leg around my waist as she raised herself up on the toes of the other foot, lifting me off of the ground.

We both came almost immediately, so worked up from the excitement of the day, but we both kept going, my cock only getting harder as I pumped her full of cum. She threw her head back, grabbing onto the steel chassis and lifting us both off the ground. The metal yielded like clay in her hands as I assaulted her body with my mine, squeezing her breasts and groping her ass. Her juices mixed with my cum and gushed down her legs, puddling beneath us on the ground. Her screams filled the air, echoing off the empty buildings all around us. If anyone did happen to be working today, they were getting a good show.

It was at least an hour before I stopped, my lust finally satiated. Hailey purred with satisfaction, disentangling herself from the wreckage of the former railcar. "You take the car home," she said with a smile. "I'm going to bring a souvenir." Walking around to the side of the train, she bent down to pick it up, carefully shaking off any dangling metal panels. "This might be fun to keep in our backyard for a while," she giggled. "I'm sure they won't miss it."

Carrying the huge vehicle over her head, she lightly trotted off down the street in the direction of our house. I grinned, my cock already rock hard again, and jumped back in the car to try to keep up.

The End