Hailey and the Robot
by Sean Porter

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"This site is incredible," Hailey giggled, scrolling down through the page of images. "I want to try them all!"

I looked over her shoulder, shaking my head in disbelief. Fuckingmachines.com. Just when you think you've seen it all...

Hailey clicked on another video. Several of the machines were accompanied by a short clip of a lithe young model being pleasured by the mechanical marvel in question. The girls were invariably slender and wanton, with absurdly fake breasts. On the screen, "Alice" moaned and gasped as a dildo on the end of a thin rod pounded her pussy relentlessly.

"That makes me so horny," Hailey said, shaking her head. "Just imagining how it would feel..."

For my part, I was just trying to guess how long each machine would last before Hailey completely demolished it in a fit of uncontrolled passion, but I kept my mouth shut.

"She's pretty sexy," Hailey commented as another video played. I didn't know whether she was looking for confirmation from me, but none of these floozies could hold a candle to her, so again I said nothing.

Hailey's hand moved the mouse to the next video and clicked. In unison we both gasped.

"Oh my god..."

'Fuckzilla' was over eight feet tall. Clearly based on the "Johnny 5" robot from the film Short Circuit, it was nearly twice as large as the movie version and not quite as friendly looking. Its mechanical arm was capable of pleasuring a woman at a wide variety of speeds, angles, or degrees of force.

Hailey stared at the screen, her beautiful eyes wide and unblinking, her full lips parted. If it was possible to fall in love with a machine, she was doing so now.

In the video, a thin wall separated the model from the sexbot. Through a hole in the wall, the bot's arm fucked the naked woman from behind as she bent over. Her moans and wails of pleasure were impressively loud and sounded very genuine.

"I want it." Hailey's voice was flat and final. "I need to be fucked by that thing as soon as humanly possible."

I chuckled. Most of the machines weren't actually for sale, and even if this particular monstrosity had been, we certainly couldn't have afforded it.

Hailey ignored my skeptical smirk and clicked on the link that said "Contact Us."

* * * * * * *

The weekend after next, we were driving across the country to San Francisco. The miles flew by as we listened to the radio, talking and joking. Some of the conversation reflected back to past memories of Hailey's many demonstrations of strength, whether in public or just privately for me. At other times she teased me with ideas she hadn't even tried yet, promises of future displays which she had in store for me. Of course, both of these topics drove me wild with desire and anticipation, which was Hailey's main objective. She loved to get me worked up into a frenzy, then reach over and undo the zipper of my jeans. Extracting my throbbing erection, she leaned over and enveloped it in her mouth as I drove. Struggling to focus on the road, my foot pressed down harder on the accelerator as her tongue lovingly caressed my cock from base to tip, twirling around it on all sides and then drawing me deep into her mouth. I moaned loudly as her soft lips slid all the way down my shaft to kiss my balls as my head hit the back of her throat. She sucked me with incredible force, leaning all the way over and letting her bare feet dangle out of the open window. My eyes shifted in and out of focus as I concentrated on keeping the car on the road, incredible waves of pleasure assaulting me. Relentlessly Hailey sucked me towards an undeniable climax, my body shuddering as she swallowed each successive spurt of my cum with a delighted moan.

It was just then that we heard the siren flick on behind us, red and blue lights flashing in the rearview mirror. "Oh pooh," Hailey pouted, sitting up in her seat. "Do they always have to ruin our fun?"

I slowed the car and pulled over on the shoulder. A barrel-chested officer strolled up to my window as I rolled it down. "You know how fast you were going?"

"No officer," I mumbled, looking straight ahead.

He glanced over at Hailey, taking in her low cut T-shirt and the deep cleavage it revealed, her tight shorts and long, flirtatiously crossed legs. "Just what was going on in here, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Nothing at all, sir," I answered quickly.

"Why, what did you have in mind?" Hailey asked him with a twinkle in her eye.

"Ma'am, it appeared that you were...distracting your friend here from keeping his full attention on the road."

"Oh, I hope not," she giggled. "I try not to be a distraction. But sometimes," she added with a smile, "I can't help it..."

The cop swallowed a lump in his throat as Hailey gave him a steamy look. The temperature in the car seemed to rise noticeably.

"We weren't doing anything wrong," she insisted. "Look, I had my seatbelt on the whole time..." Hailey thrust her impressive chest forward, straining the seat belt as her bust expanded beneath it.

The officer seemed to be having a difficult time maintaining his focus, and was standing awkwardly as if his pants had suddenly become restrictive. "Yes, very good," he stammered. "Well..." he added, tapping the roof of the car a couple times, "just try to stay safe, you understand, you two?"

We both nodded eagerly, and watched him limp back to his car. As I slowly pulled back onto the empty highway, Hailey stifled a giggle. "Too bad he didn't want to stick around," she laughed. "I was interested to see which would give way first...my shirt or his crotch!"

I glanced at Hailey's chest, seeing her nipples still rock hard from the exciting encounter and threatening to tear through her thin shirt. "Whichever went first, I have a feeling the other was sure to follow," I retorted with a grin.

* * * * * * *

We split the driving the rest of the way and managed to keep our speed under control. It was late in the day when we finally pulled up to the address and got out. "Ohhh, I am so stiff," Hailey groaned, stretching her lithe limbs. "I'm really looking forward to a good workout." Her eyes sparkled mischievously.

She quickly strode to the front door and knocked, trailing me in her wake. The door opened a few inches and a short, balding man peeked around its edge. "You Hailey?" he mumbled, looking her up and down appreciatively.

"Of course," came the amused reply.

"Come on in."

I wasn't sure what I had been expecting, but I found the disheveled, pudgy man somewhat anticlimactic. I wondered if Hailey would be a bit put off by his unattractive appearance, but then again, it was his robot she wanted to fuck. The sex appeal of the inventor seemed to be of little concern to her.

The unimpressive man, who introduced himself as Gary, was clearly not experiencing the same sort of disappointment. He snuck several glances at Hailey over his shoulder as he led us down a dark stairway into his basement. This was nothing new for her, of course, and she pretended not to notice his leers as she followed him. I knew she never got tired of driving men wild with lust, no matter how little chance they had with her.

At the bottom of the stairs Gary flicked on the lights, revealing an unfinished cement floor and brick walls. It was chilly, but brightly lit by several bare bulbs hanging on strings from the high ceiling. Several tables were strewn with various tools and mechanical tidbits, from engine parts to welding equipment. We could see a few machines of unidentifiable purpose in mid-construction, others looked almost complete. But against the back wall, towering over the confusion, was the Robot.

"Fuckzilla," Gary chuckled, unnecessarily pointing it out to us. "There he is."

"Ohhh, baby," Hailey whispered, practically squirming. "He's so big..."

Gary gazed eagerly at her. "Think you can handle him? We can start with something smaller if you want..."

"Are you kidding?" Hailey scoffed. "I didn't drive halfway across the country for something smaller...I want that, and I want it as soon as possible!"

"Alright, no problem," Gary replied with a grin. "Why don't you, uh...take off whatever you'd like to take off, or keep on, whatever..."

Hailey grinned and quickly began to pull off every piece of clothing on her body.

"Do you mind if I uh...if I videotape this session? I usually record the machines when..."

"Of course," Hailey chimed eagerly. "I was hoping you'd ask. Do I get to be on the website?"

"Maybe," Gary answered as he set up the video equipment.

"I have a question," I piped up, finally shaking myself from the spectacle of Hailey disrobing. "If something goes wrong..."

Gary cleared his throat. "Oh, don't worry...all my machines are very safe. She might get shaken up a little, but she won't be hurt..."

"No, I'm not worried about her," I smiled sheepishly. "I'm worried about the robot."

Gary blinked at me. "You kidding?" I shook my head. "Look, I can tell your friend is in good shape..."

We both paused for a longing glance at Hailey's spectacular body. She smiled innocently back at us, her nipples jutting prominently from her round breasts. "Chilly in here," she joked.

"...but there's no way she'll damage Fuckzilla in any way. He's titanium-steel alloy with a 350 horsepower engine and a frame that can withstand over a hundred tons of pressure."

"The man of my dreams..." Hailey murmured.

"I know, but...I'm just saying," I said lamely. "If anything did happen, would we be responsible for the cost?"

"Look buddy," Gary snorted, clearly annoyed that I was even there, "if she could do any damage to that thing--hell, if she can even hold up against it at half-power--I'll be so amazed I'll pay you the damages!"

Hailey smiled and shrugged at me. "That sounds fair."

I shook my head. "You don't have to do that," I muttered, but only to myself.

Hailey laid down on a bare table as Gary used a remote control to drive the robot over to her. She glanced over at me and sensually licked her lips as she spread her legs apart, locking her ankles around the legs of the table. Her handles trembled with excitement; she slowly moved them over her soft skin, cupping her breasts, tracing the well-defined curves of her waist and hips, gently stroking her inner thighs.

The monstrous robot rumbled across the room towards her. Its eyes glowed red as it extended a powerful arm. Attached to the end was a large dildo. "I have some lubricant--" Gary started to offer, but Hailey's cunt was already leaking copious fluids all over the table. She clearly didn't need any aids.

"Just put it in me. Now!" she gasped huskily.

The robot inched forward, moving the thick, artificial cock between her thighs and into her waiting pussy. She gripped the sides of the table, her back arching upward. As it penetrated her she moaned deeply, her body trembling. Eight inches of hard plastic sunk into her, then patiently withdrew. She had time for a breath before the next firm thrust. "Ohhhhhh," she purred, reveling in the slow, persistent pressure. The bots arm moved back and forth in a steady rhythm.

Gary tweaked a knob on his remote, and the robot increased its pace slightly. Hailey thrust her breasts even further forward as her eyes rolled back. "Oh god..." she groaned. Gary's eyes seemed to glaze over as he watched her body, its every muscle taut and quivering, as the massive dildo pounded her pussy relentlessly. She purred and gasped with delight, but soon raised her head long enough to say, "Don't tell me that's all it can do...come on, I want the good stuff!"

Clearly impressed, Gary adjusted the dial again, and the robot picked up the pace. Now it was driving almost the full length of the 12 inch shaft into her, and doing it much faster. Hailey's firm round breasts bounced on her chest as the table shook with the force of Fuckzilla's pounding. Her moans intensified to a deep-throated growl which echoed off the walls around us. I could see her knuckles whitening on the edge of the metal table and knew it wouldn't last much longer against the sheer force of her arms when she was this aroused. Her eyes were shut tight, her teeth clenched, her beautiful face a mask of intense pleasure and bliss. Her voice shaking as much as the rest of her, she gasped, "Give me that thing!"

Her hand was extended for the remote control. Gary hesitated, but Hailey's eyes blazed fiercely and he speechlessly obliged. She yanked the remote from his hand; her fingers found the dial.

The robot's metal arm sped up considerably, its motor whirring louder. Hailey's screams of pleasure quickly drowned it out, however, as her pleasure intensified exponentially. Her fist closed tightly around the remote control device and crushed it; she tossed aside the useless hunk of metal.

She spread her legs wider, trying to take in as much of the dildo as possible. The joint where the fake cock was attached to the robot was now pounding against her engorged clit with each thrust, stimulating her all the more. I guessed that the arm was up to at least ten thrusts per second, meaning that Hailey was getting fucked at 600 RPM or better. She was half sitting up on the table, her arms extended behind her and her breasts heaving. Rivulets of sweat coursed down her arms chest.

Gary was whimpering in disbelief, but he clearly had no intention of intervening, whether to assure the safety of his guest or his machine. The sight of Hailey taking a full force fucking from his masterpiece was clearly fulfilling his wildest fantasies.

Her small hands had already begun to deform the table as they clenched its sides, but now her thighs were also beginning to compress the table inwards where they clamped around the edge. It appeared to be made of steel or iron, something quite solid, but it wasn't holding up very well against her sleek, feminine muscles.

Reaching forward, she grabbed onto the rapidly gyrating metal arm of the robot and actually began to pull against it, helping it to pound her with even greater force. A creaking and groaning noise came from the outmatched engine as it attempted to drive the arm back and forth, which required it to overpower Hailey's arm. She slid down the table, wrapping her legs around the robot's body and pulling it even closer towards her. A high-pitched whine was now coming from its motor as Hailey's hips bucked against the vibrating steel rod. "Oh yes, yes, yes, ffffffffuck yessssssssss..." she was wailing, both hands now gripping the arm. It had begun to warp, unable to withstand the pressure she was putting on it as she willed it deeper into her dripping cunt. Her ankles were locked around the base of the machine, and between her calves it was beginning to dent and warp. Suddenly a shower of sparks flew from somewhere inside its chassis, and it gave up the ghost.

Suddenly silent, the massive robot became little more than a punching bag for Hailey to take out her frustrations on. She lifted it from the ground, driving it into herself at a pace nearly as frenzied as its motor had been able to accomplish, as her hands and legs began to crush its supposedly indestructible body. Only its red eyes remained lit as she unconsciously demolished it for the sake of her own pleasure. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gary shudder, spasming uncontrollably for a few seconds before losing consciousness and collapsing on the floor. Accustomed as I was to Hailey's incredible displays, I retained control of my senses, though with great difficulty.

All too soon, the giant robot had been crushed, torn apart, and discarded, and Hailey lay panting on the table and looking at me. "That thing's useless," she moaned. "Hurry up and finish me off, would you?"

She flipped herself over, raising her ass in the air and waiting for my response. I dropped my pants instantly and plunged my hard cock into her pussy. It was as hot and as wet as being in a jacuzzi. "Ohhhh yeahhhhh," she purred, stretching her arms out across the length of the metal table. I knew what was coming next, and gripped her hips as I began fucking her with every last ounce of strength I had in me. She slowly began to compress the table beneath us, reducing its 5 foot length into a crumpled metal ball within a minute. Her ass tensed into rock hard muscle as she finally came, her pussy clenching tightly on my shaft and spurting warm juices everywhere. At the same moment I climaxed, my spasming cock shooting what felt like a gallon of cum deep inside her.

* * * * * * *

At last we disentangled ourselves from the wreckage. Hailey cast a contemptuous glance at Gary's inert form on the floor. "Well, his robot certainly wasn't all it was cracked up to be," she snorted. "I hope he doesn't mind if we show ourselves out."

She picked her way toward the stairs, but turned to smile at me. "Oh, hun?" she asked sweetly. "Could you grab that thing? It looks like it might be fun." I followed her gaze to an interesting looking contraption on a nearby table. What the heck, I thought. No point in coming all this way for nothing. Grabbing Hailey's souvenir, I quickly followed her up the stairs.

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The End