Hailey and Max
by Sean Porter

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Hailey rolled out of bed, blinking at the bright sunlight streaming through her window. Had she really slept until two in the afternoon? What had she been up to last night? Her mind, still fuzzy with sleep, refused to provide any clear recollection.

She threw on a robe, barely concealing her luscious curves and athletic build from any passersby who cared to glance through her open windows, and wandered into the kitchen to look for something to eat.

After satiating her hunger, she began to feel listless and craved some activity. She decided to head to the gym. What she really needed was a vigorous workout to clear her mind and get her blood flowing. She quickly selected a tight tank top and skimpy shorts in order to provoke a reaction from any handsome young men who might be at the gym this afternoon.

After arriving and changing into her figure-flattering apparel, she sauntered into the weight room and surveyed the area. It wasn't too busy today, which was a little disappointing, but at least she wouldn't have to wait for any equipment. She did notice a few guys glancing her way. Some of them were kinda cute, she decided. Well, if it was a show they wanted, today would be their lucky day. She slowly strolled through the room, wondering what to work on first.

Deciding to start out light, Hailey jumped on a legpress machine and set it to 800 pounds. Laying back, she centered her toes on the wide plate and pushed against it, extending her shapely legs to their full length. Even though the thick stack of weights barely registered against her muscles, she was careful to flex her calves fully, wanting to look her absolute best for her audience. She completed her first set of 50 reps, then paused for a few breaths. Glancing around the room, she noticed one man in particular who seemed to be entranced with her performance. He looked about 30, in pretty good shape and quite handsome. She gave him a small smile, nonchalantly upping the weights to 900 pounds. He blushed and looked away, but soon looked back again as she went into her second set.

Hailey felt her internal temperature rising as she pushed out her second set of 50. The workout was nothing, but her spectator had her pulse racing. She glanced back at him as she finished off the last few, then, holding his gaze, she increased the weight again, to an even 1000 pounds. His eyes widened. Feeling flirtatious, she blew him a kiss, then began pressing the half-ton easily. His mouth hung open as he watched her finely curved calves and lithe, toned thighs handle the massive amount effortlessly. Hailey closed her eyes, arching her back slightly and letting her body luxuriate in his admiring stare. Then, glancing back to make sure he was watching, she subtly slipped one of her feet off of the plate to let him see that she could finish out the last ten reps with just one of her sexy legs doing the work.

Dismounting, she pretended to ignore her new fan as she walked right by him to get a drink from the water fountain. Then, as she passed him again on the way back, she whispered, "I could use a spot for my squats."

He wasted no time, hurriedly following her over to where the largest rack of weights stood in a corner. This space was relatively blocked off from the rest of the room, almost private. Hailey efficiently loaded a bar with several massive plates, then took her stance with the bar across the back of her neck. Gripping it tightly with each hand, she glanced over her shoulder at the sexy hunk. "Ready?" she smiled.

"Uh...do you know you're trying to squat over 1500 pounds?" he stammered. Without answering, Hailey lifted the bar from its rests and balanced it across her slender back. In one smooth motion, her knees bent and she lowered herself all the way down, paused, then stood back up again.

"One," she cooed.

Again and again, her sleek legs lowered and raised the immense weight with no signs of difficulty. She kept count in an soft, sultry voice until she had reached a hundred, then eased the bar back into place.

"Wow," the man said, "I've never seen anybody...I mean, that was incredible."

"Thanks," Hailey said with a cute smile. "I'm Hailey."

"Hi...Max," Max said, shaking her hand. She glanced down at the conspicuous bulge in his workout shorts and grinned.

"So I take it you like strength in a girl Max?" Hailey asked.

"Well, uh...yeah, as a matter of fact. Very much." He swallowed nervously, glancing over Hailey's pumped, glistening body. "I mean I haven't ever...uh...been with a girl like that...but..."

"But you'd like to?" she prompted.

Max nodded hurriedly. "I...I've thought about it a lot."

"Wow," Hailey murmured. "You mean you've had fantasies about being with a strong girl?"


"Mmmmm...I like the sound of that," Hailey giggled. "Well I'm a VERY strong girl, Max. And I'd VERY much like to hear what your fantasies are...and make them come true."

Max's breathing was getting heavy. "You would?" Hailey nodded coyly. "Wow...I can't believe this is happening. Uh...just how strong are you?"

Smiling sexily, Hailey replied, "Let's put it this way. Anything you'd like to see me do, anything at all, just name it and I'll do it."

"Wow," Max said again. "Well...uh...I've always dreamed about seeing a girl lift a car. I mean, I don't know if you could do that, but..."

Shaking her head, Hailey chuckled. "Like I said, Max, if you can dream it, I can do it. Lifting the car will be just the beginning, I promise." Giving him a wink, she nodded at the dressing rooms. "Why don't we get changed and I'll meet you outside?"

Her heart was pounding as she slipped into a white t-shirt and ripped jean shorts. She couldn't wait to make Max's wildest fantasies come true, if only she could get him to tell her what they really were. Lifting a car...that was nothing, just kid stuff. She knew this guy would have more to offer once he realized what she was capable of. She would have to come up with a way to really get it through his head.

She found him in the parking lot and grinned. "Ready? Which is your car?"

"Uh, this red one right here," he pointed at a beautiful new BMW.

"Nice," Hailey purred. "We wouldn't want that to get scratched while you're pulling out. Let me just get these out of the way..."

Strutting over to the spot next to Max's car, Hailey bent down and gripped the bumper of the car beside him. Leaning further over, she reached underneath to get a grip, then smoothly lifted the entire car off the ground. Straightening up, she raised it over her head and calmly walked a few yards to another empty spot and gently set it down again. Max's jaw was hanging limp as he gawked at her.

"That's better," she smiled. "And now for this brute..." The vehicle on the other side of Max's was a large SUV. She stood beside it and bent at the waist, keeping her legs straight so that Max would have the best view of her hard, round ass. She gripped the undercarriage and straightened up, the massive vehicle creaking and moaning as she supported its weight.

"There. No problem," she cooed as she set it down in a new spot. "Now we should have no trouble on our way out." She sauntered over to Max's passenger door and waited for him to unlock it for her. At last he snapped out of his daze and jumped in beside her.

"Oh my god," he gasped. "That was so amazing! It didn't look like it was even a little bit hard for you!"

"Of course not," she said demurely. "I told you, that's just the beginning. I can do a lot more than that. Remember...I want to fulfill your fantasies, and I mean the wildest, most outrageous ones you've ever had." Crossing her legs, she slid her seat belt over her waist. "So let's get going, honey."

Shaking his head, Max started the car. "Where are we going?"

"I know a spot where we could really have some fun..." Hailey replied with a smile.

"That sounds good to me," Max grinned, pulling out of the parking lot. "Just tell me where to go."

Hailey directed Max across town to an area that appeared to have a lot of construction underway. "Here we are," she said, pointing to a spot where Max could park.

They got out and looked around. Whatever was going on here, it looked like a pretty big job. Several machines had been digging deep ditches in the ground, and several huge cement cylinders were stacked up waiting to be placed in them. There were plenty of machines scattered about, from bulldozers to cement mixers to cranes. It appeared that all the workers had already left for the day.

"Wow," Max laughed. "You certainly have an interesting idea of fun."

"That I do," Hailey smirked, putting her hands on her hips. "My ex-boyfriend is working at this site, so I've been meaning to pay a little after-hours visit."

Max raised his eyebrows. "I see. Remind me not to piss you off."

Laughing, Hailey shot back, "Don't worry, honey. I'm not the vindictive type. I wouldn't be getting back at him if he wasn't such a huge asshole."

"Hey, that's none of my business," Max laughed.

Now it was Hailey who raised her eyebrows. "So, getting any ideas yet?" she asked.

Max stared over all the heavy equipment. "To be honest, I still haven't gotten my mind around this whole thing. Maybe you should just...show me what you can do?" he asked hopefully.

"I kinda suspected that," she replied, nodding. "Don't worry, nothing would make me happier." She looked around. "Why don't I start out with some of these big cement cylinders?"

They both gazed up at the giant objects, stacked in a pile that towered over their heads. Each one was a hollow tube of foot-thick cement about ten feet high and 25 feet long. Max was a bit of a mathematician, and was doing some calculations. "Ten foot diameter means a 31 foot circumference, times 25 feet long and a foot thick...so one of these must have about 775 square feet of solid cement." He knew that construction grade cement could weigh well over 100 pounds per square foot. "So a conservative estimate would be...each one has to weigh 77,000 pounds at the very least!"

Next to him, the supergirl shrugged carelessly. "I guess that'll do for a warm-up."

"A warm-up???" he squeaked incredulously. "Hailey, I already know you're strong, but we're talking about 40 tons here! Don't be ridiculous!"

"Don't worry dear," she cooed, her small hand gently caressing his cheek. "I'll be very careful." She sauntered toward the nearest end of the pile, her round ass swaying sensuously.

The giant pipes were stacked neatly, each one resting in the groove between the two just below it to form a pyramid shape. It dawned on Max that if one on the bottom were moved, the entire structure would come crashing down with devastating force, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything, perhaps because he didn't honestly believe his sexy new friend could be powerful enough to budge the massive objects.

Hailey winked at him as she gripped one edge of the nearest cylinder, her hand laughably small against the thick surface. She stooped down to wedge her other hand under the curving bottom of the object. Her leverage was ridiculously bad...her armspan made up only one tenth of the length of the massive pipe.

As she straightened up, Max saw the pipe move. First it shifted sideways slightly, then rose smoothly off the ground. The pipes above it were force to slide upwards as well, dangerously shifting the balance of the pyramid. Slowly, Hailey brought it one foot, two feet, three feet off the ground, her legs straightening, her muscles tensed to their maximum proportions.

To his horror, Hailey then pulled the gigantic object out from under the stack, swinging her torso to hold it out in front of her. As the stack shifted back in her direction, Max could only watch in horror as three more of the insanely heavy pipes began to roll down the stack towards her.

Calmly holding the 40-ton cement mass to one side, Hailey stretched a leg out and up into the spot where the pipe had just been, catching and balancing the rest of the stack against her foot, which was now level with the height of her head.

She turned to give him a big smile. "See? They're not so heavy." She did a few arm curls with the huge cylinder to emphasize her point.

Max tried to speak, but his jaw hung loose. His legs felt weak beneath him and suddenly gave way; he collapsed to the ground on his ass. At the same time his cock swelled to its maximum proportions, feeling harder than it ever had before. He was forced to undo his fly to relieve the incredible pressure, releasing his enormous erection into plain view.

Hailey's eyebrows lifted as she saw his thick shaft; from her point of view it looked as if it had to be at least ten inches long and a few inches around. "Hmm, you really do like your women strong don't you Max?" she teased.

He breathed in short gasps and finally found his voice, "Yeah, I do...but I never dreamed anyone could be that strong!" Hailey was still hoisting the enormous weight, supporting its length at an awkward angle with just her hard, bronzed arms.

"'That strong?' What do you mean?" she giggled. "I haven't done anything with it yet!"

Slowly and gracefully, she raised the cylinder overhead, still balancing on one foot and supporting the combined weight of three more of the dangerously huge objects with the other. Now that Max had a better view of her extended leg, his eyes bulged from their sockets as he realized her knee joint wasn't even locked against the pressure, but slightly bent. It was entirely the force of her muscles holding over 100 tons at bay. Her leg looked amazingly sexy, lifted high in the air and flexed to full advantage; the flawlessly defined muscles in her calf and thigh appeared as hard as steel but exquisitely feminine in shape. His cock twitched involuntarily at the sight, but Hailey soon redirected his attention.

Holding the giant cement pipe above her head, she spanned her arms across a section of the opening. Her reach was far less than the full diameter, so she held two points along one side of it. Nevertheless, she was clearly intending to break the cement apart. Her fingers clenched against the granite, crumbling it in her grasp, as she pushed in opposite directions against the inner walls. Tiny cracks began to spider their way along the 25 foot length of concrete; small pebbles began to rain down around her. The cracks became larger, now pieces were breaking away; then suddenly the entire pipe broke down and crashed to pieces at Hailey's single foot planted in the dust.

With a satisfied smile, she dusted off her hands, then turned her attention to the three pipes threatening to roll down the side of the pyramid and crush her. "I guess we should do something about these," she smiled.

Max was barely recovering from the shock of what she had just done. At the same time, his mind was just beginning to crack open to the world of possibilities before him. This woman, he told himself, tried to make himself understand, possessed strength practically without limits. She could do anything...anything she wanted...anything HE wanted. She was incredibly, unbearably sexy, and she knew it, and she obviously enjoyed, VERY MUCH enjoyed showing him just how sexy, and above all how mind-blowingly strong she was. He decided he'd better get past his disbelief and start enjoying the show while it lasted.

Once she was sure she had his full attention again, Hailey reached up to grab the next pipe. Getting a grip on it with one hand, she lifted it out of the weight and used the other hand to catch the next one before it fell. She gently set the first one down on the ground behind her, wanting to save it for later. The next one was not so lucky. With a single hand she tossed it ruthlessly over her shoulder, sending it sailing through the air for several hundred yards. It smashed itself to pieces against the hard ground, badly damaging a nearby front end loader in the process.

Hailey waited patiently until Max's eyes were on her again. She particularly didn't want him to miss what was coming next. Placing two hands on the one remaining cylinder which she was supporting, she gave it a mighty shove which sent it sliding back up the side of the huge pyramid. She struck a sultry pose, one hand on her curvaceous hip, as it careened wildly up and away from her, then began to roll and bounce back down. She calmly drew her fist back, then threw it forward in a devastating punch as the gigantic cement pipe barreled down on her. It shattered in a veritable explosion of dust and granite, utterly demolished by her single fist.

It took a moment for the dust to settle. Finally Max made out the silhouette of Hailey, his fantasy girl come to life, standing next to the leftover pipe she had set aside. "Let's not forget about this one," she said, bending at the waist to wedge her fingers under the end of it. She smoothly raised it off the ground, up over her head, then dropped it down over herself. From inside the solid cylinder of cement, her voice was muffled and had a slight echo, but was still easily understandable.

"I'm taking my clothes off now," she called playfully. "I'd suggest you do the same." Max eagerly did so, stripping naked as his heart pounded at the thought of her peeling away her skin-tight clothing. "Now," she continued, "I'm pressing up against the cement. It's nice and cool...feels good on my skin. I'm rubbing my breasts back and forth against it...ooooh, it's so smooth..."

Max drew closer to the cylinder, enjoying the sultry sound of her voice as it wafted to him over the high wall.

"I'm thinking about that big, beautiful cock of yours...so hard and thick...it's making me really horny," Hailey moaned. "And I'm pressing against the wall harder now...my nipples feel as hard as steel. Mmmm...I wonder if I could break through this foot-thick concrete with them."

The mere mention of such a feat was driving Max nearly mad with desire. Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long. "Ohhhh, Max...I'm doing it...my nipples are pushing into the concrete...it feels so good...I'm flexing my chest as hard as I can...watch this, baby..."

The cement began to crack apart at the place where her voice was emanating from. Chunks began to fall from the outer wall, pushed aside as the cement gave way, until finally Hailey's two perfectly round breasts thrust their way through the opening, shoving aside the thick, heavy concrete. Max's hands immediately reached for them, caressing and squeezing their perfect shape and silky smooth surface.

"Ohhhhhhhhh Maaaax...." Hailey moaned again, her voice thick with desire. She pressed forward again, the weakened wall giving way to her unstoppable power as she ripped it apart like cardboard.

The lovers locked in an embrace, sharing a passionate, lust-filled kiss as their naked bodies writhed in ecstasy. Hailey's hand reached down to grasp his engorged cock. "Wait..." she gasped. "I have one more idea..."

Sliding a hand under his ass, she easily lifted him up until his cock reached her lips.

He gasped in surprise, his hands gripping her shoulders for balance as he hovered four feet above the ground. A mischievous smile curved over Hailey's sultry lips as she looked up at him. "Relax baby...I don't bite," she joked.

She wrapped her free hand around the base of his shaft, her slender fingers curving around its considerable girth as she mentally measured his equally impressive length. With a slow, controlled movement, she brought him forward. Her lips wrapped around his throbbing head and slid down his shaft as she pulled him toward her. "Mmmmmm," she moaned, thoroughly enjoying the taste of his beautiful cock. He groaned in response, overwhelmed by the sensation of such incredible stimulation combined with the weightlessness of being effortlessly lifted and moved back and forth by her single arm.

Hailey felt her body trembling with desire, her pussy leaking a steady stream of lubrication. She sucked him in deeper, feeling him against the back of her throat as her lips sucked and stroked the velvet surface of his quivering shaft. "Please...wait..." he moaned. "I can't..."

He had never experienced such intense pleasure. She felt his body tensing and knew he was about to cum. She released him from her mouth, looking up at him to say, "No way I'm stopping now, baby," Hailey grinned. "I want your cum, and I want it bad. And remember...there is always more where this comes from...trust me."

She wrapped her lips around his shaft again and sucked him even deeper than before. He groaned deeply as his body spasmed in her arms. She felt his cock swelling, pressing urgently into her throat, then exploding with cum, filling her mouth over and over again as fast as she could swallow. She moaned with satisfaction, sucking him like a straw and lapping up every last drop, then gently laid him down on the ground and stretched out next to him.

"Ohhh my god," Max gasped. "That was so incredible...I couldn't keep from coming, it was so intense..."

"Don't worry," Hailey purred, "I want to fulfill your fantasies, remember? And your fantasy girl loves to make you cum." Her lips curved in a knowing smile. "I'm sure I'll get my turn soon enough. Another thing you'll learn about your fantasy supergirl," she added, softly kissing him on the cheek, "is that she loves to come up with new ways to get you hard and ready again." She gracefully rose to a standing position and strolled away.

He watched her ass swaying hypnotically back and forth as she headed for one of the larger construction vehicles. He shook his head and smiled, knowing once and for all that she really could do anything she pleased...and anything that would please him.

The End