Victoria’s Secret


Chapter 2.  Victoria gently and carefully opens the massive bank vault door with her muscular and sexy body.


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


Finally, Victoria arrives at the rear of the “Offshore Investment Bank”.  Moreover, this is directly where she desires to be located.   The only objects keeping her from entering the bank are a 3-meter high chain link fence and a concrete wall about a meter thick.  So Victoria moseys up to the chain link fence, presses her massive tits into the metal fence, stretches out her long arms and clasps the fence with her fingers.  She pushes her hips and chest forward into the chain link fence.  Her enormous breasts distort the chain link fence outward, stretching the steel fabric as if it is a depiction of a massive gravitational warping of time space.  The meager steel cannot endure the pressure, however Victoria is enjoying the pleasure of her tits push aside the steel fence and her nipples slicing through the steel, snapping it apart like rotten cotton thread.


Victoria’s hips are also slowly sway back and forth against the chain link fence, and she forces her hot pussy against the fence.  The fine hairs of her pussy grind and shred the chain link fence into course metal shavings that fall to the ground.   Victoria playfully moans and groans as she sways her nude muscular body across the chain link fence. In addition, as her breasts and pussy tear apart the fence, she brings her hands down, along with the top section of the fence. She feeds this fresh material into her body, where her right hand forces fence fabric, steel rails, and barbwire into her breasts and her left hand feeds her hot pussy with the same material.  The sharp barbwire feels especially gratifying against her pussy and she soon uses both hands to pull the entire perimeter of barbwire off the top of the chain link fence.  She passes the barbwire across her breasts, where her nipples enjoy the experience of the sharp barbs being bent and flattened as they scrape against her smooth skin.  She then uses her long fingers to push some of the barbwire inside her pussy while her hand grind and shred the remaining barbwire against her pussy hair.  With Victoria’s strength, it only takes a minute to completely tear open a gaping hole in the fence as she crumbles and shreds the entire section of barbwire into her body.


Victoria picks up her little handbag and walks through the gaping hole as she rubs both her breasts and her pussy and says to herself, “Don’t worry little body, there a thick concrete wall and a massive steel vault for you to tease. And they will in all probability be better than all of the men you sampled on this island so far”.


Victoria strolls directly to the back concrete wall, pushing aside a company van with her shapely hips as she completely annihilates the front of the vehicle as it get caught between her hips and a  steel parking barrier. Once at the concrete wall, Victoria places her handbag on the ground and positions her nude body directly against the wall.  The nipples on her enormous breasts torment the concrete wall and gouge deep incisions in the concrete wall as she sways her breasts in a sexy teasing manner.  She gently blows the dust away from her breasts so she can witness her nipples massacring the concrete.  “OOOH! Just wait until you feel that super hard steel of that massive vault”, Victoria purrs.


She places her feet next to the bottom of the concreted wall and wiggles her toes, and in a blink of an eye, her toes burrow deep into the concrete wall.  Victoria slams her hips into the immense wall and the entire building shakes, causing some ornamental decorations around the roof to fall to the ground.  Victoria smiles as she closes both her fists and slams them into the concrete.  The punches smash into the reinforced concrete just on the sides of the waist and her hands and arms burrow deep onto the solid material as if it make of loose feathers.  Her fists and hands penetrate the concrete structure, shattering the concrete into dust and small pebbles, and bending the steel reinforces bars aside.  Victoria’s blasts her hands and arms completely through the concrete wall and then begins to pull her hands slightly upward as if holding the wall still.


“MMMM!!!!” Moans Victoria as she glances down at her immense breasts pushing against the concrete wall. “Now you two behave yourself, don’t rush into this”. Victoria thinks to herself as she watched her gigantic breasts begin to burrow into the concrete wall.  The concrete wall crushes inward, and large cracks begin to permeate from her two focal points.  Slowly, very slowly, Victoria pushes her breast into the wall as she pulls her hands back into her breasts.  Chunks of concrete burst outward from around Victoria’s massive chest muscles and fall to the ground.  The steel rebar is bent sideways or broken as her breasts steadily but absolutely force the concrete and rebar aside. Moreover, once her breasts are fully engulfed in the concrete wall, Victoria takes a deep breath, causing her gigantic jugs to swell in size and the concrete wall explodes apart.  While at the same time, she brings her hands up and through the back of the wall and clasps her breasts with her hands.  Anything caught between her hands and her breasts is turned to fine power or crushed out of existence.


Victoria swings her arms around in a circle, removing all of the crumbled concrete with a simple swing of her arms and produces a large hole in the concrete wall. The thick rebar is bent and push off to the side.  Victoria steps back to admire her handy work and smiles.  She reaches for some of the steel rebar with her hands, especially the rebar coming out of the bottom of the hole and gathers it together, carefully bending the rebar so she does not rip it out of the concrete.  Victoria, slowly and vigilantly bends and twists about 10 steel rebar together into one thick dense piece of steel almost a half a meter long and almost 10 centimeters in diameters.  “OOOH”, moans Victoria as she strokes the steel piece with her fingers, swings her one leg over the hole in the wall, and straddles the lower section of concrete.  She tenderly inserts the steel piece into her super hot pussy and accepts every millimeter of the steel rod deep into her body.  She slowly rides the steel rebar up and down to give herself some sexual pleasure and as she rises upward, Victoria powerful shoulders ram into the top of the concrete.  The concrete wall above Victoria burst apart and massive cracks extend in all directions. And as Victoria rides the steel rod faster and harder, her thick thigh muscles scrape, grind, and erode the lower section of the concrete wall until it also cracks apart. With the concrete wall almost completely shattered apart, Victoria’s powerful body tears free the steel rebar from the concrete as she raises her hips.


“DAMM”, yells Victoria as she grabs the loose steel rebar and attempts to ram it into her hot pussy, but all she succeeds in accomplishing is crushing the steel between her fingers as her super strength transforms the steel in a jelly like substance.


Victoria, in a fix of rage, squeezes her long shapely legs together and slices an opening in the remaining lower section of the wall, and vaporizes the steel rebar inside her hot body. The lower section of concrete shatters into a million pieces as steel rebar is vertically sliced off smoothly as Victoria’s firm thigh and calf muscles slide through the concrete wall.


Victoria bends over to pick up her purse just on the outside of the wall and as she leans forward, her massive tits swing around and make contacts with the concrete wall.  Her breasts slam into the wall with the energy of two large howitzer shells and explode apart another section of the wall.  She then swings her body around, her legs obliterating any remaining section of the loser wall, and Victoria is pissed.  The reinforced concrete wall offers her sexy feminine body no resistance and no real sexual pleasure. It crumbled apart with absolute ease and all she used was her sexy body and a little strength.


As Victoria enters the bank, it is obvious she is in an executive’s office. There is a large leather chair and a massive wooden desk in the office and they are directly in Victoria path.  The first object to experience the delight of Victoria’s body is the high back leather chair.  Her firm pert breast perfectly fit over the top of the chairs back and she simply swings her breasts across the top of the chair.  The chair rocks as her breasts tease the leather. 


“It’s a shame; there is not a young healthy male in this chair that I can screw.  I’ll just have to settle for the screw mechanism at the base of the chair”, Victoria thinks to herself as she bends over the chair and clasps the armrests and steps on two of the legs of the swivel base. Moreover, in the process, her large firm tits crush deep into the back of the chair, completely deforming the metal frame.  Victoria then spreads her legs slightly, pushes down and inward on the chairs armrests, and forces the entire upper section of the chair through the narrow open between her legs.  Steel, wood, leather, and plastic all are forced through her long legs and in a second, there is nothing but a mangled mass of crushed and shredded material behind Victoria.  The center screw mechanism on the base of the chair is still intact, although slightly jagged from where it was torn off the frame of the seat.  Victoria smirks as she reaches down with her right hand and grabs the bottom of the chair’s base with her right hand and spreads her long powerful legs.  With a deep breath, and a shrilling “COO”, Victoria gently forces the entire center screw mechanism into her hot wet pussy.  And with several pulsating thrusts of her hand, works the screw mechanism in and out of her hot body.  The five metal legs at the base of the center post are mangled and broken apart as they slam into Victoria’s muscular thighs. And it only takes a few seconds for Victoria’s hot body to transform the steel screw mechanism into a super hot molten piece of metal that has the hardness of a fresh cream.   “DAMM” yells, Victoria, as molten metal streams down her long legs, “I hope I can come across a real man with a cock that will remain firm until I can indulge in several organisms.



The massive executive’s table is next for Victoria’s body to obliterate, as she takes two steps up to the table and places her arms under the center section.  An easy lift of her arm and the heavy wooden executive desk is level with her breasts.  The computer monitor, laptop docking station, phone, and a lamp all fall to the floor.  Victoria then torments the end of the wooden table with her breasts.  Her nipples chewing through the hardwood like a chain saw through soft wood.  She marches forward and rams the desk into the wall of the office, causing the wall to bow outward.  In addition, as she continues to march forward, her massive bouncing tits chop, cut, chew, and devour the top of the desk into wooden splinters.  She stops, once her massive breasts have poked a massive hole in the office’s wall.   The desk is finally chiseled in half by her tits and Victoria lets the two-side fall to the floor.  She then turns around, collects her small purse and walks to the office door.  She does not even bother to reach for the doorknob, as she simply walks through the door.  The wooden door shatter into several sections that sail outward as Victoria’s body slams into the door with the force of a freight train.


Victoria enters the main lobby of the bank, turns her head around and peers back at the damage she has already caused and laughs as she thinks to herself, “Is that bank executive going to be pissed in the morning”.


A few steps more and Victoria is standing directly in front of the main bank vault.  She places her little purse on a nearby table and begins to play with her body.  She rubs her hands over her super hot pussy and her firm breasts as she begins to pant deeply.  Victoria is getting all worked up over the sight of a massive steel vault door.  The hardened steel vault door is over two meters high, 3 meters wide, and two meter thick.  It has dual combination locks and made of super hardened heat-treated steel alloys.


After Victoria plays with herself and gets her muscular body all sweaty, she goes over to her purse, pulls out a digital camera, and takes a picture of the vault door.  She puts the camera down on the table and walks up to the vault door.   She begins to sway her massive breasts around in a circle and then pushes them ever so lightly into the steel vault door.  Victoria’s two nipples immediately gouge and scrape out hard steel with the efficiency of a diamond tipped drill.  Slivers of steel fall to the ground as Victoria takes her hands and plays with her long brown hair. She wiggles her hips back and forth to keep her breasts swaying and is a few seconds, scours out two bowl shaped craters in the front section of the steel vault.   She then backs up and takes a picture with the digital camera.


Next, Victoria attacks the combination lock on the right side of the vault.  She uses her long fingernails to scratch and scrape the steel around combination lock until there is a deep grove.  She deepens the groove with her one finger until there is a ring sliced completely around the combination lock.  With her fingers extended, Victoria pushes her hand deep into the groove and behind the combination lock.  A soft laugh and a pull of Victoria’s hand tears out the combination lock mechanism from the steel vault.  She places the combination lock in her purse and takes another picture of the vault.


The combination lock on the left side of the vault is eliminated by Victoria making a fist with her left hand and smashing her fist into the combination lock until her arm is completely embedded in the vault, all the way to her elbow. The force of Victoria punch is go powerful that liquefied metal squirts out from around the combination lock and a hole the size of the closed fist is blasted completely through the 2 meter thick vault door.  Click, another picture.


The five-pointed rotary handle that allows the vault door to open by moving the 24 massive pins inside the vault door is next on Victoria’s list to torment.  The five rods are all made of chrome steel, about half a meter long and as thick as Victoria’s wrist.  She taunts the chrome steel rods with her hands, easily distorting the smooth rods with her fingers.  Finally, she clasps the round center of the rotary handle with her right hand, sinks her finger deep into the metal until chrome metal oozes between her fingers.  She then yanks the large rotary handle off the vault door with a pull of her hand.  This leaves a gaping hole in the vault door and some steel parts hanging out the hole.  Another picture is taken.


Victoria moistens her lips with her tongue as she brings one of the chrome steel rods up to her open mouth.  At first, she teases the end of the long chrome rod with her tongue, cutting hollows and furrows in the end of the metal.  Then she inserts the chrome steel rod into her mouth, slowly rotating the rod as she lubricates it with her luscious lips.  10 centimeters, 20 centimeters, 30 centimeters of the steel rod disappear into her mouth.  Then she slowly pulls the metal rod from her mouth.  The steel rod is all compressed and mangled, only half it original length, and Victoria says to herself, “Not exactly hard”.


After sampling the rod with her mouth, Victoria next takes the entire rotary handle and lowers it between her lengthy legs. She spreads her legs and begins to tease her hot pussy with another of the chrome rods.   And within a few second inserts the rod into her hot pussy.  There is nothing slow this time, for she forces the steel rod completely into her pussy and begins to work the rod in and out of her body.  Within 10 seconds, the chrome metal rod has already heated to almost 1000 degrees and begins to glow red-hot.  Steam discharge from the red hot metal as Victoria’s body juices coat the metal rod.  Lastly, the metal becomes too soft for Victoria body.  She yanks at the rotary handle, tearing off the steel rod and tosses the metal handle at the steel vault door.  The metal inside her body is vaporized as she closes her legs and she gets the camera and takes another digital picture of the vault door.


Victoria moves her body very close to the vault door, her toes touching the bottom of the vault door.  She spreads her legs slightly, stretches out her arm until they are level with her shoulders, and presses her massive breasts into the steel vault door.  With her arms stretched out, Victoria digs her fingers into the steel and gouges out steel to get an excellent grip.  The steel piles up into her palms as her finger burrow completely into the steel vault allowing Victoria get a excellent grip.  She then pulls her nude sexy body into the steel vault door, and begins to flex all her muscles, her arm, her shoulders, her chest, her hips, her thighs, and her calves.  She even presses her soft lips into the steel vault door and begins to sexually “Moan and COO”.  Her muscles ripple up and down, back and forth, in and out, as she pulls and pushes her body against the steel vault door.  Victoria lastly pushes her hip into the door and then back several meters away from the door.  She grabs her digital camera and takes a picture and what a picture it is of the vault door.  For there is a perfect impression of her body pressed into the steel.  The picture reveals her arm and bicep muscles, her shoulders, and a perfect impression of her lips.  Her super flat stomach muscles leave a perfect indentation and her hips leave no mistake where her legs muscles begin.  Her thigh and calf muscles are clearly visible in the steel door. In addition, the massive crushed opening left be her enormous breasts actually pushed through 40 centimeters of steel and revealed the inner working of the vault door.


Victoria just stare at the impression of her body in the steel door for a few seconds and then thinks to herself, “This is so easy and so much fun, and it starting to turn me on.  The first couple of men I get my hands on after I’m finished here are in for a real treat with my body”.


Victoria then walks up to the steel vault door and place her hands in the opening created by her large breasts and begin to rip apart the outer 40 centimeters of steel on the vault door.  The thick steel peels and bends as if its cheap tin foil, folding over, ripping, bending, and tearing and she removes large chunks of fractured steel with her hands and lets them fall to the floor.  In less than a minute, the entire front of the steel vault door is easily removed, revealing the inner system of gears and rods that manipulate the steel pins that secures the vault door to the frame.


There is nothing remaining of the front section of the vault door except the massive hinges of the left side of the vault.  The steel hinges are over 30 centimeters thick and run from the top of the door to the bottom.  “OOH boobies, how would you like a rare treat” says Victoria as she moves over to the hinges, squats down low to the floor and cups her breasts with her hands and pulls then wide apart..  She pushes her chest forward until her breasts completely surrounding one section of hinge and then she releases her hands. Her oversized firm breasts spring back together and crush the hefty steel hinge with such force that solid metal instantaneously transforms into a super hot liquid and splatters around the room.  Victoria backs her body away from the hinge and says to herself as she observes the large void in the lower section of the hinge, “Now titties, behavior yourself.  That metal you just crushed is no match for your soft tender touch.  You wouldn’t do that to a young man face”.   Victoria begins to hoot as she again places her breasts back into the void in the hinge she originally created.  She wiggles her massive breasts, causing even more destruction around the hinge.  Victoria gazes down with her eyes and gleams at the sight of her substantial breasts and cleavage as they taunt and tease the solid steel.  She takes her one finger and places it down into her cleavage, just to verify her breasts are still very soft and feminine.  She pokes her finger around her cavernous cleavage, watching as her soft flesh tenderly flows around her finger.  Victoria then takes both her arms, extends them over her head and grabs the upper section of the hinges with her hands.


Victoria’s hands and fingers descend into the super hard steel as if it is a soft sponge, deforming the metal as she brings her hands together to get an excellent grip.  Victoria again shifts her bedroom eyes down to her cleavage and begins to stand up.  Her huge breasts begin a trek up the massive steel hinges and the super hard steel of the hinges is forced between her deep flowing cleavage.  The steel hinges attempts to push aside her breasts and separate her cleavage, but to no avail.  Victoria’s breasts simply scrape, gouge, and collect the massive steel like its whip cream.  The steel furrows apart and around her tits, tearing away from the main vault door as she continues to stand up. Any steel that is wedged inside her cleavage is forced and channel up and around her breasts.  And once Victoria has stood up straight, she extends her arms and hands again and grabs the top section of the hinges.  She then pulls the steel hinges down into her tits, watching as her hands and breasts combine to turn the steel hinges into a substance that resembles Jell-O.  Her massive tit and deep cleavage acts as a silky smooth channel to divert the super hard steel. 


With the hinges scraped off the vault by Victoria’s breasts, Victoria turns her attention to the inner workings of the vault. But first s he takes another picture.   The inner workings of the vault consist of large metal gears and meter long chrome rods.  All designed to pull back the 24 massive steel pins that secure the vault door.  Victoria places her body in the center of the vault door, puts her hands on her hips and says out loud as if she was actually speaking to someone, “OK, who’s first to experience my body, gears or rods”.


Victoria smirks as she reaches in the vault with both hands and grabs two large thick gears.  The palms of her hands can scarcely fit around the metal gears, but when she closes her fingers, the gears just compress and metal squirts out from between her palms and fingers.  Then she pulls the gears towards her and the thick gears, first bend and begins to crack before they are torn from their bearings and axles. The pins and levers that control the long chrome rods are plainly slashed off and fall aside.  Victoria takes the bent gears, holds them in her hands and pushes them into her large breasts with her hands. She begins to squeeze the metal gears into her breasts and moves her hands around as if she is applying sun tan lotion on her soft body.  The thick hard metal gears are transformed into a super hot gooey substance as Victoria smears the metal around, between, and across her breasts.  She continues crushing the gears into her breasts until every gram of the metal is altered into a hot molten liquid that pours off her breasts and onto the floor.


Victoria next reaches into the vault, clasps two of the 8 centimeter thick by a meter long chrome steel rods that are attached to the locking pins, and cleanly rips them out of the vault door.  The chrome rods bend slightly from Victoria strength, but that is minor as she crumbles up the chrome rods in her hands like they are made of cotton balls.  “Not as hard or as strong as I expected, but they are long, stiff, and round”, says Victoria to herself as she tears off another of the rods with her hand.  She then jumps up on the desk next to the vault and begins to tease her hot pussy with the steel rod.  Victoria rubs the long chrome steel rod against her pussy for a few seconds and then inserts the steel rod deep inside her body, twisting and probing as she carefully pushes the rod inside her body.  She is very careful not to force the rod to fast or to hard; as she understands, it will bend and break with ease.


Victoria coerces the polished rod in and out of her body, however, each time she does, the steel rod get hotter and hotter until metal fatigue sets in and it no longer has the necessary stiffness to give her any pleasure.  “Anything for a young hard male”, shrieks Victoria as she jumps off the table and splashes out everything in the vault door as she flails her hands around.  Within a few seconds, all the gears, rods, pins, bearings, and housings, are a pile of broken scrape lying on the floor.   Victoria calms down and takes another picture for the record.  To finish the destruction of the main vault door, she pushes the back steel wall of the door with her hands until it peels away from the side frame of the vault.  She continues all the way around the vault frame until the back section falls away.  She then folds the thick steel over and over and crushes it into her body until it is the size of a newspaper.  Again another picture.


With the vault door completed torn away, Victoria starts on the frame, which held the vault door.  It is massive, thicker than the vault door itself.  She starts on the lower left side by clasping the massive steel frame with her hands and pulling it back and up.  The two-meter thick steel frame bends and Victoria tears it out of the wall as if it is a loose thread on a garment.  The two meter thick steel bends like a ribbon and peels off the building’s frame like a piece of masking tape as the concrete foundation collapses and the steel frame of the building tears apart to surrender the steel frame of the vault.


Victoria just drops the steel frame on the floor and steps over it with those long muscular legs.  She sits on top of the two-meter thick frame, then stretches out her legs, and watches as her thighs crush the massive chunk of steel.  Victoria get about half way through the steel and then slicing through the remaining section by just flexing her calf and thigh muscles, the solid steel easily surrendering to Victoria’s muscles.   In addition, after she cuts the solid steel frame in half, she grabs her camera, takes as step back and snaps a complete picture of the demolished vault door and frame.  And as she looks into the viewfinder of the camera, she realizes there is an iron bar gate just inside the vault.  “Now titties, there’s something you enjoy; separating and crushing steel bars”, Victoria says to herself.


It is a short few steps into the vault until Victoria is only a meter from the steel gate.  She stands in front of the gate with her hands on her firm round ass, and thrusts out her breasts as she leisurely moves towards the gate.  Moreover, as her nipples get about 5 centimeters from the steel gate, a high-energy electrical spark jumps from the gate to both of Victoria’s nipples.  “OOOOOOOOOH! That tickles”, giggles Victoria, as she moves her massive chest muscles around to maximum the high-energy spark.   She then backs away and stands there for a second and thinks, “It’s electrified, GREAT”.  Then she reaches out with her one hand and grabs one of the steel bars.  The electrical spark again jumps out and bites her but it has no effect on her hand.   Victoria has the steel bar in her hand about waist high and uses her fingers to slice a gap in the bar and then bends the bottom section of the steel bar outward.  The surge of 50,000 volts has no effect of Victoria, but when she spreads her legs and places the steel bar into her pussy, Victoria goes crazy.  The electrical energy tingles her body as she rides the steel bar up and down with her body. She wiggles and sways her entire body, gyrating her hips and swinging her shoulders.  Her massive breasts swipe at the upper section of steel bars on the gate, bending then back and forth as they smack into the iron bars.  Her large pert breasts bend and bow the thick steel bars as if they are tall grasses.  Her nipples also draw long electrical sparks as they pass close to the steel gate. Victoria takes the pleasure in stride until her pussy crushes the steel inside her body, and her tits force the steel gate to break off the wall and short out.


Damm!  That was fun”, yells Victoria as she takes a few deep breaths.  “Now I really need a man”.


Victoria looks around at the handy works and says to herself, “Well, there’s nothing remaining here that will satisfy my sexual desire, I guess it time to go find a man”.  She walks out of the vault, takes one last picture and puts her skimpy clothing back on her body.  She grabs her handbag, takes the camera and heads for the office of the bank executive she spoke to earlier.  She tears off the door to his office by pulling the doorknob completely out of the wooden door and burst open the door with a backhand.  She then places the digital camera on his desk and writes a small note that only says, “Fuck you asshole, next time don’t defraud any of our clients”.


The sound of screaming sirens and flashing lights begins to prevail as Victoria heads for the revolving front door.  She looks up and down the street and does not see anything so she pushes the revolving door with her hand and it merely crumbles and breaks apart.  No only was the door secured with several locks, Victoria purposely pushed the revolving door in the opposite direction, completely destroying the revolving door. Once outside, she quickly runs a safe distance from the bank.  She watches as several police cars go screaming by on there way to the bank.  Victoria notices all the commotion down at the bank and walks away from the bank, hoping to find a taxi.  However, the streets of the business area of town are abandoned, for everyone else is at the bars along the beachfront.  Victoria briskly walks along the sidewalk towards her hotel, watching the police cars race back and forth.  Finally one police car stops and shines a spotlight on Victoria.  There are two officers in the car and the passenger’s side officer rolls down his window and summons Victoria.  “Come over her girl, we want to ask you something”, says the officer.  Victoria gives the officer a sexy smile and strolls provocatively over to the police car.


Just as Victoria arrives at the police car, the officer says to her as he stares directly at her big breasts and says with a gulp, “Have you see anything strange or peculiar, a bank vault has just been broken open and we are looking for a truck and people with all kinds of heavy equipment”.


Victoria leans over to the window, places her massive tits on the top of the car door, forcing most of her breasts to bulge out her tight scanty top and replies to the officer, “I’ve got some heavy equipment and both of you young good looking officers are the only thing I’ve seen in the past hour”.


“You know it’s against the law to solicit, we could take you to jail” says the driving officer as he tries to get a better gander of Victoria’s breasts.   Victoria now looks around the outside and inside of the car for a few seconds and replies to the officers, “WOW, what a big police car you have, and what big guns you have.  Are your cocks in the same class”?


The two officers look at each other, smile and then turn to Victoria.  The one officer then replies to Victoria, “We could use a quickie”.   Victoria reaches down, rubs her hand across the one police officer’s cock, and says, “Oh, believe me, it will be a quickie”.


The officer unlocks the back door and tells Victoria to jump in the back seat and she obeys immediately.  Once inside the car, Victoria stretches her legs across the back seat, revealing she is not wearing any panties.  Both officer completely turn around and begin to feel Victoria’s legs. And as they follow her legs up to her crotch, she flexes her thigh muscles and both officers immediately have a surprised look on their faces.  “OH, YES, those fucking muscles are rock hard and solid”, says one of the officers as he continues to squeeze her thighs and work his hand up to her pussy.  All the better to wrap around you and tightly squeeze your body as I fuck you insane”, replies Victoria.


Victoria is hot, panting, and her pussy is burning, she does not want any foreplay.  So she grabs the officer on the passenger’s side and pulls him bodily over his seat.  She does not even give him a chance to unzip is pants as she tears off the thick leather belt for his holster and the belt for his pants.  She rips his pants completely off his body, grabs his cock, strokes it a few times to get it even harder and then rams it into her pussy.  Victoria pulsates her firm ass and hammers her shapely hips so energetically, she has to grab the officer’s ass with her hands to keep him for bouncing off her body and slamming into the ceiling of the car.  The officer between Victoria’s powerful legs is screaming with pleasure and the expression on his face reveals to Victoria that he is between the threshold of pleasure and pain.   Nevertheless, she do not stop, she continues to drive her pussy up and down the officer’s cock until he explodes inside her body.  This however, only causes Victoria to increase her pace.  Within 10 more seconds, the first officer is completely done, basically a zombie. Therefore, Victoria picks him up and tosses him back into the front seat.


The second officer has already removed his leather holster, his belt, and his pants and stares directly at Victoria.  “Top or Bottom”, asks Victoria as she signals for him to climb into the back seat?  The officer jumps into the back seat and replies, “You on top”.


Victoria moves aside and the officer centers himself in the back seat of their car as Victoria slides over his body and works her way down his body.  She teases his cock with the hands and then slides her body down until her mouth can accept his cock.  Victoria drives the officer so insane and he does not even notice her feet and legs are ripping into and tearing apart the floor of the car and the underside of the front seats.  After a few sucks on his cock, Victoria raises her body, sits on his lap and uses her hand to drive his cock inside her body.  Again, as with the first officer, she pounds and pummels his frail body with such force that the car begins to bounce.  To help stabilize the car and her body, she reaches out with her hands and grabs the door handles on either side.   However, within a few seconds, she tears off the door handles, leaving a gaping, serrated hole in the door, and crushes the door handles in her hands.  The officer is insane with pleasure; however, Victoria has not even begun.  Moreover, to again give herself better support, she places her hands on the ceiling of the car and hopes to revive the officer.  However, the only thing Victoria accomplishes as she continues to thump his body is to puncture a large hole in the roof of the car with her hands.  But Victoria continues and doubles the speed of her bodily thrusts against his cock and the second officer detonates his manhood into Victoria and collapses into a comma state.  And as Victoria turned her body completely around, she spreads her long legs wide and smashes her feet into the side pillars of the patrol car breaking out the windows and bending the doorframe. 


Victoria finally comprehends the second officer is useless to her body, he’s unconscious, but the first officer in the front seat is awake and realizes Victoria is tearing apart their patrol car with her nude body and strength.  He reaches for his weapon, turns around and points it at Victoria.  She looks at the officer and says, “Oh! Great! A French Tickler.  That gun is as useless as your cock. Give it to me”.  The officer then loudly yells back to Victoria, “Get out of the car and put your hands in the air”.


The officer’s hand is shaky as he points his weapon at Victoria and sweat begin to pour from his face.   Victoria’s soft coos seem to settle the officer as she reaches out with her hand and clasps the officer’s wrist, just behind the weapon he is holding.  Victoria is gently but commanding, she places her finger around his wrist in a manner that does not hurt him, but there is no escape from her grip.  The officer attempts to pull away but he cannot, he is locked in the secure grip of Victoria hand.


Victoria smiles at the young officer, her deep blue eyes peering into his eyes, and she remains silent.  She uses her hand to direct the officer’s wrist and weapon towards her body.  The weapon pointed directly at her massive tits.  Carefully, very carefully, she brings the officers hand and weapon to her body.  She maneuvers the officer’s hand so his weapon is between her massive cleavage.  She moves the weapon from side to side, purposely demonstrating to the officer her firm but fleshy breasts. Victoria’s breasts are so gigantic that she can bury the gun and the officer’s hand completely in her cleavage.  She toys with the weapon for a few seconds, pushing it from side to side, as she softly and sexually “COOS”.  Next, Victoria channels the weapons towards her left nipple, submerge the end of the weapon deep into her breasts until it arrives at her nipple.  She then taunts her engorged nipple with the muzzle of the weapon, forcing her nipple inside the weapon’s barrel.  Next, she pushes the weapon into her breasts and watches and mounds of soft succulent flesh surround the officer’s weapon.  Victoria is enjoy her foreplay as her one hand is playing with the officer’s weapon and her other hand is rubbing her super hot pussy.  She continues the fondling of her breasts with the weapon, moving the weapon from her left nipple to her right nipple. 


Finally, she begins to move the officer’s hand and weapon from her massive breasts. She pilots his hand and weapon down and across her rock hard stomach, each and every muscle of the super flat stomach causing the weapon to twitch as it rides over her muscles.  Down her stomach, and to her pussy the weapon proceeds, slowly making figure “8”s across her lower body as Victoria maneuvers the officer’s hand.  Once at her hot and moist pussy, Victoria begins to insert the barrel of the 9-millimeter automatic into her body.  The officer, by basic instinct, is trying to pull his hand and weapon away.  Victoria softly purrs to the officer, “OOOH, this feels fantastic” as she pushes the barrel of the weapon deep inside her pussy.  She works the barrel of the weapon, in and out slowly, each thrust causing the barrel to go deeper into her body until she had completely absorbed the weapon inside her body.


“OOH!  Please, pull the trigger. Empty your weapon inside me. Discharge every round and give me pleasure”, screams Victoria to the officer.  However, the officer is reluctant; he does not want to harm Victoria.  Lastly, Victoria follows the officer’s hand, her long fingers overlapping his fingers and around the weapon’s trigger and she squeezes.  Shot after shot, intermingled with sexual shrieks from Victoria ring out as she pulls the trigger again and again until the weapon is empty.  A long sigh from Victoria as she removes her hand for around the officer and begins to fondle her breasts.  The officer tries to remove his weapon from Victoria hot pussy but he cannot.  He pulls, twists, yanks, and pries the weapons handle but it will not budge.  Victoria just lays motionless, captivating in the pleasure the weapon just gave her body and the useless effort of the officer trying to remove his weapon from her pussy.  She lets the officer even use both hand to retrieve his weapon but it is to no avail.  Finally, the officer gives up and falls back, letting the weapon go.  He just stares at his weapon, buried deep inside Victoria pussy.  Victoria closes her long legs slightly, then reaches down with her one hand and grabs the handle of the weapon immerse inside her pussy and yanks the weapon out of her body.  However, with her legs closed slightly, the metal barrel of the weapon is crushed inside her and as she pulls on the handle, it is sheared away from the barrel.  Victoria give the remains of the weapon, which is the weapons’ handle dripping in her bodily fluids, back to the officer as says, “I’d fuck both of you again, but I’m not sure if you’re MAN enough or ready”.


The officer is in total shock; this absolutely gorgeous young woman just took eight bullets inside her pussy and then completely destroyed his weapon by closing her legs. He just falls back in the front seat and watches as Victoria sits up in the back seat, blasts off the rear door of his patrol car with a kick of her foot and exits the vehicle.   She walks around to the front of the patrol car and tears off the hood of the car with a simple lift of her hand.  The metal hood and hinges are sent sailing up the street as Victoria flings her hand sideways.  Victoria then bends over and reaches down into the engine compartment, her hips and waist pushing the metal aside on the front of the car.  She begins to wrap her hands and arms around the large engine, crushing and destroying everything on the sides of the engine compartment.  In addition, as Victoria’s massive firm tits hang down and sway from her muscular body, they mangle and mutilate everything of the top of the engine block.  Once Victoria has her hands completely around the engine block, she begins to stand up straight and pull her arms into her chest. 


The poor massive motor is quickly and violently torn from the vehicle.  Wires, hoses, metal pipes, and connectors are ripped apart and the motor is effortlessly removed from the vehicle.  And as she collapses her arm into her chest muscles, Victoria’s gigantic tits sink into the massive engine block, crushing solid iron and splitting the engine in half.   Victoria just lets the remain of the massive engine fall to the ground, looks at the police officer in the car, shake her head and walks away as she says to herself, “Well, maybe my luck will improve today and I’ll find a real man who can fuck my body and give me pleasure”.


Victoria collects her handbag, places her skimpy halter back over her firm breasts and begins to walk briskly back to her beach hotel.  It is getting very late and there is no one on the streets except speeding police cars, and she knows she will be busy tomorrow. Once at her hotel she does not use the front door to the hotel, but the side door.  However, the door is locked and can only be opened by a room key card.  Victoria smirks as she grabs the handle of the door and gives the door a yank.  The door is immediately blasted opens and the lock is completely torn out the steel frame.  Victoria was not in the mood to search her small handbag for the key card.  Victoria hurries up the steps to her room and retires to bed.


A phone ring at seven in the morning awakens Victoria and it is the president of the “Offshore Investment Bank”.   There is total silence after Victoria says “Hello”, and the president of the bank says, “We need to talk”.  Victoria responds simply by saying, “I’ll be there in 1 hour” and hangs up the phone.


To be continues:  Chapter 3:  Victoria reveals her strength to Ted.