Victoria’s Secret


Chapter 3.  Victoria slowly but deliberately shows Ted her incredible beauty and strength.


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


A phone ring at seven awakens Victoria and it’s the president of the “Offshore Investment Bank”.   There is total silence after Victoria says “Hello”, and the president of the bank says, “We need to talk”.  Victoria responds plainly by saying, “I’ll be there in 1 hour” and hangs up the phone.


Victoria dresses in her standard attire.  No makeup, her hair up in a bun, a heavy bulky sweater over her blouse, an ankle length winter wool skirt, and flat heavy shoes.  She takes her laptop case and her handbag and heads for the lobby of the hotel.  Upon entering the lobby, everyone looks at Victoria and laughs under their breath as she is dresses for winter in New York and everyone else is in summer beach attire.


She leaves the lobby and hails a taxi.  The taxi driver also gives her a bizarre glance as Victoria says in a firm sturdy voice, “To the Offshore Investment Bank, please”.


It doesn’t take long for Victoria to arrive at the bank and it’s a busy place, police, other vehicles, vans, and a lot of people.  Victoria pays the taxi driver and begins to walk to the bank.  She walks proper, her nose up in the air, and looks straight ahead.  As she approaches the front of the bank, Victoria smirks to herself as she notices a security officer guarding the front entrance.  She glances quickly at the damage she did to the front revolving door just a few hours ago and says to the security officer, “I’m with accounting and I must report to the president of the bank immediately”.


The security guard just looks at Victoria, it’s already extremely hot and this woman is dressed in heavy clothing. He replies to Victoria as he directs her to a cleared path through the front doors, “Definitely the accounting department”.


Victoria passes the vault on her way to the president’s office and turns her eyes sideway to catch of glimpse of everyone standing around the remnants of the steel vault door. She marches prim and proper to the president’s office and polite knocks on the door.


“Yeah, who is it” yells the banks president, and Victoria replies softly and politely, “Victoria, I have an appointment”.


The president darts to the door and pulls the broken door aside and signals for Victoria to enter.  He tries to closes the door but since Victoria busted the door open earlier, it would not stay shut.  So he props a chair up against the door to hold it shut.


“What happened to the door latch”, requests Victoria courteously?  The president doesn’t even respond but just hands Victoria the digital camera.


“Oh! Thanks you so much.  I misplaced my camera.  I must have accidentally left my camera in you bank yesterday during our informative meeting”, replies Victoria in a soft straight forward voice.


The president just stares at Victoria for a few seconds and then says’ “What the fuck is going on here.  The bank’s vault was torn to shreds like it’s a piece of paper”?


Victoria finally smiles as she reaches in her handbag and brings out the combination lock from the vault that she ripped out last night.  She places the large metal combination lock in her right hand and holds it up to the bank president’s face and says, “I this yours”?


She slowly closes her long fingers around the combination lock and squeezes the lock between her fingers.  The hardened steel crushes down and as her fingers close, the steel oozes out from around her fingers like its creamy whipped mashed potatoes.  The hot molten steel extruded from Victoria’s hand and fingers and falls on the wooden table where it begins to burn through the table top.


The president of the bank falls back in his chair, stares at Victoria as says, “You destroyed my thick steel vault door with you body”.  To which Victoria replies, “Oh yes, and it was fun, easy, and sexy.  Now write a cashier’s check or transfer funds into this account for the money you own my clients”.


The bank’s president hesitates for a few seconds and says, “Ok. I’ll transfer 20 million to your account”.


Victoria smiles and answers back to the bank’s president, “Yesterday was 20 million, today it’s 40 million.  And don’t argue with me.  You can claim it on your insurance; because I’m positive you will claim 60 millions was stolen from you bank last night”.


The president uses his computer to transfer funds to the account Victoria gave him, and prints out a copy for Victoria.


Victoria smiles politely, takes the copy of the transaction, and says to the bank’s president, “Well thank you very much Sir, and have a nice day.  Oh by the way, if you every cause me to came back to this island for business, I’ll tear your vault open again with my body and this time I’ll take all the money”.  Victoria turns around and graciously walks out his office and the bank.  She hails a taxi and goes directly to her hotel and her room where she verifies through her laptop computer that the 40 million had been transferred to the account.  She uses special codes to lock the account just in case someone tries to retrieve the money back.


Victoria sits on the edge of her bed, looks out at the ocean, and smiles as she says to herself, “I’ll go and report this to Ted, for he is my mentor”.  So she takes the printed copy of the 40 million dollar transaction, walks out her room and down to Ted’s room and knocks on his door.


Ted answers the door and Victoria can instantly tell she woke him up.  But she is happy as she shows Ted the record of the 40 million dollar transaction. She then says, “Ted, that nice gentleman at the Bank, he was so touched by his illicit crimes that he doubled the amount.  See, I told you yesterday that he would rethink his decision.  He called me this morning and I went to the bank and he said he was so sorry that he doubled the amount to 40 million dollars”.


Ted stares at Victoria; she is again dressed in thick bulky heavy clothing that conceals any feminine shape of her body, an ugly hat that has he hair pushed up into it, and an ankle length heavy skirt. Ted shakes his head and invites Victoria into his room.  Once Victoria is in the room, Ted shuts the door and says after shaking the cobwebs out of his head. “Let me get dressed Victoria”.   Ted collects some clothing and goes into the bathroom to change.  When he emerges from the bathroom, he takes the record of the 40 million dollar transaction plus the verification that the money was deposited, sits on the end of the bed and says, “Victoria, How”?


Victoria walks over to the balcony doors, opens the curtain to let in the morning sunlight as replies to Ted, “You simply need to be kind and polite to people”.


Victoria then opens the doors to the balcony and steps outside.  The bright hot morning sun is beaming down on Victoria and she stretches her arm and legs to enjoy the warm of the Caribbean sun.  Ted gawks as he watches her leg muscles tighten the wool fabric of her long skirt almost to the bursting point.


Victoria turns around and looks at Ted as she says, “Do you know it is very hot and it’s only morning”?


Ted takes a breath and replies to Victoria, “Of course it’s hot, we’re in the tropics, and you’re dressed for the artic”. 


Victoria, tilts her head sideways, smiles back at Ted and says, “Yes, you are correct.  I’m overdressed for this business trip.  This sweater is much to warm for the tropics.  Maybe I should dress in a lighter more comfortable sweater”. 


Ted lowers his eyes and replies, “Victoria, you don’t need a sweater when it this hot”.


Victoria bestows Ted a sexy smile, grabs the bottom of her heavy sweater with her two hands and pulls it over her head and off her body.  Her ugly hat is also pulled off as the sweater goes over her head.  And after she pulls her sweater and her hat over and off her body, she tosses them onto a chair on the balcony, Victoria long auburn hair falls down around her neck and past her shoulders.  Victoria shakes her head to fluff her hair and lets it swings to one side of her face.  She provides Ted another sexy smile as she rotates her tall body sideways and stretches out her arms.  Victoria has on a long sleeve, very fine material silk blouse, which is almost transparent.  And when the bright sunlight illuminates her blouse, Ted can see her enormous firm breasts through the silk material and there is not doubt that she is not wearing a bra. Also, he observes her waist is flat, firm, and shapely. Victoria continues to stretch her arms and thrusts out her large breasts, causing her nipples to protrude through the thin material of her silk blouse.


Ted mouths drops wide open and he cannot speak, his only thought is of the girl on the beach last night, and her resemblance to Victoria’s body.  “No couldn’t be, impossible” is Ted’s only thought”.


Victoria knows Ted just swallowed his tongue, so she says to him, “Do you think the company will let us stay another day”.   Ted just looks at the printout of the 40 million dollar transaction, lifts his eyes to Victoria and shakes his head positively.


“Oh! Wonderful” replies Victoria softly, “Also, would you like to join me on the balcony Ted, for I have a question about some activities on the beach”.


Ted immediately rushes to the balcony and stands next to Victoria as they look down on the beach.  Victoria then points to the area of the beach where the weight lifting stage is located and some women are exercising and practicing weightlifting.  “Do you enjoy women who have strong firm muscles, have fit bodies, are stronger than men, and do you believe they are sexy”, asks Victoria in a soft inquisitive voice”.  Ted stares at Victoria and doesn’t say a word; he’s scared it’s a loaded question.  Victoria nudges him with a soft sway of her hips, and says, “Ah, afraid of strong intelligent women, TED”.


“Oh,,,,,,,,, Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Yes,,,,,,,,, I mean No”, replies Ted after a few seconds,  “Those women do have very feminine shapes from being so fit”.


Victoria turns and faces Ted and replies, “I believe I also have firm young muscles”, as she flexes her arms in a pose.   “Now tell me what you think of my biceps, I have been exercising recently”.  Victoria wets her lips with her tongue as she smiles back at Ted.  He carefully touches Victoria’s left bicep with his fingers and gently rubs her massive bicep.  Victoria’s biceps have stretched the material in her silk blouse extremely tight and he can see her firm large arm muscles.


“Oh! Don’t be afraid to squeeze my girlish muscles Ted.  Squeeze both of my arms muscles and do it with masculine authority”, says Victoria as she tightens up her biceps even more.  The silk material in her blouse is stretching to the bursting point as Ted grabs both her left and right bicep with his hands and tries to squeeze hard.  Victoria’s biceps are rock hard and massive and Ted’s cannot squeeze his hand even half way around are arm muscles.  Victoria just smiles and she slowly begins to thrust out her massive chest. And the more Ted squeezes her arms, the more Victoria thrust out her breasts. At first, her silk blouse is just tight across her breasts, showing off her nipples, but then it begins to stretch tighter and the buttons begin pull apart.  Ted peers down into Victoria chest and can see that the silk material of her blouse is opening.  The buttons strain to keep her blouse closed.  Finally, Victoria takes a deep breath as two of the buttons rip through the material and her blouse pops open, revealing a good portion of the deep cleavage between her massive breasts.


Ted let go of her arms and gawks at Victoria’s large breasts for a few seconds and then looks up at her face.  But before he could talk, Victoria says, “This hot tropical sun has made me very thirsty, Ted would you please make me a drink, something cool and tasty”.


Ted shakes his head and asks himself, “Is this Victoria”? Then he replies, “Of course, but I thought you don’t drink any alcohol”.  Victoria goes back into Ted’s room and stands in front of the beverage refrigerator and says to Ted, “How much do you think this refrigerator weights”?  Ted replies, “About 150 kilos, Why”?


Victoria, tosses her head around to fling her hair to one side, stretches out her legs until her skirt is super tight against her legs, reaches out with her hands and grabs the beverage refrigerator, one hand on each side.


“A little exercise can make a woman thirsty for a cool drink”, says Victoria as she glances over to Ted.  She then lifts the refrigerator straight off the floor and directly up to the ceiling in one easy lift.  Ted’s mouth drops and his cock get hard as he witnesses Victoria lift the fridge as if it’s a feather. She did not even struggle with the150 kilos.


Victoria holds the fridge up for a few seconds as she turns around to Ted and spreads her legs even further apart.  The tight wool material of her ankle length skirt cannot expand any more and Victoria skirt rips open at the seams.  The rip extends all the way up her calves and past her thighs.  The material falls aside and exposes most of her shapely and muscular left leg.  Victoria then puts the fridge back down and says to Ted, “I’m a little stronger than you imagined, and I’m a little thirstier than you imagine.  So would you please make me a large, cool, tasty, alcoholic beverage, TED”?


“Of course Victoria, one large, cool, tasty, margarita coming up”, replies Ted as he races over to the fridge, opens it up, takes out the mixes he needs to make the drink.  Damm no ice, I need to go down the hall to the ice machine”, says Ted to Victoria.


“I’ll help you Ted, I need to get my camera and download some pictures to my PC.  These pictures are incredible”, says Victoria as they exit Ted’s room and walk down the hallway.  Once at the ice machine, Ted opens the door to the ice compartment, scoops up a large bucket of ice from the machine and begins to close the door to the ice machine.  However, Victoria places her right hand inside the door and prevents Ted from closing the heavy insulated door. Victoria gazes at Ted, smiles, and then lifts the large heavy ice machine completely off the ground.  She raises it about a meter off the ground and looks towards Ted.  He then says to Victoria, “Victoria, that ice machine must weigh 500 kilos and you picked it up like it’s a toy”.  Victoria replies as she lifts the ice machine higher and through the ceiling, “500 kilos, 500 billion kilos, it makes no difference”.  Ted just shakes his head in disbelief.  Victoria stands there, holding the ice machine up with her one hand.  Then she hears something metallic rattling around the floor and observes a heavy chrome chain dangling from the bottom of the ice machine.  The steel chain snakes between the legs of the ice machine and the soda machine next to it.  Victoria asks Ted, “Why do they have a heavy chain wrapped around the legs of the machines and then bolted to the floor”. Ted replies, “To keep drunks from dragging the machines into the elevators”.


“MUMMMM”, replies Victoria in a sexy tone of voice, “I have an excellent idea for this despicable steel chain, I’m positive I can demonstrate a modest amount of my female strength by bursting it apart with my little muscles”.  Victoria places the heavy ice machine back down on the floor, grabs the steel chain where it is bolted to the concrete floor and gives it a tug.  The steel bolt tears out of the concrete floor leaving a deep hole and some busted up concrete.  Victoria then pulls the chain from around the legs of the two machines and gathers the heavy chain in her hand like it’s a piece of thin twine. She then says to Ted, “Let’s go back to your room and have a drink, but first I need to get my camera from my room.  Ted and Victoria then proceed to his room as Victoria quickly gets her camera from her room.


Once back in Ted’s room, Victoria requests a vodka martini and Ted quickly makes her a drink.  Victoria takes a few sips of the drink, then sits on the side of the bed, slides the left sleeve of her silk blouse all the way up to her shoulders and hold her arm straight out to the side.


“Now Ted, please take this steel chain and wrap it around my upper arm.  Please make sure it’s nice and tight. Then I’ll make a little muscle with my biceps”, says Victoria in a simple but serious tone of voice.  She hands Ted the length of chain and when he takes the chain, he almost drops it from its weight.


“Now Ted, please be careful”, says Victoria politely as she takes another sip of her martini, and Ted replies back in a confused voice, “What are you going to do with these heavy chains”.


Victoria stares directly into Ted’s eyes and says, “I’m going to flex my little bicep muscle which will stretch and burst this chain open with a solid blast.  Then I hope to watch your love muscle burst through your pants”.


Ted gulps, shakes his head and replies, “What did you say Victoria”.


“Relax Ted and wrap the chain about 5 times around my upper arm”, says Victoria as she wets her lips with her long moist tongue.


Ted’s not sure, he’s seen what he believes are absolute impossible feats of strength in the last 10 minute and does not want to harm Victoria, but he complies with Victoria’s request and wraps the steel chain around her outstretched upper arm and secures it tightly with a few twists. And all the while he is wrapping the chain around her arm; her arm doesn’t move a millimeter.  Victoria glances over at the chain wrapped around her upper arm, and then looks up at Ted.  She begins to curl her arm slowly; very slowly as she makes a fist. Victoria’s bicep muscles immediately swell and tighten against the steel chain.  The steel chain begins to moan and groan and Ted can see the chain stretching and the individual links starting to deform.


Victoria then begins to coo softly and sexy as she again asks Ted, “You do enjoy the company of strong, sexy, and intelligent woman”?  Ted can’t answer the question, he busy watching and listening to the steel chain that is wrapped around Victoria arm strain to its limit.  Victoria only has her arm curled up about half way and her bicep muscles have already increased to where most of the individual links have stretched out and are beginning to fracture apart.


Victoria then takes her other hand and reaches out and rubs Ted’s crotch.  She gently strokes his swollen cock and says to him, “It appears that one particular muscle of yours is starting to expand; I’ll bet I can get it as hard as my muscles”.


Victoria then curls her arm completely and her biceps immediately burst open several of the steel links in the chain and the chain falls harmlessly to the floor.  She reaches out with her hand, grabs her drink, and takes a few sips of her martini. “MMMM, that tastes great, now watch this Ted, this is even greater”, says Victoria to Ted as she stands up.  Victoria takes a length of chain, about two meters long and flips it over her head and stretches it across her back.  She brings the chain around to her front and crosses her breasts with the heavy steel chain.  She purposely positions the chain across her large breasts so her nipples fit tightly inside two individual links.  She continues to secure the chain tightly around her chest by twisting the links of the chain around themselves.


Victoria glances at Ted’s eyes and she notices he is gazing directly at her large breasts and says to him, “Now keep your eyes on the chain as my chest muscles and my young firm breasts easily stretch the chain beyond its limits”. 


Victoria takes a deep breath and thrusts her breasts forward.  The solid steel chain moans, links deform, the steel fractures, and Victoria’s hard engorged nipples are forced to poke through the steel links of the chain.  A slight body wiggle by Victoria causes her large breasts to bounce and a link of the steel chain across her back immediately burst open.  The steel chain then falls around to Victoria front, where the two lengths of chain hang from her nipples.  The weight of the chain hanging from her nipples doesn’t cause her firm pert breasts to sag a millimeter.  Victoria laughs as she watches Ted’s mouth open wide and his tongue fall out.  She then says to Ted in a sympathetic voice, “Ooooo, I barely had to use any of my upper body muscles before this stupid chain snapped.  I was hoping to show you much more of my chest muscles before the chain broke. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to see if my chest muscles can burst more buttons on my blouse open”.


Victoria takes the two lengths of chain hanging from her nipples, one length in each hand and begins to pull down on the chains.  Slowly but deliberately Victoria pulls on the chain and Ted watches as the links caught on her nipples begin to stretch and deform. The metal starts to pull like soft taffy, then cracks, then burst open.  Victoria’s right nipple is first to burst the chain, then a few seconds later, her left nipple rips the chain open.  And all this time, Victoria’s firm, large, young, breasts never moved.  Victoria continues to slowly thrust out her breasts and flex her chest muscles.  She moves her hands, along with the two lengths of steel chain, and places then behind her head. She uses her hands and fingers to crumble and mangle the remaining links of chain, ripping apart each individual link and letting them fall to the floor. 


As Victoria flexes her titanic chest muscles and continues to thrust out her extremely massive breasts and deep cleavage, the remaining buttons on her blouse begin to pull tight, extremely tight.  The silk material of her blouse is stretching beyond its tensile strength and her nipples slice open the silk material as it scrapes across her vivacious breasts. Ted gazes in astonishment as Victoria’s massive breasts push aside her blouse and witnesses button after button pop through the expanded material.  Finally, her massive tits push aside all remnants of her blouse and the material falls helplessly aside.


“Do you like my large, firm, chest muscles”, asks Victoria in a soft sexy voice as she moves her hands down to the side of her body and begins to rub Ted’s cock with her left hand.  Ted takes a deep breathe as Victoria squeezes his super hard cock and Victoria says to him, “My nipples are so hard right now they could slice through thick steel plates like a hot knife through soft butter,  but I’ll bet your mouth and tongue can soften them in a heart beat”.


Ted still can’t answer or talk, his cock is super hard and throbbing; and Victoria’s squeezing of his cock is driving him insane.  Victoria then takes her other hand, places it behind Ted’s head and directs his open mouth towards her left breast and nipple.  Ted immediately begins to kiss, suckle, and lick Victoria’s large breasts moving his hands and mouth from breast to breasts.  And as natural instances have now taken over Ted’s body, her pushes Victoria down on the bed.


Once Victoria is horizontal on the bed, she pulls Ted into her body and wraps her long legs around his waist.  She stares at Ted and says softly to him. “Let me rip off my remaining clothing and then I’ll rip off all your clothing”.  


Ted sits up and before he could say anything, Victoria tears off her skirt and tosses it aside. She then takes her two hands, grabs Ted’s shirt and rip if open, popping all the buttons down the front.  She peels his shirt off his back and then grabs his belt and trousers with her hands and yanks.  His leather belt immediately snaps in half as she crushes the metal buckle with her fingers.  Victoria carefully peels away his trouser, tearing the material apart like its cob webs.  She tears his trousers completely off his body, leaving Ted completed nude with his super hard cock standing at attention.  She easily lifts Ted up by his waist and places him back on the floor and swings her legs around to the side of the bed and places her legs around his.  Victoria uses both hands to stroke and rub Ted’s hard cock as she lower her head down to his cock.   “My! What a big powerful muscle you have Ted’s, as she licks his cock with her tongue.  Ted grabs Victoria shoulders with his hands and squeezes her shoulder tightly to help relieve his sexual desires.  “OOOOOH! Ted, squeezer harder, as hard as you can as I prime you manly muscle”.  


Victoria is enjoying Ted’s squeezing her shoulders as she takes his cock and swallow it completely in her mouth.  She sucks on Ted’s cock for a few seconds, causing it even get stiffer and larger.  Finally, Ted basic instance takes control and he pushes Victoria’s body down on the bed.  Victoria doesn’t resist in the least, in fact she grabs Ted’s ass, spreads her legs and accepts his cock into her firm muscular body.  Ted immediately begins to screw Victoria with a passion he could never have envisioned.  And Victoria goes crazy, she is finally getting the sexual pleasure that she demands.  Victoria and Ted go at it for a while, Victoria thrusting her hips and using her hands to help pound Ted’s meat into her body and finally she has her first organism.  Victoria screams with delight over and over, and this causes her to drive her body harder into Ted’s cock.  Unfortunately, Ted’s human body is total exhausted and his cock goes limp.  Victoria simply begins to caress Ted and hug his body as Ted just lays there in tranquility.


Ted takes a deep breathe of the warm morning air, looks at Victoria and says, “WOW!  Victoria, I would never have guessed, and your strength.  What is going on”?


Victoria just whispers to Ted, “That’s my little secret. And yes, I’m incredible strong and sexy.  But I need to know one little something”.


“Ok Victoria, what do you like to know”, asks Ted in a positive voice as he sits up on the bed.  Victoria get up out of bed, stretches her nude body in front of Ted and says, “
If I perform unbelievable feats of strength with my body that turn you on sexually, will you be able to fuck me about 20 more time today with the same or greater veracity than this first time”?  


Victoria”, chants Ted, “If you can perform more sexy feats of strength with your incredible body, I’m positive I can perform on my part.  Your beauty, muscular body, and strength will definitely turn me on. Oh! One other thing Victoria, Just how strong are you”?


“I’m strong, incredible strong; I doubt your imagination can comprehend my strength”, replies Victoria to Ted.  “Let me get my laptop and I’ll show you the pictures of what my body did to that stupid bank vault last night”, says Victoria, as she get out of bed and retrieves her laptop.  Victoria gets her laptop from the bureau, and as she turns around, Ted snaps of picture of Victoria standing there completely nude.


Victoria chuckles as she places her hands on her hips, poses sexy with her muscular body and says to Ted, “Do you think you are going to win that office bet with those few pictures of me nude”?


“AH!  What office bet are you referring to Victoria”, replies Ted as he takes another picture of Victoria?  Victoria begins to pose for Ted in some very sexy manners, flaunting her muscles and her large breasts and replies, “You know, the first one to show a nude picture of me wins a thousand dollars”.   Ted’s only reply is a smile and about another 10 shots with the digital camera.


Victoria finally stops flaunting her nude body and jumps into bed with Ted.  She powers on her laptop and says to Ted as her laptop in initializing, “These are pictures of the steel vault that I opened last night.  I tore open the steel vault slowly with my nude body, snapping a picture after each stage.  It was so easy and so much fun, plus it got me sexually excited”.


Victoria then brings up the pictures, explaining in great detail how she used her body to rip, tear, crush, and completely destroy the massive vault.  After Victoria shows Ted about half the picture, she senses Ted’s cock is again super hard and possibly even large than before.  “Oh!  This is fantastic” says Victoria as she grabs Ted’s cock with her hand.  She places her laptop off to a side night stand, turns to Ted and pushes him down on the bed and says, “This time, I’m on top and in control”.


Victoria places her body on top of Ted’s, and quickly accepts his cock into her over sexed body. Ted reaches up with his hands and grabs her firm solid breasts.  His fingers barely can clasps half of her soft feminine flesh.


Victoria rides Ted with all her passion, pounding her hips into his hips with the forcefulness of a pile driver and the speed of a jack hammer.  Both Ted and her go insane with sexual pleasure as Victoria has two organisms before Ted blasts his manhood deep inside her super hot body.  All Victoria can utter to Ted after this second encounters are a few short words, “What must I do to get your cock hard again”?


Ted is still heavily panting but he replies in a broken voice, “No more pictures, I need to witness your incredible female strength up close and personal”.


“Well, let me think”, replies Victoria, “Yes, I got an idea Ted.  Let me borrow one of your shirts to wear and I’ll be right back”.  Ted points to the closet and Victoria jumps out of bed and picks out one of Ted’s shirts.  She places Ted’s shirt on her body and only fastens the one lower button on his shirt. She turns to Ted and says, “How do I look”.  Ted just replies, “Sexy”, as he watches her massive breasts reshape his shirt.


Victoria leaves the room, and immediately heads for the elevator.  And when she gets on the elevator, there are several men already going to the lobby.  They just look at Victoria, her long legs, her deep cleavage, and her breasts ready to burst out of Ted’s shirt.  Victoria simply smiles and thrust out her large breasts to expose more of her deep cleavage and soft sexy firm breasts.  When the elevator reaches the lobby, the men let Victoria off first and she immediately heads for the hotel’s fitness center.


When Victoria enters the fitness center, one of the men from yesterday is working the gym and immediately recognizes Victoria and he takes a deep breath and says, “It you don’t leave immediately, I’ll call the police”.  Victoria burst out loud laughing as she grabs a steel bar for hand weights, walks over to the guy, and show him the steel bar in her hand.  Victoria stares at the guy and says, “If you touch that phone, this is what I’ll do to you cock”.  She then raises the steel bar up to his face and crumbles it into her hand as if it’s made of soft foam rubber.  The solid steel bar, bends, twists, and crumbles in Victoria one hand and as she closes her palm, the white hot crushed steel squirts out the side of her hand.  The gym’s facilitator just looks at Victoria hand and says or does nothing, he’s to scared.  So Victoria takes her other hands and places it on his cock and gently squeezes his cock.   Reality sets in on the guy and he responds, “What do you want”?


Victoria responds, “Make me a massive set of barbells, and place as many of your heaviest plates on it as possible. I’ll get the rest of what I need and make it snappy; I got a super hard cock waiting for me”.


The gym’s facilitator complies at once; he uses a 200 kilo barbell already on a bench and begins to add more plates.  300 kilo, 400 kilo, 500 kilo, and finally he loads the weight bar with 600 kilos and he is huffing and puffing.  Victoria snickers and she says, “WIMP”.  Victoria lifts the 600 kilos with her right hand as if it was a feather and then walks over to the rack of hand weights and uses her left hand to pick up the two larges hand weighs on the rack.  She turns around to look at the guy who is operating the gym and she simply smile as she also steps over the rack of hand weights.  With her long muscular legs straddling the rack of hand weights, she says to the gym’s coordinator, “These weights are to impress my boy friend with my strength; it keeps his cock hard so I can fuck”.  Victoria then closes her long legs and crushes the rack of weights between her thighs as if they were made of .thin Styrofoam.  She then leaves the gym caring a 600 kilo barbell and two 100 kilo hand weights.


Victoria realizes she can not take the elevator, first she would have to explain the weights, and secondly, the elevator may not operate with this much weight, so she takes the stairs.


It’s eight stories up to her floor and Victoria is in a hurry, so she takes the stairs three at a time without even working up a sweat.  And as she approaches the fourth floor, the door open and a young woman and man begin to walk down the stairs.  Victoria looks at the young woman and the young woman and man both stare back at Victoria.  Victoria can tell at once the man and women are part of the weight lifting / fitness team that are demonstrating their fitness and strength on the beach.  Both are very physical fit and muscular and both are wearing a beach cover up with their fitness insignia neatly displayed.


The young woman is first to speak and says in a surprised voice to Victoria, “Are those weights real”?  Victoria very courtesy replies, “Of course these weights are real, about 600 kilo for the barbell”. 


“That’s impossible.  I can’t even lift 600 kilo”, replies the man in a authorize voice.  Victoria places the barbell on the landing and replies back in a soft tone, “Of course you cannot lift the barbell, you’re a man”.  He walks over to the barbell and yells to Victoria, “You’re as phony as these weights, now watch this bitch”.


The young woman is watching Victoria and her instincts tell her that Victoria is getting upset, so she interjects, “Hey, knock it off, this young woman may be that strong, after all, I can lift as much as you, maybe she is stronger than you”.


The young woman apologies to Victoria for here friend’s behavior and Victoria replies, “Oh thanks, and you are correct, I’m much stronger that your male friend.  This barbell weights 600 kilos and I can lift it with one finger.  Can I embarrass your male friend and let him attempt to pick up this barbell”.


The young woman replies, “Oh please embarrass his ass and then impress me with your strength.  Perhaps you should join us later on the beach and demonstrate you strength and your body.  You do appear to be very muscular and physical fit”.


“Well thanks again, perhaps I will join you later, now to embarrass your cohort”, says Victoria as she gestures for the man to pick up the 600 kilo barbell.


He turns his nose up to both women, takes off his top and flexes his masculine muscles in a show off fashion.  He reaches down with one hand grabs the massive weight with one hands and yanks upward, confident the weights are made of plastic.  It only takes a second before he realizes the weights are real and he just about jerks his arm out of his shoulder.  He again reaches down with both hands and pulls upward with both hands.  The massive weight just rolls back and forth a little.  Finally, he grabs the end of the barbell with both hands and with all his strength, can only lift the barbell about 5 centimeters off the landing.


Both women giggle and the young man says, “Ok bitch, what’s the trick”?  Before Victoria could answer the young woman answered, “Please pick up that 600 kilos weight with one finger, and lift it over your head, this I must witness”.  So Victoria uses her one finger to lift up the barbell and effortlessly lifts the massive set of weights over her head.  She balances the weight on her little finger and begins small talk with the young women. 


The young woman polite asks Victoria, “What are you going to do with this barbell and these other weights”?  Victoria replies in a soft womanly voice, “The male friend I’m with enjoys watching me use my strength in sexy ways.  It gets him so sexually turned on and he can get his cock super hard time after time.  I’m going to his room with these weights and I’m sure that within a minute of me playing with these weighs, his cock will be super hard and I’ll be able to fuck him for the third time this hour.  Then I’ll use my breasts to crush and mangle these hand weights, and that will make the fourth fuck of the morning.  My goal is 20 times today”.


The young woman stares at Victoria and says, “20 times, I can’t get a hard cock on this guy with a full bottle of Viagra.  I would love to watch you get your man’s cock super hard time after time by using your incredible strength”.


Victoria stares deeply into the eyes at the young woman and can tell she is serious about her request.  So she gently hands the two 100 kilo weights to the young woman.  The young woman is strong, she can pick up the two hand weights but barely, so Victoria takes one of the weights back.  Victoria then politely says to the young woman, “My name is Victoria and your name”?   “My name is Grace, and thank you Victoria, I’ve simply must witness your strength and what it does to a real man”.


Grace turns around to her male friend and says, “I’m going with Victoria and witness a real man. Why don’t you go and play with some little weights”.


“Fuck you Grace, your coming with me”, says the young muscle man as he grabs Grace’s arm and gives it a tug.


“Hey asshole”, yells Victoria sternly, “Release Grace’s arm or I’ll crush you arm as easily as my breasts can crush this steel railing.


“What are you talking about bitch”, yells the muscle man.


Victoria then thrusts out her magnificent muscular chest, showing off mountains of deep firm cleavage.  She leans her upper body over and positions her deep cleavage and breasts around the 10 centimeter diameter steel railing.  Victoria large breasts have no trouble completely surrounding the steel railing and once she has the railing fully encompassed, she stands up straight and turns towards the muscle man.  The steel railing wedge between her breasts is brutally rip free from the steel posts on the stairs, then bends and twists around her shapely body as Victoria rotates her body. And finally the railing ruptures free from the third floor landing.  Victoria purposely positions her breasts next to the muscle man hand and Grace’s arm, then takes a deep breathe.  The steel railing crushes completely flat in less than a second, with bit and pieces of metal squirting out from between Victoria’s breasts. 


The muscle man’s eyes almost pop out of his head as he witnesses Victoria’s incredible feat of strength with nothing but her breasts.  He immediately releases Grace’s arm and backs away.  Grace looks at her muscle man friend and says with authority, “Get lost asshole, I’m going to view an extremely strong woman perform both strength and sex beyond my wildest imagination”.


Victoria and Grace continue up the stairs, Grace carrying one of the 100 kilo hand weights and Victoria the remains weights.  Victoria continues to take the steps three at a time and Grace struggling to carry her weight.  When they get to the 8th floor, Grace just says, “Wow!  That was a workout”.


Grace and Victoria enter Ted’s room and the two women are chatting about muscles and strength.  Ted shakes his head and tries to get Victoria attention but she is too busy chatting with Grace.  Finally, Victoria says to Ted, “Oh Ted, I’d like to introduce Grace, we meet on the stairway where she had a slight confrontation with a male friend.


“Hi Grace” is all Ted can say as he scans his eyes from top to bottom to top of Grace’s tall body.


Grace smiles back at Ted and is not bashful as she unties the belt around her beach jacket and lets the beach jacket fall aside.  Ted takes a gulp of air as he stares at Grace.  She is tall, almost 2 meters in her spiked high heels, slender yet firm muscles, and shapely with great female curves, and a set of firm perk knockers that are larger that the 100 kilo weights she was holding.  She continues disrobing as she replies to Ted, “Your girlfriend, Victoria, has offered to demonstrate her unbelievable strength and the effects it has on a real man”.


Ted just glances at Victoria and she says, “Don’t worry Ted; you are going to enjoy this just as much as I”.


He then looks back at Grace and by this time her beach jacket has fallen to the floor and she is wearing a two piece bikini that consists of less than 10 square centimeters of material, total.  Grace’s massive breasts are no match for her bikini top as she sways her breasts back and forth.  Triangular patches of thin material barely cover her nipples and the tight straps pull back into her female flesh to form deep channels.  Ted had to question if Grace actually had a bottom on until he noticed two neatly tied bows of thin straps on the sides of Grace’s waist.


“Are we ready to start”, ask Grace to Victoria as she walks over to the side of the bed where Ted is sitting up with his back against the head board?  “Of course, let get started”, replies Victoria as she undoes the one button on the shirt she is wearing, takes it off and throws it back at Ted. Victoria then reaches down with her one hand, wraps one finger around the 600 kilo barbell and lifts it up to her chest and just holds it in position as if it were a feather.


Grace smiles back at Victoria and says “Wow! You are super strong”, and then she looks down at Ted and scans his body with her eyes. Grace then looks back at Victoria as says, “Victoria, please place that weight back down on the floor.  I want to establish a reference point before you demonstrate your strength to Ted”.  OOOH! What kind of reference point are you referring to Grace”, replies Victoria as she places the massive weight back down on the floor.


Grace looks back at Ted, smiles at him, and then grabs the sheet he has covering his lower body and pull it off the bed, exposing Ted’s nude body and semi hard cock.


“Well. Let’s see what an 18 year old female can do to that cock of yours”, says Grace as she undoes her bikini top and bottom and lets them fall to the floor.  Grace then uses her hands to massage Ted’s cock, rubbing it firmly from top to bottom.  Ted’s cock reacts instantly and stiffens solid.   Grace then leans over and places her mouth over Ted’s cock and begins a long slow succulent suck.  After a few seconds, Grace places her mouth completely down on Ted’s cock and was able to swallow his entire manhood.  She then stands up, looks at Victoria and says, “About a good mouthful in size.  Now Victoria, would you show us your incredible strength by teasing that barbell with your sexy body.  I’ll measure Ted’s cock every so often”.


Victoria again picks up the barbell again with only one finger and brings it to her chest as she replies to Grace.  “Tell me when Ted’s cock is at least three mouths full”.


Victoria thrust out her massive tits and places the 600 kilo barbell on her left nipple and balances it perfectly.  She toys with the immense weight of the barbell as she moves it up and down on her nipple.  After a minute, Victoria grabs the barbell with her two hands and bends the steel bar downward around her nipple until the two ends of the barbell meet with a loud CLANG.


Grace uses her mouth again and sucks Ted’s cock and when she’s done with as little teasing she yells, “About a mouth and a half”.


Ted’s sucks in a burst of air and replies to Victoria, “You had the assistance of gravity when you bent that thick steel bar down.  Why not defy gravity and bend the steel bar and heavy weights up”.


“Whatever”, replies Victoria in a nonchalant tone of voice as she places the steel under her nipple and easily and effortlessly bends the steel bar upward around her nipple.  Again, the steel plates of the barbell collide into each other with a thud and a clang.


About two mouth fills”, yells Grace, as Victoria smiles at Ted and says, “Impressed”.


Ted replies back to Victoria, “Straighten out the barbell and hold the barbell straight out with one hand”, to which Victoria immediately obeys. She bends with steel bar back to its straight original position, the massive iron weights acting as if they don’t exits.  Victoria then hold the massive barbell straight by one end and holds it straight out and twirls it around as if it was a light weight pointer.  Victoria then takes the end of the steel bar, thrusts out her chest, and places the end of the bar between her tits.  Everyone in the room hears the sound of the sold steel bar  and collar crushing between Victoria breasts as she flexes her chest muscles and she has no problem holding the steel barbell straight out with nothing but her large firm breasts.


“OH MY, it’s at least three mouthfuls.  Every thing you do to show off your strength Victoria causes his dick to get larger, I can barely get my mouth over the head of his cock”, yell Grace as she grabs Ted’s cock with both her hands.


Victoria places the massive weight on the floor and says to both Grace and Ted, “That’s it; I’m going to fuck that cock before it explodes”.  So Victoria jumps up on the bed, spreads her legs, and sits on top of Ted as she accepts his cock into her body. She wastes no time as she uses her incredible strength to instantaneously pound Ted’s body.  Ted has to grab her large breasts to keep him in sync with Victoria.  Ted looks at both Grace and Victoria as he begins to experience the immense pleasure Victoria is delivering to his body.  All his mind is contemplating is the extreme strength of Victoria as she bent and mangled steel with utter ease, and these thoughts are keeping his cock super hard.


Victoria increases her pounding of Ted’s body until it’s a feverish pace and she has her first organism, Victoria screams with pleasure as she demands more from Ted and again increases her throbbing of his cock.  A second organism follows the first and this one is much higher in pleasure and intensity.  Victoria sways her body sideways, rocks it back and forth, and hammers it up and down to continue her second organism.  She looks at Ted and she can tell he is also enjoying the pleasure and she can still experience his massive super hard cock inside her body.  “Let’s go for three”, screams Victoria as she grabs Ted’s ass with her hands and locks him tightly into her body.  She increases the pulsations of her hips and thighs to the point where Ted eye’s almost pop out of his head and Victoria experiences her third and best organism.  She screams with sexual pleasure for almost a minute, but poor Ted is finished.  A blast of his manhood into Victoria signals the end of his endurance with Victoria.


Victoria takes a deep breath as says to Ted’s, “WOW! A real man, you set me off sexually three separate and distinct times, that’s a record for one man”.


Ted is sitting up on the bed, his cock limp, and his pulse over 200 when Grace says, “I can’t believe what a display of female strength can to do a real man and Victoria you are so strong.  How”?


Victoria smiles at Grace and replies, “I’ve always been this strong and I enjoy all its benefits. There is nothing I cannot do with my strength; the only drawback is finding men capable of giving me great sex”.


“I think you found a real man, Victoria” replies Grace.


“Let’s go for a walk and I’ll demonstrate some more of my strength”, says Victoria to Grace.  But before Grace could answer, Ted replies, “Get me a double shot of scotch and I’ll bet I can perform even better” as he breaths deeply to regain his composure.


Both Victoria and Grace look at Ted and Victoria says, “No way Ted, no man is capable of giving women that much sex in such a short period of time”.


“S C O T C H   P L E A S E”, replies Ted in a firm but meaningful voice, “And Victoria, if you use your sexy body to contort, crush, tear, bend, and, mangle those steel plates, I’ll bet I can surpass my previous performance”.


“WOW!” Screams Grace, “Are you serious Ted, I’ve got to witness this feat of sex. I’ll get the Scotch for you”, as she heads for the bar and pours a double shot of Scotch in a tall glass.  And as Grace turns around, Ted polite says, “Oh Grace, sorry, that’s on the rocks”.  So Grace steps over to the small bar refrigerator to get ice and leans down to open the door when Victoria takes Grace’s hand and says, “Let me show you how to open a refrigerator, it’s a lot easier and sexier.  Ted, take note”.


Victoria places her hand on  the top corner of the fridge, and requests Grace to place her hand on top of hers.  Grace smiles and places her hand on top of Victoria’s.  Victoria then sinks her fingers into the top of the fridge, crushing the metal and digging out a section of the corner.  She then pulls up and back, peeling and ripping off the top of the fridge as if it were a sheet of tissue paper and bends it over the side.  Grace just smiles as she yells, “Yes”.  Grace reaches in through the ripped off top of the fridge, takes several ice cubes from the bin and places them in Ted’s glass.  She gives the Scotch to Ted and he downs the drink in one gulp.


“Ready Victoria, I’ll bet I can make you organism at least four times if you show me some more of your incredible strength”. Victoria snickers as she looks down at Ted’s cock and sees that it’s still wimp.  “Ok Ted, watch what my breasts I can to with this 100 kilo hand weight, it’s made of solid chrome steel but its no match for my breasts”.  Victoria picks up the hand weight, lifts it one handed over her head and then brings it down in front of her and clasps the center steel bar with both hands and slowly pulls her hands apart.  Victoria tears the steel bar of the hand weight in half and holds the two sections one in each hand.  She then clasps the solid steel weighs in the palm of her hands, and pushes them into her breasts.  Victoria doesn’t look at the solid steel pressing into her large breasts, but looks directly at Ted and slowly presses the solid steel into her breasts.  The steel is immediately crushed and reformed around her breasts, oozing from Victoria’s hands and finger, and wedging between her deep cleavage. The steel flows like whip cream over her large breasts as Victoria’s finger transform the metal into a soupy paste.  She continues to massage her breasts, smearing the transformed metal over her breast like it baby oil”.


“Oh my fucking!!!” yells Grace as she watches Victoria transforms solid steel to a liquid with her breasts and her incredible strength and at the same time observes Ted’s wimp cock get tripled super sized.


“All yours Victoria, he pumped and ready”, says Grace.  Victoria smiles back at Grace, picks up the other 100 kilo hand weight and places it long ways between her breasts.    Victoria pauses for a moment, and then says to Grace, “There is something I’ve never done before Grace and I need your assistance. You see Grace; I’ve never seen a woman fuck a man while I perform sexy feats of strength with my body.  Grace, would you please fuck Ted as I demonstrate my strength.  I have no idea of the outcome”.


Grace rubs her tall, firm, muscular body with her hands and replies to Victoria, “OOOOH! It you insist”.    “Fuck him good”, replies Victoria, as Ted just sits up in the bed and smiles.


Grace wastes no time as she jumps up in bed, and straddles her legs across Ted’s hips and inserts his cock into her body.  Grace wiggles and squirms, but enjoys the sexual pleasure as she slowly engulf Ted’s manhood inside the hot pussy.   And then Grace takes command.  Her young body feverishly rides Ted’s cock.  Her massive tits are slapping Ted’s face to his utter delight. And Graces is hot; she squeezes Ted’s body tightly, scratching him and digging into his skin.  Thrust after thrust, Grace is unrelenting, riding his cock for pure pleasure and showing no signs of retreat.  Ted is watching Grace while playing with Grace’s massive tits, and he is also watching Victoria.  About a minute into their sex, Ted stares at Victoria with a request on his face and she immediately crushes the hand weight between her tits with nothing more that a thrust of her chest muscles. The thick solid steel flattens out instantly and hot metal squirts out the top and bottom of her cleavage.


Ted goes crazy as he witnesses this incredible feat of strength by Victoria, his sexual abilities double and Grace screams as she reaches her first organism. Grace screams, and screams, and screams, as she demands more pleasure from Ted; her eighteen year old body is very physical and capable of much more.


Ted looks at Grace and says to her, “You can’t believe what Victoria just did with nothing but her bare breasts to that hand weight”.   Grace turns her head around to Victoria as she see the remains of one end the steel weight crushed between Victoria breasts and Victoria is standing there with her hands behind her head.   Grace turns back to Ted and says, “I’m going to change positions so I can also watch Victoria”.  Grace then lifts up slightly, rotates her body across Ted’s hips and sits back down on Ted’s cock.  With both Grace and Ted now facing Victoria, they again start heart throbbing sex.  Grace is riding Ted’s cock and Ted is pumping Grace as if they are bull riding.  And as Victoria places the other end of the hand weight between her breasts and crushes it like a marshmallow, Ted cocks increases in size and Grace goes berserk and has a second organism. 


Victoria then picks up the 600 kilo barbell and Ted yells to her, “Rip it apart, crush, and mangle those thick plates with your sexy body Victoria.  “With pleasure”, replies Victoria as she sinks the fingers of her right hand in the thick metal plates, crushing the metal as she squeezes her hand closed.  She holds up the barbell with her right hand as she uses her left hand to clasp the steel collar on the end of the bar.  With a simple squeeze and a pull of her left hand, Victoria crushes the steel collar that holds the steel plates in place and tears off the collar along with the end of the steel bar.  She then spreads her legs and inserts the steel bar and crushed collar completely into her pussy.  Victoria then closes her legs and both Ted and Grace can hear the sound of metal crushing inside of Victoria’s super hot body.   Grace has her third organism as Ted steps up his sexual drive.


“Grace”, begs Ted, “Please get on your hands and knees and I’ll screw you from behind”.  Grace immediately complies, gets on her hands and knees facing Victoria, and Ted kneels directly behind her.  Victoria by this time has removed one of the thick metal plates of the barbell and shows it to Ted and Grace.  She then clasps the thick iron plate with both hands and tears it in half as if it a piece of thin paper.  Ted yells, “Oh yes Victoria, and keep it up. Now rip it in half again”, as he slams his super hard cock deep into Grace as they both get in sync, with Ted pounding Grace’s pussy with the veracity of a jackhammer. Ted pounds Grace, Victoria rips the double thick steel plates in half again with the same ease and then in half again.  Grace looses her mind and has her third organism.


“Over to the side of the bed Grace, so I can stand and get a better position to fuck you harder”, requests Ted and Grace happily complies.  By this time Victoria has ripped apart the steel plate into over 32 small metal pieces that have fallen to the floor.  So she picks up another steel plate, bends this plate in half with a snap of her hands and places it between her breasts where it’s mangled as Victoria plays with her massive breasts.   Ted’s cock is now larger than ever and Grace is howling as he proceeds to pound her ass time and time again as he holds onto her slender waist for support.  A fourth organism causes Grace to slash apart the bed sheets with her hands.


Victoria then picks up two more plates and places then between her tits and lets them stick straight out.  She then clutches the ends of the steel plates, one in each hand and pulls them back and around her breasts.  The metal plates bend like soft foam around her large breasts, and her nipples push through the center hole of each plate.  As Victoria pulls back even more, her large pert breasts burst through the steel plates like a metal press through tin foil. Victoria continues to bend the plates back until they rip complete apart and her breasts burst through the steel.


Grace has her fifth organism and requests Ted to try a new position.  “You watch Victoria directly and I’ll watch in the mirror” says Grace as she swings her long muscular leg around and wraps them around Ted’s waist in a sexy embrace of their bodies.  Victoria picks up another steel plate and uses her tongue to slice apart the steel plate and her lips to bend, crush, and twist the remaining steel into the shape of a large cock.  She teases and taunts the steel with her mouth until she has crushed the entire steel plate inside her mouth.  Victoria then swallows the crushed steel and says “I swallow”.  Grace has her sixths organism as Ted increases takes a swallow himself.


Victoria continues to play with the heavy metal plates with her body, slicing one into pieces with just her nipples.  Another steel plate is wrapped tightly around her arm and when she flexes her arm muscles, it burst open like a popped balloon. The last steel plate on this side of the barbell is rolled up like a piece of cloth and into the shape of a cock.  Victoria then rams it into her blistering hot pussy.


Grace has her seventh, eight, and ninth organism as Ted keeps on driving his now super hard and way oversized cock into Grace’s pussy.


Victoria cannot believe the sex that Grace and Ted are sharing and says, “That’s nine times Grace, ready for some more of my feats of strength”.


Ted replies, “Oh yes Victoria, and make my cock even harder Victoria”. Grace doesn’t say anything as she is beginning to show signs of physical fatigue.


Victoria picks up the remaining section of the barbell, which consist of all the steel plate on the one side and over two meters of the steel bar.  She gently bends the steel bar into the shape of an arc as if it was a rubber hose, then spreads her long legs wide, and places the long end of the bar inside her pussy.  She then grabs the steel plates with both her hands, twists the steel plates to lock the steel bar in place, and in one continues motion, slams the steel plates up between her thighs.   The two meter long steel bar rams into her super hot pussy and in less than a second, the thick solid steel plates bend and crush to the shape of her muscular thighs.  Victoria sucks in some air from the sexual pleasure of the steel bar entering into her body and then closes her legs, crushing anything remaining of the steel bar to a hot molten liquid metal inside her body.  The thick plates of the barbell stand no chance as they are warped into an oblong shape and then crushed in half as Victoria thigh muscles make contact with each other.


The sight of Victoria crushing the massive steel plates between her long legs causes Ted to go off his rocker and he pounds Grace’s pussy with every bit of energy he has in his body.  His cock is massive, super hard, and relentless.  Thrust after thrust into Grace’s pussy with his manly weapon, Ted assaults Grace. Finally, Grace surrenders and screams over and over as she has her tenth organism.  Grace finally falls flat across the bed and says, “That’s the best sex I’ve ever had; give me a moment to regain my strength and I want to continue”.


Ted is standing there with his super hard cock at attention and he is looking directly at Victoria.  Victoria stares back and says, “Well there is only one thing remain for me to do Ted” as she strolls over to Ted.  Victoria places her hands around Ted waist, gently squeezes and then picks him up with her arms.  She raises Ted up until is cock is even with her mouth and she proceeds to give Ted a CLASS “A” blow job.  She sucks, licks, and swallows Ted’s cock repeatedly until she forces him to explode his manhood into her mouth. After Ted has discharged his load into Victoria’s mouth, he collapses, his cock goes wimp, and Victoria places him on the bed next to Grace.


Grace sits up and says to Victoria, “I want to do that again and as soon as possible, that was fantastic sex.  I cannot believe what your show of unbelievable strength can do to a man. Do you think Ted will be ready for more sex in a couple of minutes?


Victoria snickers back at Grace and says, “He’s going to need a nice long rest, perhaps tonight.  But I do have a better idea.  Grace, my friend Ted screwed you over and over as I used my strength to keep his cock hard.  I’ve never be able to get that kind of pleasure from any man.  If I give you my same strength, would you demonstrate your strength to men as I fuck them”?


Grace looks at Victoria, shakes her head positively as she replies, “Oh YES, we can take turns, perhaps with many young strong dude at the same time.  But how can I have your strength Victoria”?


Victoria smiles and replies “Let me worry about that as she gives Grace a soft hug and a gentle kiss.”


Grace stares back at Victoria and shakes her head as says, “I’ve this strange sensation all over my body Victoria, what is this feeling”?


Victoria replies in a soft womanly voice “Grace would you go over to that refrigerator and straddle it with your legs”.


Grace complies, goes over to the short bar fridge, straddles her legs over the top of the metal box and before Victoria could say anything; Grace closes her legs and crushes the side of the refrigerator completely flat between her thighs.  And as she turns sideways, Grace’s thighs and legs slice the fridge in half as if it was a wet piece of tissue paper.


Victoria then says to Grace, “Ready for a fuck and destroy mission today”?



To be continued.