Victoria’s Secret


Chapter 1.  Victoria travels to an off shore bank to discuss money owed to her clients.


The office was a very subdued place to work, after all, being a collection agency that transacts business exclusively in international fraud and loan collection did not offer much in ways of incentives to work.  Yes, 20% of everything collected is yours as a bonus, but ever try collecting from foreign corporations and banks.  These foreign organizations always have the backing of the local police and politicians. But this was Victoria’s profession and she was Miss Prim and Proper, always polite, always considerate, and never raised her voice. However, she always seemed to obtain 100 % of all monetary amounts due and her 20% reward fee amounted to an excellent salary.


Her name, Victoria, fit her perfectly. Not the Victoria as in the women’s lingerie store, but in the 1900’s Victorian era.  She was very quiet in the office, never dated anyone, spoke the Queens English to perfection, and would only talk to her coworkers when spoken too and the subject had to be employment related


Victoria was slightly over 5 foot 10, when standing in her plain brown flat oxford shoes.  She wore her plain auburn hair up in a bun, never applied makeup or perfume, dressed in a blouse that buttoned tightly around her neck and was usually 2 sizes larger than necessary.  Her blouse was always covered in heavy lace and concealed any shape and curves that her hips and waist might have. A bulky sweater or a jacket also accompanied her attire and it was always buttoned.  Victoria also dressed in a loose fitting straight wool skirt that extended almost to her ankles and she covered up that remaining smidgen of her legs with plain dark socks.


But there was something about Victoria, for she couldn’t screen certain other feminine qualities from the men in the office.  Her deep blue eyes could burn through a man when she stared, and a turn of her head with her lips pucker and her tongue rolling across her teeth, caused most men to double their heart rate.


The men in the office had all kinds of wagers around the office, and the first person to bring a picture of Victoria nude into the office would win a lot of money. Bragging that you screwed Victoria only meets with jeers and snickers from the other men.


Ted, her coworker and mentor, came to Victoria one winter afternoon and told her they need to travel to the Caribbean.  There is a holding company that defrauded a local bank of 20 million dollars and will not reimburse the money.  Ted through for sure that Victoria would be excited to travel to the Caribbean since there was about 2 meters of snow on the ground outside their HQ office.


Victoria peeked at Ted over her thick dark rim glasses and said in a depressing voice, “I would not enjoy the Caribbean, especially if you reserve a room on the beach.  I dislike the beach, the sun, and the sand.  It is unhealthy to be out in the sun, I am extremely cautious about exposing my body to the harmful rays of the sun”.  Ted takes a deep breath and replies, “Victoria, you can always stay in your room, read a good book, and enjoy the view from your balcony.  At least, it’s warm in the Caribbean”.


Victoria thinks for a few seconds and replies to Ted in a low slow tone of voice, “Since, it is my business position; I will suffer and travel to the Caribbean.  But promise me separate rooms”.


“Of course Victoria” replies Ted, “And I have made all the reservation, we leave early tomorrow morning”.  


Victoria again peeked at Ted and says, “I hope you reserved a room in a quiet hotel away from the beach”.  Ted just nodded his head as he walked away and said to himself, “Yea, sure, a quiet, out of the way hotel in the Caribbean during the winter.  Victoria, you’re hopeless”.


The next morning, both Ted and Victoria meet at the airport and Victoria is true to expectations.  She’s wearing a bulky full length winter wool coat that’s buttoned at the neck and is touching her plain brown flat shoes.  A simple pull over hat is covering most of her hair and her ears and Ted just shakes his head as she says, “Good morning Victoria”. To which she politely answers, “Ted, I hope we can conclude this trip in a day, I am so uncomfortable in these countries where everyone desires to party before they conduct business”.  Ted just replies, “I have our first class tickets, let’s check our luggage and go through security”.


Victoria replies in a straight tone of voice as she looks at Ted through her ugly black glasses, “Why does the company waste money on First Class”?


Ted replies, “There more room in First Class to stretch out, relax, and become comfortable.  Plus drinks are free”.  Victoria replies in a sharp tongue, “Well, I do not partake in alcohol and I believe in sitting up straight and proper”.


“Let’s go through security”, replies Ted as he shakes his head in amazement at Victoria”.


Both wait in line at security and Ted goes first through security with no problems and then Victoria goes through the metal detectors and it sets off the alarm.


A security guard immediately approaches Victoria and asks her to step aside and she replies, “Is there a problem Sir”?


Victoria is politely directed to a side area where a security officer explains to Victoria that she must comply to a body scan with a hand held metal detector and she can choose between a male or female security officer.  Victoria replies sternly to the male officer, “Please a female officer will be required to scan my body”.


The female security officer comes over and requests that Victoria remove her coat, which she reluctantly does.  Ted can see Victoria as he waits just past the security area and after she removes her full length winter coat, he snickers to himself.  She has on a bulky sweater and a large fluffy scarf.  The sweater is rolled up at her waist and hides any shape that a female normally has between her hips and waist and the fluffy scarf hides and curves her chest would naturally produce. An ankle length loose fitting skirt completed the outfit and covered her legs completely.


The female officer first checks Victoria’s winter coat with the hand held metal detector and finds nothing.  She then requests Victoria to hold her arms out straight to her side and she begins a slow scan of Victoria starting at her head and working down to her feet.


Ted’s mind wonders off on the thought of being in warm weather shortly and only pretends to watch Victoria being scanned.  However, when the security officer places the hand held metal detector and scans down her body, Ted’s mouths open in awe.  The security officer placed the scanned against Victoria’s bulky clothing but had to press hard against the clothing.  Ted could not believe the mountainous curves that the scanner had to follow down Victoria’s body.  Her chest and breasts caused the scanner to deflect outward quite a distance and the difference between her hips and waist was definitely noticeable. And when the officer requested Victoria to spread her legs slightly, she obliged and spread her legs until her thigh muscles tightly stretched the fabric of her skirt.


Ted stares directly at Victoria legs and he can definitely see her large tight thigh muscles as they reshaped her skirt.


The only metal that the security officer could find on Victoria was located around her waist and when the officer asked Victoria to lift her sweater, she said, “Of course, it is probably my buckle”.  So Victoria turns her head, stares directly at Ted, and he is standing there perfectly still with his mouth open and drooling”.


Victoria slides her hands slowly down her tall body until they reach the bottom of her sweater.  She clasps the thick bulky material with both her hands and slowly raises her sweater up. However, she also clasps her blouse and as she slowly pulls up on her sweater, she exposes her metal buckle and her bare stomach.  She continues to raise her sweater and blouse upward until it about even with her nipples.  Not only does she expose her super flat, super muscular stomach, but she raises her sweater and blouse sufficiently to absolute prove she has extremely large firm breasts and is not wearing a bra. 


The female security officer then says to Victoria, “Your OK Madam, it’s only your buckle, you can proceed through security”.  Victoria says “Thank you” and then unhurriedly thrusts out her chest and pulls the sweater back tightly into her breasts, further enhancing her fantastic muscular shape and the underside of her large pert breasts. Victoria then lowers her sweater and blouse, neatly rearranges her attire, and walks towards Ted.  Two male security officers grab their hard cocks and run to the back room and Ted covers his super hard cock with his carry on bag as Victoria and he walk to their plane.


Both Victoria and Ted take their first class seats, and the stewardess offers to take Victoria winter coat and place it in the coat closet but she declines.  Ted then says to Victoria, “You will be much more comfortable without that heavy coat; it’s a four hour flight”.  So Victoria reluctantly gives her long heavy winter coat to the stewardess, takes her seat, and pulls out several magazines, all of which are about boring house keeping.


Ted settles in his seat, orders a drink from the stewardess, and just gives Victoria a once over as he shakes his head and thinks to himself, “I wish you would take that sweater off, I need to confirm what I saw in security”.


Finally, the plane is ready for departure and the stewardess makes her checks and requests that Victoria attaches her seatbelt and place her seat up. “Oh yes, I will attach my seatbelt and adjust my seat” replies Victoria in an sincere tone of voice


So Victoria tightens her seatbelt and Ted glances over with his eyes as Victoria tightens and he murmurs to himself “WOW”.  For when Victoria tightened her seatbelt, it pulled her sweater extremely tight, both around her waist and her chest.  It suddenly became obvious to Ted that Victoria had a thin waist with curvy hips and a large set of tits. None the less, when Victoria moved her seat to the fill upright position, her sweater pulled even tighter across her chest and Ted had to cover his crotch again with magazines as his cock became hard again as he could actually recognizes Victories nipples through all that clothing.  Victoria turns to Ted and says, “This is so uncomfortable and restraining as she pulls on her sweater and blouse to loosen them and again hide her incredible shape.


The four hour plane ride is uninteresting for Ted as he sipped on good scotch and water, has a filet and watches Victoria drink prune juice and have a vegetable plate.  She is sort of boring as she discusses her strategy when they meet with the bank representative tomorrow morning.  Ted has to remind her that they are in a foreign country and that their countries rule and regulation do not apply.  Victoria replied in her true proper manner. “I believe once we convey that they has misappropriated the hard earned money of holy and righteous people, he will return their money”.  “Yea, sure”, replies Ted and he reads another sports magazine.


The only laugh he received is when Victoria asked the stewardess for permission to use the lavatory.  And when she did, Ted picked up one of her old fashion ladies magazine’s and took a quick peek inside.  Ted eyes open wide as he came to realize that the cover may have been “Old Fashion House Keeping”, but the inside is Women’s Muscle and Fitness”.  He quickly scans through several of the pages and he’s stunned, Victoria and muscular women, who in most cases are semi or completely nude. He quickly replaces the magazine before Victoria returns to her seat and orders another scotch. 


“You should not drink liquor.  It is hazardous to your health”, lectures Victoria as she returned from the lavatory.  And all Ted thinks about is getting a picture of her nude so he could win the pot back at the office.


They finally reach their destination and it’s gorgeous, bright warm sun, late morning. The plane reaches the gate and Victoria collects all her belongings and stands up.  Unfortunately, she forgot to undue her seatbelt, so when she stood up, Victoria hips simply rip the seatbelt from the seat.  Ted hears the ripping sound, looks down, sees the ripped seatbelt and then looks at Victoria.  She just gives a Ted a sad looks and says, “I hope we can be completed my tomorrow morning”. Ted picks up the seatbelt to examine it, shakes his heads, and they both depart the plane.


So Victoria and Ted get their luggage and proceed to security and customs.  Ted has no issue, as he easily gets through customs.  The only thing he has in his luggage is a swim suit, some personnel effects, and some casual clothes.  Victoria on the other hand has two suitcases, filled with clothing that the custom’s official considers not in keeping with the warm party atmosphere of the island.  He immediately calls for security and they take Victoria to a special area behind a large partition.


The two male security guards tear everything out of her luggage and toss it aside, it was neatly packed, everything in its place, and after they sadistically search all her luggage, they them come over to Victoria and tell her she must go through a complete body search.  Victoria then says in a sad voice with almost a tear in her eye, “Would you please have a female security officer search me, I have nothing on my possession that is illegal”.


The two guards laugh and tell Victoria, “Sorry, we get to search you and you look like you have plenty to hide”.


“Well”, says Victoria in an elevated tone of voice, “I will not allow you to search my body”.


The one guard walks behind Victoria, puts his hands on her waist and begins to move his hands up her upper body and says to Victoria, “OK bitch, how would you like to spend a few weeks in jail and we don’t separate the men from the women”.


Victoria smiles and replies to the guards in a slow sexy tone of voice as she sway her ass back into the guards hips, “Jail, OOH, you mean that place with massive concrete wall, and thick cold steel bars”.


By this time the guard has felt Victoria body on the outside of her bulky sweater starting at her hips,  going across her waist, and moving up to her chest.


“On my fucking cock, your tits are unbelievable” is all Victoria hears from the guard as he fondles her massive but firm tits with his hands.  Even through the large bulky sweater and her blouse he could feel she did not have on a bra and his fingers could easily identify her nipples.


Ted, in the meantime, took a seat just outside the security area.  His only thought is poor Victoria and the money it will take to get her through customs.  It’s usually a good bet that you will need to pay the guards several hundred dollars or go to jail.


From is seat, Ted could not see Victoria behind the partition, but as she scans around the area, he sees a reflection in a large glass window.  It’s not the best viewing but he can distinguish the two customs officers and Victoria.  He stares intensely; attempting to see what is going on behind the partition and says to himself, “Those guards are fondling poor Victoria.  Oh great and there nothing I can do to help her”. 


Ted is correct, the one guard is fondling Victoria’s massive tits, and he has moved his hands under her bulky sweater and is squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples. He is relentless and says to Victoria, “Your fucking tits are so big I can’t even hold them with both my hands.  Now take off your sweater or I’ll rip it open”.  Victoria stares the guard directly in his eyes as she says, “I’ll remember you”.  She then takes off her sweater and puts her hands on her hips.  The guard continues to fondle her tits and then tells Victoria to take off her blouse.  She gives the guard a smirk and unbuttons her blouse.  The other guard in the meantime is pulling up her long skirt and feeling her legs.


“Whoa” says the second guard as his hands feels the powerful calf and thigh muscles of Victoria legs.  He lifts and tugs her skirt until it above her waist and then pulls her white cotton panties down.  Victoria doesn’t say a word; she just permits the guards have their excitement.  Then on of the guards goes gets a chair and they force Victoria to sit on the chair, her blouse is wide open and her skirt is above her waist.  Her panties have been completely removed and tossed back by her luggage.


Both guards are just staring at Victoria; she has an unbelievable muscular build, enormous large breasts that are firm and pert.  A thin waist and a super flat stomach are obvious with nothing but muscles, not a drop of fat on her body.


The guards start on her fantastic feminine body, taking turns fondling and feeling every part of her body.  Finally, the guards are so engrossed in playing with Victoria body; she is able to quickly reach down and tear out their handguns from the holsters of both guards in one quick move.  She then points the handgun at the guards and says, “Watch this”.  She takes one handgun, spreads her long muscular legs apart and pushes the steel barrel into her pussy.  She easily forces the barrel completely inside her body and then twists the handle.  She the closes her legs for a second and then reopens her legs and removes the handgun.  She repeats the process with the other gun and then hands the guns back to the two guards.  They are so stunned that they didn’t even notice the barrels were both twisted and crushed.


Victoria stares at the guards and then says in a very sexy accent, “Why don’t you suckle my nipples, I’ve got two, and then take turns fucking my body”.  The two mesmerized guards immediately grab Victoria’s large breasts and begin suckling on her large tits.  Victoria, takes her hands, places them behind the heads of the two guards and massages the back of their heads and necks with her long fingers and sharp fingernails.  Then, Victoria pushes their faces deep into her breasts and with a brisk thump on the back of the guard’s heads with her hands, knocks both guards unconscious.  She gently lays the guards on the floor, redresses, repacks her luggage, takes a custom voucher, and proceeds from behind the partition.  And just as Victoria exits the security, she glances back at the two guards and says to herself, “Try to explain your hand guns to your boss, you fucking assholes”.


As Ted is standing there waiting; he glances at Victoria, then he glances at the reflection in the windows and asks Victoria what happened.  She politely explains that the two gentlemen were very kind and considerate and there was nothing incorrect or improper with my luggage.  They gave me a custom voucher and wished me a pleasant stay on the island.   Ted simply takes a swallow and says, let’s get to our hotel, our appointment is in two hours.



Victoria and Ted hail a taxi, check in at the best party hotel on the beach, prepare for their appointment, and hail another taxi to the final destination, the “Offshore Investment Bank”.


Victoria is again Miss Prim and Proper.  She even questions Ted why he gave the taxi driver a tip after such a horrible and dangerous ride.  Ted explained he told him to hurry and he got us to the bank ASAP.


Once at the bank, Ted finds a receptionist and verifies his appointment.  The bank officials do not know that Ted and Victoria are from a collection agency.  They believe it a new account setup of $20 million dollars.


As Ted and Victoria walk to the office of the president, they pass the bank’s large vault and Victoria stops and stares at the vault.  She wets her lips with her tongue and says to Ted, “This bank has the largest steel vault door I have ever had the pleasure of observing.  The steel must be over 2 meters thick and the lock appears impossible to open without knowing all their security features”. 


Ted stares at Victoria and he can tell she is hypnotized by the steel vault door, but he finally grabs her hand and pulls her along.  She shakes her hand to remove Ted’s hands and they walks briskly to the president’s office.


Once Ted and Victoria are in the banks president office, it doesn’t take long for their real objective to become apparent.  They want to collect the 20 million dollars the bank has defrauded from customers.  The bank’s president laughs and tell Ted and Victoria point blank, “You have until tonight to get your asses out of this country or my cousin, the chief of police, will arrest your asses and throw you in jail for a couple of years.  And there is nothing you can do as I spent the 20 million on my own personal pleasures”.


Ted knows he’s in a bad situation and says, “Thanks you sir, we will be out of here ASAP, come on Victoria, let’s write this off as a loss”.


Victoria takes a pen, writes down her hotel phone number and room number, and gives it to the president and says quietly, “I’ll expect a phone call from you tomorrow, perhaps even early in the morning.  Thanks you”.


The president of the bank laughs as he again tells Ted and Victoria that they better be out of the country tonight”. And as Ted and Victoria walk out of the bank, she again stares at the massive bank vault and Ted swears Victoria was having a sexual climax.


Ted and Victoria quickly return to their hotel and attempt to change their plane reservation to the next flight; however, the earliest they can depart is tomorrow.  So Ted says to Victoria, “I’m going to the beach front bar and make myself inconspicuous.  What are you going to do Victoria”?  Victoria replies in a soft voice, “I will proceed to my private room and read a good book”.


Ted is true to his word, he gets changed into casual clothing and gets a seat at the beach side bar and watches all the young girls, and the beach is crowded for there is an amateur body building      contest and some of the women are incredible.


Victoria goes to her room, walks to her balcony and basks in the warm sunshine and says to herself, “It’s time I indulge in a little excitement”, and strips completely nude on her balcony.  She tosses her clothing back inside her room and glances to her right where the young guy on the adjacent balcony is staring at Victoria.  He is in a deep trance as he cannot take his eyes off this goddess.  Victoria is 5 foot 10 inches of pure muscle, not an ounce of fat, and she is built.  Victoria has long solid legs, with powerful thigh muscles, a firm round ass, curvy hips, a super flat stomach, a set of firm pert breasts and requires both hands of the average grown male to cup just one of her breasts.


“Would you like a drink”, asks the gentleman and Victoria begins to undue the bun hair style she is wearing and lets her auburn hair cascade down to below her shoulders. “Of course I would enjoy a cold drink, among other earthly delights”, replies Victoria as she faces the young gentleman and stretches out her body to amplify every muscle.


“Please, come over to my room, I’ll meet you at my hotel room door”, says the young gentleman.


Victoria smiles at the young gentleman through the wrought iron fence separating the balconies and replies, “That’s a long walk around the rooms and a waste of time, why don’t I just utilize my sexy body to tear apart this iron fence”.


“WHAT” the young gentleman says as he watches Victoria approach the wrought iron fence that separates their balconies.


“Oh it’s extremely uncomplicated”, replies Victoria as she presses her large breasts through the iron bars. The wrought iron is pushed aside and bends outward by her pert large tits as if its string hanging down and the sound of creaking and cracking metal fill the air.  Victoria then crosses her hands in front of her and grabs the iron bars and pulls her hands apart.  She tears open the upper part of the iron fence, the wrought iron breaking and crumbling apart across her tits like its dry grass.  Victoria then reaches down with her hands and pushes the lower section of the iron fence between her thighs and crushes the metal fence until it falls apart as broken fragment of iron. Anything remaining of the Iron Gate is pushed aside by her shoulders and hips as she walks through to the young gentleman’s balcony.


The young gentleman gawks at both Victoria and the absolutely destroyed fence and offers her his drink.  “Well thank you”, replies Victoria as she uses her left hand to places his drink up to her lips and takes a large sip of his vodka martini.  She than takes her right hand and places it on his bare stomach and immediately slides it down the front of his bathing suit and grabs his already hard cock. She finishes the vodka martini in another gulp, puts the empty glass between her tits and crushes the glasses into several thousand pieces by flexing her chest muscles.  She then brushes any glass off her tits that was not liquefied and flowed down her cleavage and onto the floor.


Victoria turns to the young gentleman and says, “That was an excellent vodka martini, now for some better earthly delights”.  She removes her hand from the young man’s swimming trunks and grabs his swimming trunks with both her hands and tears them off his body with a pull of her hands.  She wets her middle finger by placing it deep in her mouth and pulls it out slowly.  Victoria places her finger on the young man’s chest and directs him to the lounge chair on the balcony.  He doesn’t resist in the least and he lies down on the lounge chair and allows Victoria to step over him.  Victoria straddles the young man and swallows up his super hard cock into her pussy.  She also leans forward and sways her large tits across his face, insuring her swollen nipples caress his open mouth.  The young man massages her nipples with his tongue and Victoria permits the gentleman to suckle her nipple. 


“OH! Please bite down hard on my nipple”, screams Victoria as she begins a slow but steady thumping of his cock with her hips.  “OH!  Bite harder, fuck harder”, squeals Victoria as she increased her body action to a feverish pitch.  The young man bites on her nipple as hard as he can but it doesn’t affect Victoria.  Finally, he just grabs her tits with his hands, squeezes that firm flesh between his finger and lets Victoria hammer him into total submission. It takes less that 60 seconds for the young man to completely blow his hot wad into Victoria’s pussy and then he is finished and his cock goes wimp.


Victoria stands up, the hot juices from her pussy dripping on his body and she says to him, “OOM!  That was good”.  The young man is speechless and in a daze but musters sufficient strength to reply, “Can I meet you again tonight”.  And Victoria replies as she heads back to her room, “Of course you can, but have about a dozen of your best friends with you. I’ll use the first six men as a sexy warm up exercise; then hope the other six men can satisfy my sexual desire, at least six times”.


Victoria scans the beach from her high balcony and spots an area where several men and women are exercising with weights and giving a body building demonstration, so she decides to investigate.  She goes into her room, combs her long auburn, applies makeup, puts on a gold colored thong, a pair of spiked high heels, and through a small towel over her shoulders that barely reaches down to her big firm breasts.


Victoria goes to the elevator and proceeds to the lobby.  Upon exiting the elevator, she reads the direction sign and observes that the hotel has an exercise gym. “Well, maybe the gym has some special equipment I can use as a warm-up before hitting the beach”, Victoria thinks to herself. So she follows the signs to the exercise gym and  enters the gym.  For a hotel, it’s nicely equipped.  Victoria looks around and sees free weights, stationary exercise equipment, jogging machines, and other equipment.  She then observes two men exercising on a bench press and struts over to them.  And as Victoria parades her body up to the two men, they immediately take notice and the man acting as the spotter for the guy on the bench says with a gulp, “Can we assist you, we are the gym’s instructors”.


Victoria scans both men with her eyes and replies, “Only 225 kilos, child’s play.  However, I’m here for a good fucking workout”.  The guy on the bench laughs as he lies back down on the bench and bench presses the 225 kilos ten times and replies back, “How’s that for child’s play”.


Victoria turns her body to the side of the bench press and is exactly in the middle of the bench.  She tosses her towel on the guy chest, squats down and places her arms under the bench press, her fingers grab the far steel beam and she easily crushes her finger into the metal.  The sound of the metal crushing and bending causes the two guys to look in the direction of the sound and Victoria says, “Never heard steel being crushed before”.


The two guys looked dazed and didn’t say anything.  Victoria laughs as she then stands up and lifts the bench, the guy on the bench, and the 225 kilo of weights up to her chest in one easy lift.  The only sounds the two guys heard were the steel bolts that secured the bench to the floor being ripped out of the concrete foundation.


Victoria squeezes the bench into her chest, where her tits easily bend the steel frame inward and her nipples gouge and grind into the metal.  The spotter just looks at Victoria and says, “What the Fuck”!


The guy on the bench is just scared and afraid the weight could fall, so he grabs the weight with both hands to stabilize it from falling.


Victoria spends the next few seconds wetting her lips with her tongue and slowly examining the body of the guy on the bench.   She watches his cock as it get hard and says to him, “OOH!  Nice manly reaction to a strong woman”.


Victoria then lower the bench to about her waist, leans forward and kisses the guy’s cock through this gym shorts.  She glances up at the guy and smiles and says, “I’m not going to harm you, I’m going to fuck you until every muscle in your body is useless”.  So she uses her tongue, lips, and teeth to tear open his gym shorts until his hard cock is completely exposed. With his cock exposed, she opens her mouth and swallows his cock completely.  But, instead of moving her head up and down and sucking his meat, Victoria moves the entire bench up and with her arm muscles. To Victoria, the bench, the guy, and the weights are equivalent to a small feather.  She teases the muscle bound guy’s cock for a few seconds, places the bench back down on the concrete, removes her thong and throws it at his face, straddles his hips with her legs, and accepts his manhood into her powerful body. She slowly rotates her hip and the guy goes wild and Victoria says to him, “Once I start on you body at full throttle, your good for 30 seconds, at the most”.  The guy laughs as replies, “You will be begging for more when I’m done with you”.


Victoria leans forward, opens her mouth, sticks out her tongue, and places it under the steel bar for the weights.  She curls her tongue around the steel bar and slightly crushes it with the tongue to get a secure grip.  She then sits back up straight, lifting the 225 kilos with her tongue. She just moves her head back and forth and swings the weight around for a few seconds as if it were a toothpick. She then takes the weight with her hands, lifts it up over her head and places it on her shoulders.  With simple twist of her hands, she bends the steel bar around her neck and lets the weights dangle down by her sides.


Victoria then looks at the other guy, the spotter, and says in a demanding voice, “Get me two of the heaviest hand weights you have in the gym”.  So he quickly retrieves two 100 kilo hand weights and struggles to hand them to Victoria.  She takes the massive hand weights from the guy and handles them like they are balloons.


“What are you going to do with the heavy weights”, requests the guy lying on the bench and Victoria replies, “I’m going to pamper, massage, and fondle my titties with these stupid little weights. Just watch”.   So Victoria takes the weights, one in each hand and holds them by one end of the steel bar.  She extends her arms, holds the weights straight out and points the other end of the thick steel bars back towards her nipples.  “Easy there nipples”, exclaims Victoria, “Your getting all excited and I haven’t even touched you with the cold hard steel”. 


Slowly, very slowly, Victoria pushers out her magnificent breasts until her nipples touch the ends of the steel bars of the hand weights. Victoria just grins as her nipples grind and gouge the ends of the steel bars.   She moves her tits around and watches as her nipples slice deep gashes in the end of the steel bar.  Victoria moves her nipples around in a circle, back and forth, up and down, and sexually “COOS and PURRS” as her nipples shreds the steel bar into sliver of cold steel that fall onto the guy’s stomach she had captured between her legs.


OOOOOOOOOOOOh!!!! come on big guy.  I’m getting more pleasure from my nipples teasing these steel weights than I’m getting from your cock.  Come on, thrust your hips up and down and give my hot pussy a decent workout with your cock.  That is, if you can”, shouts Victoria.


The guy lying on the bench between Victoria’s legs, yells back “Fuck you bitch, when I’m done with you, my dick will be coming out your mouth”.  The guy then tries to move his hips but he can’t.          He has almost 500 kilos of weight on his hips, and he cannot thrust his hips a centimeter.


“Another muscle bound jock”, Victoria replies back as she begins to crushes the steel hand weights into her breasts as if they were marshmallows.  The solid steel bars are first to mushroom back into the palm of her hands and the other end of the steel bars also mushrooms into her nipples and tits.  The hardened steel weights are crumbles by her fingers as she digs into the steel plates.  The outer set of plates are forced into the inter set of plates and the steel bar folds like a piece of string.  Finally, Victoria pulls the entire crumbled weights deep into her breasts. The cold hard steel oozes over her tits and through her fingers as she cradles her large breasts with her hands and dissolves the chrome steel into a vapor with nothing but the strength of her hands and tits.


“It’s a two for one special today guys”, yells Victoria as she grasps the second guy with her left hand, pulls him close to her and tears open this trousers.  She then lifts the poor guy up into her arms and holds him horizontal so his super hard cock is wedges between her breasts.  Victoria plays with his cock, using her large tits to tease his meat.  She permits his cock to ride between her breasts as she gently raises and lowers the guy with her arms.


Victoria then hesitates, stares at the clock on the wall and begins a count down.  Five, Four, Three, Two, One, and then immediately begins to suck on the guy’s cock she has in her hand and gyrates her hips at an incredible speed and force.  Both men take deep breaths and begin to moan with both pleasure and pain as Victoria administers as dose of pure sex to their bodies.


Both guys eject their manhood into Victoria, one into her mouth and one into her pussy and Victoria quickly glances at the clock.  “Not bad guys, it’s not a record, but it only took me 29 seconds to force you to lose your wads”, Victoria exclaims to them. She then places the guy in her arms down on the ground, and pulls the guy between her legs out and also places him on the floor.  Both guys are holding their dicks with their hands and requesting more pleasure.


Victoria then takes the massive barbell weights she has around neck and tears them off her neck.  The thick steel bar snaps apart likes it soft candy taffy.  She then takes the two sections of the weights, places then side by side on the workout bench, steps over them with her long muscular legs and begins to close her legs together.  The thick steel plates buckle, bend, and are crushed together by her powerful thigh muscles.  The solid steel plates are crushed like foam rubber, along with the steel bench, until they are crushed in half and the crushed plates fall to the floor of the gym.


Victoria just takes a deep breath, looks at the two guys on the floor and says, “I didn’t even get a decent work out from this gym, not physically or sexually.  I guess it’s difficult to find good employees around here”.


Victoria puts on her thong, grabs her towel and tosses it around her neck, collects her beach bag and walks to the exit of the gym. When she arrives at the door to leave the gym, she turns around to the two guys and yells, “You have the sign on the door reversed, it reads “PUSH”.  It should read “PULL”.  And they both watch as Victoria grabs the door handle and pulls the door open, completely tearing the door off it hinges and door frame.  She tosses the door across the gym like it’s a paper plate, laughs and exits the gym for the beach.


Victoria struts her muscular body down the hall and exits to the beach.  She marches past the outdoor beach bar and her spiked high heels echoes an air of superiority as each step pounds the wooden walkway down to the beach.  The air is full of quietness as everyone at the outdoor beach bar observes Victoria walk.  Her spiked heels strike the wooden path, her calf muscles bulging, her thighs amplified, her bare ass moving from side to side, her flat stomach showing no flab, and her breasts bouncing to the step of her feet. Victoria walks proudly down the walk and directly to the small stage where a few body builders were demonstrating their art.


Victoria walks directly to the stage and politely requests, “May I demonstrate my strength” as she poses to show off her muscular body.  The host of the strength exhibition gawks at Victoria and says, “Yes, Please join us”.  Victoria enters the stage and says to herself, “Amateurs, nothing but pure Amateurs”.


“We are almost complete with our weight lifting demonstration, who you like to start from the beginning and lift 50 Kilos”, says the host.


“I don’t want to hold up the demonstration, Why not let me begin with the weights what young stud just lifted”.


“Young Lady, he just lifted 200 kilos over his head, that’s not a reasonable weight for you to start lifting; after all you’re a women”.


“No shit. Glad you noticed that I’m a woman”, says Victoria sarcastically as she takes the towel from around her shoulders and tosses it onto a nearby chair.  She then thrusts out her large breasts, poses her body in several muscular stances and then walks to the 200 kilo weight.  She stands directly over the heavy weight; her long legs slightly spread apart, and her leg muscles bulging  from the spiked high heels she is wearing.  She flexes her sexy body and waits for a crowd to gather around the small stage.  It doesn’t take long for a large crowd to gather around and they start to cheer Victoria on. 


“Let’s see if you can pick up those weights, if you can I’ll buy you a drink”, yells some guy in the crowd.


Victoria yells back to the crowd, “You’re on”, as she bends over at her waist, reaches down and grabs the 200 kilo bar bell with her hands and lifts it up to her breasts. She moves the steel bar back and forth a few times across her massive tits to show everyone they are large, firm, and real.  She then stands up straight and takes the 200 kilo bar bell and lifts it over her head in one deliberate move of her arms.   She stands there with the 200 kilo over her heads, looks around the crowd and says, “Who is going to by me that drink”.  Every guy in the crowd is yelling “ME, ME, ME”.


Victoria puts the weight back down, grabs her towel and places it around her neck and exits the small stage. And as she exits the stage, she turns around to the host and says “Get some real weights”.


Victoria walks around the stage, flaunting her body and finally heads to the beach side bar.  The beach side bar is crowed and every guy is watching Victoria.  She slowly parades past the bar stools and two young studs begin to talk to Victoria. They get her attention when ones of the young studs says, “And I though those weights were real”.


Victoria looks at the guy, puts her hands on her hips and screams loudly, “Whose were real weights, all 200 kilos.  Buy me a drink and I’ll prove I can lift 200 kilos with ease”.


“What would you like to drink”, asks the one guy and Victoria responds, “An SOB please”.


Victoria immediately receives a “SEX on the BEACH” drink, take a sip, and wiggles her body between the two studs on the bar stools. “Let me guess, each of you way about 100 kilos, including the stools”.


Both guys shake their heads as Victoria stoops down and asks the two guys to sit firmly on their bar stools and face the bar.  She then places her arms under the two stools, wraps her arms around the seats and up on the outside where she takes hold of the guy’s legs.  And with one easy lift, raises both stool and the two guys off the ground as she stand up straight.


“Any fucking questions about my strength”, utters Victoria as she turns around and displays the twoguys to everyone at the bar.


Victoria then begins to play with the legs of the two guys.  She pulls her arms tightly around the metal stool and lets her forearms bend the metal seat.  She finally reaches her hands far enough around the bar stool and the guys legs so she can play with their cocks.


She gives the two guys a thrill for a few seconds, puts then down, grabs her drink, and proceeds down the bar.  She stops and talks to several gentlemen on the way, flaunting her body and her strength. At one point she looks down the bar and Ted is sitting there stating at her.  That over the shoulder glance from Victoria down the bar has Ted wondering and shaking his head. And as Victoria walks past him he says in a questioning tone of voice, “Victoria”?


“Pardon” replies Victoria. As Ted again says “Victoria”.


“Sorry, guess again”, Victoria replies to Ted as she slides her hand on his legs and across his cock.  Ted just grabs his drink as Victoria continues to walk along the bar.


After a few more demonstrations of her strength, like bending some steel bars, crushing bar stool into her body, lifting various heavy objects, Victoria heads back inside the hotel and quickly disappear as she takes the stairs up to her 10 floor room.  Every guy is trying to figure out what elevator she took and what floor she got off.


Victoria goes to her room, and get dressed for the evening.  All she is wearing is a very short skirt, a halter that halts nothing, high heels and a small purse. She again takes the stairs, steps out a side door after tearing off the lock with her fingers, and hails a taxi.


The taxi driver just shakes his head as Victoria jumps in the back seat.  “Where to Madam”, requests the driver as he scans Victoria young muscular body with his eyes.


Victoria gives the young driver the address of the “Offshore Investment Bank” and he set the meter and starts off. A quick conversation starts between the cab driver and Victoria, especially since Victoria is flaunting her body to him as he peers though the rear view mirror. 


“Why is a good looking young man like yourself driving a taxi at night”, asks Victoria softly. 


“I’m attending college during the day and this is the only job I can work in the evenings that allows me to get home early and study”, says the young man.   He takes a deep breathe and then says to Victoria, “I sure would like to know how much money you make; now you don’t have to answer that question”.


Victoria smiles and replies back, “Oh!  Of course I’ll answer that question, I charge 1000 for the first hour, and another 1000 for every 4 hours after that”.


The young taxi driver replies back with a smile, “I wish I had the money”.


Victoria just smiles back at he driver and as they near the “Offshore Investment Bank”, Victoria asks the driver if there is an ATM machine in the vicinity.  “Of course, these machines are everywhere” replies the young driver. “In fact there is one just over there in that building”.


Victoria requests the young driver to stop at the machine, and the driver obliges.  He drives up to the building but has to park his taxi on the far side of the street.  There are no parking spots on the side where the ATM is located.


Victoria surveys the area, and says to the Taxi driver, “I’ll only be a minute, please wait”.  The young taxi driver just nods politely to Victoria.


Victoria exits the taxi and starts to walk towards the glass enclosure that houses the ATM, but to get there; she has to walk around two large parked cars or go through a small gap between the cars whose bumpers are almost touching.  Victoria turns her head around to the young stud and makes sure he is watching her stroll to the ATM.  She sways her firm tight ass sexually as she walks directly between the two parked cars.  Victoria’s leg muscles smack into the two large cars and immediately crumble the cheap bumpers back into the frame.  Her swaying ass crushes the headlights, taillights, trunk, hood, and grills and jostles the cars apart until her body passes through the gap.  Then upon exiting the gap, Victoria’s powerful sexy body is confronted with a street sign on a steel post.  Victoria didn’t care to read the sign as she permitted her large breasts to push over the metal post and her crotch to bend the post to the ground.  Whatever the sign said didn’t matter as her power leg and thighs rip it off the post and wadded it up into a crumbled mess.


Victoria again turned her head to the young taxi and he just was staring at Victoria with his mouth wide open.


Victoria approached the glass privacy enclosure for the ATM and it required a credit card to unlock the door. However, Victoria did not have a credit card so she simply grabbed the handle and tore open the door.  One pull of her hand shattered the door’s locks and rip the door off the steel frame.  Victoria merely tossed the door off to the side of the enclosure.  Once inside the enclosure, Victoria pulled her halter down, thrust out her large breasts, and began to tear through the ATM with nothing but her large firm breasts.  The key pad, card insert, video camera, and the display were instantly mangled, destroyed, and pushes aside by her nipples and massive breasts. She uses her tits to quarry deep into the ATM until her breasts slash open the top of the money container.  She then puts her halter back over her breasts, reaches down with her hands and grabs two handfuls of bills from the money container.   She exits the ATM enclosure by smashing her body through the glass side and shattering the enclosure into a million pieces.


Victoria walks back through the gap between the two cars, slamming her ass into both vehicle and causing even more damage.  And to cover up her handy work at the ATM, she proceeds to the outside front on one of the cars and kicks the wheel with her leg.  The force of Victoria’s kick sends the large vehicle careening up and over the curb, across the sidewalk, into the ATM enclosure, and part way through the building.  She then proceeds to the taxi, gets in, and requests the driver to pull up a few blocks.


“I just watched you tear through two cars, a street sign, and an ATM like they are toys”, says the young stud to Victoria.  And Victoria replies, “Yes and it was fun.  Now let’ get out of here before the cops arrive”.


The young taxi driver obeys Victoria and takes off.  Victoria is looking around and finally says to the taxi driver; pull in that alley behind the “Offshore Investment Bank”.  The young driver quickly does as he is told and doesn’t say a word.


Victoria is still seated in the back seat with two handfuls of money and is staring directly at the young driver.  She smiles, hands him the money and says to him, “Here’s about 2000 and that’s my best price tonight, now get back here and screw my body and since it’s going to cost me plenty, make it worth my time”.


The young stud hesitates; he’s not sure if this is a dream or a nightmare.  However, once Victoria removes her halter and lifts her skirt, pure masculine hormones engage.  He jumps in the back seat, and as he lands on top of Victoria, she assists him in opening his pants.  His super hard cock penetrates her body as his mouth delights in the firm flesh of her tits.  Of course, Victoria assists by using her strength to grab his ass and amplifies his thrusting and pounding of her body.  Victoria is all over the young stud, her hands digging and scratching his back. And after several minutes of his young strong body she begins to scream to vent her sexual pleasure.  “Oh Yes! More, please more”, screams Victoria and she goes into hyper drive with her powerful hips.  The young stud is instantly exposed to more pleasure than he has ever experienced and immediately blows his wad.  He collapses into a state of fantasy as his limp body rolls over and rests next to Victoria.  


Victoria tenderly lifts the young stud and moves him aside and says, “No bad, you’re the first guy so far on this island that actually gave me a little sexual pleasure”.  Victoria exits the taxi and begins to walk up the alley towards the street. And as she walks, she studies all the utilities poles and the wires and cables going into the “Offshore Investment Bank”.

She locates one utility pole and recognizes that all the phone and communications cabling for the bank are on this concrete utility pole.  So she walks up to the pole, grabs it with her hands, and pulls it out of the ground.  The lower part of the concrete pole crumbles and snaps in half from her strength.  She then yanks on the upper section and with on quick snap of her hands, severs all the communications going into the building. Victoria dusts off her hands and proceeds to find a nice location to enter the bank, like a thick concrete wall.  However, while searching for a location to enter the rear of the bank, a private security car turns into the alley and starts to drive down the alley.


Victoria knows the security driver will report the damage to the communications wiring for the bank, so she hides behind a wall and as the car approaches she jumps out in front of the vehicle.  The small private security vehicle slams into Victoria’s leg muscles and the front bumper caves inward like tin foil. She shakes her leg slightly and her thigh muscles gorge out a section of the vehicle’s front fender and shake the small vehicle at the same time.  The driver puts his head out the window and loudly yells, “Are you OK, I didn’t see you at all”.


Victoria walks up to his window, spreads her long legs, and bends over until her breasts are resting on the open window of the car door.  Victoria looks at the driver and says, “I’m fine, it’s your fucking car that’s has a problem. Now hand me the fucking microphone for your radio”.


The security driver can help staring at Victoria’s breast as they push up and out of her halter and says to her, “Fuck you Bitch, now back off”.


Victoria stares at the driver and says, “OOOH Good! You just called me a BITCH, now I’m going to rip that mobile radio out of your car”.


Victoria then takes a deep breath and pushes her chest down and her massive tits cascade down into the car door and flatten the flimsy metal downward. She then grabs the door frame with her hands, squeezes her fingers into and through the sheet metal until she has a good handful of steel and rips the door off the car with one easy pull of her hands. The metal hinges groan for an instant until they break free of the frame.  And after she tears the door off the car, Victoria crumbles up the door as if it’s a sheet of paper and tosses it aside.  She next reaches in the car with her left hand and clasps the steeling column and yanks it out of the car.  The steering column also comes with jagged metal parts of the floor and dash still attached.  Victoria next uses her breasts to push back and crumble a large section of the car’s roof before she uses her hands to peel of the remaining front section of the roof like a piece of paper.


“OK, OK!!! Here’s the mike”, yells the security guard.  To which Victoria replies, “Too late, I’m just starting to enjoy showing off my strength.  You should have handed me that mike when I requested it”. Victoria next reaches over the driver; grabs the mobile radio with one hand and yanks it from its mounting brackets.  The electrical wires connecting the device snap off as if they didn’t even exit. Victoria simply wads up the metal case and the mobile radio in her hand and she watches as bits and pieces fall to the floor of the vehicle.


Victoria looks at the stunned driver as says, “Do you have a cell phone”, as she begins to search his body?  But before the driver can answer the question, Victoria rubs her hand across his hips and finds a cell phone.  She takes the driver’s cell phone, places it down the cleavage of her large budging breasts.  Victoria next suck in some air and all the driver hears are the sounds of metal and plastic being crushed between Victoria’s tits.


Victoria continues to rub her hand across his hips and waist and strikes his cock, stops immediately, and says to the driver, ‘Now that’s a communications device, you either have a long thick antenna stuffed in you pants or you got one hell of a cock.  So Victoria continues to squeeze and rub his manhood and she can tell the driver is enjoying the pleasure.


“Well, let me get a better gander at your communications equipment”, says Victoria in a sexy voice as she grabs the driver’s seat belt and shoulder strap and tears them out of the car’s frame with a tug of her hand. The bolds that secure the seat belt are severed from the steel floor as if they are dried weeds.  She tosses the straps aside and requests the driver to move his seat all the way back so there is more room in the car.  The driver laughs and replies, “My seat is all the way back”.


“Not a problem”, replies Victoria as she uses her hands to grab the undersides of the driver’s seat frame and pulls upward, tearing the seat and the driver from the floor of the car with an easy lift.  Victoria then places the seat back as far as possible in the little car.  “Now, that’s better”, says Victoria as she enters the small vehicle and again peels back the rear section of the roof.  She next straddles the driver with her hips and legs and uses her hands to push open the back door.  The door lock is simply torn out of the car’s steel frame.  Victoria next pushes on the driver’s seat back, bending the steel frame until it’s lying on the back seat.  She slides her body back slightly until she can get a hold of his trousers and tears open his trousers with a tug of her hands.  The driver’s belt buckle is torn open, is fly is ripped apart, his underwear is rip to shreds, and when his pants are torn open sufficiently by Victoria hands, his super hard cock rises up like a utility pole.


Victoria takes a deep breathe,  takes off her halter top, and says, “Let’s communicate”, as she grabs his cock with her hand and strokes her nipples with the head of his cock.  She then places is cock between her tits and moves her chest up and down, massaging his manhood in her cleavage.  And as his cock protrudes through the top of her cleavage, she licks and sucks on the head of his cock.   Victoria gives it a minute and then stands up and lowers her hips on his body.  His super hard cock enters her body completed and Victoria begins to rock her hips, slowly at first, but within a few seconds is up to full speed.  However, Victoria full speed is equivalent to a massive jack hammer being power by a nuclear reactor and the young driver blasts his wad deep into Victoria within a few seconds.  Victoria can feel his cock going wimp inside her body but continues to pound his body in a vain attempt to get more pleasure.  She is pounding his body with sufficient force to start the small car hopping around. She slams her feet through the floor of the car, ripping open the steel floor like wet paper.  She then stands up and looks at the drive and says, “Is there any man on this island who can give a young girl some sexual pleasure”.  Victoria steps over the young driver, grabs her halter top and her small purse, and walks out the passenger’s side of the car.  Her muscular body carves a path of destruction as her legs tear open the floor, and her flat stomach and huge breasts slice open the passenger’s side of the car.  She exits the vehicle and laughs as looks around the area. 


Finally Victoria realizes she is at the rear of the “Offshore Investment Bank”.  And this is directly where she needs to be located.   The only objects keeping her from entering the bank are a 3 meter high chain link fence and a concrete wall about a meter thick.  So Victoria walks up to the chain link fence, presses her massive tits into the fence, stretches out her arms and grabs the fence with her fingers.


To be continued: