Ann Unfair Competition

By Pat Mallon

WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

Ann joins a Bowling team

Ann enjoys have a pleasant relaxing time and being out with the girls, so she joins a 5 women’s bowling team and begins participating in a league at the local bowling establishment once a week. The girls all dress in very tight tops and short shirts and their motto is "A drinking team with a bowling problem". Ann’s an excellent bowler and her superb muscular shape and firm body are significantly flaunted every time she rolls the bowling ball down the lane. Her massive chest muscles bulges from out her tight top like two fluffy pillows and bounce around like two cats in a bag, and it obvious she never dresses with a bra. Her titanic tits are 3 times the size of any regulation bowling ball.

Tonight, Ann arrives at the bowling alley and her team is bowling on two alley lanes adjacent to the men’s league and one of the girl’s mentions, "Great! Will have to suffer with insults and bullshit from the worst men’s team in their league. The owner of the bowling establishment bowl’s on one of those teams and he makes up his own rules and there is no one who will stop their harassment, both physical and mental". Ann turns around and says to her team in a loud and firm voice, "If that asshole or any member of his stupid team causes any one of us a problem, I’ll personnel teach them a lesson in respect and proper bowling etiquette. The four other girls all smile because they have seen Ann when she gets insulted or shown disrespect and they know for a fact that she is extremely strong.

One of the women on the team, a tall fiery redhead named Maureen comes back to the team and says in a discussed and loud voice, "That asshole owner has changed the combination on my locker again and I can’t get my bowling ball". The owner hears Maureen and yells back to her in a snobbish manner, "For a weekend date, I’ll tell you the new combination". Maureen yells back to the owner, "You bastard", but before she could continue, Ann says to Maureen, "I know the combination", as she starts to walk up the 5 steps from the bowling area onto the main floor of the bowling center. And she has to walks up the 5 steps by the men’s team, because a large bowling ball rack that contains over 50 alley balls blocks her team’s steps to the main floor.

All the men watch the super muscular body and massive breasts of young Ann as she bounces with a great flamboyance of authority up the steps. All the men stand perfectly still and stare at her firm thighs or massive cleavage. One of the men then slams his elbow into the top of Ann’s breasts as she walks up the steps and steals a great feel of her soft super tits. Ann controls her emotions and does nothing except to squeeze her left hand and since she is holding the metal handrail, simply squeezes the 2-inch handrail completely in half. She then proceeds with Maureen to the locker area but first stares at the guy who shoved his elbow into her massive tits and says to herself, "You asshole".

Once Ann and Maureen are at Maureen’s locker, Ann places her hand over the combination lock, pushes her long slender fingers through the cheap steel and crushes the entire lock in the palm of her hand with her thumb. She then tears the locker door open with a gentle pull of her hand and peels the steel door off its hinges as if she is removing a sheet of paper from a notebook. Ann then smiles as she wads the steel locker door into the palm of her hand and squeezes the steel out between her fingers. Maureen looks at Ann with a surprised glare on her face and says. " Damm, You are as strong as I’ve heard".

On the way back to the bowling area, Ann asks Maureen why they put the bowling rack in front of the steps leading down to the bowling area by their alleys. Maureen laughs and says to Ann, "The owner’s moved the rack there knowing we will be bowling next to them tonight and this will force us to use their steps where they can try to get a good feel of our young bodies as we walk up their steps. We’ve tried to move the rack but it weighs several tons". "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH," replies Ann, "Watch this insignificant feat of strength", as the 19 year old super girl walks over to the center of the bowling ball rack, stretches her sexy body and then places her right hand under the center of the rack and raises the entire rack over her heads as she yawns. She then carries the three-tier rack and over 50 bowling balls to the area where the owner’s team is located, places the rack gently on the floor, and removes two bowling balls from the top tier of the rack. And then Ann bends over at her waist and places her titanic tits in the slots where she removed the bowling balls. Ann’s 16-inch diameter breasts full the void in the rack and they dwarf the bowling balls on either side of her massive breasts. And as she looks up to make sure all the men are watching her enormous cleavage bulge out from her top, the blond teenager pushes her tits a little further down and the ball holes in the bowling rack split open like stale crackers. Ann continues to push her monster tits downward and the entire top tier of the rack is naively crushed down through the middle tier and into the bottom tier. Ann then quietly promenades away and back to her team’s area of the bowling alley.

With the leagues ready to start bowling, the captain and owner of the bowling alley for the men’s teams says to the girls with a smirk on his face, "How about a little side bet girls. If our superior men’s team has a higher total score than your weakling women’s team, we get to fuck you after the game and if your team somehow has a higher team score then you get to fuck us". There is a lot of laughter from the men and Maureen yells back, "You son’s a bitches, I wish I could rip your balls……". However, Ann stops Maureen from finishing her sentence and says to the men’s team, " Your on, with one slight rule change. If we beat you in total pins, I get to destroy these two bowling lanes using nothing but my nude, young sexy body". "Guys, pick your woman, I want the one with those magnificent tits, for we are going to get fucked tonight", yells the team captain. Ann looks at the 4 other members of her team and says to them is a sassy voice, "Don’t worry, this will be easy and we will win by a margin as big as my bountiful breasts".

As the first girl rolls her first ball she gets what at first glance appears to be a bad pin split but just as the rack comes down to pick up the two standing pins, they both fall and she is scored a strike. What no one observed was that Ann picked up two small peanuts from a bowl and threw them at close to the speed of sound at the pins, knocking both pins down at the last second. The first person to bowl on the men’s team sent his bowling ball sharply into the gutter. He could not believe how the ball hooked that far left since he was an excellent bowler with a 230 average. A puff of wind from Ann’s powerful chest muscles diverted the bowling ball of the first bowler on the men’s team directly into the gutter. Another girl on Ann’s team had a good pocket hit but the 10 pins stood solid as can be on the alley. Ann just taps her foot on the floor just behind the scoring consoles and the resulting vibration caused the pin to fall just in time to score another strike. Ann continues her shenanigans through the first game and by throwing peanuts, quick puffs of breath, stomping her feet on the floor to cause pins to fall over, the girls easily won the first game. In fact, all five girls scored a perfect 300 to set all kinds of bowling records.

For the second game, Ann decides to add some spice to her playful tricks and drive the men’s team crazy. When it’s her turn to bowl, she walked up to the ball return and picked up a regulation size bowling ball in each hand and holds then straight out at her sides as she stretched her body to show off her muscles. She pushes out her tits, stands on her toes, and moves the balls around as if they weight only a gram. She would place a bowling ball in the cleavage of her 48-inch long tits and let the ball roll back and forth in her cleavage without using her hands. And one time she even forced two bowling balls down into the cleavage of her breasts and the balls actually disappeared beneath the massive overripe flesh of her tits. And when Ann bowled, it is a sight to observe and enjoy. She could roll the ball twice as fast and any man and could hook the ball into the pocket with such power; all 10 pins were blasted into the pit with every roll. Ann always made sure she kicked her firm leg back so the men’s team eyes could feast on her solid thigh muscles and she always followed through with her arm over her head and makes a tight firm biceps muscle for all to witness. And as she bent forward to release the ball, her gigantic tits would hit the floor and bounce around in her tight top. This sexy and muscular showing off caused the men’s team to lose concentration and they all started to bowl well below their normal. To keep up the pressure on the men’s team, Ann would force her tits onto the ball return rack and move the bowling balls around like toys with her oversized breasts. This and her other sexy displays caused the men’s cocks to get hard and Ann knows it’s very difficult for men to bowl when they are rubbing their hard cocks. The girls won the second game by over five hundred pins.

By the time the third game was half over, the men were getting very obnoxious and starting to spill their beer. One of the men in a vain attempt to show off his strength crushed an empty beer can into his forehead. Another wise guy smashed a half-full can of beer into his belly and sent beer all over the girls bowling area. The men all laughed and one of the girls screamed, "You fucking idiots, how are we supposed to bowl on a wet approach". One of the men yelled back in a cocky tone of voice, "Take your skimpy tops off and use them as a wiping rag". Ann finally has enough of their insults and scampers over to their area and a tear open their bowling bags by using her one finger to rip the bottoms out and takes their bowling towels from the bags and tosses them to the girls. For the guy that spilled the beer, Ann just ripped his shirt off his back with a simple pull of her hands and tosses it over to her lanes. Then one of the guys pours his entire can of beer onto Ann’s magnificent melons and laughs at her. Ann then takes the empty can away from the guy and crushes it in her palm where it turns into molten aluminum and she pours the hot liquid metal into the finger holes in his bowling ball. And not yet finished with the men’s team, Ann walks up to their table top, picks up 10 full cans of cold beer and places them in her deep firm cleavage and walks back down to their bowling approach area. She turns around and faces the men’s teams and yells, "You fucking assholes, now watch this little display of a young girls muscle control". Ann then places her hands on her ass, and slowly thrusts her chest outward. The 10 cans of cold beer that are lodged in her extravagant cleavage start to crush and explode open, spilling beer all over the men’s bowling approach. The men cannot believe their eyes as Ann titanic tits crush the 10 full cans of cold beer one at a time and in perfect sequence starting closest to her body and working out towards the ends of her super tits. And she accomplished this feat with nothing more than the muscles necessary to close her fabulous cleavage together. The cold beer did however, cause Ann’s nipples to become erect and burst tow inches through her skimpy top.

"You will pay for this you fucking bitch", yells the owner as he calls for two bouncers to have Ann thrown out of the bowling alley. And when the two bouncers arrive, they attempt to remove Ann off the bowling alley but Ann just smiles and let them push, pull, smash their fists into her washboard hard abdomen and muscular back, and struggle against her super body until their exhausted. She then looks as the owner and says, "Since it’s the tenth and final frame, let me finish bowling so we can official win the bet and I can use my sexy body to tease these 2 bowling lanes". Ann then pushes the two oversized and fats bouncers face down onto the floor of the bowling approach like they were small bugs and grabs one bouncer in each hand and lifts the men by their belts and pants. She then turns towards the bowling pins and flings both bouncers down the two alleys. The two bouncers slide down the side-by-side alleys on their fat bellies and slam headfirst onto the bowling pins. "A double", screams Ann as she watch the two bouncers and all the pins fall into the pit at the end of the bowling alley. "We win total by over a thousand pins", yells Ann as she turns around again towards the men who are all standing around the scoring consoles. The men seem frozen in time with a dumb expression on their face and their eyes wide open. Ann then tells the men in a soft and sexy voice, "You should have respect for woman because they are the superior of the sexes and much stronger than any man. Now watch how this 19-year-old teenage girl, with short and sassy blond hair, who is 5-foot 6 and well build with firm and powerful muscles, absolutely annihilates these two alleys. And I will accomplish this legitimate destruction with nothing but my totally nude body, and without even using my dainty hands".

Ann then straddles the ball return and starts to pose her super shapely body in various muscular stances. Her chest and arms muscles immediately expand and rip her tiny tight top completely off her shapely body. A side pose of powerful legs and thigh muscles causes her skirt to tear its entire short length and fall off to the side of her firm body. The super girl then squats down on the ball return, crushing a bowling ball into the steel frame of the ball return with her firm backside and causing her white bikini under ware to shred apart. Ann then stands up on the ball return and massages her huge tits with her right hand and squeezes her firm thigh muscles with her left hand. By this time every person in the bowling alley is standing behind these alleys and watching Ann display her strength and muscles. And Ann also observes that every male is holding onto his swollen cock as it if were a heavy bar of precious gold. The extremely strong Ann then looks at the owner and says, "You lost the bet, now it’s my turn to collect the winnings".

Ann jumps down from the ball return rack and straddles her firm legs between the ball return rack and slowly closes her legs. The two-foot wide steel rack crumbles into her thigh muscles and a bowling ball is miserably crushed out of existence as her legs close together. She then bends over and permits her massive tits to surround two bowling balls and she easily picks them up between her enormous breasts and then stands back up. A gently push forward of her chest muscles causes her tits to shatters the bowling balls into a thousand pieces. Again, Ann bends over and this time forces her 2-inch long nipples to pierce deeply into two bowling balls. When she stands backup erect, there are two bowling balls attached to her nipples and Ann just laughs, as the two bowling balls have no effect on the shape and firmness of her tits. Then, Ann simple bends over again and pushes the two balls caught in her nipples through the steel rack and into the floor where the balls and the rack are crush over a foot deep into the concrete sub floor. There is nothing that can stop Ann and she know this, so she continues to crush the ball return rack and the bowling balls with a smile on are face and a illustriousness of complete domination. She presses a bowling ball into the end stop of the rack with her cunt and rotates her hips around the ball and lets her pussy hair shred the ball into fine shavings. Ann then spins around and lays back on the remains of the return rack and lets 5 bowling balls roll between her legs where she proceeds to squeezes the balls and the rack into a goo that oozes out her thighs.

Having completely destroyed the return rack, Ann stands up and wiggles her body to remove the crushed metal and bowling ball pieces from her body. The sexy teenager then spots the ball return chute mechanism and the 4-inch wide revolving belt. She pushes her one breast deep into the chute and thick black smoke come pouring out the mechanism as her super tit cause serious friction against the fast moving belt. A simple lift of her tit caused the entire top of the ball return chute to blast upward and through the ceiling. Ann then straddles the revolving belt with her powerful legs and lets the belt rub against her thighs until it burns itself in half and then Ann quickly closes her legs and annihilates the ball return mechanism into what looks like a flattened pancake.

Ann next strolls to the front of the two scoring consoles, bends over and shows off her firm ass to everyone, and at the same time allows her tits to blast off the ledge just in front of the screens. Ann looks as the scores on the screen and says out loud, "The scores are correct! Men nothing, girls everything". Ann again stands up and steps forward until her legs are pressing against the console and places her hands on her ass and bends over at the waist as if she is going to touch her toes. This time however, her titanic tits violently rip through the video console screens and demolish the consoles into a billion microscopic parts. Ann laughs as she turns around to the owner and grabs him by his belt buckles and pulls him into her body and says, "I would like to give you a personnel tour of the pin setting equipment at the end of the alley, please come with me as I walk down and through this bowling lane". And that is what Ann meant as she picks the owner up with one hand and starts to walk down the bowling lane. Ann stomps her feet through the hardwood floor and onto the concrete foundation slab and continues to march forward. Her massive leg muscles slice through the hardwood and framing of the bowling lane easier than a sharp chain saw through soft balsa wood. The wooden surface of the bowling lane is chew into thousands of small fragments and just pushed aside as Ann advances towards the pin setting equipment with the owner secured in her one hand.

Ann reaches the pin setting equipment and forces her 48-inch long tits to penetrate through the outer decorative sheet metal and then swings her body sideways. Her tits fling the sheet metal cover and it goes sailing the entire length of the alley and slams into the far wall. She holds the owner up and says to him in a strict technical monotone, "Now observe the physical results on this equipment as a pair of indestructible objects competes against this oversized mechanical machine". Ann then moves forward and her gigantic tits instantly start to slice, dice, rip, and tear into the pin setting equipment. The large rotating drum is squeezed onto itself, the bowling pins are shattered into scrap, the bowling pin holding assembly is cut in half and all this occurs in less that 2 seconds. Ann swings her tits back and forth and cuts the entire mechanism in half. Anything that her 2-inch long nipples don’t slice apart, her 16-inch diameter tits mutilate into scrape metal. Gears are stripped of their teeth, chains are broken into tiny sections of links, and thick steel frames and supports beams are reshaped around Ann’s swinging knockers. Ann then walks forward into the pin setting equipment and uses her thigh and leg muscles to obliterate the lower section of the equipment. The powerful electric motor and electric controls are mangled into a pile of scrap with only a sideways twist of her thighs.

After Ann has finished toying with the pin setting equipment, he takes one of the steel beams that supports the front of the equipment and tears the top end free with one pull of her hand and wraps it tightly around the owner’s waist. The super Goddess then easily bends the steel beam to a position over the alley that she has not destroyed and let the owner dangle just above the bowling lane and in front of the pins. Ann the walks back to the front of the bowling lane, however, she does walks through the ball return channel and again enjoys the sights and sounds of her legs and especially her calf muscles just slicing the steel channel apart likes it just tall grass.

Once the super teenager has returned to the top of the bowling lane, she turns around and laughs, along with everyone else in the bowling alley, at the site of the owner struggling to get free from the steel frame bent around his waist. His legs are only a few inches above the center of the bowling lane and he is wiggling around like a scared chicken. Ann decides to show her strength one more time to the crowd, and acquires an alley bowling ball. However, the finger holes are not aligned properly for her dainty hand so she just punches her two fingers and thumb into the bowling ball and makes her own set of precision aligned holes. She then strolls to the approach of the alley, aligns herself and take her normal 5 step approach and sends the bowling ball hurtling down the bowling lane towards the owner. The extremely strong Ann releases the bowling ball with such a force that it causes the hard wood on the bowling lane to burn from friction and catch fire. The owner see what is happening and opens his legs just in time as the hot bowling ball passes under his crotch. The bowling ball then smashes into the 10 pins and virtually discinagrates the pins into a white vapor and continues through the back wall of the pin setting equipment and into the back concrete wall of the bowling establishment. When the smoke does clear, it’s obvious to everyone the extreme strength of Ann since there was a gigantic hole that stretched through the pin setting equipment, the back wall of the establishment, the back parking lot, and into the security fence around the parking lot.

Ann then turns around to the crowd of spectators and her team members, who are cheering and applauding, and says while raising her hands over her head, "Girls, lets go to the bar and celebrate our winning all 3 games and total pins. Drinks are on the owner".