Sisters of Strength

By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


Chapter 2:   Paul and the Sisters of Strength at a Uranium Quarry


Paul is escorted from the underground parking garage by Cathy and Linda, “The Sisters of Strength”, and Cathy and Linda are ecstatic, for they have finally met a bona fide man in Paul.  The girls are constantly gabbing about what they are going to accomplish at the quarry.  Paul is getting all excited as he listens to Cathy and Linda on how they are going to enjoy sex with Paul as they demonstrate their real strength with the heavy equipment at the quarry.


Paul, in an inquisitive voice asks Cathy and Linda how they are going to travel to the quarry in only 15 minutes. 


Linda giggles as she glances at Cathy and says, “Since you have next’s sis with Paul, I’ll find something to transport you and Paul, but any sex traveling to the quarry will count towards your next 10”.


Cathy looks back at Linda and says with a smirk of a grin. “Sis, what is a poor little horny girl supposes to do when left alone with an oversexed male.”  Both Linda and Cathy gaze at Paul as Cathy says, “I’ll keep track of any shenanigans by Paul and if he misbehaves, I’ll share the consequences with you as always sis”.


Paul smiles back at the girls and replies, “Me, shenanigans”, and both girls laugh as Linda tears a steel sign post out of the ground with one hands and folds and bends it like it’s a piece of string.


Cathy looks up and down the street, seriously searching for something, she looks down the street and sees nothing, she attempts to look up the street, but a large deliver truck is blocking her view.  Cathy simply walks up to the truck, grabs the rear bumper, lifts the truck over her heads and tosses it aside like it’s a toy, completely destroying the truck and about 10 other vehicles.


“OOOH SIS, look what I see up the street, an armored truck, this will be the perfect means of our transportation to the quarry. I’ll protect Paul inside the armored truck if you will carry the armored truck to the Quarry”, asks Cathy in a simple straight forward tone of voice.


Paul glances at Cathy and says in an unsure tone of voice’ “Ah Pardon me, Carry the armored truck, why not drive the vehicle down the highway”.


Cathy immediately replies, “Because this truck can travel 70 miles per hour at best but Linda can carry the armored truck and travel at 500 miles per hour, Paul its basic arithmetic, we arrive at the quarry 10 times faster to begin our sexual enjoyment with your BOD, especially since Linda isn’t going to stop for any stupid traffic lights, road construction, obstacles, detours, or traffic backups”.


Cathy and Linda race towards the armored truck and Linda reaches the truck just as it’s pulling away from the bank.  She grabs the rear bumper with one hand and simply holds the armored truck from moving as she says to Cathy, “Go tell the driver we will need to borrow his vehicle”.  Cathy is ready to walk around to the front when she notices the driver and a second guard coming around to the back of the truck.  The two guards arrive at the back of their armored truck and immediately stop dead in their tracks as their jaws drop at the sight of two totally nude females, and one is preventing their truck from moving by simply holding the bumper with her one hand.


“What the hell is going on”, questions one of the guards and Linda replies directly, “We require your armored truck for transportation to a uranium quarry.  We are going to demonstrate our extreme strengths to our friend Paul by lifting and then obliterating the heavy equipment with our bodies as one of us screw the living daylights out of him.  Oh! Then we switch so the other can get the sexual pleasure”.


The two guards are daze and confused, however, one manages to answer, “What” as he pulls out his hand gun and point it at Linda.  “Now get away from the truck, I don’t want to shot anyone”.  


Linda quickly grabs the barrel of the 9 millimeter hand gun and with a gently pull of her hand, forces the guard to release the gun.  The other guard pulls his gun out and Cathy immediately takes it from his hand.


Linda stares at the guards and says to them politely, “Oh please don’t worry about shooting us with these guns, we can do that for you.  Now just watch”.   Linda turns to Cathy and places the barrel of the gun in Cathy cleavage and teases her boobs.  Cathy smiles as she does the same to Linda.


“BLAM,  BLAM,  BLAM,  BLAM,  BLAM,  BLAM,  BLAM,  BLAM,  BLAM,  BLAM,  BLAM,  BLAM”, is all that is heard as Linda and Cathy fire the hand guns and the bullets lodge in their deep tanned cleavages. “OOOH” purrs Linda and Cathy as they reach deep into their cleavage through the smoke and extract the crushed bullets and show them to the two guards.


Linda looks back at Cathy and says, “Sis, we still have several rounds remaining in each gun, experience has taught us well”.  Cathy smiles as she turns around, sits on the bumper of the truck, spreads her legs, and places the barrel of the 9 millimeter automatic deep into her pussy.  She twirls the gun around as she COOS and is soon jointed by Cathy who also sits on the bumper and places the gun deep into her sex.


“Three, two, one” recites Cathy as the girls fire the remaining rounds into their body.  And all that is heard is a couple of muffled “POOFS”, as their bodied diluted most of the sounds and energy.  Both girls grin at each other and then smile at the two guards as they easily push the entire gun into their pussies, close their legs and stand up.  The only evidence of the steel hand guns existing is a whiff of something burning, and some molten metal dripping down the Sisters of Strength legs.  The two guards stand there silent, not moving a muscle as the just stare at Linda and Cathy. 


Cathy looks at the one guard who has a ring of keys and says, “May I have those keys”.  The guard hands Cathy the ring of keys as if he is a robot.  Cathy takes the keys and wads them up in her hand like they are a candy wrapper until they are simple a blob of metal the size of a pea.  Then Cathy asks the guards, “Would either of you like to screw me”, as she poses her nude sex body in a provocative muscular pose.  The two guards are still silent.


Linda then says to Cathy, “Sis, maybe they need a better demonstration of our body’s abilities.  That massive vault door of the bank, maybe if we crush it between our bodies they will say something.  I’ll go get the vault door and be back in a minute”.


Linda slowly rotates her fantastic body around towards the bank and she spots the massive vault door.  And with a sexy flair she walks directly towards the vault door. The revolving doors of the bank are locked shut and a grate of steel bars are across the entrance but for Linda, she simply walks through the steel bars and the center of the glass revolving doors and slashes them from the frame of the building with her powerful body.  Glass and steel scatter all over but Linda simply brushes the material off her body as if they are rain drops. She continues towards the vault door, decimating the teller stations with her driving thighs, thrusting hips, and bouncing boobs as she walks through the stations.  Once at the massive vault door, Linda positions her body so her massive boobs and her hips are touching the cold steel door.  Linda slowly turns her head and peers over her shoulder.  She stares back at the two guards and give them a dumb look.  She next turns her head to Paul and blows him a kiss as she stretches out her arms and grabs the solid steel vault door.  Linda’s massive boobs immediately plow into the solid steel with her nipples leading the way by gouging out the super harden outer shell of the vault.  The metal is so hardened that diamond tip drills cannot penetrate the cobalt steel, however, Linda’s nipples and boobs treat the cobalt steel as if it’s fluff. Linda then thumps the steel vault door with her waist causing the vault door to leap backwards, cracking the concrete wall and steel frame that supports the vault door.  This thumping by Linda’s hips also causes the entire building to shake like it a 9.9 earthquake. With her hands fully extended and her hips pushing inward on the door, it’s easy for Linda to tunnel her fingers through the outer seams of the vault door.  She wiggles her fingers, pushing the hardened steel aside until her hands are deeply entrenched around the vault door.  The massive vault door is buckling, both from her hands squeezing the door together and from her hips pushing the door inward.


Linda closes her hands until she has crushed about half a meter of the steel vault door inward and with an easy heave of her upper body, she violently wrenches the massive vault door, the steel frame of the vault, and several steel beams from the building framework out of the vault.  She flings the vault door, frame, and steel beams over her head as she turns around and walks out of the bank.  With the vault door and frame over her head, Linda walks back through the entrance, but literally destroys the entire front of the bank.  Once back at the armor truck, Linda drops the vault door onto the street and it sinks almost a meter deep into the concrete road.  She next nonchalantly rips off the outer steel frame and steel beams that are attached and provocatively twists and bends them like they are paper before crushing them between her legs and slicing them in half as she forces them between her massive boobs.


The two stun guards both lose total control of their body and cream there uniforms with their manhood as they grab their cocks.


Linda requests Cathy to press her sexy strong body into the side of the massive steel vault door and she does the same at the other side of the vault door.  “OOOH!  Let’s sexually squish this worthless steel door between our bodies, using our tits and legs to mutilate the solid steel”.  Cathy smiles as she spreads her long lush’s muscular legs apart, presses her massive tits deep into the side of the steel vault door and pushes her feminine body into the solid steel.           The Sister of  Strength tantalize the steel door with their sexy body, mangling, crushing, squeezing, super harden steel as if it’s a soft pillow.  There bodies decimate the steel vault door, crushing it into a blob.  They swing their firm massive boobs back and forth, carve apart the steel like is a piece of prime rib, their hips pulsate bock and forth, in and out, causing the steel to basically boil into vapor, and all this to the delight of Paul.


Cathy peeks around the vault at peers her deep blue eyes at Paul as she purposely thrust her shapely hips into the steel vault and says, “Paul, your cock is getting super hard and you are starting to perspire.  Are we getting you all hot and bother?  I hope so; I need a good screwing or 10”. 


Linda pipes up and says, “Sis, I know it’s your turn to fuck Paul insane, but let’s finish destroying this piece of garbage with our super strong bodies so we can get to the quarry and have some real entertaining, I’m looking forward to my enjoyment and my pussy is already throbbing for his cock”. 


Linda and Cathy continue to crush the massive vault door between their muscular bodies until their enormous tits rub together and their curvy hips gyrate against each others. The steel vault door is worthless to the Sister of Strength, their super sexy bodies’ devourer the steel like a prehistoric T REX, carving aside solid steel like it a fresh kill.


Cathy peeks back at Paul with her sexy eyes and says “How would you like body or should I say your cock caught between me and my sister”.  Paul simply smiles as he takes a deep breath and admires the beauty, strength, and muscles of the Sister of Strength.


The Sister of Strength continues pushing their bodies into the steel vault until every part of their bodies are touching each other in a deep embrace.  Linda and Cathy chuckle as their super sexy and strong bodies literally treat the vault door as if it’s a massaging cream as the poor steel vault door finally surrenders to their sexy bodies as a molten extruded mass of metal.


The one guard faints from loss of blood to his brain and the other guard runs off to an alley holding his cock.  Paul smiles at the Linda and Cathy and says, “Let’s get to the quarry, I’m getting very horny and a cold shower is not going to help”.


Linda replies as she rubs her hands up and down her nude body, “I would love to take a nice long shower with you, and if we get dirty at the quarry, I’ll simply tear open a fire hydrant”.  Paul smiles as he fills his lungs with air and watches as Cathy walks to him and grabs his super hard cock and Cathy says very quietly in his ear, “Remember, I promised my sister I would not screw you on our way to the quarry, however,  I did not say anything about you fucking me”.


Cathy twists around to her sister and says, “Ready sis, let’s get going to the quarry. Oh Paul, where is this quarry”?  Paul responds with simple directions, “Just take interstate out of town and go 100 miles west”.


Cathy directs Paul to the armored truck’s front door and as she strokes Paul’s stiff cock with her right hand, she pushes her left hand through the armor plating of the door and opens the door by tearing open the door and ripping apart the door lock.  “Please go in Paul, and take a seat” says Cathy as she points inside the cab of the armor truck. 


Paul jumps in the armor truck and Cathy immediately follows him and as Paul sits down, Cathy jumps on his lap and starts to rock her hips across his cock and sarcastically yells, “Paul, behave yourself, remember I promised my sister I would not have sex while traveling to the Quarry”.


Paul’s eyes gawk as he glances over to Linda and watches as she elegantly bends her nude sexy body over and flaunts her massive breasts as she grabs the underside of the armored truck with one hand.  Linda smiles at Paul as she lifts the armored truck up with a leisurely yawn as she says to Paul, “Please keep track of the number of times you get my sister’s cookies off, because once you reach 10, it’s my turn”.  Paul says nothing but simply gives Linda an innocent blank stare.  He then looks at Cathy as says, “TEN”.


Linda laughs, then lifts the armored truck over her head and starts to jog down the street. Within a few seconds she is travelling at 100 miles an hour and the force of the acceleration pins Cathy’s body hard against Paul.  Paul is in nirvana as Cathy’s massive tits wrap around his head and she mangles the steel frame of the seat back to brace herself.


“OOOH PAUL, behave yourself, remember I promised my sister no to have sex”, whimpers Cathy as she quickly thrusts her hot hips into Paul’s cock and allows his still meat to penetrate her body.  Paul gulps for air as she enjoys the vibrant thrashing of his cock, not only by Cathy’s pulsating hips, but also by the acceleration and bouncing of the armor car as it’s already at 300 miles per hour.  Cathy’s body is placing that special pressure against Paul and he is enjoying every second of the increasing pleasure.  And he cannot believe the view as she watches the armored truck approach reach a speed of 500 miles an hour.  He also relishes in the thought that the speed of the armored truck is being produced by Linda, who is in a rush to get to the Quarry.


Cathy continues to screw Paul furiously, her only thoughts are to get and give as much sexually pleasure as possible.   Paul goes wild as Cathy begins to tear apart the front of the armored truck with her arms and legs as she screams for more pleasure.  But when Paul turns his head sideways and looks into the rear view mirror, he cannot believe his eyes.  There is a narrow path of total destruction behind the armored truck.  The sight of destroyed cars, trucks, guard rails, concrete barriers, and bridge approaches sends Paul into a sexual frizzy, especially knowing that all this destruction is the result of Linda having fun carrying the armored truck.  Paul can hear the utter destruction as Linda’s muscular body devourers everything in her path as she easily transports the armored truck to the Quarry at about 500 MPH.


With the truck gyrating and Paul trying to satisfy his own sexual passion, he easily drives Cathy into a sustained long orgasm.  Cathy screams with delight, over and over as she rips apart the cab of the truck. Finally, after Cathy has completely demolished most of the cab with her super strength, she says to Paul. “Let’s go in the back of the truck, maybe there is something there that I can mangle with my body to get you even more turned on”.


Paul graciously agrees as Cathy stands up and Paul moves over to the side of the truck’s cab.  


Cathy is kneeling on the center of the seat facing the rear of the armored truck and she starts to giggle as she glances over at Paul and says, “Now don’t tell my sister what we are doing”.  Paul simply responds by placing a finger over his mouth.


Cathy turns around to the steel wall on the back of the cab, places her hands together, and gently pushes her hands through the solid steel wall.  Her long sensitive fingers slice through the steel as if it’s a seam in a silk curtain.  Then Cathy looks back at Paul as she spreads her hands apart and rips open the steel wall as if were a silk curtain.  Paul suck in some air as her sits there and admires Cathy’s muscular arms and shoulders.


Cathy then begins to enter the rear of the armored vehicle and says to Paul in an excited voice, “OOOH!  Heavy metal and I’m not talking about music”.  She then takes Paul hand and tenderly guides him through the open she has created to the rear of the armored truck.   Once both Cathy and Paul are inside the rear of the truck, Cathy says to Paul as she stands there with her hands on her hips, “I better get started showing you my muscular capabilities, we only have about 10 minutes remaining and I don’t want to waste a second. 


Cathy’s firm large breasts are point directly at a locked steel cabinet on the side of the truck’s wall.  Its secured shut with a large padlock but Cathy is not impressed.  She simply pushes her massive tits into the steel cabinet, blasting through the steel door with impunity as metal rips and tears around her firm young breasts.  And with a sideways flick of her large tits, she tears open the steel door and bursts off the padlock.   With the truck bounding and jostling around, several heavy bags of coins fall out of the cabinet and onto the floor.  The bags are large and heavy and contain the newly minted dollar coins.  They weigh about 30 kilos each and are bulky.   Several of the heavy bags slam onto Cathy’s feet as she gives a dumb stare and says to Paul,  “Would you pick up a few of these bags and place them in strategic location on my body”.  Cathy smiles at Paul as she thrusts out her large breasts and spreads she solid thighs apart.  Paul is joyful to oblige especially with the provocative stance of Cathy’s nude muscular body.  He quickly picks steps forward and attempts to pick up two of the coin bags as he admires Cathy physical attributes up close and personnel. 


Paul grabs two of the coin bags, one in each hand by their tied tops, and gives them a yank.  Cathy laughs as she looks at the painful expression on Paul’s face and says to him, “Paul, please read the warning on the bag”.  Paul glances down at the coin bag and reads the label, “WARNING, the contents of this container are very heavy”.


Cathy snickers as she watches Paul uses both hands and struggles to pick up one of the coin bags.  Cathy next instructs Paul to place one the bag between her upper thighs.  And Paul follows her instruction meticulously as he places the coin bag between her thighs and wedges it tightly up against her pussy.  His hands and fingers enjoy massaging the solid tight muscles of her long powerful legs.  He next takes another coin bag and using two hands, lifts the coin bag up to Cathy’s chest and wedges the heavy coin bag between her large firm breasts. A slight rolling of her shoulder muscles forward is all Cathy requires to hold the coin bag firmly in place between her breasts.  Cathy wiggles her super sexy body as she places her hands on her hips.  Paul could hear the coins in the bag jingle just before Cathy closes her legs and thrust out her massive breasts.


The coin bags are slowly crushed between Cathy’s thighs and breasts and burst apart.  Metal coins fall all over the floor of the truck and sound like a winning slot machine.  Those coins trapped between her thighs and breasts are mangled, bent, crushed, and liquefied as Cathy slowly flaunts her shoulder, chest, and leg muscles, sending Paul into a tizzy.  The sight of his cock getting super erect sends an erotic message to Cathy as she reaches out and grabs Paul’s stiff meat. Cathy coos as she strokes Paul’s manhood and looks around the inside of the armored truck


Cathy observes what appears to be a sturdy steel safe attached to the floor and to the side wall of the armored truck.  The thick metal safe is only about a meter high but appears very formidable.  Cathy releases Paul’s cock with a slow pulling motion and walks over to the safe.  She purposely wiggles her firm tight ass as she flips her hair to one side and glances back at Paul.   Once at the steel safe, Cathy pushes aside everything on either side of the safe with a flick or her hands.  She clasps the side of the steel safe with her hands, easily squeezing the hardened steel between her fingers as if the steel is a soft bathing sponge.  And with of lick of her tongue, a wiggle of her ass and a sexy eye ogle back to Paul, Cathy tears the steel safe from the floor.  The bolts and brackets securing the safe to the floor and wall pop like soft soap bubbles.  She lifts the safe up to her breasts and turns around to Paul and displays the steel safe as if it’s a trophy.  And with a gently squeeze of her hands Cathy forces the top of the safe up into her breasts where her young firm large tits.  Cathy’s breasts simply spread the thick steel apart like it’s made of fresh cake icing.  


Cathy watches as Paul begins to breathe deeply and she begins to softly and sexually “COO”.  Then she places the steel safe on the floor, steps over the safe and places her firm round ass on top of the top edge of the steel safe.  With an erotic smile as she faces Paul, Cathy spreads her sexy legs and wiggles her tight firm ass.   She next places her round curvy ass on the top edge of the safe and relaxes her body, spreading her long legs open.  She slides her well-formed ass back and forth across the metal edge of the safe, flatting the 90 degree metal edge into a smooth crushed surface.  Paul’s super hard cock expanses even  more as Cathy sexually says to Paul, “I’m not a girl that waste time, as she stands up straight, places her middle finger in her mouth and sucks on it with a passion.  She then turns around and bends at her waist over the safe.  Cathy massive tits press into the top of the metal safe, her nipples piercing the hardened steel as if its soft butter.  She flaunts her magnificent ass as she spreads her legs and turns her head to Paul and says with a deep stare in her eyes, “Fuck me with every bit of energy you have in your body”.


Paul obliges, wasting no time he steps forward, grabs Cathy’s slender waist with his hands and plunges his manhood  deep into Cathy hot wet pussy.  He pounds Cathy’s ass furiously, causing her super sexy body to bounce as she shriek loudly with pleasure full moans.  Paul hammers Cathy firm ass and pussy and can hear both her screams of delight an the sounds of her massive tits and nipples shredding the top of the metal safe in slivers as her breasts bounce around to the thumping of her pussy.  To add to the sexual pleasure of both Cathy and Paul, Linda gyrates the armored car back and forth as she can easily determines the situation inside the truck.


Paul is running out of breath and becoming exhausted and Cathy is demanding more sex.  It’s a dilemma for Paul, for he is only a human male. But just as he completes his last thrust of his cock, the armored truck rapidly begins to slow down.  The inertia of the truck quickly slowing down forces Paul, Cathy, and the safe to hurl towards the front of the armored truck.  Paul, Cathy and the metal safe all slam into the steel front wall of the cab.  Paul’s cock is push deep into Cathy, who immediately screams with sexual pleasure from an intense orgasm as Paul unloads his manhood deep into Cathy with the force of a large fire hose.  Cathy’s is in nirvana, screaming with delight as she crushes the massive steel safe into her body and slices the top section into her breasts and the bottom section between her legs.


Cathy glances back towards Paul to see if he is hurt.  She promptly realizes that Paul is ok, but totally whipped, as she says to Paul, “Great timing Paul, we must be at the quarry for Linda has brought the truck to a stop and that can be the only thing that could possible stop her  super strong body”.  Paul simply shakes his head as he tries to regain his composure from the intense pleasure that Cathy has delivered to his body.


Both Cathy and Paul feel the truck being pace on the ground and Paul looks out the front window where he sees Linda walking up to two military guards.  The guards are standing there, with their mouth and eyes wide open as the watches Linda sexually stroll towards them.   Cathy on the other hand, simply rips a hole in the side of the armor vehicle with her hands so she can see what is happening.


Linda struts her muscular nude body towards the guard shack, where the two soldiers are standing, and she says with a sexy twinkle in her eyes and a smile on her luscious lips, “Would you please indicate to me where all the heavy equipment is located.  My sister and I would like to demonstrate our super strength and show off our female muscles to a male friend who will then screws us endlessly.  We hear that some of this heavy equipment weights hundreds of tons and is made of thick tough steel”.


Linda stands there for a few seconds, brushing off the remnants of crushed steel and broken concrete from her body and just stares at the two speechless guards.  Then in a very intoxicating voice says, “Oh, also, could you open the barricade, otherwise I’ll simply have to use my sexy body too slowly and erotically completely destroy this piece of worthless steel”.


The two male guards are still motionless, but after a second they immediately sling their M16 weapons from their shoulders and point it at the armored truck.  Both guards were immediately drawn to the violent sound of steel being ripped apart as if by an explosion.  Then, before their eyes, they see Cathy’s super muscular nude body; tear through the steel side of the armored truck like it’s a thin tissue paper as she starts to jog towards her sister. 


The guards, by instinct, open fire with their automatic weapons, spraying flurries of bullets against Cathy muscular body.  The guards are well trained, for all the armor piercing bullets slam into Cathy’s chest.  The guards must have been trained to shooting at a bull eyes on a rifle range, for every bullet hit within 10 millimeters of her stimulated nipples.  Cathy never flinched; her young nude body ignores the bombardment of bullets as if they were gentle drops of rain.  And by the time she arrives at the guards and stands next to her sister, the two guards have reached for another full clip of ammo and have just reloaded when Cathy grabs the ends of both weapons and says to the guards with a smile, “Guys, these kid’s play toys are not going to turn me on sexually by teasing my tits. Now let me show you what get me all hot and ready for some good old fashion screwing”.


Cathy first places the open ends of the barrel up against her nipples and gently moves her body towards the concrete mass that holds rotating pivot for the steel barrier gate.   She places her firm rounded ass on the concrete mass, spreads her legs open and directs the muzzle of both guns into her wet pussy.  The two guards are so stunned; they offer no resistance to Cathy.


Cathy then yells loudly, “BOO” as she jerks the rifles and both guards again open fire and empty their clips into Cathy’s pussy.  Cathy coos slightly as she replies, “Those bullets are just not hard enough or big enough to turn me on. I’ll just try this long thick steel bar that you use as an obstruction to stop traffic and see if it can satisfy my hot wet pussy”.


Linda then says to Cathy, “Sis, you just polished off Paul, now let me get some sexual satisfaction with this large steel pole”.  Cathy apologizes to her sister and says, “Of course sis, I suspect Paul will not be ready for any sexual action for some time. AH, do you think that long steel pole is going to be of any sexual value”.  Linda replies with a dumb glance as she lifts her eyes upward, “I doubt it”.


Cathy jumps off the concrete mass of the barricade and just as Linda is ready to jump on the solid steel pole, there is the sound of a door bursting off from the guard shack and a loud voice screams. “What’s all this shooting about, you disturbed my weight training”.


The one guard shouts at the top of his voice, “Amy, you stupid muscle bound bitch, get your ass back inside the office and call HQ and tell those idiots to send help, we are under attack”.


Amy just stands there and looks around.  But all she notices are the two young and totally nude girls.  She immediately run back into the guard office and quickly returns with two blankets.  She rushes over to Linda and Cathy and begins to place a blanket around Cathy as she says, “You poor girls, what happened to your clothing”.


Cathy politely takes the blanket from around her nude body and replies to the guard, “Oh, we are fine.  My sister and I prefer to be nude to show off our muscular body and out super strength.  And besides, with our strength, our clothing never stays on our bodies for any length of time.


Amy gives Cathy an unintelligent glance as she says, “You do have some superb muscles, and how do you exercise to get in such fabulous physical shape.  I train hours a day with heavy weights”.


Cathy replies in a soft clear voice, “Oh! My sister and I lift extremely heavy weighs constantly, like bridges, buildings, aircraft carriers, and.  But before Cathy could finish, the two male guards begin to scream at Amy and call her every name in the book.


“You fucking stupid over grown bitch, these two freaks are bullet proof, and they can easily rip steel apart with their fucking tits, cunt, or legs.  Get inside and call HQ and tell those idiots to send help”.


By this time, Linda has joined the conversation and says sympathetically to Amy, “Please ignore these two useless male guarding this entry to the quarry.  All my sister and I require is entry to the quarry.  We understand that are massively heavy equipment and machinery doing the work and my sister and I would like to test our strength and improve our muscle tone by exercising with this very heavy and large equipment”.


Amy doesn’t even pause as she replies, “Exercise with the quarry equipment, DAH, these vehicles weight 100 of tons”.


Linda and Cathy simultaneously respond, “OOH our bodies will enjoy crushing and destroying everything”.    And both sister of strength begin to massage their hot sexy bodies with their hands.


Amy still is not sure of what is occurring, and replies, “What is going one, I’m confused”.


Linda then says, “My sister and I like to FUCK, over and over.  Our problem is that most men cannot last more that a few seconds once we show off our muscles and our strength”.


Amy interrupts Linda and says, “I’d tried to have sex with these two males guards, but they do not have the stamina, I tell them to exercise to build up their strength but they would rather party”.


Linda smile back to Amy and says, “Well, it took a while but we have found a real man who can satisfy our female requirements and the more we show off our strength, the more pleasure he can deliver”.


Amy replies, “Who, superman”.  To which Linda answers, “Superman is a useless wimp, we tried to have sex with him but it’s only good for a second at best. We discard him like a wet tissue”.


Amy shakes her head, “I don’t understand, just how strong are you girls”.  But before the sister of strength could answer, Amy yells at the two male guards who are running towards the guard shack, “Where are you two going”.  Amy quickly grabs the two male guards and easily holds them, one in hand.


Amy, in a demanding military voice yells at the two subordinate males “Soldiers, where are your weapons”.  The one guards yells back, “You stupid cunt, she rammed our weapons into her pussy like it was a soft dildo and empties a full clip”.


Amy is angry and relies “That’s’ not how you answer your superiors”, and tosses both guards aside as she says to Linda and Cathy.  “I’m sorry for their behavior, they should act more professionally”.


There is a moment of silence as Linda steps back and get a gander of Amy.  Linda takes a deep breath, for besides her sister and herself, she has never seen such a muscular, physical fit female.  It was hard for Linda to comprehend the muscles on Amy for the military uniform seems to hide her body.


Linda then asks Amy in a soft inquisitive tone of voice if she would flex her muscles.  Amy is hesitative to answer and stares at Linda and Cathy and retorts, “Why do you want to see my muscles”.  Linda immediately replies, “We like perfection for one reason”.


Amy replies, “Well at least someone appreciates all the training I have done in the last few years”.


Amy must have practiced flexing and showing off her muscles continuously, for instantly she began a routine that amplifies every muscles in her body.  The military uniform she is wearing is stressed to their fullest.  The calves and thigh muscles filled every inch of material.  Her hips and ass added to meaning to the term dress uniform.  Her shoulders and biceps muscles curved the uniform into pure sex and her chest literally stretched every button of her blouse to the bursting point. He uniform is complaining with the vengeance of a pissed off drill sergeant as every centimeter of material and every stitch of thread is test to its extreme limit.


Both Linda and Cathy gasp as they are amazed at the pure perfection of Amy’s massive muscles.  Linda then says in the authoritative voice, “If she were wearing a bullet proof vest, her nipples would probably puncture straight through the armor”.


Amy continues showing off her massive muscles, her gorgeous tan face and luscious smile are simply adding to her sexy and muscular display. Amy is oblivious to anything else, for she is so appreciative of Linda and Cathy and their interest in her muscles.


And just as two buttons on Amy’s blouse explode open, they expose the deep firm cleavage of her massive chest, and about 20 centimeters of the inside seam of the pants split open to expose her upper thigh, there is the sound of someone falling.


Since Amy is facing the armor truck, she is first to point over to the armor truck and says, “Who’s that”, as she continues to flex her massive muscles.


Cathy and Linda turn around and also look at the truck and see Paul stumbling from the ground.  It is apparent that Paul fell out from the large hole in the side of the truck produced by Cathy’s body.  As Paul tries to stand back up, it’s also obvious that he is panting deeply, and staring straight at Amy, his tongue dripping with saliva.


“On my, he’s also nude”, says Amy loudly as she places her hands on her hands on her hips and stops posing her body. “Is her a friend of yours”, she asks Linda and Cathy.


Linda and Cathy just stare at Paul as Paul plainly stares pack at Amy.  Neither Cathy nor Linda can say anything.  They both then stare back at Amy as she stands at attention with he hands on her hips.  Amy’s chest muscles are pumped and her large breasts are bursting through her blouse.


Linda finally says to Cathy, “DAMM, look at Paul’s cock. It’s super hard.” As Cathy replies, “What a miraculous recovery, I didn’t thing her could get his cock erect for at least another 10 hours after I finished him off in the truck.  His meat is hard, long and pointing straight out”.


Linda’s only reply is “And it’s my FUCKING turn sis with Paul and I’m going to enjoy this pleasure”.


Amy moves her head back and forth, scanning Linda, Cathy, and Paul.  She then asks, “What’s going on, I don’t understand the term “It’s my turn”?



Linda and Cathy turn back and look at Amy, and then look back to Paul.  Finally, Linda says, “Sis, you thinking what I’m thinking.  Paul is going berserk over this female’s physical attributes and muscles”.  Cathy they says, “Perhaps we will be able to screw Paul over and over, and when we think he is finished, we can let this young muscular female get him all excited again and continue our sexual conquests”.


By this time Paul has wondered over to the three girls and walks directly up to Amy and says while panting and trying to restrain himself, “I’m Paul”.   Amy finally looks up from staring at Paul’s cock and says, “I’m Amy, and your friends are”?  Paul then introduces Cathy and Linda.


The girls chat about strength and muscles, leaving Paul totally out of the conversation. Paul is having a difficult time, his cock is about to explode and the girls are busy chatting and flexing their muscles.  In a desperate attempt to get attention, Paul taps Linda on her shoulders and points to his cock.


Linda delicately touches Paul’s super swollen cock and says to everyone, “Please excuse me, I believe Paul requires my personnel undivided attention.  OOOH that large military vehicle thing over there will be perfect. I’ll go get it and bring it over here”.  Linda turns her head towards Amy and says in a soft voice as she flexes her muscles, “Amy, just to demonstrate an insufficient example of the strength that my sister and I are capable of doing, just watch what I’m capable of doing to that military thing and what Paul is capable of doing do my super hot cunt”.


Amy is dazed and confused as she listens to Linda and then watches Linda walk over to the military vehicle. The vehicle is a new military Humvee, fully armored, and equipment with deadly firepower.   The “SMALL” military vehicle does not impress Linda as she strolls her muscular body over to the vehicle.  And to add to her sexual flair, she turns her back to Paul and gleams her eyes at him as she wet her lips with her tongue. 


Since Linda is teasing Paul with her eyes, she doesn’t pay any attention to obstacle in her path.  A four meter long concrete road barrier is sent smashed in half as her legs slam into the barrier.  A steel post with some stupid parking sign is bent over as it is force between her legs and thighs.  The metal parking sign is torn free of the metal post as if it’s a piece of rice paper.


Once at the Humvee, Linda goes to the front of the large vehicle and gives it a dump stare. She then thrust her left hand through the front fender and deep into the engine compartment.  She searches with her hand for something solid and after some ear wrenching, metal crushing sounds, finds the solid steel frame of the vehicle.  Linda’s hands crumbles up some of the steel frame like it a piece of soft bread and lifts the entire Humvee straight off the ground and holds it vertically over her head.  She then ambles back to Paul, Amy, and Cathy and places the Humvee in front of the crowd.


Amy just takes a deep breath, open hers eyes widely, rubs her ass with her hands and says, “That’s impossible”. There is a moment of silence, the only noise is Paul groaning and moaning at Amy as she rubs her super muscle body and flaunts her muscles.  Amy is still staring at Cathy as finally finishes her sentence by saying, “I wish I was just one tenth that strong”.


Cathy and Linda look at each other, and then they look at Paul’s cock and Linda replies, “My sister and I will consider sharing just a little bit of our strength with you; say 1 trillion tons of strength or so if you can turn Paul on constantly”.


Amy simply cannot comprehend the situation; she is extraordinary muscular, extremely beautiful, young, but very of naïve. 


Linda and Cathy glance at each other with a certain look on their face and both girls walk over to Amy and give her a friendly embrace and hug.  They hub Amy tightly for a few seconds and Linda says, “Now just stand here and watch what I can do to this Humvee, and observe what Paul can do to me.  It’s all part of out plan.  And perhaps the strength fairy will be super good to you, and you will help us with our conquests of Paul”.


Amy says nothing; she simply gives an expression of confusion as she shakes her head.


Linda grabs Paul gently by his cock, and escorts him over the Humvee.  Once they are at the driver’s door, Linda uses both her hands to clasp the front door of the Humvee, each hand pushing through the armored door at the front and rear seam.  Linda next squeezes her hands together, crushing the door down to a size where she can crinkle it with just one hand and tears the door off the Humvee with impunity. The substantial metal hinges and locks of the door tear away from the frame like cob webs.  Linda continues with the steering column and tears the out of the vehicle, followed by the rear door and the supporting steel frame.  She then stands in the door frame of the vehicle and using nothing but her large tits, pushes the roof up and backwards, and does it with a sexy flair, hoping to entice Paul even more.


Linda then looks back down at Paul, shakes her head and says, “Men, they simply have a one track mine”.  For Linda stares at Paul, but she can tell his mind and senses are staring completely at Amy.


Amy is gawking at Linda, and tightens up her muscular body in amazement. However, this also causes every muscle in her body to also tighten up and shows off her super sexy shape and superb muscles.


Paul gasps with overabundant sexual drive as his cock get even harder, all to the delight of Linda as she reaches in and grabs the front seat and literally tears it free of the floor.  The bolts holding the seat to the floor break open like pop corn in a microwave and she then turns the seat around so that the seat and Paul are facing towards her body.


Linda takes a deep breath and sighs with pleasure as she grabs Paul’s cock and directs her muscular legs to straddle Paul hips.  She moves into the Humvee, her upper body and breasts demolishing the roof of the Humvee.  She next directs Paul’s cock into her hot wet pussy and immediately begins a trashing of his body with her hips.  Linda goes insane: she batters Paul cock with every muscle in her body and screams with ecstasy as she reaches a full climax is just a few seconds.  Linda continues her bombardment of Paul, her tight ass pounding like a jack hammer, her breasts slicing apart and metal that they encounter and her legs cutting the floor of the Humvee in sliver.  For the next five minutes, Linda receives the ultimate sexual pleasure from Paul and is very appreciative as Paul tunnels his finger and hands into Linda’s body.  But as much as Paul is digging his hands into Linda and squeezing her leg muscle, her shoulder muscles, her large bouncing breasts, and her slender waist, Linda can tell Paul’s mind is focused like a laser beam in Amy.


Paul tries to get into sync with Linda by thrusting his hard cock into her body, but it’s just not physical possible for Linda extreme strength drives her hips 10 times faster than Paul’s. It’s not that Linda wants to stop her sexual assault on Paul, for Linda in enjoying climax after climax.  But she eventually completely destroys the floor and most of the front seat of the Humvee and is afraid of hurting Paul.  Linda finally slows down, and just in time as Paul’s cock explodes and deposits a mega load of his manhood into her body.    Linda screams with delight and everything within 10 miles knows that she is sexually satisfied.  She lifts herself off of Paul’s body, panting with pleasure and breathing deeply and lifts Paul out of the vehicle as she says to him, “You blasted every gram of your manhood deep into my body, now I’ll just follow it up with this useless excuse of a military vehicle. I imagine it will take you a while to recover your senses as she looks down and sees Paul’s cock return to a quiescent state of limpness.


Linda struts her sexy muscular body around to the front of the Humvee and using her hands and arms, crushes the front of the massive vehicle into her legs and hips; she continues to easily crush the Humvee, spreading her legs apart as he falls to the ground.  Linda is cruel to the Humvee, crushing every centimeter of the vehicle with her hands and arms and then forcing the crushed metal into her super hot pussy.  She teases her cunt relentlessly with the crush metal and seems to be enjoying her display of strength.


However, Paul is not watching, he is watching Amy.  But Amy, Cathy, and the two male guards are watching Linda ravish the Humvee unmercifully into her womanhood.


Paul makes a direct beeline to Amy, and stands directly in front of her.  Amy’s huge breasts are bulging apart her blouse; her trousers are ripping apart at their seams. Her arm and shoulder muscles are massive and all Paul can do is raise his head slightly to look Amy in the eyes.


“Amy, are you impressed with Linda’s strength”, asks Paul.  Amy slowly glances at Paul and stares him in the eyes and replies, “This is impossible” no one is that strong.  Then Amy looks down at Paul’s cock and continues saying as she witnesses Paul’s cock getting super hard again, “And no man can take that amount of sex and still have a hard cock”.


Amy is then speechless as she watches Linda completed crush and insert the Humvee into her pussy in less than two minutes.  Amy then says, “What is happening, is this a hallucination, I’m I on drugs”?


Paul answers as she tries to recover from staring at Amy, “Linda and Cathy, my two friends are very muscular, very strong, and very sexy and they like men who”.  But before Paul could finish the sentence, Cathy places her hands over Paul’s mouth as says to Amy, “Paul is just a good friend who appreciates strong women”.


Amy is quiet, not sure of what to make of all this, just staring at Linda, Cathy, and Paul.


Cathy then looks at Paul, the gleam in his eyes is unmistakable, and he’s in a dizzy about Amy.  Then Cathy flexes her