Sisters of Strength

By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


Chapter 1: The Sisters of Strength are sexually bored with Superman.


Cathy and Linda, the SISTERS of STRENGTH, are now totally bored and uninterested in superman. Superman is not a super stud and he is thoroughly useless and inadequate for the Sisters of Strength sexually requirements. Each of the extremely strong, young, and muscular females is capable of pummeling superman’s cock in a matter of seconds, and the Sisters of Strength seldom experience an orgasm before superman fires his wad and his cock go severely limp as he crawls away begging for mercy. Cathy and Linda are in an impasse for they cannot have incredible sex with an ordinary male. Just the slightest flexing of their extraordinary muscles, the showing off of their extreme strength, or just standing in a nude sexy pose causes ordinary males to blow their wads and their heart to pump at over 200 beats per second. No male on earth lasts for more than two seconds before they become sexually worthless to Cathy and Linda. In fact, most males cream their jeans simply watching the Sisters of Strength lift thousands of tones of weights with one finger or bend massive steel beams around their bodies as if the steel is soft silk. And the Sister of Strength enjoy performing these extreme feats of strength totally nude, for they hate wearing any clothing, as clothes conceal their tanned, young, muscular bodies and Cathy and Linda adore flaunting their firm, strong, muscular, young, bodies.


The Sisters of Strength are having lunch at a popular dining location downtown and they have an excellent window booth overlooking all the busy traffic and people. They are dressed in very skimpy outfits, displaying all their ample physical assets. Two male waiters have already had to be excused because they couldn’t hold back their basic male hormones and had to go whack off. A female waitress could only say “WOW, what fucking perfect female bodies”.


Cathy and Linda are conducting small talk about their lack of finding young healthy males who can keep a hard dick for more than a few seconds. “This is absolutely frustrating, I have not enjoy a climax with a young healthy male in months, their fucking cock explode and then implode before I can even take a deep breathe. Even Superman is useless”, says Linda. Cathy replies, “Yes, I understand, I’m tired of using super hard steel rods, guns, tank barrels, and other things, for these items can not give me an orgasm before they vaporize into plasma in my hot pussy”.


“What can we do sis”, replies Cathy just as Cathy notices a massive 36 wheel tractor trailer outside the restaurant window. The tractor trailer is carrying a gigantic steel “I” beam, 20 meters long, two meter high, and the super hardened steel is 25 centimeters thick. And at the moment the tractor trailer is stopped directly in front of Cathy and Linda due to heavy traffic.


“OH MY FUCKING PUSSY, look at the size of that fucking steel beam. It must weight a 100 tons”, screams Cathy and she flexes her muscles and then stands straight up to get a better look at the massive steel beam. But as Cathy stands straight up in the booth, her massive muscular thighs push the thick table top back into Cathy abdomen. The table top simply crushes together and finally breaks into several pieces as it’s is pushed back and upward into Linda’s upper chest where her massive tits act as an impassible blockade. Cathy immediately turns towards the street, and walks through the lower brick wall and the plate glass window, destroying the brick wall with her legs and the plate glass window and frame with her upper body and breasts. She walks straight for the center of the trailer and her well-developed body pushes aside a metal street sign post with absolute impunity as the metal simply bends aside. Cathy continues towards the trailer but there is a large parked car directly in her way. So Cathy merely walks into the side of the parked car, smashing the front door in with her powerful legs and pushing the metal roof back with her enormously large and powerful breasts. She essentially pushes the large parked car into the wheels of the trailer holding the massive steel “I” beam and pushes the center of the car in between a set of wheels on the trailer.


Cathy continues to push the large car into and under the trailer with her body, crushing back a large set of dual wheels on the trailer until she can reach the main undercarriage of the trailer with her left hand. Cathy grips the bottom of the steel undercarriage of the trailer with her left hand, crushes a section of the steel undercarriages with her fingers as if it’s soft bread and lifts the entire trailer and steel beam off the ground with just one hand. She holds the trailer and steel beam like it’s a trophy, lowering and raising the trailer against her body. The thick steel from the undercarriage and the wheels easily strip the skimpy clothing from Cathy’s well build body, revealing every muscle of her exceptional and sexy physique as she uses the massive tractor trailer to do some basic reps.


Linda is still in the restaurant cleaning the food and debris from her body and clothing when a young waiter walks over and ask if he can assist.


“Oh please”, responds Linda, “Would you wipe the food off my body with your towel”, as she thrust out her large firms breasts and poses sexy for the young waiter. The young waiter begins to wipe the food from around Linda’s chest and Linda smiles as she flexes and poses her young muscular body for the waiter. The waiter takes a gasp of air and says under his breathe, “WOW, what a fucking body”. But the waiter then glances up and out the broken front of the restaurant and observes Cathy easily lifting the tractor trailer over and over with just one hand, and she is completely nude.


Cathy muscles are solid, however, the 100 ton tractor trailer cannot even begin to strain any muscle in her body. Cathy glances back to the restaurant and sees Linda and the waiter and she can straightforwardly tell the waiter is staring directly at her. So Cathy, places her right hand on her hip, cocks her hips sideways, and increases her reps with the 100 ton tractor trailer. After 20 seconds, Cathy reaches out with her right hand and grabs an axle for one of the trailer’s wheel sets. With a simple pull of her arm, Cathy wrenches off the entire axle and four wheels from the underside of the trailer. The sound of steel bolts popping, steel bending, and steel ripping apart causes the young waiter to get a super hard cock. The waiter simply responds by rubbing Linda massive breasts harder with his hands.


Linda then reaches down and begins to massage the young waiters cock with long powerful strokes as she smiles at him with a very sexy demeanor.


The young waiter is relishing Linda rubbing his hard cock as he watches Cathy’s nude muscular body effortlessly workout with the 100 ton tractor trailer. But when Cathy takes the axle she is holding in her right hand, spreads her long well-built legs, then slam the huge set of dual wheels between her thighs, and crushes the wheels, tires, rims, frame, and springs flat with a simple squeezes of her super brawny legs, the waiter loses his marbles and detonates his wad inside his pants.


“AH FUCK”, yells Linda as she pushes the waiter away, “I was going to have you for my sexy dessert. You were going to be my special topping and I was hoping your manhood would cream inside my super sexy”. But just as Linda is ready to walk away and go assist her sister with an addition display of strength, the Maître D’ arrives at the table and yells loudly, “Your check, plus the damage your friend caused to my established”.


Linda stares at the Maître D’ for a few seconds and replies in a soft sexy voice, “ Please observe my strong sexy sister and what she is doing to that useless light weight tractor trailer with her sexy strong body”.


“That is a fabrication of your imagination, no one but superman is that strong and he would be here to stop your dumb sister. Now pay your bill plus the damage to the building”.


Linda is pissed; for the Maître D’ insulted both her and her sister. Linda just stares at the Maître D’ for a few second, turns her head around to her sister Cathy and replies, “Observe my extremely sexy, extremely strong sister, not only is she lifting that massive tractor trailer with one hand, she just crushed the entire dual wheels between her legs, and she is using the solid steel axle as a dildo. Watch her closely as she effortlessly inserts the thick steel axle into her hot wet pussy. Her pussy squeezes and compresses the solid steel as it tries to give her pleasure but unfortunately the steel is too soft, she needs a super hard cock from a real man to give her any sexual pleasure”.


The Maitre D’ does not flinch as he hands the check to Linda on a silver tray.


Linda looks down at the Maitre D’ crotch, then reaches out with her left hand and massage’s his cock. Linda rubs his cock for a few seconds while she taunts her nipples to get them engorged and pop through her scanty top but she soon realizes his cock is still soft. She looks at the Maitre D’ and says as she shakes her head, “You don’t have any balls, no wonder your not impressed with my muscles, my strength, and my super sexy body. Now let be have that check”.


The Maitre D’ offers Linda the silver tray and arrogantly smiles at the young muscle Goddess, totally indifferent to her sexy muscular body. Linda gives the Maitre D’ a blank stare as she takes the silver tray in her right hand, wads the silver tray and the check into a crumbles ball with just her fingers, and places the wadded ball down into her deep cavernous cleavage. Linda turns directly to the Maitre D’, flexes her chest muscles, rolls her shoulders back, and crushes the wadded up silver tray with nothing but her massive chest muscles and enormous tits. The paper check bursts into flames as the silver tray is compressed until it transforms into a hot molten liquid the flows down Linda’s deep tanned cleavage and drips to the floor. The hot metal also burns apart her tightly stretched skimpy top at her cleavage and her skimpy top pops open and sharply flings off her chest and reveals her massive firm breasts and aroused nipples.


Linda flexes her muscular body in a few sexually provocative poses and observes all the males in the restaurant holding their cocks as she speaks to the Maitre D’, “No thank you. I’m not going to have desert today, there is nothing on you’re menu that is going to satisfy my sexual desires”. Linda snickers as she analyze the male cliental of the restaurant, turns her powerfully built body towards the street, and bumps her shapely hips sideways sending the remnants of the table top scattering. Linda then walks through another section of the brick wall, showering the side walks with bricks, meal frame work, and glass as her extremely strong legs demolish everything they touch.


Once outside the restaurant, Linda watches her sister absolute toy with the tractor trailer and the massive steel “I” beam. Cathy has already torn off a second axle with a set of wheels, and is twirling it like a baton. She uses her huge breasts and nipples to shred apart the tires and steel rims so only the metal axle remains and she again uses it as a dildo and forces it up into her hot dripping pussy. And all this time, Cathy is still doing one handed reps with the trailer. However, metal fatigue is beginning to effect the trailer as Cathy has to squeeze more and more of the flimsy steel under carriage into her hand to hold onto the 100 ton trailer.


Linda is giggling at the absolute ease her sister, Cathy, is lifting and destroying the trailer. Several of the massive chains holding the “I” beam in place have already snapped apart and Cathy walks directly to pick up one of the chains. She walks between two parked cars to get to the street, but stops halfway and decides to play with the so called large vehicles. She sits her firm shapely ass on the trunk of one car and spreads her long powerful legs apart. Next she reaches down with one hand and grabs the underneath of the rear bumper and pulls the steel bumper up and between her potent thighs. Her well rounded ass at the same time crushes the cheap metal trunk lid like its tin foil. And then she closes her legs and snickers as the thighs crush the rear metal bumper in half. Next Linda reaches out with one hand and picks up the car in front of her body, using only one hand. She raises the car off the ground and drops the front bumper on her massive breasts which she has thrust out to flaunt her superior muscular upper body.


Linda’s pert massive breasts didn’t drop a nanometer when she slams the front bumper down on her oversized tits. The only object that surrendered is the steel bumper which reshapes to Linda breasts. Linda then clasps the front bumper of the car and bends the steel bumper around her breasts like it a piece of soft silk material. She proceeds to grab the bent bumper with her hands, lifts the entire vehicle up off the ground and slams the crushed and bend front of the car down between her thighs and up against her super boiling pussy. But before Linda’s thighs could crush the front of the large vehicle into something she could insert in her pussy, the weight of the vehicle causes the trunk that Linda is sitting on to collapse and she falls down. To protect herself, Linda instinctively closed her legs and stands up straight. The car between her legs is instantly crushed flat and bends at 90 degrees. Linda is laughing as she then brushes the car from her body and sends it tumbling backwards into several other parked cars.


Cathy is now mangling her third axle with her incredible muscular body in a futile attempt to satisfy her sexual cravings and the undercarriage of the trailer is beginning to crack and bend from her frustrations. And the undercarriage is not going to last much longer with Cathy strength. So Linda decides to assister her sister and walks directly into the street, not observing traffic and a large tow truck slams dead center into Linda’s muscular body. The truck hit Linda with such a force that it wraps its entire front section around Linda’s extremely build body. Linda is facing sideways and her body is buried a meter deep into the heavy metal of the tow truck. Linda turns her body slowly to face the front of the truck and the driver and as she turns around, her thighs, hips, and breasts shove the metal that is wrapped around her body aside like its only air. And all the young driver sees is Linda’s enormous breasts carving a circular swath through the metal hood of his truck as her breasts rotate with her fantastic body.


Linda stares at the young masculine driver and he is starring directly back at Linda. However, he is not staring at Linda’s deep blue sexy eyes, and Linda can tell he is staring at her muscular chest and her enormous tits and nipples as they slice apart the crumbled hood of his truck easier the a diamond tipped grinding wheel.


Linda finally pushes the tow truck backwards and smirks at the meter deep impression her well endowed body caused in the truck and then strolls her muscular body to the driver’s side of the tow truck.


“Weren’t you watching for pedestrians”, ask Linda as she reaches the driver’ side door? She continues by saying, “You could hurt someone and look what you did to my body”.


The tow truck driver doesn’t say a word, his tongue is dangling from his mouth and it is drooling as he gapes at Linda’s completely nude physique. She is standing by his truck with her hands on her hips and every young muscle in her body is pumped up. Linda they says, “Your truck slammed into me so hard, it tore off my best short shirt and thong. They are now tattered pieces of rags jammed into the front of your fucking truck”.


Linda smiles back at the driver as she can tell by the tears in truck drivers eyes that he is sorry, however, his sad facial expression could not disguises the fact that he is rubbing his cock and his heart is pounding a double speed.



After a few seconds Linda says to the truck driver, “Do you appreciate young sexy girls with powerful muscles and an appetite for vivacious sex, like me and my sister. Just look at my sister over there lift that 100 ton steel “I” beam with absolute ease”. The truck driver then replies to Linda in a loud panting tone of voice, “YOUR FUCKING BODY IS INCREADIBLE, YOUR SO FUCKING BUILD AND MUSCLUAR AND STRONG. Yes, I appreciate what I see”.


“OOOH, replies Linda, LET’S FUCK” as she grabs the driver’s side door with her hands and tears if off the tow truck with a twist of her arm muscles. The steel hinges and the lock violently tear from the truck’s frame and Linda continues by effortlessly crumbles the door into her body before tossing it aside.


Linda proceeds to lean her shapely body inside the tow truck; her muscle laden thighs quickly crumble aside the lower floor and frame of the tow truck like a sheet of tissue paper. Her massive breasts are pressing hard into the young studs swollen cock, while she users her left hand to grab the steering column and gently crushes and folds the steel column back into the dash and over into the passenger seat to give herself full access to the driver. Linda next shakes her head and flips her hair back as she clasps the belt and jeans of the tow truck driver and with a gently yank of her hands tears the belt apart at the buckle and rips open his jeans, exposing his super hard cock. Linda start to massage the young stud’s cock when all of a sudden he yells, “Look at that FUCKING girl with that trailer, she lifting that trailer and the massive steel beam with one hand while she is lifting a car with the other hand. It looks like she is trying to compare the two vehicles”.


And just as Linda is ready to suck the young guys cock to get it ready for a good old fashion screwing, he scrams at the top of his lungs with sexual pleasure “OH MY FUCKING COCK,” and he blasts his manhood all over the front windshield of his truck. He ejaculates every drop of his manhood as his cock goes wimp as a wet noodle.


Linda is furious, she cannot screw anybody, and yells, “Is there a male on this fucking planet that I can screw for sexual pleasure before he erupts his manhood like a volcano”. She next stands up in the doorway of the truck, slams her hands into the steel frame and pushes it apart and twist it in utter frustration. She then walks towards the tractor trailer and watch in delight as her sister completely destroys the trailer by bending the steel undercarriage of the trailer around her body and then ripping it into several crumbled up pieces of scrap.


When Linda reaches her sister Cathy, she is beginning to fold the massive steel “I” beam lengthwise so its only 1 meter high instead of two meters. So Linda assists her sister and between the two Sisters of Strength they easily fold the massive steel “I” beam lengthwise as if it were a sheet of thin paper. Once the muscular sisters have completed folding the 25 centimeter thick center section of super harden steel the complete length of the “I” beam, both girls stand at one end of the “I” beam. Linda then looks at her sister and asks, “Could you tell the difference in weight between this massive beam and the vehicle you were lifting”? Cathy relies in a low tone of voice, “Na sis, both were light as a feather, this steel beam didn’t even tax the muscles in my little finger”. So Linda replies, “Can I lift the beam and test my strength sis”.


“Of course you can test your strength and muscles, but I’ll bet you will be disappointed”, replies Cathy.


Linda strut’s her muscular nude body to one end of the massive steel “I” beam and stands there for a few seconds, posing and flexing her massive muscles. Then she reaches down with her two hands and clasps the outside of the top of the “I” beam and squeezes the top of the “I” beam to get a solid grip. The super had steel instantly bends and crushes from the force of Cathy’s arm muscles as her fingers dig into the steel as if it’s whip cream. She then lifts the entire 100 ton, 20 meter long “I” beam perfectly horizontal off the ground and brings level with her humongous breasts. With the 100 ton “I” bream lifted completely off the ground, Linda turns to Cathy and says. “This thing is weightless, it must be a hologram. Let me verify its molecular density with my big soft tits”. So Linda adjust the heights of the steel “I” beam until the thickest part of the beam is just a few centimeters from her nipples and hold it steady in this position. Linda then flexes her upper body muscles and thrust out her magnificent breasts and her swollen nipples and rams her hefty breasts into the steel “I” beam as if it’s made of soft cotton balls. The thick steel is crushed backwards from the force of her breasts and also begins to rip away from Linda’s hands. And when Linda relaxes her upper body muscles and her breasts pull away from the “I” beam, both girls notice the perfect impression of Linda’s tits gouged into the steel beam


Both girls begin to laugh as Cathy searches for another large vehicle for Linda, and walks past several vehicles. She finally spots an extra large extended cab 4x4 truck that has a special requirement for this test. She lifts the front of the truck over her head with one hand and grabs the steel frame with the other hand. She lifts the truck over her head and carries it to the opposite end of the steel beam from Linda. The steel beam is still horizontal, about a meter off the ground, and Cathy simply places the heavy truck lengthwise across the steel “I” beam and balances it on the beam. She than walks back to Linda and says, “Fell any difference in weight sis”? Linda quickly replies as she shakes her head, “Nope, there is no difference in weight”, as she holds the “I” beam and the truck perfectly horizontally off the ground with only her one hand.


Cathy they says, “I have a special reason for selecting that great big truck. Let me slice this piece of useless lightweight steel “I” beam in half with my thighs and then we can entertain the four hot males in that truck by playing with the steel beams with our hot female bodies”. “OOOH, four hot males, I can fuck the two in the front and you can fuck two in the back”, replies Linda. Cathy replies as she looks back at the truck and the four guys, “Personally, I plan on fucking all four of them, twice”. Both girls giggle as Cathy walks to the center of the steel “I” beam, jumps up on the steel beam, faces the front of the truck balanced on the beam and yells to the guys in the truck, “Hey guys, watch what my nude body can do to this steel beam”.


Cathy then jumps down on the steel beam, her long well built legs straddling the “I” beam and the four guys watch in amazement as Cathy’s upper thighs cut and crush the thick steel down and into her hot wet pussy. Cathy smirks at the four guys, wets her luscious lips with her tongue, places her hands behind her neck, thrust out that magnificent rack on her chest and with utter smoothness, draws her muscular legs together. Cathy’s calves and thighs muscles slice through the massive steel “I” like sharp scissors through paper. The hard steel not only crushes and crumbles between her legs, but as Cathy pulls her legs upward, the super hard steel begins to enter her hot pussy. Cathy begins to rock her round firm hips in sexual gyrations, mashing the top of the “I” beam into a substance that resembles soft whipped potatoes. Finally, the steel beam is sliced in half by Cathy’s legs and the one end falls to the ground along with the large extended cab truck. Cathy then picks up her section of the steel “I” beam positions the beam so it is centered and holds it over her head with just one finger. Linda also duplicates the feat as they walk up to the large truck and the four guys.


Linda is on the driver’s side of the truck and Cathy on he passenger’s side, and the Sister of Strength begin to pose and flex there muscles for the guys in the truck. They use the massive steel “I” beam as a prop as Cathy bends her beam completely around her large tits and forces a cross section between the deep cavernous cleavage of her breasts. Linda bends the “I” beam around her firm ass, shaping smoothes curves into the beam before she cut it into scrap metal with her thighs. After the super sisters annihilate the steel beam with their bodies, the Sister of Strengths immediately turn their attention to the four guys in the large truck. Linda looks at her sister, rubs her hands across her large breasts and her throbbing pussy and says, “You screw the two on your side and I’ll screw the two on my side and then we will switch”. Cathy replies, “Lets get started and rip these doors off the truck, my cunt is hot, wet, throbbing, and needs to get satisfied”.


Linda reaches out and easily pushes her fingers between the two doors on her side and tears open both door, destroying locks, hinges, and frame with utter simplicity. Cathy rips off the doors on her side by forcing her fingers and hands through the roof, and crushing the doors down to the street. But just as both girls look back into the truck, they both yell at the top of their lungs, “AH FUCK, all four of your guys have useless cocks”. For all the Sister of Strength see is the two guys in the front seat with wimp dicks and their hands full of cum, one guy in the back seat with a completely wimp dick, and the last guy with a dick so sore from beating his meat, he won’t be able to screw anyone for weeks.


Linda walks away in discussed, and kicks the front tire and sends the entire front end assembly of the truck sailing almost a mile in the air. Then Linda and Cathy begin walking back to their condo. Linda looks at her sister and says, “It’s been months since I’ve had a hard cock satisfy my body, is there any man on this planet who can appreciate our muscles and strengths and still keep his dick hard so we can get screwed”. Cathy just nods her head in agreement. Once back at their condo, the Sister of Strengths begin surfing on the web, just looking at sites for women’s weight lifting, and female body building. Both girls smirk at every one of the women at these sites because they believe they have much better muscle development and they know they are much stronger. Linda is searching the web using female strength, female muscle, super females, and they keep finding the same useless sites. Then Cathy says, search for “extreme strength”, so Linda types it in a search engine and several pages of sites pop up on the screen. The two girls quickly glace through the links when Cathy says, “Go back one page, I saw something of interest”. The link Cathy sees is named “Extreme Strength” and the comment seems interesting to her. “HUUUM, a site about incredible strong women”, so Linda clicks on the link and they arrive at the “Extreme Strength” site and begin to read about the site. They look at all the articles, the comics, the pictures, and the stories and both girls are mesmerized by what they found.


“WOW”, screams Cathy, “Some of these pictures and comics are fabulous, they remind me of us, and look at the stories. There are stories with women who are 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stronger that any man. Sort of like us again sis. Let’s read a few of the stories”. The Sister of Strength read all the stories and several hours later they both agree, “These stories are great, but they are only stories, however, I like the idea that these extremely strong girls can screw the guys in the stories endlessly by showing them their muscles and extreme strength”.


Both girls stare at each other for a few seconds and they Linda says, “Do you think these authors could screws us endlessly since they appreciate extremely strong women with powerful muscles”.


Cathy immediately searches the site and determines the best person to prove this theory is the site’s moderator and main author, “Paul Smith”.


“Let’s contact Paul; we can create a short video to show off our bodies, our strengths, our muscles, and send it to him”, says Linda as the Sister of Strength immediately go to a special gym where they set up a video camera. The sisters spend the evening determining what would be the best way to show their assets. They finally concur that several large anvils and their special 5000 ton weight is all they need for this test video. So they collect several large anvils, and agree that Cathy will be the main character in the video. The girls agree that Cathy will lift the special 5000 ton barbell with a banner draped over one side the reads, “SUPERMAN IS A WIMP”. And as Cathy is effortlessly lifting the 5000 ton barbell and doing reps with just one finger, Linda will place the anvils around Cathy’ body. One anvil will be wedge in her left arm as she poses to show off her biceps. The second anvil would be lodged between her thighs, and the third would be packed between her large tits. The girls decided that they should be completely nude to flaunt every muscle and Cathy should flex her muscles and let her powerful body simply crush the anvils in half and have them fall to the ground with a loud thud.


Linda thinks for a second and says to Cathy, “Paul might conclude that this video must be a manipulation or green screen shot. Maybe we should place two large trucks under the barbell so when you place the barbell back down on the floor it will crush the trucks completely flat; just to emphasize this is a real weight”. “That a great idea Linda replies Cathy, would you go get two large trucks from the parking lot across the street”. “Of course sis”, replies Linda.


Linda and Cathy create their movie and sent it to Paul at the extreme strength site.


Within an hour, Paul responds and congratulates Linda and Cathy on their excellent physical asset, their extreme beauty, and their well developed muscular bodies. Paul also requests if he can post the most fantastic female strength movie ever made on the site. Hollywood would be very jealous of your movie making techniques.


The Sisters of Strength respond back to Paul, and give him permission to post their movie.


Linda then says to Cathy, “Unless our strength is seen in real life, everyone will think this movie is just an illusion. So let’s go to plan “B”. We will surprise Paul and catch him off guard. Call that internet e-mail geek friend and see if he can help”. Within 5 minutes a friend comes over to the girl’s condo and Linda says to him “Tell us the address of where this e-mail originated from and I will perform any sexy feat of strength for you that your can imagine”. The geek just smiles and says to Linda, “If I get his name, address, where he works, and where he has a pint, will you crush this old blackberry device between your large breasts”? Linda looks at the guy, as she smile, takes the old blackberry and buries it deep in her cleavage and with a soft push of her breasts forward, crushes the blackberry device flatter that a sheet of onion paper. Cathy then says, “If you can hack into the e-mail where he works and manipulate a few e-mails for us, I’ll crush every old piece of computer junk you have between my tits”.


The geek inserts a special CD into their PC and within a few minutes has all the information required. Then he brings up Paul’s e-mail from work and the Sisters of Strength see an e-mail indicating that Paul and some friends will meet at their favorite pub at 18:00 tomorrow. The girls request the geek to send Paul an e-mail with a change of time to 17:30, but to only Paul. The guy obliges and manipulates the e-mail.


The Sisters of Strength thank the geek and after he leaves, they begin talking about how they are hoping for megatons of pleasure and sex.


The next day, the Sisters of Strength, prepare for their trip to the pub and meeting Paul, they both workout strenuously to boost their muscle tone. Linda uses an old aircraft carrier the weighs 100,000 tons and Cathy uses two old Battleships that weigh in at 150,000 tons. The girls exercise to 6 hours, but never work up a sweat. They return to their condo, shower, and get dresses and they are dressed. Both girls select identical outfits, spiked heels to show off their leg muscles, a very short tight skirt, to flaunt their firm round ass and upper thigh muscles, a tight skimpy halter that accents all their cleavage and allow their nipples to poke through the material like to 45 caliber bullets.


Linda and Cathy are walking towards the Pub, when Linda asks Cathy, “How are we going to recognize Paul, we have never seen the gentleman, and at this time of the day, there could be many men in the Pub”. Cathy replies, “I’m sure he will be a gentleman and the only one in the Pub that truly appreciates strong, sexy, muscular women. Oh, let’s have a side bet, whichever of our names he calls to mind first, gets to screw him first”? Linda laughs and replies, “Your on sis, but with one stipulation, after he has given the winner 10 orgasm, the other takes over”.


The two girls approach the Pub and there are two large heavy wooden doors for an entrance. The Sisters of Strength stand next to each other and each pull one of the heavy doors open with absolute authority. The sound of the door swinging open that fast, plus the rush of outward air causes every one in the dimly lit Pub to turn their heads to investigate what is happening. Linda and Cathy step inside the Pub, but just enough so there fantastic bodies are inside the door frame. From the prospective of everyone in the Pub, all they see are silhouettes, for the bright lights from outside blur everything else. But what silhouettes, everyone in the Pub immediately recognizes the silhouettes as that of two extremely muscular and shapely young females. Linda and Cathy stay in the doorway for about 10 seconds and then enter the Pub. By this time, their eyes have adjusted to the dimly lit Pub and they scan the Pub. There are several couples in booths and about 10 gentlemen at the bar. The Sisters of Strength approach the bar and ask for a pint and both girls begin to stretch and flex their bodies as they scan the gentlemen at the bar.


Cathy then asks the first gentleman at the bar if this stool is taken as she thrust out her breasts and flexes her shoulder muscles. He could barely answer but managed to say, “AAH”. So Cathy straddles the stool and crushes the stool flat with her legs and thighs muscles and lets it fall on the floor as a crushed mass of metal. The girls then take their drinks and walk away from the bar toward a booth and turn around and face the bar. They begin to slowly flex and pose their sexy muscular bodies for the gentlemen at the bar as they smile and scan each individual. Within a minute, three guys had to could to the bathroom and didn’t return, and two other guys start rubbing their cocks. The girls continue their sexy display of their muscle, focusing on two gentlemen at one end of the bar. These two gentlemen say nothing, but just stare at Linda and Cathy with their mouths salivating.


Linda and Cathy continue to tease the two gentlemen when they both hear in proper English and in a soft affirmative tone of voice from the other end of the bar, “Those two young women are the most perfectly muscular, incredible shaped and extremely strong females in the world I have ever seen”.


Immediately, both Linda and Cathy turn their heads to the gentleman at the end of the bar as say in unison with a very sexy smile on their face, “Paul”.


Paul smiles back at the two women and replies, “Yes, I’m Paul, Paul Smith, and may I have the pleasure of your company for an after work drink”.


The girls saunter over to Paul and as Cathy passes a large table, she thumps it gently with her curvaceous hips and forces the large heavy table to skid almost two meters to the side. They walk up to Paul and Cathy says, “Hello Paul, we were hoping you would be here, we have been looking forward to meeting you”. Paul smiles at the two super sexy females as replies, “You have me at a disadvantage, for I believe we have not met, but you look very familiar.” Linda smiles very provocatively at Paul and says, “Your web site, “Extreme Strength”, a recent video”.


Paul snaps his head to attention, smiles, standup, and says in a professional and elated voice, “The Sisters of Strength; How are you and how did you find me, But that’s not important. Let me remember, you are Cathy as he reaches out for her hand and you are Linda, as he shakes both their hands. Please, may I get you a drink”?


“You win” replies Linda to Cathy, as Linda turns her sexy body around to Paul and says to him, “It’s a private joke Paul, and yes we would enjoy your company and a drink, perhaps at a table”. Paul smiles as he signals the bartender that they are going to a table”.


Once at the table with an afternoon drink, Linda and Cathy express their delight with Paul’s web site. And Paul raves about their recent movie and tells the girls it will be posted on the next update. Paul indicates to Linda and Cathy, who by this time snuggles close to Paul’s body, that he has never seen such realism in a video. Paul goes into detail as Cathy and Linda listen and gaze at Paul with a very sexy smile. Paul continues by detailing the video, “Cathy, you were fantastic as you lifted that massive barbell with just one finger. That barbell appeared to be pure chrome steel and polished to a bright shine. The chrome steel plates were about 3 meters in height and 10 centimeters thick, plus there were over 100 plates and Linda, the way you handled those anvils when you place them at various locations on Cathy’s body. You appeared to crush the ends of the anvil with your fingers to get a grip. And Cathy, your muscles rip through that material and mashed, sliced, and crushed the material. What material where those anvils made of and how did you film this excellent video”.


Cathy and Linda snicker a little as they both look at Paul and begin to rub his legs with their hands. Then Cathy says to Paul in a very sexy soft accent, “Do extremely strong females turn you on sexually Paul”.


Paul stares directly into Cathy’s deep blue eyes and is ready to speak, when Cathy’s hand rubs his cock. Paul takes a quick gasp of air, waits a few seconds, and replies, “YES”.


Cathy and Linda are gently massaging Paul body when Cathy reaches over and give Paul a soft sweet kiss and says, “Paul, that barbell weighted 5000 tones and I picked it up with just one finger as easily as women in your stories can lift heavy weights. Those anvils, I crushed with nothing but my sexy muscles, hey were forged from heat treated harden steel”.


Cathy pulls her head back slightly and looks at the expression on Paul’s face and it tells a perfect story, Paul’s no going to say anything to contradict the two absolute sexy and muscular girls he is with. He then scan the rooms to see if any of his friends are playing a trick on him.


When Paul’s eyes make contact with Cathy again, she says to him, “Paul, would you like a little example of our extreme strength, just something to tease you slightly” as she flex her arms and upper chest to accent her muscles. Cathy continues by saying, “Paul, feel my biceps and shoulder muscles and touch Linda’s thighs to get an idea of our muscles”.


Paul replies in an inquisitive voice, “Of course I would like a little example of your strength as he slowly begins to rub his hands across Cathy’s shoulder and biceps; his other hand is rubbing Linda’s thigh as she stretches her leg to amplify her muscles.


“OH MY F----ING”, replies Paul as he reaches and feels Cathy’s bicep, “Your bicep is hard as steel, and Linda’s, your thigh is as hard as concrete”. Paul continues to feel the muscles of the two exquisite females as they flex and pose for him. The girls also continue to rub Paul’s body, driving his heart rate up and his blood to boil and flow at a high rate.


“Will you please show me a sample of your strength”, ask Paul and Cathy replies, “Linda and I will start with a little, extremely small sample of our strength and what our muscles can accomplish.


Both Cathy and Linda scan the room and Linda is first to converse, “Cathy, permit me to show Paul what our soft muscular female bodies are capable of doing to large heavy metal objects, and then hopefully Paul can show us what his body can do to us”. Linda then stands straight up, pushing her enormous breasts into Paul’s face. And with Linda standing up straight, all Paul can see is the top of Linda’s super muscular thighs. Linda turns her body around and brushes her firm ass against Paul’s face. Then she uses a sexy stroll to go to an old cast iron hot water radiator. The cast iron radiator is old, huge, two meter long and appears very heavy. Linda arrives at the radiator, turns around to Paul and says very sexually, “Hey Paul, would you like to see my sexy female body crush and rip apart this old radiator”? Paul takes a deep breath as replies, “Definitely with your sexy body”. Linda smiles back at Paul, turn around to the radiator and goes to one end. She bends over at her waist, and reaches down to the floor for the input water line. She claps the iron pipe with her one hand and crushes the input water pipe, breaking it apart, and then bends it back over on itself. She walks to the other end of the radiator and does the same thing to the output water pipe. From Paul vantage point, not only does he see Linda crush and bend the iron pipe, but when she bends over at her super flat waist, Paul catches an eyeful of a set of long legs, with powerful muscles that go from her high heels all the way up to her firm ass. And it is very obvious Linda has a very firm ass, because it’s also obvious she is wearing nothing under her very short skirt.


Linda stretches out her arms, clasps the cast iron radiator, and easily lifts the radiator over her head. The bolts holding the radiator to the concrete floor blast out with loud detonations the sound like a barrage from 12 gauge shotguns. Linda holds the radiator over her head with just one hand and her fingers crush the cast iron as if it a marshmallow. She struts her long tall muscular body towards Paul, swaying her well-developed hips in a very provocative manner. When Linda is back to the table, she stands directly in front of Paul, places her one hand on her hips, spreads her lengthy legs and says, “Paul, are you a thigh man or a breast man, I can crush this piece of junk between my powerful legs, or between my big breasts.


Paul takes a deep breath, glances over to Cathy, who is still rubbing his cock, and then turns back to Linda and says, “I’m not sure Linda, please tear the radiator in half, then crush one half between your thighs and the other half between your breasts”.


Linda coos as she replies, “With sexy pleasure Paul”. Linda then looks at Paul with a sexy stare in her eyes, as he places both hands on the radiator and literally tears the radiator in half with a gentle pull of her arm muscles.


Cathy then squeezes Paul’s cock to get his attention and Paul turns around to Cathy as she says, “OOH Paul not sure if you’re a thigh or breast man. Let me assist with your true preference”. Cathy then turns to Linda and says, “Crush that chuck of iron between you thighs and then your breast and I’ll judge Paul’s preference my measuring the hardness of his manhood. Cathy clasps Paul’s manhood, which is already hard, and squeezes it firmly as she indicates to Linda to begin crushing the cast iron.


Linda immediately swings one half of the radiator down in an arc and forces it up between her legs muscles with a vengeance, the cast iron radiator collides into her bulging thighs muscles with a earsplitting metallic clang. The individual cast iron segments of the radiator collapse into each other like an according folding close. Linda then twists her body in a sexy pose to flaunt her leg muscle and her thighs mangle the cast iron segments as they fall to the floor as pieces of scrap metal.


Cathy is still squeezing Paul’s cock and says loudly “A definite 10”.


Linda next plunges the other half of the radiator into her deep cleavage, the cast iron segment of the radiator wedge between her large pert breasts like they were made of sponge cake. Linda only uses one hand to crush all the cast iron segments into her cleavage and then places both her hands behind her head and thrust out her breasts as she rolls her shoulder muscles. The entire cast iron glob wedged between her breasts is crushed in half and falls to the floor.


Paul simply smiles, the expression on his face let Linda know he is in ecstasy and Cathy then yells, “Another 10 Linda, Paul is ready for any feat of strength we perform”.


Cathy glances over to Paul and says, “Let’s go find a place where we can truly show you our muscles, our extreme strength, our bodies, and what we are capable of doing to your love muscle”.


Paul replies to Linda very enthusiastically, “I’m ready. Let’s go test your muscles, your strength, and YES”. Paul then turns to the bartender as says, “Put the drinks on my tab, I’ll be back later”. Linda and Cathy giggle as Cathy turns to the bartender and says, “No he won’t”.


Paul, Cathy, and Linda leave the Pub and start walking up the street. Cathy and Linda begin to show off their strength and have fun doing it. Linda grabs a steel post for a street sign, clasps it with one hand, bends the metal post in half with a twist of her wrist and rips it out of the ground. She next sees a fire hydrant, and tears the steel top off the fire hydrant like it a pop top on a beer can and crushes it into a ball of metal. Then she sees a large vehicle and picks it up over her head with just one hand. Next she bends the steel frame of the vehicle into the shape of a pretzel as easily if it were soft pretzel dough.


“Paul, it apparent you enjoy young strong muscular women, would you enjoy an up close and personnel demonstration of our extreme strength as we show you our muscular bodies and all its capabilities”? Paul instantaneously replies, “Of course I would enjoy an up close and personnel demonstration of your abilities”.


Cathy smiles and says, “Would you like us to start demonstrating our strength by using our bodies to totally crush, mangle, and tear apart automobiles, or perhaps using our bodies to annihilate useless weights in a worthless gym. We could also go to a construction site and have a game of Cathy and Linda bodies’ verses heavy construction equipments. It’s sort of a one sided contest. Of course at a construction site, there should be massive steel beams and you cannot even fathom what out muscular strong bodies can do to steel beams. And my sister Linda loves to play with railroad trains and locomotives. With her extremely strong body, you will think the trains are just little toys. Then there is the military, OOOOH, tanks and other heavy armored things are so amusing to demolish, and old battle ships, the steel is OH so thick”. Don’t forget large industrial plant and all the machinery. Our well developed bodies quiver at the thoughts of toying with this machinery. And we can lift and play with the world’s largest bridges. Perhaps you would enjoy something a little kinky, for example, we lock your body in a massive steel vault or throw you in prison with one of us who has the right to do anything we want to your body and the other one has to tear apart the massive vault door to rescue you or should I say, partake in the pleasure. And if you are locked in prison with my sister, I’ll tear apart every steel bar with my sexy body to save you from Linda ravaging your body. Of course it will take me about an hour. I adore playing with steel bars with my body; it turns me on sexually, especially when I can see what my sister is doing to your body. Now would is your preference Paul”.


Paul takes a deep breath, smiles at Cathy and replies, “Yes, to all of the above”.


Linda and Cathy both yell, “Finally, a real man”.


Linda says to Paul, “What your preference for our first soft sexy demonstration of our super strong bodies and our sexually abilities”. Paul shakes his head slightly, look around and see an underground parking lot across the street and replies, “Can I watch both of you incredible built and strong girls obliterate the vehicles in that underground parking lot”.


“Of course you can Paul and with tons of pleasure. However, you can only watch one of us at a time obliterating the vehicles with our female bodies, replies Linda in an excited tone of voice. Paul looks at both girls and Linda replies, “I will obliterate half of the vehicles in that garage with my body and I’ll do it any way you desire. I’ll do it slowly, sexually, deliberately, and you can use your imagination just as in your stories and I’ll do anything you request and I’ll do it more sexually than in your stories”.


Paul glances at the Sister of Strength and Cathy answers, “Paul, my sexy strong sister will only toy with half of the vehicles, because while she is sexually obliterating the vehicles with her muscular body, I’ll be getting intimate, passionate, and literately SCREWING the FUCK out of your body”. Paul smiles at Cathy as he points across the street to the underground parking lot and says, “Lets get going, I’m already primed, but Cathy, what about the other half of the vehicles”?


Cathy clasps Paul’s hands, holds his hand tightly as she replies, “The other half of the vehicles are for me to enjoy. I plan on using my tremendously strong sexy body to play with the vehicles as my sister Linda FUCKS you insane. Are you man enough to handle two strong women Paul”? Paul elates as he says, strong muscular and sexy women turn me on, and that’s why I have the web site “Extreme Strength””.


Linda sexually coos, “Let me escort you across the street Paul, and I can’t; wait until it my turn, and sis, you won’t get a seconds chance with Paul because when I’m done with Paul, he will be useless”. Cathy replies as she hugs Paul with one hand and places her hand down into his jeans and strokes his swollen cock as says, “Want to bet sis”. To which Linda replies, “You’re on sis, “If Paul lasts through my fucking his body, you have first rights to what we do to turn his body on sexually”.


Cathy glances to Paul and says, “I hope you will enjoy having your body ravaged by my super strong sexy sister, but I plan on screwing you until my sister request a change in plans”.


The Sisters of Strength giggle as they walk across the busy street. Linda leads the way as she uses her body to purposely destroy a utility pole. Her massive shoulder muscles brush aside the concrete utility pole with a shrug. Next she walks between two parked cars; her sexy hips slam into to the two vehicles, sending then fling apart to make room for Paul and her sister. But just as Linda takes another step into the street, an outsized bus stops directly in from of her and blocks her path across the street. Linda doesn’t hesitate; she simply reaches out with her hand and slices her fingers through the side of the bus. The metal side of the bus tears apart as Linda continues to force her fingers through the floor of the bus. With the gaping hole in the side and floor of the bus, Linda spots the steel frame undercarriage beam and clasps the underside of the beam with her hand. She crinkles the steel beam into her hand, her fingers crushing the metal beam like it’s made of fluff. And with a lazy lift of her arm Linda lifts the entire bus off the ground and over her head. She holds the bus still and signals for Paul and Cathy to proceed. Paul smiles as he walks past Linda and gazes at her arm muscles, and the absolute ease which she is holding the large bus over her head with just her one hand.


Paul and Cathy walk under the bus, and when then exit from under the bus, the driver of a large car is not paying any attention to Paul and Cathy, his attention is on Linda holding up the bus. By the time the driver looks up and sees Paul and Cathy, it’s too late. He slams his vehicle directly into Cathy. The large vehicle rams into Cathy’s side and the entire front end of the car wraps around Cathy’s legs and hips to the depth of about a meter. The metal buckles, bends, twists, and is reshaped by Cathy’s super strong body. Cathy quickly turns to Paul and says, “Are you OK”, and Paul replies with a deep breathe, “I’m fine and you Cathy”.


Cathy looks back at the driver of the car who is staring at Cathy and replies to Paul, I’m OK, but this car a wreck as she shakes her muscular leg to free the car from around her body. And with the shaking of her leg, Cathy violently rattles the vehicle from side to side and basically destroys the entire front section of the car as she pushes it away from her body.


Cathy guides Paul away from the car as Linda drops the bus back to the ground and they head for the entrances to the parking garage. The entrance to the garage is small, one lane in, one lane out, and a small steel entry door for pedestrians. Linda begins to run towards the small door, however, there is a parked car between her and the door, and Linda is not the type of girl the goes around anything. So Linda places her hands behind her back and runs directly into the side of the car, smashing the door inward with her legs and hips. Linda’s huge breasts crumble the roof of the car back and the entire car skids sideways, off the street, up onto the sidewalk, and finally up against the side of the building. And with Linda still running, the vehicle is crushed flat against the door and when Linda’s body slams into the entrance door of the parking garage, the steel door is ripped out of the frame and blasts backwards. The car is literally sliced in half as Linda’s body rips through the metal as she drags the crushed and twisted car inside the doorway.


Linda, Cathy, and Paul proceed down two floors to the parking garage; Linda and Cathy are just having fun as they bump their hips into the hand railing, crushing the metal hand railing into the concrete walls. Linda thumps one section with a good smack from her hips and knocks down a section of concrete blocks.


Once the Sisters of Strength and Paul are on the parking garage floor, the girls smile and Linda rubs her big tits with her hands as she says, “OOGH GOOD, the parking lot is full of nice big cars and trucks”. Cathy then directs Paul off to the side and she says to Linda, “Lets clear an area out so we can show Paul what are muscular bodies can do with these toys”. So Linda and Cathy effortlessly push aside two rows of park vehicles to clear an area. Cathy then motions Paul to the center of the clearing and says to him, “Any preference for a car in the now front row. Pick one and go sit in it to see if you have a good seat to watch Linda show off her strength”. Paul just looks at Cathy with a confused stare and says, “The big red SUV”. Cathy replies in a very sexy voice to Paul, “OOOH! Nice choice”.


Cathy then says to Paul, “Please pick a vehicle for my sister to start destroying with her muscles”. Paul smiles at Cathy and replies, “That big 4X4 truck”.


Cathy they says to Linda, “Are you ready sis”, and Linda replies, “NO I’m not ready, I still have my clothing on and you know I love to flaunt my muscles in the nude”, as she walks over and stands directly in front of Paul. Linda is standing directly in front of Paul with her hands on her hips and her chest thrust out. She licks her tongue with her lips as says to Paul, “Paul, grab hold of my top and tear it off my body. If you have any problem, I’ll gladly assist”. Paul just stares at those two massive mounds on Linda chest as he slowly clasps her halter with his hands and tries to pull it apart. Unknown to Paul, the girls have their skimpy halter tops made of Kevlar. It’s the only material that can withstand the bouncing of their enormous tits without having their nipples rip the material to shreds. Paul tries to pull Linda’s top apart but he can’t, it just will not rip. Finally Paul says, “What this top made of”, to which Linda replies, “Kevlar, now let me assist”. Linda then grabs Paul’s hands with her hands, and places her little fingers inside her tops and pulls outward. Linda’s little fingers rip off her top with ease and Paul just stares at her large firm pert beasts. Linda then lets her top fall aside and guides Paul’s hands to her large breasts where she pushes Paul’s palms against her nipples and works his hands in a circle around her aroused nipples. Linda permits Paul to massage her gigantic tits as she unbuttons her short skirt and let’s is fall to the floor. Linda is completely nude and says to Paul, “Why don’t you and Cathy go have a seat in the SUV and I’ll start the show”.


Linda backs away and starts to walk towards the big 4X4 truck when she hears the unmistakable sound of an elevator. The elevator for the building is coming down to the parking garage and the Girls don’t want to be disturbed. Linda says to Cathy as she runs to the elevator, “I’ll pull the emergence stop switch”. When Linda arrives at the elevator a few second later, she immediately slams her hand through the steel frame of the elevator’s doors and pushes the entire frame and door to one side. The steel bends, buckles and rips apart as the doors are crushed against a concrete wall. Linda then reaches inside the elevator shaft and grabs two of the steel guide rails for the elevator and rips them out of the elevator shaft and leisurely ties then in a knot. The thick steel guide rails offer no resistance to Linda muscles. Linda turns around and smiles and they realizes there is also a stairway door, so she walks over to the door, grabs the steel frame of the door and easily bents the steel frame so the door cannot be opened.


Linda struts her nude body back towards Cathy and Paul and Linda says, “MMMM! From the bulge in his pants sis, I believe Paul is primed, better get him situated in that big SUV”.


Cathy directs Paul to the SUV and requests Paul to open the front door, Paul not thinking, tries to open the SUV’s door, but it locked. Paul turns around to Cathy and she is laughing. They Cathy says, “Let me open the door for you Paul, I have a special key” as she extends her middle finger of her right hand, places it in her mouth and sucks on it very sexually for a few seconds. Then Cathy takes her extended finger and pushes it through the key lock. Cathy finger pushes the key lock back into the door, ripping through the steel door with ease and she continues to work her finger around, cutting a large hole in the steel door. She then reaches in the hole with her hand and clasps a good section of the inside frames of the door and rips the door off the car with just a pull of her arm muscles. The lock and hinges are torn from the steel frame with bolts and welds breaking apart like they were dried grasses.


Cathy tosses the door aside and looks inside the SUV and says, “OOOOOH! It’s has plenty of room and nice big comfortable seats, Paul would you please sit in the driver’s seat while I give this vehicle my special driving test”. Paul doesn’t say anything; he just jumps in the driver seat and by habit put on the safety belts. Cathy giggles as she reaches in and grabs the seat belt and crushes the buckle with her hands until the buckle breaks apart. She next tears out the belts from their anchoring in the floor, ripping apart bolts and flooring in the process and tossing then outside the vehicle. With Paul sitting in the car, and Cathy standing in the door way, Cathy says to Paul, “It’s time for me to take off my clothing as she grabs her top and rip of off and also rips off her skirt. She flaunts her body for a few seconds to Paul and then glances to her sister. Linda is holding the huge 4X4 truck over her head with just one hand, doing reps and massaging her huge tits with her other hand. The truck is being demolished as Linda does the reps, because she is standing under a massive concrete beam and every time she lifts the truck up, she is crushing part of the truck against the concrete beam. Cathy turns back to Paul and she can tell he is trying to watch how easily Linda’s is lifting the truck, and still watch her at the same time. Cathy coos, as she reaches in the SUV and begins to massage Paul’s hard cock and says to him. “Linda is just showing off a little of her muscles, and now it’s my turn”. Cathy then reaches down with her right hand and grabs the steel frame of the SUV, clasping the steel frame firmly in her hand and lifts the SUV up off the ground to the point where her breasts are even with the floor. And while holding the vehicle steady with just her one hand, Cathy uses her nipples to cut open the steel floor and door frame. Cathy’s nipples slice open and gouge out the steel like it made of soft ice cream. She then pushes her massive breasts into the door frame and crushes back the steel, leaving two very large and distinctive indentations in the frame and floor.


Cathy glances up and notices Paul is enjoying her exhibition of sexual strength. So she lowers the SUV to a point where Paul’s chest and her eyes are even. Then she reaches in with her left hand and begins to undress Paul. She tears his shirt out of his pants and rips it off his body. Next, she grabs his belt, crushes the buckle with her hand and pulls his belt off his body. Then she uses her fingers to tear open his zipper and rip apart his pants and pulls his stiff cock out and begins a slow massage of his manhood with her hand. Cathy then lowers the SUV slightly and places her head inside the truck and close to Paul’s lap. And as she does this, her head hits the steering column and Cathy yells loudly, “This fucking thing has to go, it’s in my way of fun” as she grabs the steeling column and carefully tears it out of the truck. A few twists and turns of her hand and the column breaks free and Cathy gently removes it so she does not harm Paul. She then places her head back in the truck, tilts the truck slightly towards her and begins a slow sexy assault on Paul’ manhood. She teases his cock with her hand and her lips before she begins a long slow suck of his super hard manhood. And Cathy doesn’t have to bob her head up and down to complete the pleasure giving process to Paul, she simply uses her arm strength to raise and lower the truck. Paul goes crazy with pleasure, not only from Cathy working his cock, but from watching Linda sexually destroy the 4x4 truck with her rock solid body.


Cathy finally puts the SUV back down on the ground and steps into the door frame of the SUV. And as she leans over, her muscular shoulders bend and push the steel frame aside like it’s made of inexpensive tin foil. She stands up in the door way and her massive breasts push up into the roof, first bending the roof of the SUV upward before ripping through the roof. Cathy looks down through the torn out section of the roof she just made with her breasts and says to Paul, “This roof is going to get in my way of fucking you, I think I’ll tear if off to give me more room”. All Paul is looking at are two firm pert massive breasts that are still pushing the steel roof aside as Cathy moves her body around.


Cathy uses her hands to slice a long narrow tear in the roof line just at the windshield and as she stretches her body out to reach across the roof, Cathy’s super flat abdomen contacts Paul’s face. Paul cannot believe the superb muscles on Cathy and begins to kiss and lick her abdomen. Cathy “COOS” as she pushes her body further into the roof of the SUV and Paul’s face. She then stretches her long muscular legs even more and raises her hot wet pussy up to Paul’s face. Paul’s instinctively begins to lick her pussy as he looks up and observes Cathy’s muscular chest and arm peel the roof of the SUV back as if it’s a soft silk sheet. Cathy gives Paul of few more seconds before she pushes back slightly and straddles her long legs across Paul’s lap. She leans over and gives him a kiss as her well rounded ass pushes back into the dash and crumbles it back into the engine department. Cathy then lowers her muscular body down onto Paul’s lap, rubbing her firm breasts into Paul’s face. Paul bites her nipples hard but all this does to Cathy is add to her pleasure.


Cathy finally lowers her hips down onto Paul’s super hard cock and accepts it into her wet pussy and begins to pound and thump his body with the authority of a jack hammer. Cathy is relentless; she finally has a man who can screw her body without blowing his wad before she can take her clothing off her body.


Paul also cannot believe the pleasure he is receiving from Cathy as she watches her massive tits bounce, and feels every muscle in her body with his hands. Cathy goes berserk, she hasn’t had this much pleasure in years. She has met a true man who appreciates her muscles, strength, and her sexually abilities and can screw her.


Paul can barely do anything, he’s holding on for dear life, as Cathy is completely in charge. Her muscular body humbling Paul’s body and she is getting even more potent. She squeezes Paul with passion, speeds up her pace and within a minute screams at the top of her lungs as she reaches her first orgasm. “YES, OH, YES, MORE, MORE” is all Paul and Linda can her. But Cathy doesn’t stop; she even increases her tempo by pounding Paul’s cock faster and harder to get additional pleasure.


Paul’s body is in ecstasy, not only is he being screwed by Cathy, he is watching Linda completely crush the 4X4 truck with clout. She has crushed the truck down to a slab of metal about half an meter by half a meter, by 8 meters long and she is posing her nude muscular body for Paul as she continues to crush the truck smaller and smaller. The metal conforms to every muscle in Linda body as she poses, both muscularly and sexually, The truck act like soft putty as Linda twist, turns, and crushes the truck around her body as she flaunts her muscles in very sexy poses. Within two minutes, Linda has completely crushed the large truck down to the size of a baseball. She then takes the baseball size chunk of metal, hides it between her huge tits and crushes it out of existence with a simple flex of her chest muscles. The only evidence that there was a truck is the vapor exiting Linda massive tits as the metal is turned to plasma.


Linda walks over to Paul and Cathy, looks inside the SUV and says, “Finally sis, a great fuck, and Paul, how’s you cock”? Is there a feat of strength you would like me to perform to keep it hard”? Paul responses between deep breaths, “Grab a car and just crush it into that concrete pillar with you body, then grind it into scrap with your hips and breasts as your body destroys the concrete pillar”. Linda responds as she pushes her large tits into Paul’s face, “Just one car, I think I’ll line up three or four and compress them into the pillar, my pussy is getting super hot”.


With just that thought in Paul’s mind, his cock expands another 20% and Cathy screams with her second orgasm.


Linda walks back to the clear area and picks up two large cars, she handles them like they are toy models and lines them up against the concrete pillar. She selects two more cars and adds then to the line and positions her body at the end of the line of cars and blows Paul a kiss. Linda puts her hands on her waist and walks forward. The first car crumbles into the second and then the third and finally the fourth. Linda body is devastating on the four cars, the steel, motors, axles, and everything else. The cars crumble, compress, and are destroyed as if they are mode of paper. Linda crushes all four cars into the concrete pillar, the sheet metal pushes aside, but the heavy motors push straight back against her body and what Paul sees and enjoys is all four motors simply being crushed between Linda’s body and the concrete pillar. The cast iron blocks offer no resistance to Linda’s body as the metal of the motor act like soft marshmallows rather than cast iron and steel. The final meter tells everything as Linda pushes her hips into the concrete; steel liquefies and squirts out the sides. Anything wedge between Linda enormous tits pushed into the concrete as Linda sinks her breast deep into the reinforced concrete. She grinds and pulsates her hips into the concrete pillar, adding more scrap steel each time she move her hips until she has crush most of the four cars into a pile of molten steel and scrap.


Caroline has her third orgasm as Paul’s pulse rate double along with his sexual desires.


Then Caroline yells to Linda, “Linda, Linda, please bring me something heavy and strong that I can crush it into my body. I want to show Paul what my sexy body and extreme strength is fully capable of doing”.


Linda obliges by finding a large vehicle and carries it over to Paul and Cathy. Linda positions the car and holds it up over her head with one hand. She then begins to tear off objects from the bottom of the car and hands it to Cathy. The transmission is violently removed from the car and Linda hands it to Cathy who immediately crushes it between her tits. The front wheels, brakes, half shafts and other metal parts and pluck clean from the car by Linda and handed to Cathy who destroys the individual parts with her body. Paul went nuts when he watched Cathy suck a 5 centimeter in diameter by 50 centimeter long shaft and completely destroy it with her tongue, bending the super hard steel as if it’s a piece of licorice. Cathy has her fourth orgasm as she grabs Paul’s hands and pulls them into her massive tits.

Cathy then ask Linda for the vehicle she is holding and grabs the frame of the vehicle with just her one outstretched hand holds it in mid air. She then flexes her arm to show off her bicep as she says to Paul, “Feel my muscular bicep with your fingers, then kiss it with your lips, and finally bit it hard, turn me on even more”.


Paul obliges Cathy immediately and cannot believe Cathy’s super hard biceps as he tries to squeeze her bicep muscle with his hands. He licks her bicep muscle only to taste the little bit of moisture on her skin, and most of this is from being sexually satisfied. Paul bits hard on Cathy bicep, but his teeth don’t even leave a mark in her perfectly tanned skin.


Cathy tosses the vehicle she is holding aside like it’s a ping pong ball and screams as she has her fifth orgasm. And after Cathy is done screaming “MORE, PAUL, MORE” at the top of her lungs, Linda says to Paul, “You better hold onto my sister’s huge tits tightly because if you think she is pounding your cock hard with her pussy now, you will enjoy this even more”. Linda smiles at Paul as she rubs her hands down her shoulders, across her breasts, down her flat stomach, across her now wet pussy, and onto her solid thighs, before grabbing the frame of the large SUV with just one hand and lifting if off the ground. Linda proceeds to rock the SUV up and down in perfect sync with Cathy thunderous pounding, only adding to the pleasure of both Paul and Cathy.


Cathy screams again in pure ecstasy as Paul move his hand from her monstrous breasts to underside of Cathy’s thighs to get a better grip and not thrown off her gyrating body.


Linda looks at her super strong sister and says, “That’s six sister; any requests Paul to get my sister to have 4 more sexual orgasms. Because after you give my sister 4 more orgasms, you get to fuck my body over and over. Paul, gasping for air while saying to Linda, “Find a large vehicle with a steel frame and pull the steel frame forward through those long powerful legs, striping everything from the steel frames like meat from well cook barbeque pork”. Linda “COOS”, as she smiles and searches for a large vehicle. Linda intentionally picks up vehicle after vehicle with one hand and looks under the vehicles to see if it’s on a steel frame. And if the vehicle doesn’t have a frame, she simply tosses it aside like it’s a toy. Once she as found a suitable vehicle to destroy with her legs, she tosses it to the area in front of Paul and Cathy. Linda positions the car so the front is pointing to her sister and Paul. Linda stands in front of the vehicle, faces her sister and bumps her firm round ass into the front section of the large vehicle. Linda’s ass crushes the front of the vehicle inward, destroying the grill, radiator, bumper, and hood. A few more thumps with her round ass and she has pounded a meter deep canyon in the vehicle. Linda glances down and can see the two steel frames of the car and reaches down with her hands and grabs the frames. With a slight twist of her wrist, she pulls the two steel frames together and through her legs from behind. She grabs the frames as they protrude through her long legs and she twists them together. Linda pulls the frames high up on her thighs, making absolutely sure it’s pressing up against her wet pussy and begins to slowly pull the frame through her legs. And she only uses one hand to pull the steel frames through her legs. Linda’s other hand is picking small metal parts off the frame as they comes through her legs and uses her massive tits to crush and mangle the metal scraps. As the steel frame comes through Linda’s legs, her thighs strip off everything and then her thighs flatten the two steel frames into one crushed metal bar. She wiggles her ass and completely destroys the motor. The brakes, tires, fenders, transmission, firewall, dash, and everything else breaks free of the frame as these parts attempt to travel through her muscular thighs. Linda completely pulls the steel frames through her legs in less than a minute and all Paul sees is this extremely muscular and gorgeous young woman wiggling her firm round ass as she mutates the vehicle. Paul goes into a frenzy as he watches Linda destroy the vehicle. He grabs Cathy’s muscular body, digs his fingers into rock hard muscle and tries to screw her even harder. Cathy immediately has her sixth orgasm, follow by her seventh when Paul pokes her harder after witnessing Linda tie the remains of the steel frame around her monstrous breasts if it they are made of cotton twine.


Cathy begins screaming loudly as she yells, “Paul, harder, harder, YES” and she has her eighth orgasm. And when Linda hears her screaming she walks over to the Paul and Cathy and poses her muscular nude body in several erotic muscular positions for Paul. Cathy has her ninth orgasm as Linda cheers on Paul, “Come on Paul, squeezer her harder, ride her faster, fuck her better, because she only get to have one more orgasm before I have my fun fucking your brains out of your head”.


Cathy has her tenth orgasm and it gives her enormous pleasure as she screams and slows down her pounding to Paul’s body to the pace of a jackhammer. Cathy takes a deep breath, reaches over to Paul’s lips and gives him a deep kiss and a good old fashion tongue lashing as she drives her moist tongue deep into Paul’s mouth.


Cathy slowly rises off of Paul’s body, looks Paul directly in his eyes as says, “That was fantastic, and you maintained a hard stiff cock. You truly do like strong sexy women. Now I presume my sister will want a sample of your manhood. Now screw Linda fast and hard, and give her10 orgasms, but do it faster than you gave me the orgasms. I can’t wait until I get to screw you again because I’m going to get my body so fucking hot showing you all my strength, I’ll drive you insane”. Cathy looks at her sister and says, “It’s your turn sis, enjoy”.


Cathy gently swings her body off of Paul and touches his body in a very sensual manner and goes to the front of the SUV where she stands there and rubs her muscular nude body with her hands. Linda simple takes the fingers of her right hands, wets them with her tongue and gently grabs Paul cock and says as she begins a sensual massages of his sex muscle, “OOOH, Paul it’s hard, moist, and ready for action”. Linda then looks down and says, “OOOH, my sister has this seat all wet”; I’ll just use the other front seat”.


Linda then reaches down and grabs the underside of the front seat and pulls it along with Paul out of the SUV. The bolts holding the seat to the floor pull through the steel floor like they were not even there, leaving jagged holes in the floor. Linda lifts the seat up in the air and holds it with one hand as she walks around to the other side of the SUV. While still holding Paul and the seat in the air, Linda tears off the passenger’s side door with a swipe of her free hand, crumbling it into the back door. She next peels off the remains of the roof as Paul sits there and watches. Linda looks inside the wide open SUV, looks at Paul with a smile, and then looks at the vehicle next to the SUV. Linda lifts the vehicle up with one hand and rests it on it side, She walks up to the front wheels and uses her tits to rip off the tire and rim. Linda’s nipples, which are highly aroused, slice through the tire and rim like a sharp knife through hot butter. She then reaches in and pushes metal parts and brackets aside until she sees a long metal shaft used to drive the front wheels. Paul is simply watching from his raised position as he observes Linda rip the hardened steel shaft out of the vehicle with a snap of her hand. Linda places the steel shaft next to Paul’s stiff cock and she says, “I wonder which is harder, this solid steel shaft, or you cock Paul”. And while still holding Paul in the air with just her one hand, Linda uses her other hands to insert the steel shaft up between her pert firm huge breasts. She positions the steel shaft about half way up her cleavage and leaves 20 centimeters of the shaft protruding from the top of her cleavage. Linda flexes her chest muscles to bounce her tits slightly and her huge tits immediately crush down on the steel shaft and flatten it slightly. She looks at Paul eyes as she lower her head and begins to play with the top of the shaft her tongue. Linda’s tongue flattens the top of the steel shaft like it’s a marshmallow, the 5 centimeter thick shaft offering no resistance to her moist tongue. She folds over the solid steel with her tongue before inserting the shaft in her mouth. Linda works the steel shaft with her lips and tongue, forcing the solid steel to reshape itself. She finally pulls her head up, look at Paul and says, “Now it sort of looks like your cock”. Linda then lowers her head, places the entire steel shaft in her mouth and begins long slow sucks on the steel. Paul can hear the metal moaning and screeching as Linda’s succulent mouth restructure the molecular arrangement of the metal. When Linda is done sucking on the metal shaft, it’s a blob of steel that is almost liquid.


A modest thrust of her enormous tits forward crushes the remains of the steel shaft lodge in her cleavage. Linda brushes off and residue from her breasts and says to Paul, “Now let’s try this procedure with a much harder shaft, like your cock”. Linda uses her hands to spreads Paul’s legs apart as she pulls the seat and Paul closer to her body. She slides her large firm breasts up Paul’s legs until his cock is wedged in her deep massive cleavage. She then starts to slowly raise and lower the seat and watches as Paul’s cock slides up and down in her cleavage. And every time Paul’s cock pops through the top of her cleavage, Linda takes a swipe at Paul’s cock with her tongue. Linda is moving the seat and Paul up and down smoothly with just her one hand, so with her other hand she lays her arm out across the vehicle that she has just turned on its side and pushes down. Linda crushes the center of the vehicle down to the ground with a swipe of her arm. The entire center of the vehicle is flatten against the ground and Linda crumbles up the crushed steel with her fingers and picks up the vehicle. She begins to exercise with the crushed vehicle and since it is black, it resembles a bow tie. From Paul’s point of view, all she sees is this crushed vehicle rising up and down at the same time Linda is raising him up and down.


Linda finally positions Paul so his cock is not between her enormous breasts and simply begins sucking his cock and increases the rate of raising the seat exponentially. Paul goes crazy as he digs his fingers into Linda shoulders muscles, only to cause Linda to increase both her speed and her depth of sucking Paul’s cock. The vehicle in her other hand is also raised and lower at the same rate and virtually shakes itself apart from Linda extreme strength. After Paul yells a few indescribable syllables, Linda slowly lets Paul down and gently stops sucking his cock. She tosses what left of the vehicle aside as if it were a twig. Linda looks down at Paul’s lap and says with a sexy flair, “Your laps and this seat are all wet, I better get another seat”. So Linda reaches in the SUV, and tears out the passenger side front seat with one pull of her hand and tosses it aside and says to Paul, “There that better, there much more room in the back seat”. Linda gently picks up Paul by his waist with her two hands and gently places him in the back seat. She then jumps in the back seat, stands up directly over Paul and begins to push back the remains of the metal roof with her hands and mammoth tits. All Paul sees is metal being disintegrating and a set of knockers that are indescribable. Linda continues her assault on the metal roof, purposely pushing and crumbling the metal back, and moving her body back until her hot moist pussy is in Paul’s face. Paul grabs Linda’s firm round ass with his hands and pulls her pussy deeper into his face until his tongue massages Linda pussy. Linda screams with delight as she grabs most of the metal roof and crumbles it into a mass of scrape metal as if it were a fine silk cloth. Then she squeezes the metal blob into her large boobs where she grinds the metal into slivers with her aroused nipples.


Linda screams with delight as she jumps on Paul’s manhood and begins an insane thrashing of his manhood with her hot dripping wet pussy. Linda’s hips are oscillating more rapidly than a jackhammer; her large breasts are slapping Paul’s face with a vengeance and she is digging her hands into Paul’s shoulders. Paul reciprocates by squeezing every muscle on Linda’s body as hard as is humanly possible. He squeezes her biceps, her shoulders, her waist, and her thighs and Linda enjoys watching Paul as she succumbs to his manhood and squeals with ecstasy as she has her first true orgasm in two years. Linda’s feet slash through the floor of the SUV, rip the steel and frame apart like they are tissue paper, as she attempts to reposition herself to get more pleasure.


Cathy, still panting, walks over to Paul and Linda as says, “Sis, you horny girl, it took you less than a minute”. Linda replies in panting voice as she continues ripping the floor of the SUV apart with her powerful legs, “Sis, show Paul what your sexy super strong body can do to a vehicle. Hopefully, Paul has enough left in him to satisfy me 9 more fucking times”.


Cathy smiles as she says to her sister, “I’ll start with the front of this SUV and slowly, sexually, and erotically destroy this piece of shit with my body as Paul watches”.


Paul only response to Cathy’s words is to squeeze Linda’s ass even tighter.


Cathy proceeds to the front of the SUV, faces Linda and Paul and pushes her hips into the front of the SUV. Paul sees the hood of the SUV buckle back slightly and hears the sound of metal crunching. He then watches as Cathy places her hands on her hips and bends over at her waist. The front of the SUV collapse against her super flat stomach, metal simply reforms to the shape of her abdomen muscles. Then Paul’s eyes almost pop out of his head as Cathy’s massive breasts press into the hood and tear through the metal like two artillery shells. Cathy’s nipples first puncture the metal hood with a “PINGING” sound then her tits simply push aside the metal. Cathy wiggles her firm breasts in a circular motion, grinding out a large hole in the metal hood. Next she reaches out with her arms and grabs the end of the hood and pulls the entire metal hood back and into her stomach as she stands up straight. The flimsy metal hood collapses into her muscles like it a bath towel and tosses it away. Cathy smiles as she flexes her biceps and places one leg over the grill and the radiator. Her hot pussy pushes down and rips apart the top of the vehicle’s grill and radiator. The antifreeze from the radiator turns to steam as it drains across her hot pussy. Cathy then pulls her other leg forward and slices everything between the grill and the engine in half as if her legs muscles are sharp scissors. Once inside the engine compartment she pushes her pussy into the fan and water pump, instantly crushing them back into the cast iron block and rocking the SUV. This causes Linda to have her second orgasm as she screams, “MORE PAUL MORE”.


Cathy surveys the top of the large engine for a few seconds before violently ripping off the alternator and the air conditioner pump with an abrupt pull of her hands. The metal brackets holding the devices to the iron block rip apart like Cathy is plucking dandelions. She wedges the alternator between her breasts, reshaping the device to fit snuggly in her cleavage. She places air conditioner pump on her left bicep and curls her arm to hold it in place. She next reaches down with her right hand and snags one of the front coil springs and places it up right on her right bicep and curls that arm. Cathy spreads her legs, bursting apart the fenders and wheels as she steps forward and straddles the engine block. And as she moves forward, her super thighs squash the exhaust headers into the block and her pussy crumbles everything of top of the engine block back down into the intake manifold. Cathy slowly begins a sexy muscular show for Paul. She flexes her biceps, crushing the air conditioner pump and the large coil spring flat between her biceps and her forearm. The steel devices act like they are soft sponges against Cathy’s large muscular biceps and as she flexes her shoulder muscles, Cathy’s chest muscles crush the device between her breasts flat until hot metal extrudes from her cleavage. A sexy pose and a twist of her legs cause her super powerful thighs to mangle the engine block. All this action to the delight of Paul who can’t believe he’s still able to screw Linda and to the delight of Linda who has her third orgasm.


Cathy cleans all the scrap material from her arms and breasts, and reaches out and tears off the windshield of the SUV. She then jumps up on the dash, placing her round firm ass towards Paul and begins to wiggle her ass back and forth. Cathy well-formed ass presses into the dash and crushes it along with the firewall about half way down. She does this to the entire width of the dash and firewall before turning around to Paul and Linda. She smiles at Paul and says, “Now watch this little maneuver; this should pump twice as much blood into that stiff cock of yours, all for the enjoyment of my sister”.


Cathy turns around facing Paul and leaps up on the engine block. She spreads her legs wide open to either side of the dash and reaches down with her hands and peels open the engine block with her hands as if she is opening a purse. The metal block, pistons, lifters, and cylinder heads are all pushed aside. Cathy then reaches into the mangle metal block and pulls out the cam shaft. She holds it up in the air like a trophy before passing it through her cleavage and down towards her legs. Paul doubles his heart beat, causing Linda to have her forth orgasm. “Great job Paul, keep it up, because once you give my sister 6 more orgasms, It’s my turn again, and we will find some real toys to show you our strength”.


Cathy takes a deep breath, leans back and inserts the cam shaft in her hot wet pussy. She massages her pussy with about 30 centimeters of the cam shaft, rotating the super hard metal shaft as she works it in and out of her pussy. She massages her pussy for a few seconds before pulling out the cam shaft and shows it to Paul. It’s a mangled mess with all the lobs crushed flat and twisted. Paul goes berserk with an extra shot of testosterone and sends Linda again into sexual nirvana and her next orgasm.


Cathy sexually grins at Paul as she takes the cam shaft, inserts it slowly in her hot pussy and works the entire cam shaft into her sizzling body. She uses her fingers to coerce the cam shaft deep inside her body. Next, Cathy closes her legs and sits up straight on the engine block. Paul watches as Cathy’s ass crushes, compresses, and reshapes the top of the engine block. Cathy swings her legs down and around the engine block and with a rub of her pussy, she closes her legs and Paul stare at Cathy mighty thighs as they smoothly crush the cast iron engine block in half.


Linda knows what is occurring but is only interested in Paul as she continues to work Paul’s cock with her pile driving hips and ass. Linda begins to grab Paul passionately, her hands and fingers digging deep into Paul’s waist, back and shoulders, sending Paul into a sexual fizzy and giving Linda another orgasm.


The engine block is now a useless crushed pile of scrap to Cathy, so she looks around for something else to show off her strength and the vehicles in the parking garage no longer interest her, they are just despicable playthings for her body. She glances around and sees a steel cable barrier between two concrete pillars. She walks over and clasps all three steel cables with her one hand and gives the cables a tug with her hand. The cables erupt from the concrete pillar and leave large gapping holes in the concrete pillars. Cathy winds up the 3 centimeters thick steel cables as if the are cotton thread and walks over to Linda and Paul and says, “That’s five orgasms sis, five more and Paul’s mine and I’m going to start with sadistically screwing his body as you demonstrate your strength with real object, not these useless playthings in this parking garage”. Cathy then takes one of the steel cables and wraps it tightly around her left upper arm; covering from her shoulders to her elbow. Another cable is wrapped around her entire left upper thigh. And the third cable is tied around her magnificent set of knockers. Cathy makes absolute certain that her provoked nipples dig and gouge into the steel cable. The torturing sound of the steel cables being easily gouged by Cathy’s nipples only increases the Paul’s hardness of his cock and sends Linda screaming with pleasure as she has her sixth absolute sexual pleasure orgasm.


Cathy stands facing Paul, with Linda only interested in pounding Paul’s manhood, and Cathy leisurely begins to flex her muscles while wetting her lips with her tongue and rubs her sizzling pussy with her hands. Paul stares at Cathy’s bicep as she slowly curls her arm to swell her arm muscles. The thick steel cable offer zero resistance to her powerful bicep and the cable moans and groans as Cathy’s bicep double in size. And with a sexy gleam in her eyes, Cathy flexes her arm muscles to the fullest and the steel cable burst open in several locations and uncoils from her arm like a broken spring. She next flexes her thigh and accomplishes the same feat as the steel cable cannot contain Cathy’s leg muscles. Finally Cathy yaws, forcing out her massive tits and the steel cable snap apart and flings into Linda back with the force of a several tones of energy. All Linda does is have her seventh sexual bliss and says to Paul, “OOOH Paul you really know how to turn a women on”.


Linda continues her insatiable conquest of Paul’s body, requesting from Cathy some heavy steel object so she can crush them into her massive breasts in hope of encouraging Paul to get him to drive his cock deeper into her body. Cathy obliges and goes over to one of the last untouched vehicles and tears off the rear axle and discards the vehicle like it’s a plastic model. She brings the rear axle to Linda who immediately begins crushing the real axle into her breasts as if she was spreading whipped creams on her tits. Paul cannot believe his eyes and his brain cannot believe he can still screw Linda, but his male hormones increase at the sight of Linda crushing steel with her massive tits. Linda has her eights orgasm and everyone for half a mile hears her sexual fulfillment screams of delight.


Cathy just gleams at Paul as she hold up two fingers and walks over to the last vehicle untouched in the garage and effortlessly drags it in front of Linda and Paul. She places the vehicle so its front is facing Linda and Paul and she stands in front of the vehicle, posing her muscular body for Paul. She then turns around, facing the predestined vehicle, pushes her curvaceous hips into the grill, spreads apart her long powerful leg, and bends over at her waist placing her stomach and breasts down into the hood of the car. Cathy then reaches out with her hands and drops her arms through the hood and fenders until she clasps the front wheels and begins to squeeze her arm together. She crushes the entire front of the vehicle into her super flat abdomen and her massive breasts and then slowly brings the crumbled mess back and up into her solid thighs.


From Paul’s point of view, all he sees is Cathy’s powerful legs, shapely ass, and her super hot dripping pussy and it’s the final episode for Paul as he discharges his manhood several times deeply into Linda and Linda goes insane with her ninth orgasm. Paul’s heart is about to explode, and his brain tells him to calm down and relax.


Paul takes a deep breath, his overworked body becomes very tranquil, and his manhood returns to a quiescence state as he smiles at Linda. Linda knows by the gaze in Paul’s face that he is done for the moment as Paul says to Linda, “Please give me a moment to recover, I never dreamed I could have this amount of immense sex and give you so much pleasure”.


Linda smiles at Paul as she continues massaging her massive breasts and says very erotically to Paul, “I’m entitled to one more orgasm Paul and I’m a girl that know how to get that cock of your super hard, and primed for one more assault on my super body”.


Linda sexually squirms and twists her muscular body off of Paul’s lap and stands straight up, forcing her large tits into Paul’s face. Her long well-formed legs rip apart the floor of the SUV directly in front of Paul’s body. Linda places her hands on her hips, flips her hair sideways and looks down at Paul’s limp cock. Paul is watching Linda intensely, her nude muscular body and her sexy stance is already having an affect on his male body and his brain is going crazy trying to order every hormone in his body to become active. Linda then slowly kneels in front of Paul, her legs and ass pushing aside the remains of the steel floor like it is tissue paper. Once on her knees, Linda uses her tongue to lick Paul’s sweaty body, starting at his chest and working down to his crotch. She bites Paul occasional and finally reaches his cock were she teases his cock with her tongue. After a minute or so, Linda looks around the busted open floor of the SUV and sees part of the large steel transfer case. She simply clasps her hand around one end of the large device, and with a gentle pull of her arm brutally rips out the transfer case and several steel shafts from the SUV’s frame. Linda holds the heavy steel case in one hand and begins to knead the steel case with her fingers. With her other hand, Linda clasps Paul’s hardening cock and begins to massage his manhood. Linda looks up at Paul and says, “Amazing, I can easily massage this super hard steel with my fingers and mash the gears, shafts, casing, and bearing and turn it into a soft goo and at the same time I can massage your soft cock with my other hand and turn it into a super hard shaft”.


Paul heart is pounding with the energy of a sledge hammer, forcing large quantities of blood into his manhood as he watches Linda mangle the steel transfer case of the SUV as if it’s soft foam. The hot metal oozing between her fingers and at the same time he can feel the womanly touch of her other hand on his cock. It only takes a minute for Linda to transforms Paul’s wimp cock into a solid hard large shaft. She tosses the remains of the transfer case aside and picks up a steel shaft, about the size of Paul’s now erect cock and she says to Paul, “Let’s find out which is harder, this steel shaft from this SUV’s drive system, or your cock”. Paul goes out of control with delight as Linda grips his cock with her fingers and strokes it as she maneuvers her left breast up to the head of his cock. Linda teases the head of Paul’s cock with her nipple, gently pushing her large nipple into his stiff meat. She next presses her enormous pert breasts deep into Paul’s cock and Paul watches as his hard cock buries itself into the firm womanly flesh. His hard cock easily thrusts into her breast and buries deep into her firm young flesh.


Linda maintains this sexy posture as she flexes her right arm and shoulder and thrusts out her right breast as she centers one end of the steel shaft against her right nipple. Linda teases and taunts the hardened steel shaft with her aroused nipple, finally pushing the center of the steel shaft into her nipple. Linda’s massive breast doesn’t indent a nanometer; instead her super hard nipple gouges out the center of the steel shaft as if it’s made of soft whip cream. Linda continues to force her breast against the steel shaft and the end of the steel shaft mushrooms back. The hardened steel offers zero resistance to Linda’s massive tit. And at the same time, Paul’s cock is buried deep into Linda’s other breasts. Linda lastly pushes the steel shaft into her right breast and crushes it into a silvery slime that leaches out between her fingers.


Linda’s bedroom eyes glance up to Paul and she says, “One last little test of your manhood and a final prep and your cock will be ready again for my blistering body”. And with that said, Linda massages Paul’s cock with her huge tits. Paul’s cock slides between Linda’s tits and every time his cock protrudes through Linda’s deep tanned cleavage, she licks it with her tongue. Linda continues this tease for a few seconds, then pulls back slightly, grabs Paul’s ass with her hands and stands up, lifting Paul with ease. She raises Paul’s legs up to her shoulders and says to Paul, “Wrap your legs around my shoulders so I can suck your manhood to prime it for my pussy”.


Paul obliges Linda as she begins to suck Paul’s cock, rising and lowing Paul with her arms to force his cock in and out of her mouth.


Paul grabs Linda’s arms and squeezes with all his strength and Linda doesn’t even flinch. After a few seconds, Linda places Paul back down on the seat and turns around so she is also facing her sister Cathy. Linda sits on Paul’s stiff cock and says to Paul as she look back over her shoulder, “This way we can both watch my sister as she sexually obliterates that vehicle”. Paul wraps his hands around Linda’s waist and holds on for dear life as Linda again rides Paul’s cock like she is in a bull riding event, and they both watch Cathy as she uses her hands and arms to completely crush the front end of a large vehicle into her powerful thighs.


Cathy is obsessively crushing everything; her hands and arms simply pull and push the entire front section of the car up and into her upper thighs. Everything from the front seats forward is compressed against her powerfully built thighs. The tires, wheels, brakes, engine, steel frame, grill, and suspension are condensed down to a round bar of solid substance about 6 centimeters in diameter and 2 meters long. The heat from Cathy compressing all the material causes the bar to glow white hot and Cathy then holds it up and shows Paul and Linda. From Paul’s point of view, it looked like a giant lollipop, but his immediate attention is trying to sexually satisfy Linda and he has his hands and his cock fully occupied with this task.


Linda is enjoying her relentless mauling of Paul’s meat and yells deafeningly to Cathy, “Hey sis, show Paul your specialty and get him turned on”. Paul’s eyes open wide as he cannot imagine anything more, but as he watches Cathy walk over to an already wrecked vehicle and sits on the vehicle facing Paul and Cathy and spreads her legs, he gets a shot of adrenalin to which Linda screams “MORE”. But when Cathy takes the white hot crushed bar and rubs it between her legs and inserts it into her pussy and uses it as a dildo, Paul gets a double shot of every hormone in his body and sends Linda into a dizzy and her tenth orgasm and another shot of his manhood deep into her body.


Cathy lets her sister enjoy Paul for a few more moments of delight as she consumes the entire two meter bar with her body. She then says to Linda, “That’s number ten sis, It’s now my turn again”.


Cathy parades her muscular sexy nude body over to Linda and both girls’ position themselves in front of Paul and Cathy says to Paul, “Did you enjoy yourself Paul as we demonstrated our sexual abilities and our strengths? We did, and we want more, much more sex, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, which by the way we can lift with just one finger. And we want to show you our real super strength. These cars are useless play toy against our bodies. Now what would you enjoy seeing us accomplish with our strength and our young sexy bodies. And Paul, your only limitation is your wildest imagination”.


Paul reflects for a few seconds as his eyes scan both Linda and Cathy trying to determine who he prefers, but he cannot make the decision because they both are perfect. He then looks at the Sister of Strengths as says, “I’ve seen this special on TV where they showed how the military processes uranium from a large deep quarry and the equipment is massive. Hundreds of thousand of tons of rock must be excavated and haul to the processing plant. I would like to have sex with both of you again as you uses your bodies to destroy the gigantic equipment at the quarry”.


Cathy immediately screams “YES, MORE GREAT SEX and maybe a good physical workout. And it’s my turn again for the SEX”.


Paul looks at Cathy as replies, “Cathy, the quarry is over 100 miles away and it’s guarded by the army with tanks and other heavy military equipment”.


Cathy takes a deep breath as she rubs her hot sweaty body and says to Paul. “Paul, you are turning me on just talking about the quarry. Oh and don’t worry about the 100 miles, that will only take about 15 minutes, and for the army tanks, they will be appetizers for me and my sister”.


Paul just takes a gulp to clear his throat and says to Linda and Cathy, “Let get going, I’m getting a hard on just thinking about what your bodies can do to army tanks, but how are we going to get there in 15 minutes”.


Linda and Cathy both grab Paul’s hands and lead him out of the parking garage, as Cathy says, “15 minutes is conservative”.


To be continued...