Sandy Chapter 4.

The three super strong women plot their next escapades:


By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


Sitting in the rear of the bar, I watch with interest as the three gorgeous and super strong women approach my table with this glimmer in their eyes and a provocative sway in their bodies.  And as they reach the table, I softly say to them, “Macbeth, Act 4, Scene, 1”.


Sandy returns a soft smirk as she places my laptop and her beer in front of me, leans over the table exposing her large breasts, places her hands across the table and grabs the table’s edge and slides the heavy round table back into her hips.  She stares at me for a second and says, “That wise ass remark is going to cost you some additional time at your laptop writing me a special story”.


Lisa is more sympathetic as she laughs and says, “Oh, now what’s wrong with being described as a “WITCH”, personally, I plan to be one hell of a “WITCH”, a very super strong “WITCH”.   Lisa then glances at Karen as says, “Why don’t we leave these two alone, for Sandy has read most of the stories and requires fresh blood.  Let’s go get ourselves into some serious trouble by misbehaving as we bar hop.  We can act as bitches, witches, and seductive women of the night, and then we can use a little of our strength to show everyone else that we are the superior gender on this planet”.


Karen smiles and says, “OK, but can I have a little practice using my new strength before we visit the PUBS.  I want to experience how easy it is to be a super strong woman”.


Lisa grabs Karen’s hand, and few pages from some stories, and says to Sandy, “After you have a new story written especially for you tonight, please leave a few building, bridges, trains, and other large objects remaining so we can also have enjoyment with our strength.  And Sandy, do you have anything in particular for your new personnel story”?  To which Sandy replies, “Oh yes, it’s about time that I begin to use my sexy body to secure a loan from that bank up the street. I have a loan appointment with a vice president in charge of overseas investments”.  Lisa then questions Sandy by saying, “Do you know anything about investing overseas”?  Sandy laughs as she replies to Lisa, “I don’t know anything about investing overseas, however, I’m going to invest, with the assistance of someone special, in a super strong and super sexy body that will be capable of shredding their 2-meter thick steel safe into thousands of pieces of scrap metal and I promise I will never use my hands”.  “OOOOOH” responds Lisa as Karen and her leave through the back door of the PUB.


Sandy is still leaning her tall slender sexy body over the table and moving her hips back and forth in a very provocative swaying motion. Her long, slender, and powerful legs are leisurely grinding away the thick edge of the table and slicing the hard oak wood into fine wood shavings and sawdust.  She then looks at me and says is a curious voice, “Witches, Oh yeaaaaa, that’s would be interesting, a BITCH of a WITCH.  A sassy, sexy, and super strong WITCH that uses her extreme body to deliberately flaunts her wickedness upon everything”.  Sandy then grabs a chair and parks herself down next to me and requests a special story.  “Let’s begin a new story” say Sandy, “And her are some bitchy details.  However don’t get all excited about spelling, grammar, syntax, or punctuation; I just want a bitchy story”.


So Sandy relaxes for a moment, thinks to herself, and says, “I have this special desire to be an awesome bitch, super sexy, extremely strong, and I’m only concerned about destroying everything with my body and satisfying my sexual desires.  For the lead character in the story, make her super strong as usually. There is nothing she cannot destroy with her sexy body.  This story’s character is to be an Amazon, tall, large boned, muscular, and physical healthy.  She should have a vivacious appetite for sex and uses her incredible strength to satisfy her sexual pleasures. Anything that gets in her path is toyed with by her body and then annihilated.  She will dress very sexy, showing off 90% of her skin in tight revealing outfits that can be easily removed.  And not only can she stand between a set of railroad tracks and stop a freight train dead with her sexy and fantastic body, her body should look like it can stop a freight train dead in its tracks.  Make your new female character 2 meters tall, with long powerful legs, thick muscular steel crushing thighs, wide breading hips that can pulsate at a high rate and pulverizes concrete into dust. A round tight ass that can reshape anything into a curved artistic structure, a superb flat stomach that withstands attacks from a battleship’s main guns, a massive set of firms breasts with deep cleavage that can burst thick chains apart and can squeeze into zilch anything caught in between those breasts, rounded shoulder with smooth curves, short dark hair, and blue eyes.  Oh and this is absolute necessary, a super very “BAD GIRL” attitude”.


I just gawk at Sandy and her slender, attractive body, and she smiles as she says, “I’m a mature women with a vivid imagination and a personal fantasy of my own, now please start creating that special story strictly for my pleasure. Your rewards will be later tonight”. I just take a deep breath.


I embark on some furious typing on my laptop, using my own experienced imagination, and I’m not timid on this story.  Sandy’s protégé in the narrative will be a full-size woman, more super sexy, and more bitchy and witchy than her own personal description.  This is not my customary method of writing and this technique of creating a “BAD GIRL” is now peaking my personal interest.


I could hear Sandy “COO” as she reads my typing.  The character is named “Sandy” and I commence the tale with Sandy in the middle of Army war games where it’s her super body against several hundred heavy Army tanks.  She lets the heavy tanks pound, hammer, and attempt to violate her Amazon body with high explosive and armor piercing shells, enjoying the tickling sensation as the shells explode harmlessly against her skin. The first shells that strike her flawless skin immediately blast away her skimpy top and her tights jeans to completely reveal her nude super powerful body. She watches as the laser range finders illuminate her large hard nipples just before a high energy shells strikes the ends of her breasts.  She also leans back and spreads her legs to allow armor piercing shells to attempt to penetrate her super hot pussy. And all that the exploding shells around her burning pussy can accomplish is getting Sandy hotter for a real man’s cock. At one point, three Army tanks approach at point blank range and position themselves side by side.  The middle tank points it main gun directly at her hot pussy while the two outside Army tanks point their main 120 mm guns directly at the swollen nipples on her two super huge tits.  Sandy spreads her legs, places her hands on her hips and yells at the tanks commander’s, “I dare you! And after your puny, worthless, pathetic toys have expended all your ammo, I’m going to personnel illustrate the meaning of armor piercing as I use these monster tits to split open these heavy steel guns pointing at my nipples.  Oh, this gun barrel staring at my hot cunt, well, I’ll rip it off the turret, crush it with my muscular thighs and then force it into my wet pussy.  And you better hope this satisfy my sexual cravings because when it doesn’t, I’m going to use my sexy body, enormous knockers, and my thighs muscles to peel open the armor of your Army tanks like wet tissue paper and them fuck each member of your crew until your brains pop out your eye balls. 


Sandy then thrusts out her titanic tits, wiggles her muscular upper body until her nipples are literally less than a meter from the gun barrels and then she hears the word, “FIRE”.  All three heavy guns fire immediately and when the smoke clears, Sandy is still standing there, not a scratch on her fantastic body.  She brushes the molten debris from the ends of her mammoth melons with her hands and then rubs her cunt with her fingers and yells, “Try that again, those shells must have been blanks, I didn’t fell anything”.  So the tanks commanders order another round into the main guns and just as they give the order to “FIRE”, Sandy rams her hot cunt into the barrel of the one gun and peels back the harden steel of the muzzle. She then drives her two enormous tits deep into the barrels of the other two guns and splits the steel barrel open as if they were a wet paper bag.


An extremely loud “BLAM” is all that is heard and after the smoke clears this time and Sandy is still standing in front of the tanks with a very discussing expression on her petty face.  And since the high explosive shells explode inside the steel barrels of the huge guns, the steel of the three gun barrels burst open and the thick steel peels back and resemble more of a flower than120 mm guns.


“You fucking wimps”, yells Sandy, “You can’t even give my soft sensitive nipples or my    hot receptive pussy a sensual massage with those big guns let along a good old fashion screwing.  Now let’s see if I can give myself some sexual pleasure by playing with these huge steel barrels that you call your primary weapon”.   Sandy quickly moves her tall nude body forwards about two large steps of her long powerful legs and peels back the blown open end of the gun between her legs with her thighs.  She then flexes her powerful thigh muscles and squeezes the thick barrel down into a flat plate of steel.  Sandy laughs as she feels her powerful massive thigh muscles tease and taunt the steel barrel as she continues to walk forward and can hear her soft pussy hairs scrape and rasp long slivers of harden steel from the barrel. And then those two magnificent monsters on her chest slam into the blasted open ends of the other two guns and Sandy gigantic globes split open the steel gun barrels as if they were manufactured from hollow dry straw.  After her tits burst open more than a meter of the gun’s thick hard barrels, the force, size, and power of her chest muscles begin to bend the thick steel barrels backward as if it’s a blade of grass.  However, Sandy grabs the steel gun barrels with her hands and claws her fingers into and through the steel barrels like is made of Jell-O.  She then pulls back on the steel barrels and watches with delight as her massive tits crack open the thick steel.


By this time, all three Army tank commanders are standing in the turret hatch and begin to point their heavy 50 caliper machine guns directly at Sandy.  She just smiles as she yells, “OOOH feather dusters for my sexy nipples”, as she pushes aside and bends the two gun barrels that are around her tits with a swipe of her hands and crushes the barrel that is in her thighs in half with just a flex of her one leg muscle.


“TAT - TAT - TAT - TAT   BING – BING – BING - BING” is echoed around the Army tanks as all 3 machine guns open continue heavy fire at Sandy body and all that happens is the armor piercing and tracer rounds bounce off her super powerful body like drops of gentle rain.  All three commanders are directly targeting her enormous tits and nipples and sandy simply “COOS” as she reaches for the ends of her breasts and cups her massive tits with her hands. She massages her breasts by pulling them back into her chest and then opening those monsters.  She catches the hail of bullets in her deep cleavage and after several hundred rounds are wedged in her cleavage she pulls back on her tits forcing her cleavage to close tightly and push upward.  The armor piercing and hot tracer rounds captured in her cleavage are simply crushed flat, and as Sandy continues to slowly massage her own breasts, the super harden 50 caliber bullets are kneaded into a super hot liquid of various metals that peculates up into her cleavage and flows harmlessly down her deep “V” shaped mountains of cleavage and onto the ground.


Sandy continues to massage her large breast.  Slowly, very slowly as hundreds of bullets bounce off her chest muscles.  She lifts up her breasts so her nipples can receive direct hits, but the only effects are the bullets are flatted and fall innocently to the ground. However, as Sandy pulls back and up on her gigantic tits, the soft rounded shape of her breasts has another effect on the bullets.  The perfectly round and firm womanly flesh of Sandy’s breasts are ricocheting the bullets back at the Army tank commanders and they quit firing at her and retreat to the relative safety of their armor vehicle.  The middle tank quickly back up over 100 meters and then revs up it engine and advances towards Sandy at full speed.  Sandy smiles and screams as the 70 tons of steel speed towards her, “YES!  Finally, something that will challenge my superior female body”, as Sandy thrusts out her gigantic tits, spreads her long muscular legs apart, places her hands on her tight ass, and awaits the impact.


It doesn’t take long for the massive armor plated front of the Army tank to slam into Sandy’s massive chest. The impact causes a loud “BLAST” and the outcome is pre concluded as the Army tank not only stops dead in it steel tracks, but the rear of the Army tank jumps several meters into the air.  With Sandy being tall, her large pert breasts are struck by the Army tank at its thickest and most forward section. Sandy’s round firm nipples slice deep into the heavy armor plating and the Army tank is forced to take a steep nose dive.  And once the front section of the tank bounces into Sandy flat washboard stomach muscles, it has no where to go.  Sandy then grabs one of the large thick iron tow loops on the front of the tank with her right hand and crushes her finger into the massive iron to get a good grip and lifts the Army tank off the ground like it’s a feather.  She lifts the Army tank over her head with an effortless fling of her one hand and swings her oversized tits back and forth and scoffs the armor plating with her swollen nipples as the front of the Army tank passes her massive chest muscles.  And a slight forward shove of her big tits causes several layers of the armor plating from the front of the Army tank to peel off as if they were pages in a cheap magazine.  A quick slap with her left hand on the underside of the tank and the entire 70 ton armor vehicle is lifted vertical over her head.  Sandy is standing there holding the Army tank with her one hand and balancing it with simplicity as she starts of series of reps and yaws at the same time.


The Army tank driver still has the powerful 1500 horse power turbine engine at full throttle and the tank treads are revolving at full speed.  Sandy glance at the spinning steel treads and a smirk comes across her lovely face as she still is supporting the tank vertically in the air with her two hands.  And then positions the Army tank so her massive knockers are directly under one of the spinning treads.  Sandy gently maneuvers the 70 ton tank with her hands and begins to lower the Army tank as she jiggles her gargantuan juggs.  And as her bodacious boobs make soft contact with the outer armor plating covering the spinning treads, the steel plating is crumbled aside as if it is a sheet of rotten paper. 10 centimeters of super hard thick steel are peeled back by Sandy bountiful boobs to reveal the rotating steel tank treads.


Sandy slowly flexes the tremendous muscles in her upper body and her breasts expand forward and the tops of her breasts begin to make contact with the rotating steel tank treads.  A rapid “Blap, Blap, Blap, Blap” is heard as the steel tank treads whack into Sandy tits. And as the large thick sections of steel treads repeatedly smack Sandy’s firm tits, the steel treads begin to bend, crack, and break apart.  Her nipples also gouge long ribbons of steel out of the treads and a pile of coarsely ground steel shavings accumulate on the ground by Sandy’s feet.  Finally Sandy inhales a little extra oxygen into her lungs, forcing her bodacious breasts even more forward and her tits slash, tear, and slice through the rapidly rotating steel tanks treads and shred apart the tank treads like two massive sledge hammers through fine glass crystal.  Sandy is in hysterics as she stands there holding the 70 ton Army tank in the air and bits and pieces of the steel treads break apart as they collide with her breasts and to finish off this side of the Army tank, she thrusts her breasts into the rotating sprocket and allows her nipples to act as a metal lathe against the spinning steel sprocket.  Her super hard and aroused nipples obliterate the metal teeth of the sprocket, sending them fling off in all directions, then the thick flat metal surface of the round sprocket is ground into something that resembles hamburger, and finally the super hard drive shaft  is filleted into long ribbons of sharp edged metal streamers.           


With the steel tracks on the right side of the Army tank permanently out of commission, Sandy directs her attention to the left side of the Army tank.  A quick flip of the 70 ton monster with her one hand, sends the tank up in the air and the tank does a half a rotation and Sandy catches the rear of the tank with her hands.  The steel treads on the left side of the tank are still turning at full speed, except they are rotation in the opposite direction, from bottom to top. So Sandy spreads her long legs, tilts the tanks and a 45 degree angle from vertical and pulls the tank and the rotating steel treads into her power thighs muscles.  Sandy’s muscular thighs immediately crush, fold, and bend the ends of the steel treads like they are made of soft foam.  And while still supporting the 70 ton tank with her hands, she rotates the heavy armored vehicle with her hands until the steel treads are striking vertically and upwards between her legs.  The rotating treads are then directed by her commanding thigh muscles to spank her super hot pussy.  Sandy screams with sheer delight as her pussy enjoy the stroking of solid steel tickling her twat at the rate of several hundred per minute.  However, as Sandy entices the 70 ton tank closer to her nude body, the frail steel treads begin to snap off or break apart as they pass between her long lushes’ legs and super powerful thighs.  The steel treads are grinded, grated, granulated, and gouged into sharp pieces of scrap metal by Sandy’s legs and pussy and it resembled more of a large shredder grinding up tree limbs and it’s much easier for Sandy to accomplish with nothing but her solid powerful leg muscles.


Sandy drops the Army tank and it slams to the ground with a hefty “THUD”.  It’s not going anywhere, nonetheless, the driver stills has the turbine at full unloaded speed and it’s spinning at over 20000 rpm’s.  The noise level from the screaming turbine is deafening and is starting irritates Sandy.  So she jumps on the back section of the Army tank and tears open the massive steel covers over the engine section with her bare hands.  A swift jerk with her hands and the steel plates are torn from their hinges leaving sharp jagged edges around the steel plates.  And then she sends them sailing off with a flick of her wrist as if they were pieces of paper.  Sandy then straddles those long well-developed legs of hers across the engine compartment’s opening and looks down as she giggles.  She then jumps into the engine compartment and wraps those sexy legs around the turbine.  She then clasps the steel sides of the tank’s engine compartment with her fingers, twisting and turning the steel with her bare hands to acquire a firm grip, and slowly begins to enclose her long legs around the turbine.  She slowly squeezes the turbine between her muscular legs, forcing the outer stainless steel housing to crush inward and into the spinning super heated and super hard blades of the turbine.  The spinning blades of the turbine soon contact the collapsing outer casing and tear it open and to shred apart.  The spinning blades of the turbine next grind into Sandy’s shapely calves, firm thick thighs, and hot pussy as she continues a deliberate squeeze of death on the turbine.  However, the blades are not match for Sandy’s super strong muscles and she begins to bend and crush the spinning blades. The blades cannot take the pressure of Sandy’s muscles and finally break off from the main rotor.  Her supper hot pussy is tickled and massaged by the stainless steel blades and she rocks her wide breading hips up and down the spinning rotor and permits her hot pussy to strip off the blades of the turbine easier that a lawn mower can cut through grass.  Sandy shrieks with unadulterated pure pleasure as her super burning pussy tears and shreds the titanium alloy blades from the rotor and then she closes her legs completely and crushes the massive rotor in half and the entire engine explodes into a million fragments of metal scrap.


Sandy takes a deep breath and screams out loud, “I need a real man in my body” and she jumps up out of the engine compartment and onto the turret of the Army tank and stretches her nude body as she gazes around.  She then stares at the remains of the large main gun and says to herself, “Well maybe that long hard barrel will give me some satisfaction”.  So she proceeds to the front of the turret, spreads her long legs slightly and jumps onto the turret at the point of where the large gun begins to exit the turret.  Sandy wiggles her tight firm ass back and forth and scoots forward until her super hot pussy is resting on the gun barrel.  However, as she scooted her firm round ass from side to side and forward, her backside crushed and gouged the thick armor of the turret as if it were soft foam rubber.  Sandy laughs to herself as she ponders what the crew inside the armor vehicle is observing as her super tight ass caresses and crushed the solid steel of the turret back into the inside of the tank.


Sandy becomes content as she sits on the armored turret, spreads those long powerfully built legs apart and reaches for the tank’s main gun with her right hand.  She places her hand under the gun about a meter from the turret, sinks her fingernails into the steel barrel and with a simple lift of her hand, bends the barrel 90 degrees upward until it’s touching her large firm breasts.  She then wraps her super sized breasts around the large gun barrel and teases the thick metal by squeezing her breasts together with her hands and crushing the round gun barrel into a flat plate of steel.  She slowly moves her upper body up and down and watches with amusement as her super sized tits crush a large section of the main gun.  Sandy then releases the crushed gun barrel from between her breasts and uses her enlarged nipples to maul, scrape, and gouge the harden steel gun barrel.


Sandy then turns around and taps on the top of the turret and yells, “You guys inside this tank, you will be next to experience the sexual pleasure of my super strong body if this gun cannot give me the pleasure that I need” as she begins to swing the large gun barrel back and forth with her one hand until it tears off the main part of the turret due to metal fatigue.  Sandy then takes the thick hard steel barrel and crushes the one end down to about 4 centimeters thick with her hands and then leans back and teases her pussy with the steel gun barrel.  And as she leans back and spreads her legs wide, she slowly begins to inserts the crushed gun barrel into her pussy.  Sandy rotates her hips as her hands drive the steel shaft deep into her body.  The super hard steel penetrates her body effortlessly and her gyrating hips convert the hardened steel into a super heated boiling liquid that flows down her legs and begins to burn through the outer armor of the tank.  Sandy begins to breathe deeply as she pants with pleasure, but she then realizes that she has completely inserted the entire steel gun into the body and still has not reach the height of her sexual pleasure. So Sandy glances around for something else that long and hard to satisfy her sexual desires and possible give her an orgasm and sees the 50 caliber machine gun mounted on top of the turret.  She reaches over with her one hand and grabs the weapon on its underside with her one hand and crushes the steel mounting frame with her fingers and then tears the machine gun from it mountings.  The steel bolts securing the machine gun’s mounting tripod snap like dried twigs as the steel tripod bends and twists apart.


Sandy closely examines the machine gun, licking the long hard barrel with her tongue and laughs as she pushes on the trigger and the gun begins to fire 50 caliber rounds automatically.  She then flattens  the steel handles around  the trigger with her fingers until the handles lock the trigger in the firing position and then she clasps the machine gun by the barrel and points the muzzle at her super scorching pussy.  The armor piercing shells of the machine gun simply bounce between her thighs muscles and eventually ricochet off her thighs as useless pieces of scrap metal. Even with the gun pointing directly at her twat, the 50 caliber bullets cannot stimulate her sex organ.  So Sandy slowly maneuvers the barrel of the machine gun into her hot pussy, moving the barrel in a circular motion and allowing the 50 caliber bullets to enter her hot pussy.  But the armor piercing bullets jam up in both her pussy and the barrel of the gum and the gun barrel explodes inside her hot body.   Sandy screams with pleasure, but these events only cause her to cram the remains of the machine gums barrel deep into her pussy where her super strong virginal muscles crush the steel barrel and armor piercing bullets of the machine gun into zilch.


Sandy finally destroys the remains of the machine gun by closing her muscular legs and letting her substantial thighs crush the machine gun’s housing and the ammo case into a glob as hot paste.  She moves her legs in and out, then up and down, and she watches as the machine gun migrates from solid steel, to a hot paste, and eventually into a plasma gas that dissipates into the air.


Sandy sits up and screams. “FUCK”.  There is a few seconds of silence and then Sandy yells again as she turns over on her hands and knees and crawls over to the main hatch on the top of the Army tank’s turret, “Anyone home in there, it’s your turn”.  Sandy then knocks on the steel hatch but all that happens beside several very loud thumps, is that sandy knuckles severely dent the top of the entry hatch for the tank.  Sandy then hears the locking mechanism of the hatch being set and she laughs as she says, “You fucking idiots, do you think a locked thick steel hatch is going to stop me from getting what I desire”.  So Sandy curls her fingers and digs them several centimeters into the top of the armor plated turret just beyond the steel hatch.  She then pulls her hand back towards her body and claws out long deep trenches of steel with her finger nails.  And when her fingers reach the steel hatch, they just rip open the hatch as if it’s a piece of thin cardboard.  The massive hinges tear away from the steel frame and the locking mechanism snaps and breaks apart.  Sandy then tosses the heavy hatch aside like it a Frisbee, sending it several hundred miles away.


Sandy is still on her hands and knees, with that firm tight ass pointing high in the air and she places her head down through the hatch, looks around the inside the tank and says, “OOOH! Three excellent specimens of young men and you all appear very healthy and capable of screwing my sexy body”.  There is dead silence for a few seconds as the three young men inside the tank just stare at Sandy.  Finally Sandy says in an inquisitive tone, “Do I need permission to enter your vehicle”?  To which the tank commander replies, “Yes you need my permission to enter my tank, and I’m not going to grant you that permission, any questions”?


Sandy chuckles as she responds, “Well I have two very close friends that out rank you and they have been granted permission to enter your tank”.  The tank commander stares at Sandy and says in an authoritative tone of voice, “And who are your friends that out rank me”?


Sandy laughs as she lifts her head out of the hatch and crawls forward until her enormous hanging tits are directly above the hatch and she slowly lowers her huge tits into the hatch.  And once her hanging tits are about a quarter of the way through the hatch, Sandy begins to sway her tits in a circular motion.  Her naturally swaying tits, which can barely fit in the hatch opening, push aside and crumble the steel and armor perimeter of the opening.  In a few swings of Sandy’s gigantic tits, the opening to the tank is doubled in sizes and her tits mangle, mutilate, and maul the steel opening and push the thick steel aside like it soft bread.  Sandy then pulls her massive chest out of the opening, peers into the much large opening and says to the tank’s team, “Any questions as to my absolute authority and my rank”.


“There’s very little room inside this cheap tank and it appears very constricted, especially for my large body physique.  I’ll just tenderly tear off the top of this tank to provide me a little extra room and space.  I’m a very untamed  women and when I’m having sex with several men and I don’t want to thump my head or one of yours on the top of this turret as I’m fucking your piddle brains out of your frail bodies”, Sandy says to the crew inside the tank with a arrogant smirk.  So Sandy crawls to the other side of the turret, opposite the hatch she just wickedly violated with her body and presses the fingers of both her hands through the thick armor platting of the turret. Her fingers plow through the thick armor as if it’s soft sand and then she curls her fingers and squeezes the steel armor plating to get a more solid grip.  The three men in the tank look up and stare at Sandy’s fingers as they puncture through the top of the turret and squeeze solid steel like it’s a marshmallow. Then the three men hear this horrible scraping sound and they watch in horrific horror as the top section of the tank’s turret between Sandy’s hands begins to cave inward.  The mighty armor plating is buckling as if it’s made of wet tissue paper and the tank crew cannot determine the cause since Sandy’s hands were obvious visible .  So the tank’s commander lifts his head out the hatch and yells, “Oh shit, she tearing through top of the tank with nothing but her huge tits. Her monster melons are swinging back and forth and her nipples are slicing through the steel and gouging out long sliver”.  Sandy just looks at the tank’s commander as she wets her red lips with her tongue and applies a little bit more pressure against the top of the tank. A simple flex of her shoulder muscles and a mild thrust of her chest forward are far more powerful that the armor of the turret and her titanic tits burst through the top of the turret like two pile drivers through rotten plaster. 


From the inside of the Army tank, all the crew observes is 12 centimeters of solid armor splitting open and peeling back likes it’s  thin cheap aluminum foil.  The thick armor plating is push aside, split open, bent downwards, and torn apart by Sandy’s soft firm tits as they penetrate through the top of the tank’s turret.   Sandy tits never diverge from there natural hanging position as the steel scrapes and pushes against her skin.  She then pulls her hands through the steel and into the sides of her breasts, crushing the steel into her tits with her hands,  Then she gather a fistful of steel in her hands and places the palms of her hands against the ends of her tits and begins a slow knead and massage of her breasts with her fingers.  She grinds, scrapes, and minces the steel around her nipples until the steel oozes out from between her long fingers as a molten paste.  Sandy then straightens out her back and begins to stand up.  And again her massive tits tear through more of the tank’s armored steel top, but this time she bend and rips the steel outward. Sandy then grabs the edges of the steel with her hands around the huge hole she just made with her tits and tears open the top of the tank with a pull of her hands.  The thick steel rips open and peels back as if it’s inexpensive wrapping paper and tosses the steel sheets aside. She then uses her feet to flatten back any steel that has curled up and did not break off cleanly from the top of the tank.


Sandy is standing on top of the tank, completely nude with her hands on her hips and looking down into the tank.  She sees the crew of three inside the tank and they are simply staring at her large, powerful, and muscular body.  There is the tank’s commander, the gunner, and the loader and Sandy eye’s each man and says, “OOOH, nice hard cocks.  Obviously, a young woman using her nice big tits to destroy an Army tank turns you boys on.  Well, now I’m going to utilize my sexy strong body to destroy your super hard manhood”.  And she then squats down on the turret and dangles her long muscles legs inside the tank.  Sandy then reaches down inside the tank and grabs the guy who is the loader and carefully lifts him up with her one hand until his head is the same height as her thighs.  She then lifts, moves, and positions her super powerful legs so his head is directly between her thighs and Sandy says to him, “Pamper my solid thighs, and see if you can massage my thigh muscles”.  Sandy then flexes her legs and the young guy places his hands around her thighs and begins to feel her muscles.  His hands are all over Sandy’s legs and thighs but he can’t squeeze his fingers into her tight powerful muscles.  He can scarcely dimple her muscles when she squeezes with all his strength.


Sandy snickers as she places her one hand behind his head and forces his head into her crotch and flexes her muscles and massages the young face with her thigh muscles.


The young man glances up at Sandy and says in an upbeat tone. “I have one special request before you pulverize my body and manhood into hamburger”.


Sandy grins at him and replies in a slow sexy draw, “Of course I’ll honor your last request, especially if it involves my sexy body demonstrating my itty bitty strength”.  Sandy then opens her legs, reaches down and grabs the young man under his arms and easily lifts him up and places him on her lap.  The super woman then immediately rips open his shirt  with her fingers exposing his chest, tears his belt in half with a  tug of her hands and shreds his trousers and briefs to rags until his super hard cock is completely exposed.  Sandy then grabs his swollen manhood with her hands and begins a slow long stroking of his cock and says to the young man, “And what would you like for Christmas little boy”.


The young man stares directly down into the Army tank and replies, “Since you have toyed with most of our tank with your nude body, would you mind squeezing out of existence the main part of the tank’s gun and accomplish this feat with only your long muscular legs.  Just place the super hard alloy steel gun breech between your legs and with nothing more than the simple flexing your thigh and leg muscles, squeeze, crush, knead, and maul the super hard steel of the gun’s breech into a blob of scrap.  I just want to observe and scrutinize those powerful legs muscles condemn solid steel to a fiery grave just before you wrap those legs around my body and scorch my manhood”.


Sandy just smiles as she swings her well-developed legs over to the side and lets the young man jump back into the tank.  He stands there about head high to her legs and licks her thigh muscles with his tongue.  Sandy then spreads her legs slightly and requests that the 2 ton harden steel breech be moved up and between her legs.  However, the crew cannot budge the breech.  First it’s too heavy and second it’s jammed from Sandy’s playing with the gun barrel and tearing it off the tank earlier.  The two men struggle and finally give up trying to move the steel breech.  So Sandy just points her foot to the underside of the breech and using only the toes of her one foot, raises the 2 ton breech to a point where she can grab the breech with her hand. She then grabs the thick steel with her hand and drives her fingers into the steel.  Solid steel erupts upward as her hand displaces the metal.  Sandy pulls and positions the thick end of the breech high into her thighs and slowly begins to align her legs along the length of the gun’s breech.  The massive breech tears itself from the front of the turret and the steel turret is left with another hole in its armor my Sandy incredible strength.


Slowly, very slowly, Sandy stretches her long legs down the length of the breech until her outstretched toes are passed the end of the breech.  Then Sandy begins to flex her legs muscles, starting at her calves and working towards her upper thighs.  The steel breech is crushed by nothing but Sandy’s muscles tightening in her legs.  She rolls her legs slightly inward and the steel breech is crushed like it bread dough being kneaded by two large rollers.  Sandy then rotates her legs outward and her muscles mangle and crush the steel again, except in the opposite direction.  Sandy continues to slowly taunt and torment the hardened steel breech by rotating her legs in different directions and flexing her muscles in one leg and then the other.  It requires about 2 minutes of Sandy teasing of  the 60 centimeter square breech to reduce it from a pieced of harden steel to a substance that resembled soft taffy candy.  Sandy then kicks her legs upward and flings the 2 tons of twisted and crushed metal sailing off into the horizon and says to the loader as she picks him up with her arms and flop’s him into a seat inside the tank, “Now observe what my solid thigh muscles can do to your solid manhood muscle”.


Sandy wastes no time as she leaps on top of the young man’s body, smiles at him as she grabs the back of his metal seat and with her one hand, pushes the metal back frame of the seat down until it’s horizontal.  The metal frame simply bends and twists to the commands of her hand and her super strength. She then pushes down on the young man’s chest until he is also horizontal and finishes by inserts his super hard cock deep into her super hot cunt.


Sandy immediately begins to pummel his frail masculine body with her wide powerful breeding hips as she pounds his hard shaft with the veracity of a concrete busting pile driver. The young stud can barely stay seated in the seat as Sandy’s body rides his cock so fast and furious that he begins to bounce in his seat.  He reaches up and grabs Sandy’s enormous tits with both his hands but he can’t hold on to those massive mounds of bouncing flesh.  About the only thing he can do with Sandy’s bountiful boobs is protect his face from being whacked and bruised.


In less than a minute the young stud is totally useless to Sandy.  His body is exhausted, his arms are black and blue from her tits slamming into them, his hips are aching from the pile driving action of her body, and his cock goes completely limp from the sexual pleasure and satisfaction that Sandy delivered to his body.


“Fuck”, yells Sandy as she raises her body and lifts the young man out of the seat and lays him on the floor off to the side.  She then looks at the other two men and says, “That didn’t even get me the slightest bit sexually excited, I enjoyed that quickie pleasure but I thought he would last longer that a few seconds”.  So she grabs the gunner by his shirt and pulls him close to her body and drives her huge tits into her chest.  She then wiggles her big tits back and forth across his chest and her swollen nipples catch the seam of his shirt and tear it wide open.  In the meantime, Sandy uses her two hands to tear apart his belt and split open his pants.  With a quick move of her hands, Sandy garbs the young man around his waist and flings him up and onto the seat.  She straddles her long power legs around his hips and inserts his hard meat into her soft body and begins to ride him like he’s a bucking bronco.  But just as she gets her commanding hips in full rocking motion, the guy says in an inquisitive voice, “I’ve got an idea of how you can prolong my hard cock so you can reach your full sexual climax”.


Sandy stops rocking and pounding her super muscular body and says in a very loud voice, “HOW! This better be good”.


The young man, who is the tanks gunner responds, “You have the most fantastic set of knocker I have ever seen.  Your tits are firm, solid, pert, and mammoth, and those gigantic globes turn me on.  I’ll drive my cock into your body with authority if you demonstrate your chest muscles against the tow cable”.


“Keep talking. My big tits can mangle, crush, squeeze, or demolish any thing.  And I’ll do anything your request if it keeps your cock hard as it ride inside with my body”, Sandy says as she rubs her massive tits with her hands.


The young imaginative stud then requests to Sandy as he thrust his cock slowly and deeply into Sandy’s cunt, “There a 10 meter long steel tow cable attached to the outside of the turret that over 10 centimeter thick.  We use it to tow other tanks.  Would you dig up the steel cable, wrap it around those fantastic tits on your chest and then flex your chest muscles.  I would like to see those firm, alert, and massive tits on your chest just burst that cable as your expand those chest muscle.  Remember, I’m the gunner of this tank and I purposely centered ever laser aimed shot on your titanic tits and then fired high explosive shells or armor piercing shells at your chest muscles.  I watched, through my high power binoculars, the shells slam directly into your mammoth melons and just harmlessly explode or bounced off.  I watched you catch shells between your mighty  tits  like they are little play things and then crush them in your deep cleavage as you played with your tits and flaunted your perfectly build body”.


“Where’s this fucking cable? You have just advanced my sexual interest a notch”, responds Sandy as reaches out and grabs the ends of  her massive tits, pulls them back towards her face and suckles her own nipples.  “It’s just outside the turret on the left side of the tank, lying on the top”, responds the gunner. And since Sandy is facing the rear of the tank, she immediately makes a tight fist with her right hand and then flexes her solid muscles to show off her biceps and then jabs her arm and fist straight out and into the left side of the turret.  Sandy’s fist careens through the thick armor plating and blast a hole completely through the hardened steel.  She then opens her hand and grabs a hand full of the thick armor and mashes the steel between her fingers as she pulls her hand back into the tank.  Sandy continues to enlarge the hole by tearing out sections of the thick armor and she peels back the 30 centimeter thick steel with her one hand as if it were the skin on an overripe banana.  Within a few seconds, Sandy has a gapping meter wide hole in the side of the tank with massive solid steel sections spit open like they are flower pedals.  Sandy then sees the steel tow cable and it’s massive, it’s 10 meters long, and 10 centimeters in diameter and it clamped down to the tank.  Nonetheless, Sandy simply reaches out through the hole she just created, grabs the steel tow cable with her one hand and yanks it into the Army tank.  The steel clamps securing the tow cable immediately burst apart as if they are made of stale crackers.  And the steel tow cable bends and twists to the straightforward muscle commands of Sandy’s arms as she pulls the massive cable inside the tank. 


The steel tow cable weighs over 400 kilograms, nonetheless, Sandy handles and manipulates the steel cable as if it were a piece of string.  She flips the cable over her head and positions it across her back and pulls it under her arms and along the sides of her powerfully built and muscular body.  Sandy pulls the steel cable tight across her magnificent chest muscles and tights the cable across her massive melons.  For Sandy and her incredible strength, tying the 10 centimeter thick steel cable is as easy as tying a shoelace. She secures the steel cable around her massive tits by tying it in a knot and then a bow, and then she wiggles her tits slightly to allow her nipples to tunnel into the cable. And the young stud, who’s lying underneath Sandy, has an excellent view as he witnesses the knot cinch so tight as sandy wiggles her tits that he cannot see through the knot.


Sandy is enjoying the sexual pleasure the young stud is delivering to her Amazon body. He is actually able to slowly thrust his super hard cock deep into her hot body and even lift her into the air with his hips.  Sandy loves it and coos the entire time she is tying the steel cable around her bust, but all of a sudden he stops and she cannot feel his cock driving into her super body. The young stud now has to lift both Sandy and the 400 kilogram cable and he is just not equipment to handle that load.


“Come on! Pump your ass harder and faster” Sandy yells as she grabs him around his waist and begins to lift him up.  Then Sandy realizes that the steel cable is way beyond the abilities of the young man so she says to him, “Let me get something off my chest and then you can resume your hard driving fucking of my body”.  The gunner takes a deep breath and replies back to Sandy in a hurting tone of voice, “So me those fantastic muscles on your body.  Expand your shoulders, arms, and chest slowly and torture that cable until if begs for mercy. I want to hear the steel cable moan and groan as the steel stretches beyond its limitations and then screams with one final outcry as those humongous tits of yours burst open that steel cable like it made of dry rotted string.  OH and those two massive steel hooks at the end of the cable, just squeeze them flat between your breasts until the solid steel oozes out your cleavage.


Sandy begins to rock her hard body on the young man and she can tell by the look on his face “That It Hurts So Good”.  Sandy then begins to show off the pure muscles of her body.  She flexes her arms, one at a time to begin with and then both arms together. But just by the fact the she is posing causes her massive chest muscles to expand and strain the steel tow cable. The steel cable creeks and cracks as Sandy tits expand and stretch the cable to its limits. Sandy then pulls her stomach muscles in and transforms her waist into a rock solid surface of pure solid muscles. However, this just causes her chest muscles to expand again and the thick cable begins to unravel as individual wire strands begin to burst apart.  Finally, Sandy places her hands behind  her head and flexes her shoulder muscles causing her breast to thrust forward several more centimeters.  The massive steel cable is snapping and popping from the enormous pressure of Sandy breast muscles and Sandy says in a sexy voice to the young guy, “OOOH, I can feel my soft sensitive nipples shredding the individual strands of wire and it feels so good as the cable scrapes across my nipples, but it time to burst this cable apart and get back to fucking your scrawny body”.  So Sandy takes a deep breathe, and her massive tits thrust outward and stretch the steel tow cable way beyond its breaking point.  The remaining strands of the super strong wires of the cable burst apart instantly as Sandy’s massive tits expand straight out from her magnificent chest.  And as the cable burst apart, there is an extremely loud blast as the energy of the steel cable is released into the air.  


When the cable snapped with the billions of tons of pressure from Sandy’s massive tits, it sent the ends of the cable and the two massive steel hooks hurdling off in a tangent.  To keep the massive steel hoods from injuring the captive between her powerful legs, Sandy quickly grabs the hooks with her hands and says to her captive, “Now observe personally as I tease these steel things between my big tits, and remember these steel things could be your ugly head”.  The young stud stares at Sandy with his eyes wide open.


The tow hooks are a massive block of steel with an opening of over 10 centimeters and the solid metal is over 16 centimeters thick and Sandy pluck then free of the steel cable like they are plastic snap beads.  She lets the cables fall to the floor and then places the steel hooks deep into her vast cleavage. And she does it with the wide dimensions of the hook sideway in her cleavage.  She places the two hooks side by side with the hooks facing opposite of each other in her cleavage and says to the young stud between her thighs muscles, “As I crush these steel hooks out of existence with nothing by my massive firm womanly chest muscles, I expect you to resume thrusting you hard manhood deep inside my body at a feverish pace.  And it you don’t, I’ll put you cock between my breast and crush it just as easily as I’m going to crush these worthless chunks of iron”.


Sandy then leans forward and rests the ends of her monstrous tits on his chest displaying her massive cleavage and the iron hooks wedge between her breasts.  Sandy the takes her hands and begins to slowly squeeze her tits together.  She starts at the far ends and as she slowly moves her hands upward on her enormous tits, her cleavage compresses and begins to crush the iron hooks as if they are fresh marshmallows.  Sandy’s hands gently knead her breasts and the massive steel hooks simply collapse and the opening in the steel hooks soon disappears. And the solid metal is compressed flat as Sandy’s hands push her breasts together.  Sandy continues taunting the metal the by first rolling her breasts upward and then downward, squeezing the solid metal of the two hooks into one dense glob of softened metal.  And as she is showing the young stud, who she is fucking, she COOS as she receives her sexual pleasure. Then Sandy begins to move her massive boobs back and forth with her hands and rolls the metal mass into a round shape rod assembly. It only takes Sandy a few seconds of massaging her huge tits to reshape the solid metal into a round rod that’s about 5 centimeters in diameter and 25 centimeters long.  Sandy stares at the young man as then says, “Just think, this could be your cock if I give you a tit fuck”. And just as Sandy finishes that sentence, she pushes her hands together and squeezes her tits together with such force that the steel rod is immediately vaporizes and the top of the rod blasts off at supersonic speed.


“Did that turn you on”, yells Sandy to the young man, as she begins to synchronizes her broad hip motion with the thrusting of his cock into her body. And as usual, Sandy is not receiving all the pleasure she demands from this inferior male, even if he is young and physical fit, so she starts to increase her pounding of his body.  First by doubling her pounding of his meat with her hips and then quadrupling both her speed and the pressure she is applying to his frail body.  Sandy is about to again double the speed and pounding she is using to acquire the sexual pleasure she craves so desperately, when she can tell by the smile on the young face that he blew his wad inside her superior body and he is totally exhausted and almost unconscious.


“O FUCK”, Sandy screams with some emphasis as she looks at the third man in the tank and says, “Your turn and I’m starting exactly where I left off with this useless specimen of a male”.  The tank commander looks is shock at Sandy as she places the young guy, who is between her legs, on the floor and grabs the tank commander.  Sandy picks him up by placing her hands on his waist and lifting him straight up as if he is a feather.  She lifts his up to a position where the belt buckle of his pants is level with her wet lips and Sandy kisses his bent buckle with her lips. Then she places her mouth over his belt buckle and bites it off.  She uses her tongue to mash the large brass buckle as if it were a piece of soft candy and  then smears it all over her teeth before collecting the brass again with her tongue and rolling it into a small ball of metal and spitting it out of her mouth and onto  the tank floor.  The brass ball is expelled with such force that it immediately explodes into a hot liquid as it slams into the steel floor.


Sandy then uses her tongue to slice open the zipper on his pants and then begins to rip off his clothes completely, when the tank commander says to her, “I’ve just witnessed you tear this tank apart with that fabulous body and your incredible muscles. I doubt I could last any longer screwing you that the other two men. In fact, if you start at the feverous pace where you ended with the gunner, I’d last about 2 seconds.  However, I have an idea that may assist you in getting sexual satisfied; now how about a little foreplay with your powerful body”.  Sandy looks at the tank commander as she grabs his super hard manhood with her hand and says, “This better be quick and good”.


The tank commander then places his hand on the  thick steel door to the ammo section of the turret  and attempts to slide the ammo door open while saying to Sandy, “Why not place one of these armor piercing warheads inside your super hot pussy and see if this will stimulate your sex organ”.


The tank commander then pushes hard on the steel door and it will not slide open.  He stares at Sandy and says, “You bent and twisted the turret to the point where the door will not slide open, now what will we do”.  Sandy chuckles as she replies, “There is no such as a door that I cannot open”.  And as Sandy places her right hand under the frame of the sliding steel door, the commanders says to Sandy, “The door slides open by pushing it sideways”.


Sandy gives the tanks commander a profound stare that declares without words “ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS”, as she plows her finger into and through the steel slide rails and the 4 centimeter thick steel door.  Sandy the pulls her hand back and with an undemanding twist of her wrist, her arm muscles rip the steel door and the guide rails from the tank as if she is tearing a sheet of paper from a notebook.  Sandy then tosses the steel door out the top of the tank and grabs one of the shells in the ammo bin.  At first, Sandy looks at the over a meter long shell and manhandles it as if it weighs a gram. 


The tank commander then says in a frighten voice, “Be careful with the shell, if you cause it to explode inside the tank, it will kill both of us”.  Sandy looks at the tank commander and says to him with a blank stare, “How the fuck did you ever get in charge to an army tank”.


The tank commander shakes his head, realizing what he just said and they says to Sandy in a more serious voice, “Remove the warhead carefully from the shell and throw the shell out of the tank.  It’s only the warhead you want to force inside that powerful and muscular body of yours”.


Sandy wastes no time as she grabs the shell with one hand and squeezes the shell tightly causing it to crumble slightly as her finger crush the casing.  And with her other hand, Sandy simply twists the warhead out of the shell casing.  She tosses the useless shell casing out the tank and sits up on the seat.  Sandy then lays back and spreads her long muscular legs until they stretch completely across the tank and starts to tease her sex organ with the warhead.  Sandy twists and turns the armor piercing warhead, slowly forcing it deep into her pussy and finally she uses her open hand to push the warhead completely into her body.  Then sandy begins to close her lengthy legs, looks at the tank commander, squeezes her thighs tightly together and rocks her hips.


“OOH! That felt good”, Sandy says to the tank commander as she opens her legs to reveal to the tank commander that nothing as happened to her body.  The tank commander is still not certain if the warhead exploded. But the fact that as Sandy spread her legs open, liquid hot metal is flowing down from her pussy towards the seat convinces him that Sandy is absolutely indestructible.


Sandy doesn’t squander a second of precious time as she grabs another deadly shell from the ammo bin and twists off the warhead as if it were a cap on a bottle as she says to the commander, “What type of warhead is this”, and the commander answers quickly, “That’s a high explosive warhead”.   Sandy again teases her superior body as she gently forces the warhead deep into her female body and immediately crosses her legs and applies billions of tons of pressure per square millimeter against the high explosive warhead.  The warhead and the explosion, which had to occur due to the laws of physics, are completely confines to inside Sandy’s super body and are basically eliminated as energy and matter by her strength.  Sandy continues at a frantic pas as she tears the warheads off shell after shell and forces the warhead inside her body.  It only takes a few minutes for Sandy to tease herself with all the warheads and when she finally realizes she has emptied the storage area, she uses her backhand to tear apart the honeycombed steel frame work of the ammo storage area.  Thick steel is slice apart by her hands and her fingers rip what remains of the still into little scrape of crushed metal.


Sandy then turns towards the commander, grabs him with her one hand and uses her other hand to tear off his clothing.  She massages his already swollen cock for a few seconds until she is able to jump on his body, where she joyfully accepts his manhood and starts to demonstrate her strength and eagerness for sexual pleasure.  The poor commander only lasts a few seconds before his frail and pathetic male body surrenders to Sandy.  He becomes almost useless and he lies in the commander’s seat completely exhausted and sexually satisfied.


“You fucking wimp, how they make you commander” yells Sandy, “Come on get that cock of your hard again”? 


Sandy finally realizes the commander is no longer capable of giving her any sexual pleasure and yells, “Well, I guess I’ll have to capture some more Army Tanks.  There should be some men who are capable of satisfy my sexual desire in the remaining 99 tanks.  I’ll tear open every one of those tanks with my body and fuck every man inside.”  And as Sandy is yelling at the almost comatose commander, she swings her left hand sideways and strikes the side of the turret.  Sandy’s hand slices through the thick armor of the turret and cleaves a gaping gash almost a meter long. The thick metal armor practically melts as Sandy fingers slides through the armor and pushes it outward as the metal simply curls outward from her extreme strength.  In a rage, Sandy then clinches her fist and grabs the 10 ton turret with her one hand and rips it off the top of the Army tank.  She holds the turret in the air as if it’s a trophy and after a few waves of her arm she tosses it aside.  Her power arm muscles launch the 10 ton chunk of mangled armor several miles across the firing range.


In total disgust, Sandy jumps up and out of the Army tank and stands of top of the front part of the tank.  She flexes her massive muscles and flaunts her extraordinary nude body to the remaining 99 tanks.  She scans the surrounding area and sees one Army tank with two flags on its antenna.  One flag is solid red and the other flag is a pirate’s skull and crossbones.  Sandy points to the tank and screams, “You’re next to experience my body, up close and personal”. And just as she is ready to chase down the Army tank, she observes a large steel hatch door just below her right foot.  Sandy laughs as she kicks the thick steel hatch in the direction of the Army tank she has just single out for her next onslaught. And as she kicks the steel hatch with her right foot, she giggles as her toes careen into the solid chunk of steel and shears it off the top of the tank.  The force of Sandy’s potent leg muscles send the chunk to steel at super sonic speed and it slams into the front of the Army tank she as single out and blasts off the tanks treads, rendering the tank immobile.


Sandy is ready to proceed to her next big target and ravage the steel and armor with her super sexy and muscular body when she glances down and notices the innocent face of a young soldier staring at her body through the hatch opening the she just blasted off the tank.  Sandy is somewhat surprised and says to the young soldier in a soft sexy voice, “Who are you,”?  The young soldier replies in a trembling voice, “I’m the tank’s driver”.  Sandy laughs as she knells down and looks at the young man through the hatch opening and says, “You don’t look old enough to have a driver license, let alone drive this tank”. 


“I just turned 18 and I’m in special training with this armor division.  This is my final exam! Looks like I flunked”, responds the young soldier in a frightened voice. 


Sandy chuckles and says, “Oh you passed with flying colors, but for extra credit you have one more mission to accomplish and that is satisfying my super sexy female body with your hot throbbing cock”.  The young soldier then says to Sandy, “I’ve observed you with the other members of our tank crew in the turret and witnessed your incredible super body reduced them to useless piles of exhausted flesh in a matter of seconds”.


Sandy looks at the young man and answers in a puzzling accent to him, “How did you see what I did to those three wimps in the turret”?  The soldier says in response, “Closed circuit TV”. Sandy pulls back slightly and reflects on his answer for a few seconds and then smiles as she flexes her shoulder and chest muscles.


The external steel armor on the front of the tank is over 30 centimeters thick of the hardest and strongest material made by man, but to Sandy it’s just an utter nuisance that she has to eliminate to get to the young driver’s body. So Sandy says to the young soldier, “Permission to enter the tank”.  The young soldier slowly replies to Sandy request, “Permission granted”.  Sandy then places her massive hanging tits inside the hatch opening and since the hatch opening is not as wide as her huge hanging tits, her tits push aside the thick armor as if it’s whip cream.  Sandy then pulls her breasts out of the hatch and examines the damage. “Ooh! My tits sort of distorted the hatch opening”,    Sandy’s says with a sexy smirk, and all the young soldier sees are Sandy’s huge tits swaying just above his face. Sandy then says to him, “Please suck on my soft sensitive nipples as she again places her tits inside the hatch and slowly swings her firm fleshy tits in a circle and lets her tits ream and gouge out the hatch opening to over twice its original diameter.  Sandy then stop swaying her breasts and let them hang directly in front of the driver’s face, where he suckles her nipples as she flex her chest muscles to force her large breast deep into his face.  Sandy massages the young driver face with her tits until she senses the young soldier is ready to explode.


Sandy pulls her magnificent breasts out of the hatch and places both her arms into the hatch and curls her hands under the 30 centimeter of thick armored steels.  She pulls up and back with her hands, slicing a massive gouge in the armor plating and then peels it back and open the thick armor steel like it a newspaper.   The massive armor plating rips, tears, shears, and bends as Sandy just pushes it aside with her arms as she reveals her enormous bicep muscles.   Sandy separates the armor with ease and open a 2 meter wide gaping hole in the front of the tank and continues the length of the tank until the split is over 3 meter long.  All the young soldier sees is massive armor peels back and the deep imprints of Sandy’s hands imbedded in the armor.


Sandy then stands up and examines her handwork and says to the young driver, “Not bad work for a female. My so strong, I could have used my bit soft tits to slice open this tin can but I’m in a hurry”.  The young soldier plainly stares at Sandy’s super body and nods in a positive gesture.


Sandy grins and laughs as she notices two items immediately.  First, the young soldier is in a slightly head raised horizontal position and second he has a super hard cock that is about to explode through his uniform.  Sandy yells, “OH YES” as she jumps between his legs and tears his uniform off his body with a few gentle plucks of her hands.  Sandy is very careful not to damage or hurt is manhood, which she instantaneously grabs with her hand and directs to her super hot cunt.  Sandy pummels his young body with an animal instant that instantaneously heightens her sexual desire and she continues at a feverish pace expecting to humble the young soldier in less that a few seconds.  But to Sandy’s utter surprise and pleasure, the young soldier keeps up with Sandy until she receives her first real burst of sexual pleasure.  However, Sandy then explodes with uninhibited animal desires and immediately shifts into high gear.  Her powerful and muscular leg and thighs propel her shapely hips over his manhood at a pace that would require a high speed camera played back in extremely slow motion to fully appreciate her pounding of the young soldier.  Within a few seconds the young soldier is driven into a state of pure nirvana as he deposits his genes into Sandy’s body.  And then he collapses into an exhausted human male specimen of useless flesh with a smile on his face that will last for months.


Sandy is pissed!  For again, Sandy’s expectation of the sexual strength of men has fallen way short of how she believes men should perform.  So she backs away from the young soldier and walks through the thick armor plating on the front of the tank, using her super powerful strength to tear open the front armor and push it aside like it’s a silk curtain.  She then walks towards the Army Tank she has previously targeted, flaunting and displaying her muscles to the other tanks in a sexy gesture that beckons the tanks to again open fire with their main guns on her nude body so she can again demonstrate her superior female strength.  And the other 99 tanks oblige her request and open fire on her muscular Amazon body. 



During this entire time, Sandy is quietly scrutinizing the new story at the table and is giving me positive feedback that she appreciates the story line and the main character.  Then all of a sudden, both Sandy and I heard the very loud noise of a very powerful motor coming from outside the rear entrance to the PUB.  You could hear the engine revving and straining and I look at Sandy and say, “That sound like the garbage truck lifting up the trash containers from businesses in the back.  But they usually don’t make that much racket or last this long.  That truck is really straining to lift something”.  Sandy agrees as we both stand up and proceed to the back door of the Pub. And as we walk towards the back door, we both hear the power engine again rev up to full speed and power and then all of a sudden, nothing, dead silence.  We continue to the back door of the PUB but before we arrive, the door opens and it’s Lisa laughing.  She has a difficult time stopping her laughter and in an amusing tone of voice says, “What ever you do, don’t call Karen a LARD ASS”.


Sandy and I walk outside and start to snicker at the site of the garbage truck.  For after Karen has demonstrated to the truck driver her superior strength the large truck resembled a gigantic insect ready to eat its prey.  All three axels of the trash truck had its wheels and tires violently torn off and the massive steel axels were bent at a 45 degree angle and pointing towards the ground like the 6 legs of an insect.  The large trash container of the truck resembled the body of a beetle.  And the front of the truck resembled the insect’s mouth and mandibles.  For Karen has violently ripped out the monstrous engine through the front grill of the truck, leaving a gaping hole.  And there were various hoses and wires just dangling out this hole and the many fluids from the hoses were dripping down and resembled saliva. But the best scene was the driver, for Karen took one of the long steel forks that lift up trash bins and wrapped it around the driver’s waist and then bent the fork around so the drivers head was part way into the gaping hole in the front of the truck.  His feet were kicking and he was screaming, just as he would if he were being eaten alive by a large insect.


After Karen has finished calling the truck driver every 4 letter word imaginable, she stares at my eyes and starts to amble towards me in a sexy sway of her body.  On her way towards me she stops and picks up one of the dual wheels that she has previous torn off the truck with her incredible strength. And as she approaches, she displays the metal rim and dual tires by holding them with one finger with her hand and explains to me her handy work in sexy detail.  I can see where the metal rim was viciously alienated from the steel axel, and the enlarged ragged holes where the lug nuts were sheared apart as they ripped from the metal rims. I also watch as the fingers of Karen’s hand slowly are crushing the steel rim as she says slowly to me, “Watch this little tease of my superior strength”.  Karen then places both her hands inside the center hole of the large metal rim and slowly begins to spread her hands apart.  I watch as the steel rim gives way to her strength, slowly spreading apart the thick steel rim and tearing apart the metal. And as Karen arms move further apart, the metal rim and tires become more and more oblong in shape.  Finally, Karen spreads her hands and arms fully apart and the metal rim and tires are completely ripped apart with a loud cracking and popping sound. 


Karen pleasantly smiles as she tosses the ruins of the steel wheels aside and says to me, “Look around and observe some of my specialized training, for Lisa is tutoring me on ways to gracefully and delicately use my strength to my sexual advantage”. 


I glance around and it’s obvious that Karen has been testing her new super strength on everything.  Every sign and post in the parking lot has been bent or crushed, and some of the steel posts have been reshaped into funny looking animals as if they were long thin balloons.  Steel barriers have been torn out of the ground and slammed back into the ground in different locations, making the parking area a maze. Several cars have all their doors, hoods, and engines wickedly removed, and there were several steel grates that protect windows of other businesses that were ripped off the brick walls and mangled into a metal mess.


Karen then says, “Don’t make any plans for later on tonight, your mine, that is you, me, and some special stories that I will request you to write”.


I just take a deep breath as Lisa walks over and join Karen and me and Lisa says, “Where is Sandy”.  I turn my head from side to side looking for Sandy and she must have returned to the Pub.  Lisa then laughs and says, “Where your laptop?  I’ll bet she is reading your latest story”.


And just about that time, Karen, Lisa, and I all hear the back door of the Pub swing open with a pronounced loud THUD, and it’s a huge Amazon standing in the doorway.  It’s Sandy and she has transformed into a massive muscular Amazon who dwarfs the doorway of the PUB.  She needs to duck her head as she walks through the doorway and her shoulders push apart the metal sides of the door frame.  A quick flex of her muscles causes her body to expand and her shoulders muscles crush several layers of bricks around the door frame. Once outside the PUB, it’s obvious that Sandy is massive.  She stands well over 2 meters tall and most of her clothing is stretched to the point where it’s ripped into fragments.  Her blouse has burst open and all the buttons have torn through the cloth to reveal her enormous firm pert breasts.  Sandy tight jeans have split apart into raggedy streamers starting at her muscular calves and going all the way up to her solid waist.  And the only thing holding her jeans on her body is the tight black leather belt around her waist.


Sandy walks over to our group, crushing and smashing the concrete sidewalk with every step of her feet and says, “I believe I’m going to enjoy this latest chapter.  Let me experiment with my super muscular and powerful body on something local, like that big ugly truck parked off to the side.  I’d tear the trash truck apart, but Karen already has accomplished that easy feat”.  So Sandy trots over to the large pickup truck and flaunts her massive chest by letting her titanic tits bounce around.  And as she reaches the XL truck, her massive bouncing tits rampage through the metal top of the cab and smash through the front windshield. Then her powerful chest muscles drive back and peel aside the sheet metal of the top of the cab.  The glass, sheet metal, and framing of the truck’s cab are pressed aside and crumbled back like thin tissue paper. Over half the cab in sheared off by Sandy breasts and she hasn’t even touched the truck with her hands.


Sandy back away from the truck and says in a loud and sexy voice as she examines the sinful destruction her firm gigantic tits instigated on the truck’s cab, “OOH!  This is going to be interesting, I’m in a fucking mischievous and devilish mood and I’m going to use this new super muscular body to wreck havoc.  And I don’t mean on pieces of garbage like this stupid fucking truck.  I need real toys, made of thick solid iron and steel, like big busses, 18 wheelers, construction equipment, bulldozers, bank vaults doors, locomotives, bridges, and buildings”.  And as Sandy rubs her hands all over her muscular body, she backs her firm round ass into the front fender of the truck, just above the large off road tire.  Sandy firm solid backside crumbles the metal fender as if it’s made of cheap cloth.  And as she wiggles her solid ass and spreads her long commanding legs apart and straddles her thighs over the large off road tire, you could hear the medal of the fender crumbling to the commands of Sandy’s ass and thighs. Her ass pushes the metal fender back into the engine compartments and crumples the hood and her thighs drive through the side of the truck like a knife through soft butter.  She finally stops when her long legs are straddling directly over the large front tire.  Sandy then reaches down with her hands and grabs the center hub of the front wheel.  She plays with the steel hub with her finger, mashing the thick steel like it’s a wet sponge.  And after using her strength to toy with the wheel hub for a few seconds, she lifts up on the hub and starts to pull the hub, rim, and tire into her crotch.  Sandy lifts the truck off the ground with ease and we all hear the tire explode as it get caught and compressed between her massive thighs muscles.  The large tire simple crushes onto the steel rim of the wheel as Sandy slowly but deliberately lifts the wheel and you can smell the rubber burn as it scrapes between her thighs and the steel rim.  Then the steel rim begins to crush down between Sandy’s thighs and a flex of her legs muscles quickly slices the steel rim into two separated mangled pieces of metal. The steel hub in her hands is also mashed in half as Sandy closes her fingers and allows the steel hub to ooze out between her fingers.  The truck then falls to the ground with a thunderous thud and rests lopsided on the steel frame.


I watch as the three girls, “WITCHES” I should say, start to plan and plot among themselves and walk away.  They walk down the parking area behind the bar towards the main street and I could tell the individual personalities of the three women by how they proceeded through the narrow parking area.


Full figured Karen enjoyed destroying cars, steel posts, and barriers by swing her full size hips into the objects.  She sends cars spinning sideways with just a womanly sway of her hips and a flick of her legs.


Petite Lisa enjoyed destroying cars, steel posts, and barriers by lifting them up or out of the ground with her one hand and flaunted her strength compared to her tiny size.


Sandy the Amazon enjoyed destroying cars, steel posts, and barriers by using her large body to mangle everything into something the resembled a rung out wash cloth.


I watch in great detail as the women meandered down the narrow parking area behind the buildings and turn north on the main avenue.  And just as they disappeared behind the buildings, I see a large dump truck loaded with scrap metal pass on the avenue and then beep his horn.  The next thing I see is the rear of the dump truck stop dead and bounce in the air.  My only concerns are which one of the women jumped in front of the dump truck to stop it dead in its path and who was going to reprimand the driver for tooting his horn. “OH Well, that not my problem”, I thing to my self as I turn around and head back into the PUB through the broken rear doorway to retrieve my laptop and get another beer.


Once inside the PUB, I look for my laptop and it’s missing from the table so I go directly to Brandy, the main waitress tonight, and ask her if she has seen my laptop? Brandy replies in a startled low key voice, “What is going on tonight.  Is there a full moon and everyone gone mad?  And by the way, I think Linda has your laptop”.


“Oh fuck”, is my only answer as Brandy looks at me and says, “Is there something wrong”.  “Oh Yes, Linda is what is wrong, where is that bitch”. To which Brandy replies, “Over by the dart boards, waiting for her boy friend”.


Linda is a bitch, pure and simple.  I would love to have sex with this woman, but that’s impossible. First, she is into Female Body Building and attends national competitions and has won several major events, and would never have anything to do with me or any other guy.  Second, her boyfriend is muscle for the mod and is responsible for collecting gambling debts. Plus he is jealous and has broken a number of limbs of guys who have come onto Linda.  I only know Linda from the PUB and the few times she has demonstrated her strength and muscular body to the men in the PUB.


So I walk to the front of the bar and there is Linda with my laptop trying to power the unit on.  Fortunately, the battery has drained to a point where the laptop will not stay up on power.


“Please may I have my laptop Linda”, I ask in a polite voice.  Linda just turns around and stares at me with deadly daggers in her eyes and says to me, “I’m not sure what is going on here tonight but you better get this piece of shit power up.  I want to see what’s on this thing.”  I look at Linda and reply, “I think the battery is dead and I need to take it home to recharge”.


“Fuck You, now get this thing up on power before I kick your ass all over this bar and then squeal to my boyfriend that you tried to put the make on me and fuck me”, Linda says as she pushes me up against the bar and flexes the muscles in her one arm.  And as Linda is flexing and flaunting her bicep muscles she then says, “I’ve been working out and training for several years to get my body in this shape and my strength to where I can kick the shit out of most men and then tonight I see that skinny little frail girl you were with earlier today, pick up a fucking car with one hand, lift it over her head and then bend it in half. And Karen, she tore that fucking trash truck apart like it was a toy. And that other bitch, who was sitting next to you at this computer, had massive muscles grow on her body in just a few minutes.  And I’m no dumb fucking blond, for there is something about this computer that gave those three women their muscles and strength and I’m going to get me that same strength and then show the world what a real woman is capable of doing. When I’m done, this world will be rule by super strong women and I will be the QUEEN and there will be no KING”.   


Linda then drives her muscular body into mine and grabs the back of the bar and uses her arm muscles to pull her body even tighter into mine.  She begins to rub my body with hers in a slow rhythmic circular motion as says in a loud voice, “Turn your computer on and show me how to gain super strength or I’ll rip off your balls”.  And then she slides my laptop and case close to me.


Brandy in the meantime comes over and questions what is happening and asks Linda to stop shouting.


Linda looks at Brandy and yells back, “Look you skinny, homely looking bitch, keep out of this or I’ll have my boyfriend bring over several of his friends and I’ll watch them gang bang your little ass right here on the bar”. And if you call the cops, I’ll personally shove the phone up your scrawny ass”.


Brandy backs away and I just shake my head in a gesture not to do anything.


Linda then begins to narrate to me in graphic detail what she will accomplish if I provide her the same super strength as the other three women, and it isn’t pretty.  She must hate men, for every description is how she will personally crush men’s bones with her muscular body. She talks about enjoying the sound of a man’s bones breaking or cracking and tells me how her boyfriend lets her use her strength to breaks the bones of people who don’t pay their gambling debts.  “It’s fun to watch a grown man cry as I use my womanly strength to snap his arm and leg bones, or smash his ribs”, Linda says in a  taunting voice.  


Linda continues to tease me with her strength and her body and just as I begin a struggle to push her aside she laughs and says, “you’re an idiot, don’t’ even imagine your stronger than me”.  But before she can start another sentence, her bouncer boyfriend enters the PUB and sees me struggling with Linda.  He quickly comes over with his fist raised and a mean look on his face.  But Linda quickly lets go of her hold on me and says to her boyfriend, “He has something I want badly and he won’t give it to me, and he trying to get me to have sex with me.  And since he won’t give me what I want, I’m going to get some enjoyment by breaking every bone in his body”.  Linda boyfriend then grabs my shirt and picks me up like a toy as he looks at Linda and says, “What do you want me to do”?


Linda flexes her arm and shoulder muscles and replies to her boyfriend, “Take him to the office in the back and tie him in a chair”.  And as I’m dragged off by Linda’s boyfriend to Karen’s office, Brandy follows but stays on her side of the bar and I shout to her, “Get my laptop, pass is “Irish”, capital “I”, recent documents, Sandy Chapter 4”.   Brandy gives me a strange look but replies, “What are you referring to? Does this have something to do with all the strange phenomenon lately”?


Then just as I’m shoved into Karen’s office, I can hear Linda scream to Brandy, “Hey you skinny fucking bitch, get up here”.  Then the door to Karen’s office slams shut and I find myself thrown in a large wooden chair.


Out in the bar area of the PUB, Brandy is scared and slowly walks up to Linda.  Linda stares directly at Brandy and says, “Power up this PC now, I’m going to find out what is happen around her and once I become as strong as those other girls, I’ll find a way to even become stronger, now power up this thing”.


Brandy is scared to death for three reasons.  First, Karen is not at the PUB, for she normally can handle these situations. Second, with all the strange happenings in the last two days, Brandy is not sure if this is a nightmare and she cannot wake up.  And third; Brandy is a very quiet person, and she is a “PLAIN JANE”.   Brandy is average height, average brown hair, pulled back with clips, average blue eyes, no makeup,  thin, actually to thin for a 25 year old woman.  Brandy weights 48 kilograms and she get teased that this weight is with soaking wet clothing.  But Brandy is very polite; she likes everyone and is a very affectionate person. She enjoys soft touching, caressing, and hugs.   She works the early evenings at the PUB so she can attend collage and obtain her graduate degree in Psychology.  She says her hectic schedule keeps her from gaining weight and from having a steady boyfriend.


 “Look bitch”, yells Linda at Brandy as she takes the laptop and places it directly in front of her and yells, “Get this thing up on power now”.


Brandy opens the laptop and tries to power it on.  She then says to Linda is a shaky and trembling voice, “The battery is not capable of power the pc, it needs to be recharged”.


“How long will that take shouts Linda”, as she pounds the bar with her fists.


“About 2 hours”, replies Brandy.


Linda steps away from the bar and picks up one of the wooden bar stools and turns it upside down.  She then grabs two of the wooden legs and using her strength pulls apart the legs of the stool.  Everyone in the PUB watches as Linda’s muscles bulge and expand and her tight fitting top almost burst apart.  And within a few seconds, Linda has broken the wooden stool part and has snapped off the rungs until she is left holding one of the meter long wooden legs of the stool.  The wooden legs on these old stools are thick, over 5 centimeters of solid oak. She then places her left foot on the rung of another stool and slams the thick wooden leg against her upper leg and thigh and snaps the wooden leg in half as if it’s a twig. “Linda looks at Brandy and says, “Now this is what I’m going to do to your boyfriend’s bones.  And I’m going to do it slowly, one bone at a time until you get this fucking thing up on power, and bring it back to me”.  And also, this is what I’m going to do to his ribs as she walks over to another wooden stool and pushes the guy off the stool with a quick shove.


Linda picks up the stool, wraps her arms around the legs of the chair and begins to squeezes the stool into her chest.  She squeezes tightly and you can see all the bulging muscles in her arms and shoulder straining, but she snaps all four legs in half.  Linda then brushes the broken stool off her body and says to Brandy, “That was just a warm up exercise”, as she proceeds to Karen’s private office.


Once in Karen’s office, Linda laughs and says to me, “I’m going to enjoy crushing every bone in your fucking body, one at a time, until you give me what I want”.


She then looks at her boyfriend and says to him a dominate voice, “ Lock the door and move that chair over to that steel post and handcuff his arms behind the post and then tie his legs to the chair.  Linda’s boyfriend smiles as he locks the door and swings the chair and me around to the post and pulls a set of handcuffs out of his jacket. I’m ready to grab a full beer bottle that Karen has on her desk and slam it into the goons head but I did not want to destroy a full bottle of beer, plus I suspected it would not have hurt him anyway.


He is rough with my arms and I let out a cry of pain as he jerked my arms around the back of the post and flicked the handcuffs on my wrists.  There was no way I could escape and I finally realized that Linda was serious.  I believe everyone in the PUB heard my scream even though the door she shut.  The goon then ties my legs to the bottom of the chair and says to me with a grin on his face, “I like to watch my girlfriend hurt men”. 


Linda then takes over, slowly prancing around me and flaunting her muscles and body.  And she is quite the woman, tall, build, very muscular, and very very dominating.  She users her hands to feel my muscles and snicker as she says, “You fucking weakling, my biceps are twice the size of yours and my relaxed body is harder that your flexed muscles”.   Linda then stands directly in front of me and slowly undoes her blouse, one button at a time as she says, “Now let me show you real muscle. Solid, hard, bulging muscles that are capable of breaking every bone in your body with ease and with pleasure”.  And I intently watch as Linda basically strips out of all her clothing.   Once she is completely nude, she poses and goes through a well rehearsed routine that is obvious her championship routine for Body Building.  She then turns to her boyfriend and says, “Any special request”? And her boyfriend responds, “Smash one of his ribs first, that should cause him enough pain to give you what you want, and by the way, what is it that you want so badly” as he hands her brass knuckles”.


Linda just grins and says, “Something that will make me the strongest women in the universe”.  Linda’s boyfriend just gives a blank stare on his face and says, “You are the strongest women in the world, aren’t you”?  Linda just shakes her head negatively as she places the brass knuckles on her right hands and with the middle finger of her left hand pokes my left ribs one at a time and says, “Just looking for a tender spot to start my fun”.


Linda then takes a deep breath, pulls her right hand back and yells at me, “Any last request before I begin to demolish your pathetic body”.  I respond to Linda in a serious tone, “What will you do to me if I tell you what you need to become a million times stronger than all men combined in this world”.  Linda then responds, “I’ll keep you as my little pet and you can watch me as every day I place a thousand men in a steel enclosed arena and give them any weapons they desire. And then I’ll playfully and enjoyably crush and break their puny bodies and mangle their weapons with my superior female muscles. And that’s just for my morning warm up.  Then I would challenge every nation to come up with a weight lifting event or strength feat and if I didn’t think it challenges my super strength, I will create my own event that would demonstrate my superior strength.  I would enjoy lifting several massive aircraft carriers out of the water with only one hand and throwing them on land, pulling the aircraft carriers through the center a city by their colossal anchor chains as I take an afternoon jog.  Also, I would like to tease the steel cables of mile long suspension bridges with my body and shake all the little cars off the bridge before I rip the tower out of their foundation with my one hand and exercise with the towers.  They probably weigh millions of tons but from that I’ve seen lately, that would be child play and I should be able to do thousands of reps with only my one finger. Then I would rip the suspension bridges towers, roadways, piers, and supporting columns apart with only my body muscles and toss then aside”.


I look at Linda and respond, “There is nothing I can do that can give you that strength”.  To which Linda screams “Bullshit, you fucking liar, I’ve seen those other three girl friends of yours and each is hundreds of times stronger that me and each of those girls had just finished being with you and your PC.  Now take this for starters as she moves her fist back and begins to swing at my ribs.  


Then the door to Karen’s offices opens slowly with a loud crack and then a creaky sound and standing inside the doorway is Brandy.  And true to her personality, she is standing there in a polite and soft stature. Her hands are at her side, her feet are together, and she is smiling.  Linda stares at Brandy and then says to her boyfriend, “I told you to lock the door” to which her boyfriend replies in a confused state, “I did. I think”.  You can then hear Linda say to herself as she walks towards the doorway, “You’re a fucking idiot”. And as Linda approaches the doorway, she says to her boyfriend, “Take this shinny bitch and fuck her on that desk, and she can watch me punish her boyfriend as you punish her little scrawny ass”.


 There is a smile on Linda’s boyfriend face as he jumps up and stands directly in front of Brandy.  He’s about 3 times the size of Brandy and is drooling at the mouth.


“Ok bitch, you asked for this by disturbing our fun”, says Linda’s boyfriend. And Brandy responds very softly, “Please release my friend and I promise I will forget what is happening”.


Linda and her boyfriend laugh as he grabs Brandy’s right hand and attempt to pull her into the office.  He yanks but he cannot move or lift Brandy’s hand.  He just stares at Brandy as she stands in the doorway with a soft smile on her petty face.  Brandy’s deep blue eyes are scanning the office as if she is looking for something and she then says in a very soft tone of voice to me, “I’m deeply sorry it took me this long but I couldn’t find the grounding adapter for your computer’s external power supply, I had to cut off that third lead before I could power up the laptop. Then I wasn’t sure what or when anything would occur”.


Linda then says, “Where is that fucking PC with that special info, BITCH”.  Brandy turns her heads slowly and says to Linda, “The laptop is in the safe behind the bar and I’m the only one who can open the safe and I don’t even know the combination”.


Linda’s boyfriend then backhands Brandy across her face with an open hand slap and the sound of the slap echoes throughout the PUB.  Then there is this scram of pain as Linda boyfriend yells from the pain in his hand.  Brandy doesn’t flinch as she grabs the two hands of the goon and lift then into the air and then slowly lower her hands, forcing the goon first to bend over, then get on his knees, and finally to bend his head and body down to Brandy’s feet. We could all hear this muscles and tendons crack as Brandy easily forced him into a submissive position.  Linda then screams, “You fucking bitch, take this as she punches Brandy in the teeth with the brass knuckles.


Linda also screams, for it’s similar to punching a steel wall and Brandy then bites down on the brass knuckles and holds Linda’s hand in place.  Linda pulls and tugs but Brandy has a tight hold on the brass knuckles with her teeth and Brandy still maintains a soft smile.


Linda finally pull her hand from the brass knuckles and looks at Brandy and says, “There is something about the PC that causes women to become super strong, let’s comprise and we can share ruling this planet of useless men”.


Brandy takes the brass knuckles from her teeth and answers in her soft voice, “Oh! If a woman is going to rule over all men on this planet, then I believe it should be I.  I believe I would be a kind and gentle ruler over men. I would give them their wishes and desires and allow them to multiply”.


Brandy then takes the brass knuckles and places them in her right hands and leisurely closes her hand, crushing the solid brass into a paste that oozes out her fingers and says to Linda, “Oh! Please remember, your hand could still have still been in these brass knuckles’.


Linda then pleads for mercy and blames everything on her boyfriend by saying, “My boyfriend may me do all these terrible things, he threatened to harm me if it didn’t do what he said. I would like to help you with these super powers so men will not be dominating over women”.


Brandy doesn’t even answer Linda as she tenderly twists her one hand and bends backwards the arm of Linda’s boyfriend with ease and flips him over on his back and he begins to plead for leniency.


Brandy is very quite, she doesn’t say a word as she reaches down and picks up Linda’s boyfriend by his belt and lifts him directly over head with only one hand.  He’s squirming like a pig but his massive weight doesn’t deflect Brandy’s arm a millimeter.  Brandy then looks a Linda and says, “Please get dressed, this is a respectable PUB, not like that PUB down the street you frequent”.


Linda gets dressed and Brandy softly points the way to the back door of the PUB and Linda quickly scampers to the outside parking lot followed by Brandy carrying her boyfriend.  Once in the back parking area, Brandy opens the large dumpster outside the PUB and tosses Linda’s boyfriend inside the dumpster.  She then uses her fingers to crinkle the steel lid of the dumpster to the sides.  When Brandy is finished, the top of the dumpster resembled the edge of a freshly baked pie crust.


Brandy then softly and polite says to Linda, “Please do not return to this PUB, for you will not be allow to enter”.  To which Linda replies, “I’ll be back you fucking skinny bitch and just wait will I get super strong”.


Brandy then turns her attention to the trash truck that Karen had earlier destroyed and casually walks around the truck to observe the damage.  And as she passes the one side of the truck she reaches out and grabs one of the large chrome hydraulic piston assemblies and with a gentle twist of her slender wrists, tears the heavy solid steel assembly off the truck.  The steel brackets, hoses, and frames are bent, then buckled, and torn from the truck as Brandy slowly pulls the steel assembly away from the truck.  From the effort that Brandy use to tear off the hydraulic piston rod, you would almost believe it’s nothing more that a light pool stick she was picking up.


Brandy carries the heavy steel object in her left hand like a baton and continues to walk around the truck until she sees a heavy steel chain attached to the back of the truck.  And with her right hand pulls the 10 meter long massive steel chain off the truck as if it were a set of plastic beads, bursting open the two end links of the chain as they were attached to two large steel hooks.  She then continues back into the PUB and into Karen’s office.


Brandy nonchalantly enters the office and smile as she finagles the steel piston and chain into the room. She gently closes the door and since she has already destroyed the lock, she props the hydraulic piston assembly against the door which assures no one will enter the office and then drops the chain on the floor of the office.  I just follow Brandy with my eyes until she is standing directly in front of me and say, “Could you take these handcuff off of my wrists”.


Brandy smiles as she replies, “I would absolute enjoy taking off those handcuffs, but I don’t have the key. But maybe I can uncover a method to safely remove the handcuffs without the key”. And Brandy then sits on my lap and wiggles her little ass as she straddles her legs around me and the chair.  I stare at her but before I could say a word, she places her finger on my lips and says, “Now let me do the talking and then I’ll stumble on a way to remove those handcuffs”.


Brandy places her hands softly on my waist, takes a deep breath and asks in a very soft and very simple tone of voice, “Exactly how strong am I, and how long will this incredible super strength persist”.


I reply immediately to Brandy, “The answer is very simple; there is nothing you cannot accomplish with your strength and from observing Sandy, Lisa, and Karen, about 4 hours.  And please don’t ask how”.


Brandy contemplates for a few seconds and says, “You can add sex to the equation and I’m ready to verify both sex and strength and arrive at an independent answer”.  I just smile at Brenda as she slowly works her soft hands across my body.


Brandy relaxes and you can tell she is thinking and then says, “I’ve seen the consequences of all three women when they get super strong, but for some reason I’m enjoying this moment. I’m with someone of the opposite sex and there is nothing he can do to escape. I’m in completed control and I’m enjoying this feeling, now let’s see what I can accomplish my new strength”. 


“Now for those handcuffs” Brandy says as she reaches behind me with her arms and I can feel her delicate fingers on my hand and I can hear the steel link snap as she gives the handcuffs a trivial tug. But Brandy doesn’t release my hands; instead she slowly brings them around to my front with her hands and says, “Oooh! Somehow you don’t appear to be a person who wears bracelets on their wrists.  So she lifts the palm of my one hand to her soft lips, and licks my palm with her tongue and continues up my wrist until her moist tongue touches the handcuff.  Brandy then gently kisses the chrome steel with her lips and as she kisses the cold hard steel, her lips crush and slice the steel in half like it ice cream and the steel handcuff fall off my wrist and onto the floor.  She continues with my other hand except this time she simply bites the steel handcuff in half with her pearly white teeth.


Brandy reaches up behind her head and removes the clips from her hair, and shakes her head back and forth and allows the thick auburn hair to rest on her rounded shoulders.  She then says, “I was going to grant you the following option, if you desired to tear my blouse and bra off first or have me tear you shirt off first.  But since I’m in complete control, I’ll do what I desire.  And the first thing I desire is to tear off your shirt off your body”.  So Brandy places her fingers in my shirt’s seam and is ready to absolute rip my shirt off my body with a pull of her hands when she says, “This wouldn’t be that much fun, I rather open your shirt one button at a time”.  So Brandy takes the first button on my shirt and using two fingers in her right hand, easily crushes the lower button on my shirt into a dust material and then uses her one finger to slightly open my shirt.  She then lowers her head and removes the second button from the bottom with her tongue and bites out a section of my shirt at the same time. Brenda then wets her lips with her tongue and grabs my hands.  She places the soft palms of her hands over the back of my hands and brings my palms up and places them on her very soft breasts and I can fell her harden nipples against my palms.  Then she interleaves her finger with mine and I watch as she maneuvers her fingers inside the opening of her blouse and catches the dead center of her bra with the second finger of each of her hands.  Once she has her long thin fingers hooked around her bra and her blouse, she look intently at my eyes as she slowly pulls her hands and mine apart and it appears that I’m tearing her blouse and bra open with one slow continues pull of my hands.  And Brenda just pushes aside any remnants of her blouse and bra to reveal her soft slender body. 


Brenda then tease with the two remaining buttons on my shirt with her fingers and pulls my shirt away from my body and towards her.  Then she users her erect nipples to slice the two remaining buttons off my shirt. And once all the buttons are torn off my shirt, Brenda whispers, “Remember, I’m working on my graduate degree in Psychology and I have already psycho analyzed your personality, and I’m not going to allow you to escape my influence”.


Brenda then picks up the massive chain from the floor as if it’s a piece of string and carefully drapes the chain across her body.  I could feel the tremendous weight increase on my lap, especially since Brandy was so light. 


Brandy smiles and says in a sexy voice, “What would you like me to do with this chain to demonstrate my strength”.  And I answer, “Slowly pull the chain apart with your soft feminine hands until it breaks apart”.


Brandy takes her long delicate fingers and small hands and inserts them into two links in the chain about a meter apart from each other.  I watch as her long fingers and hand effortlessly reshape the thick steel links.  I also observe the steel of the links is actually thicker that Brandy’s slender feminine wrist.  Brandy gives the chain a few gently tugs, just to make the chain jingle and then starts to very slowly apply pressure to pull the chain apart. I watch as the chain pulls tight and all the slack is removed. Then I could hear the solid steel moan and complain as the steel links begin to deform and stretch into a more oblong shape as Brandy slowly, millimeter by millimeter, pulls her hands apart. And the sexy smile on her face never changes or shows the slightest indication she is straining her petite body.  However, the solid steel chain links can only take so much abuse and strain and the thick steel links bend, crack, and begin to split apart.  Finally the heavy chain busts apart as one of the links completely fail.  Brandy then kneads the steel links in her hand as if they were soft bread dough and once she has crushed the still in half, she tosses the chains aside and says, “Will you assist me in determining exactly how strong I have become, this could be an interesting thesis for my graduate work”.  I smile back and nod with a positive movement of my head as I request, “Would you please untie my legs from the chair”.  Brandy looks down and apologizes as she says, “I sorry, I forgot your legs were tied to this chair”.  So she reaches down with her hands and pinches the rope that is tied around my legs and the chair with her thumb and index finger and lightly rubs the rope until they are shredded in half, releasing my legs.   And Brandy replies, “Now that your legs are free, let continue from where we were before I teased the chains with my strength”.


Brandy gently reaches for my right hand, takes it gently, and places it palm down on her slender flat waist and lightly places her warm hand on top of mine. She massages my hand with her fingers and then slides my hand and hers down inside her tight fitting jeans and panties. And once my fingers are completely down inside her jeans, she pulls her hand and mine straight back and completely tears her belt, jeans, and panties wide open.


Brandy then says very softly, and very sexy, “What ever you desire”.


To be continued: