Sandy Chapter 3

Lisa demonstrates her voracious appetite for both strength and sex.


By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


Sandy smile and shakes her head positively and replies back, “Yes, an old fashion, down and dirty MAN HUNT.  Let’s use both our extreme strength and our over sexed bodies to do anything we DAMM well please.  I personally have this sudden desire to tear apart cars and trucks with my body and then if the driver looks like a young stud, screw his brains out.  Or should I screw the young stud’s brains out first and then shred his car apart with my body if he doesn’t satisfy me sexually”.


Lisa responds back to Sandy, “Well first of all, you are going to tear apart a lot of cars and trucks. But personally, I enjoy showing off my super strength as I screw a guy’s brains out”. And Sandy responds back as she is getting dressed in her skimpy tight outfit, “Do men have brains”?


Lisa snickers as she takes her feminine hands and removes the steel bar and weights from around her neck with a undemanding yank of her hands and stretches the solid steel bar until it breaks apart and then crushed the steel bar in her hands.  She then says to Sandy, “I need another young healthy man quickly”, as she takes the sets of iron plates from the weights and pushes the iron weights into and between her upper legs with her one hand and crushes the weights into a blob of useless scrap metal.


Sandy looks at the clock on the wall and says to Lisa, “Let’s get going, but first I need to turn the electrical power off in the building.  I did promise someone that there would be no meetings today. Oh and by the way, do you hear the low pitch hum?   Well, I think it’s originating from the electrical power room and it’s directly through that far end wall”.


So Sandy and Lisa walk up to the wall and Sandy uses her closed fists to punch a massive hole in the concrete wall and sends concrete and steel flying in all directions. Her fists penetrate the concrete and blast completely through the thick wall with the ease of a cannon shell through air.   Lisa, who is sill nude, simply uses her body to walk through another section of the concrete wall and crumble the concrete into dust and rubble with her hands and legs.


Once inside the electrical room, both Lisa and Sandy are amazed by the enormous size of all the equipment.  Most of the electrical equipment dwarfs both women and Lisa says to Sandy, “Sort of makes you and I appear insignificant, and I don’t like that feeling. I think I’ll demonstrate my superior strength on one of those large things in the center of the room.  It must weight tons”.


 Sandy looks at Lisa and says, “That large thing in the center of the room has a large sign that reads, “DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE” and I believe it’s a transformer or something.  And I’ll bet if you tear that large steel contraption out of its concrete foundation and toss it aside, the building will lose all electrical power”. 


Lisa smiles as she strolls up to the large steel transformer, a massive steel box the measures 4 meters by 5 meters by 4 meters tall and weighs 25 tons. The transformer is so heavy that he base is a solid steel plate over 20 centimeters thick and is anchored into the concrete floor.  Large metal pipes feed into one end of the transformer and carry the high voltage into the transformer, while massive thick metal plates at the top conduct the lower voltage out of the transformer.


Lisa looks at the transformer and the “DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE” sign and says to Sandy, “This sign should read “DANGER SUPER STRONG WOMAN CAN EASILY DESTROY THIS EQUIPMENT”, as she leans forward and presses her pert breasts into the steel side of the transformer.  Lisa’s hard nipples strike the steel and immediately scrape and penetrate into the thick hard metal. And her nipples are followed by her two firm rounded breasts.  Lisa pushes until her shoulder touch the side of the transformer and then she back away and admires the perfect imprint of her breasts in the side of the metal.


Lisa smiles with a girlish gleam as she bends over at her slender waist and reaches for the thick steel base of the massive transformer with her left hand and drives her slender fingers under the steel base, crumbling the concrete foundation with her fingernails as if the concrete were made of fine dust particles.  Lisa then elevates the thick steel base and the entire heavy transformer with her one hand, and the reverberations of large steel bolts stretching, snapping, and breaking is heard as the steel base is brutally uprooted from its concrete foundation.  The high voltage metal conduit  pipes bend, crush, and twist as Lisa lifts the entire transformer over her head with only her one hand and the upper steel plates above the transformer crush into each other and short out all electrical power.  However, not before a shower of sparks rain down on Lisa and the hot sparks simply tantalize Lisa’s soft skin as they fall harmlessly off her body.  In addition, just as Lisa raises the entire transformer and steel base over her head, all power to the building fails and the only lights remain lit are the emergency lights in the room.


Lisa is proud of herself as she utilizes the massive electrical transformer as an exercise weight and starts to do repetitive lifts with her one hand.  She then uses her other hand to grab everything she can reach or touch.  The young Lisa grabs steel beams and crushed them into her breasts; and she tears the high voltage metal conduit tubes out of the concrete and squeezes them in half between her powerful legs muscles. She is enjoying her little romp through the electrical room when all of a sudden, the door to the power room swings open and a person enters the room with a flashlight.  Sandy and Lisa cannot determine who has entered the room because it’s somewhat dark and the person has the flashlight shining directly on Lisa.


“What the hell” is all Lisa and Sandy hear as the person holding the flashlight shines it on Lisa’s nude body and scans her body top to bottom, stopping and concentrating on her upper thighs and her breasts.  The person then realizes that a petite young woman is balancing a 25 ton electrical transformer over her head with her one hands and is crushing a steel framing beam with her other hand into her body.


All of a sudden the entry door is slammed shut by Sandy and she walks up to the person holding the flashlight just as the flashlight shines on her.  Sandy takes the flashlight from the person and walks over to Lisa and stand next to her and Sandy shines the flash light on the unknown person.


“Just what my over sexed body requires” yells Lisa as the flashlight reveals that the unidentified person is the electrical maintenance person and Lisa has the “HOTS” for him.  He’s young, tall, good-looking, and muscular.  And the maintenance guy responds to Lisa in a shaky voice, “Lisa, what the hell is going on here!  And, Ah, Ah, and you are holding that transformer over your head with one hand. 


Lisa responses quickly to the maintenance man “OOH! One hand; sorry, let me make that only one finger”, as Lisa then balances the 25 ton transformer on the tip of her middle finger.  Lisa just stands there with her right hand on her hips for a few seconds and then says to the guy, “Do you like strong petite woman”, as she tosses the transformer off to one side where it slams into a series of switch gear cabinets and crushes the thick steel cabinets down to the floor. 


The young maintenance man says nothing as he opens his mouth in amazement and he just stands there as Lisa approaches him.  And as Lisa strolls across the room, she passes a large ventilator fan and motor anchored to the concrete wall.  However, since the electrical power was disrupted, the assembly is not operating.  Lisa stops at the 2-meter diameter fan assembly and says, “It’s getting stuffy in here and the smell of something electrical burning is annoying me.  I’ll just spin this fan by hand and help circulated some air.  The fan assembly is almost a meter over Lisa’s head and she has to jump upward to reach the fan.  And as Lisa jumps up with her right arm extended, her right hand slices through the thick metal screen that covers the fan blades. And as her hand cuts and slices the screen apart, her fingers snatch one of the fan blades and she gives the fan blade a simple flick with her wrist to start it spinning.  However, a simple flick of Lisa’s hand sends the fan assembly spinning at hyper speed and the fan blades rip form the center shaft and go flying in all direction.  The large motor used to spin the blades is also torn free and the assembly fall down on Lisa perfect body.  “Shit” yells Lisa as she picks up the large electrical motor and holds the motor length wise directly in front of her body.  She holds the ends of the thick steel shaft in the palms of her hands and she has to extend her arms far apart to accommodate the large motor.  Then Lisa laughs as she slowly closes her hands and crushes the metal shaft of the large motor.  And after she has crushed the motor and steel shaft to about the half way point, she then pulls the entire assembly into her chest and now crushes the motor’s thick steel outer case into her breasts.  The motor crumbles into a million pieces as Lisa closes her hands completely around her body.


Lisa looks at the maintenance man and says, “That’s so easy for me to accomplish.  Now let me show you a genuine feat of strength”.  Lisa then grabs the maintenance guy by the leather belt of the tool pouch he is wearing on his hips and leads him to a work bench on one side of the room.  The maintenance guy has no options; he is immediately pulled over to the work bench.


When Lisa reaches the workbench, she turns her nude body around so her ass is against the workbench and she leaps up on the workbench and lands her firm round ass on the top of the steel workbench.  Lisa then wraps her legs around the maintenance guy’s hip and by using her feet, pulls him close to her nude body.  Lisa smiles as she wiggles her backside in an attempt to get a very comfortable position on the workbench.  But in wiggling her firm backside, the only thing that occurs is the steel top of the workbench is crushed down and takes the perfectly rounded shape of Lisa’s backside.


With the maintenance man firmly secured in Lisa’s powerful legs, and her hands on her slender waist, Lisa says to the maintenance guy, “Try, try your hardest to remove my legs from around your body, I dare you”.  The maintenance guy looks as Lisa and says in a positive tone, “I have absolute no desire to remove your fantastic legs from around my body.  Now that I’m captured between you legs, what are you going to do to me with your obvious super strong body”?


“Well Lisa, what are you going to do with that guy between your legs”, hollers Sandy. 


Lisa responds to Sandy by saying, “I’m going to play with his entire tool set”, and before Lisa could finish her sentence, Sandy yells back “The tools in the leather pouch on his hips, or the tool between his legs”.  Lisa laughs as she answers quickly boldly, “BOTH”.


Sandy’s eyes open wide as she smile and says to Lisa, “I’m going to trot over to the PUB, destroying a few things with my body as I go, for something tells me that a particular individual will probably be at the bar having a few beers instead of writing us stories. Oh, and have fun Lisa, with his tools”. Sandy then walks to the emergency exit in the electrical room and backhands the thick steel emergency door and her hand rips the door into two pieces while blasting a large section of the concrete block wall to rubble.  She then tears the two pieces of door off the steel frame and tosses them aside as she walks outside the building and go straight for the PUB.  Two large vehicle parked in her path are flipped end over end by an easygoing swipe of Sandy’s one hand.


Back inside the electrical equipment room, Lisa doesn’t hesitate a second as she grabs two large screwdrivers from the tool pouch on the maintenance guy’s hip and holds the screwdrivers, one in each hand.  The petite woman then rams the hardened steel tips of the screwdriver hard into her slender waist.  The force of Lisa’s strength instantly shatters the metal shaft of the screwdriver into many broken pieces and the yellow handles shatter and break apart.  The heat tempered and hardened metal steel tips of the screwdrivers don’t leave the slightest mark or scratch on Lisa’s deep tan skin.  Lisa laughs as she then reaches for a large pair of linesman’s pliers in the tool pouch.  The maintenance guy is still shaking his head from Lisa’s first demonstration of her strength with his tools as he watches Lisa place the jaws of the pliers over her left nipple and presses the handles of the pliers closed.  Lisa presses with just the sufficient strength necessary on the pliers’ handles to crush the handles together.  The sharp metal teeth of the pliers’ jaws are tightly squeezed around Lisa’s left nipple and the metal teeth are crushed down and flattened by the force of Lisa’s strength but the sharp metal teeth never even penetrate the surface of her soft sensitive nipple.


The maintenance guy stares in terror at Lisa’s breasts as she squeezes the handles of the pliers so tightly around her nipple that the steel of the pliers complains loudly by creaking, squealing, and squeaking as it is being crush by Lisa’s one hand.   Lisa realizes that the maintenance guy is now scared and is afraid of what she can do to his body when she starts to get zealous about serious love making.  So Lisa takes his left hand and gently holds his extended middle finger and brings it up to her soft lips and mouth.  She softly guides his middle finger across her wet lips and into her moist mouth and slowly sucks on his middle finger.  Lisa then takes his finger and guides it down her neck and across her chest and then her firm large breasts until the tip of his finger in pressing deep against her right nipple.  Lisa releases his finger and the maintenance guy continues a soft circular stroking of Lisa’s nipple and breast.  And as he is caressing her breast and nipple, Lisa slowly rotates the pliers around her nipple and both she and the maintenance guy watch as her nipple strips all the hardened teeth out of the jaws of the pliers.  Then Lisa says to the young man, “Now let me demonstrate what I can do with a real tool”, as she jerks the pliers away from her body and her nipple violently breaks the jaws of the pliers into several pieces.  Lisa crushes the remains of the pliers in her hand until hot metal squirts out of her fists. And as she is mauling the steel pliers with her left hand, Lisa takes her right hands and strokes the super hard cock of the maintenance guy as says to him is a super sexy voice, “Now this is what I call a real tool”.   Lisa then flicks away any remains of the pliers she has in her left hand and grabs the leather belt of the tool pouch around the guys waist and using her two hands, rips the leather belt in half is a simple snap of her hands.  The tool pouch and leather belt immediately fall to the ground and before the tool pouch can hit the floor, Lisa has also ripped open the blue jeans and briefs of the maintenance guy, exposing his super hard cock.


Lisa grabs his super tool with her hand and rams her super hot pussy onto his super hard cock. And Lisa’s power thigh and leg muscles hold the young stud in place as her pulsating hips act with the authority of a hydraulically driven jack hammer. Lisa is relentless in her search for pure pleasure as she pounds the young man with her pulsating powerful hips.  Lisa’s hands are grabbing everything in reach on the workbench to get a better hold so she can thrust her hips deeper into his cock.  But it’s useless; Lisa simply crushes or tears apart anything she touches.  The workbench is bent and twisted. A large vise is ripped off the workbench and crushed in half by Lisa’s one hand.  Hand tools are turned into heaps of crushed metal by her fingers.


Finally, the horrific pounding by Lisa’s petite but extremely strong body has its effect on the young man.  Every pleasure fuse in his youthful body blows as his fragile body short circuits and he goes completely limp and falls over into Lisa body.


“Damm, I still need more men to satisfy my lust for sex, I wonder how many more men it will take to satisfy my body.  Oh well, I better meet Sandy at the PUB and read some more pages of those stories”, Lisa thinks to herself as she gently lower the maintenance man to the floor. 

Lisa gets dressed and walks out of the electrical equipment room by pouching a hole with her closed fist in the main entrance door in frustration and then flicking her wrist sideways and tearing the door completely out of the wall.  And with all the confusion caused by the power failure, everyone else is leaving the building and Lisa just follows as if nothing has happened.


In the meantime, I’m on my third beer at the PUB and I’m talking to Karen, the owner and the only waitress at this time.  There are not many people in the PUB since it early afternoon and the lunch crowd has left.  There’s a few stragglers remaining, but they are three-quarter crocked and don’t care about anything. 


I’m talking to Karen as she does her waitress chores, as we are good friends. I have been coming to the PUB for several years and Karen has always been very nice.  She works hard keeping the PUB profitable.  She is owner, cook, server, and host.


Karen is a full size woman. She is not fat, just big bone and well proportioned.  She is as tall as I’m tall, and has been known to pick up men and toss their drunken ass out the front door. She has large breasts and hips that can stretch the threads of her blue jeans as she walks around the PUB.  She also likes to wear low cut tops and bend over to flaunt her large bouncy breasts.  Karen always receives great tips but has to keep somewhat reserved when someone grabs her body.  She usually handles people grabbing her body in a very calm and collective manner.


I’m sipping my beer and in the reflection of the mirror behind the bar, I see a large object fly pass the front window of the PUB.  I could have sworn it’s a car, but it’s over ten feet off the ground.   After a short pause, I say to Karen, “Oh! Sandy or Lisa will be here shortly”.  “How can you tell, you cannot see anyone coming to the PUB, the windows are too high” responds Karen, just as the front door opens and Sandy enters the PUB. “Oh just a “SWAG”, I respond.  “What’s “SWAG” ask Karen?  And as I take a drink of beer, I respond, “Silly Wild Ass Guess”.


Sandy walks directly over to the bar, sits down next to me and asks me with as straight face and a soft smile, if I had any idea of why the power failed in our office building.  I take another drink of my beer and respond, “If I find the person responsible for the power failure, I’ll personally show my utmost appreciation”.


Sandy laughs and says “Touché”.


Sandy then orders a drink and starts small talk with Karen.  Karen is more interested in the relationship between Sandy and me.  Sandy just replies it’s strictly business.   Karen laughs as says, “If that is business last night over there at the far table, I can’t imagine what a social relationship would produce”.  And as I’m intermittently listening to the girl talk, I hear Sandy ask Karen if she has visited the WEB site she recommended.  Karen responds, I haven’t has the time, operating this PUB keeps me busy”. 


Sandy then turns to me and says, “Can I use your laptop, I want to connect to the WEB and I know you have wireless, which is against all company rules”.  I give my laptop to Sandy as if I have a choice in the matter and sort of chuckle because she doesn’t know my password.  However, to my surprise, Sandy logs onto my PC with my user code / password and I just look at her with my mouth open”.  Sandy responds, “Remember last night, you made the mistake of typing your password in your user code slot, it was in plain English and you are not very imaginative.


The only thing I say is “SHIT” under my breath.


Sandy has no problem connecting to the WEB and to the Extreme Strength site and turns my PC around to show Karen.  And just as Karen start to scan the site, the front door of the PUB burst open with a loud thud.  Sandy, Karen, and I all turn our heads and stare at the door. For standing in the doorway is a brute that resembles an oversized gorilla with a large crow bar in his one hand and he looks mean and nasty.  And as he enters the PUB he is immediately followed by another guy dressed in a $5000 dollar custom suit.  With the door open, it’s also obvious that they own the large vehicle that is double parked and blocking traffic in front of the PUB. The driver of the vehicle is just staring into blank space.


The big fat guy walks up to the bar and places the steel crow bar on top of the bar and all we hear is a loud thud from the crowbar and then “SHIT” from Karen.  The guy, in the expensive suit, slowly walks up to the bar, past Sandy and I and continues to the far end of the bar.  Karen doesn’t say anything as she also goes to the far end of the bar.  I glance at Sandy with a puzzled stare and then both of us turn and watch Karen and the stranger. The guy that resembles a ugly gorilla positions himself between Karen and me along the bar.


Both Sandy and I can discern that Karen is very scared and the guy is forceful as he waves his tightly closed fists at Karen and then points to his body guard.  Karen, finally goes over to the cash register, opens up the cash draw and basically takes all the money from the till and gives it to the guy in the expensive suit.  He counts the money and shakes his head in a negative gesture.


I look at Sandy and quietly say, “He’s extorting money from Karen”.  Sandy just grins and nods back at me as Mr. Gorilla just stares intently at Sandy’s extremely firm and sexy body.


As the guy in the expensive suit takes the money and walks back up the bar. I take a sip of my cold beer and just as I go to place the beer back down on the bar, Sandy spins my bar stool and me around with her one hand and shoves me towards the guy in the expensive suit.   I and my beer go flying off the bar stool and directly into the guy with the expensive suit and I spill my beer all over his custom tailored suit.


Mr. Gorilla immediately grabs my hand that has the beer mug and forces it down on the bar and lifts the crow bar high over his head.


The guy in the expensive suit say, “You fucking wise ass, this is going to cost you thousands for my suit plus your fingers”.


I didn’t even have time to think about getting scared when Sandy leaps off her bar stool, grabs the crow bar that is in the big guys hand and stands betweens me and the guy who extorted money from Karen.  Sandy pushes him against the bar with a slap of her hand to let him know she means business.  Then she gently directs me out of the area for a  positive wave of her arm.


The guy in the expensive suit jumps in Sandy’s face and yells, “You fucking bitch, how would you like your skinny ass thrown on top of this bar and have my associate fuck you until you scream for mercy”?


Sandy just stands there, her one hand wrapped around the steel crow bar and holding it in place and she is staring intensely at the guy in the suit.  After a few seconds, Sandy pulls the crow bar down along with the two hands of the bouncer until it about the same height as the suit guy’s face and he watches as his body guard attempts with all his strength to free the crow bar from Sandy’s hand. Sandy doesn’t even look at Mr. Gorilla, but once the crow bar is level with the main guy’s face, she uses only the thumb of her hand that is holding the crow bar to bend the steel crow bar at a 90 degree angle. The sound of the steel bending definitely catches the attention of the smaller guy.  The bouncer is to dumb to understand that Sandy just bent a solid steel bar with her one thumb. All he cared about was getting his crow bar back.


 Sandy then pins the guy in the expensive suit up against the bar with her hips and yanks the steel crow bar out of the hands of Mr. Gorilla with a snappy jerk of her one hand.  She then takes grabs the big guy by his belt and pants with her hands and flings him to his knees with a wisp of her hand.  Sandy then takes the crow bar and wraps it tightly around his thick neck and ties the steel bar into a sort of BOW TIE.  Sandy even flattens the cold hard steel with her fingers to form a fluff up looking BOW TIE.


I sort of laughed because the steel bar looks sort of funny but appropriate tied around the big guy’s neck.  Karen just stared at Sandy in amazement.


The smaller guy that is pin against the bar again yells at Sandy, “That’s it, you fucking bitch, my handyman is going to teach you a fucking lesson you will never forget”.  He then looks at his bodyguard and hesitates as he stares at the crow bar wrapped around his neck and finally yells, “Shot this fucking skinny bitch’s big tits off her body”.   The bodyguard looks up, stops trying to remove the crowbar from around his neck and pulls out a 9 millimeter automatic pistol.  


Sandy does two things immediately.  First, she grabs the barrel of the weapon and crushes it in the palm of her hand until the barrel is completely flat.  And then yanks the weapon out of the bouncer’s hand, causing him server pain in his trigger finger.  Sandy then pushes the big guy shoulder’s forward, and since he is already on his knees, he drops hard, face first to the floor.  To keep him pinned face down on the floor, Sandy just places her foot on his back and she uses just sufficient strength in her leg muscles to make sure he’s in serious pain.  The bouncer moaned, groaned, and begged Sandy to stop.   Sandy then said to the bouncer on the floor in an absolute authority voice, “I’ll release you, but if you attempted to do anything until I tell you, I’ll take the crow bar that’s wrapped around you neck, untie it, straighten it out, and then ram it up your ass until it comes out your mouth.


The bouncer agrees and acknowledges by a series of painful positive groans.  Sandy then releases her foot and then turns around to the suit guy and says to him is a exceedingly  pissed off tone of voice, “I’m not a fucking bitch and let me illustrate to you what my skinny body and my big tits can do to this stupid gun and to your suit”.   And Sandy does have the proper equipment to demonstrate her strength.  She is wearing an extremely low cut and extremely tight white top.  Her well-tanned breasts are bulging out of the material and her cleavage is deep and long.  Sandy then takes the weapon she has in her hand and forces the handle of the weapon down into the cleavage of her breasts.  She then thrusts out her breasts slightly, and squeezes the handle of the weapon tightly in her cleavage and then tears off the already crushed barrel of the gun with a tug of her one hand. The black metal of the gun barrel creaks and cracks as it’s cleaved from the handle. Sandy continues to thrust out her firm ripe breasts and the handle of the gun begins to crush even more between her fantastic tits.  Then there is the sound of things exploding and white smoke coming from between Sandy large breasts. Sandy stares at the guy who was extorting money from Karen and says to him in sassy voice, “That’s the bullets exploding as I crush your puny gun with nothing but my soft feminine tits.  The next puff of smoke from between my tits will be the vapor created by cold hard gun steel being crushed into zilch by nothing but the strength of my soft firm breasts”.  Sandy takes a deep breathe, pushes her tits forward, and just as predicted, her breasts crush the cold hard steel into a white vapor that expels from her cleavage.


Sandy then holds the broken off gun barrel that is in her hand directly in front of the suit guy’s face and says in a super stern loud voice, “Asshole, this is what I’ll do to your dick if you ever come in here again or ever threaten anyone”.  Sandy then closes her fist around the steel gun barrel even tighter and the cold hard steel extrudes from the sides of her fist as a super white-hot paste that falls to the ground where it burns holes in this expensive trousers and shoes.


Sandy then grabs his expensive suit and shreds the jacket open with her fingernails and takes his money pouch from the inside of the jacket.  She looks into the pouch and says to him, “Looks like you’ve been busy, these a lot of money in this pouch”.  Sandy takes the money, gives it to Karen, and says, “This is yours, with interest collected and stamped paid in full”.


Karen takes the money in her hands, and places it in a special lock box at the far end of the PUB.  Then she comes quickly back to the bar and asks me in a very quiet and shaky voice as she holds my hand, “What’s going on, I’ve just witnessed Sandy crushing a gun between her breasts like it’s a made of nothing”.  I tried to answer quickly but since Karen was bending over forward and revealing most of her womanly flesh as her breasts pushed out of the top of her dress as she leaned into the bar top.  I answer slowly and in short bursts, “I wish I had an explanation, but I’m just as confused.


Sandy then picks up the bouncer in her right hand and the other guy in her left and starts to walk to the door to toss their asses out when the door swings open and Lisa is standing in the doorway.  “WOW”, is the only word anyone hears and it’s from me.  Lisa is standing in the door way and it obvious she is dresses for SEX. She only has a slim halter covering her breasts and her shorts barely cover the cheeks of her firm ass.


Lisa stands there with her hands on her waist and stares at what’s happening in the PUB.  She then yells, “Who’s the asshole that double parked that oversized Avalanche in front of the PUB and is blocking traffic, please move it or I’ll move it”.


Then Lisa sees Sandy carrying two guys face down by the back of their belt and pants as if they were light handbags towards her and the door and Sandy says. “That oversized vehicle belongs to these two idiots.  They have been extorting money from Karen.  Now I’m going to deposit their ugly asses somewhere, like in those PORT a POTTY’s at the construction site up the street.  Oh and Lisa, why don’t you disassemble that jumbo SUV that is doubled parked outside. Oh and by the way, why don’t you accomplish it from the inside out, and use your petite shapely sexy body as the wrecking tool.


Lisa smiles and replies, “With pleasure, but first let me examine these three guys over there in the corner.


The three guys have been at the bar all day and are feeling no pain.  However, they have been paying very close attention to the proceedings inside the PUB and are just sitting there very quiet.  So Lisa struts her sexy body over to their table and stands there with her hands on her hips and says “Good, fresh prime meat for my over sexed body, lets see how they measure up”.  So Lisa gently picks up the first guy and says, “Ah, this one is too small”.  She then picks up the second guy, with her one hand and examines him and says, “This one is too big”, and she puts him back down.  Then Lisa picks up the third guy with her one hand and says, “OH now this one is just right. However, you’re a little snookered, but if you’re still here and somewhat sober after I finish with that big ugly vehicle outside the PUB, I’ll give you the fucking of your life.  My body is going to be so hot and horny after I used it to tear that vehicle to shreds that I will need all three of you to satisfy my sexual cravings. Oh and if you have any doubt about my petite feminine body completely destroying that vehicle from the inside out, why don’t you get a good seat in the bed of the oversized vehicle.  Shit, that vehicle is so huge; you could probably put your table and chairs in the back bed and have a front row seat”.


The three guys then do what any red blooded male would do in this situation, for they have just witness Sandy’s strength.  They order another round of beer from Karen, pick up their chairs, and escort Lisa out the door and jump in the back bed of the big vehicle.


Sandy also leaves the PUB and is carrying the two guys, one in each hand, and begins to run up the street at full speed. It only takes Sandy a minute to reach the construction site but she runs these guys through every shrub, hedge, garbage can, and trash pile she can find.  And as she reaches the construction site, the main gate is closed and locked so Sandy simply kicks the metal chain link gate open with her foot.  The thick steel post of the gate sharply bends and then flings open and the chain and padlock that hold the gate locked, snap apart like they were made of rotten twine. Sandy then races directly towards the two PORT a POTTY’s just inside the fence.  She opens the door to both portable restrooms and throws one guy in each of the potties. The smell is overwhelming on this hot summer’s day and this indicates to Sandy that the potties are full of bodily waste material.  A simple toss of Sandy’s arm sends the two guys into their respective potty and Sandy slams the doors shut and crushes the locks closed.  Then Sandy realizes these cheap locks crumbled in her hands and she actually destroyed the locks.  Sandy looks around for something to seal the doors closed and sees a massive steel beam on a large flatbed truck.  Sandy runs over to the flatbed truck and immediately tears the massive chains holding the steel beam secure on the truck to threads with nothing but a slash of her finger nails.  She then flips the flat bed truck over with a flick of her hands against the bottom of the truck and the massive steel beam falls off the truck.  Sandy picks up the 10 ton steel beam with her one hand as if it’s a feather and carries it back to the PORT A POTTIE’S.  Sandy bends the 2 meter high by 20 meter long steel beam in half as if it’s a sheet of paper.  She then wraps it around the potties and crushes the ends together, completely sealing the potties and the 2 goons inside.  And just for some extra amusement, Sandy then turns the steel beam and potties upside down and can hear the liquid waste running down inside the potties.  She also hears the two guys screaming and yelling every four letter word imaginable in every language.


Sandy then jogs back to the PUB and waves to a row of construction workers, who just watched in utter amazement her unbelievable feats of strength.


Back at the pub, the three gentlemen escort Lisa to the oversized and customized Avalanche.  Lisa slowly walks around the huge vehicle and examines the behemoth in great detail.  The tires on this monster are almost the same height as Lisa. And the petite super girl looks on the underside of the vehicle and just rubs her breasts with one hand and her super hot pussy with her other hand.  She looks at the three gentlemen who are with her and she says, “My super sexed body is going to enjoy playing with this thing, what ever it is”. And just to prove she is capable of destroying the vehicle, Lisa lifts the one side of the vehicle off the ground with just the middle finger of her right hand.  She then requests that the gentlemen jump in the back section of the vehicle.


The three gentleman jump into the back of the customize Avalanche with their beers and the driver lowers the back window slightly and yells, “Hey assholes, get off or I’ll have your heads busted open when my boss returns in a minute”.  One of the guys replies back, I don’t think your boss will be back today.  In fact, I don’t think this vehicle will be in existence by the end of the day”.  The driver-bouncer is ready to get out of the vehicle when he hears a creaking sound coming from the passenger’s side of the vehicle.  He looks over and stares in disbelief as the lower section of the door is being bent and twisted open.  Then he sees a small soft hand tearing through the metal and pulling outward at the door until the lock finally breaks open and the door swings fully open.


“Hi”, says Lisa in a frolicking tone, “I extremely sorry I had to tear the car door open with my one hand, but this vehicle is so high off the ground, I could not reach the door handle”, as she jumps into the vehicle with a small hop of her leg muscles. Lisa then sits in the passenger’s seat and straps on the seatbelt and shoulder strap.  And as she is tighten her seat belt she looks at the driver and gives the seat belt a tug and rips the seat belts anchor, the bolts, and a section of the steel floor out of the vehicle. “OOPS, I must not know my own strength”, Lisa says to the driver as she then pulls the shoulder strap across her well-formed chest muscles.  And just as the belt slides across Lisa’s firm breasts, she pushes out her tits and lets her nipples slice the shoulder strap in half.


The driver then says to Lisa in a loud and demanding voice, “You fucking little bitch, you better give me a world class blow job before my boss returns or I’ll shoot your scrawny little ass and feed you to the dogs”.


Lisa just looks at him as she clasps the upper section of her shoulder harness and gives it a sharp pull and tears it out of the side of the vehicle.  She then turns around and looks at the back of the vehicle thru the window and sees the three gentlemen sitting in the bed and they all raise their beers in a salute.   Lisa then yells, “Can you see everything going on in the vehicle”, and there is no answer”.  For with the $5000 dollar stereo blasting, the air conditioner blowing, and the engine running, the gentlemen in the bed cannot hear Lisa.   The one gentleman indicates the situation by cuffing his hands over his ears and shaking his head back and forth.


Lisa looks at the driver and says politely, “Please open the moon roof so I can talk to my friends in the back”.  And the driver yells back to Lisa, “Look bitch, if I don’t get some good hard sex from you on my cock, I’m going to put you over my knees and spank that little ass of yours until it blisters”.


Lisa ignores his ignorant answer as she reaches for the switch to operate the moon roof and using her one finger pushes on the close side of the switch.  But, Lisa keeps on pushing and rams her finger through the switch and breaks the switch into pieces.  She then looks at the driver and says, “I would take this car back to the dealership and have this switch replaced under warranty. I think is defective.  Oh, but this is OK, I’ll just open the window manually”. So Lisa reaches up with her one hand pushes her fingers through the metal roof just at the edge of the moon roof and wraps her fingers around the frame of the moon roof. Lisa then pulls her hands down and at the same time twists her wrist and tears the moon roof out the top of the car.  The glass shatters and falls on the floor and the steel frame resembles a pretzel.  Lisa continues the destruction of the moon roof by wadding up the steel frame with her one hand and crushes it to the size of a golf ball before throwing it in the back seat of the vehicle.  Lisa the stand up and raises her body through the hole in the roof and yells to the guys in the back. Can you see everything that is occurring in the front seat”.  And the one guy answers back, “It’s hard to see, the glass of the back window is deeply tinted and the back seat disrupts our view of you fantastic body”. 


Lisa responds, “Oh, I’ll just eliminate the back seats and the rear window; that should help you watch me as I tear this piece of shit apart”. And just as Lisa begins to lower herself back into the car, she feels and hears something hard rubbing between her legs and tight up against her sensitive crotch.  She looks down and the driver has a large caliper automatic pistol slammed between her legs and into her crotch.  She looks at him as screams, “You fucking bastard”, as she closes her super powerful legs and squeezes the hard steel with her upper thighs until the steel barrel is as thin as a sheet of cheat tin foil.  The driver pulls away his hand in the nick of time with the small remaining part of the gun that is left and realizes that his hand came very close to being crushed off his arm.  He then punches Lisa in the stomach with his hand and the remains of the gun and a loud solid “WACK” is heard reverberating through the vehicle and the driver screams for he just broke several of his finger as his fist slammed into Lisa steel hard waist muscles.


Again Lisa just ignores the driver and slither her cute body between the front seats and into the back seat area.  She then stretches out her hands as far as possible and she still cannot reach across the full back window, so she just pushes her fingers into the vehicle’s roof just above the back window and pull out the window, frame, and sections of the back shelf with a slight downward push of her arm muscles.  The glass from the back windows shatters into a billions pieces and she tosses the frame out the back and yells, “Just toss this into that trash pile over there”.  Lisa then tears out the lower rear seats and passes them out the window and says, “Guys, these will be much more comfortable than sitting on the bare metal bed”.


Lisa also uses her open hands to crush the back steel gate of the vehicle down to the level of the bed by patting the metal with her hands, and one of the guys yells to her “You could have just undid the latches and lowered the gate”.  To which Lisa softly replies, “Yes I know, but this technique is much more entertaining”. Lisa then turns around and grabs the back of the passenger’s upper seat and pulls the back of the seat sideways and tears it away from the sides of the vehicle.  And just as she sits down on the crushed seat, the driver again hits her with the remains of his crushed gun in the back of her head.  Lisa doesn’t even feel the steel handle slam into her skull, but she does hear the loud “SMACK”.  And as she turns around to the driver she gives him a mean stare and screams, “That’s it asshole, I not taking any more of your stupid shit”.


Lisa decides to tie the driver up, so she grabs the seat belts in the back and pulls them out of their tie downs with a quick snap of her hand.  She first ties the driver’s neck around the head rest of his seat and then ties his hands behind his seat.  Lisa manhandles the driver with ease as she grabs, pulls, holds and positions his hands with her extreme strength. She wraps the seat belts tightly and ties them secure.  The drivers legs are also tie to his seat.  He tried kicking Lisa but he only breaks his toes when his foot slams into her powerful leg muscles.


Lisa then says, “That should hold you secure, how let me get started.  Lisa then tears off the back of the front passenger’s seat, sits on the bottom on the front passenger’s seat and faces the guy’s is the back.  She stretches out her shapely legs and puts her hands on her hips as says to the three guys, “Now I’m going to get down to business, but first I’ll need to remove my clothing. I won’t want to ruin this expensive sexy outfit, plus I like performing feats of strength in the nude.  So Lisa strips completely nude, removing her top, shorts, panties, and sandals.  Then she stretches and poses her petite body to the delight of the three guys in the back of the truck.


After a few poses to show off her sexy and petite body, Lisa just pushes her toes through the bottom of the vehicle. Her painted toe nails dig into the floor and the steel bottom and slices open a long slotted hole on the floor.  Then she pushes her leg outward and her ankle carves a slit in the steel bottom almost a meter long. She then uses her feet to push the steel aside until there is a gaping hole in the floor over a meter long and a meter wide.  Lisa then continues to expand the hole by grabbing the steel floor with the hands and peels the steel apart like she pulling a piece of cloth from a table top.  The steel floor is ripped at the seams and welds break and metal tear apart.  Then Lisa looks down and she can see the street below and says, “I’ll need a parachute if I were to jump out”.


The three guys in the back just stare as Lisa continues to flaunt her super strength.  She reaches down and grabs the hot exhaust tail pipe with her one hand and yanks it out with a single pull and throws it to the ground as says, “That’s too cheap of steel for me to even think about teasing with my body.  She then reaches down again and this time jerks out the drive shaft with an upward lift of her hand.  The thick round metal tube bends at the point of her hand and the universals are torn from the read end.  Lisa brings the 2 meter shaft into the vehicle, bends if in half like it’s a paper straw and lays it to one side and says to the guys as she wets her lips with her tongue, “I like long hard shafts, and I hope there are many more long hard shafts in this truck”.  Lisa then jumps down into the void in the floor she has created.  Her head barely is visible when she stands straight up with her feet on the ground.  She ducks her head and goes under the vehicle.  The truck rocks violently back and forth, up and down, and sideways as Lisa uses her strength to pluck off the rear shocks, tear off the transfer case with a pull of her hands, slash off the steel torsion bars, and rips off the front drive shaft.  She tosses all the parts she has torn off of the underside of the vehicle back into the vehicle and then jumps back up into the vehicle and says, “Just little trinkets that I can uses as adult toys”.


“Now for the front section of the stupid vehicle”, Lisa utters as she proceeds to the front of the vehicle and straddles her sexy body over the center console and just behind the floor mounted gear shift and faces the rear of the vehicle.  Lisa then slowly lowers her upper body towards the steel gear shift and forces the “T” handle of the gear shift between her soft shapely hanging breasts.  She torments and rapes the “T” handle with her nipples and breasts until her breasts snap off the “T” handle and leaves nothing but the sharp metal gear shift sticking straight up out of the center console.  But also as Lisa leaned forward to allow her breasts to play around with the “T” handle, she had to move her well-rounded ass backward into the dash of the vehicle.  First, she slowly pushed her hips and ass back into the dash, crushing and smashing the radio, the CD player, and other gadgets with her shapely nude ass.  The sounds of plastic and metal creaking, shattering, and breaking fills the atmosphere inside the vehicle.  And as Lisa pushes her round ass back closer and closer to the engine compartment, she swings her curvy hips from side to side and literately eliminates everything her hips and ass touch. The entire dash board is pushed straight back or to the far sides of the vehicle.  And the driver’s is drooling all over himself as he as a perfect view of this petite young woman gouging out an enormous section of the dash with her shapely ass and she is doing it with the efficiency that a 10 ton wrecking ball.


Lisa then smiles as she stands up and moves her legs directly over the metal gear shift and begins to lower her super body onto the gear shift.  She taunts the gear shift with her super excited pussy and slowly lowers her hips and allows the round steel shaft to enter her scorching body.  She continues to lower her sexy hips until the entire steel shaft is inside her body and she lets her thigh muscles crush and destroy the sides of the console.  Lisa then starts to work the metal shaft by moving her powerful hips up and down in a cyclic motion.  She begins at a leisurely tempo, but constantly increasing the velocity of her sexy hips until her body is pounding the metal shaft at a feverish pace.  Her hips and thighs massacre the top of the console and her thighs obliterate the sides. She screams with delight as she reaches for the steering column with her right hand.  Her fingers claw into the metal of the steering column and Lisa pulls the column towards her body and swipes the steering wheel past her firm large breasts and her nipples snag the steering wheel.  Her nipples jam the steeling wheel and cause it to bend and crumble like it’s made of dried grass and as she applies more pressure; Lisa’s nipples slice the sheering wheel into several broken sections.  Lisa then simply crushes and bends the steering column into her body until there is hardly anything remaining and she just tosses the remnants aside.


The metal gear shift finally deteriorates from fatigue due to the high friction generated by Lisa’s body and breaks off at the base of the transmission.  Lisa then screams as she falls on her knees and rams her hands through the floor of the vehicle, grabs the transmission and violently tears off the transmission from the engine and crams the metal case of the transmission up between her legs.  The transmission explodes into a million pieces as Lisa again screams.  She then stands up and turns around facing the front of the vehicle, and rams her hands through the steel firewall of the vehicle, pushes her fingers and hands deep into the large cast iron motor block and with a quick yank of the arms, tears the entire engine out of the front of the vehicle.  Belts, hoses, wiring, engine mounts, exhausts pipes, sheet metal, framing, and linkages are torn apart and left hanging.  Lisa’s hands are deep into the cast iron of the motor and she has crushed the end two cylinders of the “V8” together.  Lisa then swings the engine around to her right and destroys the entire passenger side of the vehicle.  She then flips the engine around so the steel shaft that once connected the motor to the torque converter, is sticking up straight.  Lisa forces the large engine between her legs, crushing and smashing any part of the engine that refuses to obey the laws of her powerful thighs muscles.  Lisa then jerks the large motor upward and forces the thick, ribbed steel shaft into her hot pussy.  Lisa loses all control as she rams not only the shaft up into her body but her super strength forces the entire motor upward and as she screams with pleasure and closes her legs, the motor is instantly crushed in half.  The cast iron cylinders, the pistons, the cams, the crank, and everything else are just converted into a mangled mass of steel and iron by Lisa’s super strength.


Lisa finally stops mangling the large engine with her super sexy and super strong body, takes a deep breath and says in a panting voice, “Well I believe I’ve destroyed the inside of this stupid vehicle, now for more important items, like fucking you three guys”, as she starts walking towards the back of the vehicle.  She is looking directly at the three guys and she has a serious look on her face.  She uses her hands to slice open and peels back the roof of the vehicle as if it’s made of rice paper. And as she reaches the back bed of the vehicle, all three guys start to jump out of the vehicle, especially after she reaches back and grabs the two large shocks and spring assemblies she had easily removed earlier.


Two of the guys escape from the back of the vehicle by bailing out over the sides, however, one guy is incarcerate between Lisa’s potent legs muscles and she reacts immediately by shredding all his clothing with her fingernails and then ripping off the tattered remains with only her one hand. She then gently tosses him on the back seat and lowers her hips directly on top of his super stretched cock and says to him, “You’re in for the fucking ride of your life, and I only hope this vehicle can withstand the pounding I’m about to bestow upon you and this piece of shit of a vehicle.  Maybe if I use these shocks to cushion my pounding of your meat, you might last long enough to satisfy by sexual cravings”.


Lisa then grabs the top of the shocks with her hands and forces the bottom of them into the side of the vehicle and lowers her super sizzling body onto his manhood and begins a rhythmic pulsing of her curvy hips. She continues to ride the young mans super hard cock and her pounding hips starts the large vehicle to also bounce up and down.  Lisa soon realizes that the shocks she is holding are useless against her strength and simply destroys them by first stretching the springs and piston apart as if she is stretching a thin rubber band. The steel springs uncoil and are warped out of shape and cannot recoil.  And then she crushes the shocks down between the palms of her hands and into a glob of metal which she tosses aside.  And within a minute of pounding her body against the young man, she has the young guy screaming with both pleasure and pain. That is until his relative frail body fail and his cock goes as limp as the steel shocks she just crushed in the palm of her hands.


Lisa stands up and yells out loud, “FUCK” as she kicks a gaping hole in the side of the vehicle with her one foot.  Her leg cuts through the steel of the vehicle like a scalpel through skin.  She then retrieves her clothing, gets dressed, and carries the young man out of the vehicle and places him gently on the pavement.  She then goes over to the drives side front door and using her one hand, tears the door off the vehicle with just a swipe of her left hand.  The lock and hinges of the door are torn out of the frame and Lisa tosses the door into the back of the vehicle.  She then grabs the front seat and tears it, along with the tied up driver, out of the vehicle and places him on the pavement.


Lisa takes a deep breath and yells at the driver, “This is what I’ll to do if you ever double park again, except next time I’ll leave you in the vehicle”.  So Lisa walks to the front of the vehicle and lifts the vehicle over her head with only one hand as she yawns.  She grabs the steel frame of the 3 ton vehicle with her other hands and sinks her finger in and through the thick steel frame and lifts the vehicle completely off the ground and points the rear end of the vehicle towards the deep blue sky.  Then with a quick flick of her arms, Lisa send the entire vehicle heading for outer space with more velocity than the space shuttle.  The vehicle completely burns up as it reenters the earth’s atmosphere several thousand miles away.


Lisa smiles as she nonchalantly parades her petite sexy body towards the pub and catches site of Sandy running back from the construction site.  Then all of a sudden Sandy stops and walks over to a car that has stopped and the driver begins to talk to her.  From Lisa’s position she sees two things happening.  First, the driver wave’s what appears to be money in Sandy’s face, and secondly, Sandy tears the door off the car with a violent slash of her right hand.  She then rips the seat belt out of the car and pulls the guy from the car.  Sandy is screaming at the guy but Lisa cannot hear what she is saying because of all the traffic noise.  Sandy then tosses the guy out of the car, lifts the car up over her head and bends the car unto a “U” shaped pile of metal before cramming the entire car down a open sewer drain.


Lisa waits for Sandy and says to her, “That driver must have really said something very obnoxious for you to get that mad”?  To which Sandy replies, “Oh, he was very polite with his offer for sex, however, it was the fact that he only offered 5 dollars that pissed me off”.  Both young women begin to laugh, as they reenter the PUB, dragging the two guys and their exhausted friend with them and they go directly to Karen.


In the mean time I’m sitting in the PUB and it’s starting to populate with the afternoon drinking crowd.  Karen is busy waiting on customer and her evening waitress has just arrived and started to assist.  I get challenged to a game of “301” for some beers and start playing darts when Sandy and Lisa walked back into the PUB.  Everybody stares at the two Goddesses and starts asking question about what is happening. However, Sandy and Lisa only talk to Karen at first and then they start having fun telling their side of the situation.


Everyone goes to the front of the PUB where Sandy and Lisa are standing except me; I stay in the back, hidden.  Karen, however, comes back to me with a tray and two cans of beer.  And she says to me in her every so pleasant soft voice, “These beers are from Sandy and Lisa”. And she places the tray and the beers on my table and bends over knowing absolutely that she is displaying to me her extremely large firm rounded braless breasts as the top of her dress falls wide open.  I just glance for a second and then looked Karen in her deep eyes and say, “Karen, you know I never drink beer from any can”.


Karen laughs as she positions the two beer cans directly under her hanging breasts and presses her breasts into the top of the cans to reveal even more of her deep cleavage. Her breasts push upward and almost burst out of her top.  Karen the looks at me and says, “Now watch this little ploy” as she raises her womanly body just up above the beer cans and pulls her top aside and bares her gorgeous breasts. She then takes the two beer cans and slightly crushes the sides of the beer cans inward, causing the top of the beer cans to bulge upward.  Karen then lowers her breasts towards the top of the beer cans and maneuvers her nipples directly over the pull tabs of the cans and pushes her nipples down, into, and through the pull tabs rings.  She then pushes her nipples forward and rips off the pull tabs of the two beer cans with nothing but her nipples.  Then she rests her nipples into the slots left by the pull tabs and gouges out the metal top of the beer cans by moving her nipples, slowly, in a circular motion around the top of the can.  I just stare at Karen, glancing between her eyes, watering mouth, and her breasts as she says, “Oh that’s right you only drink draft beer”. So Karen picks up the two beer cans and pours the beer into an empty pitcher.  She then puts the beer cans back down on the table top and lays her big tits on top of the cans.  Karen then pushers her magnificent chest slightly forward and crushes the beer cans flat on the thick table top.  And when she lifts her breasts, the metal cans are about as thick as the dollar bill I have laying on the table and her nipples have poked a hole through the middle of the crushed metal cans that extends deep in the table top.


Karen stands straight up and says, “These despicable thin metal beer cans are merely too undemanding for me to squash with my little tits, let’s undertake something more interesting to authenticate my newly found energy”, and snatches an empty glass beer mug by the handle and places it horizontally between her enormous breasts.  She then grips two more glass beer mugs, turns them over and clasps them by their bottoms and then places the mouth of the two glass beer mugs over the ends of her super firm breasts and says, “I wonder if thick glass is any harder the metal beer cans”, as she begins to drive the glass beer mugs into her breasts with a wiggling and rotating motion.  The glasses immediately crack and shatters into several large shards, which Karen catches in her hands.  She continues to squeezes the broken and sharp shards of glass into her breasts and crushes the large shards of glass into thousands of sharp fragments of glass. The ends of Karen breasts grind the glass effortlessly without the slightest markings or scrapings on her soft breasts. Karen cups her hands around the ends of her breasts and slowly rotates her palms around the ends of her breasts, slowing grinding the glass into particles about the magnitude of fine sand.  Finally, once the glass is transformed into a concentrate, Karen pushes her large sexy breasts together with her hands and shatters the glass mug she has wedged in her cleavage.  She slowly massages her big bodacious breasts in and out with her hands and thrashes the glass beer mug in her cleavage like it’s a dried flower.  She kneads her breasts in and out, up and down, back and forth, cracking and shattering the thick glass into large chucks, then smaller pieces, and finally into a fine power.  Karen then pulls her hands back and deposits the ground glass in her palms into her cleavage.  She then meticulously controls her breasts to compress the ground glass and heat it until it’s a super hot liquid with the fluidity of water.  Karen then heaves her large soft fleshy breasts upward with her hands and I watch as molten glass flows from between her breasts and down her cleavage and onto the table.  On the table top is a glob of liquid glass that radiated heat energy that caused me to back away.  Karen realized the situation and immediately scoops up the glop of super heated glass with her hands and again places it between her tits and squeezed her tits until the glass glob is completely obliterated into a nonentity.


Karen then says to me leisurely and sexually as she playfully places her dress back over her breasts. “I’m going for a long walk with you later tonight, and I’m going to experiment with my new strength. I’ll start with small feats of strength like terminating cars and trucks, then advancing to annihilating trucks and buses, and finally to obliterating heavy construction equipment before graduating to trains, bridges, and armies.  Please believe me, it’s not the physical super strength that interests me at all, it’s the way that I can destroy everything I aspire with my over sexed body, and I have this untamed imagination to be an Amazon, an immense Amazon. Also, I have this personal fantasy about battling large armies and destroying all their equipment and weapons, and allowing bullets, shells, bombs, rockets, land mines, grenades, and everything else simply tickle my soft skin as I tear apart everything with my sexy body”.


Karen has a serious look on her face as she pulls away from the table and places a large rope with a sign that reads, “RESERVED” across the entrance to the back section of the room and says, “Stay her, I’ll go get us something to drink” as she walks to the bar.


Karen talks to Sandy and Lisa and pours 4 pints.  Then the three woman begin to talk among themselves and after a few seconds start to walk back towards me.  The three women walk side by side, with Sandy carrying a pint and my PC, Lisa carrying a pint, and Karen carrying two pings.  All three women have a gleam in their eyes and are staring directly at me.


I just watch the three women as they stroll to the back section of the bar and all I do is think to myself, “Oh fuck, I’m screwed”.


To be continued.  Not sure who will be the lead character in the next story, Karen, Lisa, or Sandy.