Sandy Chapter 2

Sandy’s petite friend, Lisa, also obtains extreme strength.


By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


It is the day after I discover that Sandy acquires her extreme strength from the stories that I write for the group, and it’s a dreadful day for me.  I drag my dog-tired carcass into the office about 2 hours late and police, reporters, and spectators are surrounding the office building.  It takes me about an hour to get to my desk and the first item is a priority e-mail to meet in the back conference room.  The subject is, “Event surrounding last night’s vandalism in the building”, and I thing to myself, “That wasn’t vandalism, that was Sandy” and I’m the last one to arrive for the stupid meeting and I take the only seat left in the room.  There are two strangers in the room and they both have a stern fixed stare on their faces. They are from the corporate security office, which I absolutely detest.   The only priority I have greater than screwing with the stupid minds of these joker’s is screwing Sandy.


“Where were you last night”, is the first question abruptly thrown at me? And I answer back, “At the Pub across the street” as I watch Sandy bending a paper clip with her fingers.  Moreover, I think to myself that she did the same thing to massive steel beams last night and probably with considerable less effort.


“Well, is there anyone who can collaborate your account about last night and did you see anything out of the ordinary around the building”? I reply back in a muffled tone, “Sandy and the waitress can verify I was at the Pub, and I did not see anything strange around the building.  You cannot see the building from the Pub”.  And under my breath I say “You assholes”.


The security people finally let us leave the conference room and as I walk down the aisle, Sandy is in front of me and she drops a stack of papers.  Several of us assist in picking up the papers and Sandy nonchalantly slides me an envelope.  She only says thanks to the group for assisting her with the pile of papers and walks away.


I hurry back to my desk and open the sweet scented envelope and it’s a pleasant letter from Sandy thanking me for writing the short story last night.  She also requests that I destroy this letter after I have finished reading the contents.  Sandy does not use e-mail for anything personnel, every since she discovered that e-mail can be easily read by almost anyone who knows how the network operates.


I continue to read the letter intently and Sandy politely requests the following in her profession and mature style:


  1. Three separate chapters please, short in length, but at least five pages.
  2. One chapter for the bank loan where I’m very professional and sophisticated.
  3. One chapter for the bank loan where I’m tremendously sexy.
  4. One chapter for my escapades with the SWAT team at the old steel mill.
  5. And all characters are to be extremely strong, extremely beautiful, and most of all extremely sexy.


Then there are several paragraphs about the characters in the stories and Sandy goes into excruciating detail on the physical qualities and traits that she would enjoy in each individual character that I create in the stories that perhaps she will portray.


Sandy continues to write, for the initial chapter, please formulate the principal character precisely as you envision me at work. A young, 24 year old, professional female, well educated, very intelligent, strictly business. Her body should have nice smoothed curves that compliment her business and professional attire and accentuate her firm muscle tone.  An ample bust measurement is also a stringent requirement. Because if someone makes me infuriated or solicits me for sex to secure a business contract, I’m going to redistribute their personnel and business assets with an unsolicited proposal that will be enforced with my nude sexual body.  Of course, I’ll conduct myself in a strictly professional demeanor, as I use my extreme strength and sexy body to enhance my bargaining position and obtain a substantially superior contract agreement.


For the second chapter, the character should be unbelievable sexy and flaunt every centimeter of the dark tan skin of her body.  An experienced mature female, blond, green eyed, tall, very tall, flaunts her copious body with authority, packs powerful thighs, long persuasive legs, a flat stomach that accentuates wide breading hips. And if you have any reservation from your previous stories and characters about those young immature high schools girls you write about, who are basically flat chested according to my standards, give her or should I say me (point made), a massive, massive chest.  Womanly flesh should overflows from her low cut blouse in such abundance, that even the accounting department will understand and appreciate. Moreover, her tits should be pert, something upper engineering can understand if presented in an expanded blue print.  And as a special feature which infuses usage of her extreme strength, this element of SANDY is not timid, she should use every circumstance of demonstrate that she will use her strength to get a prestigious contract.  Of course, sex will be uses over and over but my strength comes first.  I’ll separate the men from the boys with my strength and then utilize my sexual strengths with whoever remains.


Of course, chapter three with the “SWAT” team will be a matter involving very special details.  Destroying an archaic steel mill with nothing but my stripped body and not being allowed to use my hands, well that will require me being highly prepared   I need to converse these details of my incredible strength and sex with you in a very private situation, perhaps over a few beers at my apartment.  Also we must substantiate that the preproduction specification are achievable. I believe this state of affairs will take over 5 hours with you.  The games with the SWAT team most certainly will require at least two long chapters in your story line.


The personal letter gets me all excited and I cannot comprehend the possibilities.  And Sandy ends the letter with a sentence in bold print that requests that I be at my cubical later in the afternoon.


The rest of the day is boring. Answering mostly stupid e-mail, an occasional question that requires an intelligent thought and in between, writing a paragraph or two about Sandy in a new story line.


Sitting at my desk with a small portion of a word document visible that contains the next chapter about Sandy, and amidst a mired of graphs and spreadsheets, I get a phone call from Lisa.  What a refreshing break, she’s a 28-year-old single woman who is responsible for all the Data Bases in the cooperation.  I enjoy working with Lisa; she is strictly technical, but enjoyable to assist in resolving problems and issues.


“Hi Lisa, how can I assist you”, is how I answer the phone.  Lisa is highly detailed and always needs statistical and supporting information.  Lisa responds, “Our latest payroll application release is having problems on the network, can you help me in determining the reason”.


“Of course Lisa, I’ll help you with the problem, give me the details and I’ll monitor the application”.  “Oh thanks, I’ll be at your cubical in 5 minutes and I’ll use your payroll account as a test, which should get your interest.  I laugh as I say, “Can’t you add a few thousand dollars to my salary”.


Lisa snickers as she hangs up the phone and says, “Oh, you will be able to fix my account”.


Lisa is a first-class professional and a friend.  She is very, very technical. She is the project coordinator for all data base application and should be a high level manager.  The only attribute keeping Lisa from advancing in any corporation is her physical statue.


Lisa is a living doll, a little button, a pixie, she stand about my shoulder height in high heels; she’s less that 1.5 meter in height.  Hovever, she is absolutely gorgeous.  For a 28-year-old woman, she still has to verify her age at every Pub.  She is slender, with the body shape of a high school student.  Her short black hair is sassy; her bubble butt is a delight to watch as she walks down the narrow aisles and because of her petite size, she purchases mostly teenage clothing, for these are the only sizes that fit her petite body silhouette.  Nevertheless, she adorns the clothing with sexy sophistication.  I enjoy working with Lisa because she is so pleasant and effervescent.  However, what ever you do with or around Lisa, don’t tease her about her height or her size, for she considers herself equal in statue to everyone.


I’m working at my PC and I know Lisa is arriving by the commotion in the aisles.  She naturally generates energy and is always positive.  And as she enters my cubical she says, “Ok, sign on to your timesheet account and start tracking all the transactions and don’t give me that bullshit story of yours that you can’t track what anyone does on the network”.


I didn’t argue with Lisa as she grabs a chair and sits next to me.  And after I logon to the payroll applications, Lisa takes over as I go for a cup of coffee.  When I return, I notice she used my e-mail and I laugh as I say, “I hope you didn’t send a love letter to upper management”.  Lisa looks at me and replies, “I was very temped to send some good e-mails, but that’s childish. I did however send an e-mail to application support to monitor the payroll account on the server”.


Lisa enters time and account numbers into the test database and I monitor the transactions with a network sniffer. However, everything performs without a problem and flows normally; I see nothing out of the ordinary.  Lisa is busy with the application and I’m monitoring the network traffic when all of a sudden Lisa gets up from my chair and stand off to one side of my cubical.  Then, out of nowhere, Sandy arrives and stands next to Lisa.  Sandy is carrying a large cardboard tube that is as tall as she and about 40 centimeters in diameters. She is holding the tube tightly against her tall body.  Sandy then says to Lisa, “Are you ready to give your presentation, I have your necessary prop in this large tube caddy”.


Lisa looks at me and says, “Check that e-mail I sent, the files I attached, and the person to whom I sent the files”.


I quickly turn back to my computer, search my sent e-mails, and open the last sent message.


Lisa has sent an encrypted message from my PC to Sandy and the subject line states, “10 files with the appropriate terminology in the text”.  Moreover, there are 10 files attached to the message.  These are my stories for Extreme Strength and several that are only partially completed and never sent to the site.


I turn back around, and both young women are smiling at me and Lisa throws me a paper clip and says, “Catch”.  Once I catch the metal paper clip, Lisa says, “Use your manly strength to bend open that paper clip into a straight piece of wire, and don’t strain your weak muscles”.  I just look at her as I unfold the paper clip into a straight piece of wire.


Sandy gives Lisa the long cardboard tube and purposely drops the end of the tube on the floor and it lands with a very heavy thud.  Lisa uses her long sharp fingernails to slice the cardboard cover into confetti and she does it more efficiently that the document shredder in the back room.  It only takes Lisa a few seconds to strip the cover off the heavy object and as she peels away the last piece of cardboard, it obvious the heavy object is a 2-meter section of railroad track.  The iron railroad track is slightly bent but the strange part is the shape of two ends of the track.  They appeared very shiny and are tapered into a point via a smooth curved surface.


Lisa picks up the 2 meter long heavy iron railroad track with her one hand and holds it straight out horizontally and says to me, “Play with that paper clip you have in your hand, bend it, twist it, curl it, fold it over, braid it, tear it in half, and use your imagination on how to dispose of it.  And I’ll use my  petite womanly strength to duplicate your every move, except, that since I’m a woman, I’ll be able to duplicate your every move and accomplish that move with this chunk of solid heavy iron track I borrowed from the local railroad.


“Yes, borrowed from the railroad”, says Sandy, “And Lisa, why don’t you describe in some detail how you obtained that section of track.  I personnel think it’s hilarious”.


“Well, ok”, says Lisa, “But first I want to watch a male bend and twist that paper clip with his minuscule strength and then watch the expressions on his face as I bend this large section of iron with my female strength”. And Lisa then smiles and says, “Well don’t just stand there, do something with that paper clip”.


I just stare at Lisa, this petite woman in a short skirt, standing in my cubicle with a 2-meter section of railroad track that she is holding with one hand.  I look at Sandy and she gives me this blank specious stare and turns her head and stares into space.  I know that Sandy and Lisa are extremely good friends and are often seen together as they coracles the young adult bar scenes. Therefore, I suspect that Sandy has put Lisa up to a practical joke, or could Lisa have the same ability to develop extreme strength under particular circumstances.  “Oh great, just what I need, two young woman with this horrendous appetitive for stories about extreme strength”, I think to myself. 


I look at Lisa and say, “Ok, let’s participate together in your little game of strength Lisa, but you must do everything I do with this paper clip”, as I take the paper clip and hold the center between my thumb and index finger and lift the paper clip over my head”. I anticipate it will only take a second to verify if this is a practical joke or her strength is real.


“To prove my point that a young petite woman is at least a million times stronger than all men combined, I’ll follow every move you make with that paper clip and accomplish it significantly better and easier”, says Lisa as she uses her thumb and index finger of her right hand to pinch the center of the iron rail and lifts the iron rail over her head as she yaws.  And to add emphasis, Lisa pinches her thumb and index finger through the 6-centimeter thick base of the rail as if it were made of soft whip cream and not solid steel.  I start to execute reps with the paper clip, Oh, about a hundred very quickly and my arm gets sore and I stop.  Lisa keeps up with me and continues for another hundred reps with the iron track.  Sandy glances at me and says in a joking style, “You WIMP”!


Not only is Lisa accomplishing twice as many reps with the massive iron rail, but she is also blowing bubble gum and she looks like a little doll as the gum pops and she sucks it back into her mouth.  And to prove she is definitely in command of her body and her attitude, her left hand is lying flat on her left hip and she slowly pulls up her short skirt with her fingers as she completes rep after rep.   Lisa pulls her short shirt up until she has the bottom hem of her shirt curled into her hands and equal to her waistband on the skirt.


“What a set of thighs on Lisa”, I think to myself.  Even though she was petite, her thighs are solid and shapely and her high heels made every muscle in her legs stretch and curve to perfection.  And her panties, they were white, bikini briefs that fit extreme tight.


“A side wager to make the contest somewhat interesting”, Sandy says, “If Lisa squanders one single feat of strength with that railroad track, I’ll describe every specific excruciating detail of how she obtained the track, while I’m screwing you on top of your desk. Lisa can observe and learn. So use your imagination with that paper clip. I’m sure there are a twists and bends of that paper clip and its position that could make the wager interesting, and as for my strength”.  Sandy then reaches for a large screw driver on my desk, picks the screwdriver up with her right hand and places the shaft in her mouth and bends the screwdriver shaft 180 degrees with her moist tongue and then uses her lips to crush the round shaft flat until it falls to the ground in several broken pieces. “I’ve just read some addition pages of your latest story in the last two hours”, Sandy says with an affirmative voice.


Lisa’s eyes turn towards Sandy and Lisa says, “I’ll double that wager of  yours Sandy’s” as Lisa then turns towards me and says, “If there is anything I can’t accomplish, or will not accomplish, Sandy is yours, but if I do everything, then your mine, and remember, I’ve only read several pages of  your first story. So you can pick the chapter and the pages, and I’ll transform into that character and I can envisage the story and character you will prefer. Especially after you hear the details of the brainless train engineer and what I did to his locomotive”.


Both girls chuckle as I respond, “I believe this is a win-win situation”, as I hold the ends of the paper clip in my fingers and bend the paper clip into a “U” shape.


Lisa places a cute little smirk on her face as she holds the railroad track by the top rail with both hands and spreads her hands out and then bends the thick iron into a “U” as she rolls her eyes and says, “It was probably a million times harder for you to bend that paper clip”.


I could not believe how quickly and effortlessly Lisa bends the iron rail and I could see where her elegant fingers indented the top of the iron as she casually lowers her hands to complete the 180-degree bend.  In fact, there was a loud “CLANG” as the ends of the iron rail collided into each other.


I shake my head as I grasp my bend paper clip and hold the two ends in my fingers and twist the looped end several times over and cause the thin wires to coil around each other.


Lisa voice’s in a sharp tone, “Get serious”, as she takes the bent iron rail and grabs the ends where the two ends meet and crushes them together so she is holding it with her one hand.  And with her other hand she grabs the looped end and begins to twist the iron rail like it’s a piece of twine.  One turn, two turns, three turns, Lisa coils the thick steel rail with her one hand as she wets her lips with her tongue in an act of defiance. You can easily ascertain by the expression on Lisa’s cute face that she is totally bored, coiling a thick iron rail with her dainty hand is so easy for her to perform.


No matter what I did to the paper clip, Lisa did the same to the iron rail.  I straightened the clip and pushed it together and so did Lisa.  There is nothing Lisa cannot do with her strength to that iron rail, and after a few more useless bends of the paper clip, I look at Sandy.  Sandy is standing behind and off to the side of Lisa and Sandy has this devilish look on her face.  She looks at me and pretends she has a paper clip in her hands and pretends to places it between her thighs.  I simply smile and look at Lisa as say, “Are you ready for a genuine test of your womanly strength”.  To which Lisa replies in a sassy upbeat tone, “Well it about time, I was beginning to believe you were completely exhausted from the physical effort you have exerted in bending that paper clip”.


I stare Lisa directly into her eyes and show her the paper clip by holding it vertically with two fingers and saying, “See if you can do this to that cheap piece of steel rail you have in your one hand”.  So I take the paper clip and place it between thighs and bend it somewhat around my leg.  It wasn’t much of a bend, but it acquired Lisa attention.


Lisa straightens out the iron rail with her fingers and takes the steel rail and spins it around like a baton and then slams it up and between her thighs.  The steel rail slams into her thighs and her pussy with a solid “CLANG” that definitely caught my attention. Lisa pulls up her short shirt and leave no doubt that the thick iron rail is wedged between her thighs and pussy.  I watch in utter amazement as Lisa slowly closes her thighs and crushes the steel rail as if it’s a piece of soft foam.  She stops short of completely closing her legs and lets go of the iron rail with her hands.  Of course the iron rail remains in position and exdends straight out from her awesome legs.  Lisa then takes one finger of her right hand and begins to apply pressure to the steel rail and the steel rail immediately responds by bending around her sexy leg muscles.  Lisa continues to push with her one finger and as she swings her hand in a gentle sweeping arc, the steel rail bend completely around her right leg and across her shapely rounded backside.  And all this time, Lisa is looking at me with a charming smile on her very alluring face.


Lisa then grabs the steel rail with her one hand and while blowing a soft kiss with her smooth pink lips, closes her well-formed muscular legs and permits her powerful thighs to squeeze the iron rail into two separate sections.  The ease that Lisa slices the iron rail in half is incredible: she taunts her thighs as she moves her ass back and forth and the solid steel melts between her well-rounded legs.


Then as Lisa’s thighs seal together and the section of steel on the backside of her body drops to the ground steel I realize what caused the tapered shape of the railroad track.  It’s Lisa’s powerful leg muscles that crushed and reshaped the steel into a chisel shaped point.


“Not bad for an amateur male to bend a paper clip across your leg, but I believe I won this test of strength” states Lisa as she holds up the section of iron rail that is in front of her with her one hand.  “Any other feats of strength you think you can accomplish that will challenge my womanly strength”.


I just look at Lisa’s gorgeous legs and take a deep breath as Lisa flaunts the ruins of the railroad track in front of me.  But Sandy is still directing in the background and I watch her with a close eye.   In the meantime, Sandy has picked up the section of iron that fell behind Lisa and begins to tease the steel with her tall slender sexy body. Sandy twists, bends, crushes, and compresses the puny chunk of iron with her hands before she places the iron against her breasts and irritates the steel with her well-rounded breasts.  I take the hint and look at Lisa as I take my paper clip and slide it across my chest and sort of satirically and jokingly pretend to bend in across my chest.

Lisa laughs and says, “Don’t pretend, your chest isn’t designed to trap and crush steel and beside, I doubt it would be very sexy to watch.  Now watch what a petite female can accomplish with nothing but her soft, shapely, round, chest muscles”.


Lisa swings the iron rail to one side of her body with her one right hand and with her left hand, begins a slow, teasing, opening of her blouse.  Button by button is opens on her blouse as she sways her shapely and womanly hips back and forth.  Finally, Lisa has all the buttons undone and pulls open her white silk blouse.  She has an excellent female shape, a super flat stomach, and for a petite woman, she has a relative large set of breasts that her bra seems to have difficulty in containing.  Lisa doesn’t hesitate a second as she grabs her bra with her hand in the center between her firm tits and says, “I don’t believe I require a bra, they are so restricting”, as she yanks her bra off her body with a simple pull of her hand.   I stare directly at her firm breasts and swollen nipples and slowly raise my eyes to her face as say silently, “WOW”.  Lisa reads by lips and says, “I’ve read only 2 pages of one of your stories and I’m just as strong as your characters, however, I’m a million times sexier than your character and I like this feeling.  Both Sandy and I intend to mix our strength and our sex to our fullest and utmost advantage.


Lisa then takes the iron rail and holds it close to her body just above her well-rounded breast and slowly moves the rail up and down across her breasts.  Lisa super hard nipples shred the hard iron rail easier than a grater cuts shape cheese.  She than takes the iron rail and places it just above her tits and bends it in half around her tits.  And with the rail bent in half, she takes the rail and places it between her breasts and crushes the two section of iron rail down into her cleavage with her one hand.  The solid iron crumbles into her cleavage like it’s a soft wet body cleansing sponge.  Lisa hand and fingers push and crush the massive folded over iron rail completed between her tits until the solid iron is wedge tightly between her tits and the iron oozes from between her fingers.  Lisa lets go the iron rail with her hands and the rail stays firmly wedged in her cleavage.  The petite woman then takes her hands and places them on the outside of her firm breasts and pushes her breasts together and completely crushed the iron rail in half with her tits.  The sections of the rail begin to fall to the ground and I had to jump out of the way to avoid being hit by the iron rails.  Lisa however, with her quickness, grabs the rails as they fall with her hands and says, “Oooh, I don’t want you to get injured, Sandy and I have a very individual interest in protecting you”.


Lisa then takes the sections of mangled, twisted, crushed, and bent iron rail and wads them up in her hands until they are the size of a golf ball and she does it with the easiness I would use on a thin sheet of paper.  Lisa gives the crushed chunk of iron to Sandy and says, “I’ve got a good idea for that gold ball size chunk of iron that weighs almost a ton. I’ll place it on the floor of my boss’s office and watch when he tries to hit it with his putter”.  We all laugh as Lisa turns around and walks directly in front of me.


I’m standing in front of my chair and Lisa strolls up and pushed me down into my chair with a gently brush of her soft hand against my chest. I didn’t have any choice in the matter since Lisa is obviously demonstrating both her extreme strength and her female aggressiveness.  I fall back into my chair and Lisa reaches down between my legs and under my chair with her one hand and grabs the center steel post of my chair.  I could hear and feel her dainty fingers burrow into the steel center shaft of my chair and crushing her fingers into the metal shaft post.  And with a sexy smile on her absolute beautiful face, she lifts the chair and me off the ground and over her head.  I had to duck my head or it would have hit a ceiling tile.  She then lowers the chair to a height where we are face to face and she says in a sincere sexy tone, “Sandy and I are going to her PC on her desk to review your unfinished stories. Sandy will need a few of these stories for some additional strength, for both Sandy and I are going to evaluate a few of the local loan institutions in the area.  Sandy doesn’t want to apply for a loan at a bank that has a puny steel vault door; she wants only banks with thick massive steel vault, guards with guns, and on a major street so the police can arrive with many patrol cars and guns”.


“What are you going to do Lisa”, I ask in a quiet tone?


“Well, I’m going to read a few more pages of your very first chapter”, Lisa says. “And by the way, I find your character Kathryn very interesting. But for now, I’m going to exploit my super strength on everything.  Cars, trucks, buses, trains, barriers, steel bridges, concrete structures, and anything else that I dam well please to show off my new unbelievable strength. And that’s just my physical strength; I attend to be mush more aggressive with S E X.  Especially since there is nothing that can prohibit me from doing anything I please and there is a lot of things I want to accomplish and a few special matters of personal revenge”.


Lisa then looks me directly in my eyes as says, “Oh, there is one last point that I want to make perfectly clear.  You have always been a gentleman and have never said anything insulting about my height or size and I’m very grateful.  Well, now watch what I do to anyone who insults me because of my height or makes a wise crack about me being short.  It’s get even time for all those past insults and wise cracks about my height”.


I don’t utter a remark as Lisa places the chair and me down on the floor.  The petite super woman then reaches out with her hands and grabs the armrests of my chair and lifts herself up as she places her legs along side mine and straddles her hips on top of my lap.  She then effortlessly bends the armrests out of the way as her thighs push tightly against the sides of my legs.  My cock instantly throbs into its full erect position as Lisa rock her hips back and forth on top of my body.


“A statistically insignificant event of what I actually intend to do to you and your body with my body and my strength”, Lisa says softly into my ear.  “Please create several stories where the main character is a petite young woman who flaunts her strength, her shapely well endowed and firm muscular body, and her overactive sexuality to her fullest”.


Lisa then gently tears off the armrests of my chair with her hands and stands up.  She crushes the metal armrests with her dainty hands until there is nothing remaining except vapor, and then she fasten a few buttons on her blouse and pulls her skirt down and says as Sandy and her leave my cubical, “We’ll be back, please start writing a few stories for us”.  I just look at both woman, and take a deep breath and Sandy says as she walks away, “Don’t worry about any meetings later today, I have a premonition there will be an electrical power failure in the building shortly, as she pokes her middle finger into a electrical wall outlet and short out power to my cubical and most of the floor.”.


I power off my laptop, place it in my carrying bag and head for the PUB and the only thoughts that traverses my mind are Sandy and Lisa and their strength and their appetitive for sex and my stories are at the nucleus of this strange situation. Once at the PUB, I order two pints, and the waitress / owner, Karen, looks at me and says, “You and Sandy appeared to have a good time last night, are the two of you more than just good friends”.  I finish the first pint straight down, grab the second pint and reply, “You don’t surf the Internet by any chance”?  Karen looks at me with a strange glare and says, “No I don’t have a PC at home but my girlfriend has an Internet connection and I use her PC, however, Sandy gave me this note the last night and said I should look up this site and read some of the interesting stories”.  Then Karen unfolds a piece of paper and it’s the URL for extreme strength.  I finish the second pint immediately and request a third.


In the meantime, Sandy and Lisa commence their escapades for the afternoon.  First by going to Sandy’s PC and printing off all the stories that were e-mailed to her from my PC.  Secondly, Sandy and Lisa walk to the private gym on the first floor of the office building.  For Sandy desires to change into something more comfortable and casual than her normal business attire and the gym is that special location for Sandy to show off her new found strength.  And thirdly, Lisa has a special reason for visiting the gym. Mainly to seek a mild form of revenge on particular individuals, who insults her constantly about her size?


The two women collect hardcopies of the stories, grab their gym bags, and stroll quickly to the gym on the ground floor.  Once they arrive at the double door entrance to the private gym, Lisa passes her magnetic key across the scanner to the gym and the blinking of a green light and a click of the door lock indicates that she can enter the gym.  However, just as Lisa proceeds to open the heavy door to the gym, Sandy positions her hand and arm in front of Lisa and stops her.


Lisa glances back at Sandy in a puzzled stare but before she can say anything, Sandy articulates, “It’s much more enjoyable to open a locked door with your super strength by ripping the door from the steel frame. I just adore the sound of metal being wrenched apart by nothing more than a twist of my feminine hand”.


Lisa acknowledges the suggestion by smiling back at Sandy and waits for the door to time out and lock again.  She then reaches for the locked heavy door with her right hand and pushes her slender fingers through the steel door just to the side of the thick lock.  Once Lisa’s fingers penetrate the steel door as if it were made of smoke, she wiggles her fingers around the thick lock to get a good grip and then slowly pushes the door inward.


“NO NO” yells Sandy in a quick tone, “The sign on the door reads push to open, it’s always more fun to go against the grain, so pull the door open, there’s more steel and metal that will tear apart it you pull the door in this direction”.


Lisa laughs as she reverses the directions of her hand and with a quick jerk of her hand, pulls the heavy steel door through the center support beam and tears the door of the doorframe.  The steel hinges explode apart and the screws holding the hinges to the frame are yanks out and stripped clean.  The door bends in the middle as Lisa swings her hand behind her and sends the door flying down the hallway.  The only piece of the door left in Lisa’s hand is the thick steel locking mechanism which she crushes into the palm of her hand with her fingers until the steel oozes out the side of her fingers. Lisa then walks forwards and backhands her left hand into the bend and broken center support and smashes the other door and center support post in half.


“You’re correct Sandy that is much more pleasurable that just opening a door, I’ll remember that the next time I need to open any door”.


Sandy and Lisa begin to walk inside the gym and Sandy swipes her magnetic key past the sensor and just as the light turn green, Sandy backhands the sensor with her left hand and smashes a gaping hole in the wall.  The sensor is shattered into a billion pieces as it is slammed into a concrete support by Sandy simple backhand.  A section of the concrete building support is also pulverized into a powdery dust by Sandy sharp backhand slap of the concrete support column and this slap sets off most of the alarms in the building as the entire building shakes.


Once inside the gym, the attendant arrives from his little office to observe what all the commotion is about but almost runs over Lisa.  He looks at Sandy and Lisa and doesn’t even notice the doors are missing and says to Lisa, “Hi short shit, those half kilo weights are here for you, but don’t strain those little muscles of yours”.  He snickers as he turns around and heads back to his office.


“Wrong answer asshole”, responds Sandy in a sharp voice.  The attendant turns around and replies to Sandy, “What did you say bitch”, and before he could take a step towards Sandy, Lisa grabs him by his belt and lifts him over her head with her one hand and starts to walk to a large exercising apparatus that uses overhead pulleys connected to steel cables and a long steel pull down bar.  It‘s quite a site, for Lisa is petite and her head barely reach the attendant’s chest and the attendant’s weighs almost 3 times that of Lisa.  Lisa spins him around like a top and just as she reaches the apparatus, she jumps up on the bench and then leaps up and grabs the steel bar that is connected to the cables and weight system.  Lisa pulls the bar down with her one hand and the fact that the weighs are set for over 150 kilos, doesn’t intimidate Lisa at all.


Lisa then takes the attendant and slings him under her legs until his waist is firmly placed between her thighs and holds him tightly with her legs muscles.  She then takes the pull down steel bar and wraps it around his neck and bends it around his arms in a serpentine fashion.  The attendant is trapped.  His arms cannot get free of the steel bar that is bent and twisted around his neck and arms and Lisa’s legs have him in a squeeze of death.  The attendant kicks, punches, squirms, and wiggles, but it useless.  Lisa looks at him and says, “You bastard, you have insulted my intelligence once to often. And about the only thing your puny strength is doing at this time is hurting your own body”.  The attendant yells back at Lisa, “You little bitch, you fucking pip squeak, when I get out of this, I’m going to fuck you until that little hole of yours splits wide open”.


Lisa shakes her head and says, “You arrogant, bastard.  You asked for this”, as Lisa opens her legs and releases the attendant body.  The apparatus’s weight fall down and jerk the attendant’s body from between Lisa legs and up to the top of the apparatus. With the attendant hanging on the apparatus, Lisa rips off his pants and briefs and tears then to shreds with straightforward pulls of her hands.  She then looks around the gym and notices a large rack of weights and strides over to the rack and stands to one side of the rack.  Lisa examines the weights and selects the bottom weight because it appears the heaviest, it does have the largest and most iron plates. 


Lisa then opens her left hand and using her graceful fingers, pushes down on the top of several iron plates at the one end of the weight.  Her extreme strength pushes so hard on the weights that it forces the pin holding the weight on the rack to bend completely out of the way and the weight crashes to the concrete floor.  Lisa continues to push her fingers down on the weights and the weights starts to crush into the concrete floor.  Lisa’s fingers now finally start to dig into two plates of the solid iron of the weight and after she pushes her fingers deep into several iron plates, she squeezes her fingers slightly closed and crushes the iron until it begins to squirt out the side of her hand.  The petite woman then picks up the entire weight with her one hand and carries it over to the attendant as if it were a dry towel.


Once back at the attendant, who is still kicking and screaming as he hangs from the exercise apparatus, Lisa spins the heavy set of weights around until they are vertical and places the one end of the bar on the concrete floor.  She then reaches for the eight massive plates on the top and begins to pull the plates down on the bar.  The metal collar that hold the upper weights in place is immediately cracked in half and falls along with the weights to the bottom and sits on top of the lower weights.  Lisa continues to push with her one hand and the weights begin to distort in shape from her incredible strength.  The lower end of the bar grinds into the concrete and cracks the floor.  Lisa then picks up the entire weight by grabbing the center of the steel bar with her one hand and places it on the bench just below the attendant.  The steel bar of the weight crushes through the bench but the weights themselves rest on the bench.  Lisa then takes the steel bar of the weights and with it held securely in her left hand, bends the thick steel bar around the attendants cock and balls.  It’s a simple procedure for Lisa as the steel bends with nothing more than a push or wrap of her extended middle finger.  The steel bar is wrapped several times tightly around the attendant’s balls and dick.


“There asshole, this should quiet you foul mouth.  Make one false move and if that weight falls off the bench, it will tear off you balls and dick”, Lisa yells to the attendant.


Lisa starts to walk away from the attendant and his precarious predicament when she sees a young man on a bench who has just stopped his bench pressing exercise to observe Lisa. His eyes are wide open and he is staring at Lisa.  He doesn’t say anything, and as Lisa walks up to him, Lisa can read his lips as he says silently, “WOW! You are incredible”.


Lisa just looks at the young man, somewhere in his upper twenty, and it’s obvious he exercises and takes care of his body.  Lisa then smiles at the young man as she begins a slow, deliberate scan of his body with her eyes and simultaneously  she also begins to remove all her clothing.


Lisa unbuttons her soft silky blouse to reveal her firm well-formed breasts, takes off her short skirt and white panties, and then straddles the young man by stepping over the bench and placing her nude body on top of his hips.


Sandy glances at Lisa and says, “I’m going to the locker room and change into something more fashionable.  I enjoy dressing super sexy when I want to show off my strength”.


Lisa heads for the men’s locker room and Lisa yells back, “That the men’s locker room Sandy”.   Sandy replies back in an expressive tone of voice, “I know, where else do you expect to find men to show them just how weak and scrawny they are in strength compared to women. Now take good care of that young man you have under your body and show him how much pleasure a sexy, petite, and super strong woman can deliver to his body”.


Lisa just smiles and turns to the young man she has between her legs and says to him, “Do you appreciate young and extremely strong woman”?  The young man shakes his head in a positive motion as he attempts to raise his upper body.


Lisa just looks back at him and says, “NO NO”, as she takes the middle finger of her right hand and place it in her mouth and moistens her finger with her saliva.  She than takes her moisten finger and places it against the young mans chest and pushes his chest back down on the bench with extraordinary ease.  The young man resists for a few seconds until he realizes that Lisa is really super strong.  “Please just lay there on the bench and enjoy my strength and my body.  I’m extremely strong and even sexier”, Lisa says as she rubs his chest with the fingers of both her hands and grinds her hips across his harden cock.


“Would you continue your bench press exercise with this weight as I watch and feel the muscles in your body”, Lisa asks the young man in a very sexy soft voice?  The young man looks at Lisa, takes a deep breathe and grab the 150 kilo weights on the bench and begins to bench press the weights.  Lisa rides his cock in perfect coordination as he lifts the weights and after about 5 reps, Lisa takes her hands off his chest and extends the middle finger of her right hand and places it under the bar in the middle of the weights.  And as the young man lifts the weights for the sixth time, Lisa continues the upper motion of the weights with nothing but the strength of her one finger.


Lisa raises the heavy weight directly over her lovely head in one continuous easy lift until her shapely arm is full extended.  She then tosses the heavy weight in the air and catches it as it falls back down with her right hand and holds it straight out over the young man and says, “This collection of iron plates feels lighter than a feather.  Let’s observe what my petite sexy body can do to this despicable steel bar”.  So Lisa clasps the steel bar with her two hands spaced about the width of her hips and lowers the steel bar to her waist and pulls it tightly against her super flat stomach.  The young woman then begins to raise the steel bar and weights slowly against her soft flawless tanned skin.  The young man can actually watch and hear as the steel bar scrapes against her skin and Lisa’s fingers crush slightly into the steel bar.  Slowly, very slowly, Lisa raises the steel bar and at the same time continues to rocks her hips back and worth over the young man’s super hard cock.


Finally, the steel bar is raised until it’s directly under Lisa’s firm, solid, breasts and the steel bar has to make a major decision.  Either the steel bar drives Lisa’s firm young breasts back into her firm chest muscles or it bends and twists around Lisa’s firm breasts and swollen nipples.  Lisa assists with the decision by arching her shoulders backwards and thrusting her breasts forward.  At first, the steel bar bends upwards like soft putty in Lisa’s hands but soon it starts to bend outward and takes the shape of her firm breasts.  The steel moans and creeks as it traverses Lisa’s chest muscles and once it touches her swollen super hard nipples, the screeching sound of harden chrome steel being gouged by a harder material permeates the gym.  Lisa’s super hard nipples scrape and gouge out two deep groves in the steel bar as it slowly and steadily advances across her young breasts. Finally, the steel bar passes her chest muscles, but Lisa enjoys using her tits to bend and warp solid steel that she continues to tease the steel bar with her tits.  The petite young woman torments the steel bar with her left breast and then her right breast. Bending the steel bar in one direction across her breast and then spins the bar around and straighten the bar out by bending it back across her other breast. She holds the steel bar at a 45 degree angle and places the steel bar in her cleavage and then watches as she rotates the bar horizontally again and the steel curves and coils around her breasts.


After Lisa as proven to herself and the young man she is sitting on, that her firm womanly breasts can easily manipulate solid steel, she takes the steel bar and the weights and raises them up to her moist lips where she kisses the steel bar.  Then Lisa sticks out her tongue, wraps it under the steel bar and supports the entire weight with nothing but her wet tongue.  She curls her tongue slightly into her mouth and the steel bar immediately shapes itself to her moist soft lips.


Lisa then leans forward, grabs the back of the young man’s hands with her hands, and pulls his hands up, forward, and directly over her breasts.  Lisa positions his hands on her firm breasts and verifies by moving his hands in a circle that his palms are directly touching her engorged nipples.  Lisa wants to prove to the young man that not only is she super strong and she can bend steel with the slightest touch of her nipples, but she is also super sexy and her body can be super feminine at the same time.


The young man begins a deliberately slow massage of Lisa firm breasts with his open hands and uses his fingers to press deeply into her chest.  Lisa responds by rocking her body at a faster pace across his hot body.


Lisa allows the young man to massage her breasts as she removes the weights from her mouth with her hands, raises the weights over her head, and places the weights on the back of her neck.  She then easily bends the steel bar around her neck and completes the bending by wrapping the weights complete around her neck until the heavy plates are located over her back shoulders. 


Lisa then stands up and grabs the young man’s shorts with her hands and rip them open with a single pull of both her hands.  She then carefully removes his jock strap from his super hard cock, grabs his manhood and inserts it into her super hot body.  Lisa rides the young man as if he’s a bucking bronco.  She pummels his lower body and stiff cock with her sexy hips, while squeezing his shoulder muscles with her hands and fingers.   Lisa is giving the young stud the ride of his life and she can tell he will be exhausted long before she reaches her climax.  Nevertheless, Lisa continues to ride his inferior body and pounds his meat with the energy of a jackhammer until he physically collapses from the immense pleasure Lisa is delivering to his body.  Lisa continues her onslaught on his frail body until his cock turns into a limp piece of dead meat with the consistency of soft pudding.  And Lisa realizes she will need several more young healthy studs just to satisfy her sexual requirements for the present.  She then leans forward and gives the young man a kiss on his lips as she grabs the two steel post that support the weights for the bench. And she simply wraps the thick square tubing around her hands is if it were a blade of tall lush grass and then squeezes the steel supports in the palm of her hand with her fingers as it they were a soft wet sponge.


Just then, Sandy reappears and Lisa can ascertain that Sandy exited the men’s locker room with her nude body by walking through a series of lockers and the concrete block wall.  The gaping hole in the concrete wall and crushed metal lockers extruding through the hole in the wall were all the evidence Lisa needed.


Sandy looks at the young man on the bench and says to Lisa with a smirk, “I recognize the smile on that man’s face, there are two more guys in the men’s locker room lying on the floor with that same smile and exhausted appearance”.


Both girls laugh aloud as Lisa declares to Sandy, “I need some fresh meat to satisfy by body’s sexual cravings. Let’s go on a real MAN hunt”.


To be continued in chapter 3