Caught Writing an Extreme Strength Story

Chapter 1.   Sandy discovers who’s the writer of some Extreme Strength Stories

By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.



It is the most stupid meeting of the day, the week, the month, the quarter, and the year.  Everyone must write pages of reports on past, present, and future project.  The only positive element about the meeting is Sandy is sitting across the table from me and at least I can enjoy her gorgeous face and her feminine charm.  Sandy is soft-spoken, young, professional, strawberry blond hair, slender, and about my height, and except for being a pleasant coworker, we have little in common.  However, she will always answers questions politely and courteously and will strike up small talk if the situation is warranted.  I actually have a fondness for Sandy, but she is always professional and does not mix work and play or socialize with anyone at work.


As the meeting adjourns and everyone starts to leave to room with a disgusted expression on their faces, Sandy is a few steps behind me and says out loud, “Well, looks like everyone is going to work a lot of extra hours and have sore fingers from preparing all the reports for brainless upper management”.  I simply smile back at her and shake my head in acknowledgement.  Sandy then catches up with me and says, “Sure, you will have no problems with the reports, you’re an excellent writer and you could draft the reports in a few hours.


I look at her with a blank stare and say, “I can’t write anything, even if my life depended on my writing.  This is going to take me the next 3 weeks to completed and then I’ll be an additional 6 weeks behind in my tasks.  I’m technical, not a paper pusher”.


Sandy just looks at me and says, “Ops sorry, I though I read some of your writing on a WEB site under your name”.  I respond joking, “It definitely not me, I’m scared to go anywhere on the WEB at work, upper managements wants daily reports indicating every site and duration that everyone visits while at work. Believe me, I know, it’s part of my job”.  Sandy looks at me and says, “If you know how to track and report where people go on the Internet, then I’ll bet you know how to get around being tracked on the Internet”.  I just smile back at Sandy as I walk for my windowless cubical”.


At another meeting the next day, I sit down at my usual chair, and Sandy immediately comes and sits down next to me with a stack of reports, documentation, and technical papers.  She simply says, “Hi”, in her professional manner and with a polite smile as she starts to search through the paper work.  At first, I didn’t pay any attention, I’ve already seen to many reports today.  But somehow a few of the graphs and charts looked familiar as Sandy strummed through the stack of documentation in front of her.  The graphs and charts are mine? Then I began to pay more attention to the stack of papers that Sandy had and they were all my archived reports.  Maybe, I though she needed this information for one of her projects.  The reports were an accurate description of past performance.


The meeting is boring, as always, and I almost feel asleep.  The only thing keeping me awake is the intensity that Sandy is studying my reports, analyzing every word, every sentence, every paragraph, and every page in great detail. 


Finally the meeting is over and Sandy strikes up some small talk with everyone and asks in general as we leave the room, “Did anyone see that article in yesterday’s news paper where a high school stadium was completed reduced to concrete rubble and several school buses were bent into the shape of a “U”.  I cannot imagine what could cause this amount of destruction without anyone noticing who did it”.  Someone else answers the question by saying, “I also saw the article Sandy, but I believe it’s what cause the destruction not who.  That old stadium was built of solid concrete and it looked like an atomic bomb leveled it completely.  It has everyone puzzled”.


Sandy look intently at my eyes and says, “Do you have any explanation of how a high school stadium can be reduced to rubble and about 20 schools buses simply torn or bend in half.”


I just look at Sandy and the expression on my face must have told everything, for Sandy just blew me a soft sexy kiss.


I simply dismissed the incident as a coincidences, how could Sandy possible know my last story for the Extreme Strength site has this exact scenario in one of the chapters, but more puzzling is, how did the stadium and the busses get destroyed just as in my story.


The next day is nothing but meetings again and Sandy sits next to me on the last meeting of the day.  This time she had a report that I had written only a few days previously and it was a technical report on a new product.  And it’s has nothing to do with any of her projects.  After the meeting, I stand up and I’m ready to leave when Sandy says, “This report you wrote last week, I have a question, can you help me with a non technical explanation”.  And with a relaxed smile I say, “Sure, what the question Sandy”.


Sandy says to me as she turns over page one, “On page two”, and she points to a small font footnote.  I had no choice but to pick up the paper to read my own footnote.  I looked at the footnote and could not figure out why Sandy is interested in the software version for a piece of special equipment.  I looked at her in surprise and she emphatically moved her eyes down to the remaining stack of papers.  On top of the stack is my latest story from the Extreme Strength site and my name is highlighted.


Sandy just smiles and says, “It’s you who writes these stories”.  


I shake my head back and forth and insist that I do not understand. “Is this a joke, is someone trying to get me in serious trouble.  That is not I who wrote about the Sta. ------ I mean that is not my story as I reach for the paper in a gesture to save face”.


Sandy says with a sexy smile after she realizes I slipped and had trouble explaining my words, “You are the author of these stories”.


Sandy then asks if I had to stay late tonight to completed the necessary reports and I said, Of course, how about you”?  Sandy responds, “ I cannot stay tonight, I have some personnel items that I need to do attend at home.  Have a good evening and I’ll see you in the morning”.


Sandy walks away and I run back to my desk and connect to the Internet, via my special monitor proof connection, and go to the extreme strength group site and search for a member that could be Sandy.  No such luck so I log off and get down to work creating a mired of reports.


I spend the next two hours alone in my cubical on a stupid report when all of a sudden I heard someone in the hallway.   I thought to myself,  It’s most likely a guard looking for a PC that someone did not turnoff and lockout”.  The guards like to surf the Internet and they know they will not be blamed for going to GOOD sites”.


Back to pounding the keyboard, useless, endless, stupid words in a report that says nothing, 40 pages of analysis, graphs, charts, cost comparisons, justifications, and all to make upper management look important. I’m just typing as fast as possible and not paying any attention to anything else, when I glance off to one side of my computer screen and see a refection of someone standing behind me in my cubical. I could not determine whom it is, but whoever it is has been standing behind me for over a minute and never said a word.


I stop typing immediately and spun around in my chair to see who is behind me.  It’s Sandy and she can tell I was startled.  I just sat in my chair and stared at her intensely. 


Sandy is fantastic, and she’s not dressed in her professional attire or standing in her normal business posture.  She is standing there with her hands on her bare waist. And my eyes start a long slow seductive scan of her entire body from top to bottom.  Her strawberry blond hair is touching her shoulders. Her makeup is just sufficient to highlight her deep blue eyes, and accentuate her soft lips.  She is wearing a loose fitting blouse that is not buttoned, but tied in an uncomplicated knot just below her firm shapely breasts. Her badges for the building and computer access are tangling from the lanyard around her neck and are lying in her cleavage.  Her slender waist is nude showing off her perfectly flat stomach and she is darning low cut jeans that were either sprayed on her body or shrink wrapped. Her long legs tapered the tight jeans with perfect curves.


Sandy”, I said in a very startled voice, “What are you doing here, I thought you had some personnel item to take care of tonight”.   Sandy just stands there and smiles, and then I notice she has some sheets of paper in her right hand.   After about 5 seconds, which seemed like eternity, Sandy says, “Let me read aloud a few pages of your stories from the EXTREME STRENGTH WEB SITE, and I know it you who writes these stories that I like to read”.


Sandy then grabs a straight back chair and swings it around so the back of the chair is facing me and only about a half meter from my chair.  She then sits down on the chair backwards, again facing me”.  She scoots her firm round ass up as far as she can on the chair, wraps her legs around chair legs and places her firm young breasts on the steel bar that goes across the back of the chair.  Her breasts push upward and her cleavage is a delight to see as her two firm young breasts almost pop out of her loose fitting top.  Only her nipples hold the edges of her blouse from falling aside and exposing her breasts completely.


Sandy then raises the papers she has in her hands and begins to read sections from the papers.   I just stare at her beautiful face with amazement as she reads my latest story to me aloud and in a very sexy style.  She reads the story slowly, adding emphasis to all the parts where Tina and Alexia use their strength to crush or crumble objects.  I listen intently as Sandy continues to read several highlighted paragraphs where Tina and Alexia destroy a high school stadium and several schools buses.  I shake my head and ponder, is this a coincidence with the article in yesterday’s newspaper that Sandy mentioned earlier in the day.


“Well, this is your story and do you enjoy me reading your story to you in this manner?  I personally enjoy reading your stories for several reasons.  First, I take pleasure in the manner these strong beautiful woman, with super sexy bodies, have fun with their strength.  Second, it turns me on and brings out the party animal in me that I do no exhibit at work under any circumstance.  And third, Oh YES, the third reason I enjoy your stories.  I do not know why or how but every time I read one of your stories, after about two pages, I inherit the same super strength of your main character in the story”.


I pull my head back and sort of laugh and says to Sandy, “Sandy, it’s only a sexy fairy-tale about extremely strong young woman.  I do enjoy writing the stories about strong beautiful woman and I’m glad you enjoy the stories. But getting super strong”.


Sandy look intently into my eyes puts her hands on her hips and doesn’t say a word.  Then I hear this horrible sound. A sound of metal crushing and I look down at Sandy’s hips and watch as she begins to slowly crush the seat of the metal chair she is sitting in with her long legs.  Her thighs squeeze together and bend the steel legs inward and force the back of the chair up and into the underside of her tits where the metal bar across the back of the chair bends and curves around her firm young tits.   Sandy has the chair over half mangle into a scrap heap when she stands up and positions her tall slender body directly over the chair and slowly closes her legs.  The metal chair twists, bends, and contorts around her legs and it also pushes tightly up against her pussy.  I could see in Sandy eyes that she was getting pleasure from crushing the metal chair.  Finally her long legs close completely and she slices the chair in half.  I push my chair back and shake my head and just stare at Sandy.  “That’s impossible. That’s got to be a trick chair, who put you up to this trick”, I say to Sandy in a very confused tone of voice.


Sandy continues to mangle the remains of the chair with her hands, bending, crushing, squeezing, and ripping apart the chair with ease.  She then takes a crumble up wad of metal in her right hand and using her left hand pulls her blouse open and caresses the wad of metal into her soft young left breast with the palm of her right hand.  The wad of metal is crushed my Sandy’s swollen nipple and firm breast and oozes out between her fingers as she slowly massages the metal between her palm and firm breasts


Sandy continues to massage her breast with the wad of metal until it is completely vaporized out of existence.  She looks at me and says, “Basically as it happens in your stories and I enjoy using this super strength.  It’s fun, it’s pleasurable, and it turns me on sexually”.


“Oh there is something else I need to tell you that happens when I read your stories about extremely strong and sexy young woman.   After reading about 4 pages, I start a rapidly transformation into the main character of your story.  It’s takes about a minute to transform into the main character but I change completely into that character.  I inherit the same body size, same hair and eye color, same muscle mass and tone, and the same breast size. I also get some of their personality, but I do keep most of my personality.


Sandy, what can I say, and that high school stadium and buses that were destroyed yesterday, was that you who cause the destruction after reading my latest story”.


Sandy replies in a sensual tone of voice, “Oh Yes, I read your entire story, inherit the strength of one of the characters, drove to the stadium and for several hours used my body to play with the concrete and steel of the stadium and the steel of the school buses. I enjoyed every second of my strength.  Any questions”?


“Yes Sandy, I have a question.  Where you Tina or Alexia the other night”?


Sandy begins a slow sensual massage of her breasts with her hands and says, “T I N A”.


Sandy looks at me with a deep glare from her eyes and says, “Let’s go have a pint across the street, there are so many details that I need to explain and so many item I need to talk to you about so I can continue my strength escapades.  Oh and by the way, lets walk to the pub the back way through the building, it’s much shorter than walking around the building”.


“But the only door not locked at this time of night is the main front entrance”, I say to Sandy in a polite and sincere voice, and she responds back to me as she swings her hips to one side, “Exactly why I intend to go the back way out of the building”.  I just smiled as I turned off my laptop computer; place it in my computer bag and say, “To the PUB”.


Sandy takes my hand and escorts me out of my cubical, and down the main hallway. And about half down the hallway, Sandy turns around and grabs me around my waist with her right arm as pulls me tight into her body.  I could immediately tell I am not going to escape, for I could not budge backwards against the strength of her arm around my waist.  Her arm is like a steel beam and I’m trapped between her arm and her body.  The good point is I can feel her firm solid breasts press deep into my body and her hips grinding against mine.  Sandy just glares at me and says, “I know you are required to verify, test, and configure to a specific standard every new piece of equipment you recommend for the company. But would you mind if I verify and test my extreme strength by reconfiguring a few items, as we walk to the PUB. 


“Please Sandy, verify your strength, test your strength against everything, and reconfigure any thing you desire with your body using your new strength”, I utter to her in a serious tone as she moves her hand from my waist to my backside and strokes my ass as she releases me from her seductive hold.


We walk along an aisle of empty cubical and past a row of about 10 large filing cabinets and Sandy stops and turns towards the cabinets, and places her hands on her waist and says, “Lets test my new super strength on one of these filing cabinets, select one of the cabinets for me to taunt”.  So I just point to a cabinet in the middle and Sandy walks up to the filing cabinet and slams her closed right fist into the center of the cabinet drawer and drives her fist through the metal cabinet all the way up to her elbow.  The force of Sandy’s punch forces the cabinet to bugle out the top and sides.  The back of the cabinet is driven through the wall behind the cabinet and knocks over the cubical walls behind the file cabinet.  Sandy turns and smiles at me as she motions for me to backup.  Sandy then flicks her right arm upward over her head and sends the file cabinet flying over her shoulders and into the ceiling.  The file cabinet tears through the ceiling and produces a swap of destruction over two meters wide.  The suspended ceiling, lights, wiring, sprinkle system, and electrical cabling are rip apart as the file cabinet blasts across the ceiling, through the outer wall of the building, and down onto the adjoining parking lot.   I just look at the path the file cabinet took and look at Sandy who says, “That was so easy, now for the rest of the cabinets.


Sandy proceeds to the one end of the row of filing cabinets and presses her tall slender body against the end cabinet and starts to walk.  The cabinets immediately move and fill the void left by the one cabinet and within a second all 9 cabinets are moving across the floor and towards one of the building support columns.  Sandy struts her body with absolute ease as her legs mangle and rip open the lower portion of the end cabinet and her hip, waist, and breast push effortlessly into the top section of the cabinet.  Sandy pushes all nine cabinets about 10 meters across the floor until then encounter the support column.  The first cabinet pushes into the thin outer cosmetic plaster board of the column and blast away the outer material.  However, after the plasterboard and thin framing is removed by the filing cabinet, there is a massive steel beam, almost a meter thick, that is the heart of the buildings structure.  The metal filing cabinets are no match against the steel beam as Sandy pushes the cabinets forward with her body.  The filing cabinets begin to compress into each other, and after about 5 cabinets are compresses into the steel beam, all the remaining cabinets are simply sliced in half by her body.  Sandy continues to march the cabinets into the steel beam and finally stops just as her body touches the steel beam. 


Sandy looks as me as says, “This is so much fun, my soft female body doing anything I aspire”, as she uses her hands to brush aside the remains of the file cabinets.   All I could see is a pile of crushed metal, mangled paper folder, broken plaster, and steel framing lying at the side of the massive steel column, and Sandy says to me, “Now watch my slender body tease this steel beam”.  Sandy rubs her hands over her thighs, hips, and waist as she places her left leg against the thick steel of the support beam.  Sandy simply strokes the inter thigh of her left leg against the steel beam and I watch in amazement as the flat thick steel side of the “I” beam bends and twists to the shape of Sandy’s firm thigh muscles.


Sandy pulls her leg back away from the steel beam after she bend the beam back about 50 % and says to me, “My thighs could snap that cheap steel in half like it’s a stale cracker, but I don’t want to tear this building down, YET.  Now watch what my nipples can do to this thick steel beam”.   I stand there speechless, as Sandy yanks her blouse open and exposes her firm breast.  Sandy then starts to work her breasts across a flat part of the steel beam and each time she makes a pass, her firm breasts push in the steel making a perfectly curved indentation into the steel.  However, I had to hold my hands over my ears as Sandy’s super hard nipples scourer and scrape a deep grove into the solid steel.  Sandy makes about 5 passes, each one lower than the previous.  And when she’s finished, she turns around to me and says in a sexy voice as she pinches her nipples with her fingers, “Do you think you can handle my body”?


I just look at Sandy as I take a deep breath, then looks at the gouge out steel beam and say, “YES”, as Sandy returns a sexy smile.


After, I calm down, I look at Sandy, and say, “We are in serious trouble, the security system has recorded that both of us are in the building and on this floor, there are going to be some difficult questions tomorrow morning for us to answer”.


“Now remember, I’ve graduated from college with a straight “A” average and have been working in this building for 3 years, don’t worry about the security system”, says Sandy. 


Sandy, security record everything, you swipe you card for every floor in this building, they have cameras everywhere; we are in trouble. Even I don’t try to bypass that security system”


Sandy laughs as she says; “I know how the security operates, so I took the liberty to modify the system slightly before I entered the building and came to your cubical.  The cameras and the card readers for this floor have been shut off.  In fact all the cameras and card readers are not recording at this time”.


Sandy, who do you know that allowed you to turn off the security system”?


 “Actually, turning off the security system is very easy if you know how it operates”, Sandy says with a smirk.  “I went to the underground level parking in the building and located the back wall of the security vault and blasted a huge hole in the concrete wall with my hands, of course my long legs assisted and it was fun and exciting.  The concrete was about 2 meters thick and it had these stupid and useless metal strands and things intertwined in the concrete wall.   I plucked them out of the concrete by twisting them around my fingers and pulling on them.  Once inside the security vault, I compacted everything in the room.  There were all kinds of racks and rows of equipment with blinking lights, lots of computer like wiring, and all kinds of electrical plugs.  I pushed everything into one corner of the vault with my body and compacted the entire mass down into the size of a golf ball using my hands.  It only took about 2 minutes; that stuff is so cheaply manufactured.  When I was finished, there was nothing in the room except 4 bare walls, one of which had a huge hole in it.  Then I took the compacted mass and walked back out of the vault.  I did use a different section of the wall to walk through this time, and deposited the mass or mess into that massive trash compacter in the basement”.


I just look at Sandy in AWE.


“But then I had this thought, suppose someone found that compacted mass that once was the entire security vault and retrieved some information from that glob”, Sandy articulates in a serious tone of voice.  “So I hit the start button on that massive trash compactor and watch as it went through its compacting cycle.  The trash compactor make a lot of noise and two massive round silver things slowly pushed down on a large presser plate that compresses all the trash.”  There was a few seconds hesitation and I was ready to say something when Sandy began to say, “I didn’t believe the machine was performing a quality job of compacting the trash so I decided to assisted the machine.  I grabbed one of those big round silver things with my hand and pushed down on it to give it some additional assistance.  Well first, my fingers squeezed into the silver thing like it’s soft foam and when I pushed down, the silver thing bent, cracked, and then broke in half.  I though the thing must have been defective so I tried the silver thing on the other side of the compactor and it also broke.


“Sandy”, I say, “That thing was a solid steel piston”.


Sandy responds back to me, “Oh, it doesn’t really matter, because I used my body to compact the entire trash compactor down to the size of a pea and then I rolled it down the sewer”.


I just shake my head as we continue down the aisle and arrive at the door to leave the floor.  Sandy arrives and the door first and using her right hand, gently swipes her building card through the reader and the reader doesn’t turn green and unlock the door.  Sandy swipes her card again and still the door remains locked. So Sandy grabs the card reader with her right hand and tears it from the wall with a pull of her hand and leaves a gaping hole where the reader once was attached.  She immediately turns around and shows me the card reader as she squeezes her long slender finger together and crushes the card reader in half and says to me, “It must be a defective card reader, I’ll report it to security tomorrow morning”.  Sandy then turn to the heavy security door and grabs the steel bar the runs horizontally across the door that is suppose to open the door then pressed.  A quick snap of Sandy’s wrist tears the entire bar off the door and she crumbles the bar in her hand as if it’s a piece of wet string. She then backhands the steel door with her right hands and the door flings open with such a force the it breaks off it hinges and goes sailing through the wall on the other side of the door.  Sandy then starts to walk through the busted door way and just as she enters the doorway, she turns around and faces me with a big grin.  The super strong sexy Sandy spreads her legs and places her feet at the sides of the base of the door frame and then places her hands on the steel frame about shoulder high and then expends her hands and pushes the steel door frame apart as if it’s a silk certain.  The steel frame bends and the concrete block wall on the outside of the frame crumbles and falls apart.  But what’s amazing are the firm muscles of Sandy’s arm and shoulders.  It’s very obvious that Sandy works out with weights and is in excellent physical shape.


With her arms fully extended and the doorway shoved outward, Sandy just grins back at me as she rotates her arms and twist the entire frame of the doorway over her head and bends it in half.  She then lifts her arms and the frame over her head and tears it out of the floor.  However, the steel frame rips apart at the point where are feet are pressed against the sides of the doorframe.  Sandy giggles as she pitches the remains of the doorframe aside.


Sandy and I continue to the doorway that leads down to the ground floor exit and I’m watching Sandy very intensely as she plays with everything. She’s acting like a child with new play toys.  She smashes the water cooler into another room with a swing of her curvy hips as she walks past the water cooler.  She removes metal railings from the walls with a flip of her hands and forms the metal railings into funny shapes as if they were long thin balloons.  She detaches the cover of the copier machine with a flick of her finger and straddles the copier with those long magnificent legs and places her ass on the glass top and hits the copy button. After the copier produces several perfect color copies of her tight ass in tight jeans, Sandy takes the copies and hands them to me, and requests that I place the copies in my PC carrying bag.  Sandy looks at me and says as she begins to leisurely crush the copier in half with her long legs. “I’m going to e-mail those pictures of me on the copier to all of upper management with a special note. “This is the last thing the copier sees before I crushed it in half with my thighs”.  Sandy effortlessly closes her legs and transforms the copier into two distinct pieces of crumbled scrap.  And when we pass the elevator, Sandy stops and stares at the closed doors.  She then forcible opens the doors by cramming her elegant hands into the tiny slot between the two doors and spreads her arms apart and smashes the doors into the sidewalls on the elevator as she says to me, “I just wanted to see what’s inside the elevator shaft.”


And I’m not paying attention when we reach the doorway to go down stairs, so I push hard on the door to open it for Sandy and nothing happens, expect I smart my hand.  The sign on the door says, “PULL”.  Then, I pull on the handle of the door and again the door will not open and Sandy is laughing.  Once she stops her little snickering, she says to me in a nice quiet tone, “I appreciate you attempting to open the door for me, but it’s locked.  Now this is something a woman can easily rectify with her soft, delicate, shapely body.  So Sandy walks up to the door, stretches out her arms, places her hands on the outside of the doorframe, digs her fingers into the concrete block wall, and then gives the door a big embrace as she brings her arms around the front of her body.  The steel door crumbles like a piece of tissue paper as Sandy’s caressing embrace crushes and slices the door and the doorframe in half. Sandy then tosses the remains of the door aside and we walk down the stairs to the ground floor.  Sandy leads the way down the narrow hallway and she turns around to talk to me as we walk down the stairs.  Slowly she drifts to one side of the stairway and I watch as her firm round ass presses against the steel railing and her firm round ass pushes the metal railing into the concrete wall.  The steel railing in slowly squeezes into a flat ribbon of steel the thickness of tin foil as Sandy’s backside slides down the railing.  Sandy continues small talk with me as she walks down the stairway and by the expression on her gorgeous face, she know exactly what she doing to that metal railing with her firm round ass.  And just as we arrive at the bottom of the stairway Sandy turns around, but it’s too late, her tall slender body smacks into the steel exit door and the locked door tears itself from the frame and goes fling across the underground parking lot.  Sandy looks at me and says, “There should be a warning on doors indicating how dangerous they can be if struck by a woman’s young sexy body”.


Sandy looks at me with a devilish stare and says, “Your heart rate seems to have increased for some strange reason”.


Once in the underground parking lot, we scan around and there’s only one car in the entire lot.  It’s belongs to someone in upper management since the workers are not allowed to park inside the building; we have to find parking locations outside the building.  And as we walk to the street exit of the underground parking lot, Sandy asks if I know who’s car is still in the lot at this late hour”? I respond, “Lets see whose name is on the reserved sign”.  Then, as we approach the car I again respond, except this time in a discussing, cursing mood, “It belongs to the VP of finance, you know, the guy that always cuts 25% of your project’s budget regardless of what you forecast will be the exact costs”.


“That son of a bitch is a pain in my ass”, responds Sandy in a sharp quick tone, “I wonder how he would appreciate 25% of his car being removed”.  Sandy steps up her pace and quickly arrives at the front of the car, spreads her long legs apart, and reaches down under the front bumper and straightforwardly lifts the front of the car over her head with her left hand. Once the car is high over her head, Sandy glances over to me and then holds the car in the air with only her extended middle finger, as in an act of absolute defiance.  She then takes her right hand and pushes aside the front bumper, part of the steel undercarriage and grabs the rotor of the front left disk brake and pushes her fingers through the harder steel of the rotor like it’s soft butter.  Then with a violent pull and twist of her hand, tears off the entire front wheel, rim, tire, and most of the drive and suspension system and swings them down and between her long legs.  Sandy then squeezes her legs together and mangles everything between those firm tight thigh muscles.  She then drops the car to the ground and says to me, “Well, that’s 25% of his wheels, now to remove 25% of his doors.  Sandy walks to the driver’s side rear door and tries to open the locked door with her hand.  All Sandy accomplishes is ripping off the door handle and leaves a jagged hole in the side of the car.  So she pushes her fingers and hand into the jagged opening and out the other side of the door and gives it another pull.  This time Sandy rips the door off the car with such a force that it almost bends the car in half.  She proceeds to fold the door in half several times over and when she’s finished, Sandy tosses the crumbled remains of the door into the back seat of the car.  She then goes to the back of the car and picks up the car with both hands until the rear bumper is about the same height as her hips.  She then begins to slam the car back and forth into her waist, smashing and crumbling the steel into her hips and waist until the trunk and rear of the car are reduced about 25 % in size, give or take about 90%.


Sandy looks at me as asks, “What do you think”, and I answer jokingly, “You or the car”?  Sandy laughs as she responds back, “The car, I will attended to you later tonight”.


My pulse doubles as I answer Sandy, “Why not remove 25% of the motor”.  Sandy looks at me as says, “That must be a man thing, but I’ll give it an attempt” as she ambles to the front of the car and stands directly in front of the hood with her legs spread and places her open hands on her hips. Then she takes her left hand and forces it under the hood, pushing steel brackets aside with her fingers and then slowly lifts her hand. At first, the entire cars lifts off the ground, but the hood latch soon break and Sandy raises the hood over her head.  She then flicks her hand sideways and tears the hood off the car and flings it across the parking lot. Sandy leans over slightly from her waist to acquire a better view of the engine compartment and says, “I’m not sure what 25% of this motor would be, so let me remove the motor and then I’ll decide what to eliminate from the motor”.  So Sandy slams her left hand through the top of the motor and down into the heart of iron monster.  The force of her hands against the large iron motor bends the entire front of the car inward and when she quickly raises her hand and yanks the motor out of the car, she forces the front section of the car outward again.  Sandy shakes her hand and the motor violently rocks back and forth, eliminating all the loose fittings, wiring, pipes, and hoses.  Sandy stands there with the motor over her head and shakes it as if it were a pom-pom.  She has her one hand on her hip and her hip is accented off to one side and for some reason, Sandy looked super sexy is this position and I think she knows it.  And she swayed her body around in provocative gestures as she held the motor high over her head with her one hand.


After several seconds, Sandy lowered the heavy motor to about her chest and using her right hands, begins to peel off chunks of the motor.  Sandy begins grabbing the external items on the motor and rips them off one at a time and crushed them into her body.  The starter is wrenched off and crushed into her waist, the alternator is twisted off and crushed between her tits, the air conditioner pump is mangled by her fingers, and the crankshaft pulley is wrapped around her thighs before she uses her legs to slice it in half. Sandy then throws the motor back into the engine compartment and says, “That should reduce the horsepower by 25%”.


Sandy grabs my hand and we start to walk out of the underground parking lot, but the gate is down and the only way out is to swipe your building card to open the steel gate.  Sandy walks directly, with me in tow, to the steel post that has the card reader for the gate.  I expected her to rip it off with her hands, but she walks directly into the post and I watch as her waist hit the card reader and the steel post is caught between her legs. Sandy waist blasts the card reader off the steel post, and the steel post bends downward and is forced to follow the shape of her body.  The steel post rubs against her waist, down against her  pussy and between her legs.  The steel post twists, bends, and crushes as Sandy’s long firm legs and thighs march forward.  Sandy continues to the metal gate and I expected her to walk straight through the gate but she still had my hand and I could not free myself from her grip.  I was getting worried, when all of a sudden Sandy spins me around, grabs me by my waist, and thrusts me backwards against the flat steel gate.  And just as quickly she presses her tall slender body into mine and pins me up against the gate.


Sandy spreads her legs and slowly grinds her powerful pleasing hips into mine.  She pushes her large firm breasts into my chest and extends her hands sideways and sinks her fingers through the steel gate and begins to rip sections of the steel gate apart with her hands.


Sandy then looks at me and says in a very sexy demeanor. “Try to escape my sexy hold on your body.  Push me, pull me, use all you strength to try to get away from me, after all I’m just a woman, you should be able to just push me away”.


Sandy gives me a kiss on my lips as she continues to massage her hips into mine, and press her firm breasts against my chest. She then takes my one hand and directs it to the inside of her thighs and slowly pull her hand and mine, which is against her hot body, up her firm thighs, across her hot pussy, along her flat waist and onto her soft large breasts and swollen nipples.


Sandy lets go of my hand and uses her tongue to massage my neck for a few seconds and then says, “I just has to prove to you that my strength is bona fide and this is not a dream; you haven’t tried to escape but I believe that because you know you can’t escape my strength”.  Now let me rip this gate apart and we can go to the Pub for a pint where I need to seriously speak to you about your stories.


Sandy releases my body from the gate and using her hand, directly me away from the gate.  She then turns around and walks through the metal gate likes it made of cobwebs instead of steel.   The metal tears open like a paper bag popping open as her body slices through the gate. And once through the gate, her hands brush aside any remnants of the steel gate and Sandy signals for me to come forward.  I just take a deep breath, walk through the remains of the destroyed parking lot gate and take Sandy’s hand.  The rear entrance to the Pub is just across the street and Sandy and I walk across the street, both with high expectation.


Once inside the pub, Sandy leads me to a quiet booth with a round table.  We settle into the booth with our backs to the wall, Sandy takes my hands and holds it both securely and with sincerity.  The waitress arrives and she knows both Sandy and I separately and says, “I never expected to see the two of you together, something special”.  Sandy responds quickly, “Oh YES something very special”.  The waitress takes our order for some cold t pints and returns quickly with our order.


Sandy positions her tall slender young body very close to mine and begins to tell me how she acquires her extreme strength. 


Sandy deep blue eyes gazes into my eyes and she says, “I used to fantasize daily about being super strong and having unlimited strength and one day, while surfing the Internet, I found the extreme strength web site and the group site. I read all the stories, watch all the videos, and enjoyed all the articles, pictures, comics, and other selection on the site.   But for some unknown reason, whenever I read your stories, some strange occurs.  After reading about two pages, I acquire unlimited strength and if I read about 5 pages, I acquire the bodily characteristics of the main person in your stories. I’ve been every character in you stories for the past few months and I have enjoyed it immensely.  I have use my strength just as your characters in the stories”.


I interrupt and interject, “Does this explain how 5 thoroughly destroyed locomotives we discovered in a farmer field, miles from any railroad tracks”? Sandy just shakes her heads in a positive response as she continues to explain her situation.


“The only problem with reading your stories is the total effect and my super strength only last for 4 to 5 hours”, Sandy says in a depressing tone of voice.  “After that I return to my normal self and I’m miserable”.


“Well, Sandy, if you read my stories over again, you should regain the incredible strength, YES”?


Sandy lowers her head again and in a disappointing tone of voice and says, “No, unfortunately I can only read the stories about 3 times and then they have absolute no effect. I need new and fresh stories to regain my super strength and turn into the sexy super strong characters of your story”.  That’s what I want to talk to you about.  I recognized your name and laughed at the possibility it could be you writing the stories. I was afraid to write to the group because it could have been anyone, and it would have seemed foolish. It would have been too much of a coincidence, I though to myself that it’s you.  Then I started to read your point papers, and project plans from work.  And it’s very obvious from your writing style, choice of words, and style of grammar that you are the author of the stories. So I took a chance and started to drop hints and you fell into my womanly trap”.


Sandy then sits up straight in the booth, smiles at me as she begins to massage my leg again with her hand and says, “I have a very pleasurable and sexy compromise to offer.  I would be very grateful if you would compose more stories about very strong and very sexy woman. I don’t care about the subject, the characters, or how they act, I crave to be extremely strong and super sexy.  I need the stories to be somewhat lengthy so I can transform into the characters in the story.  And if you do this, for each story you write about super strong and sexy woman using their bodies to do anything they desire, I would like you to write a very individual story for you and me.  And this story will be for you and me only.


I look and Sandy and says in a confused tone of voice, “Special Story”! 


Sandy response back in a especially sexy tone, “Yes, a very special story.  Compose an exclusive story that involves you and me, my super strength, and sex.  And I will do everything and anything in the story just as you write. Change the characters in the stories to complement your wildest imagination, and have the character do anything you desire with their super strong and sexy bodies.  Then I will perform those same feats of strength and sex, except I’ll perform these feats of strength and sex on you just as your write in the story.  Believe me, this is my appreciation for you writing the stories that provide me my extreme strength.  And remember, I enjoy being incredibly strong and super sexy.  There is something about using my unlimited strength and body to obtain anything I desire”.


I focus on Sandy beautiful face and can see by her facial expression that she is serious. I take a deep breath and say, “Of course I’ll continue to write new stories and I’ll definitely consider any special request you have for the characters in the stories and the manner they use their strength and their bodies”.


Sandy squeezes my leg tightly with her hand and smiles back at me and I’m ready to say something again, when I hear this strange sound reminiscent of something breaking and then the round table top we are sitting at fall over on the floor.  Both of our beers also fall on the floor and the waitress come running over to our table. 


“What happened”, asks the waitress and Sandy replies, “The center table leg must have broken and the top of the table fell over.  We are ok, the tabletop sort of fell slowly away from us”.  The waitress says, “Please move to another table and I’ll bring both of you another pint”.    Sandy and I move to another table and the waitress bring us another pint.  Sandy looks at me says, “Sorry about the table, when you agreed to write me more stories, I was so elated that I crushed the thick center post of the table with my legs”.


Sandy and I chat for a while and she tells me about all the character in my stories and what feats of strength she likes to accomplish.  Sandy’s not bashful in the least and describes how she uses her strength to me in great detail. She implies about her sexual exploits but never get into any details.  I just listen intently as she strokes my legs and we play a game of strength. My leg versus her soft female hand, and this is one game I enjoyed losing.


After Sandy has finished teasing me, and confessing her exploits about her extreme strength, she ask me if I would conjure up my next story about a special situation that she dreams about every since graduation from college and entering the world of business and sales.  “Of course I’ll give it a try, Sandy”, I respond back.


Sandy grins as she begins to explain her request and says, “I’m completing a paper for my post graduate work at college and I’m researching how a young woman should present herself in a strictly business situation.  Should this woman dress strictly for business and conduct herself in strict business protocol when with a customer or should she dress sexy and act with a flair of overconfidence.  I’ve done serious research and have experience in business, and it’s a bitch to loose a large business proposal because your competition sent a representative with huge tits and a short skirt”.   Sandy looks at me with and positive glow and I respond, “Give me a moment, and another sip of my beer, I’m sure my imagination can conjure up a short story”. Sandy responds back, “I hope you can create something interesting, for it hard to mix business with stories about extremely strong woman”.


“Got it Sandy, a great story line for you that involves both business and strength”, I respond back. “I’ll take a young attractive character and place her in a business situation, here’s the outline of the story”.  I open my laptop and begin to type the outline of the story as Sandy watches and reads intently.


First, I’ll make the character a woman who has graduated from college with a degree in business and she is trying to start her own business.  She could use her extreme strength to do anything she dam well please, but she decide to use her business skills to obtain a bank loan.  And reminiscent of your research, she schedules herself to interview with two banks for the loan.  She schedules herself at one bank in a strictly business manner, and the other bank in a very sexy flamboyant manner.


“Do you like the initial scenario of the story”, I ask Sandy and she replies, “OH YES”.


“Now for the main character, is there anything special Sandy you would appreciate in this story”?


“Your stories always have high school aged girls, why not create a new character especially for me”.  I look at Sandy and request; “Describe in detail your main character for me”.


Sandy pulls her head back and flips her hair off her face, rubs my swollen manhood with her hand and says, “Please make the main character a more mature woman”.  I simply ask Sandy, “Ok describe your main character as I type on my laptop”.


Sandy starts of describe the main character and I cannot keep up typing as she portrays her ideal character.  Sandy systemically goes through the list of characteristics of the main character, and as I listen, she is describing herself. 


Sandy starts to describe her alter ego and I smile back at this Goddess as I record the details.  Sandy says in quick succession, “I can imagine the central character should be a graduate of a major business school with a master degree in finance and extremely intelligent and beautiful.  Her tall body will exhibit her dedication to constant physical workouts at a gym.  A flat waist, long legs, firm thighs, mature hips, and the perfect sexual body that men identify by saying, “She will seriously hurt you if she on top”, is what I vision.  And also, a ample bust, a set of knockers that will allow me to enjoy the pleasure of destroy any object in my cleavage as men watch and grab their cock”.


I smile back at Sandy and ask in a nonchalant voice, “Shall I inject a little sex in the story”?   Sandy shakes her head, pulls back slightly and says in a professional tone with a dead serious expression on her face, “How can you separate extreme strength and extreme sex, of course I want sex in these stories, tons of sex, as much sex as I can lift with my new strength”.  I smile back at Sandy and say “OK”.   Sandy looks at me and says, “But remember, conserve the best sexual exploits for those special stories between you and I.


I take a deep breath and begin to type as Sandy intensely reads my entries on my PC.


“Outline Chapter 1 for Sandy”.


Tall, single, female, with a graduate degree in business and with the body specifications you described early to me.  “Super sexy, super shapely, firm muscle tone, and physical fit.


Requires 1 million Euros financing for new business.


Schedules separate meeting with two different banks.


First banks. Strictly business. Financial plan, Business development plans, Cost of business plan, Potential customers, and a cash flow plan.  She plans to wear business attire and act professional.


Second bank: Strictly business pleasure.  Develop a business plan using her ample female assets, which include huge amounts of breasts overflowing from a low cut top.  Two nipples protruding and stretching her top to the point of rupturing her flimsy top as she sways her tits back and forth.  A short shirt that exposes her vital assets in such detail that even an accountant could appreciate.  No business plan, no plan at all except she needs a million Euros and has special assets to use as collateral.


Schedule each appointment 4 hours apart.


Arrive at the first bank early in the morning, professionally dressed and with a professional outlook.  Presents her business case in a detail manner and when completed, asks for the loan details.  The loan officer then tells her bluntly, as he opens a door in his office to a special room that contains a bed and says, “Sure you can have the loan, if you screw me here and now.  You look at him as you remove all your clothing and once your completely nude, you say to him. “I don’t need your fucking loan” as you systematically begin to completely destroy his office, and that special room. 


Then you blast your body through the sidewall of his office and into the bank’s vault.  Once inside the vault, you use your sexy body to tear apart the thick steel vault door. And after you use your body to forcibly open the vault door, a nervous guard with a gun greets you.  You take the gun from the guard and use you body to play with the gun as if it were a rubber toy.


“OOH, But what about sex”, says Sandy, “You have this poor female character’s body heated to a high boil and she ready to explode”.


I pause for a second and then continue the outline.


The super strong woman proceeds to trash the banks lobby and the front revolving doors and exits into the street just as an armored truck arrives at the bank to deliver money.  She plays with the truck like it’s a small plastic model, lifting, bending, ripping, and opening the thick metal armor of the truck with her sexy body.  She enters the armor truck by walking through the back doors and rips apart the inside of the truck with her breasts.   She then tears open the wall leading to the cab and finds the two young guards in the front cab with their weapons drawn.  She looks at the two guards and they are two excellent young male specimens. She tears the trucks cab apart just to emphasis a point, crushes their weapons with her body and then takes both young men to the back of the armor truck where she fucks them until they pass out from pleasure.


She finishes her business with the armor truck, walks to her car and drives to the second bank for her afternoon appointment.


This time she’s dressed for sex.  Spiked heels, a short shirt with a slit in the side, an open blouse that shows off 90% of her cleavage, and a bare waist.  And she walks into the bank and flaunts her body to everyone. And she even says to the guard, “Nice gun, would you like to see my big tits crush it flat as tin foil, I can do that now or later”. 


The super woman goes to the loan officer’s office and as she enters the office she twists the doorknob off and crushes it slightly in her hands as she places it on the desk of the loan officer and says as she bends forward to expose maximum cleavage “I would like a loan for 1 million bucks and I have sufficient assets as collateral”. She watches the loan officer’s eyes and they never make contact with her eyes. She then places her large breasts on the edge of the desk to force even more cleavage to burst out of her top.


The loan officer looks at her and says, “Let’s discuss those outstanding “ASSETS” of yours in the hotel across the street, I’m sure I can arrange something”.


The super woman looks at the loan officer and says, “I prefer to use my “ASSETS” to screw open your vault, it’s would definitely be more pleasurable, you asshole”. She turns around and walks through his office wall, through the teller’s counter, passes the guard and takes his weapon that he is trying to aim and places it in her cleavage.  Then she tears open the safe with her breasts and crushes it in half with her legs.  After toying with the vault door for a few minutes she removes the vault’s doorframe and twists it into a bow.  And as she exits the bank through the front wall, about 10 police car greet her with a hail of gunfire. Bullets bounce off her body like soft raindrops as she begins to play with the police cars. The cars are mangle beyond belief and in about 2 minutes, the only objects remaining in the street are piles of twisted, crushed, and flatten metal.  Then she turns around and see a large van approaching.  It’s the “SWAT” team, and the heavy van pull up to the bank and a team of 12 men jump from the back of the van as open fire with shotguns, automatic rifles, armor piecing shells and all she does is stand there and play with her sexy body as thousands of bullets and shells simply bounce off her body. She teases her nipples with her fingers just to remind herself that she is a soft sensuous woman as she opens her large breasts and lets bullets get lodged in her cleavage.  After a short time she walks towards the van with plans to eliminate this piece of junk from the planet.


She lifts the large heavy  SWAT” van over her head and is eager to split it in half with her bare hands when she has an innovative idea.  Why not participate in some games with the “SWAT” team? After all, they are young strong men.  So she puts the van down, and starts to show off her strength by tearing large concrete blocks out of buildings and crushing them with her hands.  She rips fire hydrants out of the ground and bends then around her chest muscles.  She crumbles street signs, traffic lights, parking meters, and utility poles as if they are blades of grass. She flaunts her strength by lifting trucks, buses, and two cars at a time with her hands.  And all this time the “SWAT” team is still firing bullets at her nude body in a futile attempt to stop her.  Finally the “SWAT” team throws a steel chain mesh over her body and she taunts the chain with her nipples and is ready to thrust her large breasts through the steel chain and shred it apart when she simply surrenders to the “SWAT” team.  The SWAT team continues to wrap chain and steel cable around her and they secure the chain and cable tightly around her body.  The SWAT team then escorts her into the back of the “SWAT” van.


The SWAT van takes off down the highway and is apparently heading for a maximum-security facility. When she looks at the members of the SWAT team as says to them is an extremely sexy voice, “Let’s play some games gentlemen, but first let me break out of these thick heavy steel chains.  My big soft breasts should be able to burst these chains and cables open with nothing more that a deep breath”.   So she takes a deep breaths and pushes her breasts forward and the 12 member of the ‘SWAT” team watch in utter amazement as the steel chains and cables stretch as her enormous breasts thrust forward.  The chain links are forced to reshape themselves as the chain is stretched across breasts.  Then, chain link after chain link are sliced open by her nipples as the chain slides down and across her firm young breasts.  Finally the chain and the steel cables burst open with a violent tearing sound.  She laughs as the chains covering her upper body fall on the ground.  Then to break the chains and cables around her lower body, she simply slowly spreads her legs sideways until every piece of chain and cable breaks and falls on the floor of the van.


As I sit at the table and type the new outline, I can feel Sandy’s body getting closer and closer to mine as she follows my typing.  Finally, she looks at me and says, “I like this story and the way it’s unfolding and you can identify the super woman in your story as “SANDY”, I would appreciate the main character being named after me and I can relate to this story.  Also, if I may suggest in your story, have SANDY screw the living hell out of all 12 SWAT Team members. 


I just look at Sandy and reply, “Sandy, this is only an outline”.  “I know”, replies Sandy, “You can fill in the details in your final draft, but would you please finish this outline quickly, I have my special reasons”.


Ok Sandy here goes the rest of the outline, fast and furious.


SANDY high jack’s the “SWAT” van by tearing open the back of the van’s cab and quickly removing the driver.

She drives the van at a high rate of speed to an old abandon steel mill.

Tells the “SWAT” Team. “We are going to participate in a special game”.  I’m going to let you out of the van with your guns. Go and hide in the old steel mill. Because if I find you, which will be easy as I tear apart the steel mill with my body, this is what I’m going to do to you”.


SANDY grabs a heavy machine gun and sits down on a bench and spreads her long legs.

She easily forces the long steel barrel of the machine gun completely into her super hot pussy and then pulls the trigger.  The gun explodes as the armor piecing bullets cannot penetrate her body and need somewhere to vent their energy.


SANDY then pulls the massive gun away from her body and reveals that her hot vagina has straightforwardly crushed the long metal barrel down into a white-hot liquid.


SANDY tears the back doors off the van without using her hands.

Tells the “SWAT” team to go and hide in the old steel mill. And if I find you, I’m bringing you back to the van and screw you just like I did that machine gun.


The “SWAT” team looks at SANDY and then run swiftly out of the van and head for the cover of the old steel mill.


Sandy looks at me and says, “I don’t want to hurt anyone. I basically desire to screw them until their absolutely silly”.


I look at Sandy and respond back laughing, “Just think of how much enjoyment you can have with the SWAT team.  They think you are going to crush their manhood so they are going to play the game seriously.  That is until you catch one of the members of the SWAT Team, bring him back to the van and screw him absolutely silly on the front seat of the van that you tear out and thrown on the ground just before you go on your MANHUNT”.  After you capture the first one, the other members will be very enthusiastic about being captured.  Of course, you can use your strength and destroy the steel mill and pretend they put up a valiant fight and are challenging to capture”.


Sandy just looks at me and says, “Let the games begin”.


Sandy then takes my PC away from me, saves the file as “SANDY’S NEW ADVENTURE”, shutdowns the PC and says to me. “You can complete a new story in exquisite detailed later, but for right how, I have just received another 4 to 5 hours of extreme strength and I desire two items to satisfy my passion.


First. That construction site across the street with all that equipment, I need to test my strength against that heavy equipment and those steel beams.


Second. That trailer at the construction site, I’ll bet it has a bed or mattress somewhere inside.  Any questions?


Details of Sandy exploits with the banks and the SWAT team in the next chapter.