Kathryn: In service to her country.

By Pat Mallon

A lovely young girl plays with an aircraft carrier

WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.

Kathryn is enjoying the company of several muscular young men in the back of a full size conversion van and demonstrating her unique ability and strength to squeeze solid cold steel into a hot gooey substance using various parts of her tall sexy body. And as a special incentive to make the entertainment more interesting, she agreed to fuck the brains out of the young stud who can come up with the most interesting and innovative new idea on how to user her super powerful body to squeeze cold hard steel. The young studs have everything including sledgehammers, two edges axes, crowbars, thick chains, anvils, and a selection of weights from a local gym. The 6-foot 4-inch Kathryn was enjoying the foreplay and almost had a winner as one young stud places the two edges super sharp axe between her nipples and asked the young Goddess to slice the axe in half lengthwise with just her nipples as she massaged and played with her 52-inch long tits.

Then Kathryn’s cell phone rang with a distinctive ring and she immediately pushed her tits together and slice the hardened steel axe in half with just her aroused nipples as if it were a puff of dust. She reached for her cell phone, listens intensely to a message and quickly stands up and says to the young studs. " Sorry guys, show times over, I have important duties to perform for our country". And as she stands straight up, and places her thin yellow skimpy halter back over her deep tanned breasts, her head blasts through the roof of the van. The super girl then walks from the back of the van to the front and slices the roof of the van wide open. Her long slender legs then cut through the interior of the conversion van and destroy the custom seats and dash as her bountiful boobs explode through the windshield. The large "V8" engine is pushed out the front of the van and through the grill by Kathryn’s powerful thighs and crushed into a glob of twisted scrap as she continues to walk to her high-powered Corvette. The young studs back in the van are all holding their super hard cocks and cannot believe what type of emergency could cause the extremely strong Kathryn to leave so quickly. Kathryn walks directly to her Corvette and easily tosses a pickup truck and a large SUV out of her path as if they were balloons. Once inside her Corvette she speeds off at a high rate of speed to her emergency appointment.

Kathryn arrives at a secluded mansion that is guarded by a steel barricade and two young Marines with automatic rifles. Kathryn advances to the two Marines, who cannot believe their eyes, for Kathryn is showing off boobs through the yellow halter she is wearing that they could ever-possibly dream. The one Marine quickly says in a stuttering tone of voice, "Madam, you are in a highly restrictive area, please turn around and leave immediately". Kathryn answers the young Marine quickly and authoritative with a string of coded letters and numbers and both young Marine snap to attention and answer, "Yes Madam, your escort will be here immediately". Kathryn then parks her Corvette in a special area and two more young Marines meet Kathryn and escort her into the mansion. And as they walk down a long hallway, the two Marines can’t keep their eyes off the bouncing breasts of Kathryn that are scantily be restrained by her super tight halter.

Kathryn and her armed Military escorts enter into an office at the end of the long hallway and Kathryn says to the older gray hair gentleman behind a large desk. "Mr. Secretary, how can I be of service to my country". The gentleman replies to Kathryn in a serious tone of voice, "There is the largest aircraft carries ever constructed taunting our fishing fleet off our shores. This hostile nation’s military will not recall their aircraft carrier and since it’s in international water, our military cannot take any action. This carrier is so large that its wake has already sunk many fishing trawlers and its planes are harassing our fishing vessels with high-speed fly-byes and bombing practices on their nets. "Ooooooooh, this sound exciting, any special instructions for me Sir", Kathryn asks? "Yes Kathryn, first, we will disavow any involvement in this action and second we will drop you from a stealth bomber near the carrier and from then on it’s up to you as to how to eliminate this threat", the secretary answers. "However, I would not be a bit disappointed it you completely annihilated the interior of the aircraft carrier and then folded the carrier in half". The two Marine escorts, who are standing at attention, have their eyes wide open and glued on Kathryn’s bulging tits. And from the expression on their faces, Kathryn can tell they have no understanding of her extreme strength. "Mr. Secretary", Kathryn says in an expressive tone, "May I demonstrate to these young good looking Marines my special talents". "Of course you may Kathryn, and sergeant, hand over your weapon to Kathryn, that’s an order".

Kathryn receives the automatic rifle from the Marine and places the barrel of the rifle into her massive cleavage. She then smiles at the young Marine and pulls the trigger and empties the 50 round clip of high power bullets into her cleavage. Both young Marines breaks from attention and take a step backwards. The only objects remaining at attention on the Marines are their super hard cocks that are straining to escape their dress uniforms. Then to amplify the pounding of their cocks in the uniforms of the two Marines, Kathryn easily pushes the weapon into her cleavage with her one hand and then places her hand on her slender hips. The tall brunette then arcs backs her shoulders and thrusts out her breasts while wetting her lips with her long tongue. Kathryn takes several deep breaths and allows the weapon to knead inside her enormous cleavage and the steel of the weapons turns into a super hot gurgle that evaporates into the thin air. Both Marines are straining to remain at attention when the Secretary says to then, "Gentlemen, please escort Kathryn to an awaiting car, dismissed". An awaiting car rushes Kathryn to a remote location on an airfield where a stealth bomber is being prepared for a mission.

It’s a moonless night and Kathryn knows it’s perfect for the stealth bomber not to be detected as it approaches the enemy aircraft carrier. She boards the aircraft and takes the third seat in the rear of the cockpit. Both the pilot and copilot enjoy the site of Kathryn trying to place the 5-way harness over her titanic tits and that small yellow halter-top. It looked to the two pilots likes someone trying to stuff two extra large and firm pillows into a matchbox.

Kathryn finally says ready to the two pilots and all the two pilots can observe are massive tits being compressed into the 5-way harness and a set of nipples ready to tear through a yellow halter. The pilots push the throttles to full military power and the resulting thrust causes Kathryn to push her super chest forward and the 5-way harness can’t take the strain and burst open with a thunderous snap. Both pilots look back at Kathryn’s titanic tits and the torn open harness along with her yellow halter that has started to also rip open. "The runway, gentlemen", Kathryn says as she points her hand straight ahead.

The stealth plane takes off and heads towards its target and once it reaches its cruising altitude, Kathryn asks the two pilots it they know the details of the plan. And both pilots acknowledge that Kathryn is going to be dropped from the bomb bay and into the enemy aircraft carrier where she will destroy the ship with her super strong body. The pilots tell Kathryn that it’s a 3-hour trip up the coast and to sit back and relax. "Bullshit", says Kathryn, "I’m not going to sit here for 3 boring hours with nothing to do but stare at the pitch black sky. Let’s have some fun", Kathryn says as she shreds the clothing off her sexy body and tosses them aside. "These clothes would have disincarnate instantly when I crash land into that carrier anyway, so let me fly this plane for a while and I‘ll let both of you strive to fuck me silly". The pilot immediately put the plane on autopilot and jumps out of his seat and allows Kathryn the pleasure of flying the plane. Kathryn enjoys piloting the plane but after about 30 minutes says to the pilot, "Your turn to fly me". Kathryn then jumps out of the pilot’s seat and on top of the pilot who is seated in the third seat. She easily pushed the back of the third seat down, bending the metal as if it were a soft pretzel. She slashes his flight suit off his body with simple pulls of her hands and rams his super hard cock inside her cunt. She pounds and screws the pilot so hard and relentless that after only a few minutes he requires his oxygen mask to remain conscious. The copilot is not going to take the chance of having his flight suit ripped to shreds and attempting to explain the situation to his superiors, so he quickly removes his flight suit, places his oxygen mask on his face and eagerly awaits Kathryn super body. Kathryn screws both pilots over and over; knowing fully that the automatic pilot is directing the stealth plane to its target. Finally, an alarm goes off in the cockpit. The stealth bomber is in visual range of the target and the exhausted pilot and copilot resume control of the stealth bomber.

Kathryn stares out the cockpit window and sees the aircraft carrier and the flight deck that is covered with aircrafts and well lighted. "Look at the size of that fucking carrier", scrams Kathryn as the pilot responds, "It’s the largest ship in the world and displaces over 150000 thousand tons. There are over 120 aircrafts and 40 helicopters on that carrier and supported by 2 supply ships and two fast missile cruisers".

"Well it time to me to descend into the bomb bay and get ready to be dropped", says Kathryn as she starts to crawl through the belly of the stealth bomber. The copilot then tell Kathryn, "Release yourself when you see the bomb light turn from red to green and remember, we will be traveling at 500 knots and about 200 meters above the water. We will be about 1500 meter from the aircraft carrier when we give you the GO".

Kathryn, who is completely nude, climbs into the bomb bay and position herself just above the bomb bay doors. She sees the red light and locks herself in place just as the bomb bay doors open. She knows it will only be a few seconds until release.

Finally the light turns green and Kathryn release her super body into the air and starts a dive forwards the enemy carrier. She user her hand and feet as rudder and wings and guides herself directly towards the fantail of the carrier, just at the hanger deck level.

The pilot and the copilot of the stealth bomber turn the plane hard but keep their eyes on the rear of the carrier. They cannot see Kathryn but know in about 5 seconds her super strong body and those enormous tits hanging from her chest will impact the ship and they will see the results. "Five, four, three, two, one, a direct hit", yells the copilot as he sees the rear of the ship explode and small fires break out on the fantail of the carrier.

From Kathryn viewpoint, she extends her hands wide to cause as much damage as possible on the initial impact and she knows her 52-inch long tits will tear through the flimsy 2-inch thick steel decking like a lawnmower through grass. The impact is quick as her body slices through 13 bulkheads, 150 feet of 2-inch steel decking, various pipes, pumps, and electrical machinery at the rear of the carrier. She then stands up and pushes the collection of twisted and mangled steel from her tall nude body as if it were overcooked spagetti and starts to walk down a corridor. The powerful Goddess just tears everything apart that is in the walkway. Pipes, doors, controls, valves, and panels are violently torn to pieces by her hands and she swings her super sized breasts back and forth and lets them crushed and blast apart everything they touch. At the end of the corridor she simply talks through the bulkhead as her tits blast the steel apart as it if were tissue paper and her legs and thighs cut the steel bulkhead to shreds. Once past the bulkhead, Kathryn finds herself on the open hanger deck where a large aircraft tug slams into her long firm leg and causes the bumper to complete wrap around her one thigh. The 10-ton tug, which is only 1.5 meters high, comes to an immediately stop and the driver is thrown from the vehicle. Kathryn just laughs as she straddles the thick engine section with her long legs and grabs the sides of the tug with her hands and easily bends the back section of the tug into the air. She then quickly squeezes her legs together and slices the massive tug in half. The thick steel frame and engine ooze out her thighs and into her cunt. Kathryn screams with delight as she lifts the back section of the tug up into the air and slams it down onto her tits and crushes the entire tug into her tits.

The tall brunette simply tosses the remains of the tug aside and walks past a large ground attack aircraft where she grabs the front landing gear and cruelly separates it from the plane with an insignificant pull of her soft hand. The aircraft falls on its nose and Kathryn continues to walk completely through the left wing of the aircraft. Her unbelievable large breasts mangle the wing into a pile of scrap with incredible easiness. And as she exits the destroyed wing of the aircraft, Kathryn tits are directly in front of a bomb loader with two 500-pound bombs chained to the lift arm. Kathryn users her 2-inch long super sensitive nipples to slice the chains from around the bombs and then takes the bombs from the loader’s long steel arms. She then places the 500-pound bombs next to her titanic tits. "My tits are bigger that these stupid bombs and much much more powerful", Kathryn yells as she crushed the bombs into the side of her tits where they explode and blast large holes in the side of the carrier. And without any effect on Kathryn, she just brushes the remains of the exploded bombs off her body and then severs the long steel arms off the bomb loader with a snap of her wrist. She then crushes the steel arms into the palm of her hand until they are nothing more that a glob of super hot liquid steel.

Kathryn continues walking forward in the hanger deck, tossing aircraft around like toy gliders. She crushes support vehicle between her tits and thighs, and rips long gashing holes in the hanger’s steel floor by swinging her tits as she bends over to pick up various objects to annihilate. She promenades past an gigantic elevator designed to lift aircraft from the hanger deck to the flight deck and grabs the 30 meter by 30 meter elevator floor and peels the 2-foot thick steel back as if she is peeling back satin sheet on her bed. Kathryn then hears the hissing of high power steam and observer the huge steel pistons that drive a catapult. She strolls over to the piston and just as she arrives the 50-ton piston starts to rapidly move forward. "They must be launching an aircraft". Kathryn thinks to herself and she immediately walks through the safety railing and positions her young sexy body in the path of the 50-ton chunk of rapidly moving steel. The steel piston rams directly into Kathryn 52-inch long tits and catches onto her super sensitive nipples. The tremendous energy of the steam driven piston needs to be dispersed and it’s not Kathryn super breasts that are going to capitulate. The 50-ton steel piston rockets off Kathryn mighty chest and through the flight deck. The 24-inch thick piston rod then slams into Kathryn hot cunt with the force of several million tons of pleasure pressure. Kathryn screams in ecstasy as she grabs the thick steel rod with her hands and forces it harder into her super hot body.

The Goddess then leaves the catapult area and by this time there are alarms and horns blaring all over the ship. She starts to walk towards an extremely large set of fire doors that divide the hanger deck and sees about 50 men all armed with automatic weapons. With all the noise around her, Kathryn never heard anyone give the order to open fire. In fact she didn’t even notice the 50 men were shooting at her until she noticed the bullets ricocheting off her fabulous chest muscles. Over 500 bullets per second her hitting her chest and nipples and all that was occurring to Kathryn was a small tingle in her super sensitive nipples. She walks past the 50 men, ignoring that fact that they are shooting live ammo and towards the fire doors that were closing and simply detaches the massive doors from their guides with a gentle push of her hands. With the hanger deck in complete disarray, Kathryn climbs a stairway up to the flight deck and tears the handrails completely off the stairway as she walks up to the flight deck and wads the steel into a ball with her hands.

Once on the flight deck she soon realizes all the helicopters are preparing to leave the ship and she needs to stop this evacuation. The super teenager then sees the 3-inch thick steel arresting cables used to stop returning aircraft on landing and picks up one end of the cable with her right hand. She pulls on the cable and completely tears the steel cable out from under the flight deck and starts to swing the 200-meter long cable over her head in a long circle. The cable swings high into the air and cuts the rotors off all the helicopters on the first swing. Kathryn then just rips the 200-meter cable into small sections of cable by pulling it apart using her hands and powerful tits.

She then walks over to the side of the carrier and looks at one of the missile cruiser racing along side the carrier. She then notices a small bright red dot between her breasts. "You’re pointing a fucking laser beam at my tits, you perverts", yells Kathryn as she sees a laser guided missile heading towards her young body. Kathryn assists the operator on the missile cruiser by keeping the laser dot between her tits and within a fraction of a second a 20-foot long missile slams into her perfect body and explodes with several tons of high explosive in its warhead. When the smoke and fire clear, all anyone can see is Kathryn walking quickly to the front of the aircraft carrier. She screaming at the top of her voice, "You fucking pervert's, you’re not going to get away with pointing a laser at my tits". Kathryn finally reaches the front of the ship and bends over at her thin slender waist. Her titanic tits plunge through the 2-inch thick steel of the flight deck as if it were water. She swings her tits back and forth and tears a huge hole in the deck. Kathryn then grabs the steel decking with her hands and removes a 20-meter by 20-meter section of flight deck. She smiles as she sees the anchor chain, which is made up of iron links a foot thick. She then pulls out a 2-foot thick by 50-foot long steel beam from under the flight deck and bends the 2-foot thick steel beam to form a hook at one end and uses the hook to snag and bring the anchor chain onto the flight deck.

Kathryn pulls all of the anchor chain onto the flight deck along with the 500-ton anchor that is torn completely through the inside of the ship. She then starts to swing the anchor and chain around her head in an ever-expanding circle. She is swinging almost 300 meter of anchor and chain around her head and watching the missile cruiser. And with perfect timing, she releases the anchor chain and sends the anchor flying towards the missile cruiser. The 500-ton anchor hits the cruiser just above the water line and it goes completely through the missile ship. Then Kathryn starts to reel in the 30000-ton missile cruiser with the anchor chain as if it here a small minnow fish on the end of a fishing pole. Within a few second, the missile cruiser is along side the carrier and a few second later; Kathryn pulls the entire missile cruiser onto the flight deck of the carrier. She starts to walk towards the stern of the missile cruiser and notices the 7-meter propellers are still rotating at a high rate of speed. So the extremely strong and nude 19-year-old places her young body perpendicular to one of the rotating propellers, opens her long slender legs and skips forward into the ships’ rotating propeller. The blades of the 80-ton steel propeller are rotating between her legs and with one more skip forward by Kathryn; the steel blades start to channel into her hot and moist cunt. However, her super powerful body easily absorbs the slashing of the steel blades between her legs and against her cunt, and the hair on her pussy soon begins to shred the steel propeller blades into a pile of fine metal shavings. Kathryn then screams with pure pleasure as she reaches for the rotating propeller shaft and innocently forces the 24-inch solid steel shaft down into her breasts where it’s crushed between her gigantic globes to the thickness of a sheet of paper.

Kathryn hears a deafening noise behind her and turns around to observe a fighter jet being pushed backwards by a large tug towards her body. The twin engines of the supersonic jet are at full power with the afterburners set to maximum. There are two blue conical flames exhausting from the engines and these flames are shooting back for almost 30 feet. The nude super girl then pushes the 24-inch thick propeller shaft of the cruiser aside, places her hands on her breasts and says to herself, "Get ready tits for a truly hot massage". The driver of the tug maneuvers the aircraft straight for Kathryn and she knows what they’re trying to accomplish. However, Kathryn just places her hands on her hips, thrusts her mountainous mounds forward and waits. The jet’s fiery exhaust soon is engulfing her entire 52-inch long tits. "OOOOOOH!!! That feels good Kathryn screams as the watches the driver of the tug abandon his vehicle and run to the far side of the carrier. She also watches the super hot blue flame just tease her nipples, but Kathryn wants more pleasure. So she starts to walk towards the exhausts of the jet and aligns her massive tits with the twin exhaust nozzles of the aircraft. Kathryn allows her twin tits to enter the exhaust nozzles where she just swings her breasts in a circle. She then uses her long arms and hands to grab the rear frame of the aircraft and pulls the aircraft into her body. Her titanic tits are getting the finest massage she has ever experienced. And as she draws the jet further and further into her body, her enormous tits sink deeper into the exhaust nozzles of the aircraft. Then Kathryn starts to "COO", for her nipples are being tantalized by something several millions times a second. Then, without warning, both jet engines explode with tiny bits of metal showering all over the flight deck. The tingling Kathryn felt on her super hard nipples were the harden blades of the exhaust turbine and her nipples just sliced the titanium rotors to pieces as if they were soap bubbles.

The captain and his crew are observing these events from the bridge of the ship and Kathryn sees them looking out the bridge window. Kathryn now gets an exciting idea to beach this carrier on a nearby rocky atoll and see if she can lift its almost 200000 tons of carrier and missile cruiser over her hand with only one hand and twirl it around on her one finger. So Kathryn runs towards the tower of the carrier and blast through the steel siding, leaving a gaping hole in the side of the tower. She then climbs the stairs to the 5th deck in the tower, letting her breasts swing back and forth and pushes anything in their path off to the side. The decks are filled with young sailor who gawk and stare at the incredibly strong and shapely Kathryn as she run up the stairs and along the corridors of the ship. Kathryn just gives the young men a sexy glance as she passes them. She even reaches out with her hands and gently rubs their aroused cocks. When she reaches the bridge, Kathryn is ready to peel off the thick security door but decides instead to tantalize her tits with the steel bulkhead. She positions herself a few feet from the security door to the bridge and slowly pushes her firm pert tits into the steel bulkhead. The site from inside the bridge causes every male on the bridge to cream his pants. First, everyone on the bridge hears a horrible sound of steel being bent and stretched. They all stare at the bulkhead next to the entry door of the bridge and watch as the 2-inch thick steel starts to buckle inward about 5 feet from the floor. It only takes a few seconds before the steel is pushed inward about 20 inches, then there is this loud crisp popping sound. Both of Kathryn erect super hard nipples pierced the thick steel as easy as a shape knife pierces homemade bread. The thick steel of the bulkhead continues to bend effortlessly inward. Her massive tits tear, rip, and peel back the 2-inch thick steel bulkhead. Soon, the entire 52-inches of Kathryn’s tits are poking through the steel and the crewmembers on the bridge then see a pair of fingers push through the steel bulkhead just above these unbelievable tits. Once Kathryn has her fingers through the thick steel she just pulls the bulkhead apart as if it were a shower curtain and she walks freely onto the bridge.

The Captain is standing next to a crewmember that is armed with a 12 gauge automatic shotgun and he yells, "Stop or I’ll shoot". Kathryn walks straight for the man with the shotgun and smiles. The armed crewmember let loose with the shotgun and fires 10 rounds into Kathryn super hard chest muscles. The slugs from the blasts simply lodge in Kathryn massive cleavage and as she approaches the barrel of the shotgun, she opens her cleavage with her hands and lets the cold steel barrel of the shotgun enter between her breasts. When she releases her powerful breasts and they spring back together, 3 feet of the cold steel shotgun barrel is instantly crushed between her breasts and oozes out the top of her cleavage as a hot tarry substance that Kathryn then scoops up with her fingers as if she was scraping soft icing off a birthday cake. The crewmember is left holding only the stock and the trigger guard of the shotgun.

Kathryn turns around to the Captain and says to him in an authority voice, "Please have your crew abandon this aircraft carrier, your fun and games with the fishing fleet are over. For I’m going to beach this carrier, fold it in half, lift it with one hand and toss it back into the ocean". From the events that have unfolded on his ship, the Captain looks at Kathryn and stares at her body. Kathryn can see by the look on the Captains face that he is uncertain about what to do. So to convince him that she is serious, Kathryn walks over to the ship’s controls, set the speed to full, and sets a course for a nearby rocky atoll. She then uses her thighs to completely obliterate the control panels by easily walking through the steel consoles. The Captain, whose tongue is hanging out of his mouth and dripping saliva on the floor, finally gives the order to abandon ship.

Kathryn goes back down the stairs to the flight deck, and as she goes down the stairs backwards, she pushes out her gigantic tits and enjoys the site of her super firm and pert breasts tearing out every single steel rung and step on the stairs. At least a dozen crewmembers cannot take the pressure in their pants any longer and jerk off as Kathryn crushes the steel steps as if they are blades of dry grass.

Kathryn goes to the middle of the flight deck and pick up a 30-ton mobile crane with one hand and lifts it over her lovely head. She then slams it down into the flight deck and the crane blasts through 12 steel decks and comes to rest in the engine room of the carrier. Kathryn then jumps into the blasted out hole made by the crane and free falls 12 decks into the engine room of the ship. She finally lands on top of a 20 ton primary electrical generator and her open legs slice through the 4 inch-thick steel outer casing and cut the metal monster in half as she closes her powerful thighs on landing.

"Look at the size of these steam turbines and those 4 propeller shafts. They must be a meter in diameter and 200 meter long", Kathryn yells, as she tears a 6-inch thick steel block of steel from the remains of the generator and scours it into her ends of her firm ripe tits. The few remaining sailors in the engine compartment are dazed and confused, but it doesn’t take them long to regain the senses after observing Kathryn just melt that mass of cold steel into her bare tits with nothing more than her thin female hands. The sailors all scamper for the nearest exit but do turn around in time to watch Kathryn thrust her indestructible nipples into the rotating propeller shaft and instantly grind two 2-inch deep groves into the harden steel shaft. Sparks and hot metal splinters fly outward as Kathryn scrams with pleasure as her nipples and tits slice completely through the meter thick steel in less that 5 seconds. Kathryn then turns towards the turbine and the remains of the rotating shaft and straddles the rotating shaft with her legs. The super teenager then clasps the steel frame of the turbine and slowly closes her thighs. The friction of Kathryn legs against the cold hard steel immediately heats the steel to a temperature that causes the steel to glow cherry red. With her soft pussy enjoying the rotating and the heat of the steel shaft, Kathryn cannot control herself and closes her legs even more and stops the propeller shaft from turning. And since the shaft was being driven by only a 500000 horsepower turbine, Kathryn thighs won this battle as the turbine and it blades explode in a violent destruction of the turbine. "Damm that felt good", Kathryn says to herself, "as she starts to destroy the three remaining shafts and turbines with equal ease and passion. The second rotating shaft is crushed completely through by Kathryn pulling her breasts apart with her hands and placing them over the shaft and lets the forces of Mother Nature just squeeze the meter thick steel shaft in half as her hanging tits crush the steel with impunity. As her massive melons spring back together, the super harden steel oozes from between her top and bottom cleavage like jelly from between two pieces of bread. Kathryn users her one finger to the next shaft to carve the shaft in half and just pushes her finger through the rotating steel as if it were made from sponge cake. The forth and last shaft is chewed to pieces by Kathryn long tongue and as she stick out her tongue and licks the steel shaft, large sliver of steel are licked off just like soft ice cream from a cone.

Kathryn is in a state of unadulterated pleasure and forgot that the shafts she destroyed turn the propellers and power the ship forward. "Oh shit", the super teenager screams, "the ship has stopped dead in the water". So Kathryn devises a plan to rotate the propeller shafts by herself. The fact the four 500000-horespower turbine turned the propellers at 200 RPM is insignificant to Kathryn. She just clasps the shafts between her hands and spins each shaft at over 20000 RPM. The almost 200000-ton carrier and missile cruiser leap forward and race for the rock beach directly ahead at over 160 kilometers an hour. The aircraft carrier resembled more of a off shore racing boat than a military ship.

As the carrier nears the shores, Kathryn can sense the closeness of the beach by the vibrations and scrapings against the bottom of the seabed. She stops spinning the propeller shafts and allows the carriers to blast onto the rocky atoll. The entire ship slides completely on shore and come to a rest on the rocky beach. Kathryn run through two of the still rotating turbine and enjoys the pleasure that thousand of stainless steel turbines blades cause as her nipples, tits, cunt, thighs, and legs cut a hole through the center of the turbines. She then run to the side of the ship a tears open a huge hole in the steel with just a simple backhand from her right hand. She looks out through the hole and observers that the beach is deserted and thinks to herself, "I’ll bend this pile in useless steel in half to make it easier to lift without it breaking apart". So Kathryn heads back into the engine room and stares jokingly at the four 200-meter long by 1 meter thick propeller shafts and says to herself, "This should be children play", as she scopes up the propellers shafts one at a time in her arms. The incredibly strong Kathryn quickly has all four shafts crushed in her arms and starts to lift up on the shafts. The 1-meter diameter solid steel shafts start to bend and moan as the super girl lifts the propeller shaft with undaunting ease. The entire aft section of the world largest aircraft carrier starts to lift and the steel sides of the mighty ship begin to buckle inwards. Kathryn smiles and is amused at the relative ease the ship begins to fold in half. The steel decks above her head curl up in the center of the ship and tear apart towards the sides. Heavy machinery and large sections of steel fall from the upper decks onto Kathryn, but she doesn’t pay any attention as they slam into her absolutely perfect nude body. It only takes about ten seconds for the rear section of the ship to be bent straight up in the air. But Kathryn continues her display of strength and continues to push the aft section on the ship onto the bow section. The sound of 15 stories of steel bending and buckling is deafening and Kathryn can hear the slamming of aircraft, tugs, helicopters and other heavy equipment falling onto the bow of the ship.

"YESSSSSSS!!", Kathryn screams, "I just folded the largest aircraft carrier ever constructed in half in less than 20 seconds". Now lets see if I can balance this ship on my 52-inch long itty bitty titties. So kathryn releases all four shafts and then grabs hold of the two center shafts, one in each arm and gives them a sharp yank and tears then out of their bearings and support frames. She then hears the slamming of two 500-ton propellers fall from the rear of the carrier and onto the flight deck. Kathryn then walks to and through the steel side of the ship and out onto the rocky beach pulling the two 200 meter long shafts with her to the outside. She takes the first meter thick solid steel and starts to curl it around on itself. The steel easily bends around her firm breasts and body and she creates a mat that she can use to stand on as she lifts the carrier. Kathryn hopes this meter thick by 10-meter diameter mat will keep her from crushing down into the rocks as she lifts almost 200000 tons of aircraft carrier and missile cruiser over her head. She then slides the mat under the center of the bent in half carrier and returns to the other steel propeller shaft.

By this time, many of the sailors from the carrier have arrived on the rocky atoll on their lifeboats and are gathering to watch in amazement the 6-foot 4-inch teenager with long brunette hair and a set of knockers that are outstanding. Kathryn smiles and waves the sailors closer as she picks up the propeller shaft and makes two 90 degree bends in the meter thick shaft. The super Goddess creates the folds by simply bending the steel shaft across her breasts. The thick solid steel bends across Kathryn might chest as if it were a garden hose that has been heated by the sun for hours. And after the two bends, each bend about a third down the shaft, Kathryn has formed a gigantic "U" bolt the she slips under the aircraft carrier between the hull and the mat she had earlier produced.

"Your attention please", Kathryn screams as she looks at the sailors walking towards her, "You are most welcome to watch me attempt to lift your bent ship over my head with one hand. Then I will bounce the ship around with my bodacious boobs, lift the ship again with one finger and then toss it several hundred kilometer into the ocean". Kathryn just stands still for a second, places her hands on her slender hips, thrust out her titanic tits and watch as almost all the men start rubbing their super hard cocks.

Kathryn then turns around and walks to the carrier and along the gigantic "U" bolt she has constructed and stands of the steel mat. Since the "U" bolt is position in the center of the aircraft carrier that has already been folded in half, Kathryn hopes the ship will be balanced properly for her to lift the massive pile of steel? Once she is position under the ship, the super gorgeous teenager places her right hand under the meter thick shaft and starts to lift the 200000 tons of carrier. The "U" bolt shaft starts to bends and shutter and Kathryn dainty feet start to depress into the meter thick steel mat. But it doesn’t take long before she has the carrier off the ground and within a few seconds is holding two ships over her head with only one hand. Kathryn smiles and starts to do some serious reps to show off the muscles in her long arms. And with her other hands, her grabs her gigantic tits and starts to play with and massage her massive melons. The soft flesh of her breasts giggles around like a large plate of Jell-O as her fingers sink deep into her massive mounds. Kathryn then forces her tits outward and lowers the massive "U" bolt shaped shaft on her breasts where the 200000 ton of steel cannot even force her pert tits down a micrometer. Kathryn then starts to giggle her tits up and down and the once mighty aircraft carrier is tossed around as if it were a feather. Kathryn laughs as she again lifts the carrier off her tits with her left hand and completes another series of several hundred reps. Then, to add an exclamation point to her feats of strength, she holds the carrier and missile cruiser over her head with just one finger and starts to spin the metal mass around like a toy top. And after she has the aircraft carrier rotating at a constant steed and the mass is acting like a gyroscope, Kathryn lower her left arm and then with a steady and firm push, rockets the carrier into the air and sends it several hundred miles out into the ocean where it sinks to the bottom of the sea.

Kathryn then raises both her hands over her head in a triumph show of success. All the sailors on the beach are completely stunned and are standing with their mouth wide open and their tongues panting.

Kathryn then hears the sound of a large helicopter descending on the atoll and as she looks up she observes a friendly crew descending towards her. "Come on Kathryn, lets get out of here", one of the Marines shouts, as the other 11 young Marines stand guard with their automatic weapons at the ready. "Yes Sir", replies Kathryn as she jumps into the helicopter and it lifts off the island. "Gentlemen, thanks for rescuing me", Kathryn tells the crew, as one of the Marines hands Kathryn a blanket to place over her nude body. Kathryn then stands up, takes the blanket and tosses it aside and scans all the young Marines with her sexy eyes. She then begins to rub her legs with her left hand and massage her breasts with her right hands and yells to the 12 Marines in a tone of voice that is reserved for drill sergeants, "Cocks, Attention". Kathryn then watches as the camouflaged pants of the young Marines start to swell. Kathryn then turns to the officer in charge and yells in a loud and excited voice, "Declare an emergency for a mechanical problem and land this helicopter on the other side of the island. And to show my appreciation, I’ll fuck your entire squad of young Marines until they beg for mercy. And we can have a contest to see who has the most vivid iminagation on how I can crush those puny and useless automatic weapons with various parts of my sexy body. And whoever has the best iminagation, I’ll fuck first and I’ll fuck the most".

The pilot immediately declares an emergency, lands on a nice sandy beach, and accidentally disconnects the radio. Kathryn smiles and says in return, "Lets see if your survival training is justified. We could be here for a week", as she picks up with one hand a heavy rock that is almost a meter in diameter, places it in between her titanic tits and reduces it to beach sand with nothing more than the muscles to produce a smile on her face.