Kathryn:  Chapter 4

By Pat Mallon

WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.



Chapter 4: Kathryn reduces freight cars to the size of toys trains.


Kathryn is facing the locked double steel doors of the freight car she had previously emptied and she is still holding in her one hand, the steel frame of the large truck she has just dismantled.  "I'll need to complete the total obliteration of this steel truck frame before I easily reduce this freight car to a toy train", Kathryn says, "and maybe I can use this truck frame to make a set of tracks for my new toy trains".  She then places the two sections of the steel frame members of the truck next to her tall nude shapely body and in simple terms pulls them together to make one mangled piece of steel about 12 feet long.  The mangled steel truck frame is then positioned on top of her incredible 52-inch long tits and Kathryn pushes her long slender arm and hand up through the bottom of her breasts and clutches the steel frame resting on top of her massive tits.  As she pulls her hands slowly back down and through her tits, the truck frame immediately bends upward and encircles her soft smooth hand.  Kathryn is delighted as she watches the steel frame bends in half and crushed as it is pulled downward into her massive cleavage.  Once her hand is completely through her soft breasts, Kathryn relaxes and allows her cleavage to keep a small opening of about a half-inch between her titanic tits. And as she continues to pull down on the truck’s frame, it's amazing to observe the four massive steel box frame members going into the top of her breasts and extruding out the bottom as a half-inch crushed bar of hot steel.  Kathryn continues until the entire frame is squeezed between her tits and laughs as she says out laud, "I just love my super strong body and the tricks I can do with my enormous boobs.


Now that Kathryn has a pile of half-inch diameter steel at her feet, she contemplates on how to reshape the steel into something that resembles miniature train tracks.  "I should be able to run my long fingers along the steel bar and make a neat indentation and reshape the bar.  And that is what Kathryn does, as she just takes the steel bar and by using her thumb and middle finger, just squeezes them along the steel bar and makes about 10 feet to miniature train tracks for her toy trains.


"I'll start to construct my toy trains with this boxcar, that I have already emptied", Kathryn contemplates as she reaches for the steel latch that locks the boxcar’s doors.  She then grabs hold of the solid steel latch with her left hand and pushes her long fingers through the metal door and twists the latch completely off the steel door.  She then closes her long slender fingers one at a time and watches as each finger slices through the metal latch like a knife through bread and then throws the remains of the latch away.  The double steel doors are the next items to be raped from the boxcar as Kathryn extends her long arms and clutches the steel frame of each door and peels the doors completely off the boxcar like someone opening a curtain on a window.   She then crumples the steel doors into a small ball as easily as crumpling a piece of newspaper and tosses them inside the boxcar.


Her gigantic and perfectly shaped tits are almost even with the boxcar 's floor and a small forward thrust of her chest raises her tremendous tits to the height of the floor.  And as Kathryn places a smile on her face and reflects on the destruction she is about to start, she places her hands over her head and slowly walks forward and allows her titanic tits to push through the floor of the boxcar.   The steel and wood flooring is blasted away by her now swollen 52 inch long by 16 inch diameter tits.   Shells fired from the 16-inch guns of a Battleship would have more difficulty tearing through the floor than Kathryn's mighty melons.  The 6-foot 4-inch tower of power continues her delightful journey until she is half way through the floor of the boxcar.  Then she just sways her large breasts from side to side, which causes her deeply tan tits to tear a large gaping hole in the floor of the boxcar.  The thick steel supports and wood floor just bend, buckle, and shatter as her breasts scrape across the boxcar's floor.


"There they are", Kathryn says as she sees the two-foot thick steel  “I” beams of the undercarriage of the boxcar.  So she continues forward until the first steel beam is pressing against her slender 24-inch waist and directly under her bodacious breasts and extends her long arms and places them over the second steel beam about 3 feet farther away, and starts pulling the two “I” beams together.   The two beams have no choice but to surrender, as Kathryn easily wrenches the beams together with a slow steady motion.  The beams just curve into each other and cause the floor of the boxcar to buckle inwards.  The steel supports wrinkle and twist upwards and the rivets connecting the floor to the 24-inch thick steel beam just explode through the steel.  Kathryn continues to pull the two steel beams together until they are crushed into each other and against her perfectly shaped waist.  She then takes her long arms and swings them back and down under the steel undercarriage, making sure both of her forearms are completely under the thick beams.


With her forearms under the 2-foot thick steel “I” beams, Kathryn simply starts to raise her arms up pass her bountiful breasts and the two massive beams start to easily reshape.  The cold hard steel is crushed to 2-inches thick as her forearms pass along side her boobs.  And as the undercarriage is forced to wrapped around her tits and take the shape of her breasts, Kathryn sticks out her tongue and slices long slits into the pathetic steel as the undercarriage passes her face.  Both ends of the boxcar are now elevated vertically and the undercarriage beams are “U” shaped.  The entire undercarriage of the boxcar is curved and crushed around Kathryn’s breasts.  The sides and roof of the boxcar are squished and distorted and are starting to push outward in all directions as the ends of the steel undercarriage meet together about 30 feet above Kathryn’s head.  To keep the sides and the roof for pushing outwards, Kathryn quickly inhales and her super lungs suck in all the air from around her, causing the steel sides and roof to calapse inward and thus insure completed destruction of the boxcar.


Now that Kathryn’s has completely raised her forearms above her out stretched tits, the two steel beams, that once measured 24-inches, are now crushed and mangled around her soft, warm breasts.  Her beautiful 52-inch long boobs are supporting the weight of the 20-ton boxcar without sagging an inch and Kathryn starts to laugh while saying  “I probably can support the weight of all 100 freight cars of this train on my breasts and they still wouldn’t sag”.  And as her laughing starts to causes her mighty tits to giggle, the bent in half freight car also starts to bounces around on her tits, causing various parts to fall to the ground.  “I better settle down”, Kathryn says to herself, I don’t want to vibrate this freight car apart and then have to pick up all the pieces.  So Kathryn relaxes and stops her young girlish giggles and spreads her arms apart and around the ”U” shaped steel I-beams of the bent undercarriage.  And by continuing to push the steel “I” beams across the top or her breasts, Kathryn causes the undercarriage to curve around her tits in a complete circle. 


“Ok thighs, it’s your turn to play”, Kathryn says as she slides the mass of crushed steel “I” beams off her chest and slams the twisted and inverted freight car to the ground.   Kathryn then steps over the top of the large steel loop and closes her long slender legs around the remains of the undercarriage and watches as the massive steel wreck oozes around her legs and up into her pussy.  “I’ll just pull the remains of the undercarriage into my soft silky legs and let my mammoth hanging melons act as pile drivers when I bend forward for more of the undercarriage”, Kathryn thinks to herself as he reaches forward for more of the steel undercarriage.  She then swings her long arms in front of her body and gathers as much of the steel floor, crushed roof, mangled siding, and undercarriage as possible and brings it back into her lush legs.  And at the same time she allows her titanic tits to swings downward into the mass of steel.  Kathryn hands easily crumble the remains of the undercarriage into her long legs and her 52-inch long tits pound the steel and iron even further into a condensed mass of matter.  She continues this playful action until she reaches the wheel assembly of the freight car.


The wheel assembly consists of two sets of steel wheels connected to an immense iron frame, and the 4 inch thick steel axle with two 48-inch steel wheels at each end resembles a barbell, but weigh 2000 pounds each.  Kathryn stretches her well-shaped female arms and with her long fingers takes hold of the 4-inch steel axle next to the steel wheels.  And then she completely plucks the wheels and axle free of the steel frame, and she simply hold the 2000-pound barbell straight out in from of her and starts to bring her hands together.  The 4-inch thick steel axle bends and twists like a piece of fishing twine and she continues to close her hands until the axle is completely crushed between the two wheels.  Once the two steel wheels are crushed tightly together, Kathryn places about 12 inches of the 48-inch steel wheels between her tits and lets her 52-inch heavenly hooters reduce the 8-inch thick steel wheels down to the thickness of cheap aluminum foil.  This process is repeated until the entire 48-inch diameter wheels disappear into her cleavage.   Kathryn continues to use her long sexy legs, beautiful large breasts, and delicate hands to crush, pulverize, and reduce this half of the freight car down to a super dense block of heated metal between her legs that measures only 1 foot long by 6-inch square. 


The other half of the freight car is just as easily punished as her turns are tall nude body around and pull everything into her legs with her right hand and pushed anything else through her tits with her left hand.  It takes less that a second for Kathryn to reduce this half of the freight car to the same size as the first half.  She distinctly remember grabbing the massive coupler with her left hand and watching as her massive melons crushes the molecular structure of the iron to a thousandth of its original size with the same effort as someone crushing a cotton ball.  


Now that the entire freight car has been crushed to a block of iron and steel that measures 24 inches long, by 8 inches high and 4 inch thick, Kathryn decides to add the minor details.  Using her long pointed fingers nails as a sharp tool, the Goddess of power scribes neatly drawn line in the steel block to represent the doors, the roofline, the corrugated siding, and railings of a freight car.  But Kathryn then realizes there are no wheels on this toy freight car so she settles on manufacturing a set of wheels.  After placing the block of steel and iron on the ground, she clasps a section of railroad track and violently pulls the 6-inch iron rail up and away.  A 20 foot section of the iron railroad track is immediately separated from the oak ties and bits and pieces of the ties and 8-inch iron spikes that held the rails to the oak ties are sent flying in all direction.  The mighty mistress then folds the 20 foot section of steel track in half several times until its only about 2 feet long.  She then uses both hands to press the metal down to about 2 inches in diameter and continues with her one hand to squeeze and crush the steel down to about a half-inch.  The extra steel in her hand simply mushrooms out both sides of her hand and with her free hand, gently strokes and shapes this extra steel into the shape of wheels.    It was a simple matter to make a total of four set of wheels, and to fasten the wheels to the super dense steel of her toy train she would simply hold them in place with the 8 inch steel spikes hat hold the trains tracks to the oak ties.


Kathryn holds the toy train in her one hand and reaches over and slowly picks up a section of iron train track, making sure the solid oak ties and 8-inch spikes are not destroyed or sent sailing all over the landscape.   But since she was straddling the train tracks when she raised the iron rail up to her face, her tits and thighs slowly broke the 8 inch oak ties in half.  However, the broken ties and spikes remained connected to the steel tracks.   Once the track was up to her gorgeous face, Kathryn used her long moist tongue to easily pry the 8-inch spikes from the train tracks and connects the wheels to her toy train by pressing the spikes into the bottom of the toy train and shaping them around the wheels with her tongue.


"Now for a place to display my toy trains", Kathryn ponders as she looks up and down the train tracks to a suitable location.  And just off to the side of the main tracks was a track siding that terminates with a massive steel and reinforced concrete barrier to prevent a runaway train from crashing into the highway just a short distance past the barrier.  The concrete portion of the barrier was 10 feet in height and 20 feet square at the base and pyramid in shaped.  The steel structure consisted of a cross connections of 6 thick iron beams that extended deep into the massive concrete structure at one end and terminated at a single point at the other end.  The single point that connected the 6 beams was about 10 feet from the concrete structure and about 4 feet high from ground, about the height of a train's coupler and connected with a 36 by 36 inch steel plate about 24 inch thick. "I'll just eliminate the steel beams and level the concrete structure to a height of about 4 feet; this should make a nice table top to display my creative art work", Kathryn thinks to herself.


The tall nude Goddess walks to the end of the steel structure and takes hold of the massive steel plate holding the beams together by placing her hands on the sides of the plate.  Effortlessly, Kathryn hands start to crush the massive steel plate inward and push it backwards a few inches.  "Dam, this is too easy", Kathryn, says and she ponders if this barrier could stop a speeding train, "maybe I should test this barrier for the Department of Public Safety as a community service".  And with that in her mind, Kathryn decides to truly test the barrier's strength and jogs over to a flat car on the main train tracks that she has not yet destroyed.   This flat car is also carrying two large bulldozers that are well secured with massive steel tie down clamps.   So Kathryn goes to one end of the flatcar and with only her one hand, pushes her long fingers through the steel floor of the flat car until she locates the undercarriage frame and grab the 24-inch steel beam with her fingers.   Her massive 52-inch long nude breasts merely peeled back the steel flooring as they slide across the top of the flatcar when Kathryn reached for the undercarriage.   Kathryn then picks up the 70-ton flatcar and its cargo with her one hand and lifts it completely off the main train tracks, and watches as her breasts press down through the steel flooring and blast through the bottom of the flatcar.  Her tits, destroying the floor of the flatcar did not concern Kathryn in the least, because she knew in a few minutes the entire flatcar would be condensed to a toy train after she tests the steel and concrete barrier with the flatcar and then her super sexy teenage body.


The 70-ton flatcar is easily transferred by Kathryn from the main railroad tracks to the side railroad tracks about 100 yards from the massive steel and concrete structure, and is gently place on the train tracks and the iron wheels properly aligned.  As the super Goddess get ready to send the train speeding down the tracks to a violent destruction, she realizes that the two bulldozer might not withstand the test she is going to undertake and decides to remove the 20 ton monster machines from the flatcar.  There could be the possibility that the two bulldozers would break free from the flatcar and go flying past the barrier.


Each 20-ton bulldozer is secured to the flatcar by 10 massive iron brackets that are bolted to special cross members of the flatcar.  And since Kathryn desires to keep as much of the flatcar in it original condition as possible, she will remove the bracket one at a time. For she calculates if she just ripped the bulldozers off the flatcar, she will complete destroy the flatcar and invalidate her crash test of the barrier.  As Kathryn walks around the flatcar and approaches the first 4-inch thick steel bracket, she basically forces her fingers between the floor of the flatcar and the bracket and just pulls up on the bracket.  Unfortunitly, for the flatcar, the brackets were extremely thick and secured with over 20 2-inch thick harden steel bolts to the steel cross members of the flatcar.  And as Kathryn's hand continues to lift the bracket, it simply bends in the middle and breaks the bolts near her hand, but the remaining bolts held steadfast.  With the unimaginable super strength of Kathryn still pulling on the bracket, the steel cross member just rips through the floor and mangles all the welded connections holding it to the undercarriage and the floor of the flatcar.  "Dam it", cries Kathryn, "I'll have to completely obliterate all the remaining brackets, let see if I can dream of 19 different way to have fun".  So Kathryn start to obliterate the 4-inch thick steel brackets one by one.  She claps her hands against the next bracket and sends hot liquid metal in all directions.  Slicing one in half with her fingers removes another and crushing one in her hand easily destroys another bracket.  Her thighs squeeze one bracket out of existence and she definitely enjoyed destroying several brackets by reduced them to nothing by using the hair on her pussy to turn the bracket into fine metal shavings. She used the nipples of her tits to slice through several bracket by just wiggle her massive tits back and forth across the top of the bracket, and destroyed another one with the toes of her feet.  Kathryn even used her long moist tongue to sever one bracket but realizes to late that when she bends over to use her tongue, her massive tits just punch large holes through the bottom of the flatcar and crushed the cross member almost to the ground, 4 feet below.


After all the 4-inch thick steel retaining brackets are reduce to zilch, Kathryn jumps off the flatcar and grabs the 20 ton machines by their massive drive wheel at the rear and easily lifts both bulldozers off the flatcar and over her head.  She holds both bulldozers, one in each hand, high in the air and squeezes the fingers of her hands ever tighter around the 4-inch thick drive wheel.  Her strength is unbelievable and the thick metal simply oozes between her fingers for Kathryn wanted to see if there was a difference in the strength of her left and right hands.   Both of the 20-ton bulldozers fell to the ground at the same time as the pressure from her fingers crushes through the drive wheels at the same time. "If this flatcar does past the barrier crash test, then I'll try the two bulldozers, and if they pass the barrier crash test, I'll test the barrier with my sexy body and I know the barrier will fail this test with flying colors", Kathryn says as she kicks the two bulldozers out of her way.


Kathryn sways her smooth hips back and forth much more than normal as she struts to the far end of the flat car and positions herself sideways next to the massive coupler and stares down the train tracks.   She can see the barrier over the top of the flatcar and estimates that it is about 100 yards further down the train tracks.  And with her soft smooth hips pressed against the cold iron coupler, Kathryn just sways her hips back and forth one more time.  And when her hips contacted the coupler on the back sway, they sent the 20 ton flatcar careening at over 100 miles an hour towards the steel and concrete barrier.


The iron coupler of the flatcar smashes into the steel plate of the barrier and something had to collapse.   All Kathryn could see from her position when the flatcar collided with the barrier was the rear end of the flatcar leap 20 feet into the air and the rear wheel truck break free of the flatcar and ram into the forward wheels.  As Kathryn approached the barrier to observe the damage, she was surprised to notice very little damage to the steel barrier.   However, the flatcar was crushed inward for 12 feet and the undercarriage was bent and twisted like a pretzel. The front and rear wheel trucks of the flatcar both broke free and were jammed into the steel barrier.


"It's time for the second super test of the barrier", Kathryn says to herself, as she rips off one of the steel wheels of the flat car and starts to walk back to where the two Caterpillar bulldozers are located.  The 48-inch diameter by 4-inch steel wheel will be just a play toy for Kathryn to occupy her time as she travels back up the train tracks.  She easily squeezes the thick outer circumference of the entire wheel with her fingers and makes the wheel resemble a piecrust with the indentation of her fingers.  And when she arrives at the soon to be tested bulldozers, she take the steel train wheel and spins it with the flick of her wrist downward and into the ground.  The steel disk immediately grinds itself several hundred miles into the earth before it disintegrates into a molten glob of hot metal.


The first 20-ton bulldozer is easily lifted by Kathryn, who just pushes her one hand through the steel frame just below the diesel engine and grabbed one of the massive engine mounts.  She carried the dozer over to the train tracks and slams the large machine down between the train tracks with the scraper blade pointing towards the steel barrier, and rips out the engine mount and crushed it between her fingers. "Cheap foreign steel", Kathryn says as she moves to the front of the bulldozer and positions herself about a foot in front of the-3 inch thick by 5 feet high scraper blade.   With Kathryn's 6 feet 4-inch tall nude body directly facing the scraper blade and her massive 52-inch long tits protruding out over the scraper blade, the super strong Goddess simply squats down on her bare backside and reaches for the iron railroad tracks with her long arms.  As her body lowers itself towards the ground, Kathryn's massive boobs make contact with the thick steel of the scraper blade and blast a cavity 36 inches deep and 24 inch wide into the steel.  The harden steel of the scraper blade winkles and washboards under the magnificent melons on her chest. Her nipples, extending far out and into the metal frame of the big CAT, simply cut through the angle iron holding the front engine frame of the bulldozer.  And as she spreads her hands and takes hold of the top rim of the train tracks, her long fingers sink deeply into the 4-inch thick iron.  With a train track firmly secured in each of her lovely hands, Kathryn stands back up and pulls the train tracks up with her and lifts them high into the air.   The two iron train tracks, along with all the 8-inch thick oak ties, simply rises up with her hands.  And as the solid oak timbers, that connect the tracks together, reach Kathryn's enormous chest, each timber is quickly snapped into several broken pieces.  The 8-inch iron spikes that hold the timbers to the tracks bend and break and make a popping sound the Kathryn enjoys hearing.  "This is easier than bending a paper straw", Kathryn says as she continues to lift about 20 feet of train tracks out from beneath the bulldozer.  And after the iron train tracks are several feet over Kathryn head, she simply starts to wrap the train tracks around her 52-inch long tits.  The tracks are just coiled around and around her tits, shaping themselves to the curves of the bountiful boobs.  And when her tits are completely encircled with the iron train tracks, she ties a nice bow tie with about 10 more feet to train tracks.


Kathryn looks down on her chest and realizes she has just tightly coil 8-inch thick trains tracks around her tits and takes a deep breath.  This causes her gigantic tits to swell even more and she watches as the train tracks just stretch and expand outward.  "What a site to behold", Kathryn thinks as she slides the entire iron mass off her fantastic chest and crams it into the gap in the bulldozer's scraper blade that her tits have previously made.

The super strength of Kathryn will truly be tested because not only is she going to crush the bulldozers into the barriers, but she will also crush about 100 yards of train tracks and oak timbers.


Kathryn decides to walk through the top of the bulldozer to see what’s located on the far side. So she jumps up on the scraper blade, fracturing about 20 oak ties with her slender thighs as easily as breaking toothpicks as she jumps.  Her magnificent tall, nude, 18 year old body, is facing the heavy metal of the bulldozer and Kathryn’s ponders for a moment.  “I’m definitely a sexy young female”, as she grabs and caresses her massive tits and watches as her slender fingers sink deeply into her soft flesh.  She then brings the ends of her breasts back to her mouth and softly kisses her nipples and releases her tits and lets them return to their straight out position which seems to defy the laws of gravity.  Her hands then reach down and touch her long slender legs and she feels the softness that only belongs to an athletic teenager.  “My body is so soft, so feminine, so succulent, so sexy, yet the hardest and heaviest steel cannot even cause a dimple in the most delicate parts of my body”, Kathryn says as she starts her death march across the top of the bulldozer.


The 8-inch thick cross bar that operates the scraper blade bends easier than a paper clip when it makes contact with her thighs and the hydraulic piston that operates the cross bar just twists into a crushed knot of metal.  The top section of metal that covers the machine is crumbled back by Kathryn's slender waist. And her delicate feet rip through the turbocharger, exhaust manifold, and fuel injectors located on top of the diesel engine and the simple sway of her hips pushes the cast iron exhaust stack off to the side of the bulldozer.


The expanded 52-inch long by 16-inch diameter tits of Kathryn finally reach the operators controls and blast an opening directly under the hydraulic control panel.  Every piece of iron and steel is push forward and crushes or bends out of the way and to the sides of the bulldozer.    And then with her hands, she starts to pull out the steel controls levers one at a time while singing the rhyme "This little control lever went to market".   Continuing on her path of terror to the end of the bulldozer, Kathryn flings the operator's area off to the side of the bulldozer with a simple swipe of her hand and moves to the end of the bulldozer and looks down at the ground.  "Look at the size of that fucking hook", Kathryn exclaims as she stares at the 6-inch thick iron hook attached to the rear of the bulldozer.  The hook on the rear of the bulldozer is massive.  Its only purpose is to tow another bulldozer if it should ever get stuck.  The massive hook is actually part of the bulldozer’s frame and cast as a solid piece of metal.  The hook, if straighten out, would be over 24 inch long and tapers to about 2 inch thick at its open end. 


Kathryn jumps from the top of the bulldozer allowing her long legs to blast the rear cover off the monster machine and lands squarely on several large oak rail ties and shatters them instantly into pickup sticks.  “Oh this is going to be both entertaining and pleasurable,” Kathryn says to herself as she turns around towards the massive hook and reaches out with both her hands.   She then takes an unyielding grip on the 6-inch thick base with one hand and with her other hand easily bends the hook straight up at a 90-degree angle. “Lets make this interesting”, Kathryn imagines as she start to wet her lushes lips with her long tantalizing tongue and uses her one hand to gently lift the rear end of the 20-ton bulldozer up in the air until the top of the hook is near her mouth.  She then opens her moist mouth as wide as possible and places her lips over the top of the hook and allows about 4 inches of the massive hook to enter her mouth.  With a sexy stare in her green eyes, she then closes her mouth slightly, allowing her creamy lips to easily crush down on the steel hook placing a half-inch indentation around that portion of the hook. Opening her mouth wide again allows the removal of the now reshaped hook, and Kathryn modestly smiles as the places the 20-ton bulldozer back down on the ground.  


“Now that looks like a respectable size cock to fuck me, but first I’ll added a simple enhancements to increase my pleasure”, Kathryn reflect as she spreads open the long slender fingers of both her hands as wide as possible and encircles them around the metal hook.  The teenage Goddess of strength then simples squeezes the thick steel hook with her hands and allows the harden steel to ooze out ever so slightly between her fingers.   She continues this process until she has completely covered the 24-inch hook with these half-inch deep ridges. 


Standing straight up and facing the distinctively shaped hook at the rear of the bulldozer, Kathryn starts to sway her mighty melons back and forth as she moves her wet pussy towards the object of her delight.  Her swaying melons are first to make contact with the massive metal of the machine and her nipples quickly hack through the 2-inch thick steel covering.  Her 16-inch diameter breasts take no mercy on the steel frame as they easily gouge a colossal opening in the rear of the bulldozer.   Kathryn has always enjoys watching her over 120 inch bust just destroys everything they come in contact with when she is having fantastic sex.  It’s perfect timing, for just as her hot pussy reaches the top of the 24-inch long steel hook, the soft, perfectly round flesh of her tits make deep contact with the massive drive mechanism of the bulldozer. A match made in hell, for as Kathryn slowly slides her pussy down onto the massive steel hook and shows the excitement of pure pleasure on her beautiful face, her nipples act as laser harden cutting tools and slice open the 3-inch thick steel of the bulldozer’s drive casing.


Kathryn reaches for the 10-inch thick steel frame on the bottom of the bulldozer with both her hands, and gyrates the 20-ton earth-moving machine up and down.  The massive steel hook deeply penetrates her feminine body and she can feel the steel ridges with each stroke as she cycles the bulldozer through a full 24-inch rise and fall with her hands. The soft flesh of her over ripe melons is no match for the bulldozers drive train.  And with each thrust of her tits as she pumps the massive machine, her tits obliterate large sections of the drive train.  Steel clutches over 12-inch thick are shattered, 6 inch super harden shafts are cut in half; massive steel gears are stripped of their teeth, 12-inch thick bearing are pulverized.  And anything her massive 16-inch diameter tits don’t annihilate, her 3-inch long nipples slice and dice easier that a veg-o-matic chops vegetables on a TV commercial.


“WOW !!!, Oh Yes” Kathryn’s scrams, “This is fucking great”.  But with her next thrust of the bulldozer, she over commits and with a feeling of great ecstasy easily heaves the 20-ton metal monster over her head.  The 6-inch thick steel hook inside her pussy snaps completed free from the steel frame and her tits rip open the back of the bulldozer as cleanly as popping a paper bag.  The super teenager then slams the mighty machine to the ground and scrams out laud with great pleasure, “Where’s that other fucking bulldozer”, as she thrust her hips forward and vaporizes the 24 inches of steel inside her very hot pussy.


Kathryn starts to walk towards the second bulldozer when she hears the deep unmistakable roar of several motorcycles fast approaching along the train tracks.  The local gang is investigating the obvious train derailment when they happen to ride past Kathryn and stop dead, locking the brakes of their bikes and sliding sideways.  Too the gang, a site made in heaven. There stood a gorgeous 18-year teenager, completely nude, with the look of pure unadulterated pleasure on her face.  Kathryn turns her 6 foot 4 inch tall and perfectly tanned body towards the gang members, flips her long brunette hair over her shoulders and thrusts her 52-inch long breasts straight at the gang. 


“ Please continue on your way and leave me alone, I have some unfinished business and I don’t want you getting harmed”, Kathryn explains to the four individuals in a soft feminine tone of voice.


“Yeah, right bitch”, says the closest brute, “What are you going to do, hurt us with those great big tits”, as the other three start to laugh and park their Harley’s.   “Please leave now and don’t come back for several hours”, Kathryn says with a strict tone of voice as she picks up a thick steel bar about 6 feet long and easily bends it across her bare breasts as a show of strength. 


The four guys can’t believe their eyes, and Kathryn can tell by the bulge in their jeans, this only excites them even more.   “Nice trick bitch”, says one chap as they all approach Kathryn, “Lets see what other tricks you can do with these tits when we fuck them”. 


“Ok you four assholes, you asked for this”, Kathryn yells, as she quickly grabs the four large men and carries then to the side of a freight car.  She then places all four men; face up, on top of each other and steps over them with her long legs.  She likes the idea of having them view her nude body from this position.  The four men are kicking, punching, picking up any object and hitting Kathryn, but to no avail, her long legs and slender thighs hold all four gang member very securely.  Kathryn then peels off a 4 feet long by 2-inch thick ribbon of steel with her fingers from the lower frame of the freight car and grabs hold of the top idiot caught in her legs.  Lifting the loser by his large belt buckle, Kathryn places him next to the steel frame of the freight car and straps the steel ribbon tightly around his waist and back into the freight car.  He’s kicking his feet and slamming his fist into Kathryn’s lovely breast, but its only causing him great pain.  She hears his screams of pain each time he hits her tits.  It’s like punching a concrete wall with your bare knuckles.


The Goddess continues her work and soon has all four goons secured to the freight car with 2-inch thick steel straps tied around their waist.  Each goon is hanging about 2 feet off the ground and facing Kathryn.  They are all screaming every vulgar word imaginable at Kathryn, but she could care less.  And after she is standing there directly in front of the four dummies for a while, they stop yelling, most likely because they are out of breath. Kathryn then places her hands on her slender waist thrusts out her massive chest and in a soft gently female voice says “I’m going to fuck your bikes with my fucking tits until there is nothing remaining of your fucking bikes”.  “And to prove my abilities and vastly superior power over stupid men, watch this demonstration of my strength”, Kathryn says as she picks up the entire freight car with one hand and the four goons soon realize they are in big trouble.



Chapter 5: Kathryn continues her fantasy with the motorcycles.