Kathryn  Chapter 2

By Pat Mallon

A lovely young girl plays with freight trains.


Chapter 2    Kathryn stops a speeding freight train.


With her hands on her 24-inch smooth flawless waist, Kathryn slowly struts towards the speeding train and stops about 5 feet from the passing freight.  But with her magnificent breasts extending out almost 4 feet and 3 inches long nipples on the end of her tits, her nipples are scarcely a few inches from touching the side of the moving train cars.  Unfortunately for this Goddess of strength, the locomotives have already passed and she will have to settle on derailing the lighter weight freight cars.  The thrill of knowing she can send the freight cars flying off the tracks with just a flick of her wrist, a kick of her long legs, or even just ramming her breasts into the freight train, causes Kathryn’s breasts to swell even more.  Then all of a sudden her nipple catches one of the iron ladder’s that are constructed on the side of some box cars.  Kathryn can’t believe what she beholds at the end of her titties. She grabs the section of the steel ladder and examines it and observes it been violently detached from the side of a freight car. Then just as she throws the ladder away, another piece of metal is snared on her nipple.  It’s the manual break wheel, a three-foot diameter iron wheel that is located on the side of some freight cars and used to manually apply the train brakes.  However, this wheel is severely mangled and has 10 feet of 2-inch thick chain attached along with a fractured gear housing. “What’s causing this to happen”, Kathryn wonders?  Then her nipples snag the corrugated iron catwalk that runs along the outside side of tanker cars and it just coils around her tits.   Then Kathryn realizes that the rail cars are rocking back and forth, and at a speed to 50 miles per hour, the freight cars can sway about 6 inch from side to side.  Also, what amazed the super stack seductress was that she did not even realize it was her nipples slashing the exterior part from the train cars.  Her tits didn’t move an inch and she didn’t feel any sensations in her nipples at all.


“Well, if the rocking and rolling of the speeding train is the reason for the material being ripping of the freight car” Kathryn says”, then I’ll just thrust my tits forward and watch what happens”.  Kathryn just smiles and pushes her mighty melons forward about 6 inches.  It’s disastrous: for the train.  Kathryn’s nipples and tits start to peel everything from the freight cars.  Her tits were covered with an assortment of twisted and tortured metal.  Boxcar doors were crushed like accordions and reduced from 6 feet wide to a few inches. Brake mechanisms with broken chain links and fracture gear boxes where collecting in her colossal cleavage, whole sections of steel ladders with large sections of l-inch thick steel of the freight car’s side walls still attached were wrapping around her breasts. Her nipples and tits were also slicing off large chunks of 4-inch thick “I” beams used as the outside frame of special tanker and flat cars.  And as the various materials collected on the left side of Kathryn’s breast, she would grab a handful of this scrap iron and squeeze it between her fingers and let it ooze out.  She was testing the density of the metal and there was an expectation that the steel from these freight cars could excite her body by offering her superior strength some resistance.


The over 6 foot tall super woman soon realizes that her right tit is not enjoying any of the metal manipulating that her left tit was experience.  So, with her right hand she lifts her right tits up about a foot and now both her tits and nipples begin to shave and scrape all of the exterior paraphernalia from the freight cars.  A large metal scrap pile soon collects at the Goddess’s feet from all the freight car parts that both her tits are now mangling.


Kathryn watches, as the  thick steel from the rail cars could not even put a dimple in her large boobs, so she glances up the train tracks towards the direction the train is traveling to survey the vandalism her body is causing.  The sides of all the freight cars have had their doors violently removed, large sections of frame are bent back and dragging on the ground.  There are gashes in the side of the cars ranging from 1 inch thick, where her nipple ripped opening in the metal, to 24-inch massive gaps where both her breasts did their handy work.  Kathryn could also detect the exact location in the train where she lifted her right breast because the gashes in the freight cars went from 12 to 24 inches wide.


Kathryn sighs and thinks to herself, “It time to derail this monstrosity, my nipples and titties can hardly feel anything, I’ll just fling the wreckage aside and clear the road crossing so I can continue on by way”.  The infinitely strong Kathryn then places her hands on her 24 inch waist, arches her back so her breast are at full attention and crams her almost 48 inch long tits into the side of the speeding train.


“Oh my God!” Kathryn exclaims, my nipples are having the sensation of being massaged.  The Goddess stares at the end of her breasts and she can easily see that is causing the sensual effect.  Instead of puny 1 or 2-inch thick iron, her tits and nipple are now mangling much heavier and stronger 12-inch thick structural steel.  This is the heart and soul of the freight cars. Also, she watches as her boobs ripped open the cargo containers inside the freight cars.  She watches as a 24-inch thick, super hard, carbide tipped, oilrig-drilling bit is just sheared into several pieces by her breasts.  “I've changed my mind,” a Goddesses right, “I’m going to stop this train dead in its tracks and examine every freight car and its cargo in detail”, the super build brunette says out loud.  With this new thought in her mind Kathryn steps backs about five feet and allows the freight cars to recover from the hemorrhaging her body was causing.  A quick count shows that about 50 cars have already passed and there were about an equal amount remaining.


Kathryn needs to execute her plan to stop the train very precisely, because if she miscalculates, she will be launching fully loaded freight cars all over the city.  Her plan is simple but requires perfect timing and a complete metallurgical analysis of the steel from the freight train.


Not only is Kathryn a sexy tall Goddess, who is in infinitely strong, but also she is super intelligent, and her intelligence is only rivaled by her beauty and her superior strength.  To analysis the metal quickly, Kathryn reaches down on the ground and grabs two large chunks of solid iron, one in each hand and places one of the block onto the end of her tit.  She presses the iron deeply into her tit and calculates the malleability of the metal by the way it seeps from between her fingers.   She continues to press the block until all the material has completely vanished from her hand. With her other hand she verifies the tensile strength by pressing a 10-inch thick iron block 5 inches into her nipple and wiggles her breast.  Then she removes the crushed iron block from her chest and verifies the indentation pattern her nipple has created.  To test for the brittleness of the steel, Kathryn picks up approximately 2 tons of scrap metal from the large pile in front of her, spreads her long silky legs and places the 2-ton block between her thighs.  She quickly snaps her thighs together and the resulting force shatters and fractures the 2-ton block of iron.  By counting the fragments, Kathryn now knows the average brittleness of the metal.


Kathryn plan to stop the train without derailing or destroying several city blocks is now ready for execution. She positions herself as close to the train as possible without her massive chest touching anything.   Show knows that the entire operation must be completed in less than a hundredth of a second if this plan is going to success. When the next separation between the freight cars starts to pass her, Kathryn leaps between the separation and positions her now expanded 120-inch chest muscles directly under the 24 by 36-inch solid steel couplers that holds the train together.  She levels her breast so they are just touching the bottom of the couplers.  And with her right hand she clutches the 8 inch thick steel coupler frame of the forward freight car directly between the coupler and the under carriage of the boxcar.  She sinks her fingers into the coupler frame about half way; just enough to hold the frame secure and prevent the forward freight cars from escaping from her hold.


With her right hand firmly holding the coupler frame of the forward box car and her massive melons directly under the couplers of the two freight cars, the tall super Goddess slams her left fists into the top of the couplers and down into the cleavage of her breasts. This blunt movement has the effect of completing shearing the massive iron couplings between the two freight cars. The entire coupler is crushed into her cleavage. Kathryn’s chest muscles, which are directly below the couplers, absorbed the several millions of tons of force that her hand has just produced, preventing the two freight cars from being launched end over end to a distance galaxy.


With the couplers completely severed from the train cars, Kathryn jumps sideways and spreads her legs nice and wide.  She is now facing the oncoming freight cars and her body is ready to absorb all the energy of the train.   Her right hand still has an excellent grip on the frame of the leading freight cars but she can feel the train straining to break away.


Kathryn is positioned dead center in the train tracks and her powerful breasts are already piercing the lower support structure of the advancing freight car.  The 8-inch thick steel frame member that supported the coupler is pressing into her cunt and is starting to quickly compress.  And since she has very long legs, it was easy for Kathryn to straddle the 5-foot width of the train tracks.  Her feet easily pushed the 6-inch thick railroad tracks into the ground as she secured her feet just outside the now crushed iron railroad tracks.   By spreading her lushes legs in this manner, the Queen of strength could guide the entire wheel truck assembly of the freight car, which contain four 48 inch diameter steel wheels and all the supporting frames, wheel axles, and cushioning springs, into her “V” shaped spread legs and up to her waiting thighs. Her thighs would then participate in dissipating the tons of energy generated by the speeding train by slowly compressing everything between them.


The plan was working perfectly; our sexy super girl’s body was stopping the freight train without derailing any of the 60 rail cars she was facing.  The only damage would be to the lead freight car that had direct contact with Kathryn’s sexy body.  Her bountiful boobies acted as gigantic shock absorbers as ten feet of the undercarriage steel just shaped around them.  Her thighs had all four of the freight car wheels so tightly lodge between them it would make it appear as only one solid wheel, and her cunt has compressed 10 feet of 8 inch thick coupler support. 


“Oh my God” Kathryn screams, for as each of the 60 cars of the remaining train takes up the slack in their couplers, the energy is transmitted directly at her cunt.  The 8-inch thick coupler supports connect all the train couplers together and can withstand the force of pulling an entire train, but right now, the final end point for all this force is being transferred directly to Kathryn cunt.


The now excited Kathryn counted every freight car as the slack was taken in and the energy is pounded into her cunt.  There were exactly 61 cars and Kathryn has a basic instinct that she needs to overcome.  The sexy young girl was prepared to thrust her hips forward to sufficiently increase the pleasure to her cunt, but she controlled herself.  For if she had thrust her hips forward at that moment when the freight car couplers were at the highest point of compression, she would have sent 61 freight cars flying backwards on a 1000 mile path of destruction across the country.


Her right hand still had hold of the leading freight car but she could tell there were problems, her grip was still holding firm but the coupler support was beginning to tear away from the frame.  The power of 5 locomotives is miniscule compared to Kathryn’s strength but it more that sufficient to tear the frame of a freight car apart.  The quick thinking shapely woman instantly crushes the four sets of train wheels caught between her thighs and legs and spins her body around 180 degrees so she is facing the leading section of the freight train.  She then immediately forces her hands into the 24-inch “I” beam frame of the freights car’s undercarriage and gets a much better grip on the train and she can fell the banging of each coupler as each freight car is forced to stop dead in its tracks.  Kathryn now just twists the huge “I” beam on the undercarriage around her arms and hopes the steel is strong enough to take the power of the five pulling locomotives. 


To make sure the trailing 61 cars of the freight train are still being stopped with something to cushion the impact; Kathryn makes sure her 36 inches of nice rounded ass are firmly pressed against the coupler support of the rear section of freight cars.


All of a sudden Kathryn could tell that one of the freight cars toward the front of the train has broken free.  She stopped sensing the slamming of the couplers after about 30 cars had remove their slack.  The locomotives will escape this time, but Kathryn makes a mental note not to clutter the other set of train tracks with loose rubble because she is familiar with this train crossing and many long freight trains pass in both directions all day long.  There is a good possibility that another train will transgress the other set of train tracks.  Besides, Kathryn thinks “I’m going to be busy along this section of track for several hours and I’m planing to enjoy every second by mangling, crushing, tearing, squeezing, ripping, and experimenting with new ways for my body to show off its shape and strength.


A assessment of today’s catch shows that that there are 91 fright cars intact with miscellaneous cargo and only two of the cars are slightly damaged, and she completed the task in less than a fraction of a second.  All the freight cars were still on the tracks and none of the cargo spilled onto the side of the tracks.  The damage to the two cars she step between consisted of about 10 feet of the trailing car being completed crumpled, but the indentations did resemble her shapely body, and the lead car has the two beams of the undercarriage bent back and separated. 


Kathryn steps about 10 yards back from the train and looks up and down the railroad tracks.  She counts about 30 boxcars that contain unknown items, two super heavy flat cars caring M1AI Abrams Army tanks, about 10 automobile carriers that are fully loaded with new cars and trucks.   She also notices several covered gondolas that seemed to be unusually secured with heavy steal cable and many flat bed rail cars loaded with heavy construction equipment.  She also notices several railcars loaded with 20-foot rolls of flat steel, and she has had experience with these rolls before but none as large as these rolls of steel


“Where is a young sweet innocent girl suppose to start”, Kathryn ponders.  She decides to climb to the top of one of the boxcars to get a better overview of the entire situation.  So she struts over to a boxcar that has a ladder on the side that goes completely to the top. The first problem with this idea is the mountains on her chest.  With each tit sticking straight out over 4 feet from her chest, Kathryn cannot properly climb the ladder; her hand cannot properly reach the rungs of the ladder. The solution is not very difficult, for Kathryn places her 24-inch wide super boobs on the bottom rung of the steel ladder and pushes her tits through the rung and deeply into the side of the inch thick corrugated steel siding of the boxcar.  The super strength girl then simply uses her hands to climb the ladder using the rungs above her tits.  As she climbs the ladder however, her 24-inch wide boobs just push apart the sides of the ladder and rip the iron rungs off one after the other.  The fact that her tits are buried several feet into the side of boxcar just causes the steel to tear apart and collect in her cleavage.   When she reached the top of the ladder and her head is just above the roofline, Kathryn stops and waits for a second.  She then slowly continues and watches as her breasts start to dent the roofline from the underneath.  Soon this dent becomes larger and she can see the shape of her boobs in the top on the freight car.  Suddenly the steel cannot take the pressure and her might tits just explode through the roofline peeling back the steel like it’s was aluminum foil. Kathryn then quickly jumps onto the catwalk on top of the freight car, survey her empire and decides to see that is in this boxcar.


Kathryn gets a hold of the corner of the steel roof that she just been blasted open by her breasts and tears off about 10 square feet of the roofline.  She wanted to look at all the goodies inside the boxcar.  The boxcar was full to the top with large crates and Kathryn could not see the entire cargo, so she decides to completely remove the roof.   The gorgeous model simple stands at one end of the roofline of the boxcar and bends over at the waist until her nipples puncture the roof of the boxcar.  She starts to walk backwards along the catwalk allowing her nipples to slice two long slits along the roof.  The catwalk is just curled back into her tits and becomes a roll a compressed scrap iron.   When she reaches the far end of the boxcar, Kathryn looks at the slits in the roof and says, “Just like opening a can of cat food with an electrical can opener”.  She then places her hands into the slits her nipples have just sliced into the roof and peels back the roof of the boxcar as if it were gift-wrapping on a present for her birthday.  She tears the two sides of the roof completely off and places then on top of each other and then rolls the two sheets up just like a newspaper. When she is finished rolling the sheets into a 36 inch wide by 5-inch thick roll, she wrings out the steel roll with her fingers just likes it’s a wet towel and then tosses it aside.   Then she gazes down at the cargo and sees several large wooden crates wrapped with steel straps and marked “ EXTREMELY HEAVY”.


The girl of super strength then decides to jump from the top of the boxcar and check the total weight of the cargo, including the freight car, by lifting it with one finger over her head.   She then stands on the edge of the boxcar’s roof and spreads her legs about 6 inches at the ankle and jumps directly onto the top of the sidewall of the freight car so her legs are straddling the sidewall.  The inch thick steel sidewalls of the boxcar are then directed into the six inch gap between her ankles, past the two inch gap in her thighs and finally into her soft pussy.  The inch thick steel is sliced quickly and easily; a surgeon’s knife could not have completed a better incision.  And as Kathryn falls the 25 feet to the ground, the steel of the boxcar sidewall is severed perfectly between her legs. And the underside cleavage of Kathryn tits just gathers and additional 4 foot section of the steel sidewall and crushed it all the way to the bottom of the freight car.


The princess’s of power wants to know how heavy one of these freight cars weighs, so she decides to experiment with different ways to lift the freight car.  So, she rolls under the middle of the car and lays flat on her back and makes sure her tits are standing straight up.  The main steel undercarriage is two large “I” beams about 48 inches apart running the full length of the freight car.  Kathryn’s breast, being only 24 inch wide at the ends, fit nicely between the beams but does not touch them.  She then lifts and spreads her long legs up in the air and touches the “I” beam with her feet and just pushes up.  The freight car is lifted completely off the tracks with no effort at all by our super girl.  She just bounces the freight car around and gently tosses the freight car a few feet in the air and plays catch with her feet.    She then stretches her arm back over her head and her hands hit the train tracks.   “Oh; OK” she says, as she grabs the two train tracks, one in each hand and pulls the 6-inch iron rails towards her body.  The iron rails instantly bend and the 8-inch long rail spikes just pop out of the solid oak ties.  She directs the train rails towards her nipples on her tits and strokes her nipples with the iron tracks until her nipples completely cut through the iron rail.  Our Goddess then put the freight car back down on the ground and moves her long slender legs to the outside of the “I” beam undercarriage and by bring her legs together she bends the frame so the distance between the frames goes from 48 inches to the distance between her tits, about 24 inches.  The mighty maiden then puts her legs down and allows them to tear up some more trains tracks by wrapping the tracks around her ankles.  In the mean time, Kathryn pushes her breasts outward and contacts the newly positioned “I” beams of the undercarriage.  Her nipples just blast through the 2 inch thick steel and as she expands her chest even further, the entire box car is again lifted off the ground.  She just bounces the freight car around on her breasts and starts to hear the cargo inside freight car breaking free.   Our lovely Kathryn then puts the freight car down and rolls out from under it, allowing her breasts to and just push the “I” beam frame out of her way and says, “It’s time to examine the cargo”.


Chapter 3:  A surprise in every box “car”