Kathryn  Chapter 1

By Pat Mallon

A lovely young girl plays with freight trains.


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


Chapter 1   Arriving at the Train Crossing.


Kathryn was driving across town for her appointment to get a manicure.  The busty super girl knew she would just make her appointment if she did not encounter any traffic jams or delay.  Her manicurist has just phoned and there was an opening if she could arrive at the salon in 15 minutes.  But as Kathryn lookup up the highway she recognized the unmistakable signs that a freight train would soon be blocking the highway.   The crossing gates were down and the red signal lights were flashing but the freight train had not yet arrived at the crossing.  Kathryn stepped on the accelerator hoping to beat the train to the crossing but had to slam on the brakes because a large 5500 pound SUV blocked her view of the crossing and the exact location of the freight train.


Kathryn stepped on the binders hard and her car slid up to the crossing, just missing the gate by about a foot.  The passenger in the SUV rolled down his window and looked at Kathryn and yelled  “You stupid bitch”.  Kathryn did not consider herself a bitch and she was definitely not stupid.  Kathryn rolled down the window of her car, letting the two half drunk occupants of the SUV see her enormous tits.  Kathryn then again asked, “What did you call me”?   The one guy yelled, “You stupid bitch” and the other screamed, “Look at the fucking tits on that Bitch”. 


Kathryn quickly gets out of her car and looked at the two guys and said in a quiet voice “wrong answer”.  The two guys in the car were speechless; all they could do was look at Kathryn.


Kathryn stood 6 foot 4 inches with long brunette hair, and liked to strut around in 6 inch spiked high heels.  Her body built is on the slender side and she definitely has very long legs.  But her most outstanding feature about Kathryn was a massive set of tits that measured at least 90 inches.  She was wearing a tight pink dress that shows off most of her fabulous breast.  The cleavage that Kathryn exposed was fantastic and could rival the Grand Canyon. A year stick could be positioned in her cleavage and it would disappear completely when Kathryn just pushed her tits slightly forward.  The dress she was wearing was very short, showing off all of her long slender legs.  The hemline of the dress did not even start until it was 3 feet 6 inches off the ground.


Kathryn strutted to the SUV and placed her gorgeous tits next to the door and just below the window opening and said to the two bums in the vehicle, “You guys have made me miss my manicure appointment and I’m extremely furious.  But since you called me a stupid bitch and you won’t stop gawking at my breasts, I’m going to use my breast to turn your SUV into a collection of scrap metal”.


Then the sexy siren just inhaled a deep breath and there were two loud “pings”.  Her nipples have just punched two half-inch holes in the door.    Kathryn knew exactly what she wanted to do with this oversized, soon to be a junk pile.  She wanted to torment and tease the metal slowly.  There was no need to quickly reduce the SUV to the size of a matchbox toy, for Kathryn has done that many times before but she doesn’t get the personal thrill as when she destroys an object slowly.


To keep the vehicle from driving away while she ponders how to employ her tits and legs to transform the SUV into something much smaller, Kathryn lifts her left leg and presses down on the solid chrome running pipes along the lower side of the SUV.  The 3-inch chrome pipes just buckles and are pressed about a foot into the ground.  If the engine in this tin box is strong enough to pull the chrome pipes out of the ground, then Kathryn will simply remove the camshaft from the engine.  Kathryn then backs away from the door and the two holes that her nipples produced are clearly visible. Two shots from a 45 automatic could not have made better holes.


The super chic then grabs the two door handles on the passenger’s side of the SUV and just rips them out of the steel frame and positions them in her cleavage. Then, as she walks around to the front of this hopeless metal can, she peels the outside mirror off with one hand and folds it a few times and squeezes it next to the door handles in her tits.  She continues to the front of the car and there she finds a 20000-pound capacity winch connected to the front bumper by a 1-inch thick titanium base.  There is also a large hook on the end of the steel cable connected to the winch.  Goddess Kathryn pulls the hook and steel cable up vertically until it level with her nipples.  Her left hand then squeezes the winch’s gear assembly housing until the gears and attached cable are crushed in place and cannot turn.  The long fingers of Kathryn left hand then slide down her breasts and under her tight pink dress top.   She removes the dress top from her left tit, exposing her 2-inch nipple.  Then the tall teaser places the hook from the winch on her nipple and squeezes it tightly around her nipple. “Lets check the tensile strength of my tits” Kathryn says, and with that thought, she places her right foot on SUV’s frame next the winch to hold the SUV steady.  With some excellent muscle control Kathryn then raises her breasts and the slack in the steel cable between the hook and the winch tightens up and soon the 1-inch thick base of the winch starts to bend and crack. As her breasts rise a little higher, the 20 bolts holding the base of the winch to the frame of the vehicle start to snap off one at a time.  Finally the 20000-pound capacity winch is ripped free and the mighty muscles of Kathryn nipple are holding the winch in thin air.


Kathryn’s fingers just pinch the steel cable off from the hook and she decides to ware the steel hook on her nipple as a piece of jewelry.   Next, she places the winch on her chest and thinks to herself, “You’re a big sucker, I’ll need to reduce the size of the winch before I can place it firmly in my cleavage.  I want to leave sufficient room for other item from this SUV”.  Her hands then clasp each end of the 36-inch wide winch and she folds it in half. Repeating this process again reduces the winch to 9 inches in length and Kathryn then places this compacted winch in her cleavage. Then the sexy Kathryn spots a dumb hood ornament, one of those cheap kinds you buy in a discount auto store.  She moves her mouth to the ornament and wraps her long tongue around it.  The ornament is removed easily with only her tongue.   The young built teen then spits the ornament through the windshield causing it to shatter in a million pieces.   She continues her stroll down the driver’s side and again removes the outside mirror and the door handles and stores them in the appropiate place.  The driver then rolls down his window to get a better look at Kathryn’s body.  Kathryn, being a polite young girl, says, “excuse me please” and reaches in the window and wraps her fingers around the steering column.  She smiles at the drunk driver as her fingers cut the steering column in two. And as Kathryn turns to remove the ruptured steering column and steering wheel from the cab, her monstrous melons accidentally punch a three-foot long by 12-inch wide gaping hole in the side of the SUV.  Kathryn then pulls the steering assembly from the cab and separates the steering wheel from the column. The remains of the column are placed between her tits and the steering wheel is placed over the end of her right breast.  Kathryn then starts to lift the steering wheel up and it catches on her nipple. As she continues to lift up, the steering wheel becomes elongated and eventually is ripped apart by her nipple.  Kathryn then walks down the side of the SUV; gently swaying her hips and makes sure each sway places shapely dents into the rear quarter panel.


As the Goddess reaches the rear of the vehicle, she notices the spare tire attached to the back tailgate. The tire is an all terrain style and it’s big. But what Kathryn likes most is the shiny chrome 18-inch rim that the tire is mounded on.   Tires are made to rip apart but chrome is so squeezable, and with that in mind, the lovely teenager opens the long fingers of her hand and places then on the five lug bolts holding the rim to the frame.  She pushes in on the five lug bolts, destroying them and the metal studs. With her finger properly aligned with the holes in the rim, she twists and then rips the spare tire from the tailgate.  While Kathryn hold the assembly up with her right hand, her left hand and fingers dig into the tire tread and she strips the outer layer of rubber completely off.  “No wonder these tires fail and cause accidents, their made cheaply” Kathryn says, as she continues to remove all the rubber from the rim.


“Thighs get ready” is Kathryn only thought, so she spreads her legs and places the 18-inch chrome alloy rim between the upper parts of her legs.  She then closes her thighs until the rim is only 3 inch across.  The pressure is released between her slender thighs and Kathryn rotates the rim assembly 90 degrees and again squeezes the rim.  The 3 by 3 reengineered rim is then place next to the steering column in the valley of her tits.


She now notices a nice stainless steel towing hitch connected to the frame.  She looks down at her cleavage and sees room for one more object.  With one hand on the bumper to stabilize the SUV, Kathryn reaches under the frame and curls her fingers back.  She just moves her hand backwards and catches the T shaped part of the hitch and just continues to bring her hand back.  The hitch and part of the frame where the bolts attach are easily removed.  Then, she folds the T shaped hitch and frame into something that looks like the letter “I” and places it in her cleavage.   Kathryn continues back to the passenger’s side door and displays her breasts and handy work to the two jokers looking out the side window.  She again presses her nipples into the side door, but just enough to make two more holes.


With the two occupants of the SUV hypnotized, and staring at all the auto parts stuffed between Kathryn’s breasts, she slowly raised her hands and places then behind here head.  The well-stacked Kathryn then begins to take deep breaths, allowing her tits to move in and out.  With each breath she takes, the metal objects in her cleavage are crushed and squeezed over and over until a white hot liquid cream soon runs over the top of her tits and onto her dress.  The top half of her dress is burned off by the hot liquefied metal, revealing her completely bare tits and 2-inch nipples.  Kathryn then raised her eyes and looks at the two guys staring through the window.  They looked like two puppy dogs with their tongues hanging out of their mouth and drooling all over her tits.  The look on their faces was unmistakable; for Kathryn knew these two dumb shits have just creamed their jeans.


By this time, the two guys have figured out they better vacate the scene while they still have something of a getaway car.  The driver floors the car in reverse but the chrome pipes, which Kathryn had earlier stomped into the ground, hold the SUV firm.   But Kathryn soon realized that the motor in this SUV was super powerful and the chrome pipes would soon break and the vehicle could get away.  To secure the SUV so it would not escape, and allow her to continue this little fantasy, Kathryn goes to the front of the vehicle and places her left leg through the grill and wraps her long slender leg around the metal frame of the SUV.  Kathryn then straightens her leg and the frame, suspension, and shocks just twisted and molded around her thighs.  This piece of junk was going nowhere.


The hood was the next item to be removed, for Kathryn wanted to see the powerful motor before she removed most of its vital internal parts.  Kathryn then placed her hands on her 24-inch waist and bent over until her tits reached just under the hood latch.  She simply pushed forward about a foot, letting her breasts distorted the grill and upper frame. Kathryn then flicked her tits upward and the hood of the SUV just flew backwards, landing on the windshield frame.  “Great!” says Kathryn,  “ I blocked the view of these two clowns in the front seat and I definitely want these clowns to have a excellent view while I’m playing with the motor.   Kathryn then takes a solid hold on the hood with her left hand, rips it from the mounting brackets and sends it sailing like a Frisbee.


“Wow” exclaims Kathryn; the motor is one of those new V10 engines, not those weaklings V8 or V6’s that I’m familiar with and normally do surgery on. This is going to get me excited, and with that her nipples start of grow to three inches in length.  The poor driver still has the throttle wide open but the only thing the motor is producing is noise.   Kathryn then directs her left nipple towards the alternator and forces her nipple into the spinning armature.  Her nipples acts as a diamond harden lathe and the alternator is quickly reduced to long stings of thins metal shavings.  Her right nipple drills through the spinning clutch of the air conditioner compressor and eventually jams the high-speed rotors of the compressor.  Kathryn then remembered it’s the camshafts that she collects as souvenirs when she torments engines.  And with that in mind, she leans forward, allowing her swaying tits to disintegrate the grill and radiator, shatter the spinning fan blades, jam the water pump into the engine block, and carve deep groves into the rotating counter balance with her nipples.


Kathryn then takes her left hand and places it on the left cylinder head and presses down several inches to get a firm hold of the motor.  And with her right hand she starts to peel the intake manifold off, starting at the rear of the motor.  She does this slowly because she is teasing herself and she knows this will expose the camshaft.  Kathryn finally has the entire intake manifold crumbled in her right hand and she begins to massage her fingers, which turns the intake manifold into something the consistence of toothpaste, and oozes from between her fingers. 


Kathryn then delicately scrapes off the pushrods and the pushrod lifters with her hands and with two fingers extended in the shape of a “V”, separates the camshaft bearings from the front and rear of the engine block.  Kathryn the gently removes the camshaft and brings it up to her mouth so her tongue can sample the hardness of one the lobes on the cam. She then wraps her tongue softly around one of the lobes on the cam for about 1 second and then examines the distortion of the cam lobe.   “Just offset about 30 degrees from normal,” Kathryn says to herself.  This camshaft will be one of my better souvenirs.


The reason Kathryn liked automotive camshafts are they are made of super harden steel, heat treated, about 2 to 3 feet in length, 3 inches in diameter, and covered with inch long lobes every 2 inches along its length.   The perfect dildo for this super woman.  And there was a rating system that Kathryn used to evaluate camshafts.  The system went from 1 to 10 with a 10 being perfect.  For when Kathryn used a camshaft as a dildo, she would give it one point for each second it lasted in her cunt before it turned into a super heated liquid paste.  If she could also twist the camshaft 360 degrees while it was inside her, without it sheering in half, she would award the camshaft a half point.  A score of 4.5 is the best any camshaft has done so far.  One must remember that Kathryn, with her infinite strength, can work the camshaft in and out of her cunt, 60 times a second.


Kathryn then steps out of the engine compartment and brushes off all the twisted medal that was wrapped around her one leg.  She jogs over to her car and places the camshaft in the back seat, next to the collection of four other camshafts that she collected the previous day.


Just then Kathryn lookup up and sees the light of the train locomotive advancing down the tracks.  She needs to make quick work of the remnants of this SUV if she is going to get around the train before if comes to the crossing.   The extraordinary built women approached the SUV from the front and straddles the remains of the big V10 engine block with her legs so that the engine is positioned length ways between her thighs.  She looks at the two idiots in the cab and says, “It’s a two for one sale today, and I’m going to turn your V10 engine into two 5 cylinder in-line engines”.  And with that statement, Kathryn slowly brings her legs together and watches as her slender thighs slice the big block V10 in half.


Kathryn then steps out of the engine compartment and shakes her tits to remove any loose metal from between her cleavage and to show off her now completely nude body to the owners of this 5500 pound scrap pile.   With a pleasant smile on her face, Kathryn walks up to the passenger side door for the third time and shoves her breast completely through the door.  “You guys better get out of your vehicle because in about 2 seconds I’m going to pick it up, fold it in half and shear it into two pieces”.  Kathryn then stoops down on her buttocks, letting her breasts rip through the door and floor boards, and grabs the metal frame of the under carriage with her one hand.  Crushing the frame slightly to ensure a solid hold on the SUV, she stands straight up and holds the vehicle over her head. Then the SUV is carefully lowered and allow to rest on her outstretched breasts.  All this workout has caused her breast to expand to over 100 inches.


Kathryn then pushes both her hands straight out through the lower part of the SUV to a position just above the top of the steel under frame.  With a slight sigh Kathryn says “good-bye SUV you Stupid Useless Vehicle” and lowers her arms and rapidly moves them under her tits.  The once noble SUV is instantly bent in half as the frame completely enfolds around her tits.  The front and rear tires contacted each other with such a violent force that they just exploded.  And the 4-wheel drive transfer case shattered violently, sending shrapnel in all direction.  Kathryn pushed the mangle metal mass off her massive tits making sure it slides past her nipples so they could get one last cut into the puny metal.  Looking at the clump of metal laying on the street, Kathryn’s final thought is to slice the remains in half.  So the nude goddess just steps over the metal pile and spread her legs just enough to insure that no part of this ex SUV would be spared.  And by slowly sliding her legs together, Kathryn sliced the scrap metal pile into two distinct scrap piles.   


She laughed, and strolls towards the two guys who started this playful experience.  The driver of SUV looks at the gorgeous female, who has just destroyed his vehicle, and says, “I’m going to call 911 and have the cops come and arrest you”.   Kathryn looks at him, laughs some more, which caused her tits to bounce nicely, and tells the dumb idiot, “If you call the police, please have then send several of their largest squad cars, a wrecker, and plenty of firearms”.  I could use a few more souvenirs camshafts, and I just love to play with loaded guns.


Kathryn gives both men a soft kiss on their lips and lets them feel her breasts.  That’s the least a girl can do for two guys who have some serious explaining to do.


“Dam it,” cries Kathryn, the train is almost at the crossing and she will not be able to drive her car around the gates and get quickly around the freight train.  “Well there is only one thing a girl can do”, Kathryn thinks to herself, and that’s to derail the freight train. Oh well, maybe I’ll get myself all worked up clearing the tracks of the train cars and I can test out that V10 camshaft on myself tonight.


Kathryn notices the red blinking lights on the crossing gate but knows the gate is just made of thin 4 inch tubing and would offer no resistance to her body.  However, it would be fun to experiment and see if she could reshape the 4 inch round tubing into a 1 by 6 inch beam.  With that thought in her mind, she moves to the end of the crossing gate and positions the round gate at the top of her crotch. She then gently squeezes her thighs together until there is a 1-inch gap between them.  Kathryn walks slowly forward and behold, the crossing gate goes into her thighs as round steel tubing but comes out as a 1 by 6-inch beam.  It’s amazing what gentle persuasion can accomplish.  The blinking lights on the crossing gate are just crushed and fall to the ground as the come in contact with her body.  Kathryn considers this a minor inconvience.  The sexy sculptress continues to the end of the crossing gate and finally encounters the metal structure that supports the gate.   Her bare breasts extend well over the support structure so it would be easy for Kathryn to just lean over from her waist and allow her tits to crush the crossing gate support into the concrete base.  She rationalized that if the blinking lights were no longer on the crossing gate, the support structure was no longer necessary.


Kathryn just did the simple exercise of touching her toes, and her hanging hooters just crushed the metal structure about a foot into the concrete base.  She could see that some of the steel was forced out from the concrete base and formed nicely around the end of her tits.  She carefully lifted her body straight up so she would not disturb the cast she has just created.  To Kathryn pleasant surprise, there was a perfect replication of her tits and nipples impressed into the metal and concrete.   Kathryn carefully placed her hands deeply into the ground to get a hold of the concrete foundation and gently pulled the 3-foot square by 5-foot long concrete foundation out of the ground.  She then carried the structure to the middle of the roadway and pushed it about three feet into the ground and thinks to herself, “This will make nice memorial to the fun time I’m having at this crossing”.


As with all train crossings, there are loud bells clanging and Kathryn was getting tired of listening to this noise.  The bells consisted of two 12-inch diameter metal bowls mounted high on the train signal tower.  Kathryn looked at the bells and then looked at her breasts and realized that the metal bells just might cover the ends of her boobs. And with that in mind the sexy young thing places her tits next to the 20-inch square steel tower that support the signal lights and bells.  Kathryn grabs the tower with her one hand and just bends the tower very slowly over her breast, allowing the tower to be lowered horizontally to a height so she could retrieve the bells.  Kathryn removes both metal dishes by squeezing out of existence the steel rods that held then in place and positions the bells in her hands.  It was very convenient, that the inside center of the bells has mounting retainers, this would be perfect for her nipples.  Kathryn cups the bells and places them over the ends of her breasts, forcing her nipples to pierce through the mounting retainer in the center of the metal bells.  Kathryn start to massage her breast with her fingers but the two metal bells were made of very brittle steel and simple shattered into thousands of pieces.  The Goddess is mad; that was no fun at all.  She then grabs the steel tower with both hands and rips it from the foundation, and then proceeds to diminish the tower to a pile of pickup sticks by stomping the steel lattice structure with her feet.  She then grabs the reinforced concrete foundation by the steel rods that were still attached, and removes the entire foundation from the ground.  She then gently tosses the 4 foot thick by 6 foot long foundation about 10 feet into the air. Kathryn then rotates her body clockwise and when the foundation starts to fall back to earth, she rotates her body and breasts very rapidly counter clockwise.  Her swing boobs contact the slab with such a force that it shatters the concrete foundation into a million pieces.  Kathryn feels a little better after blasting the foundation out of existence.


There was a 10-foot by 8 foot metal building located a few yards down the tracks and Kathryn did not know its purpose.  It seemed very secure because the building was made of very heavy gauge steel and well locked.  She walked up to the side of the building that contained the entry doors and then realized why the building was so secure.  Written on the doors was a message “DANGER VERY HIGH VOLTAGE - AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY”.  Kathryn smiled, because she knew her super tits were authorized to do everything.


Super chic just reaches out with her two hands and clutches the inch thick steel rods that are holding the doors closed.  There were four massive padlocks on the steel rods but they were shattered when Kathryn pulls the steel rods completely away from the doors. The doors swung open but Kathryn still stripped the doors completely off the building with the effort of someone removing a page from a cheap paper notebook.


High voltage cables came into the top of the building and are distributed down the sides by super hard steel buss bars 2 inches thick and 6 inches wide.    Kathryn placed her tremendous tits between the buss bars, causing a major electrical short. An electrical arc jumped from the buss bars to her nipples but all this did for Kathryn was tickle her body.  She wiggled her breasts to make sure that all the buss bars directed electricity into her boobs, but the main fuses back at the main power station soon blew and her fun was over.   With no further electrical power coming to the building, Kathryn just sticks out her breasts and walks directly through the building.  Her tits destroyed all the wiring and the steel frame that supports the electrical equipment and her legs pulverize the 4-foot thick reinforced concrete foundation.  She exits the back of the building by her tits just blasting giant holes in the steel siding.  All Kathryn can do is caress her breasts and nipples and says to herself.  “My poor petite 100 inch titties, your not having any fun”.  Just then, Kathryn hears this very loud noise.  It’s the roar of several 3000 horsepower diesel electrical locomotives pulling a 120-car freight train and it’s passing only a few yards in front of her breasts.  A big smile overcomes Kathryn’s face and her tits start to swell to over 110 inches.  She slowly struts up to freight train and says to herself “Tits and thighs, get ready for a big surprise”.


Chapter 2: Kathryn stops a freight train.