HOT ICE.  Chapter 2:

The girls playfully destroy an army and begin to collect the earth’s diamonds.


By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.



The five young women, whose bodies have been assimilated by the aliens, enjoy the total and massive bombardment by the Russian army.  They actually laugh as thousand to high explosive bombs, rockets, shell, bullets, and napalm burst directly on their bodies.  The only fatality from all this weaponry and massive firepower is the girl’s clothing is completely vaporized, to which the girls could care less. For they enjoy being nude since they now have a bona fide structure in the shape of a human female and they especially enjoy using their bodies for destruction and for sex.



After the army commander orders his troops to cease firing so he can analyze the result of the all out attack on the five girls, he is surprised to see that the girls are unharmed.  In fact all he sees is the girls running at a high rate of speed towards several columns of heavy tanks about three miles away.  And he computes their speed at over 700 kilometers an hours since his attack planes cannot keep up with their pace.


Dawn has given her commands to the other girls, “Let’s begin with these mobile pieces of light junk they call army tanks and set the destructive tone for the next hour.   Let Fran and Becky destroy the first two pieces of shit and then we can experience the pleasure of crushing their weapons with our bodies”.


Fran smiles as she replies back to Dawn, “Watch how easy it is to destroy these things” as she heads for a single column of five tanks, one behind the other.  The first army tank doesn’t have a chance of survival as it never sees Fran as she slams her body into the army tank at over 700 kilometers and hour.  The 70 ton army tank, which is traveling at over 50 kilometers an hour, is immediately sliced in half lengthwise.  The force of Fran’s body against the front armor causes the 50 centimeter thick armor to literally dissolve into a molten white hot liquid.  Fran’s super flat stomach and firm breasts make first contact with the super thick steel and the hardened steel just obey the laws of physics.  Fran’s super hard body, traveling at over 700 kilometers and hour collides with the 70 ton army tanks causes millions of tons of energy to be dissipated. And all of the energy is dissipated into the army tank.  Fran’s legs and thighs then cut, lacerate, hack, and carve a path through the center of the tank.  Solid steel is shredded and then mulched by Fran’s legs and thighs with the easy of a lawnmower with a sharp blade cutting dry grass.


And as Fran’s body continues through the army tank, the 10 ton turret is blasted straight upwards and the 1500 horse power engine is simply crushed flat by her body.  She exits the rear of the tank just as it explodes into a white hot ball of flames and plasma and then Fran slows her speed down to a brisk walk as she continues directly for the second tank in the column.


The second army tank reacts immediately and fires an armor piercing shell at point blank range into Fran’s body.  The high speed shell blasts directly between Fran’s breasts, where it instantly begins to flatten and crush between her firm young breasts.  Fran’s breasts don’t even indent or budge a micrometer as the armor piercing shell crumbles against Fran’s body.  The shell’s fuse finally signals the warhead to explode but the massive explosion has no effect on Fran. And as she exit the fire and smoke of the explosion, the tank’s commander yells to his crew, “Oh Fuck, we are on deep trouble, abandon the tank”.  But before his crew could escape, Fran has already started the eradication of the army tank.  Her super strong body has already made contact with the massive main gun as it has not had time to reposition itself from when it ineffectually fired at her bare chest.  Fran purposely stuffs her left breast into the hardened alloy steel muzzle and the steel peels back like it’s a spring flower opening to the morning sun. She continues to walk towards the main part of the tank and the main gun barrel simply is pushed backwards, bending and twisting as Fran’s body easily crumbles the gun barrel.


Once at the tank Fran jumps up onto the tank and proceeds to its massive turret where she kick the turret with her right foot. Her right foot careens into the massive armor and blasts a deep gouge into the armor, but as her foot continues to travel upward, it shears off the massive gun turret and sends is tumbling end over end across the high plains.  The tanks ammo begins to explode as the turret breaks apart as it smashes into large boulders.


Fran laughs as she stares down at the tank crew and then jumps into the tanks and slices open a large gash in the steel side of the tank with a flimsy swish of her backhands and walks partway through the thick armor.  Fran’s tall shapely body peels and strips back the armor, bending it aside as if it’s gift wrapping.  She then turns around to the crew, leans forward and pushes her firm rounded ass into the gaping hole in the side of the tank and wiggles her curvy hips.  Fran’s young ass mangles and mauls the armor and then she backs up evermore slightly and allows her ass to flip aside the steel armor until the moving steel tracks can be seen moving past the side of the tank.  Fran backs her ass slightly more into the gaping hole until she can hear and feel the steel plates of the moving track slap her firm ass as the proceed past her body. Another slight wiggle of her ass bends back sections of the steel plates as they pass her ass and Fran just laughs as she grabs two large steel angle brackets the once secured the turret to the tank and tears them off the tank. The huge heat treated metal bolts holding the brackets securely to the tank’s frame simply pop open and burst in half as she easily mangle the steel bracket as she pulls the brackets free with her hands.  Fran then holds the brackets steadily in the palm of her hands and places her hands directly over the cock’s of the two crew members who are seated.  She then slowly squeezes her hands closed and the two crew members watch as the thick steel is mashed between the super girls fingers until it oozes out as if it soft ice cream.  She ogles at the two crew members and says, “I see your cocks are getting super hard from my little demonstration of strength.  Now don’t go anywhere for in less that an hour, I’ll be back to fuck every male in this useless contraption”.  Fran then stands up straight, softly pets the hard cocks of the two crew members, and walks directly to and through the other side of the tank.  Fran’s body explodes through the thick steel as she pound her fists through the outer armor, the moving treads, and all the support rollers as if they were made of tissue paper.  Whatever, her fist and arms didn’t burst open, her              upper body rip apart and disintegrate, and her legs sliced, split, and crushed as she exited the steel monster.


Once Fran has exited the other side of the army tank, she turns around to admire her handy work as she massages her young body with her hands.  She can observe the massive holes in the tanks where her young sexy body obliterated the thick armor and she is enjoy the moment,  She just wishes she could stop and screw the  tank’s male crew members. 


With a turn of her head, Fran stares directly at the third tank in the column and signal’s by a wiggle of her right hand middle finger hand for the army tank to come forward.


The crew of the third tank has already witnessed the absolute destruction of the two lead tanks by a young nude female and the commander had ordered a full retreat.  The 70 ton behemoth is still moving forward, yet it track are in full reverse, Fran immediately recognizes that that tank will be moving in a reverse direction shortly so she steps up her pace.  However, as she steps up her pace, she sees and feels the ground on the left side of her body explodes violently in a straight line.  Then she senses a slight gentle tingling against her soft bare skin as if it a soft rain, but the sun is shinning bright and there are no clouds.


Fran then turns sideways towards the tingling sensation and again witnesses the ground for about 10 meters in front of her, explode in a straight line. The ground continues to explode until it actually explodes between her longs legs. And then she experiences this tingling sensation, first against her firm thighs, then her hot pussy, upward past her curvy hips, against her super flat stomach, between her young firm breasts, and finally against her soft beautiful face.


Fran sees the reason for the gentle massage she is receiving.  It’s a series of attack aircraft, firing their massive tank killing armor piercing shells at her body.  The attack planes are capable of spewing over 100 rounds a second from their guns and most of the rounds have directly hit Fran’s young body.  Fran watch as this plane passes over head and a third attack aircraft begins its strafing run. Fran would have enjoy standing there, legs spread and her hands cupping her breasts ready to catch in her cleavage whatever was tingling her body, but she has orders.  So she quickly leaps forward and catches up to the third army tank of the column.  The third army tank is in full retreat, its treads spinning up dirt and dust as it powerful engine moves the massive chuck of iron and steel in full reverse.  But it useless, for Fran’s super fast speed has already caught the tank and as she meets the front of the tank, she slams her right fist deep into the front armor of the tank.  The meter thick armor on the front of the tank is no competition for Fran’s strength as her fist and arm penetrate deeply into the armor.  The armor simply explodes and mushrooms aside as Fran’s fist and arm penetrates all the way through the meter thick armor.  Fran then flexes her right arm and watches as her female muscles push aside steel armor with ease as she raises the super heavy ton tank over her head with one hand.  Fran just stands there, wiggling and flaunting her sexy young body while holding the tank vertically over her head with her one hand and twirling it around in a small arc. As she is holding the army tank, Fran notices another attack aircraft lining up to another attack.


Fran then yells loudly, “I don’t have time for your stupid games”, as she flings the massive tanks at the oncoming aircraft.   The tank is immediately hurled at supersonic speed to the attack aircraft and Fran’s aim is deadly accurate, as the 70 ton tank careens into the flying attack aircraft.  The pilot never attempted to take defensive measures as he probably never saw a fling army tank.  The tank and the plane collide in mid air and the plan is instantaneously destroyed in a massive ball of fire.  The heavy army tank continues on its low arc trajectory and disappears over the far horizons.


Fran continues after the two remaining tanks from the column and disables the tanks by using her incredible strength to tear off the tank tracks with an undemanding flip of her hands.  She also tears off the massive solid steel drive gears with her hands and she crushes them into her super flat stomach muscles until the meter thick metal drive gear is flatter that a pancake. Fran smiles as she easily mauls and manipulates the steel as it is soft bread dough.


Fran uses her hands and legs in a frenzy of super strength and finishes tearing apart the two remaining army tanks by stripping the steel sides and  armor platting off the tank as if the bulky armor is made of dried flowers.  And after she tears the thick armor plating off the tank, she violently folds the plates in half, flings the folded mass of metal between her long legs and crushes it in half with nothing but her bare thigh muscles. And with most of the armor peeled off the tanks, the tank crew is exposed and they are scared to death. They just witnessed their tank being torn apart by a young woman with nothing but her unclothed body.  Fran looks at the crew and shouts to them, “I’ll be back shortly for some quick hot super sex, keep your cocks super hard by watching me use my body and my superior strength to destroy the rest of your scrawny weapons”.  Fran then turns around, and jogs towards a series of artillery pieces with a big smile on her face.


Becky, in the meantime, has also observed another column of five army tanks. And these tanks are in full retreat, especially after their crews witnessed Fran’s exhibition of her super strong body against five other army tanks. However, Becky quickly runs behinds the tanks as stands directly in their path with her feminine body imposing an impossible obstacle for the tanks to bypass.  With the end tank crew not expecting Becky to get behind their position so quickly, their tank rams Becky’s nude body at full speed.  The tank stops dead in its motion, however its massive treads are still spinning at full speed.  Then the next tank rams into the already stopped tank and it continues until all five tanks ram into each other.  Becky doesn’t budge a millimeter, her hands on her hips, and her nude body holding back the force of all five tanks.  The first tank that rammed into Becky’s body has plowed deep into Becky’s super chest and the steel of the tank’s frame has bent, reshaped, and molded to her fantastic young womanly shape.


Becky  users her hands to begin the demolition of the army tank by peeling of section of the rear armor and at the same time forces her breasts and nipples forward.  Her firm shapely breasts indent the thick steel and her nipples scrape and gouge out steel as she push her chest muscles  from side to side.  Becky also begins to walk forward and her sexy super strong body easily pushed the five tanks forward, even though their treads are in full reverse.


Amber in the meantime scampers over to the same column of five tanks but does not realize Becky is at the rear of the column pushing the tanks forward with her body.  Amber is super built with her massive chest muscles bouncing up and down and from side to side in her skimpy red top as she continues her jog towards the lead tank.  Her flimsy white bra under her red top cannot hold back her massive tits.  And now that Amber is also super strong, her bouncing breasts have caused her swollen nipples to slash and slice through her white bra and tight red top.  This has not gone unnoticed by the lead tank crew and its commander for her has illuminated her breasts with his laser range finger.  And as Amber approaches within 10 meters of the tank, its main gun open fire with a high explosive shell and it detonation directly between Amber massive tits.


When the energy, smoke, and debris settle from the enormous explosion, Amber is standing less that a meter from the main guns’ muzzle and the only  thing that happen to Amber is all of her clothing has been completed blasted away.  She’s totally nude and her soft tan skin doesn’t have a scratch or a mark from the explosion.


Amber is standing there, a few centimeters from the main gun and she is gazing at her massive breasts as she bounces them around by rocking her hips from her side to side.  She then uses her open hands to fondle, squeeze, and push together that massive soft flesh on her chest.    And as Amber is standing there, the lead tank jolts forward from the gentle persuasion Becky is applying from the rear tank and the main gun slams into Amber’s left breasts.  Her bouncing breasts mutilate the end of the main gun by tearing it apart as it attempts to force it 120 millimeter diameter around her breast. And when her super hard and swollen nipples scratch into the metal, a horrible scraping sound permeates the air.


Amber just watches as the thick steel of the main gun is peeled back as the tank continues to move forward with awesome power and authority.  But she is puzzled, how can the tank be moving forward when the treads appear to be moving in reverse.


Then Amber reaches out with her left arm and grabs the steel barrel with her hand and is surprised as her fingers basically crush into the steel barrel and dig completely through the steel.  She breaks off a meter long section of the main gun with a gentle twist of her left hand and holds it vertically only a few centimeters from her large breasts.


“I’ll bet I can crush this piece of gun barrel between by breasts”. Amber thinks to herself as she attempts to force the thick steel between her cleavage.  But the steel just crushes and will not separate her massive breasts.  The steel crushes, collapses, and is finally severed in half by Amber’s finger as she gently attempts to use the steel gun barrel to separate her breasts.  “Well fuck” is all that can be heard as Amber lets the two crushed halves of the gun barrel fall to the ground and she clutches her breasts with her hands and open up her cleavage to accept the oncoming remains of the gun barrel.  And as the steel gun barrel rams directly between Amber’s ample tits, the steel is eloquently forced together by the massive “V” shape of her cleavage.  Amber then removes her hands from her breasts and allows her two large breasts to swing back together.  The massive flesh of Amber’s chest muscles swing back together and the gently mold together causing the thick steel gun barrel to explode into a molten  blob of super hot steel and plasmas gas.


“WOW! This is fantastic, let’s see what these two big babies can do to this big iron thing approaching me”, screams Amber as she tears off the remains of the main gun and uses her strength to viciously bend the main gun around her breasts like it’s a piece of string.  Amber then folds the steel barrel over the ends of her breasts and enjoys crushing the steel down onto the ends of her breasts with her open palms.  She massages the ends of her large breasts with her fingers and delights in the sensual feeling as her nipples chop, grind, and scourer the harden steel until it again liquefies into a hot paste that emerges from her cleavage. 


By this time, the front of the tank is only centimeter from Amber’s ample body and she thrusts out her massive breasts in the expectation of a brutal confrontation with the metal monster.  The steel gun barrel that is bent and twisted around her breasts burst apart as her breasts bounce around and the broken pieces of steel fall to the ground 


The front of the 70 ton army tank collides with Amber directly into her substantial breasts and Amber doesn’t nudge a millimeter.  Her nipples sink into the hardened armor but the sheer mass of her tits stops the tank dead.  Amber places her hands on her curvy hips and begins to slowly grind her tits into the front of the tank’s thick armor. Her massive tits begin to quarry out huge chunks of metal as her nipples scrape, gouge, and slice open long slits in the frontal armor.  But Amber is still puzzled, how the treads can be going in reverse and the tank moving forward. Is this an optical illusion?  So she reaches out with her right hand and lifts the tank up and moves the tank over so the moving tank treads are directly in front of her body.  And while holding the tank up off the ground with only her right hand, slams her breasts deep into the rotating treads and her massive tits begin to strip off the thick metal treads as if they are cheap paper plates being toss around in a strong wind.  Amber then realizes that the tank treads should be driving the tank in full reverse because they are slamming into the underside of her breasts, breaking off, and then falling to the ground.


Amber pauses of a moment, and then realizes the only thing sufficiently strong to cause a tank to move in the opposite direction is one of her friends and it has to be “BECKY”.


Amber then drops the heavy tank, shuffle to the center of the tank and starts to toddles into the thick heavy armor of the lead tank.  She’s fully confident that she will convene with Becky somewhere in the middle of the five tanks.  But first, Amber teases with thick armor with the body, as she squats down and uses her large breasts to easily lift the front of the tank as she yells. “Look guys, no hands”.  Her large well proportioned firm young breasts some no sign of sagging as they easily support the 70 tons of armor as if they were holding a feather up in the air.


The tank commander is standing in his command position, half outside the tank’s hatch and all he sees is Amber’s magnificent chest muscles shredding the thick armor of his tank apart as if it were made of wet tissue paper.  And she is advancing using her nipples to gouge massive scars in the armor and then her full size tits to carve out large sections of thick armor.  Amber whacks her tits from side to side and up and down, creating a massive cavern in the front armor. The thick armor yield to Amber’s pounding by her large breasts with the effort of a sledge hammer against a fresh marshmallow. Amber continues to move forward as her well shape and muscle tones legs drive through the lower section of the tank like knife through soft whip cream.


Finally the tank commander points his primary machine gun directly at Amber and uselessly yells, “Hey blond, back off or I’ll open fire”.  Amber looks at the commander and replies back, “Would you ponder what you just said”, as she give the tank’s commander a blank stare from her gorgeous face.  She then places her hands behind her head and fluffs her blond hair, thrust out her breasts and states to the commander with a smile and a sexy look in her eyes, “Observe what my large firm breasts and sensitivity nipples can do to this thick armor and metal of your tin can.  Then bring down that plaything you call a machine gun and exploit it major function by toying and teasing my breasts and nipples. And maybe, if you are highly imaginative and impress me, you will be the first male of your species to have sex with me”.  The commander is speechless; as he can only see Amber’s beautiful face, for her sexy well built body is hidden behind and in the 2 meter cavern of crush and mangles steel that she has already created with her body.


Amber remains in place as the army tanks are slowly but relentlessly being push forward by Becky. The mighty armor of the forward tank is no match against Amber’s sexy super strong body.  She cozy’s her body, and particularly her breasts into the thick armor and places her stretched out hands on top of the tank’s frontal armor. Amber’s arms are straight out in front of her and she lets her fingers burrow into the tough armor as if it’s soft beach sand as she begins to press down with her hands and arms.  Her super strong arm muscles immediately sink into the thick armor and begin to press the army tank down into the solid earth below.  The massive tracks and suspension of the tank crack, bend, twist, and crush into the ground.  Thick steel is flattened like soft dough, and then twisted like a pretzel, and the sound is utterly horrible as the steel cracks open like an eggshell.  And as Amber pushes down even more, she starts to actually fold the front of the tank in half.  The tank’s commander is in awe, as he witnesses this blond young girl destroy is tank with her body as if it were a piece of tissue paper.


The tank’s commander cannot believe his eyes as the front of his tank is being folded in half by this gorgeous young girl.  But with all reality, what impresses him the most is the uplifting of a large section of steel and armor just above Amber chest.  He watches intensely as Amber pushes down and folds the front of the tank in half with her arms and this one section of armor grows larger and larger above her chest.  Then finally, after the super hard metal has swollen almost up past Amber petty face, it burst open with a violent blast.  Twenty to thirty centimeters of thick steel peels back, flatten forward, and fold over sideways as if it’s a popped open paper bag. Then the commander sees what triggered the uplifting and explosion of armor and it’s the most magnificent set of knockers he has ever seen. Amber’s breasts are large, very large, round, pert, and exceptionally firm as they rise through the thick armor.  She then swings her breasts from side to side and as the natural motion of her breasts sway gracefully across her chest, they crush, flatten, compress, and smear the thick armor as if the armor is soft butter on warm bread.


“Well big boy, what’s your strategy for that toy gun”, says Amber to the tank’s commander as she pushes her massive tits forward and quarries two deep gouges in the armor.  Amber continues until the steel and armor plow and push up against her nipples.  She then stops and again yells at the tank’s commander, “What’s wrong big boy, afraid of a young girl’s soft sexy body”.


The commander cock is super hard and about to rupture through his uniform when he grabs the machine gun and frees the weapon from its mounting brackets.  He holds the barrel with his left hand and the trigger housing with his right hand, then jumps down from the turret and places the muzzle directly into Amber’s cleavage.  He moves the gun barrel up and down her cleavage and across her nipples, making sure the muzzle fits over Ambers swollen nipples.


“OOOH!!! That feel great”, coos Amber, as she open her mouth and wets her lips with her long tongue  and the commander immediately lifts the machine gun and places the barrel in Amber’s mouth.  Amber softly licks the steel barrel with her tongue and then swallows about 25 centimeters of the barrel into her mouth.  She then just stares up at the soldier holding the gun and slowly removes the barrel form her mouth.  After the barrel is completely removed from her soft smooth mouth, she requests in a very sexy voice of the tank’s commander, “Why don’t you use your imagination with that toy in your hands, be a true man and pull the fucking trigger. And then watch with amazement as my super sexy body toys with those dumb, stupid, worthless, and harmless bullets. 


The commander immediately abides by Amber’s wish and places the muzzle of the machine gun a few centimeters against her upper cleavage and pulls the trigger as he swipes the gun barrel down the length of her cleavage.  Twenty five armor piercing shells spew out of the muzzle in a hail of fire.  Amber doesn’t even blink or lose her smile as she looks down into her cleavage as sees 25 large armor piercing bullets lodge in her cleavage. The shells are deformed and half crush as they had no choice, since the bullets could not separate her breasts, they had to reshape to the rounded and deep valley shape of her cleavage.


“What the fuck”, yells the commander as he also sees the bullets wedged and crushed between Ambers breasts.  Then Amber drives her breast forward by placing her hands behind her head and pushes her shoulder back and the commander cock goes super hard as he witnesses Amber’s large soft breasts push upward and encircle the armor piercing shells and then her breasts squeeze the metal into a molten blob that dribbles from her cleavage.


Amber then cups her breasts with her hands and lifts the ends of the breast up in the air and says to the commander, “Fire that plaything directly into my nipples, I’ll cup my breasts with my hands and catch any bullets the bounce off my breasts”.


The tank commanders instantaneously aims the barrel of the machine gun at Amber’s right nipple as she cups her hand directly under her nipple and lifts her breasts.  The gun erupts in a hail of hot metal as the tank commander holds the trigger down.  Round after round slams on to Amber enlarged nipple and a volley of over 50 rounds fills Amber’s cupped hand.  The armor piercing shells, at point blank range, strike her sensitive nipple with massive energy and this energy has to be dissipated.  The super hardened depleted uranium shells are slice in half by Amber’s nipples and the resultant scrap metal is captured in Amber’s cup hand.  After her hand is full of hot, sliced, and broken shells, Amber offers up her left breast and the commander move the machine gun to her left breast.  The same results, it only takes a few seconds for fire to full Amber’s cup hand with hot metal. 


Amber laughs and then blows a mouthful of cool air across her breasts and says to the tanks’ commander, “I hope your manly cock has more energy than these duds you are utilizing on my itty bitty titties” as she expands the finger of her right hand and then pulls her right hand and over fifty bullets back into her chest.  Her large soft breast immediately fluffs up and shows how soft and fleshy her huge fun bags can be.  However, the super harden bullets that are caught between her fingers and breast  have no such luck as the are instantly mashed into a substance the leaks between her fingers and resembles hot maple syrup.  Amber then looks at her left breast and begins to rotate her left hand across her breast and lets her nipple grind, cut, slice, dice, and mince the super hard metal into millions of sliver of metal and then open her hand and blows away the ground up metal power with a puff of air from her mouth.


Amber then laughs and says out loud, “This fucking planet is going to be so much fun.  I don’t believe there is anything that I cannot destroy with just my tits.  And there are diamonds and there are men on this planet.  The diamonds for their monetary value and men for their sexual value.  The diamonds will last forever.  I suspect the men are a one time throw away resource. Any way, I’ll find out shortly”.


The commander looks at Amber and says, “Where are girls from”?  To which Amber answers, “You do not have the intelligences to understand, but we are not from this planet”.  Amber than again wets her lips with her tongue and says to the tank’s commander, “Let’s see that my tongue and lips can do to that noise maker you have in your hands”, as she open her mouth wide in an inviting gesture.


The commander moves the machine gun to Amber mouth where he teases her soft wet lips by rubbing the hot muzzle across her mouth. Then he places her muzzle in her mouth and slowly works the barrel up and down about 20 centimeters inside her mouth.  And after a few plunges and when the barrel is deepest inside Amber’s mouth, he pulls the trigger.  Amber doesn’t even flinch as 20 hot steel shells full her mouth and she looks up at the soldier and grins as she quickly turns her head sideways and tears the machine gun from his hands.  Then using her left hand, Amber clasps the gun’s barrel and pulls it out of her mouth and begins a slow sexy lick of her lips with her tongue and churns the super harden steel bullets into a single globule of  dense super hot metal.  Amber’s eyes are scanning around and she sees another armored artillery vehicle approaching directly towards her and she spits the globule at the fast approaching vehicle. With the density and speed of the metal as it leaves Amber’s mouth, the energy is so great that when it slams into the massive mobile artillery piece, the outcome is predetermined. The massive artillery vehicle is blasted apart and sections sent tumbling end over end for over 5 kilometers.


Amber is still holding the machine gun  straight out with her left hand and moves the barrel to her lips and begin to lick the barrel with her tongue as if the metal  barrel is a candy cane.  She uses her tongue in sexy movement as she licks the barrel.  Finally after teasing the barrel for a minute, Amber wraps her long tongue around the barrel approximately at it mid point and then pulls her tongue back into her moist mouth.  The hardened steel barrel is instantly bent completely around; and then Amber grabs both sections with her hands and begins to twist and twirl the two sections of the steel barrel together with her hands.   The two sections of the steel barrel spiral together as if they were pieces of twine and as another show of her strength; she shows her perfectly white teeth to the tanks commander before she bites the sections of steel barrel in her mouth completely in half with one slow continuous bite of her teeth. Amber takes what left of the machine gun in her right hand and with her left hand, pushes forward the crumbles mass of the army tank away from her body. Then, Amber positions the twisted barrels down in front of her sexy body and slaps the barrel between her legs and begins to stroke it in a up and down  motion, purposely teasing her pussy.  She then places the main section and ammo box across her massive tits and removes her left hand from holding the tank away from her body.  The tank immediately lurches forward and presses into the main section and ammo box and its crushed flat into her massive tits as it’s made of cotton candy.


Amber, then stares at the tank’s commander and says to him in a quick and upbeat tone of voice, “I’m sorry, but I’ve got to destroy these vehicles and I’m only allotted so much time.  But as soon as we completely destroy this army, I’ll come back to you and you can be my first experience with sex”.


The commander says nothing as he watches Amber walk forward and slice through his heavy armored tank with her body.  Amber annihilates the tank’s armor by getting her massive boobs bouncing and walking straight forward. She only uses her hands as an aid to direct the tank’s armor, steel, and various support structures into her bouncing boobs or her slender but firm thighs.  She walks directly under the tank’s commander legs, who is standing directly in front of the turret, and raises her hand and rubs his super hard cock as she slices through the tank and into the crew department.  


The tank’s crew members are young and inexperienced and are taking turns looking through the view windows and optical screen and cannot believe what they are witnessing. And they have the range finder optical screen directly pointed at Amber massive chest.  The entire screen is a video display of Amber’s breasts and nipples slicing apart their tank.  Then the video screen can no longer see Amber as she has passed the point where it can angle down.  Then the crew sees the front section of their compartment bulge inward.  It’s a section of steel and armor almost a meter high and a half meter across and all the control and instruments on this front section are also being pushed forward.  The sound of the steel bending and distorting causes the crew to hold their hands over their ears, but they keep their eyes on the ever bulging steel.  10 centimeters, then 20 centimeters, 30 centimeter of  forward pushing steel and when the front armored section  expands to 40 centimeters, the crews begins to observe massive cracks and forming in the armor.  A smaller section of armor, near the top really begins to jut out and expands faster and further than the lower section.  There is a tremendous cracking and creaking sound and finally this upper section of armor burst open and peels back.  25 centimeters of armored steel is pushed aside in all directions as if it were thin tin foil.  And then the crew sees what is causing the utter destruction of their tank.  Amber’s massive breasts burst through the armored steel and the crew sees her bouncing breasts effortlessly push aside the armor.  Her boobs push aside the armor as they naturally sway from her walking and pound the thick armor into submission.  The armor actually takes the naturally rounded shape of her breasts as they bounce around and smash sideways into the armor.


Amber’s breasts advance through the armor, immediately follow by the rest of her young nude body. Her legs and thighs slice the steel floor like a sharp knife through soft cream, and her super flat stomach flattens steel as if it were made of thin Styrofoam.  And once Amber is completely inside the crew’s department, she intensely studies the young soldiers with a deep sexy stare, especially observing the crotches.  She then says softly to the crew as they are all looking at the massive hole in the front of the tank that Amber has fashioned, “It’s dark, cramped, and confined in here, let’s open up this area so I can observe your super hard cocks better”.


Amber reaches out with her left hand and pushes her fingers and hand through a section of wall and the thick steel indents and then splits wide open.  She then raises her hand and her fingers and hands slice a gash in the steel wall the width of her hand.  Amber continues to raise her hand, cutting through the steel wall until her hand reaches the bottom of the turret.  Then she burrows her fingers deep into the thick armor of the turret and then quickly lifts her arm straight up and rips the 10 ton turret off the top of the tank. All the clamps and bearings securing the turret to the tank are rip in half and those that didn’t break had their thick bolts lacerate from the main section of the tank.  Amber stands in place, holding the entire turret over here head with her one hand and then simply tosses it aside as it it’s a paper plate with a gently flick of her hand.


The three super horny male members of the crew just stare at Amber’s gigantic boobs and Amber can tell by their eyes that they are concentrating on her large breasts.  She then says to the crew in a super sexy voice, “Like my big hooters? Do they turn you on sexually?  Or is it my super strength that brings up the best of your male sex organ?  Perhaps it’s a little of both”.


Amber looks around the inside of the tank and using her hands to grabs two devices that are attached to the steel sidewall of the tank.  Both are metal containers with front controls and switches and are about 30 centimeters square and 20 centimeters deep.  Amber pushes her fingers through the steel sidewall, tearing open the steel wall in the process, and down behind the metal boxes. With her hands behind the metal devices she claws her fingers into the devices and with a gentle tug of her arms begin to remove the devices off the sidewall.  The crew can see and hear the metal crumble as her fingers claw into the metal boxes.  And with a finale pull of her hands, Amber aggressively tears off the two metal boxes from the tank’s interior wall.  The bolts holding the metal devices are busted apart and the wiring is stripped away as if it’s cob webs.   Amber holds the two devices in her hands and places them directly in front of her pert breasts and says to the highly attentive male crew, “Do you prefer me to crush the devices by pulling them into my breasts with my hands, or crush the devices by pushing my breasts into them”.  The only answer Amber hears back from the crew is an affirmative “YES”.


Amber laughs as she smiles and slowly pulls the metal device in her right hand into her firm shapely young breast. She draws her small hand slowly back into her breast and as the device makes contact with her hard nipple, her hard nipple punctures the metal device with a solid popping sound.  Her massive breast then pushes aside the metal frame, the switches, and the controls as her hand continues to crumble the metal box into her breasts.  In about 10 seconds, the entire device is crushed into her breast with mangled pieces of metal and electronics squirting from between her fingers and the palm of her hand. And to prove her body is still feminine, soft, and playful, she pulls her hand deeply into her chest and allows her breast to fluff and overflow her hand. Her massive tit billows out in all directions and soft flesh folds over her hand and fingers.  This also pushes any remaining part of the metal box back over her hand.  Amber flicks off the mangle mess from her breasts and then looks at the device in her other hand. She holds the device about a centimeter from her large breast and takes a deep breath, filling her lungs with air and forcing her breast outward.  The result is identical as Amber’s nipple tears into the metal casing and her large breast begins to crushes the device into the palm of her hand. However, Amber stops pushing her breast forward and begins to roll her massive breast in a circular motion.  Her young soft fleshy breast begins to giggle and her nipple grinds and scrapes a jagged hole in the metal box.  You can hear her sensitive enlarged nipple grind and chop the switches, controls, interior parts, and the metal case into pieces of scrap. She moves her breast around the metal box and in a short time has completely chopped up the device until her hand is full of scraps and chunks of rubble.  She then pushes her shoulder forward and her breast fills up the palm of her hand and spill over.  The scrap in the palm of her hands in instantly liquefies and pours out between her fingers and then catch on fire.  The pieces of scrape metal that didn’t get liquefied or burned by Amber’s breast fall to the floor of the tank and Amber uses her bare feet to grind them into steel floor.


The three crew members have all moved to one side of the tank and are stand there in complete silence and awe. They are huddled very close to each other and Amber can tell they are scared.  They know this young girl can easily crush every bone in their body with just those big tits on her chest.


Amber surveys the three soldiers with her eyes as she scans her head up and down their bodies. She then says in a slow sexy tone to the three, “I can see by the lump in you pants that I’ve turned you on sexually.  Let me examine how well I’ve accomplished this little chore”.  She then takes her hand and places it between the legs of the first crew member and strokes his cock and says, “Oh!  Looks like you have already blown your manly wad, how long will it take you to recharge”?   She then goes to the middle crew member and massages his super hard cock with her hand and then laughs.  Then she says to him in a disappointing voice, “Great, your cock just erupted like a volcano and then went absolute limp”.   Amber then strokes the third soldier and smiles as she says, “OOH! Great! A super hard cock ready to perform masculine duties, so there is hope for me having sex on this planet.  I was getting concerned that my body may be too much to earth men to handle”.


Amber removes her hand from the third soldier’s cock and he immediately grabs his cock to keep it from exploding.  He then looks at Amber as says, “Earth Men”!  To which Amber joyfully replies, “Oh yes, we are from another galaxy and we are only using these earthly female bodies to be compatible for sex and mobility.  But we have also discovered that your planet is loaded with the most valuable resource in the universe. Diamonds, your planet has the largest deposit of diamonds ever discovered and we plan on taking all your diamonds. And for some strange reason, we are super strong on your planet.  Our plan is very simple.  We destroy all the weapons in this army to demonstrate our superior strength and we only need to use our sexy bodies.  This little show of strength should give us experience on how to use our strength when we begin to collect all the Diamonds.  But what I’m going to enjoy after we destroy all your scrawny weapons with our sexy bodies, is fucking all the men on this planet”.


The third soldier response back to Amber in an unsettled voice, “Fucking all men, collecting Diamonds”.


Amber pauses and backs up slightly, then cups her large breasts and fondles her nipples, and squeezes her breasts in and out to highlight her deep cleavage.   She then continues as she play with her tits by saying to the crew, “Oh, yes and it should be exciting and fun. All your Diamonds are kept in massive vaults and safes and I personally plan on tearing apart these flimsy structures with nothing but my breasts.  Then I’ll fuck every man that’s watch me destroy the vaults who can challenge my breasts with a unique feat of strength”.  Like using my breasts to crush various object.


“What are you going to do after you have all the diamonds collected”, says the soldier. And amber replies back, “Oh, this planet has many things that can keep us entertained for years.  There are more armies, and after the armies, there are things like trains, big heavy trains, and boats, large steel boat with lots of young healthy men on them, all these big thick steel building and bridges.  I’m getting work up just thinking about all the things I can destroy with my body.  Now my greatest dream is where I take your largest military ships with all those sex starved young men on them and slowly destroy these ships with only my tits. And the rules are simple.  I’ll fuck every guy on the ship once or twice a day. But for the man that derives the best feat of strength for my tits, he get fuck first, special, and as often as he wants”.


The three soldiers just look at Amber as she turns around and faces the back of the tank an says to the three soldiers as she eyes them over her shoulder, “I’ve got to go destroy this army, but I’ll be back, so keep those cocks ready for action”.


Amber then rocks her shoulders and get those massive breasts swaying back and forth and slams then into the armor plating of the rear section of the compartment.  Her tits immediately tear through the armor, blasting, and pounding the thick steel off to the side and the rest of her body follows through the armor and steel.  The three young soldiers just watch as Amber’s body blast through their tank and into the next tank without her even slowing down.


The one soldier than says to his comrades, “Look at the fucking round ass just sway back and forth and smash apart our tanks.  She bending and tearing steel like a bulldozer going through a cardboard house.


Now with Becky at the other end of the column, the five tanks do not have a chance in hell.  Becky is destroying the tanks by pure arm and leg strength.  She pulls off large sections of armor with her hands, using her fingers to first punch holes into the steel to acquire a solid grip and then rips off the tank as if there are pieces of newspaper.  She continues to tears the armor plates into long thin strips of metal then drops them down so her legs and thighs can also crush them further.  Her leg drive through the bottom armor of the tank, crinkling it forward as she advances and letting it collect until her thighs crush and smash it into globs of junk.  She violently rips out large object such as the rear drive mechanism with her hands and then holds the mechanism in from of her and flaunts it as she holds it between her outstretched arms to the watchful eyes of the tank’s crew.  She then proceeds to bring her hands together and crushes the mechanism either flat or in half.  She purposely does this slowly using a slow steady motion of her arm and hands to prove to the crew that there is no effort on her part to crushing the mechanism. She crushes the main drive differential, the transmission, the engine, all in the same manner.  And once she is done with crushing the mechanism is half with her hands and arms.  She forces the crushed remains through her legs and thighs, which pulverizes the metal into mangled globs of scrape.


Becky is deliberate with her destruction of the tank.  She grabs the steel framing of the tank and bends and twists it with her extended middle finger.  The thick rounded drive shafts, half shafts, and other shafts are purposely removed intact as Becky uses her finger to crush open and rip apart the support housings and bearings that hold the steel shafts in place.  Becky then grasps a shaft and flaunts it like a cheerleader’s baton.  She then takes these thick steel shafts and holds them with her hands at each end of the shaft and simply bends the shafts in half.  The steel screams and moans as its bent 180 degrees by Becky arm muscles. Her fingers crush and indent the hardened steel and sometime the steel actually only fractures a little at the bend and other times it just breaks in half.  But Becky doesn’t care; for once she has folded the longer shafts in half. She simply grabs both halves, crushes her fingers into both steel shafts and bends then in half again.  Sometimes she also twists the bent over shafts of few times as if she was wringing out a wet wash cloth.  But no matter how she destroyed the shafts,  the always made sure someone is watching  her perform these feats of strength and she always flip and slammed the bent and twisted steel shafts between her legs where her thighs basically mulched the hardened steel into smashed scrap iron.     


The girls:


Amber; Ample Amber.  An extremely busty girl who enjoys destroying everything with her large breast.  She challenges men to dream up extreme feats of strength that involve using her large breasts.  The winners always get fucked first.

Short, blond hair, big breasts.


Becky;  Becky the Bitch,  Enjoys destroying everything very slowly and intentionally  with her body and  likes to fuck men while showing off her incredible strength.

Medium height, short brown hair,


Cindy;   Sexy Sindy; She will appear later in the story.


Dawn;  Dawn the Destroyer.   Enjoys having men watch her as she flaunts her extreme strength as she destroys everything she touches with her body.   Fucks men by the dozens.  Is interested in how much tonnage she can lift with only her middle finger.


Ellen;  Eloquent Ellen;   Soft spoken, quiet, and always requests permission and any special requests before she destroys anything.  She always explains in exquisite detail both how she will destroy an object and how she will fuck you comatose after destroying the object.


Fran;  Fran the Fucking Fanatic.  Completely destroy everything as fast and violently as possible to complete her main mission of collecting diamonds. This allows her more time for sex and she is not interested in foreplay.

Tall, long legs.  Thick black Hair,


Special request:


If you have any special request, I will be glad to insert a few pages with these requests in my next chapters.  Just indicated which girl, what you would like her to accomplish, and how she is to accomplish the task.  Remember, they are collecting the earth’s largest and most valuable diamonds. 


Please respond via the group to Pat Mallon.



Next chapter:  Dawn and Ellen are highlighted, and the girls begin to collect diamonds.  A few earthly objects however get in their way of collecting these diamonds.  Vaults, steel safes, trains, buses, police cars, swap teams, etc but the girls enjoy each and every obstacle they encounter.