A space craft arrives on earth and the crew makes very special demands:


By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.


“Colonel, Sir, there is an unidentified object approaching Earth on our optical sensors, but radar has no contact with the object”, says the status operator for Air Defense.  The Colonel quickly observers the optical display and it very apparent the large object is orbiting Earth and it is extremely brilliant to the eyes as it orbits overhead in a west to east trajectory.  But there is nothing on the radar screen, nothing.  The object is so bright in the evening sun that people on the ground can easily see the object with their eyes.  It’s much brighter than Venus as it streaks across the blue sky.


The Colonel says, “It could be a meteor, but check if radar is functional, we should see the DAMM thing on radar.


The status operator says to the Colonel, “radar is operational; we just can’t see the object”.


“OH shit” says the status operator, “the unidentified object just changed course, 180 degrees and it slowing down, and entering our atmosphere”.


The Colonel then yells with authority, “ALERT STATUS 5”, repeat ALERT STATUS 5, get me command HQ on the RED phone immediately”.


The unidentified object enters the earth’s atmosphere and it’s spectacular.  The round shaped object is brilliant and refracts the evening sun into every color in the spectrum.  And as the unidentified object slows down to Mach 6 at 20 kilometers above the Earth’s surface, it begins a high speed scan of the surface with a beam of light that is constantly changing colors.  And as it proceeds eastward, it enters night, and the brilliance of the scanning beam can be seen for over 1200 kilometers.


The beams from the unidentified object sweeps constantly back and forth and as the 6 young women are returning back to college from their weekend trip to the beach, they also see the beam.  There is no way they can avoid the beam, and as the beam approaches their van, the driver stops the vehicle and they all stare intensely at its beauty. 


The six young women are very close friends, for they are the core of the cheer leading squad for their home town college and this is their senior year in college.  And from the reports on the radio, the beam does not seem to harm anyone or anything.  So the young girl’s just wait and soon the beam scan over their van and it’s beautiful.  Every color in the rainbow sparkles as the beam goes over the van; in fact the beam extends down into the van as if the metal roof did not even exist.


The beam passes over the young women and they turn around to observe the beauty of the beam as it continue on it path away from the van.  But after about 5 seconds the dazzling light returns to the van, but instead of scanning, it points directly at the van and encircles the six women in the van.  A second later, the beam is gone, along with the 6 young college cheerleaders.  The van is then completely burned to a cinder by a blinding white light that pulses from the unidentified object.


Cindy is the de facto leader of the group, and she is stunningly beautiful, physically fit from exercising and highly energetic and the only girl not screaming as the 6 women find themselves in a strange place.  Each of the six girls is standing on an individual pedestal, surrounded by a flicker beam of light.  Cindy looks around and tries to jump off the pedestal but she soon discovers the light surrounding the pedestal is a force field and she cannot penetrate this force field.  And as the leader of the group, she yells at the other girls to stop screaming, trying first to see if they can understand her voice.  And after a short time she realizes they can talk to each other and Cindy calms the group down.  Then they start to analyze where they are because they definitely not in the van or any other location on earth.


They all soon realize that everything is extremely brilliant with beautiful flickering of lights. Every color in the spectrum is reflecting and refracting, and the background was clear as ice.  There were no video displays, no gauges, no switches, and no nothing, except the beautiful reflection, refractions, and sparkling of light. All six girls are extremely scared.


All of a sudden, the constant random motion of the lights suddenly changes into a pattern and from 6 pedestals directly opposite the pedestals the girl’s occupy, 6 strange blobs merge and slowly ooze their way across the floor and towards the girl’s pedestals.  The 6 blobs are about 2 meters across and about a half meter high and have no solid shape.  And one of the girls yells, “They look and move like amoebae as seen under a microscope”.  The six blobs finally reach the girl’s pedestals and enter the crystal base of their pedestal almost through the process of osmosis’s.  And after about a minute, the 6 girls all collapse into a state of sleepiness and fall against the sides of the force field.


Finally the six young girls awake and the light around the crystal pedestal diminish and the force field slowly is removed for everyone except Cindy.  The five girls all jump down from the pedestal and they stretch all the muscles and limbs in their body.  Then Dawn, the apparent leader of the new group, says to the other girls, “Oh! It’s so great to have a body again and these bodies feel extremely young and energetic.  How about the rest of you”? 


The girls start to answer and it’s soon obvious that five of the strange blobs have taken over the physical bodies and minds of five of the young earth girls.


The girls begin to chat and seem very happy as they examine their new bodies and capabilities and the leader of the extraterrestrials says, “This is a fantastic relief from our useless blobs of a body, I can feel, I can see, I can hear, I can reach out, I can walk upright, and I have these weird desires which I cannot explain.  But first let’s discover where we are, remember, we have been in deep space hibernation for, ah How Long”?  “According to the log, we have been traveling for over 10 years since our last stop and the ship has indicated that this planet has the necessary resources to supply our ship.  We should be able to complete our trip home. Let’s see what the automatic sensors have discovered” says one of the girls.


Then Dawn says as she is exploring her large breasts with her hands. “Something is wrong; one did not make the transition to this body form.”  Another girl then looks at the light pattern around Cindy’s pedestal and says, “Sensors indicate the captain is too weak to assimilate the new body, the captain will need to slowly adjust to this new environment for 20 orbits of this planet on its axis”.


The girl then places her hand over a beam of light and by slowly manipulating her fingers directs the one blob, the captain, to a special chamber.  Cindy then awakens, shakes her head and calls out to her friends.  However, none of the girls answers her directly because they do not understand the names of Amber, Becky, Dawn, Ellen, or Fran.


The alien named Dawn then swings her hand over a light and the force field around Cindy changes color and they no longer can hear Cindy.  Dawn then says, “We don’t need to listen to that interior mind”.


The five aliens then spend several minutes examine each other bodies and they all look perplexed as Dawn then says, “Let’s review the history of this planet, its civilization, and its available resources and maybe we can determine these strange feelings and desires”.   Dawn then waves her hand past another beam of light and several large, three dimensional displays appear if front of the five aliens.


The first display shows the history of planet Earth. The second display projects the history of mankind and culture, and the third display shows the material resources of Earth.


Dawn looks at the third display and yells, “This planet is loaded. We will take everything we require and be extremely rich when we arrive home”.


The other girls are looking at the second display and are mostly interested in the culture of the inhabitants of Earth.  Being of superior mental powers, they were able to read and comprehend the entire history of earth in only a few minutes.


Finally Dawn says, “Broadcast a message in every language over every communications media and tell this planet I will address all their leaders and present our demands”. With a wave of her hand over a light beam, one of the girls responses back to Dawn, “Completed”.


“Position us over this building” says Dawn as she points to the United Nations building.  And it only takes a short time for the alien space craft to travel to New York and hover directly over the UN building.


In the meantime, Cindy is observing the five girls and as she is looks down she see the fiery sparkle of her diamond necklace as light from the force field strikes her necklace.  “Diamonds, this entire space ship is one massive diamond interlaced with other gems” Cindy says to herself, as she observers her five friends, now aliens, looking at the three dimensional holographic displays and studying Earth.


With the space craft directly over the UN, Dawn orders one of the other girls to beam her directly to the center of the Security Council and enclose her in a force field.


Dawn is immediately transferred to the center of the Security Council, and it full with all representatives from every country.  The media is broadcasting the event and everyone on Earth watching what’s happening.


Dawn is quick and decisive in her speech as she addresses everyone in a loud and authoritative tone of voice.  “Deliver every diamond and gems stone on this planet to us within seven rotations of your planet or we will use our light beams to collect the diamonds and gems and the light beams will completely destroy everything in its pathway to collect these gems. And to show you the power of our light beams, I will permit for one of your earth hour, your useless and pathetic weapons to try to penetrate this force field and harm me.  I will locate anywhere and you have one hour, then I will use the light beams to instantly destroy your weapons”.  The Russian ambassador answers her challenge by stating, “We have a major war game in process. We will see how strong your light beam is compared to our advance weapons”. The light beam force field and Dawn are retracted and the space craft speeds away for Russia.


It only takes the space craft a few minutes to reach the war games area in Russia and Dawn is transported down to Earth and is surrounded by the force field of light.  The Russian army immediately opens fire with tanks, artillery, planes, missiles, bombs, chemical weapons, and nothing penetrates the beam of light surrounding Dawn.  The bombardment continues for one hour and as a last resort, the Russian military uses a tactical nuclear weapon.  The result is the same; Dawn is protected by the light beam force field.  And after the dust settles from the blast, Dawn returns to the space craft.


In the meantime, Cindy is observing the four alien girls as they scan the history and culture of humans on planet Earth and she observers something interesting.  The four girls are very interested in two specific areas.  One is human sexuality and Cindy watches as the group scans every X rated movie made on Earth.  Secondly, they seem to enjoy watch movies of extremely strong women, especially if they cause havoc.  The four women are deeply entrenched in the movies when Dawn returns to the space craft and orders the complete destruction of the Russian army.


Becky then responds, “I cannot understand these readings, there is something inconsistence. Our bodies are the inferior species of this planet, female to be specific, but there is something unexplainable.  We need to test and verify these readings”.


Dawn replies, “We must send a signal to this planet that we mean to destroy this useless rock to get the diamonds and gems we require”.


Becky then responds, “May I give a simple demonstration of our superior abilities, the computer simulations can verify my analysis”.


Dawn looks at Becky and says, “Proceed, but be careful.  What is your plan”?


Becky replies as she waves her hands over a specific beam of very white light and another multicolored light scan and encircles her young firm body.


Beam several of those heavy weapons, the ones that don’t move on their own, over to a safe location and then beam me down next to the weapons.  Slowly remove the force field from around me but be ready to apply the force field if anything appears erroneous”.


Dawn smiles as she looks as Becky and says, “I hope this test is successful, for I’ve can only dream of the pleasure we will have with this planet and its inferior inhabitance”.


Several waves of Dawn’s hands instantly move two massive artillery cannons from the Russians war games to a field several miles away.  The Russian commander just shakes his head as he orders his troops to prepare for real combat.


Dawn gives Becky a hug and says, “Good luck, we will be observing you very closely”. Dawn then waves her hand over another light beam and Becky is transported to the ground, just a few meters from where two massive artillery cannons are located.


Becky is still surrounded by the force field so she feels nothing and slowly as the force field is diminished, you can see the cold Russian air begin to blow against her clothing.  But Becky is elated, as the force field is completely removed and she can feel the cold air and smell the various aromas from the nearby forest.  Becky has never experienced these feeling, moving around with arms and legs, the cold breeze against her body, the sun’s rays against her face.  Becky strokes her hands over her body and is surprised when her nipples become swollen and hard.  They poke through her tight low cut top and almost pop through the material.  The four other girls watch in astonishment on their holographic display at Becky and are delighted that the atmosphere doesn’t affect her in the least.


But Becky’s main priority is located just a few meters away, and these cannons dwarf Becky, they are massive 152 millimeter guns and weigh over 30 tons each.  Becky stalks the cannons at first, actually afraid to touch the metal.  She’s just getting used to touching herself and her friends, let alone this huge mass of iron and steel.  She circles the cannons twice before placing her hand on one of the long steel extender legs on the back of the cannons.  Becky is very cautious as she steps over the leg of the cannon and advances towards the actually cannon’s barrel. Becky then reaches out with her hand and touches a steel “D” ring attached to the frame of the cannon to get a better balance.  But as she pushes forward, the thick steel “D” ring first bends, then buckles inward.  Becky is sort of scared and quickly pulls her hand back, but her fingers are still around the “D” ring and she inconceivable strength, plainly plucks off the “D” ring as the bolts holding the “D” ring on the steel frame burst apart.


Becky looks at the bend and twisted metal fragment in her hand and says, “It must have been broken, I didn’t even try to pull the DAMM thing off the side of the object”.


The other girls in the space craft just gaze in awe as they begin to scream down to Becky and they know Becky can hear their voices, “Lift that heavy object over your head with one hand”, “Tear it in half with your arms”, “Crush it in half between your legs”, “Smash it into the ground”, “Try to have sex with it”.   The four girls in the space craft are strongly encouraging Becky to experiment with her new body, but she is reluctant. Becky is not confident in this new environment, so she carefully reaches out for the shiny silvery steel piston that is the damping shock for the big gun.  Her delicate fingers barely reach half way around the solid steel rod and as she touches the steel rod it bends back.  Then she softly squeezes her fingers together and her long manicured fingernail slice into the solid chrome steel and gouge out a chunk of metal.  And as her long finger close into her palms, the super hard metal is leached out between her fingers.


Becky smiles as she finally realizes that she is an extremely strong Goddess on this planet.  She then places her other hands behind the steel rod and pulls the entire dampening shock off the artillery piece with a relative easy snap of her wrist.  The huge steel shock rips off the side of the gun with the thunderous roar of tearing metal and Becky simply tosses it aside and it goes flying off beyond the horizon.


Becky then steps backwards and over one of the long steel legs and just as she turns around, she losses her balance and her long legs get caught on one of the thick steel legs of the artillery piece.  And to Becky’s pleasant surprise, her legs immediately slice through the thick steel and blast a gapping opening in the steel leg.


“That’s it” screams Fran as she signals Amber to beam her down to earth, and with a wave of her hand, Fran is transported to Earth and is standing next to Becky.  Fran waste no time as she scurries over to the other artillery piece and using her hands, grabs the two large tires on the one side and pushes them aside like they’re swinging doors to a saloon.  The super thick tires explode in her hand and the massive axles bend and buckle apart.  Fran the places her one hand under a large section of metal of the steel frame and lifts her hand upward.  The entire 30 ton artillery piece is effortless lifted off the ground as Fran raises her hand over her head, and once her hand is over her head she then uses only one finger to hold the 30 ton chunk of worthless metal over her head as she places her other hand on her hips and wiggles her ass as she says, “I’m going to enjoy being a super Goddess on this planet.  Where are their men, I want to try this obsession called SEX”.  Fran then flips the large gun over on its side and walks up to the hardened steel barrel where it meets the frame.  She places her right hand on top of the barrel and with her left hand placed under the barrel, she quickly her left hand.  Fran’s super strength immediately bends the thick steel barrel over on top on the gun with such force that it actually acts as a bull whip and causes a loud cracking sound as the steel barrel breaks the speed of sound as it easily bends over on itself.


Fran, the tallest of the group, stands about 200 centimeters tall and most of this height is pure sexy lengthy legs. They are perfect; long, super long, shapely, muscular, and congregate at her firm solid round ass.  These legs know how to wrap around anything, especially a male.


So after Fran easily bends the steel gun barrel over on itself, she pushes down on the frame with her hands and crushes most of the artillery piece down until it about waist high.  Fran then steps over the mangle mess of metal and proceeds to crush it in half with a simple squeeze of her long powerful legs.  Massive and thick metal is crushed, mangles and finally slice in half and oozes from between her firm shapely thighs and she picks up the two sections and raises them over her head in an act of pure defiance.  She then yells “I want sex and I want to fuck, bring on this planets men”.


Fran’s has no idea that her wishes for young healthy men will be quickly granted as two Russians  APC appear over a rise and open fire on her tall physically fit body. The two Armor Personnel Carriers begin to open fire on her superior body with their rotating barrel machine guns.  Hundreds of heavy caliber bullets slam into the front of Fran’s body and Fran watches as her clothing simply disincarnates from her young body.  Her tight blouses, her bra, her short skirt, and her panties are literally blasted off her young body by the armor piercing bullets.  However, Fran feels almost nothing, except for the tingling sensation as some of the bullets slam directly into her nipples.   He also enjoys the feeling of hot hard metal slamming between her upper thighs and ricocheting up into her pussy.


Fran is not positive about what is occurring, but she now knows that nothing can stop or hurt her superior sexy body.  She actually points her large pert breasts at the oncoming APC and yells over to Becky. “This feels great!  I wonder what these things are that tickle my nipples”.  So Fran cups the sides of her firm young tits with her hand and pushes them together and catches several of the large bullets in her cleavage.  But as she squeezes her breasts together Fran presses the bullets into thin sheets of metal that are no thicker than a strand of her flowing auburn hair.  Fran laughs as she massages her firm tits and crushing bullets in her cleavage as it they are soft foam rubber. And as Fran giggles, several bullets enter her mouth and become lodged against her moist tongue.  At first, Fran, just crushers them against the roof of her mouth with her tongue and turns the hot steel into a substance that resembles soft bubble gum. Then she catches several more large bullets with her tongue and takes one of the bullets that is still in good shape and begins to use it to play with her left nipple.  She takes the pointy end of the bullet and holds it directly in front of her nipple and then slowly moves her nipple around and teases the harden armor piercing bullet.  Fran’s soft, sensitive, and swollen nipple rips through the end of this bullet like its thin sheet metal.  Fran’s nipples gouges out sections of the bullet, then mushrooms the metal back and flattens out the point, and finally bends and twists the metal into a “U” shaped object with nothing but her nipple.  Fran finally places the large bullet in the palm of her hand and cups her breast with her hand and crushes the bullet out of existence as her hand softly caresses her breast back into her body.


Becky is sort of hiding behind the first large gun and when she emerges from her hiding location, one of the APC begins to fire on Becky with the same results.  The only thing that happens is the heavy armor piercing bullets remove all of Becky’s clothing, shred by shred.  However, by this time, both APC have exhausted all their ammunition and the machine guns have stop firing.  Becky looks at Fran with a puzzled look on her face says, “What’s do we do now”?  But before Fran could answer, the girls in the space craft yell down to Becky and Fran, “Those large objects that are moving towards you with those ineffective useless weapons have over 12 men inside each one.  And they are all young and healthy.  They should be high-quality specimens to practice sex and fucking, but be careful; these men are frail and scrawny compare to our superior bodies.”


Fran isn’t bashful; and she yells to the girls in the space craft, “Only fucking 12 men, shit, there are millions of them on this useless planet, and I personally plan on fucking every one of them once.  And since they probably will not survive my body we may have to leave a few million to bread more males”.


The girls in the space craft laugh and Amber yells to Fran, “Hey, we will divide the males on this planet up 5 ways; I want plenty of these obsessions called sex”.  And Ellen replies, “Yes, let’s divide the men up equally, I get the ones between 18 and 25 years old and you can have the rest”.


Dawn then yells in an authoritative tone of voice, “Girls, remember our first objective is to accumulate all the diamonds on this planet, then we can have fun with our superior strength.  But first we will demonstrate our superior bodies and strength against this so called Army.  Fran, destroy those things that attacked you and Becky and give a full accounting of having sex with the scrawny males inside those object”.


Ellen then says to Dawn, “What if they decide not to give us all the diamonds”?  To which Dawn replies in a very sassy and almost hopefully tone, “Then we will destroy this planet with our bodies and superior strength as we collect the diamonds ourselves, fucking or destroying everything that gets in our path”.


The girls in the space craft then begin to cheer both Becky and Dawn on as the two young women, who are now highly encouraged, stroll towards the large APCs.  The APCs begin to circle around both Becky and Fran but keep their safe distance.  Then Fran says to Becky, “Let’s catch these things and see what’s inside, you take the front one and I’ll take the back one”.


Both girls then quickly scamper to the APCs and to their stunning amazement; they can easily catch the large, fast APCs, which are doing over 60 kph.  Fran intercepts her APC first and grabs hold of the back of the vehicle and stops it dead in it tracks.  Fran laughs as she holds the powerful APC absolute still with her one hand and watches as the eight huge wheels spin and dig deep into the ground.  Fran then lifts the rear of the vehicle over her head with a simple lifting of her left hand and with her right hand, opens her fingers in the shape of a claw and gouges her long fingernails into the spinning tire.  Fran’s strong sharp fingernails shred the thick hard rubber and steel mesh of the 2 meter high tire into chunks of jagged scrap.  And after the rubber is completely stripped off the steel rim, Fran’s fingernails attack the spinning steel rim. Nothing but fiery sparks appear, as Fran’s long fingernails dig into the steel rim.  Then the metal shreds into long slivers as Fran’s fingers nails dig deeper into the steel rim.  Finally her fingernails and fingers strip the entire steel rim off the axle and chunks of steel fly off in all directions.


Fran then grabs the rotating solid steel axle with her one hand, slowly squeezing it with her long slender fingers.  And, as Fran slowly closes her hand, the strength of her fingers causes the solid steel axel to turn red hot from the friction and as soon as it stops rotating, she tears it off the large vehicle with an effortless flick of her wrist.  Fran laughs as she then moves towards the center under belly of the APC, using her hands to easily lift the 30 ton APC. And as she lifts the vehicle with her hands, Fran notices how easily her fingers dig into the thick armor of the underside and then how easily her hands can tears holes in the armor.


As soon as Fran is under the approximate center of the vehicle, she lifts the entire 30 ton APC over her head with the palm of her one hand and start to exercise her arm muscles by doing repetitive reps.  But this soon becomes boring to Fran, as she begins to realize her strength on this planet is absolute incredible.   So she extends the middle finger of her right hand and attempts to balance and lift the APC over her head with her one finger.  This inconceivable feat of strength is also uninteresting to Fran, especially as she watches her extended middle finger sink into the armor plating of the APC.  The 30 ton weight of the APC causes Fran’s finger to puncture the solid steel like its soft butter.  So Fran begins to spin the massive APC around her one finger.  This amuses Fran for about a minute and then she says to herself, “Forget trying to prove how strong I am, this things is just to light.  I think I’ll rip this piece of shit open and test the strength of the young males inside this thing. Then I’ll practice this human function called sex and maybe it will help with this strange feeling in this female body”.


So Fran tosses the heavy APC to the ground and it lands on the ground with a solid thud.  Fran then walks up to the side of the APC and pushes her hand against the thick armor plating and watches as her un earthly strength  pushes back the APC until it digs itself into the ground.  And once the APC stops moving, the armor begins to buckle inward on the side of the APC.  She pushes the armor on the side of the APC in about half a meter, and finally her hand burst through the armor plating like a sledge hammer through rotten wood. Fran then slowly pulls her hand back out through the serrated  hole, but grabs hold of the armor with her fingers and literally tears off the thick armor like it’s a sheet of thin paper.  She uses her other hand to assist with the absolute shredding of the armor. The thick steel armor bends, folds, rips, tears, snaps off, and buckles to every moment of Fran’s hands.  She opens a hole 2 meters wide and 2 meters high in a matter of seconds.  She then steps forward to gaze inside the APC as just as she goes to peek inside, two soldiers jump forward and point their automatic assault weapons directly at Fran.


Fran snickers and places her hands on her hips as she looks the soldiers straight in their faces as says,  “What are you going to do with those things you have pointing at me”.

Both soldiers are staring directly at Fran, who is completely nude and she is thrusting out her large firm tits in an inviting gesture.  The soldiers cannot resist the temptations of this beautiful young woman and point the barrel of their assault weapons directly at her nipples.  The cold hard steel barrels of the weapons are only centimeters from Fran’s soft sensual nipples.


Fran then quickly moves her hands from her hips to grabs the barrels of both weapons with her hands and clamps tightly onto the barrel with her fingers.  The two soldiers try to pull their weapons away, but it a useless undertaking, for Fran is millions even billions of times stronger that these soldiers.  The soldiers try to push, pull, pry, rock, and jerk their weapons away from Fran and all Fran does is smile.  She then looks at the two guys and yells, “Are you done playing around with those toys in your hands, let’s see what my female body can do with these so called weapons, before I practice sex with your bodies”.


Fran then thrusts her right breast forward and allows her pert nipple to tenderly touch the end of one of the weapons. Two events occur immediately as her sensitive nipple touches the weapon.  First, the cold hard steel of the assault weapon is no competition for Fran’s nipple as her nipple instantly indents into the hard steel of the barrel.  Her nipples mushrooms back the hard cold steel on one side of the muzzle’s opening. And the second event is Fran’s nipples immediately swells and becomes relative hard.  “Oooooh”, replies Fran as she seems to be enjoying this new feeling.  Fran then slowly rotates her nipple around the outside of the weapon’s barrel and slices the front gun sight off with nothing but her now swollen nipple.  Then Fran takes her nipple and places it inside the barrel of the weapon.  The only problem is that Fran’s swollen nipple is larger that the caliber of the weapon.  So the gun barrel has no option but to split wide open, especially since Fran slowly drives her nipple deep into the weapon’s barrel.  Fran’s nipple and breast split open the hard steel of the gun barrel and the steel splits into several ribbon like streamers that slide up and around Fran’s breast.  She pushes her nipple and breast forward about 20 centimeters until her nipple touches her hand that is tightly clasping the steel barrel.  Fran then performs the same sexy maneuver with her left nipple on the other gun. 


Both soldiers are staring directly at Fran’s breast and watch in astonishment as Fran’s nipples and breasts basically annihilate the ends of their assault weapons. And just as Fran as pushed her super hard left nipple up to her other hand, both soldiers open fire with their assault weapons.   The first bullets slam hard into Fran’s swollen nipples and the hard metal immediately flatten out, the second, third and fourth bullets slam into each other in the barrel and Fran can feel each and every bullet as the bullets tend to tingle her nipples.  Finally the automatic assault weapon’s barrel burst open from all the jammed bullets in the barrel and the bullets just collect in Fran’s hands. And after the two soldiers have completely emptied their weapons, Fran takes the bullets that are lodged in her hand, along with a section of the gun’s barrels and squeezes the metal onto her breasts. The metal instantaneously is crushed into a red hot glob of lead, copper, and steel that flows from between Fran’s fingers and her firm pert breasts.


“I sure hope you males of the species are stronger that these toys of yours, and for now I want SEX” says Fran as she enters the APC and pushes both men in the chest.  Fran’s incredible strength immediately sends both soldiers to the other side of the vehicle where they slam into the wall with a solid thump.  The only thing that protected the two soldiers from serious injury was their full battle gear and flak jackets.  Fran jumps inside the APC and another soldier pulls out his long stainless steel knife.   This knife was serious business, about 30 centimeters long, serrated edges on one side, extremely sharp on the other side.  The soldier points the blade direct between Fran’s breasts and screams at her, “Get back outside or I’ll slice you open”.  Fran giggles as she yells to her friends in the space craft, “Not only are these male samples extremely weak, but they are extremely stupid.  Tearing this planet apart is going to be tremendous fun”. 


Fran then uses her one hand to quickly grab the knife by the sharp blade and immediately pulls it from the soldier’s hand.  She jerks so quickly that she hurts the soldiers and almost pulls his arm out of his shoulder.  Fran then turns the knife so the flat surface is pointing up and she begins to push the knife into her cleavage.  Fran’s firm round tits are no match for the cold super hard steel of the knife and as she pushes the sharp knife into the soft skin of her tits, the steel of the knife is folded over and crushed.  And not a mark or a scratch is left on Fran’s young sexy tan skin.  The super girl then continues to drive the knife deeper into her cavernous cleavage and she wiggles the blade as she slowly pushes more and more of the sharp steel knife into her cleavage.  The super hard steel finally shatters into small chards of metal and Fran takes her hands and pushes the sides of the large breasts together and watches as her tits squeeze the sharp steel into a glob of shiny metal that bubbles from the top of her cleavage.


The soldier just stares at Fran’s breasts.  His eyes and mouth are wide open and he says nothing.  Fran continues to play with her tits for a short time, enjoying the feeling and fact that her tits can probably crush anything place between them.  And after about 20 seconds, she scans the soldier with her eyes and sees his cock is straining against his pants and Fran says, “Your manhood is erect, let’s fuck”.  Fran goes to grab the soldier but he steps back and another soldier, with his assault weapon, jumps in front if Fran and yells, “Fuck this bitch”, as she slams the barrel of the weapon up against Fran’s pussy.


Fran is sort of startled, the fact that this soldier is exceptionally stupid comes to her mind immediately, but she sort of enjoys the cold hard steel rubbing against her pussy. Fran permits the soldier to tease her body for a few seconds as she recalls to her mind all the SEX and XXX rated movies and yells at the soldier, “Ok, I’ll fuck it, and then I’ll fuck you”.


Fran grabs the barrel of the weapon and jerks it away from the soldier and sees an open seat on a bench between two soldiers and goes and sits between the two soldiers.  She looks at the two soldiers and says to them in a soft and quiet tone of voice, “I’ve never had SEX with this body, but I understand it’s the most pleasure that this human form can obtain and I want it”.


So Fran spreads those long lengthy legs, lies slightly back, and takes the steel barrel of the assault weapon and inserts it directly into her pussy. Fran immediately yells as the front sight of the assault is peels back and rubs against her womanhood.  The two soldiers cannot tell if Fran is yelling from pleasure or from pain, but they can definitely tell that the entire barrel of the assault weapon is deep inside Fran’s body. And with the entire steel barrel and stock inside her body, Fran begins a slow stroking of the weapon, pulling and pushing the steel barrel in and out of her body.  The barrel is bent and twisted more and more with each stroking, the front site and most of the stock around the barrel have been completely crushed out of existence. Finally, Fran pushes the weapon inside her body so far that she can reach the trigger.  She uses her finger not only to pull the trigger, but to bend and jam it back into the gun’s frame.  The automatic weapon immediately fires all it bullets into Fran’s super hot cunt and she screams with pure pleasure.  She instantly rocks her hips forward and crushes the gun barrel inside her body out of existence. The main section of the weapons falls on the floor of the APC.  She grabs the two soldiers next to her by the back of their helmets and forces their mouths onto her breasts.  Fran’s not used to this pleasure called SEX but she knows she is going to enjoy SEX,  however, she is also not used to relaxing her super strength and the two soldiers are suffocating to death as her breasts cover their mouths and noses and they do not have the strength to pull away for air. And when Fran finally pulls their young faces from her breasts, both soldiers gasp for air as they curse at Fran for almost suffocating them with her soft firm breasts.


Fran realizes that the two young soldiers are now of no use to her, so she pushes then aside and jumps up and grabs the soldier who rubbed her pussy with his weapon.  She manhandles him as if he weighed less than a small feather and flings the officer around and onto a bench.  The force rattles his body against the side of the APC and he slowly falls into the sitting position on the bench.  Fran strolls over to him and begins to strip him of his uniform and his combat gear.  She starts with his helmet and to tear off the chin strap with a snap of her fingers.  Fran than uses her hands to crack that helmet into a thousand pieces as if it were a thin egg shell.  She then rips off his flak jacket and pokes holes through the Kevlar armor with her fingers like it’s an ice pick through tissue paper.

And lastly she rips off his trousers by grabbing his leather belt with her hands and tearing the belt apart and splitting his trousers down the middle.


Fran is pondering what to do next, since she has never screwed a human male, she’s only seen educational movies.  However, she has this unexplainable emotion inside her body and it’s driving her insane.  She wants SEX and she going to get it from this officer.  She jumps up on the steel bench and spreads her legs apart as she squats on the bench and places her folded legs over the officer’s legs.  And as she drives her pussy deep over his engorged cock, Fran smashes her hands through the armor side of the APC to get a better grip.  She begins to pummel the poor officer’s body as if she a jackhammer smashing up thick concrete.   Fran oscillates her young shapely hip up and down, back and forth, sideways, rapidly and repeatedly, and the officer scrams with pain as his frail body cannot take this much pleasure and pain simultaneously.  The officer tries to push Fran away, but to no avail, Fran is too strong. The only thing that stops Fran’s punishment of his body is when his cock goes completely limp and she no longer is receiving any sexual pleasure from the officer.  Fran stands up and in doing so, crushes the sides of the steel bench the officer is sitting on back into the side of the APC with her super power thighs muscles and the bench collapses, causing the officer to plummet to the floor.  She also slashes another large hole in the side of the APC as she pulls her hands back into the APC.  The thick armor simply splits open as her feminine hands slice the armor apart.


“I hope you are not the typical human male on this planet”, Fran screams as she stands over the officer, legs spread, with her nude body.  She then turns her head around and yells, “Now let me sample this specimen”, and grabs another young soldier.  The results are identical. Fran humbles the young soldier’s body and actually causes him severe pain as her super strong body manhandles the young soldier as if he’s a blow up toy doll.


Soldier after soldier feels the rasp of Fran’s powerful body as she craves for more sexual pleasure but her quick brutal handling of the young soldiers leaves most of them screaming for mercy.  She fucks everyone in the APC and when she’s done, it’s nothing but a mess of battered and bruised men that probably will not want SEX for several years.


Fran than rips the back steel door off the APC with a slash of her backhand and folds it in half several time before she crushes it between her legs with her thigh muscles to vent her utter frustration with the useless men of this planet.  She then walks through the side of the APC with her potent body and blast of ragged hole in the side of the APC.  Her soft female body, ripping and tearing apart the armor as she passes through the side like it’s a thin paper bag.  Fran’s arms, legs, breasts, hips, shoulders, and head obliterate and peel back the side armor as if it’s smoke.  And once outside the APC, she struts her sexy body to the rear of the 30 ton mass of metal, and with her one hand picks up the APC and holds it straight up in the air and begins to shake the armor vehicle as if it were a salt shaker.  All the soldiers inside the APC tumble out the back and are lying on the ground.  Fran laughs at the spectacle of these useless, hopeless males and then begins to completely destroy the APC with her body.


Fran flails her arms around and begins the absolute and complete destruction of the APC.  Thick armor is shredded into scrape metal, the engine, transmissions, differentials, and axles are bend, twisted and wrenched apart.  She spins her body around on her one foot and extends her arms and cuts, chops, and grinds everything that remains of the APC into shredded metal that has the consistence of classified paper documents that has been repeatedly ran through a paper shredder.


Fran finally ceases her destruction of the APC and says to her friends in the spacecraft. “What a worthless species the males are on this planet.  They are frail, weak, useless, and very fragile.  None of them can have SEX for more that a few seconds before giving up”.  And before Fran could begin her next sentence, Amber says to Fran, “You should go see what Becky is doing to the men in that other thing.  Let me show you the recording and you might change your mind.  Oh, and by the way, as soon as you are completed, we are preparing to take on the entire army in a free for all”.


Fran quavers her head and stare at the three dimensional projection the beam of light is displaying for her.  It’s a completed recording of Becky and her encounter with the other APC.


Amber then says to Fran, “You’re correct, the men on this pile of rocks are weak, but with a little practice and patience, they can definitely fulfill our sexual requirements as Becky will demonstrate”.  Fran looks over at the other APV and all she observes is the rear of the APC and its not running and there appears to be no damage.


The recorded demonstration begins and Fran watches the projection and sees Becky chase the APC and with her super strength easily catches up with the APC and stands directly in its forward path.  The driver swerves but he cannot avoid slamming into Becky’s body.  The only saving point for the APC is the driver slams the brakes at the last second and only collides into Becky at a reduced speed. 


Becky’s nude body absorbs the violent crash of the APC as if it’s a dust particle.  The APC bounces into the air and lands back down on the ground with a solid thud.  The massive vehicle has no effect on Becky’s body as it blasts into her large tits that are thrust out. Once the vehicle is stopped, Becky pushes her hand through the front armor and grabs hold of a section of the steel frame.  Her fingers easily wrap around the steel, crushing it as if it’s a soft wet sponge.  She can feel and hear the steel crumble and collapse as her super strong hand mangle everything that comes in contact with it.  The massive APC isn’t going anywhere and the driver is trying everything to get free.  The driver has the APC at full power and jamming the gears from forward to reverse over and over.  All he is accomplishing is digging the 8 massive wheels into the ground and causing a large amount of dust.


Becky then pushes the APC backwards slightly with her one hand and lifts it in the air.  She raises the massive armor vehicle only a little, so she can observe the location where the vehicle slammed into her tits.  Becky giggles as she observes a perfect imprint of her shapely breasts in the thick dense armor.  She also realizes that her nipples have made an indent and Becky uses her one extended finger to punch a hole through the steel armor where her nipples made the indentation.


Becky then pulls the vehicle towards her body and lowers it to the ground.  Of course she permits her breasts and especially her now swollen nipples to scrape against the steel armor and watch as her nipples and breasts slice and gouge out strips and scraps of metal.


Once the APC is lowered to the ground, Becky gazes upward and sees the two soldiers in the front of the APC just staring at her.  Both soldiers are young and their mouths are wide open.  Becky waves and smiles back as she takes her free hand and raises it as high as she can.  She then extends her one finger and bends it slightly to form a hook and pushes it into the armor.  She then begins to slowly pull her hand down and her hooked fingers hacks open the steel armor as if it were a razor blade through paper.  The thick armor is slowly gouged open as Becky seems to enjoy showing off her strength to the two soldiers.  Slowly she brings her finger down and as she does, she slices designs in the armor as she also moves her finger from side to side.   She makes hearts, circles, squares and fancy curves and Becky does it with ease. Almost as it she was writing on a piece of paper, but it’s only her one finger drawing through the steel.


After a short time of having some fun, Becky pusher her hand through the armor and grabs a handful of steel and begins to pull the armor from the front of the APC.  She does it slowly, twisting her wrist as she playfully wrenches the steel armor so she can watch the metal twist and bend to every command of her hand and wrist.  Becky appears to be actually teasing the metal with her strength.  She is enjoying the sound of steel tearing and ripping apart and how easily her fingers can crush the metal into her palm.


And after a few minutes Becky has peeled aside the entire front of the APC including the front windows.  And all she sees is the legs of the two soldiers as they sit in their seats. 


Becky then begins to remove everything in the driver’s compartment with her one free hand.  The steering mechanism, the throttle, the breaks, all electrical wiring and gages, the center console, and all the two soldiers do is watch her amazing abilities with her super strong body.  Everything she touches is torn from the cab and ripped to pieces by her one hand.  Bundles of wires are yanks with a simple pull of her hand and Becky must have hit something critical because when she ripped out the center console, a large amount of electrical sparks were generated and the engine quit.  Becky soon talks to the two soldier in a soft sexy voice as she continues to shred apart the front of the APC and says to them, “As soon as I’m finished removing the front of this vehicle, I would like to have SEX, but I will need your assistance, for I’m not familiar with all the necessary foreplay.  I understand that the male’s of your species believes they are superior to the females in intelligence and strength, so when they see a stronger female it turns them into sexual animals.  Is this true”, Becky asks?


The two soldiers just gawk at Becky as she uses her super flat stomach muscles to crush a section of the front of the APC inward about a meter.  She essentially wiggles her body forward and the steel armor basically takes the contour of Becky’s midsection and it offers absolute no resistance to her super strength. And as she spins her young shapely body abound, her firm rounded ass gouges away even more of the thick armor as the cheeks of her curved backside effortlessly push and crush the metal aside and creates a small cavern in the front armor of the APC. Becky giggle as she next rocks her hips back and forth and watches as her extremely strong body bounces the 30 ton APC back and forth as if it’s a ping pong ball.  She just about bounces the eye balls of the two soldiers out of their head as she gyrates her hips faster and faster and just about shakes the APC apart..  She finally stops shaking her hips and jumps up in the cab of the APC between the two soldiers and smile at the two men as she uses her one hand to peel back the metal top of the cab.  The steel behaves like a sheet of thin paper as Becky rips off the top of the cab as if she is tearing out a piece of paper from a note book.  Glass, steel and miscellaneous scraps of metal fall freely from the top of the cab as Becky simply folds the top of the cab over to the one side of the APC.


Becky places her hands on her curvy hips and says to the two soldiers, “You have two choices, take off your clothes or I’ll rip them off your bodies”.  The two soldiers are frozen in place, for they don’t know how to answer the question.  But Becky knows what to do as looks at the driver and says, “You will by my first fuck”.  She then smiles at him as she immediately grabs his belt with her hands and tears apart his military belt and rips open his pants to reveal his super hard cock.  Becky then positions her strong young body directly over his swollen cock and slowly and exploratory lower her body into his manhood.  Becky is gently, not knowing what to expect and the young soldier tries to push her away, for fear they she will crush his body as easily as this super girl destroy the APC.



Becky just stares at the soldier and giggle. Then she whispers in a soft sexy voice, “I just interested in SEX.  Instead of resisting me, why don’t you assist me?  Also, please evaluation my performance for I have no reference of how I’m performing with SEX”.


The soldier still tries to resist Becky, but Becky is way to physically powerful.   Her long legs and solid thighs have the soldier locked in place on his seat and he cannot escape.  He pushes on Becky’s large soft breast, actually trying to hurt her but it hopeless. Becky just seems to enjoy his fondling of her pert breasts and nipples.


Becky slowly acquires the ability to rock her super body up and down and awards herself sexual pleasure. The young soldier finally realizes that Becky doesn’t want to harm him but only to receive sexual pleasure. Becky quickly understands the fundamentals and begins to caress the body of the soldier and rips open his shirt.  She uses her hands to explore his body and feel his young muscles.  The soldier responds in kind.  And all this time Becky is pounding his meat to a faster and faster tempo.


Becky then commences to illustrate her amazing strength by reaching behind the young soldier and ripping apart the back of his steel chair with her hands and crushing the metal with her fingers as if it’s soft putty.


Faster and faster young Becky drives her super body, as she gyrates her hips with the energy of a concrete bursting pile driver.  The young soldier face shows his expression of both pure pleasure and punishing pain as Becky begins to scream and moan with her first time pleasure.  The young soldier can barely speak but as she pulls his sidearm out of his holster, he says to Becky. “I can’t believe this, a young beautiful woman with the strength of an army and a sexual appetite that is beyond compare. Would you please use your large firm breasts to crush my sidearm into oblivion”?


Becky takes his sidearm with her left hand and holds it by the barrel with the muzzle pointer towards her breasts. Her long dainty fingers instantly indent into steel barrel as she acquires a rock-solid grip on the weapon.  She then moves the muzzle of the gun up to her left breasts and as she continues to hammer his cock with her body, her bouncing left breast touches the barrel of the weapon and the barrel of the weapon is instantaneously bent upward.  And when her breast slams into the gun barrel as her breast comes bouncing down, Becky’s breast bends the steel barrel down.  Becky’s breast beats, bends, bows, and curves and steel barrel of the weapon like it made of soft foam rubber.  Becky giggles at the sight of her large breast absolutely battering the weapon and she pulls the weapon back slightly so only her firm swollen hits her gun barrel, her nipples begins to slice apart the steel in the gun barrel. Becky then begins to bounds her body hard and faster and the young soldier she is fucking begins to scream with pleasure.  And in a short time, Becky’s nipple transforms approximately 10 centimeters of the hardened steel gun barrel into thousand of metal slivers. 


Becky gazes at the now totally exhausted young soldier and he utters back to her, “Crush the remains of my  steel firearm between your nice big tits”.  So young Becky quickly takes the firearm and places it between her breasts and squeezes the remains of the barrel and the hand grip into her cleavage, where the compressed metal stay tightly wedged between her firm young breasts.  She takes her hands and cups the sides of her large breasts and slowly pushes her tits together and the young soldier intently watches as Becky soft large tits crush the gun.  As Becky’s large breast surround the steel gun. The steel in mauled, mangled, and mashed into the hot pasty substance and you can hear the bullets explode and watch the puffs of smoke rise as the bullets are crushed by her cleavage.


The young soldiers has fulfilled his duty as a healthy young male as his cock discharges inside Becky sexy body and he quickly retreats to a state of completed exhaustion and euphoria. However, Becky continues her pounding of his body until she finally realizes she cannot feel his hard cock inside her body and her bodily pleasure is begin to diminish. 


Becky stops her thumping of the young soldiers between her legs and looks at the second solider and says in a defiant voice, “Do you think you can continue where this useless and weak specimen quit, I demand much more pleasure and he quit just as I was actually beginning to enjoy this pleasure you call sex”.


The second soldier stares at Becky as she get off the first soldier and reaches for his swollen cock with her left hand.


“Take you clothing off you sex organ or I’ll rip your clothing from you body”, yells Becky as she fondles his super hard cock.


The young soldier glimpses at his partner lying in a state of pleasure and then softly says to Becky, “Please use your strength to remove my clothing off my body.  And I have a special request to ask and it might help me satisfy your desires”.


Becky begins to tear open his pants his her hands and relies back to the young soldier in a sexy voice, “What’s your request young man and I expect it involves having sex and keeping your cock super hard for at least a minute”.


The soldier looks Becky in her eyes and says, “Tear this bench seat out of the vehicle, and place it on the ground.  Then I will lay flat on the bench and I will let you fuck me silly.  But to keep my cock super hard, I would absolutely enjoy if you would use your incredible strength to pick up this 30 ton vehicle with your hands and hold it over you head as you fuck me”.


Becky smiles at he young soldier and says, “Hands, I can lift this useless vehicle over my head with one finger and exercise with it for hours.  Lets hope your sex organ can last this long.


Becky then tears off the soldiers belt and pants with a gently tug of her hands, shedding his clothing to rags and then reaches down and clasps the side of his bench seat and tears the bench seat out of the front  of the vehicle.  Metal bolts pop and steel framing shred apart as Becky lifts both the metal seat and the young soldier out of the vehicle.  She then jumps down to the ground and places the young soldier and the seat on the ground next to the 30 ton APC.  Becky teases the soldier’s hard cock for a few seconds with her hands before standing up and walking to the center of the APC.  Once at the center of the vehicle, she pushes the long fingers of her left hand into the solid steel hub of one of the massive wheels.  Becky fingers dig deeply into the solid steel hub, crushing and mashing steel as if it a marshmallow.  Steel oozes out the side of her left hand as she closes her hand to secure a firm grip.  And with a relaxing lift of her left arm, raises and flips the 30 tons of steel over her head.  Then with her right hand she reaches up and starts to tear off a section of the solid steel drive shaft.  The steel shaft first bends, but as Becky continues to pull easily with her right hand, the thick steel shaft tears out of both the drive housing and the wheel.  Becky then looks at the young soldier and says to him as she points the round steel shaft at his cock, “This is just in case you can’t satisfy my sexual desires”.


Becky walks over to her young soldier and stands directly over his body with her legs at his hips and slowly lowers her body onto his cock.  She then begins to ride his body and there is no slow start.  Becky continues where she left off with the first soldier, pounding and hammering his cock as she holds the 30 ton APC over her head with just her one hand.  And Becky is repeating rep after rep with her left arm and she is keeping these reps in sync as she continues to pummel and batter his young soldier’s body.  Becky then begins to torture and torment the steel shaft that she has in her right hand by using it to play with her breasts and nipples.  The steel shaft behaves like a blade of grass as Becky teases her nipples and breasts and she finally suffocates it between her breasts with her right hand and squeezes it into a lump of crushed metal.


Becky can hear the young soldier and he’s crying with pleasure as he cannot keep up with her extreme sexual demands.  He watches intently as Becky lifts the APC over her head with incredible easy and he can see that she is shaking the vehicle violently. His final words to Becky as he finishes his manly responsibilities and goes completely limp are, “Please remember there are 12 of my fellow soldiers in that vehicle and you could be harming them with your shaking”.  And as the young soldier, with an incredible smile on his face, begins to passes out from Becky’s pleasure, he hears her say as she stops shaking the APC, “Twelve more”.

Becky gently lowers the 30 ton APC to the ground and stands up, completely ignoring the soldier she has just screwed unconscious, and swipes her hand against the side of the APC.  The armor plating peels aside as her hands slices a gaping hole in the side of the armor and Becky  then merely uses her hands and extreme strength to peel aside the thick armor as if it’s dry onion skins.  The steel armor is torn and ripped open with ear bursting and vicious sounds.  But just as Becky finishing ripping a massive hole in the side of the APC and bending the armor back, she hears a very loud low pitch thumping sound.  She turns around and sees two large attack helicopters fly overhead and towards Fran.  Fran had enough of watching Becky fuck the two soldiers through the light display and has decided to join her and continue her exploits with the soldiers in the second APC.  And Fran struts her nude body as she walks at a quickened pace towards Becky.


The two attack helicopters have already spotted Fran and have illuminated her nude body with bright red laser lights. Fran just laughs as she picks up her pace and yells at the two choppers, “Fresh fucking metal and meat for my body to experiment with, play with, and then destroy and or fuck”.


Fran smiles as she observes both helicopters firing tank busting, laser tracking missiles at her young nude body.  The missiles slam into her chest and explode and they don’t even cause Fran to break stride.  Missile after missile blasts into Fran, hitting her breasts, stomach, legs, face, and harmlessly exploding.  Finally, Fran uses her incredible strength and speed to snatch one of the missiles in flight. It’s an extremely easy procedure for Fran and once she has the unexploded missile in her hand, she stops running and stands still, spreading her long legs apart and forcing the missile into her vagina.  The hot missile and high explosive warhead has no probability of survival as Fran holds the missile perfectly immobile with the hands and wiggles and rotates her hips to one of her cheerleading routines. The missile’s warhead is crushed a crumbled into her fantastic body and after Fran exerts sufficient pressure on the missile, the warhead violently explodes inside her body.


Fran screams with pleasure and then yells at the helicopter and crew, “OH that felt great, do you have any other adult toys for me to tease my body”? And Fran begin to dash towards the helicopter at lightening speed.  Both helicopters open fire with their chain gun and both pilots are stunned to witness the armor piercing shells bouncing off of Fran’s body like gentle rain drops. And as Fran keeps running towards the helicopters, she cups her firm large breasts with her hands and uses her cleavage to capture some of the armor piercing shells between her breasts. And as the hot hardened steel slams into and wedges between the firm womanly flesh of her young breasts, Fran squeezes her breasts together in a circular motion and crushes the armor piercing bullets into a white hot liquid that begins to cover her breasts. The white hot molten steel is then recycled between her breasts where it eventually becomes a super hot plasma and dissipates into the air as a super hot gas.   This vapor and gas acts as an excellent camouflage and the pilots of the helicopters cannot see Fran as she races towards them.  However, it’s too late for the pilot of the first helicopter as Fran leaps up onto the canopy and straddles her young nude body against the bullet proof glass.  Fran stretches and wraps her long legs around the side of the canopy; crushing the metal frame as if it made of dried grass with her thighs muscles and she also squirm and thrust forward her breasts towards the pilot. And as her firm breasts strike the bullet proof glass of the canopy, Fran’s aroused and swollen nipples slice through the glass like a diamond tipped engraving tool.  The glass finally shatters and Fran uses her right hand to tear away the entire canopy, glass and metal with a basic swipe of the hand. Bolts, clamps, wiring, and levers are torn, mangled, and broken as Fran’s extreme strength tears away the canopy and sends it falling to the ground.


Fran looks at the pilot, whose face is shielded by the dark visor of his helmet, and says to him in a voice louder that the sound of the rotating blades. “Put this despicable toy of yours on the ground where I can exploit its moving and rotating parts with my female body and illustrate my superior strength and at the same time satisfy my sexual cravings.  And then I’ll fuck you with the same ferocity I use to destroy this flying contraption”.


The pilot is frozen in his seat and does nothing but stare at Fran’s body, so Fran hooks her one finger, places it in the center of the helmet, slides it down under the dark visor and plucks off the dark visor of the helmet with a flick of her finger so she can see the pilot’s face.  Fran then swings those long lengthy legs inside the cockpit, stands straight up, and straddles the pilot hips.  Her solid thigh muscles easily push aside controls and the metal airframe on the outside and crush inward the metal frame of the pilot’s seat. Fran flicks her tongue at the young pilot and then wets her lips as she gently lifts off the pilot’s helmet.  She then stares the young man directly in his eyes and says very loudly, “Watch this weakling”.  Fran bends over slightly and drives her firm round ass through the front of the cockpit, tearing through and destroying the helicopters instruments and metal frame as she wiggles her ass back and forth.  She then gives the pilot a solid kiss and drives her tongue deep into his mouth for a few seconds.  She pulls back and then yells in his ear, “Put this thing down on the ground or I’ll crush your fucking head between my thighs”.  Fran that takes the pilot’s helmet and places it between her thighs, puts her hands on her hips as closes her legs. The bullet proof, high tech, polymer, and Kevlar super helmet is slowly crushed between Fran’s thighs.  The helmet cracks and shatters as Fran slowly closes her powerful legs and thighs. And by the time Fran’s thighs completely close together, the helmet is completely shattered into several hundred broken fragments. 


The pilot’s eyes are wide open and his response to Fran’s easy demonstration of her superior strength is, “I’ll land the air craft and do what ever you request”.  Fran smiles and says to the pilot, “Smart man”, as she grabs the metal buckle of his 5 way seat belt with her hand and then squeezes the metal buckle into the palm of her hand with her finger until it’s a glob of hot metal that squirts out the side of her closed fist. She then proceeds to tear away his harness by pulling the belts with her hands and tearing them out of the metal frame with simple tugs of her hands.


The pilot lands the aircraft on the ground and Fran looks up at the spinning rotors blades and says to the pilot. “Give the craft full power to get those noisy blades spinning at maximum speed”.  The pilot obeys immediately and feathers the helicopters blades as he twists the throttle to full power.  The jet turbine immediately generates max power and the helicopter’s blades are rotating at maximum RPM. Next, Fran simply stands on the pilot seat and raises her one arm upward and lets her hand contact the spinning blades.  At first, as her finger nails touch the spinning blades only splinters of the blades fling off and shower both Fran and the pilot.  But as her hands raises ever so slightly, and her finger’s make solid contact with the blades, Fran’s fingers shear off the blades and send them flying off into the distance.


With the blades removed from the center shaft, the only thing remaining on the solid steel shaft is the heavy rotor mechanism. And it rotating extremely fast now that the four blades have been violently sheared off by Fran.


Fran then rubs her super hot pussy into the pilot’s face as she jumps up onto the top of the cockpit and stands next to the spinning shaft.  And to remove the last bit of mechanical rubbish from the shaft, Fran spreads her legs slights and pushes her pussy hair into the spinning mass.  Sparks, fire, splinters of metal, chunks of scrap metal, and hot steel are seen flying from the solid steel rotor shaft as Fran’s fine pussy hairs grind and scrape against the spinning metal.  Fran simply wiggles her hips in and out, back and forth and the effects are like fireworks on New Years Eve.   Not only does Fran scrape away all the mechanical mess, the super hardened bolts, and the control rods, she even grinds down the top of the thick metal rotor shaft from about 15 centimeters in diameter to about 7 centimeters with her pussy hairs.


 The pilot still has the throttle at max and is looking up at Fran.  He cannot believe his eyes as she continues to destroy his helicopter with nothing but her nude body and he says to himself, “She actually seems to be enjoying herself and nothing that I know about can stop her”.


Fran just stands there with her hands on her hips and gawks at the spinning rotor and after a few seconds, spreads her legs wide open and steps directly over the spinning rotor and slowly lower her body down onto the rotor.  At first, she teases her body as she permit the spinning shaft to only touch her pussy and this gives her a little excitement. But it not long before she forces the thick solid metal rotor inside her body. Fran leisurely teases the weak metal rotor with her body as she forces her powerful body deeper and deeper onto the shaft.  Fran rides the metal shaft hard and with each thrush of her shapely and powerful hips, accepts more and more of the solid rotor into her hot young body.


The powerful jet turbine is also beginning to complain and you can hear the strain and stress on the engine, and the pilot continues to pour on the power.  Fran’s body is mutilating the metal shaft as her body is transforming the top 20 centimeters of the metal shaft into white hot molten syrup like substance that is pouring down her long legs. Fran has already devoured half of the rotor shaft and is basically on her knees as she begins to scream so loudly that she overpowers the noise of the jet turbine.  And as she lowers her hips completely down to the bottom of the rotor shaft, she tightens her leg muscles and stops the rotor shaft from spinning.  Fran reaches for her super hot pussy, but just as she touches her pussy, the entire rotor gear assembly explodes and sends shrapnel flying in all directions.


“Fucking cheap toys”, Fran yells as she stands up, pulls her legs together and crushes out of existence any remains of the steel shaft inside her body.


The flying shrapnel from the gear box has also severed the fuel lines and the jet fuel is leaking all over the helicopter, and as the helicopter bursts into red hot flames, the pilot jumps out of the aircraft and runs from the burning helicopter.  Fran laughs at the scared pilot as she just stands there amidst the super hot flames and enjoys the slight heating effect the fire has on her body.


Fran finally jumps down as the helicopter crumbles from the hot fire.  She grabs a section of the helicopter’s landing gear, picks it up with her one hand and tosses the burning wreckage several kilometers over the horizon and then starts to run after the pilot.  But before she reaches the pilot she observes the second helicopter firing it chain gun at Becky.  Fran snicker at the sight of Becky just standing there with this silly grin on her face.  The armor piercing bullets are just ricocheting off her bare skin.


Fran surprises the second helicopter and grabs the craft by it landing gear as it hovered only a few meter from Becky’s body.  The pilot soon realizes that something has his aircraft as he can no longer control its direction.  The pilot pours on the power but his craft only obeys Fran’s commands as she holds the helicopter still with her one hand. And with her free hand, Fran grabs the barrel of the chain gun and pulls the barrel around to her body and allows the armor piercing bullets to slam directly into her left nipple, and Fran just laughs.  She slowly moves the gun barrel across her chest to her right nipple and watches as the armor piercing shells slam into her firm breasts and simply bounce harmlessly off her soft smooth skin.  Many of the depleted uranium shells flatten out as they blast onto her bare skin. And after pointing the gun at both her nipples, Fran then raises the barrel up to her open mouth and catch several of the super hard shells in her mouth.  Fran finally moves the barrel inside her mouth and sucks on the barrel where her lips easily crush the steel barrel of the chain gun closed. The barrel finally explodes as the armor piercing shells jam inside the barrel and Fran severs off the end of the barrel by closing her soft lips.  She crushes the armor piercing shells and the steel barrel inside her mouth with her moist tongue until it’s a super hot goop and then blows a bubble as if the material is soft chewing gum.  She then tears the chain gun off the helicopter’s underside and wads up the steel barrel in her one hand as if it’s a gum wrapper and tosses it aside.  Fran then jesters to Becky to thrust out her firm young breasts and Becky obliges as she places her hands behind her head and pushes out her large breasts.


Fran tips the helicopter down slightly and walks a few meters forward towards Becky.   Then Fran uses her one hand to position the helicopter so the whirling blades are only a few centimeters from Becky’s nipples.  Becky immediately leans forward and lets her nipples strike the rotating blades of the chopper. Becky’s super hard nipples gently touch the ends of the spinning helicopter’s blades, and the super hard nipples on Becky’s breasts begin to slice through the metal tips of the blades like a sharp knife through soft butter. And as Becky bounces her large breasts up and down, her nipples carve through the spinning blades and slice off several centimeters of the blade. Fran assists with the destruction of the blades as she slowly moves the blades deeper and deeper into Becky’s breasts.  Centimeter by centimeter, Becky’s firm young nipples cut, slice, gouge, and hack the blades into million’s of finely shredded pieces of metal, fiberglass, composites, and wood.  The young girls both laugh and after a few minutes, the blades are completely grinded down to a short stub.


Fran then yells to Becky, “Spread your legs far apart, I’ve got a great idea”.  So Becky spreads her legs wide and says to Fran, “How’s this”.


“Great”, replies Fran as she just twists her one hand around and rotates the helicopter around 180 degrees so that the tail rotor is now only a meter from Becky’s body.  Fran then positions the tail rotor directly between Becky’s powerful legs muscles and she permits the metal shroud of the tail rotor’s high speed blades to touch her pussy. Becky is delighted as the vibrations of the tail rotor begin to turn her on.  She lets the shroud excite her pussy for a few seconds and then uses her hands to rip and tear off the metal shroud of the tail rotor’s blades like it is made of tissue paper.  Becky just stares at the spinning tail rotor blades for a few seconds and then walks directly into the spinning steel blades.


Becky screams with pleasure as the steel blades strike and slaps her hot pussy at over 100 times a second.  And as her super strong body grinds the steel blades into splinters, Fran keeps feeding the tail rotor into her body until Becky’s thighs and pussy grind the steel blades down to a pulp of bent, twisted, and broken steel shavings.  Once the blades have been grinded down to nothing, Becky closes her powerful legs and crushes the center steel hub of the tail rotor between her firm thighs.  The thick metal hub is crushed in half and the steel simply oozes out between Becky’s firm muscular thighs.  Becky’s looks at Fran and says, “This is fun, there is nothing we cannot accomplish on this planet with our strength”, as she uses her one hand to grab the spinning shaft that powers the tail rotor.  Becky directs the rotating shaft towards her pussy and begins to bend it upward.  The steel shaft bends with ease as Becky twists her hand upward, however, Becky’s strength also tears the shaft out from the front of the engine and it stops rotating.  “Oh Shit”, yells Becky, “I got to remember to be more careful, this junk is so fragile”.


Becky then walks towards Fran and she forces the long tail section of the helicopter between her legs.  Becky thighs crush, crumble, and then shreds apart the metal tail section of the helicopter like is cheap tin foil. The titanium air frame is no match for Becky’s strong firm thighs as the metal buckles under the enormous pressure of Becky’s legs.  And once the tail section is completely destroyed by Becky’s legs, she says to Fran, “There are 12 men inside that thing over there and there is one in this piece of shit, let’s have some enjoyment fucking them until they collapse”


Fran drops the helicopter and says to Becky, “You start on the men in that thing over there and I’ll start with this pilot. So Becky head for the APC and Fran goes to the side of the helicopter where she completely rips open the side of the cockpit with her hands by pulling all the metal airframe aside as if it’s a silk curtain.  And after the metal skin is torn off, Fran uses her hands to pluck out all the controls, wiring, and instruments like they are fresh flowers.  She then places her hands under the pilot’s seat, grabs the seat by its steel frame and crushes her fingers into the steel frame and tears the seat and pilot out of the chopper with one jerk of her hands.


Just as the two young super strong girls are about to fuck the remaining soldiers, they see two beams of light appear and hear Dawn’s voice command, “Return to the ship immediately”.   Both girls are beamed immediately up to their spacecraft.


Once inside their spacecraft, they are warmly greeted by Amber, Dawn, and Ellen.  These girls have been observing the escapades of Becky and Fran and begin asking all kinds of questions.  “Are we that super strong?  How is sex and how much pleasure is there in sex? How much fun is it to destroy their weapons with nothing but your bodies?”


Finally, Dawn says, “Now this is the plan and it’s very simple.  First, we destroy this army and we do it completely. Nothing is to remain in tact and everything is to be annihilated and it’s to be completed in one hour.  We will use this hour to develop the proper and destructive use of our incredible strength. Then we will have one hour of rest and relaxation where we will experiment with this pleasure called sex and fuck everything.  And after we have screwed these weak and puny men useless, we will start to collect all the diamonds on this planet.  I have programmed our computer to find the locations of the largest diamonds first and we will use our super strength to collect these diamonds.  These stupid people keep their diamonds safely secured in massive safes and vaults but we will use our superior strength and bodies to tear open these useless steel and concrete safes and vaults. Remember, anything or anyone that gets in our way of collecting the diamonds is to be destroyed and I personally plan on doing it with nothing but our new bodies”.


Cindy is still caught inside the force field but she saw what Fran and Becky accomplished with nothing but their strong sexy young bodies.  She watched the events through the three dimensional display in the spacecraft along with the other of her previous girl friends.  Cindy is yelling to her friends but they completely ignore her.  Finally, Dawn comes over and says to Cindy, “We are not your girl friends, and as soon as our leader regains some strength, she will transfer to your body.  And then she will join us as we ravage your planet with our super strength.  Now watch what we do to this so called army”.


Cindy pushes against the side of the force field and continues to observe the aliens who took over her girlfriend’s bodies. She watches as simple movements of their hands through light beams, send commands to the spacecraft. And she begins to cry as she has a sense that these aliens are going to destroy everything on earth.  So she leans back against the side of the force field and watches as the five alien girls beam to earth directly in the middle of the army that is on full maneuvers.  Cindy only smile comes as her diamond necklace sparkles as it swings against the force field’s beams of light.


The five aliens, Amber, Becky, Dawn, Ellen, and Fran are instantly transported to the center of the army and it’s very easy for the army to pin point their exact location.  The beams of light acts as a beacon and all weapons are set to fire on these coordinate.  Tanks open fire; artillery blasts away; planes begin bombing runs; and attach helicopters strafe the group of five women.  It’s hell on earth as thousand of explosive rounds rain down all at once.  And to the commanders of the army, they are convinced that nothing could survive this onslaught.  However, to the commander’s surprise, they observe all five girls scampering from the area of their bombardment and running at several hundred kilometers an hour towards a battalion of heavy army tanks.  Within a few seconds the girls are at the tanks and begin the total destruction of these 70 ton iron monsters..



To be continued:


Next chapters:  The five super strong girls amuse themselves with the army as they use their bodies to destroy every piece of weaponry.  Then they begin their primary mission of collecting all the diamonds on Earth and every attempt to stop the group of five girls is absolutely futile as they use their strength and their bodies to collect the diamonds.


The girls:


Amber; Ample Amber.  An extremely busty young girl who enjoys destroying everything with her large breast.  She challenges men to dream up extreme feats of strength that involve using her large breasts.  The winners always get fucked first.


Becky;  Becky the Bitch,  Enjoys destroying everything very slowly and intentionally  with her body and  likes to fuck men while showing off her incredible strength.


Cindy;   Sexy Sindy; She will appear later in the story.


Dawn;  Dawn the Destroyer.   Enjoys having men watch her as she flaunts her extreme strength as she destroys everything she touches with her body.   Fucks men by the dozens.  Is interested in how much tonnage she can lift with only her middle finger.


Ellen;  Eloquent Ellen;   Soft spoken, quiet, and always requests permission and any special requests before she destroys anything.  She always explains in exquisite detail both how she will destroy an object and how she will fuck you comatose after destroying the object.


Fran;  Fran the Fucking Fanatic.  Completely destroy everything as fast and violently as possible to complete her main mission of collecting diamonds. This allows her more time for sex and she is not interested in foreplay.


Special request:


If you have any special request, I will be glad to insert a few pages with these requests in my next chapters.  Just indicated which girl, what you would like her to accomplish, and how she is to accomplish the task.  Remember, they are collecting the earth’s largest and most valuable diamonds. 


Please respond via the group to Pat Mallon.