Graduation Day 

Tina celebrates her graduation from High School.

Chapter 5.   Tina and Alexia have fun at a liquor store.

By Pat Mallon


WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.



Tina stands at the large entry door of the liquor store, her long legs spread slightly apart and her hands on her waist.  This is what the super Goddess enjoys, a steel frame door with a stupid sign that says, “PULL”.  Tina doesn’t like being told what to do and she know she can do anything she well pleases.  So Tina pushes her large breasts up against the steel frame of the door and flexes her shoulder muscles backward.  The secondary reaction to her flexing her shoulder muscles is her breasts thrust forward and apply tremendous energy against the steel frame.  Everyone hears the sound of metal bending as Tina’s tits effortlessly push the doorframe back against the steel doorstops.  The frame bends inward over 10 centimeters but the door is still intact.  Tina then begins to slowly inhale and moves her elbows backwards, keeping her hands on her waist, knowing fully that this will cause her large firm breasts to push forward even further.  The doorframe bends another 30 centimeters and her left nipple exploded into the steel frame with a sound that resembles a gunshot.  Tina’s right breast and nipple are pushing against the thick safety glass of the door, but as Tina sucks in another breath of air, her right nipple pierces the safety glass of the door and the entire glass panel shatters into a million bit of glass.  Then with a deliberate forward thrust of her chest muscles, Tina’s tits obliterate the doorframe as the doorframe tears through the metal stops and flings wide open in the reverse direction.  Alexia and everyone else is watching Tina’s little display of strength and Alexia says to Tina, “What would you have done if the sign said, “PUSH”?  To which Tina responds, “Use your imagination Alexia”.


With the entry door completely blasted away, both Tina and Alexia stroll into the store followed by their friends.  Tina heads for the cooler door and Alexia go straight to the cashier’s cage.  The liquor store is very large and has a reputation for causing trouble.


The cashier’s cage is constructed of bulletproof glass and a steel door is the only entry into cashier’s cage.  There is a small slot at the base of the bulletproof glass to pass money or credit cards.  There are also some signs on the cashier’s cage and Alexia shakes her head as she reads the signs to herself.


The first sign reads, “You must 21 years old to purchase liquor” and the second reads, “The cashier does not have the combination to the safe and he cannot open the safe”.  The cashier in the cage resembled more of a bouncer and looked like he’s been in one to many fights.


Alexia looks at the cashier and he is staring intently back at Alexia, with his mouth wide open.  Alexia just stares back at him with her hands on her waist.  Finally, Alexia says in a quick sassy tone as she shakes her blond hair with her head, “We needs a sufficient quantity of booze for our graduation party, lets start with 4 barrels of beer, all of a different brand, a 100 bottles of your best wines, 10 large bottles each  of scotch, gin, vodka, rum, bourbon, and whiskey, an assortment of mixers, and 500 bags of ice”.


The cashier is still ogling at Alexia but his eyes are pointing directly at her chest.  The reason is obvious; for Alexia breasts have grown so large that she could not button her loose fitting blouse.  All Alexia can do is tie the ends of her blouse together at the ends of her breasts. Of course this meant that most of her firm, muscular, tan skin of her chest is pushed up and bursting out of her blouse causing a fantastic view of her deep cavernous cleavage.


“Well!!!” hollers Alexia in an impatient voice, “Are you going to assist me”?  The cashier finally pulls his tongue back in his mouth as says to Alexia in a cocky tone of voice, “Ok bitch, but you must be 21 to buy the booze, and pay with cash”.


Alexia screams back, “WHAT DID YOU CALL ME”?  The cashier yells back, “Read the fucking sign bitch, you must be 21 and I’ll need to see a picture ID”.


“Well picture this FUCK FACE” Alexia screams at the cashier as she unties the end of her blouse and lets it drape to her sides and exposes her breasts completely. The 18-year-old student of muscular development then leans forward and places the ends her awesome breasts on the counter top at the location of the money slot and presses down with her body.  The counter top immediately shatters under the extreme power of her strength as her tits crumble the counter top into splinters.  Alexia then pushes her tits slightly forward until her nipples are directly under the bulletproof glass and begin a slow, deliberate, lift of her massive tits.  The bulletproof glass is 3-centimeters thick and Alexia now super hardened nipples are slightly over 3-centimeters long.  The effect of Alexia’s super hard nipples slicing through the bulletproof causes everyone to hold their ears from the screeching sound it is producing.   Alexia’s nipples painlessly slice two long slits in the bulletproof glass and after Alexia’s nipples have sliced through over a meter of glass, the entire bulletproof glass panel shatter into three pieces and falls to the ground.  The large chunks of glass smash into Alexia’s feet, but she doesn’t even feel or care about the glass, she still mad at the cashier for calling her a “bitch”.


And just to add a point about the other stupid sign, Alexia asks the cashier, “What’s the combination to that cheap looking safe behind you”?   The cashier stumbles backward and he cannot believe his eyes.  “How the fuck did you do that bitch”, asks the cashier in a slow frightened tone of voice.


Alexia is getting mad and yells back to the cashier, “My name is ALEXIA. And if you call me “BITCH” one more time, I’m going to shove your privates so far up your asshole that your dick will be sticking out your mouth and your balls will be dangling from your nose.”  The cashier could tell by the look in Alexia’s green eyes that she was mad, for her eyes looked like they could shoot beams of fire.


“Ok Alexia” says the cashier, “But I cannot sell to anyone unless I see a valid picture ID and that order will be over a two thousand dollars.  These video cameras behind and overhead record everything and I must show the overhead camera your ID.


About this time a large creaking sound is heard over in the corner and everyone turns to see what is happening.  Tina is getting bored, plus she knows the cashier cannot sell liquor to anyone in the group, plus they do not have the money to purchase all the required liquor.  However, these were insignificant items, for Tina had more important items on her mind, like removing the large metal door to the cooler so they could get a few barrels of beer.  Tina had just twisted the door latch off the cooler put a gentle twirl of her one finger and now can justify opening the door on her terms.


Tina still has her hands on her waist and is using nothing but her gigantic tits to tease the large door.  Her super strong body has already forced her breasts through the upper metal hinge and the metal hinge simply crushes as her tits push into the door.  The hinge finally tears itself free from the frame of the cooler but it leaves a jagged and crumbled frame.  The creaking sound everyone hears is the sharp and jagged metal scraping against Tina’s the soft, firm, flesh of her tits as they effortlessly slide past the metal frame.  Tina pushes her breasts completely through the thick metal hinges of the door and then rotates her body quickly sideways.  The rotating force of her extremely strong body causes her tits to swing sideways and in one straightforward move, Tina’s tits crumble part of the door and then blast the door off the cooler and send it sailing into the far corner of the building where it crumbles up against the wall of the building.


Tina walks into the cooler and then stops in her tracks, as she sees an employee stocking the large cooler room with full barrels of beer.  He’s dressed properly for the task and is wear several layers of sweatshirts because of the temperature inside the cooler.  It’s obvious he has no idea of what happened at the cashier’s cage.


The employee Tina sees is tall, young, and good looking, but what impresses Tina is the fact that he was lifting a keg of beer over his head as stacking the kegs with his own strength.  For a mere mortal man to be working in these conditions meant only one thing to Tina, “He’s probably enjoys sex and being in what appears to be excellent physical condition, could last over a minute with her”. 


The employee also stops in his tracks, looks at Tina and smile before he asks in a gentle tone, “What’s going on”?  And Tina could tell there was something she liked about the man.  First, he looked her directly in her eyes when he asked her the question, secondly, he scanned her body but brought his eyes immediately back to hers, and all this time he is holding a full keg of beer.  Tina walks up to the employee, making sure she moves her tall, firm, muscular body in a very sexy manner and says to the young man, “There nothing going on yet, but let me help you with the very heavy barrel of beer”.  And using only her one hand, Tina grabs the barrel of beer and lifts it over her head.  Tina is still looking the employee directly in his eyes and says while she is performing rep and rep with the beer barrel with only her one hand, “How’s this for a little exercise”?


The young man watches Tina for about 20 seconds and tries to take the barrel from her but it’s a useless jester.  As the young man holds on to the barrel, Tina also lifts him off the ground.  The young employee looks at Tina and says in a quiet but puzzled, “This is impossible, no man can lift a full barrel of beer repeatedly over their head and you did it easily and with no effect”.  Tina softly and sexually coos as she answer the question by saying, “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not a man”.


The young man replies, “Oh, I have noticed, your are definitely a female and it appears that you work out, because you have excellent muscle tone”.


Tina replies, “Well thank you”, as she lowers the keg of beer to a height where the center of the keg is at her waist and against her hip and she holds it against her hip with only one hand.  Tina then takes her right hand and using only one finger, pokes a hole in the top of the keg and then slides her finger backwards, slicing a long tear in the top of the keg.  Tina then begins to squeeze the beer keg with her left hand and at the same time forces the keg around to the front of her body.  Not only does the middle of the keg begin to crush inward, but the top of the keg also crushes inward as it’s forced into the side of her massive breasts.  And as Tina squeezes the barrel more and more, the internal content of the keg begins to percolate through the slit in the top of the barrel.  Once the beer is a few centimeters deep at the top of the barrel, Tina bends her head down and takes a sip of the beer.  “That’s excellent, what kind of beer is in this barrel”, asks Tina of the young employee?  “It’s a scotch ale”, it’s an excellent beer but it’s expensive.  Tina looks at the young employee as says, “Help my girlfriend Alexia and I load a few kegs of beer into our truck and I’ll invite you to our graduation party tonight”.


“I can’t tonight, I’ve must work here until closing and we are going to be very busy. I must work inside the store to assist the customers”, replies the employee.  Tina looks at the employee and says to him in a soft sexy upbeat voice as she shows the young employee her muscles by flexing her arms and shoulders. “In about 10 minutes, this place will not exist and if you have any doubt, watch what I do to that forklift with nothing but my body and then we’ll go outside the cooler and watch what Alexia is doing to that cashier’s cage”.


“ALEXIA”, responds the employee.  “Yes ALEXIA, she about as strong as I, has a perfect muscular body, and loves to fuck.  Especially while she is performing feats of simple strength, like crushing thick, hard steel bars between her breasts with only the energy of normal breathing.


The male employee just looks at Tina and grabs his super hard cock to keep it from exploding.


Tina then stroll over to the battery power forklift, turns to the employee and says, “This little play toy will help me illustrate a small amount of my womanly strength.  So Tina walks up to the front of the forklift truck and stands of the two steel forks that are resting on the floor.  The tall brunette places her hands on her hips and turns her head around to look a the young man and says, “Come closer and examine what a perfect pair of big breasts can do to this forklift”.  And just as the young man arrivers at the side of the forklift truck, Tina reaches up with her hands and pulls open her blouse to expose her large breasts and then places her hands back on her hips.  Tina then leans forward and presses her two monstrous breasts between the steel frame of the lift, and her tits immediately push aside the steel beams as if they were made blades of grass.  Tina’s cleavage also captures and pushes backward the massive chrome steel piston rod that lifts the forks and the steel frame. Tina laughs as she wiggles her mighty melons back and forth and watches as her soft womanly body contorts and mangles the steel frame, the solid chrome piston, and the front of the truck to useless scrape.   Tina’s cold hard nipples simply tear, scrape, gouge, split and slice solid the steel of the forklift apart easier that this forklift could tear apart rotten plaster.  Tina lets her tits stop bouncing around and then bends over at her waist.  Her tits again swing down and forward and crush everything they touch down into the floor.  Tina looks at the young man as she grabs the bottom of the forklift with her hands and glides her fingers into the 10-centimeter thick steel frame of the forklift.  Her long thin fingers dig into the solid steel as if it was made of Jell-O and steel oozes out the sides of her soft rounded knuckles.  She continues to push her smooth hands into the steel until she has a decent solid grip.  The young teenager lifts the forklift truck off the ground and over her head with one single motion.  However, since Tina is standing of the thick steel forks, they are totally torn off the forklift but not before they are bent and twisted like a pretzel and then snap off with a loud cracking sound.


Tina’s titanic tits spare the forklift no mercy as they explode though the metal frame as she effortlessly raises the heavy object in front of her tall slender body.  And once the forklift is over her head, Tina looks at the young man and says to him, “Any questions, STUD”?   Tina then just tosses the forklift aside with one hand and it goes flying across the cooler and through the back wall, exploding the wall into a million pieces.  The employee just looks at Tina and shakes his head slowly back and forth.


“Ok, let’s see what Alexia is doing to that idiot behind in the cashier’s cage”, says Tina, “But first we need to remove some of these layers of clothing you have on your body to protect yourself as you work inside this cooler.  The employee has several sweatshirts and a jacket covering his body, so Tina first grabs the collar of his jackets with her hands and rips it open with one easy pull of her hands.  Tina then takes his next sweatshirts and again tears it off his body but his time she starts at the bottom and rips upward.   And finally Tina grabs the last sweatshirt at the middle of his chest and simply pulling it sideways and rips it open exposing his bare chest.  “There, that better”, says Tina as she presses her huge bare breasts into his bare chest and grabs his ass with her hands and lifts him off the ground as she pulls his body into her body.


The employee looks down at Tina’s chest muscles and enjoys the site of all that soft flesh pressing into his lower chest and says to Tina, “You could probably crush my bones with a mere thought.   Tina looks at the stud and replies back to him in a very sexy tone, “I could, but I will not.  But what I need is that hard bone between your legs, anchored between my legs and if you help us load the beer onto our truck, I’ll grant you any request that involves both extreme strength and extreme sex”.


The employee looks at Tina and says, “Deal, I’ll help you load the beer, and I’ll be at your graduation party.  Now what is this about your friend, ALEXIA and the cashier cage”.


“Let’s walk out of this frozen ice box and see what Alexia is doing to that idiot”, Tina says, and the young stud immediately starts to walk towards the blasted off door of the cooler.  Tina just shakes her head as she says out loud, “MEN, they always have to do everything the hard way”.  The employee turns around and looks at Tina with a puzzled look on his face and says, “Hard Way”.  So Tina places her hands on her hips, thrusts out her magnificent melons and walks straight for the front wall of the cooler.  However, there are several large items directly in Tina’s path and the items are beer kegs stacked two high.  Tina’s big bad breasts make first contact and the top keg is trapped between Tina’s breasts.  The steel keg is instantly pressed back and crushes against the concrete block wall and Tina’s cold hard nipples slide into the sides of the keg and direct the cold hard steel keg into her cavernous cleavage where it crushes down into that “V” shaped valley of pure female strength.  The keg crumbles like thin tin foil in a hydraulic vice.  And by the time Tina’s chest muscles have crushed the keg to where it explodes open and shower beer over her sexy body, her legs carve apart the bottom keg like a sharp knife through a side of tender beef.  Tina continues to walk forward and just as her chest crushes the upper beer keg horizontally in half and her long firm legs slice the lower keg vertically in half, her super body blasts into the concrete blocks of the cooler’s wall.  The concrete block wall of the cooler explodes outward as Tina’s body marches forward.  The concrete blocks that get caught in Tina’s bouncing breasts and strutting legs are simply grounded into power by her body, and the remaining blocks are blasted into the racks of cheap beer and inexpensive wine on the opposite side of the wall.  Tina exits the wall of the cooler and her super strong body pushes the remains of the racks aside with total ease.  Cans of cheap beer and bottles of inexpensive wine are mangled, crushed, squeezed, and broken open by the motion of her bouncing tits. And Tina doesn’t loose a step or slow down her pace as she advances through the racks and towards the cashier’s cage.


In the background, you could hear someone say to the group, “Anyone who does not believe beer and wine mix should get a look at Tina’s cleavage as beer and wine sure seem to mix as they flow down her breast”.


Tina heads straight for the cashier’s cage and easily arrives before the employee from the cooler room, for he had to take the long around and Tina just looks at him as says, “What took you so long”.  The employee glares at Tina and says in a firm voice, “Your beautiful, your strong, your intelligent.  What else can I expect from you”? To which Tina replies, “As if mentioned before, you can expect pleasure, lots of pleasure, so much pleasure that most likely you will pass out from the sexual pleasure I can share with you.”


The employee doesn’t answer the statement, but slowly shakes his head up and down in a positive gesture.


“What’s the combinations to the safe, FUCK FACE”, rings throughout the party store as Alexia yells at the cashier.  And she is determined to get the cashier as mad as possible.


“I don’t know the fucking combination to the safe, you FREAK”, yells the cashier in response to Alexia Question?


Alexia just stares the cashier in his eyes for a few seconds, places her hands on her thin muscular and flat waist and then yells, “What did you call me”?


The cashier backs up, finally realizing his dire situation after observing Alexia destroy the bullet proof glass with her tits and Tina walking through the wall, looks at Alexia and says in a soft retreating voice, “Sorry Alexia, but I do not know the combination to the safe. My instructions are to place all money over a small amount necessary for change into the slot on the side of the safe every half hour, Honest”.


Alexia looks at the cashier and says to him in a bold and authoritative tone of voice, “I should fold you up like a stack of dollar bills and stuff you through that slot in the safe.  But since you apologized, I won’t.  However, I’ll just open that steel box with my special universal safe combination secret decoder.”  “Decoder”, says the cashier with a stupid look on his face, “What’s a decoder”?


Alexia laughs at the cashier and Tina yells in the background, “This special secret decoder doesn’t come in a cereal box”. 


“Do those thing really work”, replies the cashier?


Everyone laughs and Alexia and Tina says simultaneously, “What an idiot”. 


Alexia then says to the cashier, “Watch closely and I’ll show you how the decoder operates”.


Alexia then looks at the thick steel safe that is a meter square and over a meter in height and is located against the back wall of the cashier’s cage. But to get to the safe, Alexia has two options. The first option is to go around to the steel door on the side, tear the door apart with her muscular body as if it were wrapping paper and then go to the safe. Or option two is to walk straight to the safe and through the cashier’s counter.  Alexia ponders for a second, looks at Tina and says quietly, “Rule 1”, as she walks directly into and through the cashier’s counter.  Alexia’s ultra power leg muscles blast into the metal and wood structure of the counter, slicing and dicing the counter into a million splinters.  Her super flat stomach crumbles the metal counter top as it’s constructed of very thin tin foil. Anything that fell or got caught in between Alexia’s thighs and calves was squeezed into oblivion.  And as Alexia exits the counter, the cashier steps to the side and tries to escape through the door.  But Alexia is to quick and she runs to the door and with her one hand pushes the cashier away from the door and with her other hands jams the steel frame of the door into the door and prevents anyone except her or Tina from open the door.


“Why are you in a hurry to leave”, asks Alexia, “You have a front row seat to watch me open this safe. Oh and by the way, this is my first time opening a locked safe and I promise I will NOT uses my hands”.


Tina is taking note of this action and says to everyone in a mysterious and quiet, “Ohhh! This is going to be interesting”, as the tall Goddess picks up two beer cans that are lodged in her deep cleavage from her walking through the rack.  Tina pick up a can in each hand, places the cans vertically, one on each of her breasts and uses the palm of her hand to crush the beer cans down into her tits.  And as Tina applies pressure to the top of the cans with her hands, the cans immediately explode and spray beer all over everybody.  However, Tina continues to press down until she crushed the beer cans into crumbled mass of metal about the thickness of a small coin.  She then picks up the crushed metal in the palms of her hands and presses her open hands into the ends of her breasts where she lets the metal taught and tease her nipples.  Finally Tina cups her huge breasts tightly with her palms and pulls backs.  The metal that was caught between her tits and the palm of her hand instantly turns to liquid aluminum, which she rubs over her large breasts as if it were a body lotion.


By this time, Alexia has marched back over to the steel safe, looks at the safe from directly above and then looks at the cashier who is crouched down in the corner of the room and says to him, “Just think, this stupid steel safe could be your scrawny flat chest. Now watch as a powerful set of female thigh muscles manipulate, mangle, twist, squeeze, crush, and then opens this thick hard steel safe with supreme ease”.  Alexia then clears out the area directly to the side of the safe by brushing her hand sideways and pushing aside several racks of items and bending the steel frames of the racks as if it were made of straw. The young high school graduate then removes all her clothing, lies down on the floor, spreads her super muscular legs apart and begins to wrap those firm sexy legs around the harden steel safe. Alexia pushes her feet through the concrete block wall behind the safe, shattering the concrete block into dust by simply wiggling her toes.  And as Alexia’s super powerful legs encircle the safe, she begins to flex her thigh muscles and the sides of the safe crush inward and leave a perfect indent of her leg muscles. Then with a gently lift of her long legs; Alexia raises the heavy steel safe off the floor in a single upward motion.  However, unbeknown to Alexia, the safe is secured into the concrete floor with massive steel bolts and Alexia’s superior strength didn’t even notice that she sheared the top of 12 steel bolts completely off.  Between the sides of the steel safe crushing inwards and the 12 steel bolts being sheared, it sounded like a war zone in the cashier’s cage. Alexia then spins around on her firm round backside until she is parallel with the counter and puts the safe back down on the floor. She releases her legs and reveals the damage her thighs and legs have inflicted on the safe.  Everyone starts to softly “COO and WOW” as they see a perfect mold of her leg muscles pressed deeply into the sides of the steel safe.


“Now to finish off this little play toy and pop the door open”, Alexia says to everyone as she again wraps her legs around the steel safe.  However, this time she uses her legs to positions the steel safe so the thick door is on top and facing upward and a 90-degree angle corner is pressing against her moist pussy. Again, Alexia wraps her long powerful legs around the safe, and crosses her ankles on the far side of the safe.  She then sits up, places her hands behind her back and onto the floor for support and to show off her superb body and starts to pull her feet towards her curvy hips.  The sharp steel corner of the safe presses hard into her pussy and her thighs leisurely pulsate and squeeze the corner of the steel safe as if it were a soft feather pillow.  The entire steel safe is being slowly squeezed and crushed between Alexia’s overpowering leg muscles.  And as she closes her shapely legs tighter and tighter around the steel safe and applies more and more pressure, the safe begins a shear itself apart.  Small cracks begin to form in the sides of the safe, and then the cracks become larger until the steel rupture itself open.  The steel door of the safe begins to bend and twist as Alexia’s legs muscles slowly compress the sides of the steel safe inward.  The steel safe is being mangled and Alexia is enjoying the sexual pleasure as thick super hardened steel is being flattened against her pussy.  And the young sexy super girl can sense the steel being crushed and riding up and down her pussy as she tightens her deadly embrace on the puny steel safe.  With the safe about half way squeezed out of existence, the steel door is beginning to separate from the sides of the safe.  Alexia can see the massive steel pins that are suppose to hold the steel door secure.  Her leg muscles are bending and twisting the chrome alloy steel pins like they are soft foam trinkets and Alexia delights in the fact that it’s only her leg muscles that are deforming the steel pins and safe.  The side of the safe continue to be squeezed together as Alexia’s legs and feet slow place a strangle hold on the steel box. Several pins that are holding the door secure finally give up and snap in half as an ever-widening gap appears between the door and the sides of the safe.  Alexia then pushes out her massive tits and forces them into the opening metal fracture between the side of the safe and the steel door.  Alexia’s breasts easily mangle the steel as she pushes them slowly forward.  Her super hard erect nipples slice long deep incisions into the steel door, gouging out ribbons of metal. The door bends upward as her tits easily penetrate the steel and the side crushes downward.  Alexia then begins to roll her massive breasts in a circular motion as she “COOS” with pleasure and begins to also roll her eyes and heads as her mouth begins to water.  Alexia has that tingling sensation all over her young sexy body from using nothing but her firm young muscles to crush thick steel as if it’s made of fresh whipped cream.  The young Goddess watches intently as her soft smooth smothering tits tear open the safe door, ripping, mangling, and crushing the chunky steel with utter impunity. Finally Alexia says, “I though this thick steel door would have offered my little tits some resistance, but my breast pushed through the steel as if it’s smoke. The steel didn’t indent or resist my soft feminine flesh at all”.


Tina then looks at Alexia and says, “That safe could be the vault to Fort Knox’s gold reserve and it would not have made any more difference.  Your young sexy body is capable of teasing and tormenting 3 meter thick vault doors as easily as that safe’s doors”.  The employee standing next to Tina looks at her with a gleam in his eyes and says, “I would enjoy watching you uses your fantastic body against a vault door 3 meters thick”.  To which Tina replies as she turns her eyes to the store employee, “Before, during, or after I screw your male body into total submission”. “Yes” is the quick response from the young male employee.


Tina laughs quietly as she says, “That can be arranged, and I’ll talk to you later tonight at the party.  You are coming to the party”?  The young employee just smiles back at Tina.


Tina then looks at Alexia and yells, “We don’t have much time Alexia. Finish off that toy between your legs and lets get the truck loaded with refreshments.


Alexia looks back at Tina and says, “I’m have fun with this safe, I can feel its hard metal grind and scrape my pussy, but your right, it’s time to party for I can get another safe later on tonight”.  Alexia then straightens out her legs and watches as her taught leg muscles slices the safe in half, crushing and melting solid steel between her thighs from the pressure of her legs muscles.  She then flips her breasts upward and sends the top half of the safe flying through the roof of the building and over twice the speed of sound.  Alexia then brings her ankles forward and pushes the bottom half of steel safe against her upper thighs and into her super hot and moist pussy.  Immediately, the steel oozes out the top and bottoms of her legs and around the side of her hips.  Alexia then scream with pleasure as she uses her right hand to grab the lump of crushed steel between her legs and crams it into her pussy.  The steel has no chance of survival and explodes as a hot liquid all over Alexia body.  The young super strong girl then shakes her head, takes a few deep breaths and stands up.  She users her hands to brush away and remaining residue of the safe off her body and puts her clothing back on her body.


Alexia then marches towards the locked door of the cashier’s cage and begins for fluff her hair with her fingers to remove any exploded steel.  And Alexia is going to prove Tina’s earlier statement that there is not such thing as a locked door.  So she just strolls into the door and lets her two mighty melons argue with the steel door about its relative strength.  The argument is very short and abrupt as Alexia massive melons immediately make two points perfectly clear. The instant Alexia’s breasts touch the steel door, her aroused nipples punch through the steel like two armor piercing bullets.  Then her wide fleshy bouncing boobs bend the steel door outward and rip through the steel and blast out the other side of the door.  The upper section of the steel door cannot stand the extreme torture it’s being given by Alexia’s titanic tits and simply tears free of the steel frame and folds over.  Alexia makes sure her massive mounds are proudly bouncing around and within a second complete shred the upper section of the steel door to scrap.  The lower section of the steel door was lucky that it did not have to argue with Alexia super strong tits, however, there were two sexy, shapely, and muscular, legs that were fast approaching the lower section of the door.  Alexia’s right leg makes first contact and slices through the lower section, tearing the door in half. And by the time her left leg strikes the door, her thighs have blasted the door off the metal frame and send several section of the steel door sailing across the room.  Alexia continues through the blasted out doorways and flexes her shoulder muscles just as she passes the steel frame.  Her expanding shoulder muscles then bend the steel doorframe outward.  And once Alexia is through the door she turns around to survey the damage and says out loud, “I just love opening locked doors”.


Alexia then goes over to the student who has a crush on her and says to him in a quiet personal tone, “I’m going to use my body to tear apart anything I want, and I’m going to do it in very sexy ways.  I’m going to crush cars and trucks into scrap piles with nothing but my tits. I’ll rip apart steel bridges, and concrete walls with my legs.  And I’ll use my thighs to crush anything that gets in my way or pisses me off.  For all I want to do is get myself super excited, super horny, and over sexed.  Then, before the night is over, I’m going to fuck you until you beg for mercy, and then repeat the process about 10 times”.


The young male friend of Alexia just looks at her and takes a deep swallow.  He tries to say something but no words came out of his mouth.  Alexia smiles back at her friend and gives him a big hug and a sexy kiss. Her massive tits sink into his chest and Alexia rubs her hips deep into his crotch.  She then says to him, “Anything, absolutely anything you want me to do with my strength or with my body, just make a request.  Remember, there is nothing I cannot do.  I want you to get just as aroused, as I will get tonight.  And I know by watching your eyes and your manhood that you get all excited when I use my body to show off my new strength”.


The young male student holds Alexia against his body for a few seconds and uses his hands to rub the massive breasts that are bulging out of her blouse.  And as Alexia and him break apart, he keeps his hands on her large breasts and gently pushes in on those mounds.  He then looks at Alexia and says. “Anything”.  Alexia just looks at him and grabs her massive tits and pushes then together to amplify her colossal cleavage.  She then begins to pull her tits apart and slowly say, “A N Y T H I N G”.


With Alexia standing there playing with her massive tits, it doesn’t take the young student long to realize that Alexia means what she is saying.  So the young student looks around and sees a cooler full of cases of beer.  He picks up the cold case of 24 beer cans and says to Alexia, “Would you place this case of beer between your perfect tits and crush it for me”.


Alexia snickers and says back to her friend, “NO, I won’t place that case of beer between my TITS”.  There is dead silence for a second and then Alexia says as she pulls her massive breasts apart, “You can place that case of beer between my TITS and then I’ll slowly squeeze my tits together and crush that case of beer.  And I won’t use my hands, just a simple flex of my solid muscles is all it will take to crush that case of beer”.


The young student takes the case of beer and gently places it between Alexia’s breasts, sideways.  Her breasts have increased so much in size since she was given her new strength by Ann that the case of beer fits completely in her cleavage. When the friend of Alexia’s let go of the case of beer, it remain firmly lodge in Alexia breasts.


Alexia then turns around to show every one in the store and says, “This will be the waste of a case of beer, but I can always obtain more, I do have some influence”.  The super Goddess then places her hands over her head and slowly begins to flex her shoulder muscles and thrusts out her massive tits.  Immediately, the sound of metal crushing permeates the air. First, one can blast open from the pressure applied by Alexia’s breasts, then, the second can explodes.  Beer is squirting everywhere as Alexia continues to flex her shoulder muscles and pushes her breasts forward. Beer can after beer can is exploded and then crushed flat as her powerful breasts squeeze together.  And after about 20 seconds there is nothing left, just beer dripping from Alexia cleavage and from her nipples. 


Tina just says softly, “That was pure sex and strength. However, that could have been an anvil between her breasts and it would have been crushed just as easily, but that case of beer, WOW”.


Tina then yells to everyone, “Alexia and I will get several kegs of beer and everyone else get what you believe is necessary for the party.  Oh, Alexia, would you please pay the cashier as your leave”.


Everyone laughs as they start to collect beer, wine, liquor, and snacks when all of a sudden Tina yells “SHIT” and starts to run towards the cashier’s cage.  “You fucking asshole” yells Tina as her incredible firm and shapely body smashes through a section of the cashier’s cage and completed shatters the counter top, wood and metal counter, and a section of bullet proof glass it into a million pieces.


“A GUN” yells Alexia as she also races to the cashier’s cage and also destroys another section of the cashier’s cage with her hard driving thighs.


Tina’s young strong body blasts through the counter just as the cashier repeatedly pulls the trigger to his 12-gauge pump shotgun and Tina takes five direct hits from the shotgun shells in the middle of her chest, just above the cleavage of her breasts.  The blasts don’t faze Tina in the least; in fact she doesn’t even slow down or blink.  And both she and Alexia arrive at the cashier at the same time and Tina grabs the barrel of the gun and places it into the cleavage of her breasts to catch any additional shot.  Tina doesn’t want any wayward blast to injure her friends.  Alexia grabs the right hand of the cashier, which is wrapped around the trigger and pulls his hand away from the shotgun. The cashier’s trigger finger is hurting from the sharp pull and he gives a scream of pain as Alexia holds his hand away from the shotgun.


Alexia looks at Tina and says, “Well what do we do to this asshole, personnel I would like to shove this shotgun up his ass and pull the trigger”.


Tina looks at Alexia and says, “That would be the waste of a good shotgun shell.  I have a much better revenge for this asshole.             Alexia, strip him nude”.


Alexia just smiles for she knows Tina has something special for the cashier.  So Alexia just swings the guy around, holds him like a rag doll in her left arm and begins to rip all the clothing off the cashier.  It only takes a few seconds and Alexia’s super strong hands to tear off his shirt, belt, pants, and under ware.  And Alexia shows him no mercy as she pulls hard and fast with her hands, tearing his clothing to rags at the same time.


In the meantime, Tina is checking the shotgun over and notices that there are several shells remaining in the gun.  Tina just smiles as she request to Alexia.  “Alexia, hold this asshole tightly against the front of you body so his cock is facing me”.


“Not a problem at all” responds Alexia as she spins the cashier around, wraps her arms around the upper part of his body and holds his arm tightly pinned against his body.  Alexia then sits down in a chair and wraps her long legs around the cashier’s legs.  The cashier is fighting, wiggling, and squirming, but to Alexia it’s a useless cause.  Nothing the cashier does effects the strangle hold that Alexia has on him.  Tina looks at Alexia as says; “Now be careful Alexia, if you hiccup, you probably could crush him to death”.


Alexia laughs and says to Tina, “What are you going to do”.


Tina looks at the muzzle end of the shotgun and says to Alexia, “ Do you realize that this gun barrel is about the same diameter as this asshole’s dick.  Now if I place this barrel over his dick and then crush the end of the barrel down onto his dick so he can’t take the barrel off without tearing his dick off.  That would be special”.  


So Tina grabs the cashier’s dick with her one hand and begins to push the muzzle of the shotgun down over his dick.  It was not a difficult task for Tina because the cashier is completely exhausted from fighting with Alexia’s grip and his dick was soft and limp.   Then, when the barrel is completely covering his cock, Tina uses her finger to squeeze the steel end of the barrel down into a smaller diameter.  Tina is very careful for she only wants to squeeze the steel barrel down to a point where it’s just begin to dig into the skin of his dick.  Then she squeezes the barrel slightly flat at several spots just past the end of the barrel to ensure a tight fit around his dick.


“There”, says Tina, “It he tries to remove that gun from his dick, he will tear his useless dick off his body”.  The cashier finally calms down and yells at Tina, “You fucking bitch, I’m going to call the cops”


“Well just to make sure you have something to do with your hands instead of calling the cops, try this out for size ----- fuck head”, yells Tina back to the cashier.


Tina then takes the upper end of the shot gun with her left hand and using the middle finger of her right hand tears the trigger guard off the shot gun with a snap of her one finger.  Then she gently gives the gun a pump to load a shell in the chamber, and uses her fingers to pinch the steel of the ejection chamber and jam it closed.


“There fuck head, what are you going to do with your hands now.  You better keep them tightly around the upper part of that gun, for one false move and a bump of that trigger and yours fucked”.


Alexia lets the cashier free from her tight grip and he stands up holding the shot with both hands and protecting that trigger from hitting anything.  Alexia walks around and past the cashier and flips him the finger.  The cashier starts to curse, swear, and scream at Tina and Alexia but the girls just ignore him because they know he has got his own serious problem.


Tina and Alexia then proceed directly to the large cooler area, of course obeying rules one and two, which mean they walk through several steel racks before walking through the concrete block wall of the cooler area.  Their young sexy and strong bodies push aside anything that touches their bodies and those object that refuse to move aside are crushed into the concrete wall by massive tits and pulsating thigh muscles.  The concrete block wall shatter and explodes inward as both girls walk through the wall side by side.  Once inside the cooler, Tina points out to Alexia the two large kegs of beer that she should get.  So both super girls grab two full kegs of beer, one in ach arm and begin to walk out of the cooler.  Both girls are carrying the large kegs in the same manner.  One keg of beer is being carried in each of their powerful arms and the kegs are pressing against the side of their body.  However, because the kegs are so large and the girl's breasts so huge, a good part of the cold beer kegs are pressing into the massive breasts.  And as the girls exit the cooler through the large hole in the wall that just created with their bodies, everyone in the store area stares at the two young extremely strong girls.


Alexia observes that everyone is staring at Tina and her and she says, “What’s the matter, haven’t you ever seen a girl carrying two full kegs of beer before. These things are lighter that an empty beer can for Tina and me”.  Then Alexia realizes why everyone is staring at her body.  Alexia sees the eyes of all the guys and their focused directly at the end of her massive tits.  Even though Alexia and Tina have the very ends of their massive tits covered with a tied blouse, the cold beer kegs have caused both Tina’s and Alexia’s nipples to swell to a point where they have poked straight through their blouses and ripped apart the thin fabric of their tops.


The two girls just shake their heads as the walk through the broken front door and tear apart even more of the door framing and the front of the store.  Once outside, the girls put the beer kegs in one of the two pickup trucks and Tina yells to one of the guys, “Would you please grab some bags of ice from that ICE COOLER”.  So three of the boys walk over to the large ICE COOLER that is outside the front of the store and are ready to grab large bags of ice when one of them yells, “We can’t get the ice, the stupid door on the cooler is locked”.


Both Tina and Alexia’s heads turn around simultaneously and they both say in unison,  “LOCKED”.


Alexia looks at Tina and says, you assist the guys loading the other truck, and I’ll assist the guys with that “LOCKED” ice cooler.  So Alexia strolls over to the ICE Cooler, untying her blouse as she walks and lets her massive breasts swing back and forth.  And as Alexia arrives at the ICE cooler she says to the boys as she plays with her enormous tits with her hands.  “What’s the matter boys, can’t you open this little lock, for it’s only make of super strong steel.  You know I could just place that steel lock in the palm of my hand and crush it out of existence by simply closing my fingers.  But that wouldn’t be any fun”.  Then she looks at the one young student who she likes and says to him in a slowly sexy voice, “A N Y     S P E C I A L       R E Q U E S T”.


The young student gazes into Alexia’s eyes, and then he looks at her massive tits and says in a panting voice, “Would you please use only your nipples to detach the steel bar from the door.  Then take the steel bar and wrap it slowly around your hard nipples, mangling and twisting the steel slowly with only one finger of each of your dainty hands.  After that, would you compress the pad lock between your soft breasts until it seeps out from deep within your cleavage?  Then coerce your large soft breasts to penetrate the steel door and push the steel aside until you can feel the cold ice against your nipples and then swing your breasts sideways and eliminate the door completely from the cooler.  And those heavy chains that are wrapped around the frame of the cooler to prevent anyone from pulling it away from the front of the store, just wrap your legs around the chains and tear them out of their foundation and then use your thighs to shred the chain into little trinkets my simply flexing your leg muscles.  And finally, would you pick up the entire ICE storage COOLER with only your one hand and carry it over to the truck with the kegs of beer and dump the ice out.


Alexia stares her friend directly in his eyes and begins to “COO” as she wet her lips with her tongue and says to him as she rub her hand against his hard dick, “Keep these request coming  and when I’m done fucking you tonight, you won’t recover until it time to go to college in the fall.


Alexia goes and stands directly in front of the large storage box and places her hands on her hips.  She turns her head sideways and says to her young male friend, “I’m going to absolutely enjoy honoring your sexy requests and for me there more sex required than strength”.


Alexia begins by flexing her shoulder and chest muscles and pushes her tits forward.  She leans over and places her tits under the thick steel bar and begins to raise her breasts.  Her nipples scratch into the steel door and slice two well-defined slits into the metal, and as her tits touch the thick steel bar, the steel bar begins to bend to the shape of her firm round breasts.  The steel bar pushes inward and slightly upward as her tits lift against the bar.  But soon, the steel bar slides down her curvy breasts and encounters Alexia’s hard swollen nipples and the steel bar can now only go in one direction and that direction is straight up.  The steel bar appears to bend and twist with easy as Alexia’s nipples push the steel bar upward.  The stress on the steel bar in unbelievable as it tears itself from the shackles of the steel door.  Alexia lifts and bends the steel bar over half a meter with only her nipples before it tears itself and the massive padlock off the steel door of the cooler with a loud ripping sound.


Alexia laughs, as she turns sideways to show her friends the results of her two nipples versus a thick steel bar.  She then takes the middle finger of each of her hands and starts to push down on the thick steel just outside her nipples.  The steel bends around Alexia’s nipples as if it were a piece of very thin wire and she continues to twist and wrap the steel bar around her nipples for a full two turns and stops when the padlock is directly dangling over her cleavage.  Alexia then takes the padlock, clasp, hasp and a section of the steel bar and pushes them down between her tits with only one finger.  The sexy muscular girl then cups the ends of her tits with the palms of her hands and pulls back on her large breast.  The steel bar wrapped around her nipples is immediately crushed to nothing between Alexia’s breasts and the palm of her hand and the section of the steel bar between her nipples falls to the ground and lands with a thud.  The padlock, clasp, and hasp suffer the same consequence as Alexia’s massive tits squeeze together and in an instant crush the metal into a hot paste the bubbles up from between her cleavage.


Alexia turns around facing the ICE COOLER and takes a deep breath, forcing her breasts forward and pushed her breasts into the door if the ICE COOLER.  However, her tits simply push the door inward, for Alexia tits are so large that the cover a large surface area of the door. Alexia realizes the situation and begins to oscillate her tits in a circular motion and her ultra hard nipples act as diamond tipped grinders, shredding the metal door in thin slices of steel as efficiently as a sharp grader shredding cheese. Alexia’s grinds, slices, and shreds the metal door into thin strips of metal and once she has a large hole in the door simply pushes her tits through the opening.  Her tits push aside and curve inward any reaming metal in the door and once her tits are completely through the door turns to her friends and says, “WOW, that ice is cold on my nipples”.  Alexia then swings her breasts sideways and tears the door, the doorframe, and the hinges completely off the front of the cooler.  The door and frame go sailing off across the road and over the treetops of the woods across the street.


“Now that you guys gave my soft little breasts a workout, lets see what my legs can do with this paltry chain”, says Alexia as she walks up to the thick heavy chrome chain that anchors the ICE COOLER to the building.  The chain is anchored through the front wall of the store in two places and secured to steel beams that are set in the concrete foundation.  Alexia goes to the far side of the ICE COOLER and sees the chain going into the wall and kicks the wall with her foot just below the location of the chain.  A large section of concrete blocks are shattered into fragments as Alexia’s foot blasts through the wall.  Alexia smiles as she see that the scrawny chain is secured to a thick steel “I” beam and she begins to slowly wrap her one leg around the steel beam.  The “I” beam twists, bows, and curves as Alexia’s powerful leg manipulates the steel as if it’s substandard tin foil.  An entire section of the building begins to crumble and sag as the steel beam is bend almost 90 degrees as Alexia wraps her leg completely around the steel beam.   Finally, Alexia pulls her leg sideways and cuts the steel beam in half as her powerful thighs crush most of the beam in half.  The thick chain that is attached to the beam is also torn free of the beam and falls to the ground.


Alexia walks back to the other side of the ICE COOLER and sways her hips as she passes the front of the cooler, making sure each accentuated sway of her hips leaves a smooth rounded impression in the metal front of the COOLER.  The super girl looks a her friend Greg and says, “If my hips can indent the front of this metal box with just a gentle sway, just think what they can do to your body if I’m sitting on top of you”.


Greg’s just says, “WOW”!!!!!!!!


Alexia looks at the heavy chain that snakes along the ground and through the frame of the ICE COOLER and ponders how she wants to terminate its existence. After a few seconds she decides to pull the chain out from around the cooler and stretches it out straight from the front wall of the store.  The length of the thick heavy steel chain is about 8 meters and Alexia stands directly over the chain at its far end facing away from the storefront.  She then politely asks everybody to stand about 3 meters in front of her body.  Once everyone is in front of Alexia, she pick up the heavy chain with her one hand and pulls it taught between her legs and up against her hot moist pussy.  Alexia the begins to pull the metal chain through her legs, making sure it rubs against her pussy and scrapes the side of her thighs.  But since the chain is secured to a steel beam of the store, a three-way tug of war begins.  It’s Alexia’s female muscles verse the combination of a heavy chain and steel “I” beam.  The only question is, what is weaker, the steel chain or the steel “I” beam.


Alexia uses her hands to pull the thick heavy chain slowly between her legs.  The chain scrapes and rasps her super hot pussy and you can hear the steel links squeeze and distort as they extrude from between her upper thigh muscles.  Then there is the sound of concrete blocks falling as the chain begins to pull at the steel support “I” beam of the building.  The “I” beam begins to bend and forces part of the front wall to collapses as Alexia pulls more and more of the chain through her legs.  Finally the “I” beam surrenders as Alexia powerful muscles wrench the “I” from its foundation, ripping the heads off several large bolts that secure it to the base of the building.  Alexia then quickly pulls the remainder of the chain through her legs until the “I” beam is resting against the back of her powerful legs. One last gentle tug on the chain and it snaps apart where it is bolted to the “I” beam, tearing the last steel link of the chain apart with a loud popping sound.  The steel “I” beam then falls to the ground with another loud thud.  Alexia then bends slightly forward and looks between her legs and sees the steel “I” beam and laughs as she says, “OOOH, another toy from my legs to tease”. She then spreads her legs slightly and reaches down and between her long muscular leg and grabs the steel “I” beam with her one hand.  Alexia places her hand around the back of the  “I” beam and lifts it up and hold it taught against the back of her legs about thigh high as she also position the “I” beam so she is holding it directly in the middle.  Alexia looks around and makes sure that everyone is looking at her and everyone knows what is going to happen next.  Alexia flexes her leg muscles, and then using only one hand pulls the steel “I” beam through her legs.  Unfortunately for the steel “I” beam, it’s over 30 centimeters thick and it has to fit through a 10-centimeter opening between Alexia’s thighs muscles.  The result is academic, not only does the thick steel “I” beam bend in half as Alexia pulls it through her legs, but it is squeezes down to a third of its original size.  The steel beam appeals, pleads, and begs for mercy as it is pulled effortlessly through Alexia’s long powerful legs. And Alexia is using only her one hand.  Once she has about a meter of the steel “I” beam through her legs she begins to twist the steel “I” beams as if it were a soft piece of wet cloth that needed to have the water wringed out of it.  The steel “I” beam resembled more of a twisted piece of taffy that it did a harden piece of steel.  Finally, Alexia is finished playing with the “I” beam and simply closes her legs while flexing her thighs muscles and slices, then crushes the mangled steel beam in half while showing no physical exertion at all.


Alexia uses her hands to push aside the twisted and mangled pieces of the steel “I” beam and reaches for the 8 meters of chain that is on the ground in front of her.  She picks up the heavy chain like it a piece of string and immediately positions the chain so she is holding the exact middle of the 8 meters of chain.  “Well, for my next trick, I’ll need to break this flimsy, weak chain into 2 equal parts.  Any suggestions, anyone”, Alexia asks as she rubs the chain across down her breasts and across her nipples.  Alexia also is wetting her lips with her tongue and moving her hips is a very seductive manner. 


“Your tongue”, is heard from someone in the group and Alexia immediately obliges by placing the heavy chain up to her mouth.  First, she places her tongue between a link and slowly moves her tongue in a circle.  Everyone can observe the effect on Alexia moist tongue as the steel chain link is force to bend, distort, and change shape as her tongue forces the steel link apart.  Then Alexia brings her tongue, along with the chain link, back into her mouth and closes her mouth and pucker her lips as it she is going to give someone a kiss.  The chain link inside Alexia mouth is instantaneously crushed into a substance that resembles bubble gum and the chain is severed in half and two sections of chain fall away from Alexia’s mouth.


Alexia drops one section of chain and starts to wrap the other section of chain tightly around her left leg.  She starts high up on her thigh and warps the chain tightly and firmly around her thighs for about 8 turns.  She then does the same with her right leg with the other section of chain.  Once Alexia has completed wrapping the thick steel chain around her legs, she places her hands over her head and says to her friends, “Watch this, nothing but thigh muscle”.


Alexia begins to pose and flex her leg muscles and everyone hears the sound of the hard steel chains tightening around her thighs.  The chains are straining and the steel links are grinding against each other as Alexia massive thigh muscles expand.  Everyone watches as the steel links reshape and conform to Alexia’s firm solid muscles. And as Alexia moves her legs around to different poses, every link in the chain is subject to extreme torture and metal fatigue.  And as Alexia’s thigh muscles expand to their maximum, the chains on both her fantastic legs burst apart within a second of each other and it sounds like a heavy machine gun firing a quick burst.


The broken segments of mangled chain fall to the ground around Alexia feet and as she spins around and starts to walk toward the ICE Cooler, any remaining sections of chain are flung aside.


Alexia meanders over to the ICE COOLER and walks on her tip toes to emphasis her calf muscles, and her firm rear end, and when she reaches the corner of the large ICE COOLER she presses her long feminine fingers through the corner of the ICE COOLER, tearing apart the outside metal casing as if it were made of cob webs.  The steel pushes aside to allow Alexia’s fingers access to the steel frame on the bottom of the ICE COOLER.  Then Alexia interleaves her fingers into a solid steel section of frame and closes her fingers to obtain a solid grip on the steel frame.  Alexia’s fingers crush the steel frame down into the palm of her hands and then she lifts the entire 5 ton ICE COOLER and its contents over her head with one continuous lift of her hand.  She then carries to ICE COOLER over to the pickup truck that is holding the kegs of beer.  The 220-volt power cord for the ICECOOLER is torn out of the wall socket and shorts out power for half the building.  Alexia proceeds to the pickup truck and still using only her one hand, turns the ICE COOLER over in its side and shakes it until all the bags of ice fall out and into the pickup truck.  And after the pickup truck is overflowing with ice, Alexia flings the ICE COOLER side ways with her hand and sends it crashing through the front of the party store.


“OK everyone, Let the party begin”, Tina yells to group, “And Greg, would you lead everyone to County Park via the front entrance and Alexia and I will go the back way to remove any stupid obstacles that the police have placed in the road to prevent anyone from escaping when they raid the place for underage drinking”.


Tina turns to the store employee who helped her with the refreshments and says to him, “Please join us tonight at our graduation party, Alexia and I are going to demonstrate our special talents of obliterating cars, trucks, and anything else we want with nothing but our sexy bodies”, and the employee cheerfully responds, “I wouldn’t miss your party for anything, and if I ask politely, will you grant me a special request”. To which Tina replies back with a big smile, “Of course, but only if it involves you, me, extreme strength, and sex all at the same time”.  And as Tina walks to her car, she spots the large advertising sign at the entrance to the store’s parking lot and the sign says in large letters, “ DIXIE PARTY STORE”.  The sign is over 3 meters across and is anchored by a thick steel pole that supports the sign over 10 meters high in the air.  Tina looks at the sign and says to Alexia, we can use this sign at the entrance to the park.  So Tina walks over to the steel pole and using her right hand, pushes her fingers through one side of the 40-centimeter diameter steel pole, tearing the cheap steel apart by simply wiggling her fingers.  She continues to push her hand completely through the steel pole and out the other side where again the steel just bulges outward; then rips open, and is again pushed aside by Tina’s dainty fingers and hand.  Tina then raises her arm and tears the entire sign, steel pole, and a 2-meter square by 2-meter deep block of concrete that is the foundation to support the sign out of the ground. The concrete and asphalt around the base of the foundation are also gouged out, leaves a large crater in the parking lot of the store.


Tina raises the entire advertising sign over her head and using her left hand, punches the concrete foundation with her fist and shatter the entire concrete foundation in chunks of broken rubble that scatter for several hundred meters.  A few quick flicks of her left hand and the remaining concrete is eliminated from the steel pole.


Tina then looks at Alexia and says, “Would you drive the car as I change the wording on this sign to read “SEX PARTY”.  So Alexia gets into the driver’s side and Tina into the passenger’s side and they drive away at a very high rate off speed.  The large heavy sign is easily manhandled by Tina’s extreme strength even as it’s fighting against the wind as Alexia has the car traveling at over 160 kilometer per hour.  Tina playfully rearranges the letters on the sign to spell “SEX PARTY” and both girls laugh.


Alexia looks at Tina and says, “I need to Thank You so much to giving me this extraordinary strength and I can’t believe the pleasure I receive from S E X when I use it in combination with my strength.  Tonight is going to be unbelievable, we get to utilize our super strength both for the people we like and the people we don’t like”.


Tina looks at Alexia as says, “You have no idea of how much pleasure we are going to have tonight, trust me, I’ve been here before”.


Alexia just takes a deep breath as she looks back on the road and is startled to see a set of flashing lights about 1000 meters up the road.  Alexia slows down and she can see the reason for the flashing lights.  It appears that a large steel structure is lying across the old river bridge that leads to the back entrance of County Park.


As Alexia and Tina come closer to the bridge, they observe two things; first, the large steel structure is the boom of a large crane that was holding an unusually large metal object.  And secondly, there were several persons franticly waving flags in what appears to be an attempt to stop their car.  Because Alexia doesn’t want to hurt anyone she slows down and advances the car very slowly to the persons franticly waving the flag.  She finally brings the car to a halt about 10 meters from the two individuals in the road and says to Tina, “I think that large crane was doing something of the side of the bridge and must have fallen over on the bridge”.


Tina looks at Alexia as says, “Are you blind, look at those two construction workers, their table grade”.


“Damm”, says Alexia, “Your right, I wasn’t paying any attention. And look at the young healthy sexy bodies of those guys, all muscle from physical work and tan for being out in the sun all day”.


Tina and Alexia relax in the front seat of their car as the two young construction workers approach the car.  One worker goes to Alexia’s side of the car and the other worker goes to Tina’s side.


“What’s the problem, is the road blocked” ask Alexia as she pushes her enormous breasts into the steering wheel to expose more of her cleavage?   However, besides showing off her firm young breasts, Alexia uses a little her strength to push her breasts into the steering wheel and bends it forward. The young worker just stares at Alexia, moving his eyes from her gigantic tits to her absolute gorgeous face.


“AH   AH AH”, says the young worker as he ties to talk to Alexia, “This side of the river bank collapsed as we were working on a new foundation for the bridge and the crane fell over on the bridge. A bulldozer also fell over sideways and we have no means of removing the crane’s boom from the bridge.  You will have to go back the way you came”.  The young worker is apologetic to Alexia as he explains the situation and admits there is nothing they can do except stop and redirect traffic.


Tina looks at the guy on her side of the car as she turns sideways and places her huge breasts on the car door and presses down to force her tits up.  The guy doesn’t even notice that Tina is holding the large advertising sign with only her right hand and her tits have crush down into the car door.


Tina looks at the guy and says, “How did it happen”, while she rubs her thighs sexually with her left hand.  The young worker takes a swallow of air and says to Tina as his heart begins to pulse faster and faster.  “Well, we were using the crane to hold that large steam powered pile drive over steel beams. We were driving those steel beams over there, as he points behind himself, into the ground for the foundation of a new bridge when the side of the river bank fell away.  The crane topples over and the boom and the pile driver are lying on the bridge.  We also lost 2 bulldozers and a front end loader”.


Tina looks at Alexia and says in a soft quiet tone of voice to her, “Ready for some fun”.  To which Alexia replies, “Oh YES Tina, I ready to play with that construction equipment and turn it into a pile of scrap with nothing but my super strong and sexy body, then I’ll take this young stud and give him the ride of his life”.  Tina just smiles and says, “Touché”.


Alexia is first to stand up and get out of the car and both young workers looks at her with a dead stare.  A beautiful young woman with a huge chest, and a blouse that is wide open and is more physical fit than the two construction workers and her pants are revealing most of her firm round ass. Alexia walks up to the young construction worker on her side of the car, grabs him around his waist with both her hands, lifts him off the ground and pushes him into the side of the front fender of the car.  Alexia then slams her huge chest into his midsection and slams her hips into his hips and says to him, “Don’t fight me, it’s a useless cause.  Just enjoy that I’m doing to you and think about what I’m going to do to you in a short time”.  And to emphasize her point, Alexia methodically pounds and drives her hips into his groin and then takes her hands and places them flat on the fender.  Alexia looks at the young guy and slowly sinks her fingers through the steel fender until her hand has a good grip on the steel fender.  She then pulls herself forward and places even more pressure against the young workers body while still pulsing her hips into his.


Alexia wets her lips with her tongue and then asks the young worker in a silky tone, “What’s a pile driver”, as she pulls back on the steel fender with her hand, producing two large gouges in the fender?


The construction worker isn’t sure what to do but in a stumbling tone of voice answers Alexia question, “That large metal object lying flat on the bridge is a pile driver.  We use it to drive those steel beams and long steel plates deep into the ground for the foundation of the bridge.  It pounds the steel with extremely heavy weights driven down by high steam pressure.  Why do you ask”?


Alexia responds as she wiggles her massive melons across his chest, “I’ll show you a pile driver that will make that thing on the bridge resemble a preschooler play thing.  I’m going to rescue that pile driver, bring it back here, and using nothing but my hips, pile drive it into a glob of scrap metal the size of yours hips and then I’ll squeeze it in half between my powerful thighs muscles.  Then I’m going to rape you, slowly, by first ripping off your clothing with a simple pull of my hands.  Then I’ll demonstrate my pile driving hips as I take your harden cock, place it in my hot wet body and pile drive your body into total submission.  And as an option, I’ll hold that large bulldozer over my head with one hand and use my other hand to tear off large section of its steel and iron frame and crush then between my tits.  And believe me, you’ll enjoy the sight of thick massive metal being crush by my tits as the bounce around on my body”.


The construction worker just looks as Alexia with his mouth and eye wide open and says, “AH AH Yea”.  Alexia then pulls her hands back and rips two long slits in the steel fender, which releases her hands from the car and she moves back a little from the car and the worker.  And as she moves back she takes her left hand as rubs it across the young man’s groin and grabs his cock and says, “OOOOH great, large and solid, but after you see what I do next to that pile driver, your cock will even get larger and harder”.  Alexia then pulls the young man away from the car and looks at the fender and smiles as she sees the fender dented by the young worker ass from her pounding his hips.  Alexia then turns around and begins to walk towards the fallen steel boom of the crane that is lying across the bridge and the massive 10-ton pile driver next to the boom. 


In the meantime Tina has also gotten out of the car and begins to talk to the other worker.  Even though he is tall, he still has to look up to Tina.  He looks directly into Tina’s eyes and says, “Is your friend crazy.  She’s going to get seriously injure if she tries to mess with that pile driver, it still has hot steam pressure build up in its pistons”.


Tina looks at him and says, “Just watch and enjoy as she uses her body to walk through the steel frame of the crane, then pick up that pile driver and carry it back to the car and again walk through another section of the crane. Oh and by the way, I’m a million times stronger than she and 100 times sexier.  I would screw you silly in the back seat of his car but we need it to get to our graduation party.”


The worker responds to Tina as his eyes scan her face, her wet lips, her long neck, her huge breast, she slender waist, and her long legs, “What’s getting to your party have to do with a little fun in the back seat of your car”.


Tina grabs what little clothing she has covering her gigantic breast and pulls it back to her side revealing her perfectly shape chest and says to the worker, “If I fuck you in the back seat of this car, my body will not only absolutely drive you insane, but I’ll tear the car apart with nothing but my body while enjoys super sex with you.  Let’s find another spot, like the cab of that piece of construction equipment over there.  Also, in case you have any reservations about my womanly strength, let me show you what my breasts, legs, and thighs can do to that stack of steel plates and beams behind us.  And if you’re a real man, watching me lift those steel plates with only my one hand and then bending them around my neck, down into the cleavage of my breasts and through my legs, should get you super excited.  And I enjoy watching a man get all excited as I use my body and my superior strength to bend, twist, mangle, and annihilate any metal, regardless of how thick the metal”.


Tina turns around and walks over to a stack of 20 steel plates on the side of the road, each a meter wide, 30 meters long, and 5 centimeters thick, and jumps over the stack, turns and faces the young worker and says to him in a sassy voice, “One at a time or all at once, your choice”.


To be continued.