Graduation Day 

Tina celebrates her graduation from High School.  Part 4

By Pat Mallon



WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.



In the meantime, Tina looks back under the bus as seen the large steel mounting assembly that used to support the drive shaft and users her one hand to tear the thick steel assembly from between the frame of the bus.  The two steel beams of the frame just bend and the bus shakes before the assembly rips free of the frame.  Tina then offers the assembly to Alexia, who is intensely enjoying herself as she uses her womanhood and a drive shaft in an attempt to satisfy her sexual hunger, and Alexia take the heavy metal object in her free hand and places it in between the cleavage of her breasts.  Alexia continues to work the steel shaft in her pussy and begins to massage her now extremely large breasts with her one hand.  The steel assembly in her breasts is reduced to a blob of goop in about 10 seconds as Alexia’s one hands pushes the metal through her cleavage and each time she pushes her chest muscles outward, the hard steel is crushed as it were made of soft foam.


Finally there is a tremendously loud and long scream from Alexia as the remains of 5 meter of steel is completed inserted in her body and basically crushed out of existence.  The new super girl then relaxes her body and says to Tina.  “WOW that was immensely pleasurable, and you were right, all I had to do was relax”.  Tina looks at Alexia as says, “You did seem to enjoy yourself and I enjoyed watching you use your strength to easily crush those steel shafts into your body.  But what I’m especially going to enjoy is watching you uses that unbelievable muscular and shapely body and your strength on men as you fuck them absolute silly and make them beg for mercy.


Alexia sits up, takes a deep breath and says to Tina, “Is there anything a man can to do to stop me it I want his body”.  Tina replies back with a smirk, “There is absolute nothing anybody can do to stop you from doing anything you wish. No man, no gang of men, no army, and with that shapely and muscular body of yours, you will turn men on so hard, and so quickly that your only issue will be hoping they don’t cream their jeans before you get a chance to fuck their brains out”.  Both girls laugh as Tina says to Alexia, “It’s getting late in the afternoon and we need to prepare for tonight’s party and we have a lot of buses left.  Let’s trash the remaining buses by walking through all of them with our bodies.  I’ll start at this end and you start at the other end and we will meet in the middle.  Then will do the same thing to stadium”.


So Tina and Alexia exit the bus by walking through the steel siding and tearing several additional huge holes in the bus with their nude bodies and are ready to start destroying the remaining buses when they observe a school bus approaching the stadium.  It appears to be full of students and as it gets closer both young girls realize it will pass right by their location.  Tina smiles and says to Alexia, “Fresh Meat. I think it’s a bus full of all the jocks, who have won letters in sports.  You know baseball, football, wrestling, and their all seniors on their special school trip. They get their picture taken with city officials every year”.   Alexia looks at Tina and says, “What will we do with them”?    Tina looks at Alexia with a surprised stare and tell her, “Alexia, we can do anything we desire.  For example, why don’t you show the young boys your muscles and your perfect body with a few poses, of course I recommend you do it while holding one of the large bus in each hand.  It will certainly get their attention. And I’ll make sure the bus stops and it doesn’t go anywhere”.   So Tina and Alexia stand by the road and as the bus approaches, both girls can see all the guys in the bus pointing at them.  The bus slows down slightly and as it passed the two young girls, Tina jumps out and grabs the back wheels of the bus with her one hand and the bus come to a dead halt.  She then gives the wheels a quick snap and breaks the axle in half preventing the bus from going anywhere.  All the guys in the bus fall forward from the sudden stop of the bus but no one is hurt, and as they get back up, they open all the windows and hang their heads the windows to get a better view of the two Goddesses.


The guys start yelling and whistling at Tina and Alexia as the two girls just stand there nude and some of the guys make a few obscene remarks and gestures.  However, Tina and Alexia just ignore the gestures and stand there with their hands on their hips for a few seconds until Tina says to Alexia, “This should be loads of fun, their hormones are at least 10 times their IQ and they all have more muscles than brains.  Let get started and you go first Alexia, show these over sex idiots just what we are capable of accomplishing”.  So Alexia turns around and strolls over to the line of schools about 20 meters away and sways her firm ass back and forth as she uses her arms to strikes a pose to show her upper body muscles. And when she arrives at the schools buses, she users her one hand to pick up the bus both Tina and Alexia had recently destroyed and tosses it aside as if it weighted a few grams.  She then picks up two new buses, one in each hand and raises then over her head as she struts her body back to the bus full of young men.  Alexia goes through a set of poses to show off her body, expanding her muscles starting with her calves, working up her thighs, her stomach, her chest, her shoulders, and her arms and doing it while holding two larges buses in her hands.  And as she goes through muscular poses the two buses are move around so violently that they begin to break apart and parts fall off the bus.  The frames are bend into “U” shaped beams and all the windows and seats are ripped form the bus.  And after Alexia is completed her show, she tosses the remains of the buses aside and starts to walk towards the bus full of students.


“That’s impossible! How did you do that”, ask on guy? As the rest of the boys in the bus just stare out the windows with tongues tangling from their mouth. 


“What’s wrong guys, don’t you believe it possible for a young ladies to be both strong and attractive. Oh and by the way we also has brains”, shouts Tina to the guys in the bus.


Then one guys grabs his super hard cock and yells at Tina, “How about if I place my brains between you tits”.  To which Tina yells back, “You fucking idiot” as she picks up the bus with her one hand and raises it quickly over her head and shakes it around slightly.  This rattling quiets everyone in the bus as most of the guys in the bus simply stare out the window and the expression on their face indicated that they are scared.  For there was Tina standing sideways holding the bus over her head with one hand and not showing the slightest sign of straining her muscles.  Then Tina yells to Alexia, “Let’s go inside the bus and teach some of these wise Asses a lesson in proper manners”.  Alexia yells back to Tina, “Can I fuck a few of them”?  And Tina replies back, “You can fuck all of then except that that one asshole, he’s mine”.


Alexia starts to stroll towards the side of the bus and Tina just places herself directly under the center of the bus and gives the bus a slight toss in the air and allows the bus drop on herself.  The weight of the bus falling causes Tina head and upper body to burst through the bus as it falls back to the ground.  All the guys immediately turn to the spot in the floor of the bus that Tina’s head, shoulders, and massive breasts have torn a gapping hole in steel floor.  Tina just smiles as she says, “Hi guys, just thought I’d drop in and demonstrate my strength on a more personal and up close basis”, as she starts to walk forward down the center of the bus.  Tina’s enormous breast and aroused nipples are at the same height as the floor of the bus, so when she walks forward her nipples and breasts slice open, peel back, and tear into the steel floor like a meat grinder.  The steel floor is first slit open by her nipples, then compressed into her breasts, then rip apart as her breast bounce up and down and finally peeled aside as her tits blast through the steel floor.  After about 5 meters of the floor is split open by Tina’s extremely strong body, she lifts herself up and into the bus and just happens to be at the location of the guy that mouthed off at her.  Tina looks him in the eyes and yells in a very loud voice, “So you want to fuck by tits with your brains”.  Tina then looks around and sees a wooden baseball bat and grabs the bat and places it in the cleavage of her breasts.  “Now lets pretend this bat is your dick, or more precisely should I be using a pencil”, screams Tina as she lets go of the bat and it stand straight up in her breasts.  “Now think about this you asshole”, Tina says as grabs the bat with one hand and snaps it in half with a simple flick of her wrist.


All of a sudden the front of the bus shakes and there is this horrible sound of metal being shredded.  It’s Alexia as she enters the bus by blasting her body through the front of the bus just behind the drivers seat.  The steel siding, seat, and partition just behind the driver’s area is ripped open by Alexia body and everyone stares at Alexia as she rips through the side of the bus.  The first thing that catches everyone attention is her superb muscular shape and her fitness.  The second item that everyone notices is she tore through the side of the bus with her body, and her hands were behind her back.


Alexia looks at Tina as says to her, “Did I interrupt something Tina”?  To which Tina replies, “Of course not, you are just in time.  This gentlemen and I are discussing his brain and its proper function in his body”. 


Alexia laughs and says, “Probably not much of an intellectual discussion, but I recommend you show everyone his brain”.  Both Tina and Alexia laugh as Tina says, “That’s a good idea”.


Tina then turns around to the guy, looks him straight into the eyes, pushes her breasts forward and crushes the thick baseball between her tits until it is crushed into a pile of wooden splinter.  Tina then looks around and sees a steel pole stretching from the floor to the ceiling of the bus. The steel pole is just a support for someone to hold when moving around in the bus.  Tina just uses one hand to grab the pole and with a gently pull of her hand tears the pole out of the floor and the ceiling with the same pull of her strong hand.   With the over 2 meter steel pole in one hand, she grabs the guy who insulted her early by his belt and lifts him off the ground and hold him straight out about a meter off the ground.  He had to curl his upper body to prevent his head from hitting the ceiling of the bus.  Tina then rotates her hand and turns the guy upside down and grabs one of his legs with her one hand.  The super girl then takes the steel pole, wraps it around his ankle as if it were a tie wrap, being careful not to hurt the guy, and then bends the other end of the steel pole in to the shape of a hook.  Tina then pushes the hook shaped end of the steel pole through the roof of the bus directly over the aisle and when she lowers the pole, the wiseass who insulted her early is now hanging like a side of beef from the ceiling of the bus. 


“Let’s see his brains,” yells Alexia, and Tina immediately spins the guy around, grabs his belt and pants with her hands and tears is pants and briefs off with one pull of her hands.  Both girls laugh as Alexia yells out, “Your correct Tina, his brain has not yet matured”.


“Well Alexia, it’s your turn to have some fun.  What do you have in mind”, asks Tina?  “Remember, you can have anything you desire”.


Alexia takes a deep breath, stretches out her arms, thrusts out her ever enlarging breasts, and poses her nude body the bus load of physical fit athletics.  You could hear a pin drop for a second.  That was until almost every guy in the bus grabbed his swollen cock to keep it from exploding in his pants. Alexia then begins a slow walk down the aisle of the bus and stops just past the first row of seats.  She puts her hands on her hips and sways her hips into the side of the seats and effortlessly bends the steel frame of the seats with her curvy hips.  She then turns around and looks at the four young guys in the two seats and says to the guys, “Would you please take your hands off your cocks so I can get an estimate of its size.  Three of the guys immediately take their hands off their cock and Alexia stares at their manhood and just shakes her head.  She then picks up the young stud on the outside seat and makes him stand on the seat.  Alexia then uses her hands to tear his cloths off his body.  The young stud is in his football uniform and he was very muscular and fit.  “What position do you play on the team”, asks Alexia and she uses one finger of her hand to rip open his jersey and expose his chest and shoulder pads his is wearing.   “AH, AH, AH, safety on defense and tight end on offense replies the young guy is a somewhat scared voice”.  “OOOOH” replies Alexia, “it looks like you work out a lot, nice muscle tone, and no fat, just the way I like men”, as she tears off his shoulder pads with a gentle tug of her hands.  “Now for the business end of your body”, coos Alexia as she uses her hands to tear off his pants, being careful not to hurt his manhood.


The young guy is standing there in the seat with all his clothes torn off and a super hard cock and he softly asks Alexia, “What are you going to do to me”?  Alexia just smiles as she replies, “I’m going to fuck you, right here, in this seat until you beg for mercy, and then I’m going to fuck you some more until you can’t even think, and then I’m going to fuck you some more, but remember, you can always say that you had firsts”.


Alexia then looks at the other young student in the same bus seat and says to him, “Would you please find another seat, I’ll need all of this seat”.  The young student quickly jumps out of his seat and runs for the back of the bus.


Alexia just smiles at the young student she has just stripped nude and in a sexy and soft tone of voice says to him, “Is there anything you would like me to demonstrate as I use my extremely strong body to extract every ounce of pleasure from your body. Now sit down in the seat and give me your wish list”.   The young student doesn’t say a word; he’s to scared to talk.  But he does sit down in the center of the bus seat and Alexia position her long powerful leg along the outside of his legs.  Alexia then places her arms on his shoulder and bends over at her waist.  This causes her tight, firm rear to push into the partition between the front door of the bus and the front seat.  Alexia firm rounded ass bends the steel bars and pushes them aside and as she sways her ass back and forth the entire partition is slashed from the floor and the side of the bus. Alexia then straddles the young man as she places her legs up on the seat and rocks her body back and forth and pushes her tits into his face.


And just as Alexia grabs the young man’s super swollen cock and places it inside her hot, tingling cunt, he says to her, “Would you just pull some of the metal framing from this seat apart and wrap it around your nipples and then crush it between you tits as you fuck me.  For some reason I thing this is going to be an extremely pleasure full experience for me”.  Alexia smiles at the young football player as she lower her body onto his manhood.  And then says as she spreads her hands apart and grabs the steel frame on the back of the seat and tears if from the seat, “This is my first time and I expect it to be fantastic”.


Alexia starts to rock her hips in a rhythmic pattern, slowly at first and at an ever increasing rate and at the same time lays the steel pole that was once the back frame of the seat across her nipples and slowly bends the steel pole around her nipples, twice.  Both Alexia’s and the young students heart rates increase drastically in pulse rate and Alexia, with her superior strength, keeps her hips moving at an ever increasing pace that the young man cannot possible match.  Alexia grabs the ends of her huge tits with both her hands and pulls the steel frame from around her nipples and pushes it into the cleavage of her chest. The steel frame tears into several pieces as her nipples slice the steel apart. And as she humps the young man merciless, the natural bouncing of her large muscular breasts crushes the steel framing into nothingness.


Alexia can see that the young man is getting exhausted and he needs more encouragement to keep his cock hard, so she decides to express to everyone some more of her strength.  And without missing a beat, Alexia uses her right hand to grab the bus seat next to the one she is using and simple rip the seat and the two students occupying the seat from the floor and the side of the bus.  The sex crazy Alexia then lifts up the seat and the two students over her head and does a series of lifts in direct opposition of the movement of her hips.   Alexia uses two hands, then one hand and then switches her hands, and Alexia likes the way her upper shoulder muscles and biceps are responding by expanding to their maximum size. Finally the two guys on the seat cannot hold on any more and fall off the seat.  Alexia then just crumbles the seat and metal frame with her hands into a ball as if it’s made out of a sheet of newspaper and reduces it to the size of a golf ball before throwing it through the bottom floor of bus.


Alexia then looks down at the poor young man she is screwing and the looks on his face tells everything.  He has surrendered himself to totally exhaustion, but he has a smile on his face that will last another week.


Alexia looks at him as says, “Oh come on, I’m just starting to get some sexual pleasure and I like it and I want more, lots more sexual pleasure”. Then Alexia stands up, looks at the young guy and yells “SISSY”.  


Alexia waste no precious time as she steps to the next row of seats, carefully but rapidly scans the four guys in these two seats and selects one that appeals most to her.  She then grabs him by his pants, and tells the other three to move out of her way.  Alexia then uses her free hand to tear the back of the seat off so only the bench section is left and pushes the young stud down on the bench forcing him to lay down on the bench.  Alexia uses both her hands to strip the baseball uniform off his body and it only takes her about 2 seconds to strip the young guy completely nude.  Alexia then walks over the bench section and stands directly over his nude body with her legs straddling both the bench and the young ball player just at his groin. “Your dick resembles a flagpole, lets see it I can make it resemble a big thick utility pole” yells Alexia as she closes her muscular legs just enough to crush the side of the bench in slightly.  Alexia then sees two football helmets as asks for them in a commanding voice.  A young stud quickly gives her the two football helmets and Alexia replies in a super sexy voice, “Thanks, and your next”.


Alexia places the two football helmets in the palm of her hand and then directs them towards the ends her enormous and still growing breasts.  Alexia laughs as she notices that her breasts have increased in size to the point where they make the football helmets looks rather small.  “Lets see if my modest tits will fit inside these huge helmets”, Alexia says as she rubs the face guards against her nipples and breaks the face guards into tiny bits of broken material.  And as the helmets attempt to slide over her breasts, everyone can hear the sound of the solid fiberglass composite cracking as Alexia’s tits are much larger than the helmets and something ahs to give.  At the same time Alexia lowers her body and womanhood into the stiff cock of the young guy she has laying on the bench part of the seat.  Alexia is getting very excited and this time she doesn’t start out slow with her body.  She pounds the poor guy with her strong body fast, hard, repeatedly, and with no mercy for she craves pure pleasure.  And at the same time users her open hands of push the football helmets onto her breasts until she completely fractures the fiberglass helmets into small bits and pieces.  Alexia moans and screams as she receives sexual pleasure from the young stud, but even a strong young athlete cannot endure Alexia quest for pleasure.  The young stud is screaming in both pleasure and pain as Alexia continues to ride his cock, but after a few minutes, he too surrenders and goes totally limp with a looks on his face that indicates complete satisfaction.


In the meantime, Tina has walked to the front of the bus and anticipates that Alexia is not going to be sexual satisfied with just two of the young men, and she can tell by the expressions on her face that she truly enjoys demonstrating her strength as she fucks the young men into submission.  So Tina goes up to the front of the bus and jerks the entire steering column and steering wheel out of the bus with her one hand. And with her other hand, she pushes it through the front dash of the bus and slams it into the thick iron and steel of the bus’s motor until she has her hand half way into the engine block.  Then with a gently lift and pull, tears the engine and transmission out of the front of the bus as if she was plucking a cherry from a tree.  The front of the bus resists Tina abrupt advance for about a mille-second, but Tina’s strength simply tears the motor mounts to shreds, twists and bends the frame like a pretzel, and the entire dash, front window, and firewall are split wide open as Tina brings the motor into the bus and over her head with only her one hand.


Alexia looks at Tina and says, “Are they for me to tease with my body”?  And Tina responds back to Alexia in an upbeat tone, “Of course they are for you to tease with your strength and your body”. 


Alexia then just carefully lifts the young man she has laying between her legs and gives his limp body to some of his fellow students and then uses her super powerful leg muscles to crush the bench section of the seat complete in half with nothing more that a flex of her thigh muscles.  And at the same time grabs the guy who gave her the two helmets and starts stripping the uniform off his relatively fragile body.


Alexia continues through the bus, demonstrating her extreme strength, fucking student after student, and posing to show off her fantastic body.  And she does this while ripping and tearing parts off the bus’s motor and destroys them with nothing but her powerful and well-developed body.  Alexia continues to work her way through every row of the bus and as she finally reaches the last row, the one student she is fucking finally causes Alexia to have a serious organism.  Alexia screams with pleasure as she yells at the young student, “Come on again, you can do it, just one more time”, but it is to no avail.  For Alexia as extracted every gram of energy from his body, as she rides his cock as if it were a bull riding event.  Finally Tina says to Alexia, “He’s finished Alexia, I doubt if he will regain consciousness for a least a week.  And don’t you worry; there are lots more men out there and we have to be going.  We need to get ready for the big party tonight”.  So Tina uses her one hand to rip the rear door of the school bus completely off the frame of the bus and toss is aside like a piece of paper and jumps down to the ground. But she uses her hands to grab the steel frame of the rear door as she jumps and completely tears the back of the bus completely off.  Alexia then turn around to observe the inside of the bus as she yells to the students, “I hope you enjoyed my little escapade, I know I did”, as she blows then a kiss and then walks out the side of the bus and uses her body to tear through the steel siding and says to Tina, “You already remove the back door, I had to find another way out of the bus”.


Tina snickers as she says to Alexia, “Now lets destroy the remnants of this stadium, find a ride, and get ready to party. And Alexia, lets have a foot race the length of the stadium.  The only stipulation is that you must run through all the support columns”.  “Great idea yells Alexia as both girls go to the end of the stadium.  “I’ll take the outside columns and you take the inside columns”, yells Tina and then she yells “GO”.  Both girls use their extremely strong bodies to instantly get to full speed and their gigantic tits started to bounce around.  And as both girls hit the massive concrete columns with their bodies, the reinforced concrete literally exploded and their swaying breast blast any remains off to the side.  The young students in the bus watched in amazement, as Alexia and Tina never slow down as they ran through meters of thick solid concrete.  Tina however, did use her hands as she also pushed up on the concrete columns as she ran directly through them and she gave them a slight upward push, which caused the columns and the upper part of the stadium to go crashing over on itself.  When the girls exit through the last column, both girls turned around and laughed at the destruction their body has caused and Tina says to Alexia, “I believe we both just set new world’s records in the 100 meter dash”.


“Now lets go around to the front of the stadium where are clothes are located and you made that reference with your tits early today. I want to see the comparison as you create a new reference and push your tits completely through the wall”, says Tina. And as the girls go around to the front of the stadium, Tina sees a several thousand ton slab of concrete steps that had flip over and came to rest on the lower section of the stadium wall.  “Damm, I hope we didn’t smash our clothing or crush that wall when I flip this section of the stadium over, Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to flip this slab back over again”, says Tina as she places her hands on her waist, leans over from her curvy hips, and places her large breasts under the edge of the concrete slab.  And with a mild upward lift of her powerful body and a flick of her tits, Tina’s sends the tons of concrete flying end over end until it lands on the buses in the parking lot on the other side of the stadium.  “Mere child’s play”, says Tina as she looks at Alexia, “Now lets get our clothes and check to see how big your tits have grown”.


Alexia trots over to the concrete wall where she had originally made an indentation with her breasts and begins to laugh.  “Fantastic, my tits are now many times larger”, yells Alexia as she pushes her tits into the indentation.  And as Alexia places her hands behind her head and flexes her shoulder and chest muscles, her super sized nipples and tits burrow into the harden concrete wall until the her tits burst completely through the wall and explode the concrete.  She then turns sideways and says to Tina as her tits rip out another meter of the thick reinforced concrete, “You are right, there’s nothing I cannot do with my strength and I love this feeling of invincibility”.  To which Tina replies, “And just think, you’re just beginning.  It gets much better as you get more and more practice.  Now lets go get a ride to the party”.  So Tina And Alexia get dress and start walking towards the school to see if someone will give them a ride.


Tina has her usually tight outfit on which barely covers her body and Alexia loose fitting blouse is now much tighter across her chest and she can only fasten it with the two bottom buttons. “I like this,” says Alexia, “Just being able to show off my large tits and deep cleavage without fear of some guy taking advantage of me” as she clasps the ends of her breasts and forces the firm womanly flesh up through her open blouse.   “I definitely plan to use these babies to my advantage,” says Alexia.  And just then both girls see a police car with it light flashing coming directly towards them.


“Oh shit” says Tina, “Someone has called the local law to investigate what is going on here”.  “What going to happen to us Tina” says Alexia, “I never thought about the police”.


“Don’t worry about anything Alexia, just do as a request and you can have some fun with the police car”.


The police car, with its sirens screaming, slides sideways and come to a stop just a few meters from Tina and Alexia and the local sheriff just out of the car with his weapon pulled and says to the two young girls, “Your under arrest for blowing up the stadium with explosives, now put your hands in the air”.  Tina puts her hands on her hips, however, Alexia puts her hands over her head, which causes most of her massive tits to pop out of her blouse and Alexia says to Tina, “He’s got a gun”.  Tina snickers back to Alexia, “Put your hands down Alexia, that gun is only a toy to our bodies” and what is that over the hill, overweight, fat, slob of a sheriff going to anyway”.


The overweight sheriff simply stares at Tina and Alexia, two teenagers, who are very beautiful and very very build.  Both girls are displaying most of their firm young breasts through their blouses and have not followed his instructions.  And to break the silence Tina yells at the sheriff, “We don’t have time for your shit, we have a party to attend and liquor to get.  Now get back in you fucking car and drive away before we disassemble your stupid car with our tits”.  The look on the sheriff’s face was priceless, he just stood there gawking at Tina and Alexia and finally says again, “I said put you hands over your head”, as he point his gun directly at Tina.


Tina looks at Alexia and says. “I can’t hear a thing that asshole is yelling with the siren screaming and those blinking lights are giving me a headache. Would you please find a way to stop that noise and those lights”?


Alexia looks at Tina and says, “With pleasure” as she walks towards the police car with an air of arrogance and directly over to the bar on the roof of the car that holds the siren and the lights.  Alexia then just reaches for the bar with her right hand and clasps her finger around the bar and slightly crushes the bar before she tears the bar completely off the top of the car with a single pull of her arm.  The siren and lights immediately quit as the electrical wiring is severs along with part of the car’s roof from the steel bar.  Alexia holds it up in the air in a gesture of triumph and then lowers the bar with the lights and siren still attached and places it between her powerful leg muscles.  And as she closes her leg together, she pulls the bar through the narrow opening between her muscular thighs, not only are the lights and sirens stripped clean form the bar, but the bar is crushed to half it original thickness by Alexia super thigh muscles.


Alexia crumbles the remains of the steel bar into a glob of scrap metal with her one hand and then goes and stands directly in front of the fat sheriff and says with a big smile, “Now give me that useless gun before you hurt yourself”.  The sheriff doesn’t say or do anything; he just stares at the young girl who ripped the light bar off the top of his car with her one hand with effortless ease.  Alexia takes a deep breath, reaches out with her right hand and takes the gun from the sheriff.  The scared sheriff doesn’t resist and Alexia looks back at Tina and says; “Now what, this guy is ready to have a heart attack”.


Tina looks at Alexia and says, “I guess it’s time you learned about the fun you can have with guns”. But first, why don’t you impress the older officer with an illustration of your superior strength by picking up his car with your one hand as you flex your biceps.  Then mangle it slightly with your young sexy body.  So Alexia walks over to the drivers side of the car near the front wheel and pushes her long thin fingers down through the fender, tearing apart the sheet metal with her fingernails, and then down into the steel frame of the car.  She rotates her hand around, mutilating everything her soft feminine hand touches until she believes her has a section of solid metal and then raises the car over her head with her one hand and stands there with the car in her one hand and a gun in the other.  Tina looks at Alexia and says; “Now point the barrel of the gun into your deep soft cleavage and gently, very gently pull the trigger several times”.  Alexia smiles as she obeys Tina command and places the gun barrel into her cleavage and fires three quick shots.  “Blam! Blam! Balm! Fires the 9-millimeter automatic. And Alexia says to Tina as she turns around towards her with a surprised stare on her beautiful face, “Nothing happened, except for some loud noise”.  To which Tina replies, “There should be three bullets lodged in your cleavage Alexia, take a closer look.


Alexia replies back after a closer examination as says, “You’re right, there are three pieces of crushed metal in my cleavage”. 


Tina responds back to Alexia, “Just dig the useless bullets out with your fingers”.  So Alexia just reaches into the firm soft cleavage of her breasts with her fingers and removes the three bullets.  Unfortunately, Alexia used her hand that was holding up the police car and when she reached for the bullets in her cleavage, her forearm and hand sliced through most of the front end of the car completely annihilating the tire, steel rim, brakes, and the steel frame of the police car.  The mutilated police car immediately falls to the ground and onto Alexia left leg where a gently kick of her leg sends the car flying end over end for several hundred meters.   Alexia just shrugs off the incident and says, “These bullets are kind of soft”, as she crushes them out of existence with a gentle squeeze of her hand.


“Try the gun on your nipple”, commands Tina.  So Alexia undoes the one button holding her blouse closed, cups the end of her large firm tit in her left hand and raises her tit so she could see her nipple.  Alexia doesn’t even hesitate a second as she position the gun only a few centimeters from her nipple and pulls the trigger three times.  “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!  That felt good”, screams Tina, as three bullets slam into her super hard and super sensitive erect nipple and then ricochet off her nipple and bounce around between her tits before falling to the ground.  Alexia’s gleaming smile tells everything as she then takes the gun and begins to place the muzzle of the scrawny gun barrel over her nipple.  The gun barrel is 9 millimeter and made of harden steel, Alexia’s nipple has swollen to much larger than 9 millimeters and is much harder that any steel.  The results are academic; Alexia’s aroused nipple splits open the steel gun barrel with extreme ease as she gently presses the gun barrel down over her nipple.  She then fires the gun several more time in rapid session and screams with pleasure as the first bullet smashes into her nipple and the remaining bullets only reinforce the pleasure.  Alexia nipple feels the bullet as it explodes against the top of her nipple, but all that occurs is the bullet is crushed; her nipple doesn’t indent a micrometer. However, the gun cannot take the exploding pressure and the end of the barrel burst open and resembles more of a flower than a gun.  Alexia, then in a spurt of pleasure, squeezes the remains of the ruined gun into the end of her breast with the palm of her open hand until it is reduced to a pasty metallic substance that oozes out from between her fingers. 


Alexia then licks her fingers with her long moist tongue to remove the molten steel from her hand and then turns to the older police officer and says to him in a soft cooing voice, “Got any more guns, that was sort of pleasurable and I have other locations on my body that I would like to tease with those soft bullets”. 


The older police office just stares at Alexia and her super shapely breasts and muscular body.  He stares intently for a few seconds, doesn’t say a word and then faints.


Tina looks at Alexia and says, “Typical of an overweight man who doesn’t exercise, they just can’t take the strain of watching us use our bodies to do simple little things like crush guns with nothing but our breasts.  Now lets go find a ride and start the party”.


Tina and Alexia start walking towards the main parking lot of the school and Alexia says to Tina, “I enjoyed that gun, those little bullets tickled my nipples.  Do you thinks we can get some more guns from some other police officers”?  Tina laughs as says, “That gun is a pea shooter compared to what’s available Alexia. I have some friends over at the army base that have fired high power rifles, heavy machine guns, and artillery shells at me, and last weekend they used three of their latest and most powerful tanks against my body.  They started to fire their shells at over 500 meters as I walked straight towards the tanks. And with their computer aided aiming systems, every shot hit my breasts or cunt, not a shot was wasted.  I stopped just a meter from the 3 tank barrels and was ready to ram my tits into two of the barrels and cram the third barrel inside my cunt to get some additional pleasure, but all three tanks used all their ammo.  But not to worry, those young, relative strong, oversexed army guys promised me this weekend that they would not run out of ammo.  Maybe I should see if they have 6 tanks and you can join me”.


Alexia smiles and yells back to Tina, “YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, That sounds like fun”.


And as the young girls continue to walk towards the parking lot, they chit chat about girl stuff and pay no attention to the fence the talked through, the corner of the refreshment building they demolished, the ticket booth they annihilated, the light posts their bodies push aside, the traffic signs their bodies bent over, the fire hydrant then smashed into the ground, and the concrete road barriers they pulverized with their legs.  The two young super hot chicks finally arrive at the circle driveway of the school just as a car with two young students pulls up next to Alexia and Tina.


“Would you girls like a ride” request the young student who is riding shotgun in a broken tone of voice.  The broken tone of voice was caused by the fact that his tongue was wagging out the side of his mouth after her got a close up look at the bodies of Alexia and Tina.


Alexia quickly looks at Tina and says, “MEN, let’s play with them”.  Tina stares back at Alexia with a strange look in her eyes and responds, “Alexia, these two are just young immature boys and not worth the effort.  They probably have already creamed their jeans and it’s probably their mother’s car”.  Alexia giggles as she turns to the guy and says, “Better go home to your mother”, and she does this as she flexes her muscles to the point of bursting her clothing off her body.  The two students immediately retreat to the seats of the car and slowly pull away from Alexia and Tina.


Alexia and Tina only take a few steps when another car with two guys pulls up and the one guy yells to Alexia and Tina, “Hop in the car babes and we’ll show you a good time, we can celebrate graduation with a bang”.


Alexia smiles as she looks at Tina as says with a question in her voice, “MEN”?  To which Tina quickly responds, “No, not MEN, they’re IDIOTS, but they’ll do, jump into their car and we can negotiate the use of their car”.


Alexia and Tina immediately jump into the back seat of the car and make themselves comfortable. Both young girls stretch out their young strong bodies and expose as much of their smooth young chest as possible.  They press their generous oversized tits into the back of the front seat headrests, making sure they bend the steel posts just enough to cause a puzzled looks on the faces of the guys in the front seats.  And after a short conversation, both of the guys are positive they are going to get a piece of ass and ask the girls where they would like to go.


Tina says in a very sexy voice, “We are to meet our friends for an ice cream social in the gym of our high school, would you be kind enough to take us there”.  The driver turns around and stares directly at Tina who is squeezing her enormous tits with her hands and says, “Sure, an Ice Cream Social. How about you jumping in the front seat with me and I’ll treat you to a real special social”.


Tina replies, “Great, stop the car and I’ll trade places and I’ll show you what my body and especially by big tits can accomplish”.


The driver instantly pulls into a shopping mall, slams on the brakes, and the guy riding shotgun jumps out of the car to allow Tina to switch seats.  However, both Alexia and Tina get out of the car and Tina yells to the driver, “Get out, Alexia and I are taking your car for our own personnel use and pleasure”.   The driver looks at Tina and replies back is a sarcastic tone, “Sure bitch, now get back in the car so we can get down to business”.

 “You fucking asshole, don’t you ever call me a bitch”, screams Tina as she scampers around to the driver’s side of the car. And just as Tina reaches the other side of the car, the driver jumps out and he slaps her in the face with his open hand.  “Ouch!!!!  What the fuck” screams the driver in an extremely painful tone of voice as he grabs his hand and holds it to help relieve the pain.  Tina grabs the driver with her one hand around his throat and lifts him off the ground as if he weights only a gram.  She looks him straight in his eyes and yells, “For hitting me, I should throw you back in your car and crush you and your car to the size and shape of a casket.  However, we need you car to get us to our graduation party.


Tina is still holding the wise guy up in the air as she scans her eyes around and spots a 15-meter high metal street lamp.  “That will do”, Tina says as she looks at Alexia.  “Would you bend that metal light post down and towards me Alexia?  I have an idea on how to punish this jerk”.  So Alexia walks over to the metal lamppost and places her firm round young ass against the metal pole.  Alexia’s ass dents the metal inward and as she reaches up behind her head with her hand to grab the pole with her hand, the young muscular girl stretches out her body as she raises herself on the tips of her toes.  Every muscles on Alexia’s body expands to define their shape and firmness and her ass slides up the pole and crushes the metal pole inward about 10 centimeters.  Alexia calves and thighs revealed their awesome shape; her ass easily reshaped the metal pole. Her tits were now huge and pointed straight out from her chest and as Alexia begins to bend the metal pole over her shoulder with her one hand, her biceps expanded and doubled in size.


The metal pole simple obeyed every muscle in Alexia’s body and bend down and across her shoulder, and Alexia also pushes the pole in the direction of Tina.  When the metal support arm the holds the street lamp is low to the ground, Tina grabs the support arm with one hand and pulls it towards her.  She then takes the guy she is hold by the throat and wraps the metal support arm around his waist, twice and tightly.  Both Tina and Alexia laugh as the guy wiggles and squirms and curses at Tina.  “There’s no way you’re going to get out of this situation”, says Tina as she signals to Alexia to raise the pole back up.  Alexia turn around and uses her hands to straighten the pole back up.  There are a few dents in the pole and it’s slightly crooked, but the end result is the asshole that slapped Tina is going to be stuck on top of this pole for a long time. 


The other guy is slightly more intelligent than the driver and he says nothing as he watches Tina and Alexia. The jerk that is stuck at the top of the pole is screaming obscenities at Alexia and Tina louder than a politician begging for money.


“It’s off to the party”, yells Alexia, as she jumps into the passenger side of the car. But Tina looks back at Alexia and says, “It’s such a gorgeous spring day, why don’t we put the top down on this convertible and enjoy the sun on our bodies and the wind in our hair”. 


Alexia looks at Tina in a strange stare and says, “This isn’t a convertible”.  To which Tina replies back “Alexia, we’ll just tear the roof off the car and make it a convertible”.


“Ops Tina, I just wasn’t thinking.  Now let’s remove the top on this car and get to the party store”, says Alexia.


Tina stands on one side of the car at the front door and Alexia on the other side when Tina says to Alexia; “Lets crush the top of the car off with nothing but our big tits.  The view that asshole should have from the top of the lamppost will be spectacular and besides, I did promise him I show him what my big tits can accomplish”.  Alexia laughs as she opens her blouse again and begins to push her enormous tits against the roof of the car.  Tina does the same thing on her side of the car and as both young, super strong girls begin to push their breasts inward, the metal top of the car’s roof starts to crush inward.  The steel roof is push inward and the steel folds back onto itself as four gigantic tits press into the steel.  Tina and Alexia’s nipples slash through the steel likes it’s made of wet tissue paper.  Their breasts slice the steel apart like a sharp knife through soft butter.  It takes about 5 seconds for the two girls to push their tits together and every scrap and piece of steel caught between the ends of their tits is crushed out of existence. And as their tits meet at the center of the roof, Tina and Alexia continue to push their tits into each other’s and watch as their massive mounds of young firm flesh rise up and encircle any remaining steel. The upheaval of their cleavages cause any remaining parts of the car’s roof caught in their cleavage to be crushed into a vapor or pushed off to the sides. The two girls delight in having their breast tear apart the roof and even more as their breasts compress into each other’s.  “OOH that feels good” says Tina, “I like the feeling of your tits into mine and especially of steel being crushed at the same time”.  Alexia responds by simply pushing her tits harder into Tina’s.


With the front section of the roof completely crushed out of existence, Tina and Alexia simply grab the remaining section with their hands and walk towards the back of the car.  The roof is completely torn off the car as if it were a sheet of paper from a notebook.  Tina then takes the section of metal roof and sends it sailing across the parking lot with a simple flick of her wrist.  With the entire roof missing form the car, Tina and Alexia jump into the car and drive away.  Both young girls keep their blouses open to allow the bright sunshine to warm and tan their enormous breasts.  And as Tina drives away, she flips the finger to the guy who she just wrapped around the top of a lamppost.  


Tina only knows two ways to drive a car, her foot to the floor on the gas pedal or her foot to the floor on the breaks.  She wheels out the parking lot with the tires smoking and races at high speed up the street.  But just before she leaves the parking lot, Alexia sticks her hand out the side of the car and grabs the steel post of a street sign.  He fingers sink into the steel post and she crinkles it slightly as the steel post bends at a sharp 90 degree angle and with a gently pull of her arm muscle, she completely pulls it out of the ground as Tina speeds away.


“What does the sign say”, inquires Tina?  To which Alexia replies with a snicker, “STOP”.  And both super girls laugh as Tina speeds up the street and weaves in and out of traffic.


“Well, we have about a half hour before we meet the guys at the party store to purchase the booze, in the meantime, let’s create all kinds of mischief, I’m in a bitchy mood” says Tina.  “Oh YES”, responses Alexia, “Let’s start the mischief with our sexy bodies and finish with our extreme strength”.  So Tina heads for the highway at over 160 kilometers an hour and Alexia stands up in the front seat of the car.  The warm wind against her body felt great and her hair streamed straight back.  And as Tina drove in and out of traffic, Alexia would offer her huge tits to truck drivers and when they tried to touch her tits, she would tears off the side mirror of their truck, rip off the door, and slice long opening in the side of the truck with her open hand. When Alexia got close to a pickup truck, she would rip off the tailgates from pickup trucks with a simple twist of her wrist and then throw the tailgate at overhead highway signs.  Tina would drive close to cars and smashes or crush the door handles of cars with her hand and use her middle finger to punch holes in the side of the car to resemble bullet holes.  The two super girls are having fun when all of a sudden they hear the whine of a siren and the flashing of light from behind.  “DAMM IT” yells Tina, “It’s the cops again.  Will they never learn”?  Alexia responds by saying to Tina in a depressing voice, “Great! Another fat, overweight, stupid, old slob, who believes he’s a god because he has a gun”.


Tina pulls over to the side of the road and turns the motor off.  She puts her hands on the steering wheel and says to Tina, “We’ll give him about a minute to read us the riot act, then we’ll tear his fucking car apart piece by piece, you can start in the front and I’ll start in the rear.  And by the way, no hands allow”.  Alexia just smiles back at Tina and says, “I get to gently play with his gun”.


The police car pulls up directly behind Tina’s car and the officer sits in the car for about a minute reporting in on the radio the license plate of the car.  Finally, the police officer gets out of the car, puts his hat on his head, and starts to walk towards the front driver’s side of the car.


“HOLY SHIT”, screams Alexia, “His body is mine”.  And as Tina turns around, she realizes the reason for Alexia screaming.  This officer is tall, young, muscular, well build, good looking, neat, and professional.  He walked up to the side of the car and says to Tina and Alexia in a professional manner, “The reason I stopped your car is that you were doing twice the speed limit”.  However, he slows his speech way down towards the end as her get a better gander of both Tina and Alexia.  Alexia is kneeling on the front seat with her tits expose and she is flexing her muscles and pushing her breasts forward.  Tina has her tits pushed into the steering wheel and her cleavage is complete exposed and pushed up.


Tina replies to the officer in a sad voice, “But officer, I through I was doing at least 3 times the speed limit”.


The officer shakes his head as he ponders the answer and then says to Tina, “I need to see your license, registration, and proof of insurance.


Tina smiles as she replies in a sexy voice, “Well first, I don’t have a driver license because it was revoked last month.  Secondly, since we stole this car, why would we need a registration?  However, I do have insurance and these babies are all the insurance I need”, as she kneading her enormous breasts with her hands.  The young officer looks straight at Tina and says in a straight professional tone, “Both of you are going to jail if I do not get straight answers”.


Tina and Alexia chuckle as Alexia says back to Tina, “Can I play with his gun before I fuck the living daylight out of him in the back seat of his car”.


“Sorry Alexia, it’s my turn to fuck someone and this fine young specimen of a man will perfectly fulfill my sexual desire”.  And while Tina is talking to Alexia, she reaches out with her one hand and grabs both the belt for his gun holster and the belt for the officer’s trousers.  Tina wraps her fingers around both belts of the police officer and squeezes half way down, insuring herself of a solid tight grip, and pulls the officer close to the car door.  The officer at first tries to jump back but this is a useless effort. The officer then takes his hands, places them around the slender wrist of Tina, and attempts to remove her hand from around his belts. Nevertheless, the officer soon learns it would be easier to remove a solid steel hydraulic piston from a bulldozer than Tina’s slender arm. The officer attempts to twists, yanks, pulls, and pushes Tina’s hand away, he even tries to pry her finger apart but it’s all in vain, as Tina lifts him off the ground with her one hand and turns him sideways.  Tina then uses her other hand to reach for the officer’s gun.  Tina long fingernails easily slice the officers leather holster open and she removes the gun and holds it in her hand.  The officer then yells at Tina, “Miss, that weapon is loaded, please give it back to me”. 


“The weapon is loaded, Boohoo Good”, replies Tina as points the weapon directly at Alexia. “Let’s unload it quickly so no one will get hurt”, say Tina as Alexia thrust her tits forward and places her massive cleavage only a few centimeters from the weapon’s barrel.  Tina looks at the officer’s face as she pulls the trigger and empties the entire clip of bullets into Alexia cleavage.  Alexia “coos” as each hot bullet slams into her breasts and gets lodged in her cleavage.  Once the gun is empty, Alexia takes her hands, places them onto the end of her breasts and pulls her mighty tits apart.  The crushed useless slugs of hot metal fall from between her tits and into the floor of the car.


The officer’s eyes open fully and his cock get super hard as he looks down at Tina and says, “What’s going one here, her bare breasts just stopped 10 bullets and she didn’t even flinch, in fact she seem to enjoy having bullets fired at he body”. 


Tina replies to the officer she is holding up in the air by his belts by saying, “I’ve notice that not only are your eyes fully open but you manhood has also open to its full upright position.  The young officer response to Tina and Alexia, “Strong young woman turn me on”.   “Well”, replies Tina, “If strong women turn you on, you’re in for one hell of a treat; because both Alexia and I are stronger than your imagination can possibly comprehend.  Now watch this little trick with your weapon”.


Alexia looks at Tina as says “What’s the difference between a weapon and a gun, aren’t they the same thing”.  To which Tina replies, “The young studs at the Army Base taught me the difference between a weapon and a gun.  The metal object I have in my hand that shoots bullets is a weapon, and a gun is the object this young man has between his legs that is long, hard, and throbbing.  One is for shooting and one is for fun”. To which Alexia responds, “Why don’t you crush that weapon between your tits and then unload his gun”.


Tina laughs as she takes the weapon she has in her hands and places the handle between her tits with the barrel pointing straight up. Then with a slight inhale of breath, her tits clamp the handle of the weapon with such a force that you could hear the metal crush.  Tina only crushes the handle to the point that it would be impossible to remove the weapon from her chest without tearing it apart.  The super sexy and super strong Tina then looks at the young police officer and says, “Now watch what just my moist tongue, lips, and mouth can do to the steel barrel of this weapon”.


Tina is still holding the police officer with her one hand and has no intention of letting him loose, but she does put him back down on the ground.  She then stares him in the eyes and starts to bend her head down towards the barrel of the weapon she has lodged in her breasts.  And as she turns her head around, Tina sticks out her tongue and presses it against the barrel of the weapon.  Tina’s moist tongue plays and teases with the gun barrel, first bending it to the right and then to the left.  She pushed it forward and then brings it back with nothing but her tongue.  The steel barrel responds as if it is made of soft foam and the sound of steel bending and cracking caused the young officer’s heart to start beating faster.  Tina continues her teasing by forcing her tongue into the barrel of the weapon and the barrel splits apart into strings of steel as she drives her tongue several centimeters into the weapon.


Tina then opens her mouth and places it over the long barrel of the weapon and uses her lips to crush the split end of the barrel back together. She pushes her lips down slightly further down the barrel and gently massages the steel with her lips, forcing the end of the barrel to resemble the head of a stiff cock. But her final tease was to place her mouth completely down the barrel of the weapon and work her mouth up and down the barrel.  Each time she completed a pass with her mouth, Tina made certain she crushed the barrel of the weapon into a different shape.  The young police officer responded by grabbing his overheated cock with both hands.


Tina then raises her head back up and looks at the young officer and says, “Now watch this, nothing but tits”.  The young officer watches as Tina inhales and forces her huge breasts forward.  The handle of the gun is squeezed with such a force that it’s completely crushed to the thickness of rice paper.  The barrel of the gun, which now has no means of support, then falls over and lays down in Tina’s massive cleavage.  Tina then grabs the ends of her tits with her hands and slowly starts to bring them back into her chest.  And as she pulls her breasts back, her cleavage rises and encircles the barrel of the weapon and the officer can see and hear solid metal being crush as if it were a soft fresh marshmallow.  Tina release her breast and relaxes her body and as the cleavage of her tits recedes, the officer only sees a puff of vapor exiting Tina’s tits as she has completed crushed the weapon out of existence.


“I better take this young man aside before his cock explodes” Tina tells Alexia, “I’ll need a few minutes with him in his car so he can verify I have nothing to hide with my body”. 


“That not a problem”, replies Alexia, “I’ll just amuse myself with some of these big trucks that are whizzing by and honking their horns, I’ll honk my tits in response”.


So Tina lifts the young officer over her head, opens the car door, steps out of the car, and strolls to the police car, carrying the officer with her one hand.  When she arrives at the police car, she puts the officer down and asks him a simple question, “Do you want to FUCK in the front seat or the back seat of your car?  To which the officer replies in a surprised tone of voice, “FUCK”?????


“Men” says Tina, “they just can’t make up their minds on a simple fucking question.  And as Tina looks inside the car she says, “To much junk in the front seat, let’s use the back seat”.  But first, let’s turn off these stupid blinking lights on top of your car.  The young officer replies, “The switch for the lights is on the panel by the radio”.  Tina snickers as she replies to the officer, “I don’t need a stupid switch”, as she simply grasps the light bar on the top of the car with her free hand, pricks her fingers into the steel bar, and tears it off the top of the car with a gentle pull of her arm muscles.  The clamps securing the light bar to the roof also tear part of the roof as they are jerked free.  Tina then flings the entire assembly with her wrist and sends it sailing over the horizon.


Tina then grabs the door handle for the back door and pulls it completely off the door with a pull of her fingers, leaving a jagged hole in the sheet metal.  The officer says to Tina, “The door is locked”, as he watches Tina crush the door handle in the palm of her hand with her fingertips.


“Not a problem” says Tina as she then pushes her fingers through the medal side of the car at the junction of the door and the rear quarter panel.  She then slides her hand downward, easily slicing the steel with her fingers and when her hand is just below the door window; Tina swipes her hand sideways and crumbles the door as if it was a sheet of paper. The door locking mechanism ruptures from the steel frame and easily breaks apart.  Tina then squeezes her fingers around the crumbled metal and tears the door off the car with a single twist of her smooth hand and she yanks the door hinges off the frame of the car and wrenches them in half.


“Damm, there’s still not enough room in this car, this cheap steel grate is in our way”, says Tina, as she grabs the steel grate that extends across the entire back of the front seat to protect the driver from passengers in the rear seat.  Tina’s fingers claw at the grate, completely ripping the steel grate to shreds until she has sufficient material collected in her hands, and again she just jerk the steel grate out of the car with a flick of her wrist.  The bolts holding the grate rip out of the steel frame of the car with the force of exploding bolts.  Several jagged holes remain in the frame of the car from where the bolts once secured the steel grate.


Tina looks at the police officer and simple point her eyes to the back seat and the young stud jumps in the back seat.  “I don’t’ know if this is a dream or you are a Goddess, but I’m not going to do anything to interrupt this situation”.  Tina just smiles at the young stud.


Tina also climbs into the back seat of the car and quickly removes all the clothing from her firm, young, and muscular body.  She sits next to the young man and using her gentle hands, rips both of his belts in half with a sideways tug of her hands. Tina waste no time as she rips his pants and shorts off his body and shreds them to rags with her soft longs fingers.  Then Tina straddles his legs with her long firm thighs and says to him, “We need more room, these front seats are in the way”.  So Tina pushes her long legs backward and pushes both front seats forward.  Her powerful legs crumble the metal seat frames and as she continues to push her legs forward, rupturing the two front seats from the floor and pushes them into the front dash of the car.  “Now that better, we have some leg room, but my head is going to hit the roof once I begin to pound your meat into raw hamburger”.  So Tina raises her hands over her head, pushing her hands completely through the roof, severing the sheet metal with ease, and reaches for the back of the roof.  Using her fingers, Tina pusher her long fingers through the sheet metal, grabs the roof, peels the car’s roof back over her head, and pushes it towards the front of the car. “There, that better, now we have plenty of room”, Tina says as she raises herself up and accepts his manhood into her hot moist pussy.  Tina looks at the young stud, starts to swing her breasts across his chest and her super hard nipple get caught in the buttons and seams of his shirt, and her nipples rip his shirt open exposing his bare muscular chest.  Tina continues playing with the officer uniform with her nipples and when her right nipple hits his badge she says to the officer, “You won’t be requiring that badge any more, let me take it as a souvenir”.  So Tina grabs the metal badge with her fingers, rips it off the officer’s shirt with her fingers, and places it in the palm of her hand.  The super Goddess then presses the palm of her hand into the end of her breast and crushes the badge around her nipple to form a piece of jewelry.  The young officer looks down at his badge that Tina has crushed around her nipple and says to Tina, “I’m in trouble, but for some reason I don’t care”.  Tina continues to ride the young stud, slowly increasing her speed and penetration of his manhood and enjoying every bit of pleasure she can harness from the young stud.


In the meantime, Alexia is wasting no time enjoying herself and her new strength as she stands next to the highway and is posing her muscular body for everyone to observe that drives past.  Alexia plays with her now enormous tits and to show off her extreme strength, she collects sections of the steel guardrails that line the highway and bends the steel rails effortlessly with her hands.  Alexia folds the steel over several times and then places the steel between her tits where she squeezes it together and she kneads it with her breasts as if it were soft bread dough.


Alexia’s uses her body to consumes about a 100 meters of guardrails, steel posts, concrete foundations, highway signs, and, steel cables.  She crushes the material between her tits, between her thighs, or simply bends, folds, and squeezes it with her hands until it a useless blob of scrape metal.  However, Alexia is getting very bored; she wants to play with big stuff, like the18-wheel trucks that are passing by at high speed on the highway.  Although Alexia knows she has incredible strength, she is somewhat reluctant to walk in front of a speeding tractor-trailer.  So she slowly walks out onto the highway and car, trucks, tractor-trailers start to swerve to avoid hitting the young girl.   Finally, an 18-wheeler approaches that is speeding down the highway and the driver cannot avoid slamming into Alexia.  He has the brakes locked but he still slams the right side of his truck directly into Alexia’s body. Alexia was standing in the middle of the traffic lane with her hands on her hips and her huge tits thrust forward.  There was an enormous crash and the sound of metal buckling filled the air. In addition, the entire right side of the truck compresses back several meters.


The young officer, who is having his meat barbequed by Tina, is also noticing all this unbelievable action on the highway.  The officer exclaims at Tina, as he is huffing and puffing from the pleasure workout Tina is giving him, “Your girlfriend was just run over by at large truck”.  To which Tina coos back, “Don’t worry about Alexia, she will be ok. It’s the truck I’m worried about”.


The officer again hollers, “The entire right side of the truck is destroyed, and, and, and your girlfriend is walking out of the crumbled metal of that truck and she is ripping it apart likes it tissue paper. She doesn’t appear to have a scratch on her young soft body”.


“Your girlfriend; it’s impossible that she not injured”, screams the officer again, “Now she is lifting the entire truck with her one hand and she now has it lifted over her head.  She’s holding onto the thick steel frame of the truck just behind the cab with only her one hand and is doing rep after rep as if the truck didn’t weigh a gram.”  The officer again looks at Tina and says, “Look at the bulging muscles on that young women, and she’s doing feats of strengths that are impossible, but they are really turn me on”.  To which Tina replies in an excited tone of voice, “Yes I know, your cock has remained super hard and I’m about ready to loose my cookies to the third time.  Now keep it up”.


“That Alexia is exercising with that truck with only her one hand, her other hand is on her waist.  And it looks absolutely effortless for her to lift that truck repeatedly over her head”, screams the officer as he grabs Tina slender waist with his hands in an attempt to slow her pounding of his meat and says, “Could you calm it down to a 10 on the Richter scale”.


“Oh!  Oh!  Oh!  Tina, keep it going, but slow it down, your are bouncing the car around”, screams the officer to Tina, as he is receiving more pleasure that he has ever experienced.


“She’s now holding the truck’s frame up in the air with two hands”, screams the officer with absolute pleasure in his voice, “She must be getting tired or losing her strenght”.   Tina flips her hair back in a sassy manner and says to the officer in a broken but sexual voice, “Alexia isn’t tired, that impossible, and I’m just getting started with my sexual pleasure, how about if I go to 100 on the Richter scale, think you can keep it up”.


“Oh shit, Alexia is folding that truck in half by bending the steel frame with her hands.  She has completely folded that truck in half in about two seconds”, the officer says as his heart is racing at over 120 pulses and most of his blood is in his cock.


“I can’t believe this, your girlfriend is shredding apart the rear wheels and tires of the truck with nothing but her monstrous tits on her chest. Metal is bending, tires are being ripped apart, her nipples are slicing everything to shreds, then it’s being crushed, then ripped and torn  again and with nothing but a set of huge knocker”, yells the officer.  Then the officer screams to Tina, “Enough! Enough! Tina Enough!


Tina does not say anything for she is enjoying the sexual pleasure the young stud is sharing with her.  She has reached a full climax several times but she is capable of continuing this sexual exercise for hours and doesn’t want to hinder the young officer from his sexual fantasies and his ability to keep his cock rock hard.


“The one meter thick steel springs on the truck, that girl just tore the off it a pull of her hand, and placed them between her legs where they were just crushed in half by her inner thighs, and she did it by just flexing her huge leg muscles.  How is that possible?” screams the young stud as he begins breathing extremely hard and his pulse rate and blood pressure almost explode his heart.  The young officer looks at Tina, holds her tits with his hands, pushes his fingers into her soft flesh, and says, “I can’t take it any longer, you are absolutely fantastic”.  The young officer rests his head against the back of the car seat, closes his eyes and enjoys one last bit of pleasure from Tina, who is still pounding his body at a feverish rate.  Tina finally let out a scream of pleasure that blasts out the rear window of the car. She looks down at the young man and realizes he has passed out from the workout and pleasure she has shared with him.


Just at that moment, Alexia arrives at the police car and says to Tina, “Are you finished with the young stud, I’m done with that truck”?  To which Tina replies. “I’m nowhere near finished with my sexual desires, however, this young specimen of a man was fabulous but he can only physical last for so long”  Tina gives the young man a kiss on his lips, stands up in the back seat of the car, collects her clothing, and walks straight out the car via the front.  Her body tears the remains of the car in half as her thighs slice through the dash, her breasts explode the front windshield and roof apart, and her hips push the motor through the front grill of the car and into the highway.


Both Tina and Alexia get back into their car and drive off as if nothing occurred.  The highway is littered with smashed vehicles and a completely destroyed police car, but all Tina and Alexia are talking about is the excitement they are going to have at their graduation party.  Alexia does ask Tina how the young stud preformed in the back seat of the car and Tina replies, “He was great, however, I could use about 10 more just like him just to get me warmed up for tonight”.  Alexia laughs and suggest that they permit themselves get caught speeding again.  Tina responds in a disappointing tone, “Sorry Alexia, we need to get to the party store.  If my reasoning is correct, half the police officers in the county will eventually show up at the party”.


Finally, Tina and Alexia arrive at the party store and several of their friends are waiting, and one of their friends has a full size pickup truck just as Tina has requested.  When Tina and Alexia get out of their car and walk over to their friends, both girls hear the same words utters by the friend who likes Alexia. “Is that Alexia? Look at the fucking body on her, it’s absolute incredible”.


Everyone gathers around and starts to talk when Alexia’s boy friend” says, “How are we going to purchase all the beer, wine, and liquor?  It will cost hundreds of dollars, and besides, we are all under age and not allowed to purchase liquor.


Alexia laughs, as she stares straight into the eyes of the young student that admires her and says as she grabs her titanic tits with her hands and begins massaging them to show off her deep cleavage, “These babies are all the identification and credit I need to purchase all the liquor  we require for tonight’s party. Now just watch what two super strong and super sexy Goddesses can accomplish with nothing but their sexy bodies”. 


Tina and Alexia then walk towards the front door of the liquor store and both girls are flaunting an air of arrogance and Alexia says to the group, “Come on inside with us, you will definitely enjoy the show, and at no time will our hands leave our waist”.  Tina and Alexia arrive at the door to the liquor store and both girls laugh as they ready the signs on the door.  The first sign reads, “You must be 21 to purchase alcoholic beverages”, and the other sign says, “PULL”.  Tina turns her head to Alexia and says, “Why do they put such stupid signs on doors”, as Tina presses her large chests muscles against the door’s frame as begins to push inward with her breasts”.


To be continued: