Graduation Day 

Tina celebrates her graduation from High School.  Part 3

By Pat Mallon



WARNING: Only suitable for those over 21 years of age.



So Alexia starts walking directly to the parking lot that stores the buses and remembers rule 1.  She must walk past three massive concrete columns that support this end of the stadium and then through a 3-meter high chain link fence that is topped with barbed wire.  The concrete columns measure 2 meter wide by 1 meter thick and are place about 20 meters apart.   And as Alexia approaches the first column she raises her right arm, strikes a pose that show her well developed arms muscles and then smashes her fist straight into the center section of the 2 meter side of the concrete column.  Alexia fist blasts into the concrete column all the way up to her elbow and she blasts a jagged hole completely through the concrete that is over a meter in diameter.


“WOW” screams Alexia as she continues to the next column and again smashes her right hand into the concrete pillar.  Except this time the young muscle Goddess strikes the 1-meter thick side and sends her arm completely into the concrete.  And again the concrete explodes violently and a gapping section over a meter deep and wide is removed from the pillar.  Tina laughs as she looks at the pillar as sees over half of the concrete column missing and she accomplished it with just a punch from her arm muscles.  And as Alexia approaches the third column she notices that its is set out about a meter from the first two pillars which means the column better move or she will have to walk through the pillar as rule 1 defines.


“ Please step aside column”, yells Alexia as she advances towards the massive column and places her hands behind her head and stretches out her arms to flaunt her arm and shoulder muscles.  And just as her upper body muscles expand to show their shape, firmness, and size, Alexia’s super hard chest muscles make contact with the 1-meter wide section of the concrete wall.  The wall instantly cracks as her firm tits tunnel into the concrete and her solid legs muscles slam into the wall with the force of billions of tons of energy.  The concrete wall utter disintegrates and explodes outward as Alexia body pushes the concrete and steel reinforcing bars aside as if it were a special effects scene done with smoke and mirrors.  It only takes 4 steps by Alexia super power leg muscles and 2 seconds in time for the young woman to march through the column and complete amputate the entire section.  And as she passes completed through the concrete column, the upper section comes crashing down as the enormous weight of the upper section of the stadium pushes against the supporting concrete column.


Alexia dusts off her youthful body with her hands to remove the crumbled concrete from her soft tan skin and says to Tina, “That concrete column is just like most of the guys at school, if would not listen to a simple request to politely move out of my way”.  Both girls laughs as Tina replies, “Most guys will now listen to you, and the few that don’t, well then, you are going to have some gratification as you crushingly express your displeasure with their lack of respect to you”.


Tina, who has been diligently teaching and permitting Alexia to have all the pleasure, now decides to show off a little of her strength, so she walks up the that last concrete column that Alexia just walked through and stands directly in front of the column.  The extremely strong and chesty Tina then pushes her enormous breasts about a half meter into the collapsed column with absolutely zero effort.  The totally nude and incredibly stunning Tina then bends forward, extends her right hand, and reaches for the bottom of the concrete column.  And as she lean forward and bends from her slender shapely waist, her monstrous tits quarry out a meter wide gaping scar in the concrete in a perfect arc.  Tina could care less as she turns to Alexia and declare “Rule 1 has just been applied and now for Rule 2”.


Tina’s now open her right hand, burrows it under the bottom of the concrete column and then she pushes her hand and arm completely under the column, crumbling concrete as if it were expensive dusting power.  And with a gently lift of her right hand she raises up the concrete column and the entire weight of the end section of the stadium in a non stop motion until she is holding the concrete column over her head.  “It’s lighter that I though”, says Tina to Alexia as she lower her right hand to about her shoulder.  “Now, I could just toss this column high up in the air but that’s in violation of Rule 2”.  So the super strong Tina just tosses the stadium support column up in the air about 20 feet and watch as it begins to fall back down to earth.  The young teenager then positions her hands on her firm young ass, thrusts out her massive breasts, and catches the concrete column as it fall back to earth with her super sized tits.  The support column crashes down on her outstretched breasts with the force of a tornado, but Tina’s titanic tits don’t sag a micrometer.  The concrete just compacts and crumbles as it shapes around her chest muscles.  And with Tina holding the column and part of the stadium with her supreme chest muscles, she simply starts to bounce her unbelievable breasts up and down.  The concrete support column responds as if it’s a ping-pong ball, bouncing up and down over 20 feet in the air with nothing more that a synchronized flick of Tina’s mighty tits.


“Rule 2 Alexia, just use sexy parts of your body to play with everything” Tina says as she gives her meter long breasts one last upward thrust and sends the concrete support column and the entire end of the stadium flying into the air where a 50 meter section of the stadium just folds itself over onto the far end of the stadium with a thunderous crash.


“Fucking fabulous Tina”, screams Alexia, “But I don’t have your fantastic meter long tits with 3 centimeter long nipples to toss things around. But I’ll improvise with my muscles”.


Tina looks at Alexia and replies, “Yours learning the Rules quickly, but just wait another hour or so”.


Alexia just looks at Tina as says, “I’ll learn more and more in time, but right now I see about 50 school buses and a 3 meter high chain link fence topped with bard wire that requires strict disciplinary action. And my body is ready to dish out the punishment”.  And as Alexia walks up to the 3-meter high chain link fence, Tina says to her in a loud voice, “I’ll bet you won’t require any of my assistance like the last time you place you body against a chain link fence”.


Alexia laughs as she struts her nude muscular body up to the chain link fence and spreads her feet apart directly at the base of the steel fence.   The young powerful woman then spreads her arms apart and uses her long fingers to grab the fence as she poses her body in several views to show off her perfectly developed and muscular shape.  And as Alexia pushes her breasts and well-rounded hips into the chain link, she notices that this time her body is reshaping the chain links and not the chain links shaping her young female body.  Alexia slowly moves her body around on the fence and enjoys the feeling of her entire powerfully built body playing with the fence.  Her long fingers pull the chain links apart as if it were made of thin string.  Her curvy hips scrape into the metal links and the fine hairs of her hot moist cunt grind and shred the chain links into tiny bits of metal.  And at the same time Alexia firm pert breasts easily spread the chain links apart and she enjoys the way the fence shapes around her body. Then she swings her firm pert breasts back and forth and instead of her swollen nipples strumming across the chain links as before, her now super hard nipples slice the metal chain link apart like a sharp knife through rotten cloth.  Final, Alexia grabs a hand full of the fence with her fingers and pulls the fence downward.  The steel support pipe at the top of the fence is pulled down along with the chain link fence and as soon as Alexia can grab the steel pipe with both her hand she pulls the steel pipe down past the front of her superior body.  The thick steel is no match for Alexia strength as her fingers crush the metal as if it were soft foam and the 15-centimeter diameter pipe simply bends as she lower her arms. And just as the steel pipe reaches she shoulders, Alexia flexes her powerful chest muscles and her breasts becomes a mass of solid muscle that thrust outward. 


Alexia places the steel pipe directly on top of her breasts and is eager to allow her tits to mangle the steel into a useless pile on scrap, when she notices several strands of barbwire directly in front of her eyes. The young Goddess pauses for a second and then says to Tina, “I haven’t licked a thing with my tongue or lips today, lets see what I can do with this bard wire”.  Tina yells back as she also walks up to the chain link fence. “What out for those barbs, their probably rusty and taste terrible”.  Alexia snickers as she reaches out with her moist tongue and seizes a strand of the sharp wire with her tongue and brings the bard wire into her mouth.  She then slides her partially open mouth along the wire and permits her soft red lips to rip off the steel bards as if they were soft sugar candy on a string.  Alexia tears off several bards with her mouth and crushes them with her lips before she simply takes a short breathe and inhales. This action sucks about 10 meters of this strand of bard wire into her mouth.  And the 10 meters of barbed wire disappears into her mouth as if it were spaghetti and the barbs are just stripped from the wire as they strike her soft red lips.  The sharp bards didn’t have any effect on Alexia’s lips and didn’t even ruin her lipstick.  The young super girl then squashes the steel wire in her mouth until is a flat disc and then spits it out and says to Tina, “ Yuk, you are correct, it doesn’t have a pleasant taste”.


Alexia promptly continues with her original strategy and that is to push the steel pipe down pass her firm large breasts, so with both her hands on the steel pipe, she lower the steel pipe past her breasts and watches as the 12 centimeter diameter steel pipe bends outward to conform to her soft round tits. And as Alexia continues to lower her hands and the steel pipe, she listens and enjoys the sound of steel bending around her firm tits.  Finally the steel reaches her firm aroused nipples and it’s no match, for Alexia nipples are millions of times harder that any steel and her nipples simply slice through the steel like a metal grinder through tin foil.  Alexia raises and lowers the 12-centimeter diameter pipe past her breasts several times until both her nipples slice completely through the pipe.   And as Alexia lower the pipe for the final time past her breasts, she watches as the remaining strands of barbwire come in contact with her breasts.  She positions herself so that the razor sharp barbs are directly in the middle of the breasts and then slides her breasts back and forth.  The sharp bards have no effect on her smooth, soft, flesh; the sharp point can’t dent, scratch, or even leave a mark on her skin.  About the only thing that occurs is the steel barbs are bend and flatten as then slide past Alexia super body.  Finally, Alexia pushes her breasts upward and her nipples cut the remaining strands of barbwire in half as if they were made of cobs webs and not the super hard steel from which they were originally constructed.


Alexia looks at Tina as says, “Pure child play, when do I get to pay with real toys”, as she pushes the remains of the steel pipe, and chain link fence almost to the ground and steps over the fence with her one leg.  “Let’s see how easily by leg muscles can slice steel”, Alexia says to Tina as she lets go of the steel pipe once her legs are straddling the fence.  The chain link fence, being compressed with Alexia super strength all of a sudden is released, and it springs back into shape and has only one direction to travel and that is directly upward.  And the fence has no choice but to follow Alexia legs and it rams directly into her hot cunt.  Not only does the fence slam into her cunt, but also the top section of the chain link fence is twisted into sharp barbs where the links meet.  And this caused Alexia to screams with extreme pleasure as the fence and its sharp barbs slam into her pussy.  Alexia immediately grabs the fence with her right hand and pushes a handful of it against her pussy, instantly crushing fence, and steel tubing into a hot metal liquid that run down her legs. “Damm! That felt great”, yells Alexia as she starts to walk forward and lets the sharp barbs of the chain link fence scrape across and into her pussy, and within a few meters arrives at the section of the fence that has the barb wire still attached, which only enhances the pleasure Alexia is already receiving. Tina can tell by the expressions on Alexia’s face and her moans that she is enjoying this new sexy and superior strength feeling, as her super hot pussy slicing sharp steel to shreds.  Alexia continues to walk and uses her hands to cram the fence, supporting poles, and bard wire between her powerful and muscular legs, forgetting that her initial plan was to simply slice the fence in half.


Tina arrives at the chain link fence and uses her hands to gather an entire 3-meter tall section of the fence, several meters behind Alexia. Then Tina uses her extreme strength to fold the 3-meter section of fence in her hands as if she was gathering soft silk fabric and yells “ALEXIA”.  Alexia turns her head around to see what Tina wants and all she sees is Tina whip backwards the section of chain link fence he has folded over in her hands.  The entire chain link fence is instantly pulled backwards and within a second, over 100 meters of fence is forced to go through Alexia powerful legs.  The scream from Alexia is deafening, as her pussy slices the upper section of the chain link fence, steel poles, and bard wire apart with extremely efficiency. And the pleasure of the steel scraping and rasping her cunt causes her to grab sections of the steel pipe, spread her legs open, and then attempt to ram these sections of steel supporting poles up into her cunt.  But not having the experience of using her newfound strength and sex together at the same time causes Alexia to simply crush the steel poles against her pussy without any of the steel poles entering her body.


After Alexia calms down and her pulse rates comes back to normal, she turns to Tina and says in a puzzled voice, “I hope this doesn’t mean I can’t have sex with the guys tonight, I was hoping to screw the guys by the dozens”. And then she tosses aside the section of steel pipe that she just had the end crushed into the shape of a mushroom by her cunt and closed her legs and watches as her super strong leg muscles slice the remains of the fence material in half.  Alexia takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh and says to Tina, “Does this mean I can’t have a man’s hard shaft penetrate by womanhood”?  Tina shakes her head and replies back to Alexia,” Of course you will be able to screw anybody you desire, all it takes is some practice.  Remember, you are now billions of times stronger that the hardest steel made my man, and you just need some time to develop the relationship between your strength and your sexual desires. Believe me, it will only take a short time and by the time we are finished with those buses, you will be able to screw anything you desire.  There are plenty of shafts on those buses for you to practice screwing and understand your relationship between sex and strength.


“SHAFTS”, replies Alexia.


“Yes, COLD HARD STEEL SHAFTS”, answers Tina, “Camshafts, crankshafts, drive shafts, power shafts, half shafts. That’s how I learned to use my strength for sexual pleasures.  You simply apply your newfound strength to tenderly detach the steel shafts from the buses and then you practice basic screwing by teasing your womanhood with the shafts.  It takes a few tries before you can properly insert a solid metal shaft inside your body without crushing it into nothing.  Then it’s easy to play with the solid metal shafts and enjoy their sexual pleasures as you gently massage them around the inside of your body.  That is until you decide to use your strength and crush it out of existence with nothing but your womanhood”.


“Let’s get fucking started”, screams Alexia as both super girls run towards the parking lot full of big yellow school.


Alexia is first to arrive at the rear of the first bus and places her hand under the rear steel bumper of the bus and quickly raises her arm expecting to easily lift the bus.  However, the quick jerk of her super muscular arm tears the steel bumper off the bus and rip the bolts out of the frame that hold the bumper to the frame. “Shit”, screams Alexia as she crumbles the steel bumper into a small ball with her hands as if it were a sheet of newspaper and then throws it aside, blowing out a tire on a bus in the process.  “Well Alexia, it looks like you will need some coaching from a pro”, says Tina, “These buses, along with everything else must be handle with extreme delicate care.  That is unless you want to completely destroy the object instantly.  Now gently lift the bus, slowly, using only one hand and show me those well-formed muscles of yours”.


Alexia smile as she turns towards the bus and gently grabs one of the bus’s steel frames that she just tore the bump off and slowly raises her arms.  The entire school bus is lifted off the ground in an arc until it is completely vertical.  Then Alexia says as she starts to raise and lower the bus with her arm to do some reps, “This thing is extraordinarily light, I expected it to give me some resistance. I could do reps with this thing all day long and not get tired at all”.  Tina answers Alexia by saying, “Just pick up another bus with your other hand and see if that makes any difference”.


Alexia then walks over to the rear of another bus and using her other hand, also lifts this bus vertical over her head and starts to exercise her arm muscles by lifting both buses up and down her full arms length.  Alexia laughs as she looks at her arms and says, “Well at least my muscles are responding, look at them bulge.  But I can’t feel any weight as I lift these buses”.  Tina replies back to Alexia, “Remember rule 2. Use your body sexually to lift or destroy the bus, that way you will get that tingling in your body, now let me show you how to lift a bus”.  Alexia drops the buses back down on the ground and steps back to allow Tina to show off her special techniques. 


Tina walks up to the rear of another bus and places her long hard nipples directly under the center of the rear bumper and quickly flips her two massive tits upwards. The bus sort of jumps but the end result of this operation is that Tina’s nipples slice through the steel bumper in two places and the center section between her nipples just falls to the ground.  Then Tina pushes her tits against the bumper and watches as her nipples first dent the tough steel and then with a slight increase in pressure her nipples poke a hole through the steel with a loud popping sound and then the ends of her tits just bend the bumper around a section of the steel frame.  And as the young woman continues pushing her huge breast forward, the steel bumper and frame have no choice but to become wedged in her massive cleavage until almost a meter of bend steel is wedge between her tits.   Tina then leans forward and the bumper and frame of the bus bend downward from the force of her incredible strength until the frame is bent at a 90-degree angle.  This powerful force also causes the rear tires on the bus to flatten and explode.  And with the frame now bent at 90 degrees, Tina stands up straight and lifts the bus vertically with nothing but her tits, and turns to Alexia as says, “Rule 2, NOTHING BUT TIT”.  Tina then very slowly pushes her tits forward and Alexia can hear and see the steel captured between Tina’s titanic tits being squeeze out of existence.   It takes Tina about 10 second to squeeze the steel to a point where it cannot support the weight of the bus and the bus comes crashing back down to the ground with a powerful thud. She continues to push her tits forward until the remaining steel caught between her tits oozes out her cleavage as a super hot paste.


Alexia looks at Tina as she cups her breasts with her hands and says, “Your tits are slightly larger then mine.  I just wish I had half your tits”.  Tina replies to Alexia, “Now just do as I request and maybe your dreams will come true.  Now lets go around to the front of these buses and finish destroying them”.


Once at the front of one of the buses, Tina says to Alexia, “Now use your one sensitive nipple to lift the front of this intimidating bus completely off the ground”.  So Alexia responds by places her left breast under the bumper and pushes upward until her nipple snags the harden steel and she lifts the front of the heavy bus off the ground with no apparent physical exertion.  Alexia then says to Tina, “How’s this”, as she slides her nipple back and forth under the bumper and creates a horrible screeching sound as her nipple slices the steel bumper into thin steel shaving as easily as food slicer cuts lunchmeat. Alexia finally slices the bumper in half and the bus falls to the ground and as Alexia turns to look at her friend, Tina says, “Now just climb up onto the hood of the bus and rub you body against the front of the bus and mangle everything that your body touches”. “Okay”, relies Alexia. “Now Watch what my body can do to the front of this piece of shit”.


Alexia is becoming more and more familiar with her new super strength and is learning what she can achieve and mangle with her incredible strength.  She looks at the bus with a deadly stare, spreads her arms out sideways, pushing the remains of the bumper out of her way, and grabs the steel frames of the bus and lifts it off the ground. Her arm and shoulders muscles expand as if she is in a world-class body building competition.  At the same time she thrusts forward her unyielding breasts and begins rocking the bus back and forth with her hands.  And as she brings the bus closer to her muscular body, her tits and nipples start to tear into the front of the bus and Alexia is not sympathetic.  She pulls the steel frame of the bus around her nude body and shapes the steel frame into the rounded cheeks of her solid ass and at the same time maintains her gorgeous body swaying back and forth.  Alexia’s nipples and tits chop and dice the front of the bus into fragments of scrap while the hair on her pussy rasps and grinds metal into coarse shavings.  And the young lady shows no mercy to the front of the bus as she also lower and raises her arms and the frame of the bus to ensure that everything is absolutely demolished.  It only takes about a minute for Alexia’s powerful body to strip away the entire front structure of the bus.  The headlights, the mirrors, the sheet metal of the side and the hood, the steel supports bars, the steel cross member, the tow hooks, the radiator, the wiring, and all hoses are brutally shredded to scrap metal by Alexia sexy muscular body. Chunks of torn metal were flying off the front of the bus faster than any car shredder ever manufactured could produce. Then Alexia drops the steel frame and lets the bus fall back down on the ground and then grabs the top of the large exposed motor and pulls herself upward.  And as she raises her body, Alexia’s breast carve two deep valleys into the upper section of the iron engine, while her pussy crushes and grates the fan, water pump, and pulleys on the front of the motor.  Once on top of the motor, Alexia turns her body around facing the front of the bus and permits her legs to slice the steel sides of the engine compartment wide open.  Then she wraps her muscular legs around the engine block and says to Tina, “I’ll just flex my leg muscles a little and watch how this contraption between my legs reacts”.


Tina laughs as she says to Alexia, “Why not break off those two “thingamajigs” on the engine and squeeze them into your breasts at the same time.  From my experience they are constructed of harden metal and usually tingled my nipples as I crush them into my tits”.  “What “thingamajigs” are you referring to Tina, I’m not knowledgeable about cars; that’s a guy thing”, replies Alexia with a smile.  “Oh those “whatyoumacallits””, says Tina as she points to the alternator and the air compressor that are solidly secured to the engine block with large bolts and steel brackets.  Alexia laughs and says to Tina, “Oh those things”, as she reaches out with both hands and places her hands under the alternator and the air compressor and rips both devices off the engine with a gentle pull of her arms.  The heavy duty bolts holding the devices into the engine block basically tear out of the metal block and the brackets bend and finally rupture apart as Alexia raises them to her breasts.  “Hold those things lengthwise against the end of your tits Alexia, there’s more metal to crush and you can savor enjoy that special feeling a little longer”, yells Tina.  “Ok” replies Alexia as she places the two items, one against each breast and starts to slowly squeeze the alternator and the air compressor into her tits with her hands.


Alexia laughs as the two objects in her hand begin to take the curved convex shape of her breasts as she undeniably crushes the steel object into her tits with her bare hands.  She then says to Tina, “Now watch my legs as I stretch my toes out to show off my thigh and calf muscles”.  It takes about 1 second for the result of Alexia stretching out her legs to produce a result as her muscles expand and slice the engine block, motor mounts, and steel frame in half.  But before Alexia can respond, the front section of the huge engine and Alexia fall to the ground with a solid thud.  Alexia is startled but unhurt, however, she loved the feeling of the engine rubbing against her cunt so much that she crushes the alternator and the air compressor into her tits so quickly and with such force that both object explode into super hot vapor and plasma. And then she leans forward and uses her one hand to grab the remains of the engine block and forces it up between her legs and into her cunt.  The steel and iron of the engine block turn into a substance the resembles soft modeling clay as it is crushed and squeezed between Alexia’s one hand, her powerful thighs and her throbbing cunt.  But the metal could not penetrate her enhanced body and oozes out around the upper part of her legs as her hand slams into her cunt.


“Damm it” screams Alexia as she stands up, picks up the bus with one hands and throws it sideways, sending it straight into the back of the stadium at supersonic speeds where it explodes into a million pieces on impact and blast a hole over 10 meters in diameter through the concrete.


“SHAFTS, Please Tina, show me how to get SHAFTS, so I can fuck something. I’M GETTING VERY HORNY”, Screams Alexia.


“Ok Alexia, let’s experiment with some COLD, HARD, THICK, STEEL SHAFTS”, says Tina as she walks along the side of one of the buses until she reaches the dual real wheels. Tina then turns around and says to Alexia, “Now let me show you some shafts that will tickle your womanhood, there’s always a shaft under the bus and another inside these large tires and this metal contraption called an axle.  Plus, I’ll enjoy extracting the steel axle out of the steel hub while applying RULE 1 at the same time”.   Alexia just watches as Tina turns her body towards the side of the bus and her massive knockers gouge out the metal side of the bus as her colossal knockers swing with her body and into the meal side of the flimsy bus.  Not only is there a massive hole in the side of the bus but Tina’s tits also shove and tear several seats out from the floor of the bus as her tits blast through the steel legs of the bus’s seats.  Then Tina leans forward and reaches for the steel hub of the rear wheels with her left hands and at the same time watches as her titanic tits sever and blast a massive meter wide gash in the floor of the bus.  Tina looks at Alexia and says with a sexy smile, “I never disobey RULE1, if something happens to get in the way of my tits, well that’s tough shit”.  The powerful young teenager then places her right hand under the 25 centimeters in diameter steel hub and squashes her fingers into the thick steel until it oozes from between her fingers.  She then begins to elevate the large bus off the ground.  And as Tina lifts the bus, her oversized breasts tear out the remains of the steel floor and frame of the bus.  Then as she raises the bus upward over her head with her one hand, Tina’s tits drive the dual tires of the bus back into the steel rims, ripping the tires apart as they pass her breasts.  Then, her tits crush the steel rims as easily a sledgehammer crushes rotten plaster.  And within two seconds, Tina has the bus lifted high over her head.  Alexia looks at the bus and says to Tina, “WOW, the damage to the bus resembles more of a bomb blast than anything else. But it’s those tits of yours and applying Rule1 that did all the real damage”.


Tina then lower the bus to about shoulder height and with her right hand rips off the remains of the crushed dual tires and rims as if she is pulling blossoms off a flower. The thick steel just breaks apart as Tina’s hand pushes through the steel rims and her fingers claw out the 12 steel nuts and the 3-centimeter thick steel studs that attach the rims to the axle.  With the wheels removed, Tina grabs the hub assembly again and with a rapid jerk of her arm, tears the entire rear axle assemble from under the bus. The rear axle, springs, and drive shaft are viciously torn form the under side of the bus and Tina places them in front to Alexia and lets the bus fall back to the ground.  Tina then says to Alexia as she curls the middle finger of her right hand and forces it through the steel casing of the real axle assemble, “The steel shafts should be inside this casing, come closer and I’ll show you how to open this casing without destroying the shafts”.  Alexia looks and Tina as she approaches the other two tires and says, “Rule 2, let me remove these tires”.  So Alexia steps over the two remaining tires and uses her super strong leg muscles to crush this set of tires and rims off the axle.  With the slightest pressure from Alexia thigh muscles, both tires explode and the two rims are pressed into a sheet of foil about the thickness of rice paper.  Tina looks at Alexia and says to her softly, “You’re learning quickly and believe me it fun to use our bodies and do anything we desire, and now for those shafts”.


Tina’s proceeds to use her middle finger to slice open the entire length of the rear axle’s steel casing.  It appeared to Alexia that Tina’s middle finger slices open the steel easier that a sharp box cutter can cut a box open and then Tina just peeled open the casing as if she was breaking a loaf of soft bread.  Then, using both her hands, Tina reaches inside the casing and grabs both the right and left side axle shafts and pulls them from inside the split open casing.  The remains of the bearings at both ends of the shaft are torn apart by the force of Tina’s pull as she lifts the steel shaft over her head as says to Alexia, “Now see how easy it is to do something if you know how and have the proper tools”. Both girls laugh as Alexia reaches of the shafts and says; “These should work, there about 5 centimeters thick, over a meter long, and appear hard”.  “Don’t let looks deceive you Alexia, they may appear hard but believe me they are very soft and easily damaged”.


Alexia gives the two shafts back to Tina and says, “What about this long shaft attached to the center of that thing you rip out from under the bus”.  Tina relies as she snickers, “That’s the drive shaft and it got bent when I removed the rear wheels”.  Alexia replies back to Tina, “But it a long thick shaft”. To which Tina replies, “Yes it a long, thick, hard shaft, but very bus has one as opposed to every guy, so I can get another drive shaft anytime I want.  And by the way, why not pick up that thick drive shaft and slowly crush it between your firm young tits, I think you will be surprised”.  So Alexia grabs the bent drive shaft with her hands and gives it a swift yank and tears it free from the rear differential of the bus sending metal pieces from the universal and the differential flying in all directions.  Alexia then places the 12-centimeter diameter shaft between her firm breasts, looks intently at her breasts and screams, “WHAT THE FUCK, this shaft fit completely in my cleavage and my tits can completely warp around the shaft”.  “Well it about time you noticed, for as part of become just a wee little bit stronger, your breasts will grow just a wee little bit bigger also”, replies Tina. “But Tina” says Alexia, “I’m a hell of a lot stronger, does that mean my tits will be a hell of a lot bigger”.  Tina replies in a sad soft tone, “I’m afraid they will be about as big as my tits and I’m highly envious.  Not because they will be as big as mine, but because with you muscular body, you will be able to control your super powerful chest muscles much more efficiently than I can control mine.  Which means you can use both those firm muscular monsters on your chest to mangle everything they touch or that gets caught between them”.


“Well Tina, how long will it take my little chest muscles to increase to the size of your breasts”?  “Well” says Tina, “Shortly, about the time we are done with these buses and the stadium.  But for now, lets see what your little chest muscles can do with that drive shaft. Use your imagination”.


So Alexia releases her hands from the steel drive shaft and she laughs, as the large round shaft remains solidly clamped in the shapely cleavage of her breasts.  Alexia then takes her hands and places them behind her head and starts to push her breasts forward. And at the same time displays her shoulder muscles as her entire upper body expand and forces her chest muscles to begin crushing the steel shaft in her cleavage. Tina “coos” as she hears the sound of metal being squeezed by Alexia breasts.  Then, Tina grabs the lower part of the steel drive shaft with her hand and starts to slide the metal shaft about a meter’s length up and down between Alexia breasts. And since Alexia’s large breasts completely surround the drive shaft, the entire shaft is softly crushed as Tina slides it up and down.  “Wow, talk about using your imagination” Alexia screams as she so slowly pushes her shoulders forward causing her firm chest muscles and her breasts to apply more and more pressure around the drive shaft. The shaft is hopelessly squeezed smaller and smaller in diameter as Alexia pushes her firm breasts forward until the drive shaft finally breaks in half.  However, Alexia continues to push her tits forward until the remaining steel trapped in between her breasts is crushed so tightly that it bubbles up in her cleavage as a hot liquid.


Alexia finally relaxes from her pose, puts her hands on her hips and says to Tina as she laughs, “I can’t wait until the next fucking asshole asks for a titty fuck”.   Then Tina says “I know what your referring to Alexia, and it very funny to watch the expression on a guys face as you firmly stroke his hard cock with your one hand and at the same time crush and flatten hard steel shafts between your boobs with absolute no effort at all”.


“Now speaking of hard things, let’s go inside another bus and find a worthy use for these hard long shafts I have in my hands”, says Tina to Alexia as she casually walks through the already damaged bus directly in front of her.  And as she walks into the side of the bus she completely blast an gaping hole in the lower section of the bus with her powerful legs and swings her tits back and forth to rips through the steel side and seats of the bus with ease.  Alexia watches Tina’s young powerful body absolute demolishes a section of the bus to useless ragged scrap metal.  Alexia takes a hint from Tina and says to her, “I’ll go through the front door of the next bus and follow RULE 1 and Rule 2”.  So Alexia also walks through the same bus a Tina and users her body to slice a path through the steel floor, sides, frame, and seats of the bus and exits the other side of the bus directly at the front door of the next bus in the row.  Alexia doesn’t pause for even a second as her young body continues through the front door of this bus. Her powerful driving legs and bouncing breasts make contact with the doors simultaneously, and the doors are immediately stripped off the steel frame of the bus and are blasted against the driver’s seat by the power force of Alexia nude muscular body.  And as Alexia enters the doorway of the bus, she rocks her shoulders back and forth and mangles the steel frame of the doorway.  Once inside the bus she stands in the aisle and looks for Tina but all she sees is Tina’s hand waving on the outside of the bus about half way down the aisle.  Tina hand is waving and she is signaling for Alexia to come to this location. So Alexia thinks to herself, “Rule 1” as she starts to strut to the center of the bus. However, the new super Goddess doesn’t walk down the aisle, she struts her legs down through the rows of seats on the one side of the bus and lets her legs tears the steel frame of the seats out from the floor. Then her thick thigh muscles grind and chew the metal frame and fabricated material of the seats into jagged pieces of material that fall to the floor.  And when Alexia arrives at the window where Tina is raising her hand, she does three things.  First she tears out another row of seats with a single swipe of her right hand.  Secondly, she tears out the window, frame and all, with her left hand so she can talk to Tina.  And third, she notices a peculiar inward protrusion in the side of the bus’s wall just above the floor.  So Alexia places her head out the side of the bus and looks down at Tina and the reason for the protrusion is very obvious.  Tina titanic tits were pressing into the side of the bus and starting to bend the steel siding inward.  Alexia stare at the sight of Tina’s boobs and says to her, “What a fucking sight, your massive tits are beginning to push through the steel siding of the bus and your tits haven’t yielded a millimeter.  Any red-blooded guy would definitely get a stiff cock looking at your tits from this position.   Tina just smiles as she looks up at Alexia and says, “If you think this is a good view, just go sit down on the other side of the bus and watch my tits as they come bursting through this cheap steel siding of the bus. Believe me Alexia, this little trick can turn any guys soft cock into a long solid shaft that’s almost as hard as steel”.  So, Alexia steps backwards and sits down on a seat and just looks at the bulge in the steel siding of the bus just above the floor.  And the bulge immediately starts to get larger.  It’s almost a meter across and a third of a meter high. And she can hear the steel stretching as it reacts to the extreme pressure being placed upon it by Tina’s tits.  The inward bulge grows to almost 20 centimeter and two distinct sharp points begin to form at the apexes of the bulges. “Your soft sensitive nipples are beginning to show through the steel Tina”, Alexia yells as she begins to play with her own nipples with her fingers.  And within a few more seconds it perfectly evident to Alexia that the steel siding of the bus has shaped itself to the perfectly rounded front of Tina’s tits and her nipples have pushed two points in the metal almost 3 additional centimeter.


“PING ----- POP”, two distinctive sounds echo throughout the bus as Tina’s nude nipples rupture the inferior steel siding and burst through the metal as easily as armor piercing bullets.  And Alexia can easily see that the sharp edges of the torn metal have no effect on her sensitive nipples.  And the steady pressure being applied by Tina only causes the steel wall to swell even more and her tits begin to rip open the steel around her nipples like a cannon shell through paper.  Alexia stares intently at the scene of Tina’s tits slowly bursting through the steel siding of the bus and this has a definite effect on Alexia.  She has been rubbing her long fingers across her own nipples and they are starting to get aroused. But Alexia desires that tingling sensation she knows comes with using her strength, so she reaches down with her two hands and grabs the steel frame of the seat next to her and tears two sections of the frame out of the floor with a gentle pull and twist of her hands. And although the bolts holding the seat frame to the floor of the bus held securely, it didn’t matter since Alexia strength simply wrenches out sections of the floor along with the steel frame of the seat. The young super girl then positions the torn out bus seat in front of her body and begins to wrap the steel frame around her breasts likes it made of twine and uses her long powerful legs to mangle the material that makes up the seat.   Alexia also continues to watch Tina’s massive tits split open the steel siding of the bus and is impressed by the fact that the steel simply is splitting apart and the shape edges of the ruptured steel have no effect of the smooth soft flesh of her breasts.  Alexia and Tina say nothing, as both super girls continue to show off their extraordinary strength. Alexia twists and bends the steel frame of the bus seat around her breasts and across her nipples until she has completely encircled her nipples and tits with the frame.  She then rub her open hands across her breasts and smears the hard steel into a hot molten liquid with just the pressure from her open hands.


Tina in the meantime finally pushers her tits completely through the side of the bus and then splits open the entire side of the bus by peeling apart the steel side with her hands as if she is opening a soft silk curtain.  “Hi Alexia”, Tina yells, “Looks like you have been entertaining yourself”, as she jumps up and into the bus. “Did you enjoy the sight of my breasts coming through the side of the bus”, Tina asks?  “ That’s awesome”, replies Alexia, “it actually started to get me excited”.


“Well, that nothing. You should see what it does to guys.  And by the way, it also felt great on my body.  And the thicker the metal, the more I enjoy the feeling of my nipples gouging out the thick metal.  I’ve pushed my breasts through steel doors, steel walls, steel plating, armor plating, weights, army tanks, and bank vaults”, Tina explains to Alexia.


Alexia takes a deep breath, looks at the two long hard steel shafts that Tina has in her hands and says, “I’ll wait until my breasts are a little larger before I attempt practicing on bank vaults and that sounds like fun.  But right now I want those hard thick shafts you have in your hands”.  Tina gives one of the shafts to Alexia and says to her, “Now remember, these shafts will flatten as easily as a marshmallow with your strength, so be careful”.


Alexia takes one of the meter long steel shafts and hold it in her hands approximately in the center and brings one end up to her mouth and gives it a lick with her moist tongue and notices that even a lick from her tongue is sufficient to slightly bend the shaft and place a gouge in the metal. “Woe” yells Alexia, “these shaft are easily bent” as she leans back on the seat, spreads her legs, and position one end of the shaft against her super hot cunt and attempts to insert the shaft into her womanhood.  Even with the slightest push of her hand, Alexia can feel and tell that the shaft will not penetrate her soft feminine body.  The end of the shaft simply mushrooms and the rest of the shaft begins to bend as if it were a blade of green grass.  Alexia tries to wiggle, rotate, and, rock the steel shaft as she applies pressure by all that occurs is the shaft bends and finally breaks at her hand.  Alexia screams, “Useless piece of crap”, as she turns her hands around and uses the other side of the steel shaft to again penetrate her super powerful body.  And again, the same effect as she quickly compress solid steel against her pussy as if it were cotton candy.


Tina laughs and Alexia replies, “It’s not funny, I won’t be able to have sex with the guys”.


Tina looks as Alexia as she hands the second steel shaft to her and says, “Now just relax, and thinks about pleasant moments in your life and the first time you has sex”. 


Alexia responds to Tina in a soft, low tone of voice, “This will be my first time with sex, I’ve been so preoccupied with developing my muscle I’ve never had time to get serious with a boy.  And now that I have this body, extreme strength, and have felt and have seen what you can accomplish, I want to make up for lost time and fuck everyone I can get my hands on”.


“Oh Alexia, NOW I understand”, replies Tina, “So lets just relax and dreams about who you would like to fuck for your first time”.  Alexia just smiles at Tina, says nothing, lays back down and again attempts to place the hard steel shaft inside her body.  Alexia has a sexy smile across her face and as she places the steel shaft against her cunt and applies a little pressure, she feels the steel shaft enters her body.  From this point, basic human instinct takes over as hormones take control of her mind and body.  And with Alexia’s sexiest desires and her new strength, she learns to manipulate the steel shaft to satisfy her appetite for sexual pleasure. She fondles and teases the shaft and doesn’t even notice she has worked the entire meter of steel in her body.  Alexia begins to moans in a high pitched tone as she rocks her hips back and forth on the seat and transforms the steel shaft into a super heated liquid that runs down between he legs and burns a hole through the steel floor of the bus. Alexia starts to breath deeply and cries to Tina as she stretches out her nude muscular body “MORE, MORE, More Shafts!!! Please Tina, get me some more fucking SHAFTS”. And as Alexia stretches her body, Tina watches as her firm round ass reshapes the seat to the contour of her muscular body and her hands go over her head and slice through the side of the bus ripping the steel siding wide open.


“That firm muscular young body of yours Alexia is going to cause a lot of men both pleasure and pain and drive them absolute crazy”, Tina says to Alexia as she kneels down on the floor of the bus leans over and lets her gigantic tits fall down through the floor of the bus.  Tina’s tits instantly blast through the floor and she then uses her hands to peels open the steel floor of the bus as if it were made of tissue paper. Tina’s hands rip up sections of the steel floor and toss them aside as if she was pulling a tissue out of a box.  Then with her right hand, Tina reaches down and grabs the drive shaft and wrenches it out from under the bus.  Tina stands back up and gives the 5-meter drive shaft to Alexia and says to her, “This should keep you satisfied for a minute or two.  Now let me find you something to place in between your cleavage that you can crush with those big tits of yours”.   Alexia takes the drive shaft from Tina and immediately bend it at an angle with a slight twist if her hands so it more maneuverable, and starts to insert the shaft inside her hot body.  But first Alexia closes her legs and uses her powerful thigh muscles to tear off the jagged and torn universal joint on the end of the shaft.  Then she super hot girl begins slowly inserting the thick steel drive shaft inside her body.  The shaft is wrenched, then crushed, then twisted, then compressed as Alexia playfully inserts the shaft into her cunt and teases herself by pushing and pulling the shaft inside her body. 


Continued in Part 4